HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-14, Page 3THURS., SEPT. '14th 1944 THE CLINTON NEWTS -RECORD PAGE 3<. Before you biome your telephone... Engineers designed the month. piece of your telephone to give best results at one•quarter of on incl from the lips. When your lips are farther away than ibis,, your voice is transmitted less strongly ... less clearly. Failure to remember these simple fasts 'accounts for the great majority of "trouble" reports, Help" avoid needless service checkups, and at the same time let those you talk to hear you without strain. Just remember: Talk clearly, normally, directly into the telephone, with your lips just one-quarter of an inch from the mouthpiece. Smoking while you talk- nlay cause distorted reception. It also; prevents your holding the mouthpiece di- reetl . to front of the tips. If you need to reach across your desk as you talk continue to hold the telephone in correct position, close to the lips. A wall set can't come to you; stand or sit so that your lipsare directly in front of and close to the mouth- piece. Don't `talk auoss" it. For clear, noise- freerraasmission, always keep your desk telephone upright—not at or near the.hor- itootal position. THE HAPPENINGS IN CLINTON EARLY IN THE CENTURY Some Notes of the News in 1919. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD September 11, 1919 Mr. James A. Ford and. Mr. A. McLeod, who have] carried on a flour and feed business for some years have _dissolved partnership, the bushiest, to be continued by the former. Mr, Harry Cook, who has been residing on the Huron Road East, for some years, has bought a house on North Street and will shortly come to town. Mr. Donald McDonald has sold his property on Raglan Street to Mr. Edward Smith of Isaac Street, and has taken Mr. Smith's cottage in ex- change. Mr. W. J. Biggart has ,bought from Mt. J. Taylor the house on Victoria Street North of the Hospital and is getting settled. therein. lVir. Biggart's father resided there, so he will feel. ,asr.., STEEL + CHROME = STAINLESS 7 RUBBER + VITALIN • STEEL • Just as stainless steeds stop rust and corrosion, Vitamic rubber stops weather -checking caused° by sunlight, ozone or other con- ditions. In addition to having better aging properties, Vitamin. rubber gives greater strength, longer wear, greater toughness and more resistance to beat. All Firestone tire's are made of ,this new and better rubber, ` Insist, on having them on your car when you obtain a tire -ration. certificate. DOUGLAS Garage i.1:1 Clinton, Ontario TELEPISOND 345 quite at home. Mr. Murray McNeil has taken over the Candy 'Kitchen, far the,past year or two conducted by M. Georges. Mr. Georges leavels this week for Owen Sound. Mrs. Worthington, who has been in Canmore, Alta., with her son, Dr. Worthington, for .a year or more, is in town fora month. She is accom- panied by her daughter, Mrs. Bower, batter kn.o'rn to her old Clinton friends as "pop Mrs. W. J. Merrill and Master Charlie of the Base Line came over on the Greyhound last week, after having spent a couple of weeks as guests of thea lady's sister, Mrs. Harry Hays of Detroit. Miss Edna , Turner, who spent a good part Of her vacation with friends in Clinton and, vicinity, . left last week for New York, where she intends to take a. course at Columbia University. Messrs. Cantelon Bros. have been paying 10e a 'lb. for dried apples during the past week. This is the highest price paid in the memory of the firm. - The Doherty Baseball.. tam played their first out of town game. in Goderieh last Friday and won by the score of 8 to 2. THE CLINTON NEW ERA September 11, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Gab, Elliott were visitors at London Fair yestetrdey. Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto was in town this week attending to his insurance business. ' Nurse Ferguson and nephew, Master Kenneth Carter, were visit- ors in Toronto last week going down on the "Greyhound". Miss Charlotte Sheeley, who is teaching school near Kitchener, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Sheeley of Ontario Streelt.. Mr. Roy Ball twill open his photo studio this •Saturday with a com- plete new outfit. ,Those from Clinton attending School of Commerce include: Frieda Wallis, Mary Argent, Pearl Reid, Grace Vodden, Edna Alexan- der, Katie Ladd, Percy Ladd, Marg- aret Quigley, Charles Cook, Annie Shobbrook, Luella McLinchey and Beatrice Jervis. Mr.. Arthur Trick was successful in obtaining prizes for some of his cattle at the Exhibition this year. ' On Monday evening friends and neighbours of the Maitland .eonees- sign gathered to bid good bye to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lobb, who moved this Week toa farm on the Bayfield road. Mr. Lobb bought the farm of Mr. Win. H. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. James: Manning and daughter spent a few days in Lon- don, Port Stanley and .other points this week. Mrs. Cree Cook and Baby and Mrs. J. Cook and daughters ; visited with relatives at Detroit last week. Miss. Emma Plum teel was a visi- tor with Brucefield friends last week.. Mr. Arthur Tyndall was a visitor at London Fair this' week. Mr. Andrew MeGarva was renew- ing old acquaintances with the. Clin- ton Old Boys now living in Detroit last week. Mrs. Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Kyle of Kippen .and Mr. R. ,As. Mit- chell spent a few days in Detroit, Mr. Em. Mitchell is now employed with the Ford Company. onny rr//, 0, •jr nn ene 00, ii i 9: i O4 Cl Join for General Service TODAY! When Peace has come, you'll be proud to know (and know that the world knows) you had your place in the mighty force that fought its way to final VICTORY. en ter Berlin Every Canadian looks forward to that head di - line. Every Canadian believes that some day' soon a great victorious convoy will thunder down the road to Ber- lin. Huge Canadian trucks ... Canada's crack battle equip- ment, and gallant Canadian soldiers, world's finest fighting men, will all be there. Will you be with them on the road?.. . or at least, on the way? The smashing defeats we must inflict upon the enemy before that day, however, cannot be won except by fierce, determined fighting . and the First Canadian Army, you may be sure; will help to deal the hammer blows that punch the way along the Berlin road. That's why Canada's Army -needs men and needs them NOWI WEAR IT ON YOUR ARIA been so much more; serious. t The pretty residence on Huron Street, owned by Mr. John Tedford of Minnedosa, Man., and occupied by Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, hen been bought by Mr. D. L. McIntyre. Thel purchase price was $1300. Mrs.l Hamilton intends moving to Toronto. Mr. Ernest Twitohell, who has been spending a few days under the parental roof, has returned to De- troit. Mr. Wallace Irwin returned home this week after an absence of over a month at Maple Creek, Ansa., where he was in charge of the office of Dentist Courtice, while that gentleman was visiting his parents at Holmesville. Mr. Fred Stanley, hasp returned hone after a fortnight's visit at Sarnia, Chicago and cup the lakes. Mr. J. B. Hoover left on Saturday last with the following party of Woodmen to visit the world's Fair, D. Cinnamon, Lindsay; L. H. Taylor, Brantford; and Dr. Wylie of Dres- den. VARNA—Mr. John McNaughton left on Tuesday for a visit with friends in tae Northwest. Messrs F. Weeks and H. Duncan also lelft for the west on the •same date: When the Present Century Was Young THE NEWS -RECORD September 16, 1904 Mr. Fletcher McCartney of the Maitland concession, Goderich Town- ship, died at his home at seven o'clock, Saturday evening :from in- juries inflicted in a fire at noon. Mr, McCartney was onel of the best known threshers in the town- ship. He had recently purchased a new outfit, consisting of 'traction engine and separator with rear eut attachment and . blower. His helper/ were Arthur Wilson and -William Eason. With this staff he was threshing for M. Alex Babour, on the Mait- land concession,when the accident occurred, A . few minutes before, . 12 o'clock, one of ,the stacks was ob- served to be on fire. Mr. McCartney wished to save his machine. He did but lost bis life in the attempt. He was the son of Mr. John McCartney of Holmesvilie ,. Mr. Thos. Lindsay of the Base Line had a narrw escape from' being gored to death by a bull on Satur- day. Ile was tying the animal in the stable, viten the animal knocked him down. His cries for help brought the hired boy, with; a! pitch fork. He was somewhat bruised, but he is not making a foss, as it could have Christmas Gifts. For Over, seas Forces 15 SEPT. -- 26 OCT. "Do • not open until Christmas". That exciting phrase should be snak- ing its appearance on parcel mail despite the fact that many places in Canadaare just recovering from the hottest spell en 'record. Postmas- ter General; William P. Mulock ad- vises that it is time to make plans for Christmas parcels to members of the Armed Forces Overseas. The Christmas mailing period this year is September 15 - October' 25 Naturally parcels sent to those serving in the more remote theatres of war should .be sent the earliest. Suggested "deadline" mailing date's are:- September 15—The far East, India, Burma, Ceylon, etc. October 5—The Middle East area— Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. October 10—Central Mediterranean Forces. October 25— The: United Kingdom and France. In view of the rapid progress of the war these dates might be subjelct to change. Last Christmas season (Oct. Nov. Dec.) over 12,000,000 lbs. of parcel mail alone were despatched to the. Forctis Overseas from Canada. This year an even greater volume is ex- pected. Therefore, EARLY MAILING IS NECESSARY to enable Postal officials to cope with the handling, and to carry out arrangements for transportation on trains and; ships. Remember that eerie space is still. at a premium. Bear in mind this year that the mail must travel grea- ter distances—many of our troops are further afield—on defferint fronts fighting under the conditions of mobile warfare --plenty of time must be allowed between, mailing and delivering. Picture the chaos if everyone should wait till the last minute to nail—Postal authorities would be faced `with the impossible task of , providing sufficient space aboard' the lase ship leaving in time to ensure 'Christmas delivery. The result would mean a cheerless Christmas Day forthousands over- seas looking forward eagerly to get- ting their Christmas gifts in time. 4 suggestion to further, help our boys and. girls on Active Selt'vice re- ceive their gifts, from home . is to voluntarily etut down, as 'far ss pos- sible, on the size of the package,. even though the maximum weight at the special rate! of 12 cents per pound is 11 lbs. This will enable authorities to ship a greater number of parcels in the cargo space avail-' able. The bittter disappointiient caused by late arrival of Christin'ts gifts can be spared our FightingsServices too if citizens will give the most careful attention to correct adore-ss- ing and' proper packing. Last Christ- mas season thousands of parcels were relsived at the Base Post Of- fice in a damaged condition, They hadto be set aside for repair or re- addressing in order that they might be safely sent on to its destination. This caused delay and. extra work for the Postal Corps. The longer the distance a parcel must travel under wartime conditions to reach its des- tination at a battle front, the more imperative is careful packing. Each parcel should be carefully packed in corrugated shock proof containers, .the contents compact so that thelw will not shake loose and break out of the package. Then the parcels should be wrapped in sever- al layers of wrapping paper, and se- curely .tied' with strong twine. On no account should "Shoe Boxes" be used as, containers -they easily crush and; break. Avoid using fancy colored Christ. , mas paper as 'an outside wrapper. or coloured ribbon to tie. Foradded security parcels may be sewn instrong cotton: "or similar fabric. Any substance likely to leak, spread and damage the mails, if sent at all, must be enclosed in seal- ed metal containers with lids secur- ely soldered' on—then surrounded with absonberit matetrial in corru- gated cardboard and 'securely wrap- ped and tied. Fresh fruits grapes, pears, etc.,. or other items likely to spoil are not acceptable. Do Not Mail Jars or Bottles. -The availing of matches, safety matches, lighter fluid or any other inflammable substance is prohibited by law. 1 A completed Custom Declaration should be attached to each paired. All mail should be. fully and clear- ly addressed in ink, without mis- leading abbreviations. Place it return address; on the cover of each .parcel and also a slip among the contents giving the name and address of the sender and the complete Armed Forces address that appears on the, parcel. Prepay all snail , correctly. By,refraining from writing to a member of the Arnteki Forces, Over- seas that gifts are being sent, until' actually mailed, mueit worry can be saved the soldier. Do not disappoint. our men .by mailing too late for. • Christmas delivery. Persons who MAIL EARLY FOR, CHRISTMAS to the Armed Forces Overseas can rest assured that the authorities will do everything pos- sible to ..make delivery on time. V Animals have these advantages over man: They never hear the clock strilte�'they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments. are not disturbed by unwelcome and' unpleasant •ceremonies, their fu - i nerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.— Voltaire. Nothing is snore unpleasant ,than. a 'virtuous person with a mean: mind:—Walter Bagehot. j