HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-08-03, Page 5'TI IS., Aug. 3rd. 1944
(Continued from page 1)
''stanees require the change.
We must also look to the future.
Any municipality to -day or in the
post-war period, will find it diffi-
cult to attract new industries with-
out having a sewage system in the
town. The trend is to decentralize
industries, and to spread them out
:tram the large cities to the smaller
`towns. .New industrieswill add
• stability to 'these 'communities. In-
dustiial executives will not want
-'their key workmen to settle in muni-
• eipalities, where no proper measures
"'have been taken to safe -guard their
Septic. Tanks
''Septic tanks ilio one way of pro -
'Ceding sanitary facilities in the
homes, At best septic tanks are only
temporary, and :require a great deal
.'of care dii installation and subse-
••quent care to .assure satisfactory
sanitation., The Department of
Health :is frequently called upon to would be of a minor nature.
enquire into problems' arising from Question—Will the new system in -
the use of faulty septic tanks. Pollee crease water consumption, and there
tion of water in the area niay lead fore increase water rates? ,
' to disease, endanger the health of Answer—There will be a slight en-
tre ooinmunity. crease in water consumption. The in
It is not right to': expect Septic crease -will not be ' an appreciable
Tanks to give permanent sat]sfae- ,amount, The water rates in Clinton
tion. Some, 'of course, after careful are exceptionally low, and there
installation, good soil formation, do .should be no worry on this point.
not give as frequent trouble as Di. Shaw M. O. H. spoke concern
others, which are constant annoyan- big sanitary faeilities in the Colleg-
eel to househoulders• late, Public Sehool and Hospital and
• More and more towns are learning the three factories, stated
that Septic tanks can not give as that be had been notified that some -
'much satisfaction as a properly in- thing must be done soon in connee-
stalled Sewage system. tion with these Public buildings,
Council Takes Initiative IVlr. Frank Fingland, President of
The chairman et the citizens aim -
Hospital Board, expressed his
mittee, Mr. A. J. the
was desire to have modern sewage linen by the mayor, and he tem, as he ]piety frons first hand in-
calledoutlined the •course of action, which agedi formation how the system of sew-
was followed from the time it was age disposal had been a bone of con
proposed to enquire into the steps tendon on the Hospital and Collegospita-
required to instal a sewage system late Boards. Recently the Hospital
in Clinton. The town council employ- Board spent a large sum of money
ed an engineer to make a survey of to install a septic tank system and al.
'the town; then the council appointed though working splendidly at prre-
•a representative committee to besent, was ,only temporary in reality.
present to !tear the engineer's re -
Hien, on the main streets
port. The Representative committee have no place for septic tanks or
was composed of Mayor .Agnew,
drainage. A sewage system, would
Reeve Falconer Councillors T1e- benefit them as well as being vitally
, wartha and Epps, Dr. A. Addison, necessary for the public institutions
Barry Bartiiff, H. D. Cameron, A, F. in the town.
• Cudmore, Tom Churchill, Caryl Dra- : Engineer: R. V. Anderson
per, Fret! Ford, Ralph Foster, Frank Mr. Anderson was in charge of the
Fingland, A. Garen, B. J, Gibbings, survey made in Clinton in the spring,
G. E. Rall, Arthur Knight, Cliff and his address was full of many
Lobb, A, J. McMurray, C. G. Middle- interesting facts pertaining to Clin-
. ton, Dr. Oakes, A. Pegg, A. Mormi- ton's municipal rates in comparison
son, 0. L. Paisley, Tont Riley, A. E. with rates in other nearby muniei-
` Rumball, Dr. Shaw, T. G, Scribbles. panties. Clinton's rate is very much
`Town Clerk Corless was appointed lower than many other municipali-
Secretary of the committee.
palling 0 householder to do so. How-
ever, if a sewerage system were in-
stalled septic tanks would not be
considered as satisfactory.
Question—On the :outside of the
town there are vacant lots how
would the new'. plan affect them?
Answer—The low taxation for
vacant lots, would mean that the
added proportion would be only a
small amount.
Question -"In connection with the
financing , of 'the :proposed system,
has any feasible plan: been used re -
frontage basis?"
Answer—Payment according to
frontage basis has been used in the,
past, and there is nothing wrong
with that plan, but there are more
advantages in using the sewerage
rental, which spreads the payments
over the yearly period.
Question—Is there any danger of
trouble in the future resulting in
additional expense?
Answer --There is no real danger
as the plans are modern. Any repairs
. This committee brought additional
suggestions for the improvements in
the plans, and these changes were
• approved by the engineer.
It has been suggested that the cost
of rental for each householder be
divided this way 35% to be paid with
the taxes and 65% on the water
rates. This is a question to be sett-
. led later. •
No action will be taken, at pre-
sent, but when plans are complete,
Clinton will be able to lie among the
first municipalities to go before the
• Government and say that everything
is ready to go ahead:
Tho eomtnittee as a whole agreed
'unanimously that it was a necessary
project, and secondly, that the
citizens of Clinton' are well able to
undertake the financing of such a
Miss Marjorie Arthur left Tues-
day for Holland, Man, where she will
yisit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riddell
(formerly Alma Yungblut).
Cpl. Jack' Weir and Mrs. Weir are
spending a few days with the for-
men's father, Dr. B. C. Weir.
'Mrs. Arthur Yungblut, of Detroit,
is visiting his father, Geo. etungblut,
and Mrs, Yungblut.
Messrs Cameron Henry and Geo.
Mustard and Misses .Mary McCully
and .Eva Stackhouse of .Brucefield
visite Donald with D nald RDs o Sunday.
n Sun ay.
We are 'sorry to report that Mrs..
,Bert Daer is serioesly 111 in Clinton
hospital following an ' emergency
operation late Friday night.
Mr. .and • Mrs. Rinderltnecht and
Maynard of Detroit are visiting Mrs:
Rinderkneeht's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Beadle.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wilkins of
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
Gibbings of Clinton, were Sunday
visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Amos
Mr. Harvey McGee left on Satur-
day for Western Canada where he
will visit relatives at Regina for a
couple of months. Following this he
intends making\ his home in Detroit
with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbs, John Snell.
Mrs. John McKnight is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Breen, London,
her daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith.
and Mr, Ferguson of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs, Bill Riley, Goderich,
Communion will be dispensed next with. Mrs. Chas Watson.
Sunday morning in Knox Presby ! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fraser, Wind
terian Church, Tlie interim: modera- sor, and Miss Marjorie MeMath,
tor of the congregation, Rev. A. al Toronto, with Mrs, Win. Lyon,
Wilson ef Whitechurch will conduct,! Mr. T. Moon, London with Mr. and
the service. Preparatory service will Mrs. Jas. McCool. '
be held Friday night at 8.80. , •oMrs. Robt. Townsend, Mrs. Ben -
Mr. Joe Carter and Miss Sadie, thain, Miss Fern Watson, and Miss
Carter were clown from Port Elgin Dorothy Little are holidaying at
for the week end. They also attended Barrie.,
the funeral service ef the late Fred! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and
Mutat), of Clinton. ]Kenneth with Mrs. Moore at Fore
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Snell left , est.
this week to spend a vacation on 1 Mr. and Mrs, J. Nott with Mr, and
Lake Muskoka, !Mrs. P. Roberton, . Seaforth.
Rev. Dr. W. 3. Mortimore who is ,i Mr. and Mrs. John •Riley and !ram-
ifying retired in London is renewing ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and fain -
acquaintance in this district. He ily and Mr. and .Mrs. H. Hunking
preached ' in Knox United Church,' and Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr.
the Sunday School. • + Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb and Grace
with Mrs, H. Lyon.
Misses Isobel Rollinson and Fern Rev, Will Fingland, Niagara Falls
Hoss of Toronto are visiting the for- fwith Mr. and Mrs. J. Fingland,
mpsls parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred' Mrs. Art. Tobieo and family, Hag -
Rollinson ersville, with Mr. John Garrett.
Mrs, Wm. Marrs has returned to Mrs. Albert ,Radford -is in St. Cath -
her, home in Hallett after a three !crines visiting her son and his wife,
s' visit with her mother, Urs. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Radford.
et �5»•, F
eyitgoilh 1 uvro
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66'w -,and 66J
Batkins Locker Service
At last our waxed cartons have
A Bandy way to scald beans, peas,
corn etc. is to put them in a small
cloth, bag and dip them in scalding
water for from 3 to 5 ininues then
digin cold water.
Try us for a n14 beef,
unday night at a service in aid of and Mrs. Wm. Ranking.
Thos. Doyle. 1The W. M. S. will meet in the base -
A successful ea]e of household i nient of the &hutch on Thursday
goods seas held by Thomas Adams�Ang.:l0th at 2.30.
at the Auburn hotel' last Thursday,; The word for roll call is "Joy":
Harold Jackson of Seaforth was Will the members please keep this
ties of approximately the same popu auctioneer. Mr. Adams left this week • elate in mind and come to the mneet-
lation. Any addition to the local ,tax for Mis emploploy; near Toronto, cvhora he ilia and bring someone else. There
yed at the airs
rate would only •plate Clinton in the
same place as these other towns are
now, whereas, if they contemplate
similar projects, thisrate will rise
accordingly. Consequently Clinton
would be considered' a good financial fronick! G 1 People even , driving out
fort. there, (will be a special speaker and a good
The 'Women's Institute held a sue- program, Group No. 1 . will be in
cessful home made baking sale, charge.
Saturday afternoon in the Forester's
Hall, The goods disappeared, very
:isle by the investment .brokers. iii oc erre to make purchases
The method of making preliminary The proceeds amounted to 321.
plans, was sincerely commended, as serge crowd, one of the larges
everything had been done in a logical ver to attend a sale' in this district
and clear-cut manner.' was present at the clearing sale o
household effects and farin stock and
Council initiated proceedings—, implements belonging to Harvey
March, hired the services of a survey, McGee, There wee such a vast list ef
appointed a committee of representa articles to be sole!, that the sale oc-
tives citizens to meet with them to eupied two days. Stilen :lid prices were
hear the engineer's report, planned realized in everything. An example of
the citizens' meeting on July, 28th. this is .a 1929 Chev. which sold for
Plans are getting under way to can 3350.00. The eeriewas not sold but
vass the town. The proposed plan isas been rented to 1 Kenneth Mc -
must also receive official sanction of Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall
the authoritie- at Queen's Park. Then (Marjorie Tell) have taken posses- i
It is the intention if the committee tenders will be called Tor among the lion of the farm. Donald Blue of Rip
contractors, proposals Erni mann- ley was auctioneer, ,
to canvass the town with a question- factor% concerns, equipment and Friends and` neighbours gathered
material. 'All these :factors will re- in the Foresters Hall Friday even -
quire a great deal of time and Mg to say farewell in Mr. Harvey
thought, Proper decisions cannot be McGee, highly esteemed resilient of
reached if everything is hurried. this community. Raymond Redmond
Work would have to start early in presided for an interesting and ver -
the spring, as the construction of led program which consisted 01 solos
Was -
such a' unit would require from 6 to
by. Mrs. Gordon Taylor,KraWss-
iley 13rachnocic, O. Bradley and Mr,
11.3RANDO1i _r,, Clinton Public hos-
t pita], on Saturday, July 29th, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. Brandon, a son,
f l Richard Charles,
CARTER --In Chatham. General Hos-
pital on Monday, July 31st, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson Carter,
a daughter.
naive. Data on the approximate cost
for each householder ewi]l be avail-
able. Their as soon as possible a vote
will be taken.
At this point Mayor Agnew spoke
briefly, saying that Public Health is
-of paramount importance, coring
ahead of education, which has al-
ways been considered one of the J .months work. Naturally thelStanley Sibth•or a duet b .Miss
community's chief interests. towns streets would be in a state i Josephine Weir and Mrs. 1?l etre:
More over, if new industries are of confusion, but it would be in a trio by Mrs, Wen. Craig. Mr Wnn.
attracted to Clinton, it will mean state of. confusion, but it would Iasi g $
for on one season, and tine result reagin t and Mrs.' Sid uhan, (hey-
-add]tioiial help in financing- the pro- y' readings by Vivian. Strachan, Mar-
ject• Also, Mayor Agnew continued, will mere than make un for any'nr- ,jcri%` Arthro n and John -Buchanan.
every -one is. aware that the Govern- convenience. Brief speeches were ,given by. Harry
merit is sitting in theshiver's seat It is entirely tip to the 'citizens of
Sturdy, Win. 'Watson,
Clinton to co-operate with and as -
'Watson, Nile, Wm.
and Wright easily demand that tha Watson, Blyth and Lewis Ruddy. Mr.
.town install a -sewage system. m> sist the members of the Committee, idcGee was called to the platform
democratic way is for the citizens to The sooner Clinton is in a position to and spoke briefly in a reminiscent
plan and matte their •own, arr n e- make a contract to construct such a
a d mapper. He was' presented with, a
ments. In concluding his remarks, system, the better chance it will have purse of money as a token of the
lelayor Agnew asked the citizens to to choose a reliable firm. Atpresent esteem in which he was ]field. The
receive the canvassers kin 1 contractors are•passing up jobs be-
g y es;National Anthem brought the even -
these people are giving freely of cause of lack of labour and the sitna ing to, a close,
their time a5 a service to, � the inunie- Lien can be very quiekly reversed.. �.._- ' 1
beater. , C+her. centres besides Clinton are
planning similar systems, ,and there j LONDESBORO
Question Period , will be a finery to obtain the best
"If houaeholdee has lead trouble - ontractors: i Mr. and Mrs' Morris 13041"11.13041"11.os' of
with house drainage, would the new. en concluding his remarks, Mr. East Wawanosh, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
system help in carrying off the Anderson urged the citizens of. Clic Caldwell of Blyth with Mr. and Mee,
water?, !tonnot to delay, but to be ready .Meredith Young,
Answer—A sewerage systeau :for the first opportunity, f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster of
•should solve that problem, and keep Mr. A. 3. McMurray and Mn. - F. i Clinton have returned home after
• all cellars well drained. and dry, Fiiagland expressed the thanks and spending a few days last 'week with
Questioir Would: it .be 'contra- appreciation of the citizens for the Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young.
p 1
sosy to make connection with'the information given by Dr. Berry and Mr. and MTs. Jack Sproule and
system? Mr. Anderson. This was extended to Donald, London, and Miss Emma
Answer= -=There ' is no law cent- the men by 11'layor Agnew, ;Snell, Toronto, with. Mr, and -Mrs.
Now playing '•-- Olsen and John-
son in "CRAwr ROUSE"
Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features
Franehot Tone, Ella Raines and
Alaty Curtis.
A shock -rational masterpiece of
Added attraction -Gloria Jean and
Ray Malone in a song and dance
Thur. Fri, and Sat,
Rose Franken's adorable, scatter-
brained sweetheart 'brought to the
screen by Dorothy McGuire who
made her eome to life' on Broad
way. '.
Dorothy aMc,Guire, Robert Young
and Ina Claire.
Coming -- Betty Grable as
Matinees — Sat. and • Hol. at 2.30
Now Playing , Darryl F. Zanuek's
Mon; Time. and Wednesday
Presenting BELITA, the (lancing
with James Ellison, Frick and
Frock, Walter Catlett.
and four great bands, including
Henry Busse, Eddie le Baron,
Mitch Ayers and Lou Bring.
It's a hit show!
Thur. Fri, and Saturday
Samuel Goldwyn's• Masterpiece.
Ai story burning with love and
Ann Baxter, Dena Andrews, Wal-
ter Huston, Walter Brennan, Ann
Harding Jane Withers, Farley
Granger and, Erie Von. Sinoheirn»
Coming —. "THE IMPOSTOR"
starring Jean Gabin. '.
No Playing -Noah Beery Jr: in
Mon, Tues. and Wednesday
Betty Grable, John Harvey, Mar-
tha Raye and Joe E. Brawn.
From Iceland to Timbuktu. From
Attu to New Guinea In every 'bar-
racks there' will be a
In Technicolor
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Olsen and Johnson in
A riot of entertainment, music and
fun' with
Case Daley, Martha O'Driscoll,
Patric Knowles, Pony and Sally lie
Marco, Count Basle and The Delta
Rhythm Boys, ,
Conning — Maxwell Anderson's
stage bit. "THE' EVE OF ST.
Matinees -- Sat. & Rol. at 2.30
FAIRSERV2C'E' In loving memory
of our dear son who passed away
August 2, 1941.
With tears we watched him sinking
We watched him pass away
We tended him with loving care
But could not make him stay.
We watched beside his bedside,
As the lonely hours passed,
And how our hearts were broken
When we saw him breathe his last
We leave him in God's keeping
The rough road is safely o'er
He is not lost to loving hearts
But only gone before.
—Mother and Dad.
FAIRSERVICE-1n loving memory
of a dear brother who passed away
three years ago, August 2nd.
If all the, world was ours to give
We would give it, yes, and more,
To clasp the hand of our dear'brother
And see his smile once more,
To you who have a brother
Treasure hini with care
For you will never know his value
Till yott see his vacant chair,
Mrs. Fred Mutch and family wish
to extend their sincere thanks and
appreciation 'to relatives, friends and
neighbours for the kindness and
sympathy shown 'them in their
recent sad bereavement, also for
the beautiful floral tributes and
those who kindly loaned ears—Spe-
cial thanks to Rev. D. 3. Lane, Rev.
B. F. Andrew and Plt.ISgt. Janes
Ross of Centralia Pipe Band.
HANKSMr. John Pepper and 'family wish to
extend their thanks and apprecia-
tion to their friends and neighbours
for the kindness and sympathy
shown dies: in their recent sad ber-
eavement. Sincere thanks to the
minister, and those who kindly loan-
ed ears, and for the lovely floral
We evish to extend our`thanks
and appreciation for all expressions
of sympathy during our sudden loss
of a son and brother on active ser-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. W. Churchill
MARRIAGES and family.
day, July 22nd, Delphine, daughter
of Mr. and. Mrs. Victor Bisback, of
Goderich Township and Leslie Dol -
mage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dolinage, McKillop, were united in
marriage, Rev. Andrew` Lane
MUTCH—In Clinton, on Thursday,
July 27th, Frederick Mutch, in his
72nd year.
ELLIOTT—In Holmesville, on Fri-
day, July 28th, G. M. (Mel.)
Elliott in Itis 37th year.
PEPPER—In Stanley Twp., ori
Saturday, July 29th, Annie F.
Carter, beloved wife of John E.
LOGAN—In Blyth, on Sunday, July
30th, William A. Logan in his 71st
year. •
MCMURRAY---In Tnekersnsith, on
Monday, July 31st, Martha Ella
Colquhoun, beloved wife of Adam
J. McMurray.
BRANDON In Clinton, on Tuesday,
Aiugust lst, Richard Charles, in -
Tent son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Brandon, l
WALKER—In Clinton, on Tuesday,
August 1st, . William Walker in
his 78th year. a
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to all friends
and neighboitrs for their kindnesses
and sympathy shown during our
recent sad bereavement and for the
beautiful floral tributes.
-'Mrs. Elliott and 'family.
The family of the late George
Crawfordwish to express sincere
thanks to their many friends and
'neighbours for kindness shown in
their recent bereavement..
/ Two steers about 800 pounds each.
1 Owner can have same by paying ex-
, penses. , Apply. Charles Weymouth,.
Londesbor•o. 08-1
I For. Sale''
Yellow, q lums 6 cart ` basket at
35c, Will have plums right along.
Apply Mr. 3. R. Stirling, R. R. 2
Bayfield. 08-3
For Sale •
1 Single bed, complete with springs
and mattress. Apply News -Record.
To Rent
Two room apartment, :. large bed
sitting room and kitchen, all con-'
veniences, Apply. News -Record. 08-1
I . Notice to Credi
..In the Estate of Evsi May Cluff
Iate of the Town of Clinton in the
County of Huron, Spinster, deceased.
All persons having claim's against;
the estate of the above deceasedare
required to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Estate,
en or before the 21st day of August,
' 1944, after whichdate the
assetswill be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
1 Dated. at Clinton, this .1st day of
August, A.D. 1944.
Wanted I F. Fingland, K. C„ Clinton , Ont.
A child's tricycle, in gd i- Solicitor far the said Estate.
roc coon
tion. Phone 143 Clinton. 08-1 ! 08-3
But as many as received Hint (Jesus) to them gave he
Power to Become the Sons of GOOD,
even to them that believe on His name: John 1:12
"Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 pan. E. D. S. T.
On mutual networks — Sundays — Local Station — OKLW. Windsor
Chas. E. Fuller, P. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California
°nsh :ent
a� ��sryy
e g i .1 is s a t i.. �G,.
That is where we look for ALL that is good to eat.
GOOD to us because we know that Mother is the
best cook in. town. When. Bartliff's Bread is served,
at rounds out the enjoyment of every meal to per-
fection.. :?i,i
Serve Bartliff's Bread at every meal IT IS FULL`)
To Rent
Three -roomed apartment, private
entrance. Apply at News -Record Of-
fice. 08-1
For Sale
75, 2 months old pullets, 75 3
month old cockerels, Sow, 6 months
old, due to farrow in 13 days. Apply
Mrs. Martell, at Old Josling Farni
Con. 9, Hullett. 08-1
"Mr. Harold 'Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
the premises on Monday August 14th
at 2 pan. the following property.
"The administrator of the Estate
of Annie Rouatt will sell by public
auction at the premises in the village
el Bayfield, the westerly part of
Lot 224 and all of Lot 225, Howard
Survey. This property, consists of a
new frame cottage; electrlo light,
good cellar. The property will be sold
at a reserved bid. Terms 20% deposit
balance within 30 days. For further
particulars apply to Harold Jackson,
Auctioneer,' Seaforth or to Harvey
Erskine, Esq., Administrator, R. 0,
Hays, Solicitor for the Estate, Gode-
rich' 08-2
For Sale
Two door sedan in good running
order. Apply to F. Johnston, next
Seeley's garage. 07-2
For Quick Sale
3 burner coal oil- stove with 2.
burner oven (new), Also 1 large
circular heater and 1 glass tank
for, oil stove. Apply - News -Record,'
Rooms Wanted
A widowed lady would like 2
Rooms on ground floor with bath
accommodation in Clinton by the
year .if satisfactory. Leave partieu-
lams at the News -Record Office 07-3
Notice To Creditors.
In the Estate of Jane Austin, late
of the Village of Londeeboro, in the
County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased.
All persons having claims, against
the Estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the said
Estate, on or before . the 7th day of
August, A.D. 1944, after which date
the assets will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of
July, A.D. 1944. •
F. Fingland, le. C., Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for -the said Estate.
Cemetery Memorials
Large stock of modern memorials on
display et our
Clinton Showrooms
For the ,convenience of our patrons;
office will he open on
Open by appointment at any other
See Mr. J. 3, Zapfe, next door
Cunningham & Pude
Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth
Notice to Creditors
All persons baying claims against
the estate of Jaynes Cook, late of the
Town of Clinton, who died at Toronto
on the 4th day of May, 1944 ere re-
quired to file full particulars of their':
claims with the undersigned by the
leth clay of August, 1944, after which
date the estate will be'distributed.
Dated at Goderieh, this 20th day of
July, 1944' by Frank Donnelly, 'Gode-
rieh, Ontario, Solicitor for the estate.
Notice to Creditors
In the ];state of Charles Wilson
,Rothwell, late of the Village of
Varna, in the County of Huron,
'Esquire, Deceased,
All persons having claims against
the testate of the above deceased are
require(] to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Estate,
onor before the 7th day of August,
AD. 1944, after which date the assets
will be distributed amongst the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard:
only to the claims of which notiee
shall have been given,
Date(] at Clinton, this 17th day of
July, A.D. 1944.
F. Fingland; 11.C,, Clinton, Ont,,,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
For Sale
One .Heavy Farris, steel -tired _wa-
gon in good condition, Apply to Mr.
Felwarci Welsh, R. R. 5 Clinton, 06-3
Wanted To Purchase
Pulletseight weeks of age and
older. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire,
and White Leghorins, Good'. Prices
paid, Write T'Aveddle' Chick Katcher-
ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 06-8
Lot For Sale
• A good building lot, approximate-
ly 65 'feet frontage, leer particulars
phone 34w. Gordon Lawson. 05-te
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phosee
at once. Fred. Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21, •' 5B„ •