HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-08-24, Page 8Ii h.` The LITTLE 'RANGElthat.does a BiO JOB of making &heating,' NI 40eh4` A small modem stove with u11the cooking and heating efficiency of manv larger and more ex- pensive ranges.. Takes up Very little floor apace, get has a Dili sire 14 inch oven. Burns either wood or coal. You'H be delighted with the ability of this Findlay range;. andwith its moderate plica flee it today. • W'e Carry- a full line of Findlay Gook: and Heating •„(Stoves. A Shipment' Just Arrived. See 'bur Glassware Departmtent .e .R. ; PERDUE liARDWARiE PLUINBING Ai ELECTRICIANS • •• ' NI 14710. CLA'iTON, oNT: Be Advised That it requires anywhere from six to ten weeks in the making of Tip Top -made -to -measure suits or overcoats. That you should order now your Fall- Garments to avoid dis- appointment. We have at present a very- nice assortment of fine worsted tweeds and overcoating in blues, browns, and greys but many of these will be sold out and cancelled before Fall so get your order in now. Men's Garments $29.75 Ladies Garments 31.00 Ready-to-wear suits for Men and Boys at right prices. Boys' Suits will be scarce goods so buy your Fall suit in advance. Don't forget the Special Summer Sale of all Summer Shoes. Plumsteel Bros. Arre.w Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & Mclala Shoes ter Moo Agents Tip Top Tailors. +nwEss11111ss. We Offer at The Following Prices MEN'S OVERALLS Big 13. Brand MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR per garment BOY'S BALBRI.” AN UNDERWEAR per garment BOY'S JERSEYS MEN'S SHIRTS, Collars and TIES RUGS BRUSSELS also TAPESTRY Half Price Half Ptlice $L75 .75 .50 .50 BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank A Note to our Subscribers It is encourging to find more subscribers keeping their subscript- ion paid in advance. This is the way- modern business requires a subscription list to be. During the past few days accounts have gone out to all subscribers whose subscription is due. and the replies have been very pleasing.. Every day both at the counter and by the mail renewals paid in -advance have been received. May we ask all who have received notices to remit the amount. It is only a small item far each person, but if they are all added up, is a considerable amount for us. With a little effort all who have not yet paid can dio se soon, and then the Clinton News -Record list will be in splendid condition. Do not put the account to one side, but pay it • at once. ; Then it is ,done. Our readers will be Yhelping tithe lists by keeping paid up. 1 Attention Cubs The First Lions Wolf Pack will meet in the Scout Hall on Thursday evening at 7.00 pan. All Cubs are urged to be present. A. K. E. L. A. V Mr. John R. Butler has taken over the Blue Sunoco Gas Station, former- ly operated .by.,Mr, L. Stephenson: Mrs. James Vincent last week was the recipient of a box of beautiful pink Amaryllis picked in her cousin Ma+s. Os o o de a garden i n Los Antre- I les.' The latter ie• the niece of the late Herbert; Castle. Miss Many Dtge, who is employe* Iby the Clinton Kitting Company suf- fered a painful accident one day last !week, when her hand accidently went under the needle assembly while' it was in operation. Her 'hand was pierced by a ,row of needles, incap- acitating it for some. time. Receives Promotion Mr. and Mrs; John Passmore,' of Hensel!, received word this week that their son PO. Kenneth th Pa ssmoxe (overseas)', had received, promotion to rank of:flight .lieutenanti Make this store your headquarters for school supplies and text books G. R. McEwan Co.' Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" ~ j 61��i��������lpuu•l,`N'lllllllinumwu�mm ,��w�nnia�iupll II U Miss Lois Kearns of Woodstock spent the week end at her home in town. Mrs. .1. G. Sloman of London is visit- ing at the family home in Clinton. Lt. -Col. F. G. Thompson is holiday- ing with Mrs. Thompson " and family. Miss Sylvia Greenwood, of Tordnto, visited Miss Evelyn Hall over' the , week end. Mrs. Howard Clark, of Toronto, spent a week- with 'relatives in Clinton and vicinity. Miss Ferrol Higgins of Wingham was a recent guest of her cousin, Miss Ferrol Higgins. .. Cpl. Edith Hunt of the C. W. A. C., Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morgan. Mr. Benson Sutter is spending; this week, at Ryerson' Beach Summer - school Normandale. Mrs. C. C. Kennedy of Toronto was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sloman and child- ren of Oak Park, Ill. are visiting relatives in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bartliff were the guests of Mrs. Fred Knight in St, Thomas last Sunday. Miss Ellen Fremlin of Hensel] spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fremlin. Mrs. Thos. Herman has returned after a two weeks• visit with fri- ends'in Toronto and Muskoka. • s Mrs.. Wm: Higgins was called to Ex- eter on Tuesday, owing to the desth. of her nephew, Mr. George Hunter; c Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lawson and daughter Isabel, of Burlington were visiting friends in town the 'Past week., Mrs. 'F. Gillies ' of Toronto has gone to her cottage at Grand Bend h ' after visiting with her sister, Mrs. t Van Egmond, • 'Mrs. Thos. Hawkins• and Miss Mad- eleine Hawkins were in Hamilton on Saturday attending the Otton- Hawkins wedding. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and her granddaughter, Miss. Maxine Miller left on Tuesday for an extended. trip to the west. Mr. and Mrs.' Stanley Shobbreok and Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Keen of Toronto were the guest,; of Mr. and Mrs. W. dhobbrook. TON ,1411 VE +'GoyLD Change Bayfield Fair Dia el, ` The "date of Bayfield Fall Fair 'has been changed from Oct. ,3 and 4 to Oet. 10 and 11. A. ' E. Erwin', Secre- tary., of 'the.. Bayfield ,Agricultural Society' announced.' V l5gmn. W. , It Ryan Dies Tei Save Lad In Nfld Mr. and Mrs.:' G. C. Ryan, Bxi tannia rd., were notified efjficiafly yesterday that their song 'Sgomn. Worthy Reginald Ryan, Canadian Army, had been drowned after s'ay� ing the life of a boy in Newfound land last Sunday. The message further advised them that the funeral fe vivo-+' would take Place with full military honors on Tuesday, Aug. h2. at 3 01 p.m, and that burial would be made in the Joint Services, Cemetery at St. John's Newfoundland. After completing his education, Worthy entered the poultry and pro- duce business as a partner with his father. He enlisted Sept. 3., 1943, with the army and trained in Barriefield as a radio operator. After complet- ing his examinations he was sent to Newfoundland as a signaller. Besides his parents he is survived by two sisters, Lillian, Mrs. Mel Cul bert, and Miss Georgina; and a bro then, Eugene, all of Goderich. Little Fluorine in' Water A short time ago the village of Ripley was given wide publicity when it was reported that the folk there have extra good teeth due to fluorine in the water- supply of that area, Wingham can not look for such benefit from its water supply as the fhiorinc analysis of the water supply here is 0.73 p.p.m., while that of Ripley is 2.00 parts per million. Luck - now water analysis shows 1.11 p.p.ni. According to information which we have received 1 pp.m. is supposed to be the minimum amount of fluorine before there is any effect on the teeth. Wingham Avance Times. V Report Former Blyth Mai Among Wounded , Word reached Blyth. Tuesday tha Rfm, Arnold Glou'shler had tee wounded in France on Aug. 10. He i the only son of the late John Glou sher: His mother tnoved to Galt from Blyth in he early spring. One ris- er Jeanette, is in 0 -alt. He was bor in Blyth and attended public and con tinuation school, and prior to enlist ment was employed in A. L. Ker nick's grocery store. TT3URS, 4tITG. 24th, 19` 4' FLOWERS For all Occasions DILL FOR SALE F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PRONE H1—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 24, '25, 26 RINSO large pkg. ........ , ... 23e ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 24 oz, Jar 25e KAM-A-PURE PORK PRODUCT CAMPBELL'S CHICKEN and RICE SOUP 2 tins , , 25c P. and G. SOAP 3 bars. . , .. , , 15e OVALTINE MED. JAR 58c DR. BALLARD'S MEATIES 2 pk 25 n SOLVENTOL 12 oz. Jar , , , , 39c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 bats 19e FLY -DED' INSECT SPRAY 16 oz. tin. ., ,.... 25e AYLMER CHO'IC'E. PUMPKIN _ large tin 14e STOKELY'S HONEY POD, PEAS 20 oz. tin.... , ... , , 170 FRY'S COCOA 3' lb ,tin. , , , . . , 19c POTATOES 15 Ib. peck , .. , . , 49c ORANGES, Size 288's doz, . - , , 37e GRAPEFRUIT size 126's 3 for 20c LEMONS Size 360's 3 for .. 11c Stuart. Bryans Missing Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bryans were of- ficially advised on Monday that thear son, Stuart Bryans, is reported mis- sing in air' operations overseas. Fur- ther details were not available in the report from the director of re- cords, Royal Canadian Air Force,' Ottawa. The parents were informed that they woiild be acquainted with details when received. V Nova. Scotia Airman Gets Shell with own Number It's' happened at last— a man got shell which actually had his number On it. , The man who proved the legend true was LAC, George McMillan of Tatamogouche, N. S., batman in an R.C.A.F. Typhoon wing. A piece of jagged, shell casing the dug out beside him recently. Lean, bespectacled, McMillan picked up the ugly piece of metal. looked at it ob- erved it bore "26750." His eyes 'popped wide open'. He took out his identity card to onvince himself. Yes, that was his Air Force number —26750. V Warble FIy Noone farmer can fight the warble fly successfully. He can spray his erd and' scrub their hides and squeeze heir ,warbleliimps. in vain, unless his neighbours take the same precautions If one single nearby- herd is left un- treated, its warble flies will migrate to every other farm in the district pestering the cattle, burrowing thro- ughmilk theirflow, hides, and lowering their To combat ` the warble fly, it is necessary to mobilize the efforts of an entire farming community. That fact was decisively proved this year by the 'farmers of the Claresholm dis trict of Alberta. They organized and mechanized' their warfare against the rble fly in a successful co-operat- e ' campaign described by Delbert eynolds'operator of the District Eac- eriinent Sub -station, at Claresholm. Mr. Reynolds reports that forty riners clubbed together to,buy a wer sprayer. A share in the spray - cost a farmer 12 dollars if' he had y head cad of cattle or less, For' each ditional fifty head, a shareholder's, assessment was 5 dollars, For the Me. John A. Van Hgmond of Detroit wa has returned home after' spending R a week with his' brothers, Willis' and Ferg. Van Egmold in Clinton. Mrs. Stuart Ruelle and daughter, fa Barbara Grace, of Fairnington, Po Mich. are spendin'g<a three weeks er vacation t n with t eir'au t' and,Uncle, fi Mr.` and Maes. Arthur Viltse'of the ad London Road. T, THflMPSOEIfl. warble fly treatment, each sharehold- er was oharged'7 cents per head, and most fanners had their cattle treated tavice. Non -shareholder in the power sprayer paid 10 cents a treatment. The farmers decided that the most efficient way of carrying out this warble fly contra! was to hire a anan to treat all the stock in the area and they paid him 3 cents per head. Ile took the power sprayer, to every shareholder's farm where he treated herds ranging from 15 to 450 head. The result of this co-operative en- deavour is that following the treat- ment of nearly 9,000 cattle, the Clar- eshohn district is, this summer the home of contented cows but an un- healthy place for the warble fly. LONDON I1OAD The August meeting of the London Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. Clegg. The President Mrs. Swinbank in the chair. The meeting opened singing, 'ales sed. Be The Tie that Binds," followed by the Club Creed. There were 20 members and. 5 visitors present. Roil call", was an- swered by 'l sager :ever. Sewing and knitting brought in c:n•ist-1 of 14. diapers 1,d.•asd and 4 -.pairs of men's, gloves. It : wa d if •. l to send Giga -e cies, candy and chew:ag gum 1a the boys erseas. Wool was to be bought for th . members to knit 11 pair of 'socks for Christmas boxes for the 'boys who lived on this Road. ' The next meeting to be held at the home of Mars. W. E. Managhan. The meeting etmg .closed with the Natiorra] Anthem. The hostess served a' deliciops lunch. VALUES FOR AUGUST 25th and Z6th GOLD MEDAL CHOICE OULVERHOUSE CHOICE Tomatoes 28 oz. tin 15,c PEAS 20 oz tin 15: WAGS1'AFFE'S RHUBARB JAM 32 oz jar 29c GOLD MEDAL CHOICE. PUMPKIN 2 tins 27c AYLMER APPLE JUICE'..2 for BENSON'S' CHOICE TOMATO 29c JUICE+ tin ,10o CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP 3 tins 25c AN ALL PORK PRODUCT KAM tin 33c VIKING TOILET VELVEETA CHEESE 1/2 lb. pkg. 21 VAN CAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS 2pkg. 25o TISSUE 2 for 11c CATELLI'S EGG WHEAT NOODLES 2 pkgs. 27c CTTR%LING DRIED PEAS 2 pkgs. 25c fiTP' BLIRY'C BLAOK TEA 1/2 Ib. 35c ROSE' BAKING POWDER Ib. tin 15e REGENT EXTRACT' VANILLA 8 oz bt. 15e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PEACHES - PLUMS — APPLES MELONS' — CAULIFLOWER PICKLING ONIONS —PEPPERS -CABBAGE --CARROTS CO'RM SUNKIST JUICY 220's CHOICE HEAD ORANGES doz. 49c LETTUCE 2 for 35v CALIFORNIA JUICY 360'3 ONTARIO No. 1 RIPE LEMONS 3 for 11c TOMATOES 5 lbs 25th MARSH SEEDLESS 126's GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c CHOICE No, 1 GREEN CELERY 2 for 25c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON LOOK We have a new stock of essentials for your Baby CRIBS CARRIAGES PORCH GATES, And SWINGS BATH -A -BABES HIGH CHAIRS ROCKING CHAIRS BALL &- ZAPFE Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL Phone 110 J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 PYREX WARE We have been able to procure a fairly complete stock of Pyrex Ware. Just what you have been needing for yourself or for that gift you are going to have to buy. Let us show you our stock- Pyrex Mixing Bowls, Custard cups, double boilers, Flame Ware sets. Something to suit anyone's purse, Conte in and look around and see our various lines of good. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS ° SPECIALS WHITE SHOE POLISH pkg. 15e ALL WHEAT CEREAL pl g . 14c READY CUT MACARONI 3 pks, 25c FRUIT KEFE pkg, 25c SUGAR PAULA sugar sub. 39c ZING RINGS per doz 29e JAR RUBBERS 4 pkgs. 25c AYLMER STR. INFANTS FOODS 3 for 25c SUGAR 3 lbs. for - 25c COOKING APPLES 4 lbs for 25c SUC'CE'SS WAX l ^lb tin 32c FLY TOX SPRAY Per can 25e (FLY COILS 2 for 5e WILSONS FLY PADS 10e • PURE LARD 1 ib. 16c DOMESTIC SHORTENING ; 19c PEACHES TOMATOES CELERY ETC. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If' additional money is needed to help you buy e rrodnctive farm, send us particulars: Possibly we can assist , you through our ;loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated confidentially. Huron&Erie T .MOR GA Gh. C ORI G7.2ATb RATION f Londa Windsor I� W dsor d.Tho t. T mos S � Ch th m � a, I� August 24 to 26 AYLMER Quick Cooking Dehydrate ed per tin 5c PAULA Sugar Sub bottle , 39c QUIX Wheat Flakes 2 pk. . , 23c ORANGE Marmalade per Jar., 29e CANADA SEAL Herring in Tomato Sauce per tin ... ,. , 17e KLORX .Bleach per bottle-, , , , , 10e :. KRAFT Dinner per pkgs. ' , 170 " SANI-WHITE Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 25 SUC'C'E,SS' self polish Wax 50c `t,cttle O'DEX Toilet Soap per bar' . 5e , WALKERS Soda Biscuits per pk, 15c CERTO bottle .. , . , . .. 250 PARD dog food 'per pkg. , , , 10e D'ALTON'S puddings asserted Clay- ,. ours 2 pkg. . , . , .. , . - •, . 155 Get your assortment of spices .for pickling FRESH FRUIT & VEGETA IILES NEW POTATOES COOKING APPLES FRESH SAUSAGE lb.... , . . 25e - BREAKFAST BACON Ib. . , . 42e FRESH WIENERS lb..... . , . 27c :• BOLOGNO lb. . , S4a. A LONG LASTING—ECONOMICAL TOILET 50A. Ber 5e )rTa-I Free Delivery