HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-08-24, Page 3THURS., AUG.,, 24th, 1944
_to _ erten
PERHAPS you thought that Long
Distance Lines were less crowdednow.
Actually, they are carrying an average of
8,400 calls per day more than a year ago.
if urgent war messages are to go through, ,
promptly. Please use Long Distance
only when you mtust,'espeeially to busy
war centres.
(fin .pla ive $ar vece
Oe'visry te/4efs 22 lUatds-
Some Notes of the News in 1919.
August 21st, 1919
The local market for this week is
as follows: Wheat, spring $2.09;
Buckwheat $3.00; Oats .80; Barley
$1.10; Butter .50; Eggs .46 to .47;
Live Hogs $21.90.
The following teachers have been
engaged for the Collegiate staff for
next term: Miss Hehnkay, Creemore,
mathematics; Miss R. Edwards, Gan-
anoqua, art and commercial specialist
and F. T. Foulds, science and agricul-
Miss Mildred Cook of Toronto, for-
merlyo f Clinton, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Cook, kook a .special course
in Kindergarden work at Toronto.
University this summer and success..
fully passedher exam. last week.
Mr. T. Leppington has taken a pos-
ition with Butler Bros., in the new
butcher shop.
Misses Emma and Elva Lavis mot-
ored up •from Oshawa and Toronto on
Merritt Nediger met with an injury
to his foot at the Motor Works the
other day andis having an enforced
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potter and Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Holland motored down
to Ailsa Craig this week to visit Mr.
and Mrs. P. Clatworthy.
Mr. R. P. Caldwell of Hensel' is
the guest fora few days of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Rorke at their camp at
Miss Mae Davies returned Tuesday
after having spent a couple of weeks
or so with relatives.in Detroit and
Mrs. C. Colville leaves today, for her
home at Grand Ledge, Mich. after a
ten days' stay with her aunt, Mrs. J. '
Ge ninghame.
Miss Louise Beaton of Toronto is
spending a vacation at her home in
Miss Waldron returned on Monday
'from a visit in Toronto and Hamilton.
Joe Doherty, the young son of Mr,
and Mrs. J. E. Doherty, who was
staying with some friends in Goderich
decided on Tuesday that he was com-
ing home and walked out the railway
track as far as Holmesville. He was
detained there and his father com-
municated with friends who kept;him
until he could be gone after.
Miss Belle Agnew :has returned to
Detroit after spending some weeks
with her mother and other friends in
town. •
Miss Anna Laffrey returned on
Saturday last to her home in Windsor
after a fortnight's visit with Mrs.
Jas. Flynn of town.
Mrs. J. Miner and family will.leave
the end of this week or the beginning
la next to join Mr. Miner at Limerick,
Sask., where they intend making their
V 41
When the Present Century
Was Young
August 25th, 1904
Mr. W. G. Smith last week shipped
300 sacks of oats, each weighing 160
pounds, to the Island of Trinidad in
the West Indies. In his consign-
ments to the 014 Country the oats are
put up in 136 pound. sacks.
Mr. D. Cantelon, the Apple King of.
Huron, has been quaking shipments of
Duchess apples to Manitoba. He says
there is a fair yield of fall stock
though the price outlook is rather'
gloomy owing to a large crop in Eng-
land and: United. States. Of Winter
apples there is an average crop in
Huron, but the quality is much better
than last year. There are not so
many more, Northern Spys,..but more.
Greenings, Russets and Ben Davis
than in 1903.
Mr. John Johnstone of Rattenbury
Avoid Expensive Repairs
• Conserve your present equip.
'menu. A' Pram Oil Filter will
help keels your equipment on.
the job day after
day. Keeping
'oil physically and isi 1 clean,
FRAMSaves parts, reduces over-
hauls, thus lengthening the
life of the •motor,
Install, Pram . and get , more,
serdice frorn your -tractor`' Or
stationary engine.' Write for
descriptive folder to
I 't6:dliTEt)
Its GEORGE'S't.,,T ONTO, pt.a.
$i1 t''{ICTQ.P
Street last week bought the lot and
cottage on James Street occupied by
Mr. Robt. Smith and right away sold
it to Mr. John P. Skinner who gets
possession in a few days.
Mrs. Jacob Taylor and her daught-
er Miss Della:,: are res •.g n couple
of we^ks wit!' L r t frier ;,
Mrs. George McEwan has bought
from. Mr. John McCool the house on
Princess Street at present occupied
by his family. Mrs. McEwan does not
get possession until next Spring.
Theneighbours and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Smith;' havinglearned
of their intended departure for Mali
Holm, assembledat their residence on
Wednesday evening of last week and
presented them' with an.address which.
was accompanied by a gold watch
guard for Mrs. Smith,, and for Mr.
Smith a pair of gold 'cuff links. The
presentation. was Made by Rev. 3. C.
Dunlop and the address was read by
Mr. C. G. Dunlop.
Messrs. D, B. Kennedy and James
Steen put in a few hours fishing on
the Maitland one day last week and
landed a number of two -and -a -half
pound bass.
Mr:. Janes Sharp of Watford, cousin
of Mrs.' A. Cantelon, town, has been
egaged by Mr. A..Seeley. He is said
to be an expert horseshoer.
The following' left for Western
points on Tuesday morning: Mrs. H.
Adams, Jas Pipe, C. Lovett, T. Jen-
nison, W. Tebbutt, Glen Pair, W.
Shepherd., R. J. Chowen, H. Baker, H.
Williams, W. W. Williams, Robt.
Smith, Mrs. Smith. L. Smith, John
Tiplady, E. Ball, J. Dowson, G. Adams
Miss Rathwel'1, Jeremiah Noble,
Ernest Brown. Jas. Medd, H. Mulhol-
land. and G. Rands,
Mr. D. L. Cranston of Sarnia has
been engaged to suecee,i Mr. W. J.
Lougheed as mathematical master of
the C. C. I. He comes well and worth-
ily recommended.
Cantelon and Wallis shipped three
double decks of hogs this week, 174
from Clinton, 141 from Londesboro,
102 from Brucefield and 64 from
Mr, and Mrs. Rands and family of
Clinton spent Sunday in Bayfield the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Attwood.
August 21st, 1919
Miss Mattie Biggins is visiting at
Miss Nornia Bentley spent the
weekend in Sarnia.
Miss Clete Ford left Monday for a
visit with Mrs. McKinnon in Toronto.
Miss Hattie Courtice is the guest
of her brother,' Mr. Dean Courtiee at.
Miss Bess Ferguson of Meaford,
and Miss Florence Train, of 'Celling-
wood, were guests of Miss Jessie
O'Neil over the weekend and are now
visiting in Bayfield.
Miss Jule Bartliff will enter St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, in Sept-
ember, as a. nurse -in -training. Miss
Bartliff's many friends will all join
in wishing her success in her new
Mr. and, Mrs, Wes. Stevens and two
daughters with Miss Lucy Stevens
were at London on Tuesday.
The Combe block is being brighten-
ed up with a new coat of paint.
M. 3. W. Treleaven, principal of the
C. C. I. has been appointed one of the
Grand Stewards of the Grand Lodge
of A. P. and .A. M. by the Grand
Master last Week.
After the Base Ball Commission
had ordered the East vs. West game
to be replayed, on Thursday evening
last, a hig' crowd headed: by the, Kiltie
Band went once more to the park, but
the Eastern boys had on their batting
clothes and won by a score of 22-12.
home runs, three base•hit5, 2 baggers
and one -base hits with errors were
made on bothsides, hut the East boys.
had the. luck. Bill McDonald, was
umpire inthis notable game. The
lineup was • G. D. McTaggart,
Shaw, Bert Kerr, A... MoGarva, G.
Gilchrist, W. S. R. 1to1snes, L. Kerr,
B. J. Gibbings.
WEST T. Churchill, C. Middleton,
Rev. Anderson, A. J. Morrish, F.
Bawden, J, Wiseman, R. Walton, W.
Elliott, P. Couch.
Miss Brownlee of Hamilton is visit-
ing, her sister, Mrs. W. 3. Paisley and
other 'friends in and; around Glinton.
Mrs. Murray, of London, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs., T. J.
Lindeay, of the Base Line.
Miss Irene Pope, of Toronto, was
guest of the Misses Bawden den during
the past week.
Mr. Frank Andrews was in Bruss-
els on Sunday.
Mr. Henry 'Horton, chief enumerat-
or for South Huron, has sold his 100
acre farm for• $6;500 to William Coop-
er,.of Hay Township. , Mr. and Mrs.
Horton will visit" their daughters in
the West.
o ®P.D GE
19111 2:4 /T ,GA/N-
Yes, we need your hejp.:: and need it badly.
This is the biggest job we have ever
tackled! Everythis gdepends upon Victory.
Canada's Army needs volunteers NOW.
And, that means you and youandyou!
Wear Canada's Badge of Honour on your
arm. You'll be proud of it, so will your
Every man who is able has got to do his bit!
Maybe you don't think this means you .
that it's a job for the other fellow.
If you do, you're wrong. It's your war, too
.. a war for every man who is a man .
for everyone who has a stake in Canada.
Yes, this means you all right and we need
you now for the months of intensive train-
ing to make you fighting -fit. We did it
before and we can do it again but we
need your help.'
c 4as t w.
Fall Preparation of the Backyard Garden
In the ordinary backyard garden
the work has to be done by hand
labor, and, to have a successful gar-
den, the land should be prepared in
the fall.
Toward the end of Ootober when
the vegetable crops are harvested,
the land ch' rid b« ..:rate!: of all re-
fuse and all weeds that have seeded
and . any diseased material burned,
Divide the garden into twostrips.
Take out a trench at one end, and
place the earth when it will fill in the.
last trench when completing the
other half at the same end. Use a
spade, a garden cannot be well dug
with a fork, says J. Gallaher, Head
Gardiner, Dominion Experimental
Station, Kentville, N.S. Make the
trench as deep as your garden soil
will allow 12 to 24 inches is a good
depth of soil 'for vegetables. In a
few years' time if the following pra-
ctice is applied any garden soil will
attain this depth.
Place a layer of, soil from she com-
post heap or a layer'. of good hare-
yard manure in the bottom el the
trench, which may be sand, gravel or
clay. Then with a leek dig this
over, remembering that this will be
brought to the top when digging the
following October. On this, place
the top soil from the next trench,
turning it upside •down then place a
of barnyard ard manure 4
6 inches deep on top of this. Cover
the manure with all bate soil from
the bottom of the trench, and instead
of levelling it on top. ridge it as if
youwere snaking` -drills to plant pot-
atoes. Fork over the bottom of the
trench adding manure or composed
soil, as already mentioned. Con-
tinue in this 'way until garden is all
turned over. By working say one
hour each evening a person would
dig over a garden of 1,000 square
Feet in eight evenings. By ridging
the soil instead of making it level,
I the snow is held better and this
means more fertilizer for your gard-
en, for it is said that snow is the
"poor man's: fertilizer". It will also
. dry out earlier in the spring, that a
few days can be gained in early seed
The winter's wood ashes can be
spread over the land, also a limited
amount of soot from the chimney or
furnace, but not coal ashes unless the
land is a very heavy clay soil, when
a limited amount may be used each
year. The average garden may be
given a dressing of lime every five or
six years, 40 pounds to each 1,000
square feet..
In the spring when preparing for
seeding or planting, fork over the
garden from end to end and mixing
the manure and soil well together,
even, to forking• it over several times
The manure, when well mixed with
the soil, causes the plants to make
1 t�ew regulations have been issued er upon presentation of a certificate,
by the Wartime Prices and Trade procured from the nearest local office
Board in an effort to stop the sale of of the Wartime Prices and Trade,
used cars at illegal prices, Effect- Board, may obtain a used car if he
ive ,August 1, dealers are compelled is prepared to pay cash. Trade-ins
to put a price tag on all cars offered hotvever, may be required by a dealer
for sale by them. This tag must show from all other classes of buyers as
the make, model, model year and ser- part payment of a purchase. But a
ial'number, accessories (including any private individual selling a car can
spare tire or tube) and the proposed not insist upon a trade-in.
sale price, which must not exceed the
maximum price allowed by the order.' Every sale must be recorded on a
Dealers and private individuals must form which may be obtained at any
submit a detailed report for each car Iocal Board office, not the local ration
sale made by them, board. This .signed statement trust
Ceiling prices for used ears remain also bear the signature ,of a witness
the same as under the previous order and must be 'completed in triplicate,
but the present order stipulates that with ane copy going to the purchaser
the ;motor vehicle be "reasonably fit and one filed by the seller within four
for the purpose for which it was man- days ofthe sale al the nearest local
ufactured". It also provides that office of the Prices Board.
trade-in allowances mustbe reason- Only one ear may be purchased
able and just. The regulations pro- during any calendar year by any in- -
vide, moreover, that a dealer cannot dividual; but a person having five or
require a trade-in aspart payment,more ears registered at one, time in
if the prospective purchaser is elig- his name during 1943 is permitted to
ible for a perinit for a permit for used buy one used car in a calendar year
or new tires under Order 4 of the for each five or fraction thereof own -
Rubber Controller. Such a rumbas- ed by him during 1943.
Used Car Sales
more roots and to take in more food. Butter Production Declined in July
Slaughtering of Hogs
W. Harold McPhillips, prices and
supply representative xesentative for Western
Ontai'io,has announced that an order,
now effective, permits farmers to.
slaughter hogs for sale Without ob-
taining a slaughtering permit. Also
they may now sell pork without hay-
ing it stamped; Suspension of meat
rationing and the great increase in
the number of hog producers have.
made simplification of procedure
possible, Mr. McPhillips said.
Butter production' in Ontario din-
ing July showed a decrease of 6 per
cent from the figures for the same
month in 1943, according to reports,
of creamery instructors, it is an-
nounced by C. E. Lacltner, Director
of the Dairy Branch of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture. In some
sections the drop in ,production
due to extreme' dry, hot weather and
there is stili an urgent need for rain-
fall in these areas: During July
many creameries took advantage of
the permission given to pick up cream
twice a week and in •these cases a
decided improvement itt :quality was
noted. In most parts of the Pro-
vince the production decline' is ex-
pected to continue in August.
'The Stratford creamery instructor.
reports that a local creamery owner
rl guilty
in Stratford Magist-
rate's Court to three charges of is-
suing cream statements to patrons
which _did not correspond withthe
creamery records, contrary to the
Dairy Products Act regulations, and
was .fined $25.00 and costs on ;each
charge. In particular .statements,
the;'1Tutterfattests of the cream were
dower than, those app earin' on the
rreanery records.