HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-14, Page 5'; TiflJRS., 'SEPT. 14th 1944 bewrlfr/t 9 76 ZY air ,tel i/ P/Yrt ofte ./' YOU CAN ALWAYS BORROW ON YOUR VICTORY BONDS Any branch of The Royeal Bank of Canada will imme- diately lend you money on your Victory Bonds a special low rates. It's an important extra reason for buying all you can. That post-war car'— or radio, ' or home may never materialize should you decide to "cash in" now on the Victory Bonds you have been buying so faithfully. Your need for ready cash may be urgent: for taxes, or a sudden illness, or one of a . hundred other emergency situations. But' of you sell, you not only reduce your share in the financing of the war . .. you also reduce your chances of ever owning what you had planned to buy, after the war. So don't sell your Victory Bonds. Instead, use them as security for a bank loan. Pay off your loan by convenient instalments . and get your Bonds back when the loan is repaid: THE ROYAL BANK OF . CANADA CLINTON BRANCH • J. G. McLAY, Manager THE CLINTON ' NEWS-RECORDI PAGE 5 AUBURN Sub. Lierut Stewart Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson are visiting the for- ' mer's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A, J. Ferguson. Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Miss E. Elliott, Mrs. Heber Eedy and Miss Lucille Eedy visited with Mrs. Fred Ross on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Thompson have returned home) from a visit at Toronto and Brampton. Miss Betty J. Asquith left on Friday for Hamilton where she will teach in a private sehool. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLeod and Son ' Jack of Brussels spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. 'John McLeod. 4, Mr. and Mrs. James ,Roberton •quietly celebrated their 30th wed& frig anniversary on Saturday, Sept. '9th, A number of friends and neigh- bors called to offer congratulations: Mr. and Mrs. Roberton are highly • esteemed residents of Auburn. W. M. S. Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for the W. M. ' S. of Knox Presbyterian 'Church which was held in the church •on Thursday; .,•,She opened the meeting with prayer. The scripture Psalm 103 was read responsively and was followed. by prayer. A reading "Till the Day Breaks" was given by Mrs. Lawson, The topic from the Study Book "An Indian Story" was given by Mrs, Wellington Good. The Bible Study was given by Miss Bertha Wagner,•' The roll -call was respon- •''ded to by a verse of scripture con- taining 'the Word "Mercy". Miss Josephine Weir invited the Society, to her home for the Thanksgiving meeting in October. The meeting elosed with the National Anthem.: and tIre Lo'rd's' Prayer in unison. The monthly meeting of the Wo- nren's Inetitute will be held i '`.E'oresters Hall on Tuesday Septl2tit at 2.80 o'clock, This is the Grand- mother's meeting and the program is. in' charge of -Mrs, J. J. Robertson, "Mrs. G. Sturdy and Mrs. IT. Mog- ridge. The roll call "Where you first -attended School and the name of your teacher." 'Hostesses --Mrs. L. Trwin, Mrs., Thos. McNeil and Mrs. —Wm. Craig. Baptist Ladies Aid The', Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church held, their meeting on Thurs- day when they had as their guests the Ladies of the Clinton Baptist Church. The early .part of the after- noon was spent' In quilting when; two tv- fV, Its , •' f.?+Cc7' • .n,,1 ..ti]Lhe ,'loft . ated to the Red Cross along with two quilt tops. The president, M:s C. A. Howson, had charge of the devotional period, Mrs. R. J. Phillips presided at the piano and prayer was offered by Mrs. 0. C. Anderson. 'Mrs. McLean of Clinton. presided for the following program. A poem "Darkness and Light" by Mrs. Coch- rane. The scripture was read by Mrs. C. C. Anderson. •A reading "neigh- bors" by Mrs. Aikenheed, a duetby Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and . Mrs. But- ler, a reaping "Where Cross the Crowded Ways", by Mrs. McLean and a reading byMiss-Akam, Other:. Rev. C. C. Anderson closed the meet- ing with prayer. Lunch was served by the Auburn Ladies. A vote of thanks for their hospitality was giv- en by Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Ander- son, A •prayer service was held in the evening and was conducted by the pastor Rev C.. 0. Anderson. Baptist Anniversary The Baptist Church was beautiful ly decorated with baskets of autumn flowers for their Anniversary 'last Sunday. At the afternoon. service the pastor Rev. C. . C. Anderson took the devo- tional period. The guest speaker was ,Rev. Joseph James of Goderich who gave a -forceful message from the 9th chapter of Revelations verse 22 and took as his text "Worship God". The choir led' in the service .of praise with Mrs. R. 3, Phillips pre- siding at the Organ. "The Gospel Four" 'Male quartette of Stratford rendered several numbers. , At the evening service the pastor Rev. C. C. Anderson preached and took 'as his text "Essential of True Worship" from Duet 1-19. Sgt. McLean of. Clinton led in prayer. The male quartette rendered' several selections and sang by request "Steal j Away Home to Jesus", . Rev. Ander- son expressed his appreciation,- also that ofthe congregation to the quar- tette for the splendid service they had rendered. Large crowds attend- ed both services. A generous offering was received. Mr. Bryant ;of Strat- ford,pronounced the benediction, V� BRUCEFIELD Onhur x slay evening a large ;number of friends and neighbours. i sasa(n,bled at the 'home , of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathweli, in honour of their daughter, Lois, prior to her marriage. Ai pleasant evening was onoyed and Miss Rathwell was the recipient of many beautiful gifts and, good wish,for.' which she tbaitik'ed •her 4man,y kind friends. LONDESBORO Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Thorn - dale, are with the former's mother, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Flunking, and Marjorie with friends in Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Grantham, Ghes- ley, with Mrs, L. Webster and Jack. Misses Mary Caldwell and Ethel Thompson, London with their par- ents. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Crawford, and Mrs. James McCool, spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Somerville, Edrnonton, Alta., and Mr. H. Camp bell, Walton, called on Mr. Wan. Campbell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Doreen, with Mr. and Mrs, P. Coles Brucefield. Outof town guests at the Hann and Govier wedding, Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Hann, Trowbridge; Staff Sgt. G. Glass, London; Mrs. C. W. Hann, Toronto; Misses Catherine Andrews, Irene McCallum, Wilma Radford, Lorena and Frances Crozier, London and Mr. and Mrs. J. C', Radford, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning and Phyllis, Mrs. . Boswell and Mies Phyllis Middleton, Clinton; and Mrs. M. Manning were with My. and Mrs. (F, Tamblyn and Margaret on Sun- day. Miss • Catherine Andrews, London spent the, week end with Miss Beth Govier. Mr. M . Wnr: Morrison, Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs. E. Webb, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, J. II..Shobbrook, who. returned to Toronto with them= on Wednesday for a couples of weesk, they aero intend to visit their 'son and his wife at Oshawa. Miss E'd'ith Brown, Brantford is visiting' her Aunt, Miss L. Young. Mr. Bert Brunsdon has leased the White` Rose Gas Station. We wish him success, The Mission Band will meet in the basement of the church Sunday morning at ten o'clock. We would Like all the boys and girls to be present. The W A. will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m., September 20th in the basement of the church. At the worship' service on Sun- day, the pastor will'speak on "The. Glory of Strength" Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hutton and son Paul, Mrs. Herman McPhee and Clif- ford Brewer of Winghain were recent visitors with Mrs,. Herman • Sunder - cock. mi/1,,�,Tl u 0fli: ne i ,.w. ,w, n,. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Everv'Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 Batkins Locker Storage We have a whole carcass of Beef. ground into hamburg. ' Try some at 25c ib. Farmer style sausages 25c a lb. Salmon steaks lb. 35c Cod fillets lb. 35e Haddock filletts lb. 35e Now is 'a good time to store a beef which may be bought at the locker. FROZEN FOODS ARE, BETTER FOODS' BINGO TUESDAY, SEPT. 19th in: Council Chamber under auspices of Ladies Auxiliary' to Canadian Legion Proceeds for War Work Everybody Welcome 14-1 MARRIAGES PENTNEY RATIiWSILL—In Rob- inson Memorial United Church, London, on Saurday, September 9, Lois Marie, daughter o£ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bothwell of Brucefield, was united inanarriae to Flt. Sgt. Donald Pentney of Rainy River, Ontario. HANN—GOVIER — In Londesboro United Church on Saturday, Sept. 9th, Rhoda Mae Govier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gooier, was united in marriage to Lieut. James S: Hann, son of Rev. and Mrs. S W. Hann of Trowbridge. BARTLIFF—ICNIGHT - In First United Church, St Thomas, on Wednesday, September 6th, Jean Lois Knight was united in mar- riage to Cpl. Bruce Bartliff of Clinton. BIRTHS FREEMAN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, September 7th, to Pte. and Mrs. Stewart Freeman of Clinton, a son, Donald Bruce. HUNKA — In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday September 14th, to Sgt. and Mrs, Dan Hunka, a son, Alexander Daniel. DEATHS HAMILTON—In Hullett Township on Tuesday September . 12th, Rob- ert Hamilton in his 78th year. IN MEMORIAM STINSON-In Ioving memory of a dear mother, who passed away September 26th, 1943, No one knows how we miss her; No one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost her; Life has never been'the same. In our hearts her memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There'snot a day, dear Mother, That we do not think of you. • Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nights are; past, And in our aching hearts we know, That she has found sweet rest at last. -Lovingly remembered' by her son T. J. Stinson and sisters. IIULLETT" TOWNSHIP The regular ' monthly meeting' of tthe Lafalot Club was held at the heme of Mrs. Geo. Bayley, on Thurs- day afternoon. Fourteen ladies were in attendance. The meeting was opened by ,the regular routine of work and business. This consisted of quilting two quilts. Ladies print dresses • and childrens dresses were given out to be macre. Tickets ware sold on 'a cream and 'sugar set, don- ated by Mrs. Goe, Bayley, and the lucky ticket was held. by Mrs. R. Freeman. Proceeds 'amounted to $1,95 A dainty ten cent tea was served by the hostesses and the :meeting was closed with singing of "God Save, the King". The next. meeting • will be held at the home of Mrf. Henr ,:Leigh a on' � y m n Thursday, September 28th. ROILY .THEATRIC MINTON GAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRR READDREE Now Playing — "YOU CAN'T RATIO LOVE" & HENRY ALDRI H'S . I.,ITTLE SECRET" Now Playing — "THE LTNINVIT- ED°' & "MEMPHIS MLLE" In Technicolor. Now Playing —. "THE PURPLE HEART" with Dana Andrews Mon. Tues. and Wed. Revival of the Disney classic.. "SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS" Featuring' Dopey and his tribe of impish' funsters in their ever - popular escapades. Mon, Tues. and Wed. - ' "SHINE ,ON HARVEST .MOON" Songs and laughter, mixed with a few tents and a touching romance beautifully filmed in Technicolor Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan and Jack Garsbn Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Richard Arlen, Mary Beth Hughes and June! Havoc, Tell a thrilling, tale of the north. "TIMBER QUEEN" Jimmy Lydon, Charles smith & John Litel Lead a popular family into a new mess, ' "HENR'Y' ALDRTCH HAUNTS A HOUSE" Thur. Fri. Sat. Two Features Richard Arlen, Mary Beth Hughes and June Havoc. Take us to, the forests £or a good story. • "TIMBER QUEIEN" Jintmy Lydon, Charles Smith and John Litel.: Portraying the latest Aldrich anis- adventure, • ' "HENRY ALDRICH' HAUNTS A HOUSE" -- Thur. Fri. and Saturday Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten and Macdonald Carey A brilliant star and a master story -•teller unite thou talents in a anasterprece of anystery and rbmanee• "SHADOW SIHADOW OP A DOUBT" Thur. Fri, and Sat.. GEORGE' FORMBY Britain's buarubldng buffoon hits a new' high In, .1f reduction. , "afGEaRGE IN THE HOME GUARDS" Coming — Errol Flynn in "THE UNCERTAIN GLORY" Matinees — Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 Coming --•-, "MARK TWAIN" starring Fredric March Matinees — Wed. Sat, & Hol. 2.30 Coning — 'TENDER COMRADE' Matinees - Sat, & Hol. at 2.30 ClearanceSale UsedPianos Such wellknown makes as Heintz - man, Nordheiiner, Mason & Ricoh, etc, and guaranteed. Write for list of prices. No obligation. Reintaman & Co. Ltd., 242 Dundas St., London. 14-3' 1 For Sale Pram—Brown--nn good condition. Phone 301w. 14-1 Lost A change purse belonging to a Salvation Army Officer containing five dollar bill and change. Also keys ,and return 'ticket (yellow). Please leave at The News -Record Office. For Sale ' Five purebred Leicester rams and one short -horned bull, ten months old. phone 614r31 14-2 Upholstering Now is the time to have your chesterfields, chairs, lounges etc. upholstered at Jack's Upholstery Shop, Orange and Huron Streets, Clinton. 14-1 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, Household Effehts At Lot 1, Concession 7, Tucker - smith, two and a half miles East of Seaforth and three and three-quar- ter miles South of No. 8 Highway, TUESDAY, SEPT..26th At 1 o'eloek p.m., the following: HORSES—Bay pereheron, 7 years old; Bay elyde horse, 1 year old; Driving horse, 10 years old. CATTLE-Durhaan cow, 4 years old, freshend 3 weeks; Hereford cow, 6 years old, freshened 3 weeks; Black` cow, 4 years old, due Nov. 2nd; Blue Durham cow, 7 years old, due Nov. 20th; Blue heifer, 3 years old, due Nov. 28; Jersebr cow, 8 years old, due Dec. 22; Blue heifer, 2 years old, due Dec. 25; Red Durham cow, 4 years ,old, due December 15; Grey Durham cow, 5 years old, due March 13; Grey Durham. cow, 9 years old, due April 1st;' Blue Durham cow, 6 years old, due May 13th; Red Dur- ham cow, 6 years old, due May 7th; Farrow cow, milking well. YOUNG CATTLE—a Durham hei- fers, rising 2 years; Durham heifer and steer, 1 year old; '8 Spring cal- ves; 2 calves, three weeks old. POULTRY: 140 ' Barred Rock chickens, mixed, 4 months old; Col- ony house 10x12 ft., newly built; new; . Also chicken fountain and feeder. IlAiY and GRAIN -1.5 tons hay, Quality mixed grain; x/ acre tur- nips in field. Quantity of dumber; planks; good barn stairs; 2 -18 -ft, ash rack sills, etc.; Iined watering trough, 5 feet square by 21/3 feet deep; large mix- ing feed box; number of barrels grain bags and hog troughs. IMPLE112ENTS — Deering bindelr,. 6 -ft. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 6 - ft. cut; seed drill; roller; 2 Frost & Wood rcultivators; hay rake; set 3 - section harrows; set 4-seetion bar,: rows; rubber tire farm wagon; steel tire wagon; scuffler; set . fawn sleighs; hay rack;, riding plough; 2 walking, ploughs; fanning 'nidll;. hay fork; sling ,chain, car and 175 feet new rope; set of. sling ropes; Lis- ter cream. separator '650 lbs. ca- paeity, nearly new; Anker -Holt sep- orator,' 600 lbs. capacity, in good running order; sett scales, capacity 2,000 lbs.; set 240 -lb scales; set hog scales and weighing : crate;. new wheelbarrow; 3 sets double harness in good condition; horse collars; neckyokes; nvhifflettrees; forks; shovels and chains; Morse clippers; electric fence, and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EIE'FECTS—Exten- Sion table; kitchen chairs; bedroom suites; small tablek 'writing desk; dishes; lanterns;: Coleman lamp; 3 - burner coal oil stove; coal oil heater; churn; milk pail's, etc. • No reserve as the proplietor has sold his farm. a TERMS --CASH ' Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Y CON, NNELL,,,Proprieltor E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 14-I We Are Proud To Live • In CLINTON And to be able to sell you THE. VERY BEST in Nutritions Bread and Baked Goods. We appreciate your continued patronage because we believe the maintenance of our mutual esteem assures the continued success of our Town and its people. It will always be our aim to serve you with pro- ducts that are the best and a service that is pleasing to you MADE HERE — BAKED HERE — FRESH FROM • THE OVEN TO YOU BARTLIFF'S STOOP! LOOK! LISTEN! GOOD NEWS "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord and shalt be- lieve in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be SAVED" Romans 10:9 TUNE IN: "Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 p.m. E. D. S. T. On mutual networks — Sundays — Local Station — OI{LW. Windsor Chas. E. Fuller, P. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California Fleece -line Your House Blown Rockwool insulation applied to walls and ceilings of your home will save fuel with more comfort summer and winter. Trained crews and modern equipment used. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton or write Pneumatic Insula- ting Company, ,Rowland Ray, 6 Thornton Ave., London. 14-4 Notice to Creditors and others In the Estate of George Melville Hazelwood Elliott. All, Persons having claims against the Estate of George Melville Hazel- wood Elliott, late of the Village of Holmesville in the County of Huron, Manufacturer, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1944, at the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, are] required to send particulars thereof to the un- dersigned solicitor herein for the executors of the estate of the said deee(ased, on or before the 4th day of. October, 1944, after which date the assets • of the said deceased will he distributed, among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated this 8th day of September, A. D. 1944. F. C. Macs;{AY, IC. C., 997 Second ,Avenue, East, Owen Sound, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors The Grey and Bruce Trust and Sav- ing Company and Helen Burns Elliott. 14-3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Effects The Undersigned Auctioroler has been instructed to sell by Public Auction ' on the premises, pt. lot 16, in the village of Brucefield on Wed- nesday, September 20th at 1 o'clock, Pan. FURNITURE: Bedroom suite with springs 'and .mattresses, small Drib;, Dining room •suite; side board; ektension table and :chairs; small tables; rocking chairs; odd chairs; Hall rack; Newcombe upright Piano, Williams Sewing Machine; Chester- field; Washing machine: stove; crocks, sealers and kitchen utensilsf grindstone, seurffler, scales, oil' cans, garden rake and numerous other articles. All must be sold without reserve in order to close the estate of the late C. H. Reid.' TERMS CASH Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. '' 1 Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display ut our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will he open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter -- Seaforth PHONE 41 FOR SALE English Woven Rug 9' x 12' Apply at News Record. 14-2 NOTICE Voters' List, 1944, Municipality of The Township of Goderich, County of Huron. Notice is' hereby given that I have complied with Sieeton 7 of , the Voters' List Aet and that I have posted up at my office in Goderich Township, on the 14 day of 'Septem- ber, 1944, the list of all persona en- titled' to vote in the said Municipal election and such. list remains there for inspection. And I . hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected' according to law. Dated at my office this fourteenth day of September, 1944. R. G. Thompson, " Clerk. 14-3 FOR SALE Five ,roomed cottage, closed -in. porch and basement, henhouse and garage. Apply Joe Becker, 'Jiinton. 13-2 House For Sale On Princess street, close to down town and schools. Warmly built, Art bri:ok siding covered. New garage, good dry garden. Priced right for quick sale, Apply to Frank Wilson. 13-2 HOUSE FOR SALE Five roomed frame house on Alb- eit Street, town water, quarter acre of land. For ,further particulars apply to Frank Fingland or J. W. ,McCool, Londesbore 11-tf. Wanted To, Purchase Pullets eight ;}weeks, ;of age and older. Barred Rooks, New Hampshire, and. White Legirorns; Good 'Prices paid. Write Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 06-9 Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink, feed. If dead,' phone at once.'Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21. 58-tI