HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-21, Page 5"1�burs., Sept. "21St :1944 AUBURN Mr. 'and Mrs. C. 'M. Robertson of 'Goderich visited with Miss S. Blair -on Sunday. Miss. Ila Craig of Stratford spent' 'the week . end with her parents Mr. and MTS. Wm. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge of the Baseline Road, Mullett° have sold "their farm to Mr. Henry Leishman and son James Leishman of the Base Line near Clinton. Donald Ross, Galt was a week end visitor with his mother, Mrs. Fred' Ross. Mrs. Thomas Anderson o$ Goder- ich spetnt the week end with Mr: and MTS. John Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Asquith were in Toronto at the week end attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Asquith's brother -in -raw, Mr. R. 'A. Clefhent. Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Goderich is "'visiting her brother MT. Wm. Dodd, Sr. and Mrs. Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor 'recei- ved a letter from their son Pte. Wil- liert Lawlor on Friday. Pte. Lawlor is . serving in Italy. In his letter he stated he was •well and had recovered from 'wounds 'received earlier in the year. A double wedding anniversary was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Raithby on Friday when they were 17 years married and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Raithby 12 years. .The 'time was spent sociallywith their families, John, Grant, Harold sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby, Evelyn, 'Allan • and George, children 'of Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Raithby. Re- 'fres'henents were served. Knox United Church • was filled to capacity on Sunday morning for their annual Anniversary, when Rev. W. 3. Woolfrey, B. A. of Moore- field was the guest speaker and de- livered' an inspiring message from 'Matthew, chapter 6 verse 23. The -choir under the division of Mrs. R. -D: Munro rendered an anthem "Jesus -Calls us", and Mrs. Emmerson Rod - "'ger and Aubrey Toll sang as a duet ""Let. Thy Will be done." At the ev- ening service Rev. Woolfrey took as his text, "Esau for one morsel of Meat sold his Birthright". Tile • choir rendered two : anthenis and Rev. Snell sang a solo. The church was beautifully decorated with bas. kets of autumn flowers. The pas- tor Rev, Sitell voiced his apprecia- tion to the speaker for his message and to flower committee for the way they had decorated the church. A3 generous offering was received. Many citizens in ,Auburn 'welcomed backto their home town, • Mrs. 3. M. Hall, Pittsburgh, formerly Rose Yungblut, MPs, N. Peppier,' Hanover formerly, Lillian Yungblut and Mrs, Janes Bonthron, Hensel], formerly Bertha Yungblut. All are daughters of the late G. B. Yungblut, who was a shoemaker, in Auburn 46 years ago. It is 38 years since Mrs. Hall left here.' She greatly enjoyed visit- ing her old home, now owned by Mrs., Jas. Woods. The building where ,tier father kept shop is now the grocer store of R. 3, Phillips. Mrs. 'Hall has a family of four boys, Major George G. Hall, University of 'Tennessee, Lieut. William Hall, Staff Sgt. James and 1st class Pte. Robert 'of the U. S. Infantry with the 222 Division and two. daughters Caro- line, New York and. Margaret, .Mrs: 'G. H. Rieanan Wisconsin, also two grandchildren. The son Lieut. William 3, Hall was identified 'as the Martine Medical Officer who played an important Tole in the epic rescue of Capt. Eddie heti their meeting Sunda mnornin `Ricksirbacker and his u g • partner frgm� in the basement of the church. The 'the Pacific, Lieut. Hall is credited prosid'ent Kenneth Armstrong was •with saving the life of one party and in the •chair and Gail Manning at the. :'tending two others -after being flown piano. Lois Wood read the minutes to the lonely Pacific • island where of the last •meeting: 'Thelma Shoob'- 'dome of Rickenbachers crew had brook played an instrumento been tossed ashore.' His mother ver n 1. Vera Landon are with Mrs. L. Beatty and y Lyon read a, missionary story and E'dittU. modestly told of his adventure. Billy Gowan' one ort World peace, and Mrs. Welsh and daughter Eliza- " The South End Redloss Unit Mrs. Hall attended � tine 'Auburn and Ken Wood• a temperance stor,g C school re -union in 1927,p v, beth in •company with•Mr. and Mrs. will hold thou regular ' meeting on Miss Kirk gave the Chapter ' in the. Erwin and family ' of Ripley .and Wednesday afternoon, September Mrs. Peppler's husband passed new Study book. There were twen- with Mr. and away in Hanover seven years ago. ty-six present.'•• n Mrs. G. H. Beatty and 27th, at the home of Mrs. W. Middle duet was rendered by Mrs. L. Jervis and. atiss Dell Finlay. A inter- esting and helpful address on "Horne Missions" was given by Mrs. Tave- ner. hymn 171 and prayer by Rev. Tavener closed the meeting. Mrs, Bond and Mrs. F. Mulholland were hostesses for the day. Mr. and Mrs. EaT1 Williams of Goderieh and Mrs: M. Stock and Charlotte were in London on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm of Wing - ham .spent. Sunday at Mr. M. Stock's Quite a 'number from here took in the Anniversary Services at Eben- ezer on Sunday. Mrs. Wright of the West is visit- ing her Aunt Miss Susie Acheson; She was formerly Pat Acheson. Rev. and Mrs. Stnext. Miner who have visited for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trewartha left this week to assume their pastoral du- ties at. Wawa. We wish them success and 'happiness in their new under- taking. W. McClincheyof the H. M. C. S. Trail left last week for Halifax N. S. after spending the past month with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- Clinchey. There was no. serviceaat the Hol- mesville United Church last Sunday due to Anniversary services at •Eben- ezer but there will be service at the usual hour next Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. McClinchey were Mr. and Mrs. Gould Olivastra, Mr, and Mrs. Har- vey Stokes of London. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Cudmore on the birthof a so; September 18th. V LONDESBORO Mrs. Chas. Watson is in Goderich visiting her daughter, Mrs, Bill Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vodden, and Mrs, Bert Shob-brook spent Sunday in Hamburg. Mrs. M. Wilson of Vancouver, B.C. spent a few days• with Miss IJ. Young. Miss Edith Brown returned home to Brantford on Sunday after visit- ing her aunt, Miss Young, for a week. Mr. and Mis. La. Alcock, Brussels; with Mr. and Mms. T. Pipe. Mrs. Wnn, Glover, Detroit, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Robt. Younbblut, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family, Clinton, with Mr. and' Mrs. T. Fair- service. Mr. and. Mrs. George , McVittie were at Ebenezer Anniversary on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Stewart, with Mr. and Mrs. Toll, Aluburn, • Mr, and Mrs. Harry ,Riley were in Kincardine over the week end. Miss Fern Watson spent the week end in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells, Clinton with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young- blutt. Misses Eileen Millar, Clinton and Mary Caldwell, London, with their parents. 'Miss Phyllis Manning, Clinton spent the week end with Miss Betty Snell. Mr. Edwin Wood, Mrs: Frank Wood, Mrs. Wm. Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. 'James Roberton, Auburn, earl - ed on Mr. Hill' at Whitechurch on Sonday: •. Some of the neighbors and friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Lyo'i spent Satur- day afternoon with her, it being her eighty-fourth birthday. The Mary Grierson Mission Band THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BRUCEFIELD The Brucefield Y. P. U. are plann- ing to hold a social` evening on Mon- day, September 25th ']n the Sunday Sehool room at 8.30 All the young people of the community are wel- come. (Too late for last Week) The regular meeting of the W. A. of Brucefielii United Church . was held in the basement on Tuesday September 5th. The first part' of the afternoon' was spent in sewing, after which the meeting was called to -order, Twenty- one members answered! tine roll call. Mrs. Atkinson took : charge of the devotional part •of' the meeting and Mrs. Scott, the president conducted the business. It was decided that the ladies of the W. A. provide dinner 'for the members' of Presbytery on Septem- ber 26 (on occasion of, their meeting in Bxueefield). It was also arranged that Group 1 would serve dinner for the special meeting of the Odd Fel- lows on September 27. Miss Edith Bowey read an approp- riate poem "Summer End" and also conducted a "Picture Contest". The roll call for October will be answered by something about "Thanksgiving" The meeting closed in the usual', manner by singing "God Save the King" and repeating the Mizpah benediction. BAYFIELD. BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS 41 rendezvous with Bayfield is a bit of heaven gleamed from mea- dows decked' with blossoms and hills alive with ;spring. A rendezvous with Bayfield is to know its sunset gold and linger with the •stillness the eventide-unlfolds. A rendezvous with Bayfield is to feel its balm and know that friend- ly folk will greet you everywhere you go. A rendezvous with Bayfield is to quickly realize that you are in a harbor of beauty and surprise. A rendezvous with Bayfield meand you know the birds and trees and the lovely summer language of- native bower and breeze. A rendezvous with. Bayfield brings a calm and restful mind for every where along its paths Nature's bounty, you will find. A rendezvous with Bayfield, for the quick return to Bayfield, its sun- sets and its shore. A rendezvous with Bayfield spells out words on greening sod where ehildren play unhampered and the old folk walk. with God. It's all . so unpretending, inviting and sincere. No wonder birds and real folk return year after year. A rendezvous with Bayfield why should I try to tell—no one with words, could measure its tender magic spell. It's all so sacred, warming, this patch of green and trees for the very music of it all is told on every breeze: r •a, --Ever remembered by . Wife and Margaret Rhynas..daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman Anniversary Supper who have spent the Summer at their home in the village left on Widnes- concerning, Anniversary Supper in day to be with friends in Bay City, Clinton Presbyterian Church. 15-1 Mich. The many friends of Mrs. H. Tal- For Sale bot vvlio is 111, wish her a speedy re A choice number of Oxcford ram covers. lambs. Apply to Charles Dale, R. R. St, John's E. Munroe's Barber v IND. 4, Clinton. 15-1 Shop YARNA. wash called on Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Sunday visitors were Ivies. Jno, Miss Mosso on Sunday when he was Perdue and 2 sons in Company with home en leave. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perdue and Service in St. John's Anglican family of Goderieh Township with Chureh will be at 11 o'clock a.m. Mr. and Mrs, Jao. Smith and fain- Sunday Sept, 24t1i. The Rev. 'Jno. ily. • Graham will give his farewell ad= Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lather and dress. family .and • Miss Gladys Beatty. of ' . V--- GODERICH TOWNSHIP wmtnomATeassmio. Ile— carr: CUT FLOWERS FLORAL ` DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOK. FLORIST Phone: 66w and 6644. Batldns Locker Storage Have you tried our new hamburg that is made out of a whole carcass: of Beef. And don't , forget our farmer's style sausages. We have liver on hand now. We sell Beef by the quarter. Now is a good time to store some Beef. FROZEN' FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS Train Slervice Changes Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. 24th, • Full Information From ' Agents Canadian • ,National Railways ClearanceSaleUsedPianos Such wellknown makes as Heintz - man, Nordheimer, Mason & Risch, etc., and guaranteed. Write for list of prices. No obligation. Heintzman & Co. Ltd., 242 Dundas St., London. 14-3 IN MEMORIAM TALBOT—In memory of a beloved husband and father, William Hen- ry Talbot, who passed away two years ago, September 20th, 1942. When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts" there . comes a longing If he only could come home, —Lovingly rememberedby his wife and family: IN MEMORIAM ,A!LLEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thos. G. Allen, who passed away Sept. 12, 1942. He has gone from this earth All his sufferings ate o'er At the hearth of our home He will join us no more Though, his loss we da mourn, yet we know he's above Waiting for those whom on earth he did love, Watch for further particulars PAGE II, BOXY THEATRE matron Now Playing Teresa Wright & Joseph Cotten in "SHADOW OF A DOUBT" Mon. Tues. and Wed. Ei'ool Flynn, Paul Lucas and Jean Sullivan Bombs halt this march to the guil- lotine, but he >collies back to save the -lives of hostages!. "THE UNCERTAIN GLORY" Thur. Fri, and, Saturday GEORGE FORMBY 1nbland's inimitable comedian is here again in the hilarious misadventure. ' "GEORGE 'IN THE HOME GUA.fDS" Coining — Danny Kaye in "UP IN ARMS Matinees Sat, and Hol- at 2.30 CAPITAL THEATRE CoD36Ricn Now Playing George Formby in "GEORGE IN THE ROME GUARD' Mon. Tues. and Wed,; The adventure of MARK TWAIN With Fredric Mareh, 'Alexis Smith and Donald Crisp. This story of America's home- spun humorist promises an -even- ing•: of rare entertainment to everyone. Thur. Fri. and Sat. Franchot Tone, Veronica Lake and Binnie Barnes. Present W. :Somerset Maugham's most savage p.otrait of a danger- our woman. The 'HOUR BEFORE The DAWN Coming - "WHERE ARE YOUR, CHILDREN" Matinees — Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 REGENT THEATRE Now Playing "HENRY ALD - RICH'S LITTLE SECRET"' , & "TIMBER QUEEN" - Mon. Tues. Wed. Ginger. 'Rogers, Robert Ryan and Ruth Hussey . Telling the appealing story of to- day's wistful youth and their pro- blems. "TENDER COMVIRADE"! Thur.Fti. Sat. Two Features, Ann Miller, Joe Besser and Larry Parks. • In lively tale of :sunny life jam- med with songs, dancing and non- sense: "HEY ROOKIE" Russett Hayden, Alma Carroll alut Bob Willis in • "SI'LVER CITY RAIDERS" Coming Ginger Rogers in "LADY IN THE DARK" Public Notice Synop,sis of a Proposed Money By- law, ,Number 14, read a First and Second time by the Council of the Town of Clinton, on the 18th Septem- ber, A.D. 1944, 1. The Purpose of the Money By- law No. 14 for 1944 is to raise money for the payment of a proposed sew- erage system and disposal plant for the Town of Clinton. 2. The amount of the debt or lia- bility to be created by the said By- law or the moneyeto be raised by it shall be a sum not exceeding $199, 000.00, which debt shall be retired in annual payments over a period of twenty years. 3. The annual amounts required to be raised over the said period of 20 years is approximately $13,375.00, which annual amounts include inter- est at the rate of 3% per annum, 4. One-third • of the annual a- mounts required to • retire the said indebtedness shall be raised by a special rate upon all rateable prop- erty in the Municipality and the re- maining two-thirds of the said an- nual amounts shall be paid by way of sewerage rentals to be •charged to all persons owning properties served by the said ,system, such rentals to be based on. the volume of water con - aimed or used by the respective! owners or occupants of the proper- ties so served. 5. The By-law contains provi- sions authorizing the Council to take. into consideration special cases in the operation of the scheme; provi- sions for the registration of the. debentures; borrowing by the Munici- pality pending the sale of such de- bentures; and the right to redeem the same before maturity, TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a synopsis of a proposed By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton to be submitted to the Votes of the Electors on the 18th day of October, ` A.D. 1944, between the tines of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon at the following places: .Ward Voting Place St. Andrews' ,Council Chamber, Town Hall St. dames' Bert Glidden Laundry . {ton•, Please remember special collec- •,,� T� The W M. 5..held their monthly Mi's: M.. Rothwell who spent the tion. OI!MESVILL�'i. The ori Wednesday September 13 summer with Mrs. M. Reid. has re -1 Mr. Barnard Clark of St. Thomas with • the president Mrs, R. Town- turned to her home in Windsor. !visited the past week with the Me - The Sept. meeting of 'the W. .1. 't aend in the chair, The minutes of Mrs. Wm. Ball and little son Guire families. Was held at the home of Mrs. Albert elson left -on Thursday to join, her 4 Mr. and MTs. Geo. Lind' of Tar Bond. The pres. opened the meeting the Iasi meeting were read and the N by singingHroll call. was answered with a verse husband who is stationed in N. S. !spent the week end with Mr. and yin 230 'followed by the containing• the Word Peace. The The W. A. of St. John's Church Mrs. Jas. Stirling. Mr. Lind' h Lor7]'s Prayer in unison, meet at the home `of 1VIrs. Jno Smith just.conn completed modern cold storage There was considerable discussion! Word' for next month is Power. P g regaining repairs to be made to Group No. ,2 than tactic charge and on Thursday afternoon. Quilting was on his farm and will be able to take the parsonage. Mrs. F. Shobbs;ook read the Bible the order of the day. At the close of care •of his 40' ac re orchard, The remainder of the. business Iesson, Miss L. Young reviewed a the meeting a very tasty hot dinner ' -Mr. Lloyd. Pkot who has ,been in period was spent making . plans for ebapter in the study Book. Mrs. John was served by the hostess. the Clinton Public Hospital suffering the bazaar to` be held on. Oct. 28th. Scott sang a Solo and Miss Kirk gave Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin .and fem. fson Blood poisoning, has returned The meeting of the W.M.S. fellow.' a report oe the summer school at ily of Londesboro spent Sunday with hame much improved. • ed with Mrs. Wm. Norman conduct , !Alma College, St. Thomas, Hymn Mrs. Austin and Russell, v n Mr. ' ing the devotional' period, openng 252, was sung and Mrs. J. McOool a d Mrs, R. Whitmore in corn- 'lxy singing Hymn .5d. closed with prayer. pally with Mrs; F. ,Whitmore- of Were you the earth, dear Love, and Mrs, Walters led' in' prayer and the ' On Sunday a special Rally Day Holmesville called on Mrs. M. G. I the spies, scripture reading was taken by liars, j will be .heldat two o'clock Beatty',and Miss lVlossop on Satur- My Lave should siitine •on ' yiu like Service Palmer. Mrs. McCulloughgave a there will be a good programme and day to the stip, reading on 'the scripture text. an address by Rev. Mr. Menzies: Will Miss Logan, Miss; Johnston and And lookupon you with ten thou- _ Christian Stewardship! Was abl I all the Sunday School members ple= Miss SI•oan of Heneall called on Mrs. sand eyes, taken by Mrs. B. Trewartha. y ase meet in the basement at 9.45 and M. G. Beatty and Miss biossop ion' Till heaven wax'd blind and till ! thea. Saturday afternoon.' , , the worldai'ere done. Hymn 7.68 wasa'followed by mtxnt}ts..,] bup an a ' bgdy. ''iliere will bea of last 'meeting anti roll, Call.Al!baptismal Service,Pte. Horace Bretherston of Ipperr J Sylvester. St, George's R. Jervis' , Feed Store And that if the assent of the Electors is obtained to the proposed By-law, it will be taken into consider ation by the Council of the said Cot" poration at •a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication was made on the 21st day of September, A.U.,1944. And that the Mayor will attend at the •office of the Town Cleric at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon on the 9th day of October, A.D. 1944, for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing ma of the votes by the Clerk, And that a tenant, who desires to vote upon the said proposed By-law Tara must make and file with the Clerk, not later than the 10bh day before as the day appointed for•' taking the vote, a declaration under The Canada Evidence. Act that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time • for which the debt or liability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-law is payable or for at least twenty-onef years, and that he !has by the lease, 'covenanted to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of the property in which he is a tenant other than local improvement rates. • ' And that the complete text of the proposed' Money By-law may be seen at the Office 'of the Town Clerk :at, any time during Office hours. ' f.'T: d0RLE'SS, Town Clerk 15-3! STOP! LOOIC! LISTEN! GOOD NEWS "If thou shalt confess 'with thy nnouth. Jesus as Lord and shalt be- lieve in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be SAVED" Romans 10:9 TUNE IN: "Old fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 p.m. E. D. S. T. On mutual networks Sundays — Local Station — CKLW. Windsor Chas. E. Fuller, P. O. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California ORDER YOUR' Overseas Smiles'n Chuckles Active Service Package 99' cents Before September 30 from our store We will give you full Information BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 BIRTHS SMITH In Clinton Public Hospital on Friaey September 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Varna, a son. ERB—In Clinton Public` Hospital, on Saturday, September 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Erb of Zurich, 'a daugh- ter. GUDMORE•-In ,Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, September 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudmore of Holmesville, a son, Paul Henry. Fleece -Line Your House Blown Rockwool insulation applied to walls and ceilings of your home will save fuel with more comfort summer and winter. Trained crews and modern equipment used. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton or write Pneumatic Insula- ting Company, Rowland Ray, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 14-4 To Rent Camfy four -roomed cottage, with two piece :bath, furnished, 40• rds south of Radio School. Phone us. C. Watson, 77-21 Hensel'. • 15-1 For Sale Hudson Seal Pieces, Black coat •worn one season, priced reasonably. Apply at News Record. 15-2 House for Sale Desirable location.. Medium `size modern conveniences. Apply . Box 39R, 16-tf. Pigs for' Sale A number of 'Chunks. Apply' to Pat Reynolds, phone 801-18. 15-1 Wanted to Buy 01d .or disabled live horses `wanted for mink feed. Apply Elmer Trick, phone 907r5 or '907r12. 15-eow. Dog Lost 4. tan coloured cocker spaniel, wearing a. collar marked "Brownie", with a Clinton tag. Will finder please' notify Caryl Diaper, phone 55 15-1 • Surplus Funds? Why not investigate an opportunity to employ them at r6% INTERTEST Plus other advantages no . obligation. Box • 39. 15-3- . Cemetery Memorials Large stook of modern memorials • oa display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrone. office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 NOTICE Voters' List, 1944, Municipality of The Township of Goderich, County. of Huron. Notice) is hereby given. that I have complied with Section 7 of . the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in Goderich Township, on the 14 day of Septem- ber, 1944, the list of all persons en- titled, to vote in the said Municipal election and such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. Dated at my office this fourteenth day of September,' 1944. R. G. Thompson, Clerk. 14-3 House For Sale On Princess street; close to down town and schools. Warmly built, Art brick siding covered... New garage, good dry garden. Priced right for quick salel Apply to Frank Wilson. 13-2 HOUSE FOR SALE Five roomed frame horse on Alb. e'rt Street, town water, quarter acre of land. For further particulars apply to Frank Fingland or J. W. McCool, Londesboro 11-41. p'~ For Sale Five purebred Leicester rains and one short -horned bull, ten months old. phone 614r31 14.2 Wanted Garage to rent by the month, near London road and railway tracks, phone 261 Clinton. 15-2 Notice .to Creditors and others In the Estate of George Melville Hazelwood Elliott. All Persons having.; claims against the Estate of George Melville Hazel. wood Elliott, late of the Village of Holmesville in the ;,County of Huron, Manufacturer, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1944, at the Town .of Clinton in the County of Huron, are required to send particulars thereof to' the un- dersigned solicitor . herein for the executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 4th day of October, 1944, after which date the assets of the said deceased • will be distributed! among the parties en- titled. theteto, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated this 8th day of September, A. D. 1944. F. C. MaeKAY, K. C., 997 Second Avenue) East, Owen Sound, Ontario. Solicitor for the Mceeutors! The Grey and Bruce Trust and Sav- ing, Company and Helen Burns Tlliott. 14-3 Wanted to Buy ° Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle ler mink. feed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 9081.22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21. 58-tyl