HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-27, Page 4AIMS -
Catch Up With Your Reading
Sununer's a wonderful time to read all those books .you've promised
yourself to read, Here are Seventeen? books people are talking about
Your mind will be stimulated, your world broadened, even if you don't
move a step away from your own front _porch •or your favorite garden
The Labyrinth By Cecil Roberts
,Country Colic By ,Robert Lawson $2.25
The Angel with the' Trumpet , By Ernst Lothar : $3.25
The Weeping Wood By Vicki Baum $3.75
The Pied Piper of Dipper Creek By Thomas II. Raddall $2.50
While Still We Live By Helen MacInnes $3.00
A.11 in a Twilight By Allen R. Evans 32.75
Endure No Longer By Jfartlia.Albrand $3.00'
The Sea: Eagle By James Aldridge -$3.00
Shark's Fins and Millet By Ilona R. Sues $3,75'
Journey Among Warriors By Eve Curie $4.50
Yankee From Olympus - By Catherine D'. Bowen $4.00
Jan Smuts By F. S. Crafforcil $4.50 .
Against This Rock By Louis Zara $3.25
Lake Hut or By Fred Landon $4;50
The Outnumbered: Catherine Hartter $3.25
The Razor's Edge By W. Somerset Maugham $3.25
EVENINGSE6 TO. 8 In Business Since 1885 PEONES 36W
For Hot Weather Comfort.
There is nothing better in leg make-up.
Will not rub off :11 l,t ; ;h& COW • Willnot streak.
Men's Sport Shirts $2.00 to $3.50
weh ar
ust with the eosort rstyllewith.matching buttons and two patch loetsColors fawn?.blue, green and white. Sizes small, medium and Large.
Men's White Shorts 75c pair
White broadcloth or naincheck shorts made by one of Canada's
leading underwear manufacturers. Ties at the side, three -button front
and full banjo seat. Sizes, 30 to 44. Pair 75c.
Straw hats in various styles, Just the thing for this hot weather.
$1.50 to $2.75.
Sport Pants, 'Blues, Greys, and Pawns $1,95 to $4.50
CUSTOM TAILORS -- Be Measured by a Tailor.
Listen To
Self Polishing Liquid Wax and Paste Floor Wax
Every Friday Morning, At 10.15
37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast
For Sale• at all Grocery and Hardware Stores
Bicycles, Fishing tackles, Golf Clubs and Tents.
Dunnage Bags, Haversacks, Packsacks, Tennis Rackets, Soft Balls,
Bathing Trunks, Boat Cushions, Safety Floats.
Headquarters For All Sporl'ting Goods
Mr. and Mrs. Argo and. son Jimmie
Lee of Toronto spent the week end
at the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. McConnell.
Miss Maggie Carroll of Toronto
who'. has been the guest of Mrs. R.
Hartfor the past two weeks left for
St. Marys to visit relatives before
returning to her home.
Mrs. Horner of Zurich is visiting
-with her .daughter, Mrs. A. Ings.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dignan, of Hay
:and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beck of London
.called on 'Miss Carroll on Sunday
.afternoon at the home of Mrs. I3'art.
Miss Mossop received; word of the
•death of her sister Mrs. ,Andrew
Gordon " of Buffalo, Alberta.. The
:news came as a great shock as Mrs.
Gordon- had been in her usual health
but was stricken with a heart attack.
We extend our sympathy to Miss
Mossop in her recent bereavement,
Mrs. J. E. Montenay and sons
James and Russell who spent the
past fortnight with the ladies parents
Mr. and. Mrs. F. Appelby have re-
-turned to their home in Tillsonburg.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Stockton of Long
Beach, California are visiting at the
home of .the latter's• sister Mrs. M.
Mrs. Dodsworth and MTs. Robin-
son of London were •guests at the
hone of the former's mother, Mrs.
E. Smith and Mr. T. Dennison on
Mrs. P. Herd, Lorna and Douglas
of Stratford spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and •Mrs. M. Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs., Geo. McLeod and
friends from Nizora called on the
former's grandmother, Mrs, E. Smith
on Sunday,
Red Shield
The regular meeting of the R.S.
W.A.was held in the Army Hall with
.twenty-three members and three
visitors present. Two quilts were
quilted. The Happy War Worker`s
brought in 3 child's dresses, 2 small
boys suits, 1 girls dress, size 8; 2
worsens dresses sizes 3A and 40; 2
sets of sweaters and skirts; and 1
quilt. From Red Shield members, 3
dresses, 2 pr. panties and 1• pair of
seeks, 1 boy's suit from Mrs. Pocock,
The next' meeting will be held in
the Army Hall. These will be a
special collection of 25c at our next
Brueefie1d: United Church :held
their Sunday .School Picnic at Bay-
field on Wednesday afternoon, July
The weather was ideal and there
was a record attendance..
After' an exciting ball game the
sports were held. Many of the young
people took advantage of the ;fine
afternoonto enjoy swimming and
boating. Then everyone gathered to-
getheraround the supper table for a
social horn,.
The sports results were as follows:
Running races -pre-school` age Neal
McGregor, Beverly McKenzie, Pa-
tricia Mero; Girls 6 -7 -Thelma Baird
Verna Eyre, Jean McGregor; Boys
6 -7 -Neal McGregor, Jack McGregor
George Ross; Girls 8 -12 -Ruth Keys,
,Audrey Baird, Eleanor McCartney;
Girls 1.3 -16 -Betty Wooley, Blanche
Zapfe; Boys 13.16 -Lloyd McKenzie,
Geoffrey Farr; Young Ladies -
Blanche Zaple, Betty Wooley; Young
men -W. D. Wilson, Melvin Graham;
Married Ladies -Mrs. Wm. Seott,
Mrs. Ross Chapman;Married Men -
Mr. George McCartney, Mr. A. Zapfe
Three-legged race -Stuart Wilson,
Jimmy McGregor; Kick the slipper,
girls and ladies -.Betty Wooley; Kick
the slipper, boys and men-Seldan
Ross; relay race Stuart Wilson,
Sack race, boys and men -Thornton
Mustard; Sack race, girls, and women
-Mrs. Ross Chapman, Anna Cor-
nish; Clothespin race -Mrs. • Eadie
Mustard, Anna Cornish. The win-
ners at tug-of-war were -Lyle Hill,
W. D. Wilson, S'eldan Ross, J. K.
Cornish, Captain, H. F. Berry and
Melvin Graham,
Flt. Lt. Jack Calder Missing
Second Time
Fit. Lieut. Jack Calder, of Gode-
rich and Owen Sound, is missing
"after operations over enemy terri-
tory" -the second time in this war
he has been so .reported -his parents
Rev and Mrs, A. C.. Calder, were
advised officially to -day.
Flt. Lieut. Calder, formerly on
the editorial staff of The Canadian
Press in Toronto, .only recently
went ;back on operations after a
long convalescence from serious in-
juries suffered in August last year
when the plane of which he was a
crew member flew into the top of
a mountain in Northern England.
Before that in October, 1941
-Calder had been reported missing
for short time before air authori-
ties learned he .had parachuted
safely from a plane over Eire. He
was interned in Eire for more than
a year before returning to England.
There was no explanation' how he
got out of Eire.
In August, 1941, Calder's bylined'
story of a raid on the Nazi pocket
battleship Gneisenau at Brest made
newspaper .history -the first by-
linecl story by a Canadian A. A. 11.
flier. Newspapers across Canada
and in the United States used it on'
their front pages. ,.
He wrote al series of, stories, for
OP from internment in Eire and
more recently on the work of Plas-
tic surgeons at the East Qrinstead
Sussex, military hospital where he
was undergoing extensive treat -
Feeding The Cow
.Feed the dairy cow according to
the individual needs and desires of
each animal. Feed regularly both as
to 'the hours of .feeding and the
character of feeds. Sudden .changes
in feed will not only cause a loss in
gains and production at ;milk but will
often induce ailments.
Leicester, England - Testifying
during a court case here, Pte. James
Alspaugh of the U.: S. army was ask-
ed if he hadn't thought it strange
that his receipted hotel bill failed to
bear his name and the date of his
stay. "No," he replied, "I've learned
since .being over here to trust
T'IJURSS., JULY lith 1944
A Disheartening jSituation
From The Montreal Gazette ,
r editorial,
Ina tees tt
Press referred to the disheartening
situationwhich is developing in the
Quebec election: The. Montreal Ga-
zette, in a powerful lead editorial,
bears this. out; It says that not one
of?the parties contesting the Quebec
election' admits to any recognition of
the democratic principles for which
the forces of : the free world are
fighting, The Gazette goes on to say:
"It' is impossible to ponder the
significance ;of the news without
realizing that the tides of war that
have engulfed the world have left
Quebec largely' unmoved, that the
purpose of the appeal now being
made to the electorate is 'to cenfirne
it in its isolation, and that the res-
ponsibility is shared in varying de-
gree by men of all parties.
"There are few candidates, who
have lifted their oyes from narrow
provincialism to the wider horizon
of world affairs, or have shown
much awareness of the great prin-
ciples of human • liberty for which
civilization is pouring out life and
treasure. Most efforts are to minini-
seize the war, to cushion its impact,
to lighten its burdens, and to lull the
people into a'false sense of security
and self-sufficiency.
"Where Quebec's steep -walking
will ultimately lead her we do not
know. What we do know is that
the rest of the country, a not in-
considerable territory, will' watch the
course of her power -seeking politic-
ians with some degree of alarm."
* A i
The Gazette points out that
Maurice Duplessis, leader of the
Union Nationale, declares that his
padlock law of 1937 will be revived
if he is returned to power. Ile there-
by announces that the events of the
last five years have no meaning for
him. This war is being fought for
liberty, for the liberty of free men to
express their opinions and to read
what books they choose. The Gazette
says it is undemocratic; it abridges
the unalienable rights of free speech
and the freedom of the press; and in
its application it employs the strat-
egy` of terror that characterizes the
operations of the Gestapo.
Turning to the Liberal party the
Gazette says:
"Jacques Dumoulin, Liberal tean-
didate for Montmorency, is reported
to I1ave declared that he was success-
ful in exempting young farriers
from military duty. "I have done
everything possible in order that you
may forget that there is a war on
and that we have got mobilization,"
he is quoted as saying.
"Here is a member of the Legis-
lative Assembly making the amaz-
ing boast te, his constituents that
he has saved their sons from army
service. It was no •doubt well re-
ceived by his - listeners, but what
a pitiful appearance this drab con-
fession will make in the press of
the outside world, to which Quebec
politicians profess indifference.
There is surely no Other enclave of
isolation in theAlliedworld where
the same admission could be Trade
with impunity.
"But this is nob all, This 'abase-
ment does not go far enough for
the opponents of the Liberal re-
gime. The followers of the Union
Nationale and the Bloc ..Populaire
are even more vehement M their
non -participation. ' They revile the
Godbout regime not for its half-
hearted participation in the war but
for having,any pant in it at all. Those
electors of the province who seek a
moderate advocate even of commen-
surate .co-operation will seek in vain.
There is none."
'5 5 *
The Gazette closes its' editorial as
"The difference •between the par-
ties is one of degree; the graduations
are clearly defined, from the compar-
ative moderation of the Liberals
down to the violent extremes of the
Bloc Popolaire. Their approach to the
great issue of the clay is from the
same angle; and to that extent they
find. 'themselves all on the same side
of the fence. That is the important
political fact that emerges from the
'Smoke of the Quebec campaign to
"It is hard to distinguish in the
clamor of claim and counter -claim
the authentic voice of French Can-
ada, It is !equally difficult to believe
that this confusion of voices repre-
sents truthfully the French Canadian
people, with their•. long ' tradition of
stability and order. Nor, surely, does
't reflect the influence of the same
'ace that; under the leadership of
such men as Lafontaine, Cartier and
Laurier made an essential ,contribu
tion to the developing life a Canada
as a whole"
In recent air mail letters: to his
mother, James Sturgeon writes:
ItalyJuly Ju y 1 1944
A4525 Pte. Sturgeon, J, W.,
R; C, R. No. 3 Battalion,
C. M. F.
Dear Mother -all; -
Just a few lines to let you know I
aur just fine, also, George. I have
been with him for . the last few
nights. He is only about five or ten
minutes walk from. where I am. I
wasstanding a g a xound the town and .I
happened to be at the same corner
as he was' standing se that's how we
happened to see each other. He and I'
go down for a walk every night to
se all the excitement which 'isn't
very much, He was asking for you,
and said he was going to write you.
We had quite a time when we met,
He was asking for Herb. He also,
hacl a letter from Audrey awhile ago,
He also told me he saw Lloyd West-
lake. The weather here is terribly
hot. You might think it's warm en-
oitght back there but it's three times
as hot here."
Italy July 5 1944
"A4525 L/Cpl. Sturgeon, J. W.
14 Coy 3rd Battalion
No, 1 C. B. R. D.
C. M. F.
Dear Mother -A11; -
Well, Ma just a few lines to let you
know that I ant feeling fine, also
George. We have been together
every fright."
"Well, ma I am nowa corporal as
you can see by mddless. Thisi
y a s
also my address until -
ferent, so yore can tell o
writes to me my new address."
"It is now 7 o'clock I
have just finished was -
es. f haven't Sad any e
been moving amends t
Will , Casten up' with me, I Hope,
Hoare the fishersnen d'o'ing? I
suppose' there are l r
people around Bayfiel I
guess that is all the s
time so 1 will get dres o
and aneet George to I
will say cherrio and o
you all. Cherrio for no
Tour 10
everyone win
et night and
ling my cloth
mail as I lav
o much but i
ots of summe
1. Well, Ma
news for the
sed up and g
night again.
all the .best t
ring' Son,
always pre
ng together
silt the Roya
and has been
Jim has been
and it seem
rangements t
who spent a
and Mrs. A
daughter, Ro
Chas. Berry.
Hunter and
spent a tort-
n of Detroit
city on Main
onging to the
cloy, to Pres-
ton and baby
Mrs. Hilton's
M. Ail:enhead
ill of London,
with the ,for -
C. R. Will,
Fifty boy scouts front Port Clin
on, Ohio, spent Wednesday night of
ast week in the village. They were
n a cycling trip under the auspice§
f I{iwanis, Rotarians and Gateway
labs and planned to go to Owen
ound, The boys had come forty
a'dies on their bicycles that day.
Mrs. Larkin and Miss Helen. Lav-
in of Toronto are staying with Mr.
nd Mrs. Wm. Dowson,
Miss Pearl Holm 'of Preston is
pending this week with her .grand -
lather, Mrs. IL McClinchey.
Among those from Bayfield who
ttended the Scott -Gairdner wedd.
ng in Toronto on Saturday were:
iss Peggy Orr, Mrs. J. Mahar,
stet• Tillman, Capt, Wm. Tillman,
. 0. Alex 'McAllister; Mrs. N. W.
oods, Mrs. E. P. Lewis and V. C.
usury. '
Mrs, a. H. F. Gairdner and her
they, Mr. S. Gaylard returned home
n Monday evening after having
en in' Toronto since Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pollock of
ondon spent Sunday with Mr. .and
•s. J. M. Stewart.
Miss Annabel Leitch of Goderich
crit the Week end with. Mr. and
rs• Walter Westlake and family.
Dr, and Mrs. D. Bradley and chit.:
en Carlen and Delbert, Grosse
Sim has been trying to meet
his brother, George, for almost tw o
years but something
vented then getti .
George is a sapper w l
Canadian Engineers
overseas three years.
overseas two years s
strange that they should meet s o
casually after all aro
get together had fails
Mr. Charles Hart
week with his grandparents, Mr. and
Airs. Geo. Ring, returned to Toronto
on Saturday with Mr.
Ford King.
Mrs. R. Claris and
berta Anne of Cleveland, Ohio,
visiting Mr. and Mr's.
, Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Mary Alice returned to Toronto on
Saturday after having
night at "Char -min" e
Mr. Arthur Brisso
has purchased the prop
and Charles streets be]
Isabella Tippet E'state.
Mrs. H, McClinehey
her grandchildren, Roy Holm, Wm.
Speed' and Jean,, McClin
ton' on Tuesday of last week, return...
ing home on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hi]
Suzanne are visiting
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. W
are spending this week
nor's mother, Mrs.
1944 Civic Holiday
Following the long time custom of observing the
First Monday of August, as a holiday,
Monday, 7th
As a Civic Holiday for the year 1944 of which all
,.Citizens are hereby requested to take notice t ce and
govern themselves accordingly.
M. J. AGNEW, Mayor
The Town of Clinton..
Men and Women
For Factory ' •': ork
During TOMATO SEASON Beginning about
Make Application to
Libby, McNeil & Libby
Applications from those engaged in war work
will not be considered
Point, Mich., are occupying Mrs.
Harry Ahrens cottage "Trail Blazer"
for a couple of weeks. Tiley have as
their guests this week Mr. and Mrs.
L. LaRose and three children.
Mr. Wm. Greig is spending his
vacation with his wife and family
at "Valevue" cottage.
Mrs. Eva Harvey and son George,
have returned to London after spend-
ing two weeks vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon.
Miss Helen Sturgeon is home after
having had an operation in Clinton
Hospital last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and
two boys of New Dundee spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Grant Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht of Zurich,
silent a few days last weeg with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Scotehmer,
Mr. Archie Sterling and daughter
Rhea and Edna of London spent Sun-
day with friends in the village.
Mrs. Dave Baird and. son. Carl of
Grand Bend are spending a few days
holidays with her sister, Mrs. Edi
The ninety-fifth anniversary of
Trinity Church will be observed on
Sunday, July 30. Mattins will be at.
11.00 a.m. and Evensong at 7.00 pane
The special preacher will be the Rev.
H. O'Neil, Principal of Huron College
and the Rev. R. M. Bulteel of Sit.
Paul's Church Clinton. Miss Ivy Lo-
gan of St. Paul's Cathedral Choir
will be the soloist.
Miss Muriel Ritchie of Toronto
accompanied by L.A.C. J. W. Usher
of Trenton is spending a few days
with hes' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gea. , King.
Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of London is
spending S. vacation with"his sisters
Misses F. and E. Fowlie.
Mr. and Mrs. Halliday are staying
with Mrs. E. A. Featherston. A num-
ber of years ago Mr. Halliday con-
ducted a grocery business' in God:e-
rich.' Since then they have lived in
different places. and travelled: ex -
"Were you annoyed because I
sharpened my pencil with your
razor?" asked his wife.
!I was annoyed twice," replied tho,
candid husband. "Once when I
tried to shave with the razor, and
again when'I tried to write with the
Mrs. William McDowell died at
her home in Westfield at noon Tues-
day. The former Hannah Stack-
house, she was the daughter of the
late John Stackhouse and Eliza
Taylor and was in her 67th year. She
was married to WiIIiam McDowell
41 years ago and had spent her en-
tire life in the Westfield district.
parted parted was a member of the
W. M. $. and was choir leader and
organist of the Westfield United
Church, of which she was a mem-
ber, when her health permitted. Be-
sides her husband there survive one
son, Norman, at home; two brothers,
Wesley, Brucefield, and Milton in
Western Canada, and one sister, Mrs.
Stanley Sibthorpe, Blyth. There are
also three grandchildren. The funer-
al service were held Thursday after-
noon from the family residence and
interment took place in Blyth ceme-
A. young chemistry instructor at
Fukien Christian University has
helped China to overcome the gaso-
line supply problem.
He has perfected a process for ex-
tracting crude oil and a substitute
for gasoline from pine tree 'stumps.
The process is a military secret,
but already the Chinese Army is
using gasoline which has been ob-
tained from thousands of the stumps
left as the result of timber ex-
portation from the forests of Fukien
Mr. Stubb (as he unfolded his
scientific paper)n-Listen to this,
Maria. This, article states that in
some .of the old Roman prisons that
have been unearthed they found the
petrified' remains 'of the prisoners.
Mrs. Stubb (with a smile) -
Gracious, John. Them,'s what they;
eall hardened criminals, I' expect.
Bolivia reports a high labor turn,
over in mining and ma:u3 acturing.