HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-21, Page 8upport this orlt of Mercy. • YOUR dollar alone make possible the necessary work done through the human touch and the understanding heart of The Salvation Army on the home front. Give generously! Space, Contributed by SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING L ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. currron. ONT. For Those Wh�. Like a Fine Stationery nnflflnfleCflflfleflee Stock Lines Of Scarce Goods, WOOL BLANKETS All pure wool, White with fancy colored border large size 64x84 and 72x84 Buy the Now you may not get them later. MOTOR RUGS 3 only, all wool; Scotch plaid motor Rugs large size heavy weight and good value. BLEACHED COTTON SHEETS 1 dozen only large size 81x99 Extra value at $2.40 Bleached Sheeting 81 in. wide a good cotton and good buy 85c Fancy Plaid Flannelette An American Cloth suit- able for pyjamas fancy quilt lirinirig etc. ' Heavy Pyjama Flannelette in fancy stripes same old cloth at same old price 35e yd. Plumsteel Bros. Amcor Meta — Adam Hata — &MI & Waal* Mow far Mos Atente hp Top Maws. SOSO. k Anwiennemieme If we have what you want The Price is Low MEN'S SWEATERS NOW ON SAE BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Rank , MILITARY NEWS Warrant Officer Gordon Venner of the R. C. A. F. is spending a months furlough with his mother, Mrs. Thos. Venner and. Miss Grace of Union St. Fergus. Gordon enlisted: in Jame 1940 in Brantford and has been oversea's three and a half years. He flew with his squadron from England to India and spent eighteen months in the East. While they were in India the boys did various types of service and travelled the length and breadth of I W. I. Meeting The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, September 28th, at 2.30 p.m• in the Agriculture Board rooms. A paper vilI be given on Agri- , culture and Canadian Industries by Mrs. M. 13atkin. A. good program is being arranged and a talk and demonstration on remodelling gar- ments will be given, 1 A cordial invitation is extended to 'all ladies to come and join us at this meeting the country. Gordon has many interesting stories to tell of the places and peo- ple he has seen and met. He expects to -return to England when his furlough is over. V V • STANLEY Mr. Thomas ,Reid of Concession 10 has sold his ,farm to Mr. Roy Mc- Bride and is holding an Auction sale ce. Monday September, 25th. . PERSONALS 1 Mrs. Wilbur Welsh and Mrs. Oliver Welsh spent the week end in Stratford as the guests of 1Vir. and Mrs. Robert Fisher. Miss Mildred Heard was a week end guest of Mise Wilma Radford of London. Miss Celestine Shanahan of London spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Shanahan. Mr. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn were in Tillsonburg on Wednesday at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles' H. Trickett. Mrs, L. J. Wright of Lethinidge, „Alta, is visiting a. the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. M. i4iken. PORTER'S HILL The Sept. meeting of Porter's Hill, Unit .of the Red Cross was held at the home, of Mts. Vic. Elliott. Nine- teen ladies were -present. One quilt was quilted. Four sweaters and 31 pair of socks were brought in. 36 little night dresses. More yarn and sewing was handed out. The gift clonated by Mrs. Vic Elliatt was won by Mrs. Jack Gilbert. The boxes for our boys overseas were sent during the past month. The Christmas boxes are to be ready for shipment not later than Oct.15th. The Oct. meet- ing is to be held at t e bspe of4 es. 11 J. Gilbert. . We have a Dimity Vellum and Dimity Linen with en. velopes to match. These two, items are of the very finest quality. We have a good assort,4 ment of 'serving trays and individual lap trays in var. ious designs and shapes. Also a large assortment of good table mirrors. G. R. IVIcEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" • HO uao Miss J. Cochrine left on Monday for Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame will be in Toronto this week end. ' Mrs. Walper of Zurich spent a few days last week with her son 'Mr Lloyd Walper. Mrs. Lloyd Walper is a patient i Clinton Hospital having hadan operation for appendicitis. Cpl. and Mrs. Bruce Bartliff spent last week with the former's ,par ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bartliff. Master Kenneth McAllister was a guest on Saturday at the Murray- Desjardine wedding in Exeter. Mrs. L. W. Dippell and children of Bownianville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Kennedy of ,To- ronto were weekend visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vodden and Mrs. G. E. Saville visited friends in Belgrave and Wingham this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson. of Detroit, Mich. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton. Mrs. F. Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. E. Robertson and 'family of Auburn' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed,, Ball on Sunday. Miss Vera Hoggart is spending a few days with Miss Phyllis Ball 14014, Special '11301ivery Of FISH and CHIPS for Noon and Siipp,entime 12 noon to 1 prin.:. 5 to 6.30 p.m. Tues. Wed. Thurs. and Sat. or Party orders at night 1VIiMputri order delivered 40c Eating Accommodation open • 5.00 Friday, Mr, Lever's ,Residence, Mary St. Phone, 91 Clinton. Thilurs. Sept. 21,$t WEDDINGS COLLINS—AIKENHEAD A wedding was performed at Brue'efield United Church manse, when Elizabeth Matilda, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jno. W. Aikenhead, of Stanley Township, became the bride of Stanley Earnest Collins of Clinton. Rev. G. F. N. Aticinson officiated. The bride wore a street -length two piece blue wool ensemble, with navy. accessories, and a gold dollar piece locket which had been worn by her Grandmother. The bride was atten- ded by her sister, Miss Joyce Aiken - head, wearing a two-piece green wool. ensemble, with brown accessories. 1VIr. Dean Aldwinckle was best man. The gkoom's gift to the bride was a necklace, to the bridesmaid an or- namental brooch and the best man a collar and tie phi set. For the wedding trip to Port Col- borne And district, the brife donned a brown wool suit with matching accessories. V Wesley -Willis Girls' Club The September meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Tingey, Tues- day' evening Sept, 11. The president, Mrs. G. Miller was in charge. Miss Stone led in responsive reading psalm 103 after which, Miss -Ida Walkinshaw led in prayer. Mrs. L. Jervis gave very interesting current events in the, religious 'world. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. Britton, her theme being, "Forward! Together Now!" Many doors are open for us and we must be well informed. Knowledge is vital! In un- ity in strength. Do a kind act now, don't wait. Hymn 568, followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting: Miss -Stone then conducted a contest and Mrs. L. Jervis's group. served lunrh. A. pleasant time was had by all. n V I of Toronto and Miss Jean Evans, St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton, and Mrs. Fred Pepper spent a few days recently visiting with relatives at Meaford and Markdale. Mrs. James Steep who has been visiting her sister in Detroit the last two months returned home owing to the illness of her daugh- ter, Mra. Walper. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Colquhatin and daughter Jean of Staffa and Mrs. Hazen DeForge of Winnipeg visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons last week. Miss Mabel Rathwell left on Monday for a trip west. She will visit Grand Prairie, Aka, and will' go on to British Columbia for three Or •four months. Miss Madeleine Hawkins left on MOnday MOrning for London, be- fore going on to St. Anne de Belle- vue, Que., to the CM.A.C. Offi- cers' Training School, where she will be'taking a special course during the next six weeks. and Mrs. Herbert Colquhoun of Winnipeg and their on P. 0. Fred CalqUhcoun of Moncton, N.B. visited Mr. Colquhonn'S, , 'sisters iVIrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, *Tea, Corless and, Is nt Fitzsimons and 114 pretherliii-law Mr. ..a.Meatarray"..ituring the past wek. ONTARIO ST. W.M.S The September meeting of th W. M. S. was held in the School Hal Tuesday afternoon, September 12th the president, Mrs. Aiken in th chair, and Mrs. Gibbings at th piano. The first hymn sung was "Wha a Friend we have. in Jesus". Mrs Burton took charge of the devotiona period, using two hymns, "Work fo the night is coining" and "0 to b more like Jesus". Her scriptur lesson was the parable of the tal ents, and she emphasized our pre sent opportunities for helping th hungry, the homeless, the sad, etc Mrs. Burton led in prayer .aftet which all joined in the Lord's Prayer Minutes of the June meeting were read and adopted. Reports were giv- en, and delegates appointed to the Sectional meeting to be held at Duff's Church late in September. Arrangeinents were made for the Autumn Thank Offering, Mrs. Tay- ener ol Holmesville to. be the guest speaker. Mrs. Maltby very ably dealt with the Study Book, the chapter on "Power". Mrs. Farnham gave an interesting temperance reading. Meeting was closed with the hymn Take Time to be Holy", followed by prayer by Mrs. Snarling. The members of the Executive then served a 15e tea. e LEMONS, size 360c 3 for lle 1 , POTATOES 15 lb. peen 45e e e t • For all Occasions DILL FOR SALE Seedling; Cactus for Sale DILL lac a bunch F R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PRONE In--CLINTON. SPECIALS. FOR SEPTEMBER 21, 22,23 AYLMER TOMATO or VEGE TABLE Soup 10 oz. tin McCORMICK'S FANCY ,Ai SODAS 6 oz. pkg. Pc AYLMER FANCY GRATE - FRUIT 16 oz. jar 20c JAVEX 2 'bottles 29c HILLCREST SHORTENING lb19c PALMOLIVE .bap 3 bars '19c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tine 19c ROBIN HOOD Oats 5 lb. bag 29c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs. 29c NEILSON'S COCOA, lb. tin 29d SANIFLUSH tin 29c NEWPORT Fluffs 5 qt. pkg. 190 CHEES-A-RONI pkg. 19c ORANGES, Size 344a Doz. 29d GR,APEFRUIT, size 126s 3 for 20c THOMPSON r Fe eta Dative's e Summerhill Red Cross The ladies of the Summerhill Red Cross met in the hall on September 13. With the vice-presisent in the chair the meeting opened by singing God Save the. King, followed by the Red Cross Prayer and the Lord's Ration Board Hours Monday, 1 to 5 Tuesday, 1 to 5 Thursday, 1 to 5 Friday, 1 to 5 Saturday, 1 to 5 FAREWELLING Sunday 24th at 2.30 p.m. ,Rev. E. Ford who has been pastor of Evangelistic Centre will be leav- ing for Western Canada in Evang'el- istic work, Special Speaker .at this service will he Paster Kendrick of Exeter. He will be taking- etarge of Evange- listic Centre. Special Music and Singing' warm welcome is extended to all especially those who have attended Evangelistic Centre. . 15-1 EUCHRE and DANCE SPECIAL VALUES FOR SEPTEMBER 22 &,,23rd MeLAREN'S III HO DEVON PITI)1/INGI& 2. for 15q PEAS 20 oz. tin 14o TA CHEESED1/2 11) pkg. GOLD MEAL PUMPKIN 2 tins SUN FLOOR 21O WAX lb tin 390 AYLMER DEHYDRATED --- 25e BEANS 2 tins 15o AYLMER APPLE JUICE 2 for LIBBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP 3 tins ' 25c A.YLMER GRAPE 27c JTJICE bottle 190 BENSON'S TOMATO JIJICE 3 tins 25e mccoRmTcr s SODAS pkg. lic ellNBUBY'S BLACK TEA lb. R,T RFT t\T CHICKEN HADDIE tin Giragsta,ffe's Rhubarb JAM 2 lb jar. . 29c1 69cNOODLES 2 pkgs. 25:7; 25c FLOTJR15 bag25d GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPES — PEACHES — .APPLES— CA,BBAGE — BEETS LETTUCE -.CELERY — TOMATOES — SQUASH — CARROTS CALIFORNIA JUICY 300'b CHE OICSWE,ET LEMONS 3 for 13c POTATOES 3 lbs. 25d MA RSH SEEDLESS1i6's CHOICIC SNOW WHITEI GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c Cauliflower eacji 23d ONTARTG No, 1 COOKING ONIONS 10 lb bag.490 flWHTTJ0 PASTRY, CALIFORNIA. JUICY 288's ORANGES doz. 39c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON NEW FURNITURE Is beginning to come in and will continue for some time as we bought extensively while on a Buying Trip at the Different Factories. There will be Bedroom, Dining Room, Breakfast Room Suites Cedar Chests End Tables, Coffee Tables, and Various other styles of tables. BALL & ZAPFE Store Phone 195 J. J. ZAPPE DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 Phone 103 Our Stock is Complete Come in and look before buying. Our Prices right A complete stock of stove pies. Hand made any size. The pipes that will last. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING WEEK END SPECIALS No coupons required for Tea or Coffee HABITANT Veg. Soup 2 tins _ 19e CLARKE'S Mushroom soup • 2 tins -1 19c AYLMER Dehydrated beans 2 tin 15c READY -GUT Macaroni 3 pkgs. 25e KRAFT Dinner or Cheese-A-Roni pkg. 19c FLOWERDALE Orange Pekoe Tea .1/21b, ....,... 45c FLY TOX FLY Spray ...25c & 45c INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue 3 rls. 25e PRAIRIE NUT Wheat Puffs with ovenware 25c Gran, SUGAR 3 lbs. . ..... 25e CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 15c Toilets—Lux, Camay etc. 3bars 20e KLEN-ZIT Cleans Floors, Walls Rugs btl. 450 NONSUCH Rug- Wash 20e CA•LIFORNIA Sweet Oranges 220s Doz. 29e LEMONS 360s 3 for 10c Garage to Rent Apply at Store W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 Euchre and Old Time Dance in, DE GROCER LIVERY nouns 4 to 6 p.m. Prayer. The eninutes of the last Legion Boom on meeting were read and adopted. Nine nembers . and two visitors . were present. A letter of thanks was read front Pte. Ivan Hogarth thanking the ladies for cigarettes he had received. It was decided 'to hold one more Red Cross meeting in the hall. Further plans were ,made for our bingo, bazaar ancl lunch which is to be Friday, September 22. • A basket of peaches donated by Mts. E. Bal,1 were raffled off and Mrs. G. Smith won the peaches. 'Three ladieS paid their birthday Friday, September 22 under auspices of Legion Auxiliary. 15-1 money during the afternoon; A quilt was" quilted and patches were' sewn during the afternoon. The loSteases for next meeting ate Mrs. W. Molt, Mrs. C. Ball, Mrs. ,Hogarth, and Mrs Ellis. 'Lttn.ch was served at the cleee of the meeting. First Mortgage Loans If additional meney is needed to help you bur s r-oductive farm, send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through .our loaning dep,artment. Attractive terms. All treated confidentially, 1-iaron&Erie. • C011P OPAT ON .,Loncl;) „ Q7ae?indrurl PHONE 244 SPECIALS H • 7 • IDEAL Tomato catsup in (105 oz,) tins, get yours now. ' IVORY Flakes pkg. 27e WALKER'S Sodas 1 lb. pkg. 150 AYLMER Infant Food 3 tins 25e INTERLAKE Toilet tissue .3 rls, 25e PAULA Sugar Sub. bottle 39c CLARK'S assorted soups 3 tins 25e DEVON Peas 20 oz. tins 10o MANY FLOWER Soap 3 bars 19e • C,RISPIE Sour Mixed Pickles per bottle 19e' ZEST Strawberry Jam 4 lb. tin 62e SUCCESS dry bright wax btl, 59e JAVEX bottle 15e NIAGARA pure lard lb. 15e. FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES • IN OUR MEAT COUNTER Fresh Weiners lb. 27e Fresh Sausage lb. 250 Breakfast Bacon ib: 42e Bologna lb. 24c Also a good assortment of eookecI. meats. Bar '5e 4)1017al Face DeliverY,