HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-20, Page 5THIJt ., 'JULIC 13th 1944 AUBURN Mr. and Mrs, Beverly French o ,Detroit, ,are visiting the latter's par ants, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Beadle an 'gather relatives here, Visitors with. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Snell last week were, Mrs. G. J. Minielly, Ward and Jean of Moncton, Wing Commander John Colquhoun and Mrs. Colquhouyt of Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pearson and Miss Ethel 'Fear of. Ethel, 'Mx. and Mrs. '°Clarence Knechtel and Mrs. F. ',Geiger of Petersburg. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5' in India" .was, taken by Mrs. James Woods, after which Mrs. Lawson f took the Bible Study: • Mrs. Stoltz invited the society to her ]tome for d the August meeting. Mrs. Woods closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was. served '.by the hostesses. Mrs. Good and Mrs. Herb Gooier. Mr. Wm. Haggitt is making a good recovery following an opera- tion last week in Goderieh Hospital. Mrs. John 'McLeod,: on Saturday, -moved into her newly acquired home 'the former property of the late Mrs. 'Martin Armstrong, Donald Ross returned home an Saturday after undergoing an ap- pendectomy in 'Clinton Public. Hos- pital. Mrs. Chas. Scott is ill at her home here. Mrs. Geo. Hamilton niet with a painful accident early Saturday evening when she fell down cellar at her home. In the fall she fractured both -wrists. She received treatment at Goderich Hospital. Mrs. Lily Sellers 'of Brussels, Mr. -and Mrs.. Hogg, and Douglas of 'Collingwood visited Mrs. F. Ross on "Saturday. One of the largest shipmnents of cattle yin some time left the local 'station on Saturday, when some 7 'carloads were shipped to W. S. Mans, of Ayr. Of these cattle, 71 were from the farm of Andrew Shepherd, 115 from Sid Lansing's and 21 from Mel- vin Tyndall's farm in Colborne township. The B. Y. P. U. met Sunday even- ing with Bill Raithby in charge. The -scripture was read by Emma Robert- son and Frank Raithby Ied in prayer. A niouthorgan selection was given .by • - Ililable Johnston and solos were ren- •dered by Marion Taylor, Alma Mutch • and Grant Raithby. George Robert- son gave a reading after which Stanley McNeil conducted a Bible -Quizz. The topic, which was prepar- ed by Mr. Tabb was given by Glenn Raithby in the unavoidable absence ",M Mr. Tabb. The meeting 'was closed with prayer by James Raithby. The W: M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternodn with Mrs, J. C. Stoltz in charge. The meet- • mg was held in the Sunday School 'room of the Church. A reading was given by Mrs. Wellington Good. The "'topic "Nursing homes and Hospitals • V: VARNA. Mr.: Fred Austin 'and son Ronnie' of. Detroit are spending their holi- days at the home of lns mother, Mrs. Austin and brother Russel. Mr. and Mrs.' HaroId Elliott of • Windsor were guests at the homes of their parents Mr. and Mrs, Morton Elliott and Mrs. Moses% during the past week. Miss- M. Carroll ,• of Toronto is spending her vacation' with, her friend Mrs. R. Hart Gertrude Smith (W.D.) of the R.C,A,F, after two weeks leave at her home has returned to Lachine, Que. We are very sorry to report that Mr. Geo. Clary is still in the hospital and not impr'oving as rapidly as his friends would wish. Cpl. Gordon Keys of Brantford spent the week ead with his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys. Mrs. E Appelby of Ingersoll spent the week end at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Appelby. Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Latheur and family of London are holidaying at the lady's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty. We are sorry to report that Mr. Jno. Rathwell is not so well as his many friends would like to see. v IiOLMESVILLE Mr. Ed. ,Trewartha spent the week end with his daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Langford at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs, Albert ' McOlinchey left on Monday for Halifax after spending his furlough with their parents. Miss Gertrude Bond is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Bond, .Mrs. . Ed. Trewartha and her daughter Cora and Mrs. Dan Glidden spent Monday in London. Miss Betty Harris is spending her holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jervis returned home last week after spending their vacation at Ottawa. Miss Vera Oasche of Zurich spent the week end with Miss Phyllis Mc- Clinehey:. CilieSNAPSHOT GUILD PICTURE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Pictures of the neighborhood children will bring home a bit closer to • those in the Service. HAVE] you ever -thought of taping tures to send to those in the Ser - pictures of neighborhood cltil- dren to send to. those' in the Ser vico? There is an idea worth some thought and planning, Brother Biil or Sister Sue in the Service probably knows allof them and would get a real kick out of a few snaps showing their youthful • activities. The possibilities for such pictures • are really unlimited. Por example, a picture of the youngsters an their bikes, balanced for a "V for Vic- tory" formation, would be getting away from the ordinary group pic- ture of boys and girls standing in a stiff pose. And don't forget to in- clude the little tots with their tri- cycles, who so valiantly try to steep ,Up with those old enough to :Own' "two wheelers." You can also plan a tug-of'ivar be- tween the girls and boys al the neighborhood. Very Iittle action or movement is required to get a pic- ture of this type because both sides • pan assume pulling positions anti "'hold it" so that.: even with a box - type camera you can get a good, •sharp picture. These:'' are only two suggestions tor outdoor pictures but there are :many others, and no doubt, with a 'little thought, you Can Visualize better 0008. You will want to get several pie - vice and, of course, you'll need extra prints for the children's parents so be careful mid make every snap of the shutter result in a good negative. Here are a few suggestions that may. help you, first of all, be sure that the lens of your camera_ is clean; otherwise your pictures may appear dull or smudgy. Be sure you focus. correctly. If you have made a shot et six 'feet from_ your subject and you have to back away to ten feet on the next one,, be sure to re- set your foeusiug scale for ten feet. Hold ybur camera steady. When you push the shutter lever or cable release, d� it gently. Camera move- ment causes fuzzy pictures. Watch,your exposure. .A lens aper- ture of 1/11 and a shutter speed of 1/50 of a ,second might give you proper exposure at one, time but ,night not an hour later if the clouds have obscured the sun. Make it a point to observe your lighting con;: ditions and set your exposure time accordingly. Ai inexpensive expo sure guide will be of great help in solving exposure problems. Get the neighborhood children to- gether this weekend. Those in the Service will welcome the pictures and they will be of interest to the children themselves in later years. ee John van Guilder WEDDINGS SNELL-EVANS A wedding took place at St. Hilda's Church, ' Crofton Park, England, when Miss Rena Evans, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Evans, of Brockley, England was united in marriage to L.C;pl. C, Lorne E. Snell son of Mrs. Robert Snell and the late Ephrialn II. Snell of East Wa- wanosh Township. The bride wore a floor -length gown of white ibrocaded satin with headdress of ,pearls and orange blossoms, and carried a bon, qs et of white and red sweet peas. She wasattended by Miss 'Joan Evans, and Mrs. A. Crawford, and Joan and Norma Elkins were trains bearers. The groom was attended by Cpl. Gerald Cote, R.C'.A.F., of Montreal. V Ontario. High jS'ckools to Open September 5. High schools throughout 'Ontario will open on the legal date of Sept, 5, it was announced yesterday by the Ontario Department of Educa- tion. • Any secondary school board how- ever, .may extend the opening date up to a month later if the number of pupils working in harvesting, preser- ving, processing and canning makes this necessary. The board must noti- fy the department of, any such ex- tension. V If Enough Nurses Can Be Obtained County Nursing Scheme Will Be Inaugurated on September 1st Huron County's school nursing scheme will be instituted on Septem- ber 1st next if sufficient qualified nurses can be secured, the new health committee of the County Council, presided over • by Deputy. Reeve D. D. Mooney, decided at its first "meeting held in Goderieh Tuesday afternoon, July llth. The "if" is an impprtaut one, for Miss Moore, superintendent of public health nursing in Ontario, told the committee there was some doubt as to whether or not a suffi'- cient number of the proper kind of nurses could be secured, so scarce were they at the present time. How- ever, Miss Moore was empowered by "motion to locate- from three to five nurses, one with supervising ability, if possible. The Provincial superintendent was accompanied by her assistant, Miss Wright. During the course of her outline of the proposed scheme Miss Moore said that the first move of the committee would be to get the con- sent of every school board in the county to the scheme. She said that a county centre would have to be set up,' office established and equipment purchased. The salary of the nurses ranged from $1400 to 11800 per year, plus car allowance. The nurses would purchase their own cars and maintain . and service theist' from the allowance, much as do county police- men, . Members of the committee, he - sides Mr. Mooney, all of whom were present are Reeves R. J, Bowman ofy Brussels, B. W. Tuckey of Exeter, J.l E. Daly, of Seaforth, Hugh Berry of 'Osborne, township and Warden Fred Watson, ex -officio. The matter of extra, grants to Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth hos- pitale, requested at the June session and referred to committee, was again left in abeyance. Interim reports showing the financial standing of these institutions were read, but it' was, said these slid not present the correct picture. All, three hospitals showed a slight profit, but in some cases twelve_ months' receipts, such as grants, were included, whereas only six months' expenditures were shown. . As for thehealth scheme, this .was, adopted at the ,Tune session of the County Council and one-half mill, or $27,800, was added to the tax rate to finance it. --.Goderich Signal Star. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS• For Every Occasion V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and MMi Batkins Locker Service To store peas ,boil for three min- utes then cool in cold water then put in containers •and put in locker as soon as possible. Try us, for fish of all kinds. Also farther Style Sausage FROZEN FOODS ARE°BETTER FOODS MARRIAGES SHADDICK—.WALKOMVI—In Munro, 'on Wednesday, July 12th, Ruti Loren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Walkom, Munro, and Allen E. Shaddick, Londesboro, son of Mrs. Lucy Shaddick. and the Iate Richard Shaddick were united in anarriage. Rev. A, E,,, Menzies Londesboro, officiated, assisted by Rev. W. O. Mather, Fullerton. RILEY—GRIrALIS—In the Baptist Church, Clinton, on Saturday, July 15th, Ora -Mae, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Grealis, Clin- ton, and Alex Alvin .Riley, son of Mrs. Benjamin Riley and the late 'Benjamin Riley of Hullett, were united in marriage. Rev. ; C. C. Anderson performed the ceremony, McCALLUM-.-VINCENT—In West- field .United Church, on Saturday, July 15th, Doreen, only daughter of Mr, and'Mrs. Roland Vincent, Westfield, and Mr. Harvey McCal- Ium, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan, McCallum, Blyth, were united in marriage, Rev. Harold Snell officiated, assisted by Rev. Hugh Wilson. FIRTHS MacILLWAIN—In Goderich Alexan- dila and Marine Hospital, on July loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mac Illwain (formerly Hazel Wilson) the gift of a daughter. SOHUETT--In Clinton Public Hos. pital, on Tuesday, July 181h, to F./0. George H. and Mrs. Schuett, a son, Robert Burke. ' DEATHS WALLIS-In Goderich Township, on Friday, July 14th, Nettie May Richards, wife' of Walter W. Wallis in her 67th year. BOXY' THEATRE Now Playing "THE SU•LLIVANS" Mon, Tues. and Wednesday Rayy Milland, Ruth Hussey and Donald Crisp. Enslaved' by a shadow, ohained with invisible bonds to a life of fear; a •beautiful girl struggles to free herself of a ghostly past. THE' UNINVITED Thurs. Fri. Sat, —Dual Features.. Chester Martis' and' Nancy' Kelly, Star in a drama that deals with the lives and problems of the' coal miners. "TORNADO" Added httraction._- "iIENRY ALDRICH PLAYS CU- PID" A. chuckle a minute for all.. Coming — "The Lodger" Sr The Dancing Masters„ Matinees Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express' our sincere thanks and appreciation;to friends, relatives, the Summerhill Commun- ity', the Londesboro Sunday School, neighbour's, aninistef, pallbearers, flower 'bearers and all those wlto. helped during our recent sad : ber- eavement. William Snell and family CARD OF THANKS • Mr. Walter Wallis and family wish to extend their thanks and apprecia- tion to their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement , and for the beautiful floral tributes. Sincere thanks to the minister, and those who so kindly loaned their ears. BURGESS --In Mitchell, on .Tuesday',. July 18th, Macklin ,'Burgess, bro- thel' of Irene Burgess, formerly of Clinton. Wanted Short Model Cornet, high and low pitch, Will pay cash. Apply to F./0. Al Branscombe at McKenzie House, Clinton. 06-1 Move To Seaforth Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. E, Hogg have taken up residence in their home on Centre street, having moved recent- ly from Drumbo, where Dr. Hogg was minister •of the United Church. He served as minister of Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, for many years and is not a stranger to Huron Presbytery. Dr.' Hogg will have charge of the services at North Side Church for the last two Sun- days in July.—Seaforth. News, V • GOJ)ERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs, Fred Townsend of .Toronto spent a few days with the foriner's aunt Mrs, Albert Colclough, 7th con. an l with other relatives in Goderieh Tp. and. around Londesboro. Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Dunbar of Lambeth spent the week end with Messrs. Oliver and Arthur Welsh. Miss Lois Montgomery visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh. In Goderich Alexandria and Marine Hospital, on July 14th, fa Mr. and ,Mr's, Everett Madlllwain, (formerly Hazel Wilson) the gift of a daugh- ter. V 1 A. G. Harold Warner spent a • week end leave 'with his 'parents Mr. IN MEMORIAM and Mrs. Alfred Warner. Mr, Charles Richards, Mrs. Annie MITTELL—In fond memory of Ser- Forbes of Hamilton attended the iavant Observer Ernest E. Mittell, funeral of their sister- Mrs. Walter who was killed in action, July 1942. Wallis. Memories are treasures no one can steal; Death is a heartache no one can heal; Deep in my heart a memory is kept, Of a close friend I will never forget. Ever remembered by Sid Lawson, Hamilton, Ontario, V- HE'LL _ N"OT FORGET n The wife of a almost -bankrupt • V A SURE SOPORIFIC business man said at breakfast: "Will you mail this letter for me, dear? It's to the furrier counter- manding my order for that $10,000. sable) You'll be sure to'remember?" The eyes of the harassed busi- ness man lit up with joy. He seized a hlcipping. rope that lay with some dolls and toys .in the corner, and going to his wife said: "Here, tie I • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pipe accam- � paned !by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hearst of Hamilton attended the funeral of Mrs. W. Wallis. The South End .Red Cross Unit will meet Wednesday afternoon, Silly 26th, inthe basement of St. James • Church, Middietons,• Please come prepared to quilt. I V BRUCEFIELD• Miss Olive Johnson has returned home from spending the past week with friends at Thorndale. • I Mrs. Robert Elgie of Kippen and Mrs. John Chesney of Stratford spent a day recently with their niece Mr's. Andrew Foote. An insurance agency's `steno my right to my left foot so I g- won't forged" getl" rapher persisted in falling asleep at her desk and, the help: situation be- ing what it is, the cashier felt he should talk it over with the general agent before firing her. "We can't let her go," the latter gentleman moaned; "you know we'd never get another girl to take her place." Then a solution dawned on him. "I'll tell you what," he suggested, "Print a placard; to hang on her. when she's sleeping at her • desk, Say ,on it: 'When you have insurance, you'll sleep this way too'." - V. The Crich reunion, will be held at Lion's Park, Se.aforth, on Wednesday, July 26th. V STANLEY V-- • SUSPICIOUS • Stopping a passer-by outside a police station, a constable said: "Could you spare a minute to come inside, six?" "What' for?" was the suspicious answer, "To 'take part in an identity parade," the constable explained. "You won't be kept five minutes." "Ma,sbel" snorted the passer-by "They told' me that ' yarn last time, and I was kept three months." V— Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.— Thomas Dekker, 1609. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Craig (nee Nola 1 Taylor, of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird, andother friends over the week. end. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Riffe, and son Gerald of Rochester, New York, vis- ited the lady's patents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Caldwell for a few days. V ," This is a good world. We need not approve of all the items in it, nor Of all the individuals in it; but the world itself—which is more than its parts or individuals, which has a soul, a spirit, a fundamental rela- tion to each of us deeper than all other relations -is a friendly world. —Jan C, Smuts, 1934. CAPITAL THEATRE GODEZICE Now Playing—:"Texas To ' Tokyo' with ,Martha Driscoll. Mon, Tues. Wed. "JANE BYREE" Charlotte Bronte's romantic classic pieturized with .sincere fidelity. Orson Welles, Joan Fontaine and Margaret, O'Brien: Thitrs, Fri Sat. Olsen and Johnson. with Cass Daley, Patric Knowles and the Season's biggest fun -cast in the season's merriest. mad - musical, "CRAZY ROUSE" Coming—"PHANTOM with "MOONLIGHT IN 'VER. -. MONT" REGENT THEATRE SWoaTH Now Playing --George Formby in "TROUBLE BREWING Mon. Tues. Wed. "THE UNINVITED" Dorothy, Macardle's best seller' loses none of its ghostly appeal in its transition to the screen. Ray Milland, Ruth 'Hussey and Gail Russel. Thurs, Fri Sat, • 'Kay Francis, Carol Landis, Mar the' Raye and Mitzi Mayfair, Telling of their adventure with the troops overseas. Assisted by Betty Grable and Awe Faye. • "TOUR DILLS IN A JEEP" Coming—"PHANTOM LADY" and "MOONLIGHT IN, VER. MONT" Matinees Wed. Sat. & Hot. 2.30 Matinees — Sat. & Hal at 2.30 NO DIFFERENCE! For ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory GOD of Rom. 3:23. D This is 'a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that CHRIST JESUS cane into the world to SAVE SINNERS 1 Tim. 1:15 TUNE IN: "Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 poli. E. D. S. T. On mutual networks — Sundays — Local Station — OKLW. Windsor Chas. E. Fuller, T. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California Nourishment Begins at Home That is where we look for ALL that is good to eat. GOOD to us because we know that Mother is the' best cook in town. When Bartliff's Bread is served, fit rounds out the enjoyment of every meal to per- fection. Serve Bartliff's Bread at) every heal IT IS PULL OF NOURISHMENT. MADE ,HERE --FRESH( FROM THE OVEN TO YOU. BARTLIFF'S NOTICE Applications are • requested from residents -.of the County of Huron for the position of County Constable for the County of Huron, The =successful applicant will be stationed in the Village of Blyth. All applications to be made to the Selective Service, Goderieh, Ontario, by 12 o'clock noon on the 5th day of August. 'All applicants will be required to appear in person at the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th.. 06-2 Pigs For Sale 10 Pigs over 6 weeks old. Apply Ed. Boyes, Brueefieid, Phone 6254 06-1 For Sale 3 Burner coil -oil stove practically new, excellent condition. Apply to Bert Langford, Second-hand store. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Jane Austin, late of the Village of Londesboro, in the Coenty of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned' Solicitor for -the said Estate, on or before the 7th day of August, A.D. 1944, after which date the, assets will be dis•tribhted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard..only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of July, A.D. 1944. f F. Fingland, K. C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate, 06-3 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Charles Wilson Rathwell, late of the Village of Varna, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are requited to file the sane withthe undersigned: Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 7th day of 4ugust, A.D. 1944, after which date the assets Will be distributed amongst- the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard. enly to the claims of which noties shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of July, A.D. 1944. F. Fingland, K.C., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate, �I �n 06-3' Cemetery Memorials Large stools of modern ;memorials on display 4 our Clinton, Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J, J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton •-- Exeter - Seaforth PHONE 41 For Sale One heavy Farm, steel -tired wa- gon in good condition. Apply to Mr. Edward Welsh, R. ,R. 5 Clinton. 06-3 Wanted To Purchase Pullets eight weeks • of age and older. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, and 'While. Leghornt, Good Prices paid. Write Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 06-8, For Sale Cottage, 6 rooms, cellar, and henhouse. Also garden. Joe Becker, garage Apply 04-3 Lot For Sale A good building lot, approximate- ly 65 ;feet frontage. For particulars phone 34w. Gordon Lawson, 05-11 House for Sale or: Rent A good .brick house_ for sale or rent, all modern conveniences. Apply to E. Ward, Huron Street. 05-tf House For Sale t Comfortable six room house with 3 -piece bath, double garage and good garden, Apply to . 5, T, McKnight, Victoria St., Clinton. 96-tf Wanted to Buy. Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for inink feed, If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908,21. 58-11 Notice To Creditors In The Estate of Thomas Ii. Mar- shall, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Esquire, De- ceased. ' All personshaving claims against the' Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate on or before the 22nd day of July, A.D. 19.44, after which date the assets will' be distributed amongst the parties entitled; there- to, .having regard only to the claith of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 3rd day Of July, A.D. 1944. F; F INGLA:1' ,D K. C. Clinton, Ont, Solicitor for the said Estate„