HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-05, Page 7'THURS.,' OCT .5th 1944 THE CLINTON NEWSRECORICI, PAGB 4 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS CARE OF CHILDREN COOKING You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe ) fiend Testimony 0+++0.+.""` By "PEG* One morning on . a street corner felt he was living a life which would • three or four men stood talking, entitle him to teach God's word to "'They were discussing a neighbor others. He was living a life which who had ' come to the town with was untrue. He was a disgrace to the 'some baskets of apples. This span Saviour who had died for him. was a teacher of one of the adult Then comes the question was the classes in one of the churches. Of dealer who sold the apples any bet - course these arch were hunting some ter than he was? They were both excuse for not taking an out and cheating the public: If a purchaser out stand for Christ and were trying attempted to look under the top lay • to put the :blame on some one else. er they would probably be told it "The one roan said, "Now that man was not wise to handle the fruit. •'professes to be a Christian. He has Maybe it was not wise but it would brought those apples to the store. have been a good thing if the mer - In all probability on the top there chant had been left with all his are nice looking apples, but if we go fruit on his hands. below the top we will find 'the scrubs. One night a clerk from a store had Coma on now let us go over and closed up and was *ending his way see" Over they went and the state home. On the way down the street meat the man had made was true. some men were standing in front of Now that was a. man who professed a store. The clerk had come from an •Christianity, not -only . that but he quested him to go back and get them , in relationship to our Saviour and sacred to them., some, ice cream as the night was to 'our fellow men?As our Lord The wordiy people think they are hot He went, and when' he returned watches us go about our duties from having a good time but the Christian others had joined the; crowd. They•, day to day His heart must at many family know they are having the best too wanted ice 'cream. The ' cursing times be pained as he sees us pro- time possible for them to have. and swearing that went on before fessing to the world that we are .It is for us to choose which will he startedback again was something children of His• and yet we go about we take? Christ will not force us 'to terrible. The name. of Christ was crying out "Crucify :Him! Crucify accept Him: We must do that of our used• in used in such a way that our Him!" g own free will but : at the Last Day Lord must have looked down on him There are many ministers to -day He will be the Judge of whether we in pity with a. heart which was sal who are preaching the real gospel have chosen, Him as our Guide or most breaking -That man also was and they go into their pulpits to find have decided to follow His adver- a teacher ,of a Bible Class. What an an audience so small thatthey must sexy. If we will not accept Him we example for men and women who be discouraged: Where are their con- will have to abide by His ruling and were outside Christi gregations? A walk down the street live the Eternal Ages apart from There are men and women, young after church service will tell where Him. How much better to make Him and old who hold offices in a Some of them at least are. Blinds will our choice and live the Everlasting certain church. It may be they attend be partly pulled- down and seated Days with Him church in the morning and in the around a card table will be some of "A Shepherd Silhouette" etening wander off to some other them; a honk of a horn to draw our (Twenty-third Psalm) hall or church. Recently a lady was attention will show us that some "Tome--a providing shepherd; paying a visit to • a friend and was have been off to a pidnic; • others telling about a wonderful service stepping along swinging tennis rack - which had been held in a large hall. eta or base ball bats will tell us The hall seated four thousand people. what they have been doing. It was packed and some five hundred It may be that the whole of Sun- were turned Away. Whenthe lady day has gone by and some ehurch had finished telling about the ser- members have not even opened the rriee she said that this one and that word of God which is inspired and one and this one and that one from every word of which is true. There the church she attended was there. is no book which we can read. which The friend said, "Well what about will give us such an .uplift to carry B-? (the church they attended). us through the days, which be ahead. Her face straightened—there had His promises are absolutely true. been a great deal in the service to (a) His mercy endureth forever. provoke a laugh—and she said, I Chr. 16:34 never thought of that. Poor Mr. R. would liekly be preaehing a real (b) we ask anything according good gospel sermon to thirty or to His will; He heareth us John 5:14. forty people, (c) He will be our guide even unto death; Ps, 48:14. Along the same line two ministers (d) •Casting all your care .. upon were talking. The one had gone on Him; for He Gareth for you 1 Peter a Sunday morning to hear a noted 5:7. speaker in a large city church. It (e) My presence shall go with too had been crowded and he said to you and I will give thee rest; Ex. his ministry friend. "I wonder how 33:14. many churches were three quarters (f) The beloved of the Lord shall empty to fill that church." dwell in safety by Him. Dent. 33:12, (g) Delight thyself , also in the Lord; and. He shall give thee the de - ice-cream parlor and these men re- Are we genuine and are we true �rumanec� IL ty ii1411- /#14v fi in support splendidly n responded of electricity. Incon- venience Onidrio have le store windows Citizens of darken accepted "' of necessary r"ctionscndiNons, atriotfcalje additional lighted streets htoot been patriotically venieartly m„ out of atroticallyalso con and Partly power for the r by Ontario people order to save savings of power Fiuropp• out rho voluntary bstan Tally to the victories in which had the responsibility of curio, is ng out Om — -, tttbuted sub year f the r Dominion Power Controller in of the 0 of Hydro users. eonservtng orders to -operation Now,bYe may look for the of the war is passingviccory, w nicht ful trying atjp$e efforts for final day whenabundant yadded look rtraid our o an early. use. bring and conc ll be fideaee t for peacetime used thanes, fstren strength M be available built for warn aria streets ed t bringout , P lh Shot er ught and safety to more farmer to sacra innumerable tasks on andtiake over innum of the added e full advantage, diet electricity can and industries. Plan now to ie and safely leisure, convenience bring to YO U . THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER. COMMISSION OF ONTARIO before serving spreal with Iii warm ;applesauce.. Squash Pie Make Golden Pumpkin Pie, sub- stituting cooked squash for pump. - kin. HEALTH cup POTATO PUFF 3 cups mashed potatoes, , 2 tbep. butter, IA tsp. salt, few grains cayenne, 1 tsp. parsley, 1 tsp. onion chopped, 3 eggs. Mix potatoes with butter, pars- ley, salt, cayenne, and onion. Add. beaten egg yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into greased baking dish and heat in electric oven at 350 deg. for 20 minutes. EGG PLANT Beneath me—the green pastures; Pare egg plant, cut in thin slices, Beside me -the still waters; sprinkle with salt and let stand Place a layer' •of peaches` in a greased baking dish and sprinkle 2 tbsps. brown sugar over them• Pour batter on top. Bake in electric oven at 350 deg: for 36 minutes.. Serve upside down with creann. ' THE 'QUESTION BOX In me—a restored soul; Leads me—in righteousness paths; With me in shadowy valley; Bear me—the rod and staff; Before me—a table; Around :me—my enemies; On me—the anointing oil;.' Within me—thei overflowing salva- tion; :'*r;-;-; Ahead; of me—the -house of the Lord" sire of thine heart Ps, 37;4. As we read these different •pro- mises and realize that each one of them is for us personally can we not feel the Lord means a great deal to us? 1•Ie gave His life for us and in return for that we should ac- cept the gift which He freely offers us—the gift of Salvation; that means not only that we will live the ifap- piest life possible for us here but that we will live throughout eter-• nity with Him. We may seek worldly pleasure and if we look for it we will find it and we will not need to look very hard. Oh the difference between a worldly home and a Christian home. We can briefly visualize two such homes. In the worldly home the parents do not agree. Usually one of them at least has developed the drink habit and in these days it is not unusual for both Mother and Father to go out for the evening and both come home staggering. The children and young people have no one to keep up the interest in thehome, consequent- ly they seek their pleasure outside and we may be sure in company which is not of the best. As a result they are wandering around till all hours of the night and come sneak- ing in as quietly as they can under the circumstances as their parents are stillenjoying same ones -company of the §gine kind that they are. The parents do not know where their children are and in many cases they do not care. There is no testimony whatever for Christ in the worldly home. Sunday means nothing what- ever to then. It fi spent in having a good time. Now let us look at a Christian home—one where Christ is the Head. The parents, discuss things together and •pray over the •concerns of the hone. The children have a love for pie shell, and, .babe in electric oven of theirs parents and the parents for 425 neg. for 40 'minutes or until a their children. They are not absolute knife inserted comes out clean. stay at homes, but the outside plea- sures are such that they can all enjoy them and talk over them when they return home. Should the children go out at night they 41'6 home in good tsp. mixed. cake .spice for cinnamon, time so that they will get their nutmeg, and ginger in this recipe. proper rent to'fit 'them togive their. Or 11. tap. allspice may be sub - best to their •employer or their stituted' for` cinnamon and nutmeg. school worir. When they come in at night it is VARIATIONS: their joy to go to their parents Orange Pumpkin Pie room and tell them what they have . been doing'. The parents advise them Substitute 14 cup . orange Juan in such .a way that they are always for 1/ cup of the milk in the Golden !r' "p,mf pri lt!*;+ . "PEG" V THE MIXING BOWL Mrs. J. N. C. aeks: Why . does some ldnds •of pumpkin filling look very pale and others rich brown? Answer: Pie pumpkins and spices make the golden brown colour; Field pumpkin and eggs make the light yellow coloured fillings. Mrs. B. T. •asks: Recipe for Pickled Red Cabbage. under a weight for 11 hours to ex- tract juice. Drain off liquid and sprinkle with flour, dip in beaten egg, dilute with 2 tbsp water and season with % tsp. salt and 14 tsp. pepper. Cover with fine bread crumbs and fry in baking fat, browning on both sides. TIP TOP GINGER CAKE 71• cup butter or shortening, 14 cup molasses, ?!a tsp. salt, % cup white sugar, 2 eggs, 1% cups pastry flour, 1 tsp. ginger, 1A •cup cold water, 1. tsp. soda, 1 tsp, cinnamon. Cream butter or shortening, and sugar; add beaten eggs. Combine • By ANNE ALLAN • Hydro Horn* Economist Hello Homemakers! Skip Thanks- giving? Surely not now, when it takes on new significances as a sym- bol of all we are fighting to •preserve Make it a festive occasion; but cele- brate it, too, as a ;iatriotic rite pre- serving the ideals of freedom and de}nocracy: Invite a boy or girl in uniform so they may carry away - cherished memories of a happy Thanksgiving at your home. ROAST TURKEY Use uncovered roast pan. Add no water. • Put . butter wrapping paper over the breast of the fowl. Use a preheated electric oven at 300 deg. Allow 30 minutes per pound for 8 to 10 pound turkey. Allow 20 minutes per pound for 10 to 15 pound one; 18 minutes per pound -for 15 to 18 pounds. SPECIAL 'FOWL. STUFFING 4 cups. diced celery, 2 cups water, 1/ cup. diced onion; 3! cup bread, IA cup baking fat, 4 qts. soft bread crumbs, 6 tsp. sage leaves, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. •pepper, I cup chopped peanuts. Simmer celery in water until ten- der. Cook onion in fat. Mix ingredi- ents together, along with celery liquid. GOLDEN PUMPKIN PIE Answer: 1 firm red cabbage,•salt, 4 cups vinegar, 1 tbsp. whole black - pepper, 14 tbsp. allspice. Wash cabbage; remove outer leaves; cut into quarters and re- move heart, then shred finely. Place in dish, sprinkle with salt and let stand overnight; then drain through colander and place in crock. Boil vinegar with :pepper and allspice, tied in cheesecloth bag, for 5 min- utes,. Pour over cabbage. Seal in sterilized jars. Mrs. C. D. asks: Is it nesssary to peel pears and crabapples before making pickled fruit? Answer: No, stems may even be left on. Careful preparation and thorough washing is necessary. •Anne Allan invites you to write to her % News -Record. Send in your soda re. Sift fl and add to egg suggestions on homemaking prob. cinano Sift flour with ginger gems and watch this column for cinnamon and salt, and add alter- replies.. nately, with water to egg mixture 1 (9") unbaked pie shell, 1% cup cooked pumpkin, % cup granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1La tsp. nutmeg, 111 tsp. ginger, 1/, tsp. salt, 3/ eup corn syrup, 1% cup milk, 2 eggs, beaten. Heat strained pumpkin in a sauce- pan over medium heat for 10 •minu- tes, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, combine sugar, flour, spices,'. and salt. Stir in heated pumpkin and re- maining ingredients; then beat with eFg beater until smooth. Pour into Note 1: Three pounds 'raw pump- kin yields about three cups cooked, mashed punvpkin. Note 2: You may substitute 11/ glad totalk over their affairs with Pumpkin Pie. Add 1 tbsp. grated them. orange rind. On Saturday` ht ni they B prepare. Applesauce Pumpkin Pie . themselves to go to the Lords House ' , on the Sabbath 'day. Gods day is Male Golden Ptimpkin Pie. dust ()The sodas Co. Ltd. "fixer Irma be Sala eeef to eat 1th /cecrew' "And why shouldn't I ?" rumbled Elmer. "It's so good, I have to celebrate somehow!" "That's right," smiled Elsie, the Borden Cow. "Borden's Ice Cream is a treat that. makes any occasion seem like a party. Every mouthful is so creamy-smoo-o-th, so full of delicious flavor, so refresh - - -" "Gee, Mamma!" interrupted little Beulah; "what makes it so wonderful ?" "Well, dear," answered Elsie, "Borden's system of Quality Control is applied to mak- ing Borden's Ice Cream bricks and Borden's Mel-O-rol, too. Only the purest and best ingredi- ents are used.". Treatyour family regularly toBorden's heel -O -rot or brick Ice Cream... in various delicious favors. If it's Borden's, it's GOT to be. good!" THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED ode* ICE CREAM