HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-08-31, Page 5ArHURS.,. AUG. -gist, "1944
Mrs. (Rev.) R. J. Ros;' of Wal -
'pole Island, near Thamesville spent
the week end with Mrs. John Arthur.
Mrs. John :Houston spout a few
days last week with relatives in
Mrs. Stanley StrasseroP Sault
Ste. Marie is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Craig.
Mr, and Mrs. W. II, Sheppard and
Tom, of Blenheim were renewing
acquaintances ;here on Saturday.
Mr. and Ms. A. P. Walker of
Toronto visitedwith friends. Here
last week. Mrs. Walker was formerly
Carrie MacKenzie.
Miss Ruth Arthur of London is
holidaying with her ' mother, ' Mrs,
-John Arthur.
Mr. Wm. Mellwain received
word" of the death of his youngest
brother, Alexander (Sandy) Mall
whin, of Grand Forks, Minnesota.,
•"Mr. A. Mellwain was killed, but no
details have been forwarded.
Miss Josephine Weir is visiting
her =cousin, Miss Christine Robert
son of Whitby, at the C. A. Robert-
son' farm in Colborne township.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Lawson spent
the week end at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henry of Wind-
qor, spent the week end with Mr.
".'Henry's sister, Mrs. Chas. Scott and
Mr, Scott.
Mait. Allan is confined to his
home with an attack of rheumatic
"lever. •
Mr. Billy Kruse of Galt spent a
few days with his uncle and aunt;
Mx. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson.
Mr. Chas. , Nevins of Woodstock
spent the week end at his home here.
Miss Betty McNee, of Goderich is
visiting Miss Betty Asquith.
Donald Ross spent a couple of
days last week with friends 'at, Bruce
Mr. Glen Patterson is visiting his
sister, Miss Elsie Patterson, of To-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washington
have returned to Kirkland Lake
after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby were
taken by surprise on Saturday when
friends and relatives gathered " to
honaur them on their 25th wedding.
anniversary. Those present were
Mrs. John Raithby, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Raithby and family, Mr. and.
.Mrs. Wm. Haggitt and Donna. Mrs.
Edna Gowan and Joan Killough, Mr.
Lloyd Johnston, Miss Leppington
Mrs, Robert Wightman. It was on
August 26 that Alfretta Killough
niece of the ]ate John Hoare was
united in marriage to Earl Raithby,
elder son of Mrs. John Raithby. The
officiating clergyman was Rev.
Millson of Auburn Methodist Church,
The evening was spent in playing
games and singing songs. Following
theentertainment, a poetical address
• composed by Frank Raithby was
read and theguests of honour were
presented with a lovely silver basket
also twenty-five' beautiful asters.
Mr. Raithby replied in a fitting
manner, after which a sumptuous
lunch was served.
Mrs. Ed. Trewartlia spent a few
days last week with her daughter,
Mrs. Kenneth Langford of Woodham.
Miss Phyllis McClinchey visited a
few days at the home of her friend
Miss Isobel Hymer of Donegal.
John, Billy and Bobby Acheson of
Lindsay who were holidaying •at
Gode'rieh visited their Grandparents
Mr. and Mrs, John Harris last week.
Our deepest sympathy, goes I out
to Mr. Milton Weeds and family in
the .loss of a dear wife and Mother.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
• Stewart Miner who were married on
Assgust 19th. Mrs. Miner before her
• marriage was Miss Cora Trewartha
of Holmesville.
. Rev. and, Mrs. Tavener , have as
their guest her sister Miss Cousins
of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frester vis-
ited friends around Holmesville last
• week.
Mrs. McMath is spending a few
° relays in .Toronto this week.
Miss T?hyllis Middleton returned
to Stratford on Sunday after spend-
ing a. week at Lake View House in
Grand Bend..
Miss Marilsas• Gray of. Millbank
was a Sunday guest with 1Vir. and
Mrs. John Middleton.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrsm Fred Middleton and family have
been Phyllis Johnson of Goderich;
Margaret McNaughton of London;
Boyd and Mae Taylor ,of Blyth and
Carol $parting of Clinton.
Man endures pain as an undeserv-
ed punishment; woman accepts it as
a natural heritage. Author, unid-
Mr. Arthur Brunsdon and his son,
Douglas, Assiniboia,; Sask., are with
the former's another, Mrs.. Wm.
Mrs. Laura .Sundereoek and Bobby
returned home on Friday after
spending a month with her sister,
Mrs Bedford at Sault Ste, Marie.
Misses M. Ross and R. Shaddicl:
are holidaying at Goderich.
Mrs, Wm. Lyon -;spent the week
end with friends in Exeter.
Miss B. Kirk is in St. Thomas,
attending the summer School at
Alava College.
Mrs. Grierson, Sunderland and Mr.
and Mrs. Jones and famnily St. Tho-
mas, are with Mi. and Mrs, J. Fing-
There will be service in the United
Church next Sunday at 10 a.m. Sept.
8rd. •
The Red Cross' will hold ` ,;their'
monthly meeting on Thursday Sept.
There will be a dance in the Com-
munity Hall Friday night Sept. 1.
The ladies will serve lunch. Proceeds
for the 'boys boxes overseas.
Mrs. Robert Fairservice David and
Ann are spending ,the week end in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning, Gail
and June, and Mrs. Margaret Mann-
ing, spent the week end with friends
in Toronto.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, 1Vira. Chas.
Watson and' Fern are with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Lyon at Whorndale.
Mrs. E. Fraser, High River, Alta,
and Mrs. Harris, Londolh spent a few
days with Miss L. Young last week.
Mr. D. S. Dawson, London, and
Mr. and Mrs. Tyreman, Blyth are
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fairservice.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Snelling and
Ruthie, Bayfield are with Mrs. Dan.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Cleve and
daughter, Helen of Brampton visited
at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph
Youngblut last Saturday.
Miss ''Margaret of Fergus is
holidaying at present at the .home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Miss Ellett Fremlin of Hensall
spent last week end with Miss Olive'
Miss Dorothy Henderson of Thorn -
dale has returned home after spend-
ing a few days with Miss Olive
Mr. and Mrs.. Harvey Chutor of
Harriston spent Sunday with the
former's parents, gr. and Mrs. E.
Mrs. W. Fee of • Seaforth is a
guest at the home of her sister, Mrs.
M. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott of
Windsor are holidaying at their. re-
spective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton who spent
the ,past donth with the lady's sis-
ter, Mrs. M. Elliott and family have
returned to their home in Califor-
Miss Annie Foote of Detroit is
spending her holidays at the home
of her brother Mr. A. Foote and Mrs.
Foote, also a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. D. Anderson and Pearl.
Mr. end Mrs. Nelson Reid and.
daughter Mary in company with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Murray and little June
spent a few days at Niagara during
the past week.
Harvest Thanksgiving service will
be held in St. John's Anglican
Church on Sunday; Sept. 10th at
7 o'clock pan. Rev. Watts of the
M. S. C .C. Toronto will be the guest
speaker. Mr. Watts is a returned
missionary ,from Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ings• of Lon-
don were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Ings during the past
week. ..
Mrs. Ferguson . and children of
Sudbury visited last week at the
horse of her. parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
N. 'Elliott. and family. •
Sunday Sept. 3rd being the fifth
anniversary of the beginning of the
war it will be observed as -a day;; of
prayer throughout the Dominion by
orders of the King.
Mrs, R. Bricker, Daviel and Susan,
who have spent the Summer at
, T.ansford Lake, Vancouver Island,
B. C. arrived ;on Thursday to .spend
the remainder of the vacation with
her parents Rev. and Mrs. H. M.
Langford at their cottage.
Miss Loan Westlake of Hespeler.
was home over the week end.
Mrs, Waiter Grierson and baby
Charles returned to their home in
Waterloo on: Monday after having
visited ]rex aunt, Mrs.;F..A. Edwards.
Pte. Ellen MacKay, C.W..A.C., Pas-
tal Corp, London, was home over the
week end.
A.C. 2 Billy Johnston, Toronto and
Miss Helen Orr :: of • Windsor were.
the guests of .the forme -es aunt, Mrs..
Malcom Toms, ove'r' the week end.
Mrs. Wm. Parker and two sons,
Billy and Bobby, spent last week in
Mr. and Mrs. Widcombe, Miss
Mary Widcombe, Allain Pye and.
family and Mr. and Mrs.;, Sam Wid-.
combo of Windsor are spending a
week in Pearson's cottage.
Mrs. J. Mahar and Barbara and
Master Billy Brent retnaned to Lon-
don, on Thursday of last week with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs., W. J.
Mrs. W. M. Purves accompanied
by the Misses Purves who have been
her guests this summer at the Met
ealf-Miller Lodge left this week for
Birmingham,. Mich."
Miss Beverly York, is visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Chapman have
returned to London after having
spent the season' at their cottage.
Wren Dorothy Ann MacLeod who
has been a patient at Christie St.
Hospital, Toronto, has been spending
some leave with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod.
Mr. George Hopson has purchased
the store .and lot on Main St. which
formerly .belonged to the late Mrs.
M. Ross.
Dr. 'Allan McAndrew returned to
Toiwnto on Tuesday after having.
been the guest of ` Prof. and Mrs..
James+R. Scott for a few days. Miss
Jean Boggs of Montreal was also
their guest over the week end.
Mr. and MTs. Quentin Hallman and.
family of New Dundee spent' Mon-
day with Miss M. C. Reid.
A4396 Cpl. Johnston,
12th C. A. R. H. Q. Sqd.
Central Med. Forces,
Canadian Arany Overseas.
Dear Mrs. Prentice;-
Well here I am at last with a few
lines to let you know that I am in
the best of health and hope that this
finds you the same back there.
I received a letter from • you to-
day, one you mailed on June 24th so
that was very good time. I am sorry,
you have not been getting more let-
ters from me but we have been quite
busy lately and I never had' a chance
toweite just as often as I should
have, but I guess you will know (tow
it is. I was sorry to hear .that ,Toe
Wild was wounded in France and I
sure hope it was not bad. I guess it
was plenty tough there by what I
hear and I' sure hope that it is all
over with soon, as I am getting sick
and tired of it.all. And to think that
I have been away from Canada over
three years, I have never seen any-
nyone that I know from the time I
left but I guess there is quite a few
of the boys down here from back
• Well, I received that box you
sent me for Easter and it was packed
by Maude Weston and the cake •was,
from Norma • Sturgeon. It was very
nice of them to send it and thanks
a lot. I am still receiving the 300
cigarettes you are sending and
thanks a million for everything.
Well, it is just about lunch time now
and I am just • about out of news for
this time. So Cheerio for this time.
As always,
Your Friend
there that I know.
Write again some time.
July 19, 1944
B80406 Pte. K. Gemeinhart,
2 C. A. B.
(No, 84 Coy) R. C. A. S. C.
W./S. C. A. 0. B.. L. A.
Dear Maybel;— •
I'm sorry I haven't answered your
last letter but it wasn't all ixy
fault. You. see our mail was cut off
before "D" day and then it was sent
over here (France). When I arrived
here`( had quite a lot waiting for me.
J Have been here plenty long enough
to answer thein all. With all the ex-
citement and• work, •S' have quite a
Unit settling down to write. This
country really disappointed Inc.; The
population is very small, at Least
here, and they do' talk French. There
is no plade to spend money except.
for stamps. We have a picture 'show
a few hundred yards away for fun.
We have a few boys in the platoon
that speak French. and they help us
to get along.
If I remember sight,( never mail-
ed 'the last 'card' that came in the
cigarettes. I`will thank all for them
now and I appreciate them more
than ever.
I lust close now as I cannot thinly
of anything elseto say. I hope to
be seeing you soon.
Bye now
P. S. I suppose sou lenow what the
B. L. A. stands for British Libera-
tion Army, Jimmie.
Mr. and bit's. Robert McKenzie of
Port Huron, Mieh.,,; are visiting at..
the home' of Mrs. Fred'MeElwdn,
Mi. and Mrs. Elton Schnell of De -
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 661
Batkins Locker Storage
Try us for a good 74 of Beef or
half of 'Ii,
eph's Church, Clinton on Saturday
-August,26th, Helena, Pope of Clin-
cz N'rw11
Now Playing — 'Anne Baxter i s
Now Playing Ann Miller in "HEY
Now Playing — Tallulah Tallulah Bank-
head ;In "LIFEBOAT"
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
• Ginger Roger,' ,Ray Milland and
Jon Hall:
Teasing, tantalizing, captivating :
Ginger at her best in the Tech- .
nicolon sensation.
Mon. Tues: Wed.
Danny Faye, Dinah Shore and
Dana Andrews-
Gobs of gals, gags and guffaws
in this igrand new Technicolor
Mon. Tues, Wed.
Rita Hayworth, Gene Kell and
Sid Silvers pls the Covert Girls
and some other iricl "-scenic ef-
' Teets in the Technicolor hit shoal
Thur. Fri." Sat. Dual Features' '
" Donald •'O'Connor, Gloria Jean
and Pegga Ryan,'
Get'in the groove with youth' as
watch these .syncopating, rejuven- :
ating juvenile stars, in
Also- The world's wizards of my-
FACES DEAT 1 ' Starring Basil
• Rathbone and Nigel Bruce.
Thur, Fri. a d Sat
Walt Disse 's iniazhortal master-
ieec returns in• a tris rnplmal 1.o-
vival of charas and entertainment
Thur. Fri, and Sat.
Britain's bumblingUKomedian:
runs into a .mess of grief and
SING" with Dorothy Lamour.
Coining— ',— "SHINEON T HE
C'osning•. -- "LIF'EBO'AT" &
Matinees — Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30
Sat. & Hol. at 2.30
' He who .makes wise use of nmo=
m'ents is a genius of prudence.
Thefamily of the late Mrs. Ezra
Pickard wish to thank their friends
and neighbours very sincerely for
their many 'acts of kindness during
their recent bereavement. They wish
to thank particularly Dr. Addison,
Rev. G. G., Burton,. pallbearers and
(flower bearers; also' those who sent
cards, beautiful floral tributes and
Samuel McCaffrey of London. loaned ears.
PICKARD--In Clinton on Sunday,.
August 27th, EIizabeth Jane Hui-',
Ica, 'wife' of the late Ezra Pickard,.
in her 81st year, ;
troit are spending a few days with
Mrs. Edward Schnell; who is return-
ing with them to Detroit.
Mr. Walter Morley of Bloomfield
Hills, Mich, was the guest of his
sister, Miss Lillian Morley, "Birch-
cliff" last week.
Capt. A. C. MaeNeil of Denver,
Colorado, was the gudst of Prof.
Lloyd C. and Miss M. Hodgins at
"Stonehaven" last week. Mrs. Mac-
Neil and son Hugh who accompanied
hint are spending this week with
her brother and sister before return-
ing to their home in Cleveland.
Mrs. W. A. Mack and children of
Orillia are visiting her sister, Mrs.•
J. M. Atkinson.
Irvine Pease •of London was a
guest this week at the home of
Mrs. C. Berry.
Keith Brandon of London is holi-
daying this week at his home in the
Mrs. Morley Hart, Helen
and Ronald of Toronto are visiting
Boarders Wanted
Room and board for two working
girls.. Apply to News -Record office.
Thirteen 2 year old ewes, Leices-
ter, Leicester -Oxford cross. Apply
Henry Aldwinkie, 622r22, Varna.
Registered Comr For Sale
One extra choice registered Jersey
cow, 10 years. Due to freshen Oct.'
25. This cow is quiet and reliable.
Apply to Thomas 11. Leppington, cor-
ner .North and Spencer Sts.,' Clinton
Bedroom suite, 3 pieces, not
modern but in good condition. $20.00
or best offer, Apply News Record
office. 12-1
Pup: For Sale
.A. Terrior Pup for sale
thoroughly. trained, and a beauty,
male. Robt. 'Elliott, phone 263. 12-1
Efficient andreliable bookkeeper,
stenographer with five years exper-
ience requires full or part time work
Good references. Phone Clinton 7.
Mrs. Bart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE
Geo. Ring. •
Mrs. Malcom Tours entertained
the neighbours of the immediate
vicinity at euchre on Monday even-
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs, George
Elliott and son, Billy, who leaves to-
day to make their home in Hensall
During the eyening, Mrs. Grant
Turner read the following address:
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and Bill:
We your neighbours have gathered
here to -night to spend a social hour
neiore your departure, We feel we
cannot allow you to leave without a
few words expressiveof the regard
which we have always had for you
and to -wish you happiness and suc-
cess in. your .new home.
It is with the greatest pleasure
we look back on the fifteen years of
neighbourly friendship. We have
always found yott kind,friendly and
ever willing yto co-operate with us in
greatly missed by the adults- as well
las the ounger set. We feel that our
loss is the other fellow's gain. ,
(We ask you to accept. these small
tokens of sincere friendship. May
I God. bless 'and keep You through the
• 5 acres of Corn. •I mow of Hay
Corn could, be put in the silo and
Corn and Hay feed in the barn. Owing
to illness I am not able to handle
the same. E. W. Morrison
11 -2
Five roomed frame house on Alb-
eat Street, town water, quarter' acre
of land. For further particulars
apply to Frank Fingland or J. W.
McCool, Londesboro • 11-tf.
One good work horse. Apply Wil-
red Collinson, Auburn, R,R. 1 or
Blyth Phone 18.
Clearing Auction
September 7, 1944,
Clinton on No. 8
about 1 ton; aged
COWS—Registered Holstein cow
iri calf; black cow just bred; 2 co'
milking. 7 •calves. -
PIGS --A pair of • young sows to
litter last of September.
Sale, Thursday
lift mile east of
8 yrs. old weighs
horse. Both very
years to come. " . IMPLEMENTS -- Deering Binder
I - Signed . 7 ft• cut, ingreed condition; Frost Sr
Your Neighbours". Wood Mower,. ,6.. ft. cut; 18 -disc
Mrs. Percy Weston then• presented seed drill with. foot board and back;
a table lamp to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. 13 spring tooth eultivator;.
Elliott and a 'tie -to Bill. The reeips'stiff tooth cultivator; with tractor
rents expressed', • their.: thanks and hitch;; team': corn cultivator; set of
3 -section Harrows; peg' crate; draw
I It is with regret that the many I bar for 2 sections of Harrows; low
friends 'and . patrons of Mr. George all -steel waggon; waggon with 15 ft.
Elliott see • the family leave Bay- rack; 161/ ft. hay rack, with sliding
field. Mr. Elliott has been an active rack; hay loader (Deering); 8 fork
member of St. Andrew's United M. H. hay lidder; 10 -ft. horse rake;
Church and Mrs. Elliott was the ef- C'ockshut single riding plow; Port-
ficient treasurer of ;the Red Cross land Cutter, in • bood ' condition; bag
Society for four years, Mr. ;Elliott truck; Cream separator; 10 gal
has purchased the grocery business milk can; 4 in. heavy rubber belt
of Miss Scott in :Hensall and will 30 ft. double; 6 in. belt 12 ft. double;
continence business there the: first a number of small :belts; circular
of October. We wish him, , success. saw; 2 -wheel trailer with stook rack;
We welcome to the village Mr. a number of pulleys y ditching spade;
and M s. Lawrence Stephenson of 5 acres corn; .mow of hay; quantity
Clinton, who take over the Elliott of tools; set of ,heavy harness; num-
.General Store on 'September the 'bey of horse collars; host of other
First and wishtheme ssccess. 1articles too numerous to. mention,
Mr. Donald 'Cameron ots•Detroit and Quantity of household furniture.
• Miss Ethel', Cameron of Northville TERMS CASH
are visiting the formers. sister Miss E. W. MORRISON,.'Prop...
Elizabeth Cameron.
But as many as received Him (Jesus) to them gave he
Power to Become the Sons . of GOD,
even to theta that believe on His name: John 1:12
"Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 p.m. E. D. S. T.
On mutual networks — Sundays' — Local Station -- O'IQLW. Windsor
Chas.. E. Fuller, P. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California
Seedtime and Harvest
We have always taken these words for granted.
We depend on them and on those whose job it:i
to sow and to reap.
Bartliff's Bakery
Have endeavored to sow the seeds of DEPEND
ABILITY in their production. of Bartliff's Bread;:.
and a large variety of tasty . Baked Goods. Our
'proud aimis to always supply you with the best oI
goods along with efficeint, courteous service.
For Sale
Chesterfield and chair, wine color,
and one green chair, also six piece
breakfast suite, ivory enamel trimnm-
ed. with .red. Phone 131W Hen-
sall 11.2
For Sale
18 Young breeding ewes and; a
pure bred Oxford ram: Apply to R.
B. Cole. R.R. 3 Clinton, phone 906-24
0f Farm Stock, in Goderich Town-
ship, on Blue Water Highway 1 mile
north of Bayfield, on Monday, Sept.
4th, at 1 p.m.
COWS —..1 Holstein cow, 8 years
old; 1 Polled Angus cow, 7 years old;
Cemetery Memorials
Large stook of modern memorials on
display at our
Clinton Showrooms
For the convenience of our patrons,
office will be open on
Open by appointment at any other
See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door
Cunningham & Pryde 1
Clinton — Exeter Seaforth 1
Seven pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply,
John Smith, Varna. Phone 626r41.
1 Jersey cow, 4 years old; 1 Durham. Wanted To Purchase
cow, 5 years old; 1 Durham heifer pullets eight weeks of age and
fresh; .2 heifers, due to freshen Oct. older. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire,.
1; 1 2 -year-old heifer, 1 2 -year old and White Leghorns, Good Prices',
steer, 1 farrow cow, 5 yearlings, 3 paid., Write Tweddle Chick Hatcher -
spring calves. ies Limited, Fergus,;. ario, 06-5
PIGS — 6 York sows due from 1st -•
of Oct. to Dee. 35 York chunks, from For Sago
75 to 100 lbs. 150 acres in Stanley 'township 11
SHEEP -• 15 Dorset sheep, 1 Dor- (miles west of Varna, on Bayfield
set ram. Terms Cash. ' Road, good brick house large steel
S. J. V. CANN, Prop., Harold Jaek- ;'barn, never failing well, water iw
son. Auctioneer; B. P. Ohesney, Glerlclhouse and barn. 8 acres of good
bush, hydro available and ' priced
reasonable for immediate possession.
Apply to Louis E. Taylor, Varna,
Ont. 09-tf,
Farm Stock and Implements
R. II. Leishinan has instructed the
undersigned to sell by public auction
at Lot 15, Concession 2, Hulled Twp.
at 2 o'clock sharp the following
'HORSES' -- Bay mare, 8 yrs. old,
with foal by side. Gray mare, 11yrs.
CATTLE — Ayrshire cow, 7 year
old, fresh; Red,: cow; ::11yrs; old du
in Feb; Black heifer, rising 3 yrs
fresh; Blue cow 8 yrs. due`tn March
Holstein heifer, rising 3' yrs;; . Red
heifer, 3 yrs. due in March;' Red
heifer, 3 yrs, due in April; Blue cow,
5 yrs. fresh; Black heifer rising 3
yrs., due in April; Black heifer with
calf by side; 2 Polled angus. heifers
9 and 10 hundred;°4 Hereford heifers•
rising 2 yrs.; 2 .Hereford steers, ris-
ing 2 yrs. Hereford bull, 13 months
old; 8 Spring calves; 3 Young calves.
PIGS — 20 shoats, 50 lbs.; 14 pigs,
7 and .9 weeks old; York sow due
Sept. 10; York sow due Nov, lst;
York sow, due Dec. 1st.
POULTRY' — 150 Jersey,• White
Giant pullets from Government in-
spected blood tested stook.
IMPLEMENTS — Farm wagon;
set sleighs; Frost :& Wood hay rake
10 ft.; 2 walking plows; 2 -furrow
gang plow; cutter; Set 2000 ib. scales
set double harness.
Terms — Cash
R. H. LEISHMAN Proprietor
The Administratrix of the estate of
Edward V. ' Lawson will offer for
Tale by. public auction,. at the pre -
On Saturday, September 2nd 1944
at the hour of 2 p.m.
Lot 89, Maitland Concession, Town-
• ship of Goderich, situate on the south
side of the Provincial Highway, and
approximately half way between
Clinton and Goderich. On the farm
is a good dwelling house and splendid,
barn, it is well fenced and well
The property will be sold at a
reserved bid and subjectto the eon-
rditions which will •be read before
the sale.
TERMS: • 20% cash at the time of
purchase •and the balance within 30
days from the date of sale.
For further particulars apply to
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Seaforth
Ont., Mis. Grace 1VlcQuarrie, Gode-
rich, Ont, Adnministratrix of the es-
tate, or to R. G. Hays, K.C. Barrister
Goderich, Ont., solicitor for the
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead.
cattle for Mink teed. If dead, phone
at once.'Pred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 9081.21. 5846