HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-10-05, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Eek 1878
No. 6117 - 67th YEAR.
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
Early Fall Weddings
We solicit an inspection of our stock
Cut Glass
and many other articles to choose from.
Our prices are right. Our goods are new'
New Accessories 1
For Fall' Wear
Dutch Parkas Kerchiefs Scarfs
and Berets.
A Large Selection of Styles
and Colors from which to make
your choice.
•Store :
Thanksgiving Day Monday Oct-
ober 9th. Open All Day Wed-
nesday 'October 11th.
or .....„...........
, 1-
Good News
Several shipments• of new goods have recently,
come and proscocts are brighter for more in the
near future.
You will want to see, and perhaps add at, least one
of the bright, lustrous new strands of colorful Beads.
) o your repertoire of costume harmonies, There are
many loiel pastel shades, sizes, and lengths the to re••
1 ct from. Also matching bracelets for some'$1.001
to $3.00 strands. ,
• A nice line of plastic cigarette cases in various
colours at $1,15 each.
Ask 'to see our new earrin .s.aremost -n-,
r g We st e
thusiastie about this finest and largest selection
had. Get in the swimg t
we have ever and
k� wear a pair'
of these sprightly earrings- they're new, they'll)
give you a lift - lots of shapes and sizes $1.00 to $4.20
pair, tax extra.
Pen and Pencil Sets cased at $2.60, 2.90 and 10,00
`Iady n Gold filled identit'y Bracelets -: a nice new
number at $225 plus tax.
Counters for Fine) Jewellery for Over Half
y ea
Century in Huron County
Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic
Tuesday, October 10
The Clinton Blood Donor Clinic
will be :held in the forenoon of Tues-
day, October tenth -the day fol-
lowing_ Thanksgiving Day. This will.
be an opportunity for those who are
really thankful for theblessings, of
being spared the experience of those
in The British Psles and on the Con-
tinent with shells\ and bombs, are
truly grateful to those who have
placed their bodies between us and
those experiences; to express in a
slight way that appreciation. Al-
though this coimnunityhas been
remarkable in its response, rumours
of approaching victory seem to
have hindered many from continu-
ing in their good work. If your name
is on our. list pay heed to the notice
you receive, and do not fail to re-
spond. New donors are urgently
needed. If you are in good health
won't you, inconvenience yourself
for an hour that you may perhaps
save a life? The need was never
as great, as the supplies of blood
plasma have been severely depleted
by .the :attack on Hitler's fortifi-
cation and the treatment of robot
bomb victims. The need is urgent-
never,more so. Let it never be said
we let our boys down, as they were
about to finish the job. The war is
not yet over, and" there is still. Japan
to look after. Won't you celebrate
your Thanksgiving season by mak-
ing an appointment for next Tues-
day with Mrs. Miller, Mr. McMurray
Mr. Jacob or Mr. Corless. "A pint of
blood may save a life you love."
The regular meeting of Council
was held in the Council Chamber on
Monday October 2nd. All members
were present, with Mayor Agnew
A. deputation of five. members of
the Lawn Bowling Club were pre-
sent at this meeting and ,presented
a proposed 'plan regarding the con-
struction of a bowling green in the
south west corner of the Ball Park.
Different members of the club spoke
concerning future plans as to the
size of the green and the proposed
number of rinks and referred to
the erection of a clubhouse. After
some discussion and the reading of a
communication from the club secre-
tary, it was moved by Councillor
Trewartha and seconded by Council-
lor Crich that Council .co-operate
with the Clinton Lawn Bowling
Club , regarding leasing a part of
the park, north east of town.
A communication from the Cana-
dian Institute on Sewerage and
Sanitation was read. This had ref-
erence to the annual convention to
be held in the Royal York early in
November. This, with a communi-
cation from the •chairman . of the
Ontario Municipal Health Service
Board, was tabled and no definite ac-
tion taken at the meeting.
An appeal from George Hanley,
engineer for the Fire Brigade was
present with a request for consid-
eration of extra t a service and it was
moved by Councillor Brown •and
seconded by Reeve Falconer that
Geo. Hanley receive $15.00 for extra
services in 1944 as engineer of the
Clinton Fire Brigade.
A communication from M. Mc -
Ewan, Cemetery Supt., which was
discussed 'at the regular September
meeting of Council, was again brou-
ght up and it was moved by Ceun-
cilloi i Epps and seconded by Coun-
cillor Shaddick that, the sum of
$52.47,•' as balance of the $400.00
consideration of Council for ceme-,
ter', wages be allowed M. McEwan to
apply to the $55.00 paid by him
from Jan lst'to May 1st 1944.
For information; statements were
read ,regarding two indigent pa-
tients, one' at Victoria Hospital and
one discharged from Queen Alex-
andria. :Sanatorium.
A •letter of appreciation was re-
ceived from lIac Cameron; thanking
Council :'for the bill -fold, which he
received as a member of the Armed
An •appeal was received from the
Clinton Public 'Hospital for the
annual grant from the town. No
action was taken and the clerk wa1
directed to reply.
The ages -old question of water
service to tenants and sub -tenants
was again up for discussion, and it
was moved by Councillor Trewartha
and seconded by Councillor Crich
that Section 8 of By-law No. 8 for
1909 be repealed,
Councillor Shaddiek reported quite
a surplus from the Relief Committee
Councillor Butler, chairman of the
PropertyCommittee, reported; the
ordering -of three loads of coal.
Councillor Brown' reported con-
ditioning of the Fire Truck.
Reeve Falconer reported, plans for
gravelling certain streets.
Coun(illbr . Trewartha read ' the.
Fina n al statement
for • Se tearer
and moved the adoption, which was
seconded by Councillor Shaddick
and approved.
All members of, Council, Mayor,
Reeve, and Clerk and •County Clerk
enjoyed ''a. complimentary dinner as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Lever, at their newly established
Fish and, Chip Restaurant.
The N,.,\* + G r,. 1867
Red Cross Frolic, Wed.
October 11th
The frolic, which will be held on
Wednesday night, Oct. 11th, is.
sponsored by the Clinton Lions Club,
with proceeds for the Clinton. Branch
of the Red Cross. Your Contribu-
tions help, continue the Red Cross
Owing to pressure of advertising,
a large amount of local news had
to be held • over until next week.
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion
will be held in the Legion Hall on
Monday evening, October 9th, at 8.15
The Red Cross Evening Auxiliary
will meet next Tuesday evening, Oct..
10th for a short meeting at which the
metirbers will hand in the money and
Among the recent graduating
pilots at Camp Borden was Sgt. R.
B. Ferris, Clinton.
Saturday October 14th is Scout
Apple Day,
Gid Guides and Brownies
Two Brownies of the Sprite Six
were enrolled in the fairy ring on
Monday night+and received their .pins
from "Brown Owl" Mrs. Mathews,
after passing the Brownie ,tender-
foot test.
Each Monday two or three guides
from a patrol help to teach the
Brownies. The guides, who assisted
this week were Joyce Andrews,
Anna Glew and Jeanne Garon,
On Friday the guides held their
regular meeting. The colour party
was from the Skylark patrol and
included, Joan Fines P.L., Jean
Nediger, P. S. and Kay Britton.
Softball Tournament
October 9th
The merchants of Clinton are
sponsoring a softball tournament
which will be held at Clinton on
Oct. 9th, Thanksgiving day. •
Here is the schedule for the day.
10.30 a.m.
Wearwells vs.. Clinton Army at park
Blyth vs, Brucefield at C, C..1,
1.00 p.m.
Seaforth vs Clinton saints at C. C. I.
1.30 Wearwells or Army vs. Blyth
or Brucefield at Park
4.00 pan.
Final Seaforth or Clinton Saints
Wearwell, Army, Blyth or Bruce -
Rules -Final game, 9 innings;
other games 7 innings. If a team
defaults, it's opponent will be credit-
ed with 'a win end will advance.
Each team has to have one umpire.
It was moved that Council as a
whole extend to Mr. and Mrs.
Lever a hearty vote of thanks for
the splendid Fish and Chip dinner
that was served on Monday evening,
October 2nd.
W. Fulford cleaning streets ..6.25
A Carter Erecting street signs 3.00
F. W. Kirkby lettering signs ..2.50
P. Rowcliff 14Ian & team .... 2.00
W. Burton •man & team 1.60
Street Lighting Property
P.U.C. Lighting streets .... 215.22
P.U.G. Lighting R. ,R. .85
P. U. C. Lighting Town hall ..10.20
P.U.C. Lighting StockScales .75
P.U.C.. 14 yr. R. R. water :..3.36
P.U.C. '/4 yr.Town Hall water 7.78
P.U.C. V4 yr. Fountain 3.23
P.U.C.' R. R. Rental 15.00
Mrs. L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00
Hydrant Rental
P.U.C. 14 yr. rental hydrants '531.00
M.' alcEwan Salary 65.84
Geo. Hanley 2 qts. oil .60
Fire, & Water.
Jas. Lovett 1/2 'price 1 pr. boots 2.7j
Geo. Hanley Battery for Fire
Truck & Fuel 13.40
Ed. Steep 11.60
Dry Earth Closet
A Fulford . 70.00
Police Protection
Bruce McDougall Salary .83.33
D. Elliott Salary 24 days , ...60.00
Ed. Scruton Salary 13 days ,,82.50
M. T. Corless Salary ... , 83.33
N. Kennedy Salary 50.00
Dept. of Health Insulin 7.17
Co. of Huron Indigent patients 16.60
Co. of Huron part Sept account
Indigent patients 74.68
Postage & Stationery
A. T. Cooper Foolscap & Post 3.10
Imperial Guarantee Co. Prem.
Treas. Fidelity Bond 40.00
General Municipal Expense
Bell Telephone Co. General ...6.96
Receiver General Stock Scales ..
Inspection P n 5;00.
The Municipal al
World B
y Law
Poll Books 6.13
Mrs. 11.
Koch Extra typing .. 3.00
Rentals 3.00
Stack Scales 23.33
Cemetery 73.00
Collegiate Salvage Drive a
The Clinton Collegiate wishes to
extend their gratitude to the people'
of Clinton for the . way they had
their bundled neatly secured. They
wish tomention especially, `Mr. A.
D. McCartney, Mr. J. J. Zapfe and
the Canada Packers for the loan of
their trucks in this drive.
Re -models Building
Mr. J. H. Brunsdon has purchased
the building. .in, which. for several
years he has conducted his Massey
Harris machine and repair' shop. At
present he is' maping plans to re-
move the upper story and repair 'and
remodel the ,building to, suit his
Huron Quota for New Loan
is $2,980.000
Rev. W. A. Beecroft of Wingham
is again chairman of the county or-
ganization, with Warden Fred Wat-
son as-, honorary chairman. Vice -
Chairmen are J. H. Kinkead, Gode-
rich; H, C. MacLean', Wingham;
Robert Bowman Brussels; F. Ping -
land, K. C., Clinton; W. L. Whyte,
Seaforth; Dr. A. A. Campbell, Hen-
Chas. K. Saunders of Goderieh'is
chairman of the publicity committee
and W. C. Attridge of Goderieh.
heads the payroll savings committee.
The agricultural liaison committee
includes A. Morgan and Ii. "Sturdy,
respectively honorary president and
president of the Huron Connty Fed-
eration of Agriculture; K. J. Hues -
ton, representing the Huron County
War Services Committee, and Bruce
Matheson, county agricultural rep-
The Victory Loan Office on West
Street, in Goderich is again open for
another campaign. H. J. Vanderwater
is again the chief organizer, with J.
A. Lumsden as assistant organizer
and Miss Goltz as secretary. -
The quota for Huron County has
been pushed up -$80,000 to $2,980 000
(exclusive of the air training
schools). The canvassing campaign
will begin on October 23rd. •
District LO.O.F. Meeting in
'The Oddfellows of Huron District
No. 8 greeted G. Master of Grand
Lodge of Ontario in Brucefield,
Lodge I. 0. 0. F. No. 210, Wed.,
Sept.' 27th.
District Deputy Grand Master Bro.
Ross Scott assisted by District
Deputy Grand Warden Bro. Thomp-
son, of Fidelity Lodge, Seaforth,
presided over the meeting and after
the preliminary opening of the
meeting; P.D.D.G.M. Bro. W. R.
Dougall, assisted by P.D.D.G.M.
Br.. J. Sutter of Clinton received
and introduced Grand Master Bra
J. A. •E. •Cowley of Ottawa to the
meeting, who was asked by the pre-
siding officer, to present P.D.D.G.M.
Bro. W.W. Dougall with his P.D.D.
G.M. jewel for his service in office
the previous term. This done, P.D.D.
G.M. Bro. Dougall replied fittingly
with a few well chosen words, thank-
ing. Bros. for the beautiful jewel
and•for their co-operation given him
during his term of Office.
Grand Master Bro, Cowley then
took` the floor and gave a very in-
teresting address on; the work of
Grand Lodge and closed his remarks
by asking for questions and ct:iti-
cisims of the work and problems of
that body.
Following this session the mem-
bers numbering about 100 retired to
the basement' of The United Church,
where the ladies of. the Women's
Association had prepared the ban-
quet. After • ample • justice had been
done to what had been
placed before them. D. D. G. M,
Bro. Ross Scott (acting as Toast-
master) proposed a toast to the King
which: was responded to by singing
The National Anthem, A toast to
the Armed Forces was them' propos..
ed by P.G. Bro. Jefferson, of .Clin-
ton Lodge which• was responded to
by P.G. Bro. .Thornes Pryde. of.
Exeter Lodge. A .toast to Grand
Lodge was then .proposed by P,pp.D,
G.M. "Bro. Harburn of Seaforth
Lodge and responded to by Grand
Master Cowley and Past Grand
Guardian Bro. W. R. Mills of Wyom-
ing. It was then moved' by Bro., Rev.
Atkinson of Brucefield that a very
hearty ' vote of thanks be extended
to our Grand. Master Bro. Cowley
and this, was seconded bv• P.D.D.
G.M. Bro. E. Dignan of Exeter. It
was then moved by P.D.D.G.M.
Bro. Bowey and seconded by P.D.D,
G.M. Bro.e
Stitt r of Clintonthat at a
yer v vote of thanks be er-
tended to Mrs. McBeeth (The Prnn-
i,t) To The Church. and to The
Women's Association for the dinner
they "so generously provided. This
was tendered and was renlied(: to 'by
The President of th'e Women's As-
seriatien, ,Mrs. foss Scott After
which the maetina• -u s dosed' by
singing of "0' Canada".
Presbyterian Church
October 8th• will. be Anniversar
Sunday and Rev. George A. Duncan
of Toronto will occupy the pulpit at
both services at 11 in the morning
and at 7 in the ' evening. ,Special
music will, be provided by the choir.
A cordial invitation is extended to
to' all to attend either of these ser-
Sunday School will 'be at 10 in
the morning. •
Anthem The earth is the :Lords
Solo Greatful 0 Lord -Caro ,Roma t
by John Cook.
Male Quartet -Dear Lord and
Father by Bert Boyes, Bill Mutch,
Frank Mutch, Geo. Roberton.
Solo -Art Gannett
Offering -Violin Obligate by Bert
Anthem -I will feed My Flock by
Caleb Simper.
Solo -Mrs. Madelaine Edwards cf
Organist and Choir leader Mr
Bert Boyes.
Wesley -Willis Church
The Wesley -Willis Girls' Cl
will meet on Tuesday October 101
at the home of Miss Brigham. Mis
W. O'Neil' group will be in charg
Mrs. Chas.MVlcIiinnon will speak t
the club on Art,
tib present Federal member for flacon
North was nominated on. Wednesday
a afternoon as The Progressive -Con-
e' servative candidate in Huron North
riding in the next Federal election.
Prior to the addre-s Mr. Cardiff.
gave an .occult of 1115 activities at
'Ottawa and stated that in tlri1 rid -
t. I ing reeardless . of polities, he would
render service to all at any time.
St. Paul's Church
10.00 a.m. Sunday School.
•11.00 a.m, morning service.. A
this service donations will be re
ceived for the overseas boxes.
3.00 p.m. Adult Bible Class.
7.00 p.m. evening service.
The October meeting of the W. A.
will be held at the home of Mrs, H.
Tull at the home of Mr. 0. N.
Davis, on Tuesday afternoon October
10th at 3 o'clock.
The Friendship. Clpb will meet on
Wednesday Oct. 18th at the holm.
of Mrs. Ernest Ellwood, - Princess
Ontario Street United Church
11.00 a.m, Visit of Rev. Harol
Swan, B. Paed. to Ontario Stree
Church. Mr. Swan comes to u
from Trinidad and is interested it
the Youth Movement undertaken by
the federal goverment. Don't forge
to hear him.
2.00 p.m. Turner's Church -Raw
Harold Swan will be present.
Evening service cancelled -Pres
byter•ian . Anniversary
Sunday School Executive to -nigh
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy
Wednesday evening Midweek ser-
vice will be resumed, Wed. Oct. 11tH
at Ont. St. United School Room.
Miss Mande Beacom of Goderich
visited "last week with her sister •
Mrs. John Harris,
Mr. Oliver Pocock hes pttrcha;•d
the farm of the late E. V. Law: ou,
Mrs. J. B. McMath spent the w_ek.
end 'visiting friends in Goderich.
The school inspector visited the
school last week.
d Anniversary : ervices will be bell
t 'next Sunday Octo"her 8, in the Hol.
s mesville United Church, Services at
1 at 11 and '7.30 o'clock. The 'guest
speaker will be the Rev. Harold
t Snell of Auburn. Special music lras.
been prepared by the .choir.
Mrs. W. Yeo entertained Mrs, Ed.
Trewartha's group of the Red Cros;
- ;at a quilting last Wednesday after.
;;noon. A quilt was quilted and a
daintyhostess. lunch was served by the
Rev. Harold Swan, a former
Holmesville boy, will deliver n lee.
ture in the Holmesville United
Church on Friday, October oth at
8 o'clock.
Mr. Swan is a - missionary, who
spent several years 1n Trinidad. His
address will be concerning the Youth'
"You don't make very good music
, with that instrument," said a by-
stander as the 'band ceased to play.
"No," adnitted the drum -pounder,
I know I don't; nt' b t)'
u drown
of bad music."
God. Read John 3:36 and get
Bible School 11. Evening wors
7.00 p.m. Subject: "Lots Wife"
An old Clinton boy, Rev.
Cook will bring Anniversary M
sages Oct. 15th at 11 and 7.
The Stratford Male quartette
assist with the music.
es -
An inter -field meet took place on
Friday .Sept. '29th, at the Fair
Grounds in Bayfield, The schools
taking part were -Stanley, Township
No. 3, 5. Goderich Township No, 8,°
and Bayfield Public School:
A good number of people of the
village turned out to see these ev-
ents and they were well rewarded
for their effort. The champions in
each of the groups were as follows:
Juveniles (ag 6-7-8) •
1st Kenneth Pollock (S. S. 5 Stanley)
2nd, Gordon Porter'' (S. S. 3 Stanley)
3rd Bobby Orr S. S. 8 Stanley -Bay.
field) -
Junior Boys (Ages 9-10-11)
1st Ronald Castle (Bayfield)
2nd Harold Apfelbeck .(Bayfield
3rd Jerald Sturgeon (Bayfield)
Senior Boys (ges 12-13-14)
lit Garfield Westlake. (Bayfield)
and John. Apfelbeck (Bayfield)
3rd George Castle '(Bayfield)'
JunioJuniorGirls (Ages 9-10-11)
1st Ethel Blair (Bayfield) •
2nd Jenore Me(;uire' (S. S. 8 aide-,,
3rd Margaret McLeod (Bayfield)
Senior Boys (ages 12-13-14) '
18t Milvena Sturgeon- (Bayfield)
2nd' Jean McClinchey (S. S. 5 Stan-
3rd Betty Heard (Bayfield).
School Greats are being provided
for the winner in each .of the above
Baptist Church
The Clinton Baptist Church be-
lieves Eph. 4:4-(r to be the word of
old Mrs, A. S. . Colwell :have
1.tu111ed limn their holiday. Sacra -
men'• s`•oi ohrerved at Grace church
on Sunday last.
Mr. James Lockhart has returned
home from two weeks spent in Lon-
don hospital, where he underwent
treatment for eye trouble. •
Visitors with the Lockhart fam-
ily on Sunday' were Mr. and Mrs.
John McConnell, Dundalk; Mr. and
Mrs. Dalton Corbett; Priceville; Mt•.
and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart, and 'two
children, Royal Oak,. Mich. Mr. anal
Mrs, Cecil Bowden and son, Frank,
of Bothwell.
.The October meeting of the W. A.
will be held. in Grace Church on
Thursday, 'October 12th. Ladies,
please come prepared to quilt.
'them because we had left too early
to receive any Christmas boxes from
home,„. and' this was about all, some
of the boys did get.'
"On February 10, 1942 any son'
went down with his ship, the Cor-
vette "Spikenard" which was tor:.
pedoed on the North Atlantic. There
were 57 Hien lost. All the teen on
board this ship had received those
ditty bags and their last Christmas
sections.was made happy because of them."
_V I Will you, too, help to make some
sailor 'boy's Christmas (perhaps his
last') a happy one?
More names of those who are do-
ing this:
,Mildred Heard, 1; Ladies Auxiliary
to Legion, 3; London Road Club 1;
Charles Johnson, 1; Mrs. A. Cro-
zieStone,,2; Mrs. H. Bartliff, 1; Miss
1;, Misear
W d 1; Evelyn
1 • Mr. and
Mr G.o�
s 1;E I-
If. vei n_
en Sutter, 1; Phyllis Middleton, 1;
Pupils S. S. No. 5. Hullett; Mrs.
Clara Rumball, 1; Miss Irwin 1;
Miss F. McCallum, 2; Miss Doris
Tyndall, 1; Miss M. Turner, 1, Miss
Excerpts from Sailors'. Letters
"On February 9, 1942, I received'
a letter from my son and enclose
herewith a paragraph I would Like
tonote forthebenefit of
g the Navy
League of Canada.
`We had •a Christmas tree, Mom,
and the Navy League of Canada sent
us: ditty ;bags with socks, peanuts•
several canned fruits, corn, gum
chocolatebars, etc. These bags were Ida Walkinshaw, 1; Mrs. Fred Ford,.
distributed among us on the dray be- 1:
fore Chrlistmas and the fellows were Bags ;may be obtained at Patti
just like a bunch of kids: opening sons Store er Mrs, Frank Fingland.