Clinton News Record, 1944-08-24, Page 1no Clinton News -Record Est. ism
Which is
Incorporated The Clinton New Era
To. 6111 — 67th YEAR
a n,ew shipment of silverware, beautiful in design,
priced right, and just the article you are looking for
as a gift, Or for your own house.
We desire to have occasion to display our silver-;
ware for your inspection.
For Fall and Winter
Early Shipments of . Tweeds and
Velours have arrived.
Choose your Coat early
to assure the finest possible
in material and
The New Era Est. 1887
Clinton Blood Donors Clinic, Tuesday, September 5th
Every Person who can Should Give Blood for Our Boys Overseas
The Chain of Responsibility
The life -line of Red Cross is its
Branches. Those who serve, under
the banner of Red Cross are pledged
to a common ideal.
"To all volunteer workers, it must
be a source of keen satisfaction to
know that through the work of their
hands and -the generosity of their
hearts, Canadian Red Cross supplies
brought comfort and relieved suffer.
our own Ing among and allied forces
and civilian war 'victims in many
parts of the world in 1943."
This is a paragraph from the mess-
age which Mr. Jackson Dodds chair-
man of the Central council of the
Canadian Red Gross, addressed to
volunteer workers in the first page
of the' annual report of the society
for 1943.
"To these many friends I extend
sincere appreciation for their con-
tinued and whole hearted support
which has not only made this work
possible in the past, but given us con-
fidence to face the critical days which
lie ahead."
We want to again remind all of
you of the date for Clinton's next
Blood Donor Clinic — TUESDAY,
SEPTEMBER 5th. Almost every
day one reads in tite newspapers
about some returned span telling how
plasma SAVED HIS LIFE or the
life -of a comrade. Major George
Edwards of Galt writes, "I eau see
the great part plasma plays in.bring-
ing fellows around. Yesterday they
brought in a man I thought would
die but after plenty of plasma he is
well as can be expected, althon'gh he
lost a foot," Lieut. Donald Todd, who
was severely wounded in Normandy
in a letter from an emergency Brit-
ish base hospital in France, 'writes,
"When I was wounded they 'poured'
blood plasma into nue which I believe
was instrumental in saving my life."
Need we say more than quote
from these letters other than, "Keep
your appointment for -Sept. 5th" If
you haven't one get, it by calling Mr.
M. T. Corless, Mr. A. J. McMurray,
Mr. Diek .Jacobs or Mrs. G. A. Miller
(phone 57.)
• Clinton's Pied Piper
Once upon .a time Hamelin had a
Pied Piper but Clinton has an inven:-
ive citizen by name of Russell Jervis.
His Feed Store appeared to be the
Mecca of many of the town rats.
Their 'theiving habits and general
undesired presence prompted Mr.
Jervis to devise and construct a stur-
dy.rat trap. The trap was success-
ful in catching thirty rata last week.
In addition to destroying valuable
goo -ds and 'property rats frequently
Carry disease germs. Every rat de-
stroyed means that the threat of in-
fection is lessened. Other commercial
concerns s in Clinton are ready
Mr. Jervis' rat trap to deplete
the rat population.
St. Luke's -in -the -Garden, Byron
was the setting Saturday for the
quiet wedding of Madelon Arrabell,
younger daughter of Mrs. Grew and
the late Charles Glew, of Clinton, to
Russell James Thatcher, youngest
Inn of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan A. Thatch-
er, of London. The ceremony was
Performed by Rev. R. P. D. Hurford,
D.D., of Christ Church.
( The bride was lovely in a street?
length dress in, aqua shade with
brown aecesseries; and wore a cor-
sage.bouquet of gardenias.
The couple,. left immediately after
the ceremony for Muskoka. After G. E. Hall that 35% of the cost be
September 4 theywill reside at 458 met by an mill rate 'assessment, and
Queen's avenue, this city. the remaining 65% of the cost be
I v met by'sewerage rental.
It was moved by A. E. Rumball and
MINER — TREWARTHA seconded .by T. G. S'eribbins that all
F. O. Tom Cooke's Plane
Sinks Sub.
F. 0, Tom Cooke of Clinton, Ontario
and Dauphin, Man. pilot. and captain
of the crew of a flying boat station-
ed with a squadron in Iceland, were
recently credited with sinking a sub-
Snarine. The Can. lads were gather-
ing "gen" on the weather when they
spotted the German sub.
Good work, Tommie, keep it up.
Bowling Club
The weekly Monday evening Jit-
ney of the Clinton Bowling Club saw
a large number of local members and
visitors from Blyth and Carleton
Place. Three eight end games were
played with the following as prize
winners; A. A. Pegg, J. W. Nediger
Jr., Jert;y Elliott, and Mel. Crieh. The
prizes were chickens. Every body
had, a real good time.
Sewerage Committee Meets.
The Clinton Sewerage Committee
met in the Council Chamber ori Tues- from her husband L/Cpl. G. Ray
day evening, at a call from the chair- Mason that he is now stationed in
man, • France. His Address is
Discussion centred around the man- A61130 L/Cpl. Mason G. R.
ner of financing and an equitable dis- No. 20 Cdn. Spec. Employment Co'y
tribution of the cost and it was mov- C. A. O.
ed by reed O. Ford and seconded by • Flt. /Lt. John E. Cuninghame has
cabled his parents` of his safe arrival
Pte. Harold JoYnston of Camp
Borden spent the week end with his
wife and son in Clinton.
Mr. Tom Murphy has purchased the
frame house on Victoria Street from
Mr. Fred Watts.
Sept. 3rd, Day of Prayer
King George VI has requested
that Sunday, September 3rd. be sat
aside as a special Day of Prayer.
Further particulars . will be .. given
next week.
V '
Engagements Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Fred.Rathwell Bruce -
field, announce the engagement of
their daughter, L. A. W. Lois Marie,
li.C.A.F. (W.D. ) to Sgt. Donald
Norman Pentney R.C.AeF, Trenton,
Ont. son of Mrs. Ernest. H. Pentney
and the late Mr. Pentney of Rainy
River ar
The iags will take
Ont. n T m r e
place in September.
Mrs. Fred Knight, St. Thomas an-
nounces the engagement of her
youngest daughter, Jean Lois, Reg.
N, to Cpl. Harry Bruce Bartliff R.C.
A.P. son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry.
Bartliff Clinton. The "marriage will
take place on Wednesday Sept. 6th
in First United Church, St Thomas.
Mrs. Ray Mason has received word
Decorated in green, white and pink
I-Iolmesville United Church formed
the setting on Saturday, August 19
for the marriage of Cora Lillian, eld-
r er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Trewartha, Holptesvile, to William
• Stewart, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
.Chas. Miner, Inwood.
Mrs. Wm. Yeo presided at the or-
gan, and as a prelude rendered "Med-
' action" and "Ohl Perfect Love." As
a processional "The Bridal Chorus"
from Lohengrin was played and es
a recessional "Mendelsohn's Wedding
March". During the signing of the
register the soloist, Mrs. J. Demeza
of Perris, sang "The Crown".
The bride, given in marriage by
'her fattier, wore a. gown of white sat -
properties to which the sewerage
connection is made available be char-
geable with sewerage rental.
Then followed .a, discussion relative
to the questionnaire to be presented
to • the rate -payers. It was moved
by Geo. McLay and seconded by B.
J. Gibbings that the questionnaire as
presented to the committee be accept-
ed and the necessary copies be pre-
pared for the different Wald Can-
Cablegram From Son
Mr, .and Mrs, W. E. Perdue recent-
ly received a cablegram from their
son Jack,,tellieg of bis safe arrival
overseas. With Jack are two chums,
Phil. Snarling, of Clinton, and Bill
Carter of Goderieh. The three boys
have received postings together since
their enlistment in the R.C.A.F. They
are valued members of the R.C.A..F.
brass band and, orchestra. .They
will form a part of the overseas or-
chestra personnel.
Fifteen scouts with their leader,
"Red" Garen, spent the weekend
camping at Elliott's Grove on Lake
Mrs. Lyda McNeil has sold her
cottage on High Street to Mr. Robert
Reid of Varna.
Master Billy Cooper has returned
home after an operation in Clinton
Hospital. His many . friends. are
glad to zee him out again.
Mr. D. J. Atkinson has sold his
House on Rattenbury street to Mr. E.
A. Fines. Mr, and Mrs. Atkinson
and Miss Eiileen are moving to Lon-
don this week and will reside onAlnia
Pte. L. G. Winter, Prisoner
of War
Mrs. L, G. Winter received word
on Thursday, August 24th, that her
husband, Pte. Leonard Winter was a
prisoner of war. Much anxiety has
been felt by 'everyone, since it was
reported that he was missing in act -
lion in France, sometime in July:•
Clinton Collegiate • Institute
Middle School Results
Canvassers for the presentation of : Following are the Middle School
the questionnaire were to be selected results for which certificates are is -
by the following appointed chairmen ued by the Department of 'Educa-
tor their respective wards. - iron. A number of pupils in Grades
No. 1 St. Andrews Fred 0. Ford X, XI, XII and XIII have not return -
No. 2 St. James A. 'M. Knight ed to the Principal their Farm Ger-
No. 3 St.'J•ohn's C, E, Epps vice Certificates. Until these are re
tin and lace with a short train Her
No. 4 St. Georges Geo. McLay turned no certificates or Diplomas
i elbow -length veil was held in place f The meeting adjourned to meet will be issued by the 'Department to
by a halo can. She catxiod a tivhite again at a call from the chairman. the pupils concerned. Please return
Bible on which
these forms proem
St. Paul's Church t and white rosebu
11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Thehungfrom pink ribbons. Her or- PERSONALS
reposed three Amit V
ds. Rosebuds also
Rector. l naments consisted of a double string
IAuth., Lat. Comp, Pr Auth., Fr.
Ronald Scott—Eng, Comp., Eng Lit.,
Alg., Chem.
Bonita Shaw — Geom., Lat. •Ruth.,
Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp.
Margaret Shoebottom - Eng. Comp.,
Eng, Lit. MVIod. Hist., Geom.,
Chem., Lat. Auth., Lat Comp.,
Fr Auth, Fr Comp.
tly. Charles Thompson - Eng. Coinp.,
Eng. Lit., Mod. Hist., Lat. Auth
Lat. Comp.
Wed, August 30th. The Board of of pearls, the gift of the groom, and Miss Mildred Lobb of London spent I;etty Allan.—Eng. C 19a an ng, Comp., nom,, Tnt•, Robert Allan —
Management will meet at 8.00 p.m.
The annual meeting of the4Little
Helpers will be held on Saturday aft-
ernoon, September 9th, at 3.00 o'clock
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. Lane will again occupy gowned in white net over satin and ' Betty have returned to their home Fr. Conn). ' Margaret Fuss
her grandmother's ' onyx engagement the weekend with her parents, Mr.. Mod, hist., Geom., Chani„ Lat. Phys.ring. and Mrs. Frank Lobb. Auth., Lat. ,comp., Fr. Auth., Fri Verna Bayley—
The bride we' attended by Mrs. Miss S. Item of Detroit. Mich., vi'it- - Coml.,. Norah Bulteel
Norman Trewartha as bridesmaid I ed lalst week with her cousins, the K.e neth Armstrong—Geoin,, Chem!, 1 Phys.
and Mrs. Kenneth Langford as inat- Misses Cornish of town, Roy Churchill — Eng. Comp., Eng. Frank Fingland
eon' of honour, r'
The former was M. and Mrs. Dean Con•rtice and Miss Lit., ' Geom., Chem,, Si, Auth., • 'Phys.
the pulpit on Sunday August 27th. lace; thelatterin white brocade sat-' in Hamilton after a visit with Ross Dulling -.Rhg. Comp., Eng. Lit., Phys:
Service 11.15 in. Both wore white shoulder -length ! Misses. Sybil and Hattie Courtin. : Mod, Hist., Geoni., Chem.
Joseph Gibson
veils, and carried ant rbouquets of . Mr, and Mrs, Robert Phelan and Gerald Elliott —Eng. Comp., Eng. Phys,
BaptistBible Study 11Evening Worship pink gladioli,
Mod, HitGeom G em., Leonard Johnson— Ane. His., Ala,
7.—Subject"The Most Ireportanit The Rev. W. Cope B.A., B.D, coifs- daugee Mr.and CG George Lt., M., Comp.,
Fr. Phys.
Question Ever Asked." in of the groom officiated. He was Phelan, Auth, Fr. Comp. Jean McIntyre —Anc. Hist., Alg,,
Have You read Mark 8.36 lately? assisted at the double -ring ceremony-Mrs•Bill Thomas and Miss 'l'ove }len- Harriett Frentiin—Eng. Comp., Eng. Phys.
by, Rev. C. Tavener, niinister of !.he sen of Hamilton ware . guests for Lit,, Geom,, Lat, Auth., : Lat. Alex Kennedy — . Anc. Histt, Alg.
church. Immediately' following the�; a few days last week with Mr, and Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp. Phys,
ceremony the °Sacrament of the Lords ., Mrs. George Walker. Mervin Glazier—Geon, Chem., Fr. Mary Lane --.• Anc, ,Hist,, Alg,, Phys.
Ane. Hist., Alg
Anc, Hist•, Alg, Phys
Ane. Hist,, Alg,
Anc. Hist., Alg,
- Ane, Hist., Alg.,
— Ane. Hist„ Alg.,
Ladies Aid Tuesday afternoon in
the vestry. The pastor will bring the
9.45 a.m. Turners' Church Tuekee-
smith Township,
10.00 aim. Sunday School. '
11.00 a.m. and 7. p.m. Wesley -Will-
is and Ontario et. Congregations
Worships in Ontario Street United
Church, (William and Ontario Sts.)
Rev. G. G. Burton will conduct the
Supper was observed by the bride and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Layton andMr. Auth., Fr, Comp, "
groom: I and Mrs. Howard Oriel,. have re- Aileen McCartneyEng, Comp., Eng.
The ushers were Messrs. Norman turned home from a three .flay' • Lit., Mmc
odt Hist., Geo, Fr.
Trewartha and Kenneth Langford. visit with Mr, and` Mrs. Melbourne '. Auth., Fr. Comp.
The hest man was Mr. Bert Miner,) Ball of .Windsor. �Dorr McEwen Eng. Comp, Eng.
brother of the groom. Lit„ Mod. Hint, Gedm, Ghem,,
Mrs. Ed. Crawford, with her (Taught- A reception followed at, the borne Lat. Auth., Lat. " Comp., F.
er, Mrs, A. ,Kunkel, have eetmned
of the bride's parents. The bride's ' "•to their home in,
Niaggra; Falls aft- Auth, Fr Comp, •
Mother. and grconi's mother received I er visiting the foiurer's sister, Mr. s. 'John Molntyre— -Eng. 'Comp , Eng:
in dr+asses of. figured crepe and each Mac. Montgomery •and other Clin- Lit,; Mod. Rist., • Geom., 'Chem.,
wore a corsage of oink gladiola. The I I Lat. Auth; Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth,
ton relatives. Fr. Comp
waitresses were Miss Florence Smith •.
Phyllis McBride— !Am., Hist., Alg.
Stuart McBride -•-Ane.' Hist., Alg.,
Beecher Menzies --Azle; Hist., Alg.,
June Middleton —Anc. Hist., Phys.
June Miller—Ane, Hist., Alg., Phys.
Robert Morgan- Arm. Hist., Alg,
George Seribbins—Anc. Hist., ASg.,
Springford, Miss Dorothy Coxt Kirk- Mr. and Mrs. A Seeley, a.ceonpaniecl Pearl Miller—Eng. Comp., Eng, Lit., Helen' Shaddoek-- • Anc. Hist., .Alg„
LOCAL •ITEMS. land Lek', end Mrs. E. Potter and , Mrs. H. ;J, Seeley and son. to Tor- + Mod, Hist., Chem., Fr.; Auth,; Fr Phys, •
Mrs. Wm. Norman, Hoimesviile. onto on her return trip to her, home Comp.
In a friendly game of softball on Later the bridal couple left for a • in. Vancouver, B. C. They also June Murdock—Eng Comp, Eng.
Monday evening Canada Packersde-
feated Hanover Transport by the as•
tonishing score of 33 to 32.
One day last week, while at work
in itis .meat shop, Ross' Fitzsimmons
gashed the back of his hand when a
meat saw slipped,, It required eleven
stitches to close the wound,
two week's vacation on Lake Simeoe: visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Johns of Lit, Cheni.
For travelling the bride chose a 'meg- Newmarket. Donald Palni!er—Ebg. ,Comp., Eng.
Italia red dress with black a:ccessor- , Mrs. Marvel, Mickles • of Eaton Rap- ( Lit,, 'Mod. Hist., Geom., Chem,
ies. On their return they will spend ids, Mich., and Miss it. -Pickett, of Lat. Antb., Lat Comp., Fr, Auth,
a few days in St. Thomas where the Detriot are. guests at the home of Fr. Comp.
groom will be ordained as a minister Miss Rena and. Mr. Harold Pickett, William. Robinson—Eng, Comp., Eng,
of the United` Chureh. Tnen iliey Mrs, H. Ganton, of Huntsville, Ont., Lit., Mod, Hist., Geom„ Chen.
will leave for their mission field at is the guest of her daughter, 'Mrs. Mere»), Roy—Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit,
'Wawa,. Algoma. O; 14. Rands, of town. II Mod I3tst., ;Geom., Chem., Lat,
Albert Silver—Anc, Hist., Alg. Phys.
Eileen Sutter—Anc. Hist., Alg. Phys.
Margaret Tamblyn-,Ane Hist, Alg„
Alice TheInpson -Anc. Hist.
Aileen Turner — Ane, Hist„ Alg.
Lois Wiltse—Anc,.Rist., Alg. Phys.
Mildred Wiltse Ane. Hist., :Arg,
Harriet Wise—Ane: • Hist., Alg. Phys,