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.G. E. HALL' - Proprietor
Fire Insurance Agent
I Representing 14 Fire Insurance
' Division Court Office, Clinton
Louis Arthur Cunningham
CHAPTER .I I "1, madame"—Rudolph drew a trust, who is not a liar, the leader
Madame Fabre-Lusignan itempor
I deep breath and there was -oh, of a 'double life, a deceiver how-
aril, finished ,admiring her whale, , - Imencle! sweat upon bis forehead ever'innocetlt on—of Helpless cbil-
visage fin the silver -backed handl—,I am the rich uncle in Canada, dren.+
glass; straigntetted ilei ,Elite lace cap l 'Madame pushed er' teeth 'back "Yes," said madame absently.
hitched her bed jacket fuine land iter, with a loud chicly an looked quick- "Yes,' we'll see that we don't get
bony shoulders an e yelled, ound her ly at, . the old-#ashioned, tasseled any more kings .in disguise'or grand
Bell -pull: No one to hear if she lamas masquerading ashouse boys,
in a .voice that had often evoked an -1 did yank it. Even the cook was "But you will permit ee to stay
plause lin la Comedic I`rancaise,, in I gone and Rudolph was in charge in until the children came? It will
the beat theaters' of . London and the' kitchen. Maybe if .she screamed not be easf to—"
keystet tried,
it was againia !--one of her very best screams, "Don't be a fool, baron. Don't be
higher slowly !that of the 'mad witch Giselle in a grass imbecile. . Of course you
openling and, finding her voice with
a lovely timbre this morning, wont The BinhGairldron; say -that deaf will stay, When I spoke of your
on to curse the war, the tames, -all fool Florian would hear and come successor 1 'meant --very siimpiy—
running with a sickle or a Pori to a man to buttle. You, of course,
things in general; esleetally life kill this crazy
here at at tate Chateau Philibert, nowt• 'Please, madame—please" En -
that all the .servants had gone to dolph, Morpin seemed to know what
fight or to do war work and there she was thinking. "Will you hear
was left only this. ancient jackass,'nte before you. east rho into the
Rudolph; and the aged Florian, the'street? I—I am a colossal liar." your Chilean Philibert''
gardener; Who was deaf and sullen f "That is nothing." Madame waw "But you, madame—"
and, she" often thought, had really+ed her hand airily: "Nothing at all." ' "I?" The bright eyes danced
been dead for tell years—old zany. "T com'
e from Gratzen, "madame," and sparkled. "Well, I have thought
Rudolph entered with a tray on �oontinued Rudolph aniierably, "There of. that. .At first I dwelt on King
which were coffee in a grand silver i was the Baron Ruch de Morph. Cara] and his friend, Madame Lupe-
pot, Tokay grapes, crescent t rolls 'T'here I was—"
and a fresh copy of La Presse.I „
More war news to spoil- her days wet legs that were cold now, jerked
Accursed b , herself higher up on the pillow and
will stay on,"
"But how—"
"Name cif God! Ile asks how!
It is all very simple. You stay on
as the Baron de Morpin, here in
se I thought I should play Magda
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Ab! Madame forgot her coffee to your Carol." She grinned friend-.
ishfy as Rudolph crimsoned and
Barelstor, Solicitor, Notary Public• course a the wax that had busied himself with the coffee slow--
to W. Brydone, K.C. along with so many more precious took an Egryptian cigarette from the ly and im.seluatiousiy. "That is out. Sloah BRA' .... — . , .. Clinton, Ont. things taken her pretty maid Felice ivory ;box on the taboret. Rudolph You.. are definitely not the romantic
who used to come in, all big, blackilighted• it for her. The glittering type. So I shall be your house -
eyes and olive skin and 'cherry -red
lips, who used to say, ',Ah, heaven! smoke.
black eyes studied. him through the keeper." -
`"Continue, baron." "But, madame—"
But Madame Mimi is fresh and ]aye- He bowed stiffly. "It was a poor "Stop making .objections. This
ly this morning. How little ,the little country, Gratzen. We of the place is like a museum and it's dull
years affect true veauty." !ruling family had nothing. And I— as a morgue and it is the mercy
Little liar, mused madame, grin- well, Iwas—" of the good God that has caused
ning, and just then rememvering to i "You were the—what is it we some excitement to happen. It will
pop her teeth into her mouth, Still say ?—dark mutton." be good to have these little ones.
it had been pleasant to hear those i Rudolph bowed his white head. There is no reason in the world that
things and to have Felice- smoothie/ was the black sheep madame, 'they should ever know- you were
the bed and straighten the pillows i I was exiled. I was very young the butler. We can have a new man
and shyly touch her 'arm. Now' I vowed to them .all that I in the morning. FR phone to Gab -
there were no attention like that' would. become a great man, that I rich Follet at once."
:from the staid, white -headed Ru- 'would be wealthy, that I would own "But will it not be cruel to de-
dolph--nothing at all like *that., Ina chateau that would make the ceive them, to let them think—e
stead—(castle of Gratzen look like a cow- "N°1" screamed madame; siosh-
"Bateche!" Madame screamed a shed, ice emeen•;. he faltered, ing coffee into her saucer. "No!
good French-Canadian expletive as He bit his lips. He looked miseratly No! Not But it would be cruel to
the hot coffee . showered over the � out at • the great green park, , the have them learn, after being bomb -
bed, over her ,legs, over the paper wonderful gardens and vast lawns' ed and torpedoed and frozen and
she had just taken from the tray. ! of the Chateau Philibert,. which the starved,- that , they are very Iikely
"Son of a misbegotten goat, what .biscuit -made millions 'of Jean Pierre 'o be• at least frozen and starved
do you do here! Drunkard, im Gossec 'had created high up here in again, my old• one. '
HAROLD JACKSON beeile, homicide! You have decided the ,loneliest part of the :Laurentian , "Theret3,,i Slte lowered her voice
to scald me to death. You—" iMountains. All this, had come to Jean as she sat% the ]nut, the trouble,
Licensed Auctioneer "Madame," Rudolph ,
Specialist in Farm and Household p stared at Pierre s widow, whom in youth he the defeat in Rudolph's pale blue
Sales. her piteously; he `looked as if he had adored on the stage es M" eyes. After all,, he had dreamed of
greatness once, of the high places,
of ease And• opulence.. "I did not
Meet that you would be unable to
maintain t13em, but three is quite
Barrister -at -Law
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
Proctor in' Admiralty.
Notary Public and . Commissioner
Offices in Bank of Montreal - Building
Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays
ecu! Fridays.
Electra Therapist, Massage
'Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours—•Wed,' and Sat., and by
by Manipulation .Suit -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
Licensed in Huron and Perth were about to cry. Rudolph, who Fabre. Ali, he .had adored . his Mi -
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- had been her butler these last ten, mi, had little rolypoly Jean, Pierre.
faction guaranteed.' •• phone
,cies, who in ' all that•tithe had I, The memory of'the wayhe .had
Fer information' ,etc. write or lived behind a wall'
Harold Jackson, R.R. No.,4 Seaforth, of, silent servi- loved her, cherished'her; watched
phone 14-661. 06-012 fade and respect. The mask' of the .over+ilei, seen never a change in a number and children need so
menial was gone now. She saw her in the ,years, made her gentle much! Believe me, too, yet will be
only an old man, tired, broken, now.'. doing a kindness to a lonelold
afraid, As soon wouI
d she have "Continue, my friend," she. said,]woman. Not.in years have 1 had
expected the sphinx to break out. in ,"1 lice to hear this—this phan- the prospect of such fun or looked
a rash, tasy."
"What is it then, my o)d one?";
Madame's eyes were like black Rudolph drew himself up. He
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont.
57 BIoor Str. W. Toronto Ont.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, -Ont.
OFFICERS— President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Viee-President
Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris
Leonhardt, Bornholm; . E. J. Trewar-
tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan-
der, Walton; George Leitch, , Clinton,
AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce -
field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
Parties desiring to effect insur-
arum or transact other business will
be promptly attended to on applica-
tion to any of the above officers ad -
'dressed to their respective post offi-
ces. Losses inspected by the director.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East, depart . 6.43 a.m.
Going East, depart .. 3.03 p.m.
Going West, depart .. , .. , . 12.04: p.tn.
Going West, depart 1110 p.m.
London and Clinton Division
Coming North, arrive 11,20 a,m,
Going South, leave 8.10 'p.m.
During the pasture season, bur-
docks and plants of a similar nature
should be removed from sheep pas-
tures. This will help in some measure
to .prevent reject wool.
U. K. Will Need Eggs Even
When War Ends.
"An industry which realizes that
its future lies in its own hands is
already well on the way to making
that future a successful one", de-
clared S. B,•Barry- at the recent
Ontario Poultry Conference at To -
Tonto. Mr. Barry is the Associate
Chief, Poultry Products Inspection
and Grading Service, Dominion De-
partment of Agriculture, and gave
the assembled poultrymen an inst-
ructive review of the Canadian poul-
try industry of the present day, with
a recapitulation of historical events
of the past as a probable guide to
the future; He denied that the Can
lidian egg industry had been.' over-
done,. as the balance sheet of its 1944
operations would show, and as to the
future, the conclusion of the con-
tract wibh Britain in 1945 brings the
industry to the end of the period of
definite knowledge. What of the mor-
row? For how long would it require
Canadian egg production at or near
the present' level? To attempt to
predict the length of that period in
terms of time would be futile, he
said. It might more accurately be
estimated in terms of events.
The end of the European phase of
the war by no means marks the end
of the time when Britain will require
considerable egg supplies from Can-
ada, but history might be taken as•a
guide for determining the length of
the adjustment period. After the
last war, it was 1920 "before Den-
mark began to approach her pre-
war volume +of exports to, Britain and
1921 before she reached her previous
volume. Holland did not reach her
pre-war figure until 1928; Belgium
and Sweden not until 1926. And
Denmark, and Holland and Sweden
were neutrals and unharmed.
The Pacific war enters into the
calculation, said Mr. Barry. In pre-
war years Britain took from China,
as the major supplier, a slightly
larger volume of eggs in frozen and
dried form than Canada would sup- ''''"""'
THURS,. AUG. ilial 1944
VITAMINS add new pep,
life and energy to the
human body. When Firestone
adds Vitalin, the new rubber
"vitamin" to make Vitamic
Rubber, it gives greater
strength, longer wear,
greater toughness, more re-
sistance to heat, and better
aging. All Firestone tires
are now made with Vitamic
Rubber ... and they cost no
more. Insist on having them
on your car when you obtain
a Tire Ration Certificate.
Clinton, Ontario TELEPHONE 345
ply to Britain in 1944. Certainly, not
until the war with Japan was con-
cluded and its immediate damage
repaired could that trade be resumed,
If, in the meantime, Britain were to
require those products, and they are
reasonably indispensable, it night be
expected that Canada would be asked
to supply at least .a portion of her
Even if the most pessimistic view
• of Canada's future as an egg export-
ing nation were taken, if 'Canada
should consider that as soon as the
aftermath of war permitted Britain
would'secure her eggs andegg pro-
ducts from the same source that sup-
plied them in the past, it must be
agreed that at least until that time
a greater or lesser volume would be
required frons, Canada, contended the
departmental official.
forward so much to anything. You
must do as I tell you, Monsieur le
Baron. I must begin calling you
-diamonds, full of fire always, full was no longer the butler—no need baron."
of indomitable life, She loved to for that self-effacing mask and ;Rudolph stared at MadameFabre-
tell how aer dear friend Saran Bern- I more,he was the. Baron de Nor- Lusignan. comprehension coming like
aardt-la. Sarah whose pin, Baron Rudi. "So, when I a slow dawn into his eyes. He mois-
protegee ' site had been, had loved came to this grand place, this Cha. tened his lips with his tongue and
her eyes, had said there was a sep- 'tom tePhilibert, ` I—I made them made a i involuntary move toward
mete life in her grand eyes. „3.210 !think, those in Gratzen, that it was the wing collar that. had suddenly
not goggle like a Gaspe codfish, 'mine. I had pictures of myself tak- become too tight. He blinked .his
Rudolph," said the old dame pet -'en as •I stood in the great doorway, eyes fast and his voice was a bit un-
tishly. "What • the, devil is the mat- m the park, by the mirror lake, steady when he said, "There are n'b
ter with you?"
"The paper, madame. The --l"
"Oh, Lord, but the man is mad
grand salon. The - under words, madame—none that I know
chauffeur was a good man with the in any language, to express"
camera. Always I was dressed in "There may be some in Siwash,"
What paper? I know the wallpaper my morning coat and striped trous- said the old lady, biting on a roll,
is ugly, but ' my 'husband would ers' like a gentleman. I have let- "but •skip, it, . Rudi.. When do the
have a pattern of cupids and rose ter paper and envelopes with my young ones arrive?"
wreaths. Or do you mean ' La name and crest ,and Chateau Phili-
Presse?" beat, 'St. Didier des Montagnes
"I mean La Presse, madame.
"Yes, it is stupid. But-"
I should judge from the little 1
Quebec, on them. I never dreamed havedigested of the press account
that I would be found out. ..0 one that they will be here on tonight's,
in Gutzon even had money enough train. They know the name of the
"This—this, madame—" The but -to come to America. Now little station, StDidier des Montagnes."
ler's shaking finger pointed to the Meridaand these children, Poll "Tho, speak French? English?"
picture on the first page. It was Martin and Rosine, come to me for ! "I likely not ]vapor But I think it
that of a smiling ' pretty succor, for food, for shelter. To is that; apart from their own
girl an met" He turned away. "I shall';Andean,
they speak Swiss, perhaps
two little ones, a boy and a tiny
moppet with long thick curls. qhe Aracure you. sonic fresh coffee, ata_ Austrian, with little Trench or Brig-
caption said: "Princess. Meridei of dame, I am sorry --so sorry." fish:'
captzen, with her little cousins, Pot, `Bxtag some brandy" said ma- "It is well then. They will travel
Martin and Ros]ne, arrive in dame, "along with the coffee:' to ignorance, oven were there any
bee to seek refuge with `rich uncle
Wien Rudolph had gond she to tell them you do not own the
in Canada."ehopped, muttering, out of bed, a --IChateau Philibert"
Madame' looked fromthe queer, shinny old creature in bright Sentd day they'lI, have to know,
picture g madame."
to Rudolph and her thick gray -black crimson• pyjamas. , Old of face, old
brows wriggled dive caterpillars, "So o -i body, with an unruly crown of "Oh; baptism! Tell them then you
what?„ she had acquired this ole- curly white hair that gave her, I lost it in a poker game, Now I
gone, from .the American radio, with the strangely young and vivid shall talk to that sly lawyer, ;,Gab -
"So what?" , : black eyes, an elfin, gamin ]Dole as riel Follet, on the telephone and have
ii.' she were .a little girl made ftp ±1 send a. staff. I'll also tell ]rim
110r a play to pot tray' an old, oldtht my home is now the house of
lady. when Rudolph returned she i my guests, the Baron Rudi de Mor-
el was reclinitta an her chaise longuepin, the young Princess of Gratzen,
'Wild Carrot is Increasing on
Ontario Farms
New Pamphlet Gives Advice On
Controlling This
Noxious Weeds
A new pamphlet dealing with the
control of wild carrot, one of the.
most rapidly -spreading weeds in
Ontario, has been published by the
Crops, Seeds and Weeds Baa eh of
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture, John D, McLeod-, : Director of
that Branch announces,
Wild Carrot is a biennial weed that
ests of good farming and attractive
highways and byways, vigorous ac-
tion is necessary to suppress it. Wild
carrot being a biennial weed, can be
killed if prevented from seeding for
two years in succession. The new
pamphlet gives details of control
methods through ploughing and
cultivation, close mowing of pastur-
ing sheep on infested fields. It also
gives information regarding tate use
of chemical weed killers as a con-
trol measure.
Any farmers who are interested
are urged to write to the Crops,
Seeds ,and Weed Branch,. Parliament
Buildings, Toronto, asking for the
circular on "Weed Eradication by
, Chemicals" as well as for the new
pamphlet ion "Wild Carrot."
"I will be with thee. I will not fail
thee nor forsake thee" —Joshua l•5
Into the void, and we cannot know
We who must wonder and wait,
What happened in the fevered sky
As you gallantly braved your fate.
You "failed to return". God, does it
For always, or just for a while?
Shall we see again, when 'this is past,
Your warm, remembered smile?
Helplesaly, helplessly waiting here
The eternal question beats
Against the grain relentlesily,
is :on the increase in Ontario along As clays trudge into weeks.
roadsides and in permanent pastures,
says Mr. McLeod, and in the inter -Into thevoid—yet this we know:
That you are not alone,
For the Lord Himself is by your side,
Leading you on toward Home.
Lillian Collier Gray.
A. long gold chain of sunny hours,
With clasps of sapphire blue,
And gardens full of blooming
Are summer's gift to you.
The morning •of the year brings hope,
And evening's rest is dear,
But there is wealth of pleasure in
The noontime of the year.
His goodness fills the earth and so
To all a share is given,
Ah summer time has borrowed just
A. little bit of heaven,
E. P. M. D.
v -
Two barges ort a canal were ap
!preaching each other. Although"sep-
arated by •a hundred yards, the re-
spective owners recognized each
other and began long-distance greet-
The vessels passed and were al-
most out of hearing range when one
barge suddenly roared: "How's that
daughter o' yours, Bill?"
"Oh," replied Bill, in his bull -like
voice, "she's gone and eloped, she 'as
but we're keeping it quiet."
It's a real
pipe smoker's
I the door opening op to the bah- the royal voters,"
cony, wearing a, morning: gown of,"It ;sounds like a dream, madame."
lieiteh-color oil silk ftncl blue mules i She smiled up at hien over the
wait Area•b 'wltii;o potlpons; white telephone, like an old pixy.
have bathed in some strange "1„I begin to live again, Baron. ,I
liquids, Rudolph,” ltlto giggled, "but must also call my nephew, Boger
it is rho fIi'st 't!'tiao 1 shave led, with Fabre, and' tell bite the same story.
e one to eoe bluer-
' cof fee. 1 an not stlrc I lace i14" I He would -b spoil things• I take it,
I 1t wan tmpat'doluthle clumsiness, ing
madame, oven 'ander the elrcumstan- knew 7t en Baron — it would ruin
cos. Prow girl. l: ''tori yoii..-." evoryth'ing if the pretty Meridel Mr, Winston Churchill appends his (Canada),' Mr. John Curtin (Austral
"Deihl fry," ]chew -" signature, watched by General Smutsid); and Mr. Peter Fraser (New Zea- tominion Premiers at 10, Downing
"lY1,V at!egeisnl' Will be ono, r (To Be Contilined) (S• Africa,) Mr. 'Mackenzie Kingland) at the final meeting o£ the Street on May Kith 1944.