HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-07, Page 8PAGE 8 A MACK ALL FURNACE Inthesame insures Health Comfort, Satisfaction. throughout the winter SEE OUR .COOK STOVES AND HEATERS SUTTER Ei PERDUE RARDWARE, PLUMB/NG & ELECTRICIANS. YaOiii 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Stock Lines Of scarce Goods WOOL BLANKETS All pure wool, White with fancy colored border large size 64x84 and 72x84 Buy the Now you /nay not get them later, MOTOR RUGS 3 only, all wool, Scotch plaid motor Rugs large size heavy weight and good value. BLEACHED COTTON MEETS 1 dozen only large size 81x99 Extra value at $2.40 Bleached Sheeting 81 in. wide a good cotton and a good buy 85c Fancy Plaid'Flannelette An American Cloth suit- able for pyjamas fancy quilt ginning etc. Heavy Pyjama FIannelette in fancy stripes same old cloth at same old price 35c yd.,, Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Mkh•t. — .Adeno Brits Scott & McBale Shoes for Mole Agent.* 'tip Top .Tailor.. We Offer at The Following Prices MEN'S OVERALLS Big B. Brand $1.75 MEW'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR per garment BOY'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR per garment BOY'S JERSEYS MEN'S SHIRTS, Collars and TIES RUGS BRUSSELS also TAPESTRY Half Price Half Price .75 .50 .50 BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank Salvation Ai'my Appeal The •Salvation Army Home Front appeal will, open September 18th and will continue for twelve days. The pbjebt is to raise one million dollars. In 400 towns, cities and villages, 30, 000 .voluirteerswill co-operate with 1.500 Salvation Army officers in making the appeal a success. Thd objective for Clinton is $500. Fur- ther particulars will be givejn later, Girls Auxiliary 'Changes Meeting N,ght The monthly business • melding of the Girls' Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening. It was. decided to meet regularly again' on Monday evenings. There is a rather large quota of hospital supplies and all the girls are urged to come up: each week and assist in this vitally important part of Red Cross work. The next meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. • 11th. STANLEY Mrs, John McGregor ` entertained on Wednesday, September 6th in honour of Mrs. Neil McGregor's eiightieth birthday. Old friends and neighbours were present to extend congratulations on this occasion. DEATHS aifealtEGOR--•Tn Detroit, Miele, on Monday,Sept. 4th, Mary Jane Currie, widow of the late Charles MIGregor, formerly of Goderich Red Shield The regular meeting of the Red Shield was.held in the Army Hall with 17 members. and 2 visitors present. The following donations are acknowledged; MTS. Potter, 2 babies _nighties; Mrs Swan,, lining for one quilt top. The collection amounted to $6.08. The next meet- ing will be held in the Army Hall, Anybody wiehing to make girls sweaters size 8 to 14 years are aslcgs to get in touch With Mr's, Chas. Elliott, Knitters are urgently needed to prepare knitted things, to' be used in the Rehabilitation Work. • Mrs. Thos. Leppington, convenor of thei puking committee, has ` re- ceived letters of thanks from the following Clintonians overseas; Pte. Rey H. Pickett, W. J. Benzo, Sgn. L. J. Brown, • Pte. C. E. Glidden, Spa R. McCabe, L. Cpl. R. F. Lep- pington, Cpl. Joe. Steely, Bch.. Fer- gus- McKay, Pte. W. C. Kennington, Spr. W. H. Gtdmore, Pte. Bruce Tacker, Pte. W. E. Steep, Pte, Ethel. Neilans, Pte. Morris Frame, Pte. Cecil E1leott and Clarence Neilans, R. C. N. V. R. V All Overseas Addresses The Girls Auxiliary wish to helma complete mailing list of ell. Clin- tonians in -the services overseas, and alI families in town are ::eked to give these addresses to Evelyn fall at the News -Record office, bele: e ;September 21st, The Net is for the purpose of mailing a Christmas` o eachone fro C 'township, wing overseas, #oft t f Ileton,. eeiv- r THE CANTON ' NQ School Make this store your headquarters for school supplies and text books G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE OHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" • Miss Pearl Elliott spent the week end with friends in London. • Miss Lois Connell was in Toronto last,week, the guest of Miss Peggy KiIty. Mrs. A. Moore of Detroit spent th week end with 'her brother, Mr. A. J. McMurray. Pte. A. B. Corless'is spending a leave with his wife and little daughter, Susan. Mrs. J. F. Thompson of Goderich' was a 'recent guest of Mr. and he CORD PCRSONALS Mrs, Beaton sport the week end with her d ug�later, 14lre. 0, 1!;, Moffat:, roar, Sarnia, Mies Gloria .11ione of '1'ot or VW -C. 011( ovri the weekend with olio. ;and Mr's, Lloyd Ferguson, , Mrs, Oliyer 'Duneun nod billy and Barbara of Grand Valley visited Mrs. Beaton last weelc. Mrs, 1V, 1', Hawkins and Mhos Made- leine Ilawkius spent the week end with relatives in Newton. stirs, Elizabeth, Walker, of Kitc'h- encr spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, George A, Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Mario -Love, Marilyn and' Shirley Odra the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ly lod Ferguson .Mr, Frank Tr'owsrrthe spent the pe wii3k With Mr, and Mr's. Hower Trewartha before returning t 'King-stateMr, and Mit, W. R, Hume and family of Milton spent the holiday and weekend with Mr. and Mee. T. R. Jenkins and relatives at Auburn: Mr. and' Mrs. Rawlings of Windsor and Mrs. MacDonald and daughter Beth, of Detroit were guests the past week of Mr., and Mrs. Dia Cornish. ` 1HJ RS,, SEPTI:. 7th 1914' FLOWERS Fir all Occasions DILL FOR SALE F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of FIorists Tel, Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone, 176 and 31 f Superior Store Mr. and Mrs. Sewter and family o Sarnia and Mrs. L. E. Ball an baby daughter of: Port Huron were week end guests of Mrs. G. H Elliott. Pte. W. Ferguson of the 48th High- "' lenders has returned to Cann Borden alter spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson. Mrs. E. J. Mcl3rien, who has been a patient in Clinton Hospital during the past seven weeks, is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Crich. Mr. and Mrs W. S. R. HoIrnes and Miss Gertrude Homles and Missn Pauline' Johnson of Londospent the week end and holiday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Claremee Green and daughter, Audrey' of Fort Erie were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, who returned with them and spent the holiday with thelm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, Jr. of Wilton Grove, who are on their honeymoon trip, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish, The e bride: was formerly Miss ,lean Rey of Zurich, Mrs. Orval Lobb. Cl Miss . Phyllis Ball and Miss Phyllis Craig spent the holiday with Mr. M and Mrs. Ed. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer• Murray and G little daughteraxe Gayle a h 1'd y ing with relatives in Kitchener Drayton and Harriston. Mrs. Gertrude Palmer and son Mas- ter Billy Cooper spent last weektn with the forer's sister, Mrs. Dore Dale of Hullett twp. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoggart and Mrs. Brown spent a few days with the fortner's -daughter, Mrs. C. McPherson of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopkins and daugh- ter, Diane, and Mrs,:Arnold Hill of Toronto were: week end' guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Myrtle Robertson and her two daughters, have recently returned after spending a Month in Mon- treal as the guests of Mrs. C. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston have: re- turned -home after a ten day visit at Fenwick, They 'were accom- panied •home by the latter's sister, Mrs. Nelson Brady. Lt. Omdr, Fletcher of the U. S. Coast Guard and, . Mrs, Fletcher and Lt. Hugh Flat het. and Mrs. Fletoher were .holiday guests of Miss SarahSionrane: Week end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Crich were; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Menden of Detroit, Miele, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Marian of Essex, Ont., and Ray Gibbings of Durham, Ont, Mrs. Elia M. Shaw of 13rigden,,;sis- ter of . Mrs-. •W. 13, Seeley, who underwent a major operation a week ego Monday in Sarnia Gen- eral Respite!, is progressing fav- ourably, Bar deter, Mrs, Seeley and sen, :lobby, have retuned from I3rigclon, - 24'. and Mfrs. M. '11. Cargess tepont Sunday at jeletnsry with Mr, end Mr's. ':'hamlet, Megert'lti, Fheh' on i Ivan, Who 15 repelled tnissip,g, was the nit'f/iimi5, In tire' bomber, r whirrs was cnlrtirinori by P.' O. a Alyi Melees.. )1 t;lllans, T}re batnbor' ;felled it to nettiru nfl,ttr nip anore•tlerrs in a HOLMESVILLE Mrs. Donald Beringer is visiting r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.'Me- inehey. School opened on Tuesday with, iss Fern Watson in charge. Miss Ruth Harris has taken a spo tion in Campbell's drug .storms 1 aderich. LIFE 'Yesterday We heard new voices In 'a sonbbrrd's, nest; Believed the Universe rejoices And felt God very near. Today We watched a tiger swallowtain ,Emerge from the cocoon Aa a moist crumble, dry Its waxen flakes and fly, Marselling at the efficiency Of the reefing of, eacdi colored sail Whieh God and time 'have taught, Tomorrow, • In shinny noon Shall we see again A songspar.'row bgattle An unarmed golden swallowtail In midair, Wanting as food only that small body, The mangled sails falling, Twisting, twirling Like flaming wings from a fairy plane, And be stricken to silence? Emily Leavens •If" you look at a grain of wheat you will see that it seems folded up; it has crossed' its arnns' and roll- ed itself up in a cloak, a fold of which forms a groove, and so gone to sleep. If you look at it some time, as people in the old enchanted days used to look into a mirror, or the magic ink; until they salty living figures therein, you can almost trace a Miniature human being in the oval of the grain. It is narrow at hn top, where the head would be, and broad ahross the shoulders, 'and :arrow again down 'toward the feet:.t tiny Oman or woman has wrapped hange round about with a garment 1 nd settled to slumber. Richard PHONE 111--.CLlNTON SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9 H1LLCREST TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25d AYLMER CHOICE PUMPKIN ige. tin 12e HILLCREST SHORTENING lb. 19a KELLOGG'S ALL WHEAT WITH Free Bowl 2 ige, pkgs. - 25e COWAN'S COCOA 1 lb. tin, 24e ', lb. tin lie SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER iS oz. tin 23e WHEAL BERRIES 5 lb, bag 't5e NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. „ „ 45c KEENS MUSTARD ?s lb. tin 27c WOODBURY'S SOAP 2 cakes , , 15e ORANGES, size 288s doz. 37e GRAPEFRUIT size 126s ,S for 19c LEMONS, size 360s 3 for Ile POTATOES, 15 lb. peck . , . , , 43c TOMATOES 11 qt. basket . , , , 50e 'i. B. THIIMPSUN ?roe Delivery A DOCTOR'S MORNING PRAYER O Lord, I offer up to you this day. Walk with me through its hours; show me, the way To draw froth • Your divinefess power to heal The sick, to lessen pain and grief,. to feel That I have brought thorn to the Mercy Seat So- they can lay their sorrows at Your fo(et, If I must stand aside and yield to ' Death, Let me at least comfort- that Leet - , Give me the courage to share with I those made weak By pain. Left me have love for thos SPECIALS VALUES FOR CATELLIS EGGWIJEAT NOODLES 2 pkgs. 25c CURLING DRIED PEAS 2 pkgs. 23c LIBBY'S VEGETABLE SOUP 3 Tins 25c vELVET';TA SEPTEMBER 8 and 9th WINGS . LEMON PIE,. FILLER 2 Tins:25a ViANQAMP'S QUICK SKRVE. BEANS pkg. `_ 10c CANADA SEAL HERRING 2 Tins 19ct (CHEESE. pkg.ODER. TOILET 210 SOAP 3 for 19e' AYLMER DEHYDRATED SUNBURY?S BLACK BEANS 2 Tins 15o, TEA x/2 lb. 35d: ROBIN HOOD QUICK~' — V1KrNG TOILET OATS pkg. 19c TISSUE roll 5"d GOLD MEDAL CHOICE' LYNN VALLEY PUMPKIN 2 .Tins 25c BEET GREENS tin 150° BENSO'N'S CH, ^TOMATO ' BRUNSSJWICK JUICE' 2 Tins 19c SARDINES 3 tins' 250 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS' AND VEGETABLES: ' PEACHES -- APPLES - PEARS —PLUMS — MELONS — CORN' PEPPERS .CABBA,GE' —.BEETS- —CARROTS —CAULIFLOWER CALIFORNIA LARGE 300's ONTARIO CHOICE' LEMONS 8 for 13c CELERY 2 for 19a MARSH SEEDLESS 125's ON7,lA,RIo CHOICE No. 1 GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c TOMATOES 3 lbs 140 CALIFORNIA SWEET 220's CALIFORNIA RED ORANGES doz.. 49a GRAPES lb. 25a !r�I C. M SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS - CLINTON NEW FURNITURE Is beginning to come in and will continue for some time as we bought extensively while on a Buying Trip at the Different Factories. There will be Bedroom, Dining Room, Breakfast Room Suites Cedar Chests End Tables, Coffee Tables, and Various other styles of tables. BALL & ZA PPE Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPPE Phone 110 Phone 108 STOVES Why not stop in now and buy the stove you are needing, Our supply will be limited. See our Clare Bras. Jewel and our Enterprise models. We also have a few new lines in stock. Clothes Baskets, Clothe Hoitse, .Square Tubs, and Clothes Wringers, Call in as soon as possible before our supply is depleted. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING WEEK END SPECIALS CLARICE'S CATSUP Fiovour .. 35c WHITE WINE or CIDER 'Vinegar gal. 50c PICKLING SPICES pkg, 5e GRAN. SUGAR 3 lbs. for ..,, 25c WHEAT PUFFS bushel ... , , , 45o R. C. MACARONI 3 pkg. 25e TOILET SOAP Lux, Camay etc 8 for 20e SHRI;DDIES 2 pkg. 25e KLEEN •— ZIT (the cleaner) 45e e NONSUCIf RUG WASH •.... 20c NONSUCH WINDOW Cleaneti' .16c ' FLY TOX or FLY SPRAY 25c --45e GRAPEFRUIT 126s 3 for ....25e Tit loneliness a;. friendship's staff Defend m From harm the babies. born: today And lend To me 'Your grace, that. all my Life • ;nay. stand Unblemished, stirong, nor built on changing sand; Sri -curdy wrought of all things good and true, A signpost that will point the way to You. Edith Tatum Literature is news that stays news. —Ezra Pound. • Every living 'language, like the perspiring bodies of living creatures, is in _perpeiival motion and latera - tion; some words go off, and become' obsolete; others are taken, in, and by degrees grow into common use; or the same word is invej•ted to.a new sense and motion, which in Tact ofi time makes' as observable a o in the'air and features of a angua•ge as age maks in the -lines nd mien of a face.—Richard Bent. ey; 1697. ,Tillie: *ferias. ( ORANGES AT 33c -30e --49e FRUITS and VEGETABLES NOTICE Garage to rent apply at Store. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buv a 'productive farm, send us particulars. • Possibly we can • assist you. through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated confidentially. fleirort&Erie MORTGAGE CORPORATION ` London Windsor Sit. Thomas ,Chatham' PHONE 244 SPECIALS AYLMER Quick Cooking De- hydrated beans per tin 5e SUPER SUDS. pkg. . 22e WALKERS Sodasle 2Gr 1 Ib. pkg. 154 CERTO bott OXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 3 tins 25e SUCCESS Paste Wax 1 ib. tin 32a CANADA SEAL Fresh Herring tion 10e PAULA. Sugar Sub. bottle . , 29e AYLMER Infant Food 8 Tins ..23e WHITE BEAR Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25e NUTRIM baby cereal large pkg. 493 READY CUT Macaroni 4 pkgs. 25e LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 bars .. 19e PUMPKIN Large tins 2 for , , 27e DEVON PEAS 20 oz. tin 15,. AYLMER Apple Juice 2 btls. .,ie CLARIC'S Assorted soups 8 tins 2,.e FRESH FRUITS - & VEGETABLES IN OUR MEAT COUNTER Fresh Wieners lb. 21e Fresh Sausages ib. .. ..,.. 25e Breakfast Bacon lb. 42e Balogna Ib, 24e Also a good assortment of cooked meats 19c. LB. tIrval , Free Delivery