HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-09-07, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 ' With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New No. 6113 67th YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 7th 1944 ���lRecor Era The New Era Est. 186? TIIE HOME PAPER: r NO UNADORED BEAUTY Can comnarein.attractiveness with the one wear., ill a necklace a locket a watch . a ring,bracelet or any other article or jewelry bought in this store. The priceswe leave to your own good judgment to say if it th not reasonable. W. H. HELLYAR JEWELER AND 'OPTOMETRIST RESIDENCE PHONE 174j New Materials For Fall and Winter Wear. In Our Piece Goods Depart- ment you will find a Large Sel- ection of Gorgeous New Mater- ials for your Home Sewing. "SHORTIES" The last word in Fall Coats, and we have a Number of Them To Show You, May we suggest that you make your choice soon to avoid disappointment. L R.R.V.IRWIN rIg ' FOR: SCHOOL Pen and Pencil Sets from $2.90 to $10.00 Dependablewatches for all ages. Some boy'si wrist watches from; $5.00 up subject to tax. We again have your favorite candlesticks in stoclg in the popular Grape design. Be sure to secure a. pair while they last. We also have a new supply of 'Cornflower Crystal including several lovely new pieces. We invite you to see these soon. W. N. COUNTER 11 Counters for; Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County 1 RED CROSS NOTES The Sept, meeting for Clinton Branch of the 'Red Cross Society will be held on Monday, lath at 3 p.m. Ori the council chambers. You are asked to attend. Canadian Red :Cross Services in France. Two days after Canadian Red Cross workers reached France they were delivering supplies ,to medical installations . in the for- ward area. " Greatest contribution . of Cana- dian Red Cross now and in future weeks:' are the sterilized surgical dressings. Over 600,000 of these have been delivered to field surgical and transfusion units and Casualty Clearing ,Stations on the Canadian sector of the front line. Use of Canadian' dried blood serum was witnessed by Captain D. M. Legate, Deputy Overseas Commissioner, re- cently returned to Britain, from the front. He saw the life of a young Highlander Bayed by the transfusion of dried sertun, makin' possible a deliciete chest operation, The pat- ient now maying a good recovery, had been given up; as hopeless. Canadian Red Cross welfare of- ficers in France provide comfort for patients and supplement the work of nursing sisters. Medical authorities are greatly impressed by the character and ability of these Canadian Red . Cross Corps mem- leers. v ,Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacons of Blyth wish to announce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Kathleen, M., to George L. Neil, son of Mrs. Neil, and the late Mr. Wel- lington Neil, of Kirkton. The mar- riage Will take place in September. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston of Bayfield announce the . engagement of their only daughter Doris Irene to Keith Arnott Leonard only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Leonard of Grenfell, Sask. The marriage, to take place at Church of . the Redeemer, Toronto, Sept, 30th. Legion Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will meet next Monday. A+ pot -luck supper will be held at 6.80. The. regular meeting will take place at 8.15. . V F. O. Bill Cook Still On Operations On Tuesday, August 29th The Guelph Mercury published an article, telling of some of the exploits of F. 0. Alvin C. Brandon of Guelph, who is with a Spitfire Squadron overseas. F.O. Bill Cook of Clinton was a spec- ial friend of F.O. Brandon. F.O. Cook is on, operational duty for the second time, having completed one tour of duty, visited his home on leave, and returned to thefront. v Mr. A. T. Cooper Travelled to Vancouver by T. C., A. A most thrilling experiences by Aeroplane is reported by Mr. A. T. Cooper, one . of our local merchants. On Thursday August 23rd he board- ed a Trans -Canada Aeroplane at 'Toronto, leaving there shortly after midnight and arrived in Vancouver, B. 0. at 1 o'eloekv Noon, after about 14 hours flying. A visit with friends followed and on August 30th he re- turned: by plane leaving Vancouver at 8 a.ns. Toronto time and arrived in Toronto at 11 p.ns. thej 'same evening. The altitude of the plane was about 8000 feet, except over the Rockies when they reached 11000 feet. Some idea of the extent of the B. C. Rockies can be imagined, whejn as Mr. Cooper says, it took 2%. hours going at over 200 miles per hour to fly over the Rockies. Meals' were served .on the plane and ne discomfort was felt by any of the passengers. Stops were tirade at North Bay, Winnipeg, Regina and Lethbridge, and passengers got out for a lithe change. Some idea of the popularity of this route may be seen from the fact that Mr. Cooper had to book his passage some 6 weeks in advance. Civic. Welcome Extended to F. 0, T. Cooke, D. F. C. A large erowdr.. both young and old were at the station last Friday when the noon train ca -me in, bring- ing home F. 0': Tom Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0, V. Cooke of town. The band from, No. 5 R.C.A.F. school was in atttindanee and led the pro- ceseion to the town hall where the mayor and council extended greetings to P. 0. Cookeand his parents. Mr. J. B. Butler, ,chairman of the Welcome} Horne Committee, in the opening remarks gave a brief resume of the service career of the guest of honor, einee his :enlistment in the R, C.A.F. in Niagara Falls in 1940. After receiving his pilot's;. wings at Camp Borden he acted as; flying in- structor in the west for some time. Recently he has been stationed in Icdland. In April he and his crew sank a 'submarine in the Atlantic, for which he received the D. F. C. 'A few weeks ago this crew sank anoth- er submarine. In his words of welcome), Mayor Agnew said he always considered Is. 0. Cooke as one of his bays, as he had .been a member of his Boys' Band, and he had watched hiin,come along. The mayor also spoke of the outstanding service achieved. by F.O. Cooke and the pride felt in him by his parents, broth* and sisters and friends and wished him luck. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha extended a few words of welcome to the guests of honor on behalf of the R41 Shield, To the people present she put a thought-provoking question. Are the service men going to come back to the old ways or are we going to educate orrselves to the real meaning of democracy? Thel men in the services have educated themselves in true democracy as they know no differences of race, colour or creed. On behalf of the Clinton Branch of the Red Cross, Mrs. (Dr.) W. rt.. Oakes extended greetings to F. 0. Cooke. Mr. Georgy McLay, manager of the Clinton Branch 'of -the Royal Bank, •said that he was certainly glad to welcome . "Tommie" back, even for such a short visit. He spoke of the association they had had to- gether as members of the same staff and on behalf of the Bank, he hoped the future had many good things in store for him. Rev. G. G. Burton represented the Ministerial Assoeiation of Clinton and aft* his words of greeting stated that the Church •should play animportant part in the post-war period. In concluding his remarks, Mr, Burton also congratulated F. 0. Cooke on his honors. Dr. J. W. Shaw and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha also expressed their plea- sure in being present on such an oc- casion. F. O. Cooke spoke a few brief words of thanks. Councillor Epps expressed apprec- iation for the co-operation shown by Wing Cm*, Patrick in permitting the Station Band to be present at the cermony. The meeting was brought to a close by the' singing of the National Anthem. v First Clinton Guide Coin. Mrs. K. Clydsdale of St. Marys, who is Commissioner for Huron County, acting for the Canadian Council of Girl Guides in Canada, will visit the Clinton• Guide Company. and the Brownie Packfor the cere- mony of cenrollment on Friday, September 15th. Brownies and Guides are the fu- ture WRENS and. WAACS of the peace era that we ]rope to win, and all Guides, their parents, and friends are invited to attend. The ceremony will be held in the :Scout Meeting Hall, beginning at 4.30 p.m. for the Brownie :enrollment, and at seven a o'clock in the evening for the Guides. Sixteen: lace] girls will. be enrolled as Guides and twelve as Brownies, who have) passed the required tests t entitling them to wear the badges and uniforms that are recognised and honoured in thirty-four nations. and under the direction of Lady Baden-Powell O.B.E., Chief Guide forthe or world. Bowling Club Two •rinks of trebles from the Clinton Bowling Club journeyed to Goderieh on Labor Day and played four games. "All came home with` a bag et flour, indicating that the local powlers, C. Draper, R. Sparling, R. Vodden, Lon Matthews, H. Steep' ani J. Sutter were winners.' V COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of Council was held in Council Chambers.at 8 pan. on Tuesday evening, Sept. 5. A11 members w*e present. Mayor Agnew was in the 'chair. A letter from Constable D. Elliott was read and it was moved -motion one. Communications received from the R.OA.F. Station, Clinton, Victoria Hospital, Mrs. Grace Tannin., and the Dept. of Municipal' affairs were read for information. An Announcement with reference to a Post War Safety Program from the Ontario Safety League was read and it was moved -Motion 2. An application for permit to build a frame dwelling was received from James Walker- Motion 3. A communication from the eeme= tery Supt..Mr. M. McEwan was read. This was relative to the ,mat- ter mat -ter of labor supplied by the town during the current year and it is to be deplt with at a later meeting of Council. The Council waited on a depute.- tion epute tion from the Cowper Street area, and Mr. W. D. Carter and Mr. Zer- back made an appeal for street re- pairs. Reeve Falconer, for the 'stree't committee, stated gravel would be provided this fall. The Citizens' Sewerage Committee represented :by A. J. McMurray, Dr. J. W. Shaw and Frank Fingland were present at this meeting.- Mr. McMurray presented the statement of the result of the recent Canvass. Dr. Shaw spoke concerning the matter of the Health Aet, and water consumption. Mr. Fingland. Bari- Zed some of the paints of Industrial Corporations' right to appoint nominees for a' vote, some of the technical by-laws, and the maximum. debenture term. The result of the canvass appeared very favourable. Councillor Epps reported -the lev- elling and• clearing up at the park. and again urged that no more street refuse be dumped in that locality. This latter question was left to the street committee. 7n. reporting for the Street com- mittee Reeve Falconer stated the matter of some paving near the pumps' at the Layton Garage by the Oil Company has been post-poned for the present. The Reeve stated 250 yds, of eravel were ordered'for certain repairs necessary. including Cowper r Street ar a. t ' p e At his norm Councillor Crich -referred to the condition of the open Glitch tree Mrs. 8'. Livermore and the ditch near David Dales. Councillor Butler, in reporting for the Property Committee, stated the weigh scales had been repaired. Councillor Trewartha spoke is. the matter of increased and adjust - tient, of the Assessment, and as .ac- cording to a former meeting of council,; the court of Revision . com- mittee are to meet the assessor. Councillor Trewartha read the Finance . Statement for August; and moved its adoption. which was sec onded by Councillor Crich, Reeve Falconer eineed the adjournment. Motions: Moved by Stip"-Seconded by Brown that Constable Dave 'Elliott be granted one week's, holiday with pay, commencing on Sept. 18. Cvieh-Trewartha -- That council authorize our Chief of Police to serve on a Provinve-Wide Safety Committee having foe its objective the control and reduction of traffic ccid'ents on our streets and • high- ways. Shaddiek-Crich '-: That applica- ions for permit to erect a dwelling on Ontario Street between` Kirke and East streets at a cost of about $900.00 be granted las. A. Walker.) Falconer -Butler That Council approve the payment of $5,20 to Ed. Hodge. and $9.20 to B. John- son due to being underpaid. 10 cents] per hour during July, Butler -Falconer - That Mayor and Council extend a vote of thanks to W./C. Patrick, 0,13.E. and Band I' for coming to Clinton on Sept. lst. •- Brown -Epps - That Council ap- prove the transfer of tobacco and i V Wolf Cubs. • The. Wolf Cubs, The First Clinton, Lions Wolf Curb Pack, will meet at. the Scout hall on Thursday at 7 p.m. All Cubs are urged to be present:. Canvass of Town Shows Majority in Favor of Sewerage System. The recent canvass of the home - holders of Clinton regarding the proposed sewage plan was were, suc- bessful. Three hundred and three reported bathe already installed, one hundred and eighty three •reported no bath rooms. Four hundred and seven were in favour of the sewage plan and twenty-seven were opposed: To the question; "Would a cellar floor drain be an asset in your house?" three hundred and twenty-five answ- ered in the affirmative and fifty-two in the negative. In their report to the council the committee recommended that council take the necessary steps to prepare the By -Law. Following are some of the remarks gathered by the canvassers; "very much in favour", "sure glad to vote for it as we have needed it for yektrs" "we think it would be ,a grand thing for our town", "eau not come too soon" "willing to accept anything like that for the good of the town"" "not in favour until the town is eq- ually assessed", ."not in favour until commercial rates of water are adjust: - ed", "cost too much". The canvass revealed a general' acceptance of the idea that a selwage` system is essential for the future. welfare of the citizens of Clinton. Cigarette License no 121, date of Lieut, Owen Combe Killed. In Action Colonel H. B. Combe and Mrs„.. Combs received word on Wednesday' morning that their only son Lieut. Owen Combe was killed in action ire France on August 27th. . Lieut Combe was well known irr Clinton and Vicinity, having been born here and; received' most of his education in the Clinton P'ublie , School and Clinton Collegiate Insti- tute. He also attended Trinity Col-• lege School in Port Hope, Before going overseas about a year ago Lieut. ‘Combe had been interested in many matters pertain- ing to civic affairs. In order to has- ten his transfer to overseas duty,, he reverted from the rank of Capt.. which he held, while in Canada. Surviving :besides his parents are• two sisters, Mrs. Fletcher Troop and' Miss Agnes at home. Sincere sym- pathy is extended to, the family. V AMONG TIIE CHURCHES" Presbyterian Church o'cMornlock,ing se'viee at 11.00 o'clock: Sunday School will be held at 10.00+ .August 21, 1944 from 11 L. Stephen- son to John R. Butler, Street B. Johnson, moving weeds .... 8.00 P. Roweliff mowing weeds .. 12.95 F. Watt removing trees .75 Wm: Fulford, cleaning streets 5.00 F. W. Kirby, prep & lettering signs 4.50 D. Elliott, lumber' for stock scales 18.67 G. Proctor, sharpening mower ...90 Co. of Huron, Power Grader .,95.00 Street Lighting P. 'U. C. Lighting Streets 215.22 Property P. U. C. Lighting Town Hall .. 9.01 P. U. C. Lighting Stock Scales' .75 Mts. L. Tidetwell Care of R. R. 5.00 A. T. Cooper Case of paper ..,.5.00 Albert' Carter Stock scales rep. 2.00 S. & P. small Hardware 1,33 Hawkins, small Hardware , , .95 Cemetery M. McEwan Salary 65,84 Wm. Cook mowing grass and hauling water 9.60 Ed. Steep 171hrs 67.36 • Park W. Burton Man & Team 1.60 Wd. Cook Mowing grass and grading 11.50 Dry Earth Closet A. Fulford Salary , 70.00 Police Protection Bruce McDougall Salary . , , , 88.33 D. Elliott Salary 75.00 Salaries M. T. Corless Salary N, Rented? Salary Hospitalization Co. of Huron Indigent patient 82.82 Postage and Stationery G. R. Mealwan Postage, Cash Boole Wesley Willis and Supplies , , .... , ... , .. 21.70 The W.M.S. will meet at the how - Insurance oe Miss L. Brigham on Thursday,. Dominion of Canada Guarantee Sept. 14th. at 8 o'clock. Miss Brig•.. & Aced. 'Co. (G. Roberton) ham's grpup will be in charge. St. Paul's 11.00 a.m. Morning Service. The Rector. 7.00 p.m, Evensong. Rev. M. A. Hunt, : Exeter. Little helpers Service Saturday,. 8.30 p.m. 83.33 An open melding of the W. A: • 50.00 will be held in the Rectory on Tues- day afternoon when Rev. R. Hern of Varna will speak. Fire Truck 'Prem,Wesle - ilh 45.88 W s Church y General Municipal Exp, Sunday, September 10: 11.00 a.nr... Bel]. Telephone Co. General , , , .9,42 Divine Worship. Subject: Our Peace•• Postmaster Counter Excise Stamee 12.10 p.m. Church School. 2.04 7.00 p.m. Divine Worship. Subject' Signs. Receipts The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis Stock Scales 29.40 Church will meet at the home of Mrs; Cemetery 116.25 gyngey, on Tuet day evening, Sept -- ember 12th,' at 8 so'clock. Mrs. Brit -- 145.65 ton will be the speaker. V Baptist Church LOCAL ITEMS Bible School at 11 o'clock. Come Rar Scout meetings will start study God's word. The evening wor- egui Tue Clay evening, September 12th ship will be withdrawn as the pastor at 7 o'clock. will be at Auburn at 7,30 bringing.. an Anniversary message. Rev. 3:. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Fitzsimmons Janes of Goderieh will bring the - received an airmail letter from their. other anniversay .message at 3 p.ni.. son. Norman, who is in France, on All are urged' to be with the ;Anhurrr" Friday. The letter was dated Aug. people. 29th and` took only three Jaye to This holiday will ' enable you to come. visit other congregations. Read'• Hebrews 10:2.4.25. The Huron L.0.B.A. 377, will hold, their first: .meeting on Tties•day- Ontario Street United Chursli evening• September 12th in the lodge 10.00 a.m. Sunday School. moor. Will all members plan' to at All members to attend: Memorial" tend. service for the late William Walker, Superintendent of School' formany' years. • 11.00 a.m. Ontario Street Congre-• - V - Softball News gation to worship for first Sunday The Clinton Army softball team after Union Services. • went to Goderieh last Friday night. Topic: "The Still Small Voice" of to play against the Goderieh Army the Old' Testament or "A Sound of. team. Goderieh won by a narrow the Rushing mighty Wind of the margin -8-7. Batteries. for Goderieh New Testament." were: Medd and Bissett and for 2.00 pan. Note} change of time of Clinton; Kennedy and. Miller. service from morning to afternoon. The Clinton Army team met Han- Turner's Church,. Township of Tuck- over Transport team on Tuesday ersmith. night. The score was 30-28 in favour 7.00 p.m. Topic: How far are you of the Arny. prepared to go with your idea of Batteries for Hanover Transport Brotherly love?' As to your neigh were; Finch, Chas : Johnson and Ed- boor -As to our enemies? Does wards and for the Army; Len Fowler the flame of Bate affect your heal>• and Clarence Cooper. th? What would Jesus do?