HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-08-24, Page 6GE i THE 'CLIN,TU11i ND N1•ILK!I I S ® div The Modern MilkII'g•. Machine has wonthe favor of Dairymen Freedom from the time -taking, tiring and tiresome chore of hand milking has come to thousands of dairymen through the perfection of the modern milking machine. The milking machine saves hours of time and labor, making easier and quicker work of a task that has - long been considered as "taking a lot of the joy out of life." In these times of help shortage, it has been the milking machine that has en- ' abled many a dairyman to keep the monthly cheques for milk and cream coming in as usual and to benefit from the great demand for dairy products. Td users of milking machines, doing the job by hand is a thing of the past—to them hand -milking be- longs to the days when grain was sown broadcast by hand and crops were harvested with the sickle and the cradle. • Your focal Massey -Harris deafer can give you par- ticulars about the Rite -Way, the modern milker with fhe natural action. ,,0z- ' .t f Cbl.�wl6 l rl:a i I I +611 • 4r f�r� 'RE 41O.LC r� ,il f(I #7'.1 \ La Plattic "Pellets Used to "" Wash Children's Sno*suitp, Blatt PisIon Carbon In.,Lukewarm ,'`Sudsy Water Plastics ere,used by the army ;air Snowsuits for children seldom stay • borces u# Banti -blasting equipment to . Olean very long. To get;the best last carlion,froin' pistons: So into, use of these and -other outdoor win cessful has this new method of car- ter clothes, teach the children to bon :removal proved .that commer- hang thein` over a line indoors as cis' airlines,are installing equipment soon as they have been removed. to service their planes in the sine If they can be washed immediately inanuer. .The plastic is, especially after getting dirty, So mutt the bet - prepared in the formed. granulated ter, but if they must be worn again pellets' for this purpose. The pal- before washing, be sure they are lets resemble those which are regu- hung and dried. lariy' supplied to the, plastics mold- When washing snow -clothes, watch ing industry, differing only in that the temperature of the water 'care - they are considerably sinaller. fully. /If the, garments are made of Formerly, ; carbon' Was removed wool, or partly of wool, the water from pistons by immersion in a must be lukewarm, and must be kept bhemical,solution. In addition, Pis- so. Whisk up two or three inches tons were put on lathes, and carbon of suds, not more because this - in the ring' grooves was removed by would be waster Immerse the hand. This process was slow, tedi- clothes, wash tem gently, support- ous, and expensive. Later, it was ing them when lifting them from the found that clover seed, as well as wash to the rinse, water. 'After a some cracked grains, could be blast- thorough rinsing, also in lukewarm ed onto pistons to remove carbon. water, place the clothes on hangers A shortage of such grains, and their and let them dry. Keep them away short life as compared with that of from furnace, radiator, or stove. 'A the Tenite pellets, led to the use of quick roll in a thick cloth or towel, Tenite in carbon removal. to blot up some of the excess water, A charge of 50 or 60 pounds of will hasten the drying and prevent pellets is placed in a sand -blasting dripping. unit. Pellets are blown through a If pressing is necessary, do it with blasting nozzle against the piston a moderate iron over a dampened sides and piston rimng grooves. Car- pressing cloth. Caps and helmets bon is knocked off by force, and the made of wooly materials can be surface is given a polish without dried to shape over an inverted the slightest abrasion of the metal bowl. Knitted scarfs, or mittens and without, pulverization of the pel- should be dried flat. They will not lets. One charge of • pellets in the need pressing. machine may be used eifectivel r for about three days. THURS., AUG. 24th, 1944 Advice in Care of Peaches Given to Housewives PRAYER FOR OUR MEN Now .50 Caliber Gun Pine Nuts Long a Staple of Western Indians Pine nuts have been a staple item Pierces Heavy Armor in the fall and winter diet of Indians in the West and those of Mexico for centuries, and have been adopted by •the white man as a delicacy since he has intrenched himself in the Southwest. The rich, oily nuts from the pinons rank high in food value, having a considerable percentage of crude protein. The nuts are gathered in unique fashion. Among the Washoe Indi- ans, 'the old practice was to have the men and boys shake the resin - covered cones from the trees. Then the women gathered the cones and placed them in a fire which had died, until it was only embers. After a long, slow baking, which guarded against spoiling and en- riched the flavor, the nuts could be easily removed from the cones and were roasted, ready for eating. The .50 caliber gun which is stand- ard equipment on most American ,Planes can seriously damage any ship afloat except cruisers or battle- ships, it is said. The British, whd'have been using the ,.30 caliber gun extensively be- cause it can fire more shots per min- ute and permits a load of more rounds per airplane, are increasing- ly arming their heavy bombers with this weapon. Even the Russians are asking for planes with heavy groups of forward -firing .50's. In skip -bombing it has proved in- valuable. When low flying U. 5. planes come zigzagging in at a height of only 50 feet to loose their bombs, a stream of .50 caliber ar- mor piercing, incendiary, and tracer slugs directed at enemy gun crews makes effective mass gunnery im- possible. The Germans realized the superior- ity of the gun and developed a pretty good counterpart in the .20 mm. can- non. It has weight of projectile and can fire an explosive shell. How- ever, owever, the :50 caliber gun has greater range and its short barrel allows Written by a grade 7 class in Dew- much more flexibility. son St. Public School, Toronto, the week following the invasion. Used Fats Most of the children -have fathers The WPB has defined used fats as Some timely advice to the house- „flavourand juiciness, for dessert or or brothers somewhere overseas. any fats, animal or vegetable, ]eft wives of Ontario regarding the sel- for canning • The teacher is Miss Margaret Clark- over after food has been prepared in ection and care of .peaches for Bann- I 4, Mould or brown rot develops son• the home, and suggests the follow- ing sources: ing is given by E. F. Palmer, Dives- .more rapidly where humidity is high God bless our men in fields unknown Drippings from roasting pars and tor of the ,Ontario Horticultural Ex- and where there is lack of air cireul- Who fight in Freedon's battle -zone; broilers; residual grease from frying perimental Farm at Vineland, where ation. • I Be with them, guard them from all bacon, sausage and other meat prod - studies of this subject have been 5. It .is better not to plate peaches ' harm,acts; grease skimmed from stews made over a period of years. in a refrigerator for longer keeping Defend tliem by Thy mighty arm, topor meat baseersoups, alsor from erths j � of water in which frankfurters Peaches •picked for shipment, .to 'unless they have first softened. Be Thou - their Strength, be Thou have been cooked; used lard, vege- ta .Varieties of peaches suitable for then Shield; table shortenings and cooking oils; distant markets, says Mr. Palmer, 'can nn and for dessert purposes May theyto tyrants never yield. fats cut from meat during are usually too firm for' immediate' g p p y prepare- +eonsum tion. Where the consumer vett ,be harvested in volume duffing tions, or left on the plates after P the period'from Aug. 15 to Sept. 15. Go with them through the fiery fight. meals — these should be melted buys sUpPlies from .er, many of the peaches mzzaytstill e eiltoo firm, The Growers Merchandising Com- Help them to conquer in Thy might; that aaen act,pall cttsofncoor sges that is, they may not yet have reach I,mittee appointed by the Niagara May they be strong to do Thy will, meats,' poultry, fish and soups. Peninsula•' Growers' Association sup- Thy holy purpose to fulfil]. ed their full lusciousness. In each ports these recommendations to aid May they bring peace and liberty r case where peaches are bought, ` it , Wire Nails consumers and at the Sammie time urge Arld set all conquered nations free. Wire nails were not manufactured may prove 'helpful if the consumer i a wider use of nature's most luscious i • in the United States before 1851, at 'would observe the following: fruit. ,1 i'ri i And when the smoke of battle dears, 1. Remove all peaches from the 'con V- 'And which time. a New York inventor tanner. Peace shall reign in future brought forward a device for the 2. Place them on a shelf or table in ' "Define 'appetite'," reguested the years purpose. We pray Thou wilt be with us still This inventor was William Hassall dry, airy place. at' ordinary room' tem- instructor in an English school. `When y perorate: you're eating you're ;appy,', announe- And help us all to do Thy will. of Brooklyn. Six of his machines And so, till comes that glorious dal were still performing as late as the 3. Examine :daily, using. those fruits ed the student; "and when you're thr 1890s in the establishment of John !which have reached their niaxinuim •ougli you're tight; that's `appetite;" Be with our men, 0 Lord, we pray! Hassall, his son. I F11141lower1943 INCOME TAX DUE 31sT AUGUST, 1944•, Inasmuch. as the' Income Tax pay- ments that fell due on 30th April last were postponed to 31st August, this will remind you that any balance due must be remitted to your District Inspector of Income Tax on or before 31st August, 1944 to avoid penalty. To be• sure that the payments are correctly credited to your account, your remittance should be accompanied by a letter shoaling clearly your full name and address and stat- ins that the payment is to be applied to yourr 1943 income tax. COLIN GIBSON Minister of National Revenue C. FRASER ELLIOTT Deputy Minister of National Revenue for Taxation The Hassall invention made the nails from iron or brass wire until MY DAUGHTER • the introduction of Bessemer steel wire. The nails were small at first This is my daughter I see her walk, and largely used for upholstery. I l hear her laugh.' I hear her talk. Only in ,the 1880s did the wire nail definitely come into general service. This little thing in curls and dress Is witness to such tenderness I cannot stop to give it thought Lest tears well up in me' unsought. Such sentiment is absurd, surely, A thing for maudlin women purely— But I shall never learn my place. "Kiss, Daddy, kiss on face—" (A finger pointing to her cheek) Is quite enough to make me weak. This is lily daughter. I cannot cease My proud refrain. She' is my peace, Gerold .Prank. v. Not what we, give but what we share, For the gilt without the giler is bare. James Russell Lowell. Among the mind's powers is one that comes of itself to many children and artists. It need not be lost, to the end of his days, by any one who has ever had it. This is the power of taking delight in a thing, or rather in anything, everything, not as a means to some other end, but just because it is what jt is. -- Charles Edward' Montague. • Cannery Wastes Utilization of various waste prod- ucts from canneries—good livestock feeds in their own right—is especial- ly desirable this year because of the vast livestock 'Production programs and the demands they are making on the nation's feed resources, says the departmentof agriculture. Cannery wastes include such products as dried pea vines, pea -vine silage, sweet -corn husks, and tomato seed' meal. In localities where these are available, their conservation and proper use in livestock rations is urged as a means of relieving the demand for other feeds. Wild Country All through the Indo -Burma bor- der region, violent contrasts mark. the physical conditions under which men lige.. Temperatures range from the tropical heat of mosquito -plagued malarial swamps and lowlands to. the` biting cold of the high plateaus and perpetually snow-capped moun- tain ranges. The dry stream beds and the dust pall that rises from dirt trails and • roads of the • region are a reminder of the other extreme, during the May -to -October rainy sea- son, when 'rivers become raging floods and normal ` transportation : routes mere 'muddy. ruts. Advertising Boss The president of an advertising agency is the most burdened being in the organization. The atmosphere is keyed to the president's personal- ity and character. , A sound, level- headed president whom everyone can respect, one human enough to okay a loan to a little stenographer momentarily hard pressed, a presi- dent who stands by his employees when there is a misunderstanding, one who knows that the success of the agency does not depend upon the executives he hires, but upon the humbler people who roll up their sleeves and pitch in to do their level best ... here is the president whom agency principals should seek. Once ,the president of a great agency stopped a conference to re- move a package of cigarettes from an executive's shirt pocket. It was. a thin summer shirt which revealed the cigarettes as a brand competi- tive to the one advertised by the agency. According to legend he threw the offending pack out of the window and presented the execu- tive with a pack of the client's cig- arettes. After that the agency peo- ple carried their favorite brands concealed within the outer wrap- pings of a client's package. Curd Deer Deer meat can be cured success- fully, but the thicker, plumper mus- cles—the rounds—cure best. Loins also might be included, but boneless pieces are preferable. The ideal procedure, however, is to have the carcass cut into desired pieces and placed in a freezer locker. Other - wile, a good cure mixture is 11/2 pounds of salt, one-quarter pound of sugar and one ounce of saltpeter dissolved in one gallon of water. The meat should be weighted down in the container so that it will be fully covered by brine. Best results are obtained if the meat in brine is kept in cold storage at 36' to 38 degrees during curing. Otherwise curing should be done only during cold weather. After being in brine two days, to the piece, oundthe meat p perp can be eaten at once or smoked with hardwood. After proper curing and smoking, the meat can be kept al- most anywhere and under most con- ditions, except that it tends to mold in a moist, hot climate. For sani- tary reasons covering with a tightly tied paper, bag is recommended Good ,Soap Shaker You cannot buy a wire soap shak- er for the duration, but you can use soap scraps just the same. Put a few slivers of soap in a jar, and fill it with water. Cover it tight. When suds are needed give the jar a good shake, pourthe soapy water into the dishpan or basin, and refill the jar with water. This idea is good for the kitchen or bathroom.' An ornamental glass jar—perhaps an empty bath -salts container—makes a prettycontainer for the bathroom uses. , A mason jar or jam jar can be used to hold the spraps of household an laundry soapy, Says Danger of Enemy.' Spreading Germs Remote If proper precautions -'are taken soon enough, there is no more likeli- hood of` extensive killings by enemy, germ's used as' a weapon of war, than there is of a .Rood famine in this country. While a single test tube may contain enough patho- genic bacteria to kill every one of the two billion inhabitantsof the earth,` due to the unpredictable va- garies ' of - the air and the slowness with which bacteria fall, the enemy would be equally jeopardizing the lives of his own, people. Bacteria sprayed out at high altitudes over California mightland in Europe or Japan. These statements were made by Dr. Claude ZoBell, associate profes- sor of marine microbiology on the La Jolla campus of the University of California. He added that only suicide squads flying at very low elevations over densely populated regions would' consider such death- ly' business as that of attempting to inoculate the civilian population with disease bacteria: In summation he said: The effects of bcte' a tial warfare cannot be limit- ed or localized. Modern water purification methods protect against the organisms of typhoid and chol- era. Plague would be as danger. ous for the force using the organism as for the attacked.. The danger from typhus has been exaggerated: Modern sanitary methods are ef- fective in controlling communi- cable diseases. New Jersey Early Scene Of Nail -Cutting Industry New Jersey entered the nail in- dustry at an early date. As far back as 1770 a rolling and slitting mill was erected at Old Boonton, in Mor- ris county, and in 1792, at Dover, Isaac Caufleld and Jacob Losey built a similar' establishment with the addition of a factory for cutting nails. In 1'795 the state is listed as pro- ducing 80 tons of nail rods annually. Two years later Burlington county had a nail factory in full operation, and by 1802 congress learned that New Jersey possessed four rolling and slitting mills "which rolled an average of -200 tons, one-half of which were manufactured into nails." At Bridgeton in Cumberland coun- ty, New Jersey, the brothers Ben- jamin and David Reeves—who later developed the Phoenix company— established a highly successful nail business about the year 1815. Basement Playroom A dingy, dark basement turned into a warm and bright "playroom" can be a real boon to the whole family's winter living. Light-colored board or paint applied to walls and ceiling of a cleared -out space in the basement will transpose the dingy basement into a pleasant, finished - looking room. Such a room can be easily heated with a small amount of fuel. Floors become attractive by cov- ering with linoleum, or cement can be painted a bright color and sup- plemented with several warm woolly rugs. Essential furniture, as per- haps a re-covered couch, two or three lamps, bookcase, table and chairs, can be borrowed from other parts of the house without being missed. • Steel in 1893 The year 1893 was one of panic and depression in the United States, conditions which were reflected in iron and steel operations. Production of pig iron dropped 22 per cent below output in the year before, amounting to only 8,000,000 tons—the lowest output since 1888. Steel production likewise dropped, the 4,500,000 tons produced in 1893 being 18 per cent below 1892's total. (Steel output in 1943 will be 20 times the 1893 total.) The number of blast furnaces in 'production dur- ing 1893 was the lowest in the 20 years that statistics on that point had been compiled. Yo'9ages _Js sorbefr 5110R1 of both bottles and cartons.—les downright wasteful • to leave a lot of thein at your summer cottage, when they might otherwise be put to good. use all winter long, For bottles and cartons ace used over and over again. So please return your summer's collection of empties, in their original car- tons, Tow— to your nearest 13rewer's Retail Store, and help us maintain steady supplies for you this winter. Iron and steel prices were also SABOTEUR down in 1893. Trade paper price So give three cheers for Mary Lou quotations indicated the Iowe'st price levels since 1873. Long Test Eleven years ago -100,000 hours to be exact—four rods of a very special steel were placed in an elec- tric furnace to test how much the metal in steam turbines changes A patriotic gal—. She call' each luxury she buys Keeping up morale. She frequents all the night clubs With Some high stepping pal She just acquired some sleek new - furs shape under prolonged high tem- 'To fol perature and stress. bolster her morale, The purpose' of this test, longest �Of course she buys War Stamps and on record, is to determine what p - stresses could be used at tempera- , Bonds tures where l materialrplan- I A•t w, tic, to studyalthe changessae fn the If sheleast hasonce anyin moneyaohile left characteristics of themetal under After living in style. prolonged conditions of high tem- 1 perature and stress, and to deter- 1 mine whether the material became She's grabbed a hoard ofeverything - stronger or weaker during the 11 Right down to bobby pins years. And she loves the word morale, be- cause Try Foot Bath If fuel saving has cut down the hot water supply at bedtime to the point where there isn't enough for a good warm bath, try a foot bath. If feet are warm, it is easier to ad- just to a.cold: bed. - Fill a small basin with ` warm wa- ter, massage the feet with a light sudsy lather, wipe dry vigorously, and step into bed. A good night's Sleep is necessary to health, par- ticularly these days when so much depends on the " workers of the nations ' It covers all her sins! May Riehstone - NOT SO LOUD Teacher (questioning infants' class after Lesson on the Creation, in which she had'explained that man was con- sidered mere important than animals) —Now tell me, what did God make • Man more important than? Little Boy (aged 5) Ladies miss