HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-13, Page 8For Campers an Picnickers Fancy Paper Tat Table •Cloths 200 Paper ;Servi=ettes --' 1 is Paper Plates- 10c doz. Paper Forks and Spoons IOc pkg Paper Cups —15c doz. %Wax Paper =10,15, 20, 250 Paper Towels -15c Toilet Tissue — 3 for 25c Sun Glasses — 25c For relaxation we sug- gest reading a good book or magazine. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" Miss Lily Rands is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Furness, in London. • Mr. George Cardwell, of Sarnia spent the week end with his mother, Mts. W. Osbaldeston• of Stratford b visited with Mrs. Cardwell over Le the week end. Mr. C. E. Tomkins, of Clinton, for- a merly of Wingham, spent the week d end: with Wingham friends. Miss Kae Snider has returned to la Kitchener after spending a week's vacation with her parents. in town, Mist Kathleen Martin, of the Base Line, left on July 4th, for an ex- tended visit with relatives in Sask- atoon. Miss Kay Ross of Toronto, is spend- ing her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win, Ross. Mr. 3. 13. Lobb Ieft town on Tues- day for a few weeks visit with friends at Lower Wentworth, Nova Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groves and family spent last week with friends and relatives at Hamilton and Brantford, Drs. L. J. and Jean Shepley and. fain- ily of Chatham have rented the Cuninghame cottage at Bayifield for the month of July. Dr. and Mrs. Cooper and son Bruce, have returned to Toronto after spending a week with M. and Mrs. Albert Bond, Huron Road. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Swan and son Gordon are. holidaying this week at Inverhuron Beach as guests of Mrs. S. E. Castle, Mrs. Jim Noble of Wawanesa, Man- itoba, and Mrs. H. M. Jackson of Stratford visited over the weelc end with Mr. and Mrs, Dick Noble, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD LONDESBORO Mr. Fred Moore, Miss Edith M Forest and Mr, and' Mrs. Clar Weldon, Seaforth, with Mr. -and T. Armstrong, .Mr. and Mrs. Ltdnsder and fa Toronto, with 112r, and Mrs. Th Fairservice, Mrs. " Ted . Crawford, Mia Falls, with Mr. and M. C. ford, Mrs, Annie%Fothergill; spent week with 'her sister, Mrs. A. Dowell,,' at Westfield. Miss Doreen Armstrong is vis= friends at Forest. Miss Georgianna Johnston, N ara Falls, with Mrs. Bert' Shobbr and Mrs. Bill ,Riley ret on Sunday' after spending a wee Toronto and.Ottawa; Mr, and. Mrs. Jack Pipe retu" front their•wedding trip on Sa day, • and will reside in the'vill We give them a hearty welcome., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, turned home to Edmonton last after visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Todd retur home to Detroit on Tuesday, The W. A. will hold'their mon meeting in the basement of church on Wednesday, July 19th. The Mission Band will meet in basement of the church Sun morning at ten o'clook. The Mission Circle held their re Jar monthly meeting at Miss M garet Tamblyn's home on Tues evening. P. 0. Stanley Youngblut acco by his mother and his sist Mrs. Knox Williams, spent the end at Kitchener and Hespeler. The Red Cross ladies sold lunch the dance on Friday, July 7th, a cleared. $14,00. • ogre enoe Mrs. nsily, Tho gore. Craw - last -Me- ting iag- xook urned k in rued" atur- age. re- eekw ned t'hly the • the day gu- ar- day Om- er, week at nd v Londesboro Red Cross News Tne Society met on July 6th. The minutes of the last meeting were lead and adopted. The canvassers brought in the donations for the Milk for Britain fund which totalled over $40,00. The Roll Call was an- swered by a jar of jam or cash donation for the Blood Clinic in Clin- ton. There werd 2 four Ib. tins of jam, 16 smaller jars of Marmalade jelly and jams, pound of tea and cocoa also $9,00 in cash. This has been sent to Clinton. The Society' decided to hold a Monster Bingo and open air dance on August 7, proceeds for overseas oxes for the boys, Lunch also will e sold, Hot clogs and' soft drinks. tters of thanks were read from elson and Len Radford for boxes 1 nd smokes received: Mrs. N onated a. cake plate and tick tits Arrive We have a shipment of Granitware just arrived Tea Kettles, Trouble` boilers, Sauce pans, Potato Pots, Kettles,.Canners and Roasters. GLASSWARE: Pyrex, Ovenware,' Cookie Jas's+ Flower pots, Pitchers and Glasses, Electric Motors and Supplies. BUTTER ee PERDUE IARDWARE, PLUMBING,: & ELECTAIC1AJI1 PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Summer Sale Items Men's Fine Shirts with. separate collars and some with collar at- tached Sale Price to Clear, $1.00 Work Shirts, broken lots of lines that are not being replaced. As- sorted colors on Sale to Clear 79e and 98c Boys Shirts a mixed lot some slightly soiled to clear at 50e and 75c Men's Cotton Work Sox assortedcolors and sizes 2 pairs for 35c Boy's Black Bib Overalls sizes to 34 blue and white stripe overalls and Khaki pants Clearing at 59c, 79c, and 89o. Men's Women's and Children's white and Summer'' Shoes at reduced prices to Clear. Plumsteei Bros. Arrow Skirts — Adam Hate — Stott & McHale Shoes for Me. Agents Tip Top Tailors, BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank OFFER THEI FOLLOWING CASH DISCOUNTS On All Goods Except Specials On Purchases Amounting To $L00 and up to $5.00 5% $5.01 and up to $10.00 10% $10,01 and up to $15.00 15% $15.01 and over 20% Commencing Thursday July 6th 1944 FELL'AS! GIRLS! You are invited to a city-wide meeting of the Airmen's Fellowship at the Soldier's Hall, at 8 p.m. Wednesday Night ENJOY Singspiration MEET Christian Friends BRUCEFIELD ter Elizabeth of Hampton are home for the•holidays with Mr. and' Mrs. Alex McEwen. The meeting of the Club was held at Mrs. McEwans with eleven mem- bers and five visitors present. The program consisted of a contest con- ducted by Mrs. J. McGregor, a read- ing by Mrs. John . H. MVIeEwen, read- , ing by Margaret'McGregor, and`• a reading by Mrs. 13111 McEIwen, It was decided to spend $10.00 on flannelette and send ,$10.00 to the British War Viotims Fund, The next meeting will 1 g be held at the home of Mrs, John McGregor and the roll call is to be hints on canning corn and peas. The attune' S. School and church picnic• will be held at Jowetts grove Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon. July 19th. The lunch is to be salads sandwiches and cookies. Dishes provided. Everybody welcome. V STANLEY Mr. Jas. Simms, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale and Don of Sea - forth, also Mrs. Jas, Simms Jr. and daughterl Linda t o£ Blyth, visited. Mr. Y , and Mrs. Goldie Graham last Satur- day. Mrs. Marion Llararnie, and Baugh - Mrs. Ed. Youngblut and son P. O. Stanley Youngblut and Mrs. Knox Williams and little son, Dwight, spent the week end with friends in Kitchener and Galt. Little Michael Reynolds, accompan- ied by his Aunt, Miss Mary Rey- nolds, of Windsor, spent the week with his grandmother, Mrs. i. Henri. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and son and daughter, husband and baby of Thedford, Ont., were the guests of Mrs, Fannie Oliver for the holi- day week end. Mrs. Oliver return- ed with them for a visit, held Mr. and Mrs. Randal Pepper and Carol Anne have returned to War- ren, after spending the past couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson. On their return they were accompanied by Billy Ste- and phenson. M Ott ets J NEW BEETS Bunch ere sold. Mrs. Watson won th cky draw and proceeds were 1.0 GERANIUMS Assorted eaters. Strong young Plants in 3" pots a good buy. Now is your chance to add to your as- sortment s-soztinent: 15 eents each FERNS Boston and. Verona, Choice plants $2.00 to $2.50 CACTI- A nice choice for small con- tainers, 25 cents each FE'RTABS 15 cents & 25 cents a pkt. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel, Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111.—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR JULY 13, 14, 15 STOKELY'S TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. 2 tins 15e PALMOLIVE; SOAP 2 bars , , , , Ile AYLMER PUMPKIN Ige tin . , 14e SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA. pkg. 5e KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. 25e WILSON'S FLY PADS pkg. 10e CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 pkg19c ROMAN MEAL pkg, 29c FRUIT •KEPE pkg. 25c HAWE'S Floor Wax 1 lb. tin , 45e COWAN'S Cocoa 1 lb, tin 24e NUTRIM Baby Cereal 9 oz. pkg, 29c PLUSH() Tin 21c SINKO Tin 25e NEW POTATOES No, 1 Peek ..65c NEW CARROTS 3 bunches , . 25e 90 5 ORANGE'S Size 288s Doz. .. 37c LEMONS, Size 360s 3 for ....110 T1 R. THRMPSON Lunch collection was 1,05 and hostess money 4.00. Ladies paying hostess money, Mrs. S. Ruddeli, Mrs. Town- send,- Mrs, W. Knox, Mrs. Melville, Mrs. F. Woods, Mrs. L. Webster Mrs, R. Yungblut, Mrs. Fothergill, Treasurer's report showed. $1,089,00. The meeting closed with "God Save the King. Summerhill Red Cross The ladies of the Surnmerhill Red Cross met in the hall on July 5. With the President presiding the meeting opened by singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" followed by the Red Gross Prayer and the Lord's Prayer, The minutes 'of the. last meeting were read, and adopted, Nine members and four visitors were .pre- sent. It was decided to invite the ladies of S. S. No. 4 unit to - our next meet- ing. There is a correction to' be made in the minutes of our last meeting. The cabbage plants were donated by Mrs. Blacker not Mrs, BIake, A cream and sugar donated by Mrs. E. Snell brought $1.00 and Mrs. W. Vodden held the lucky ticket. A box of currants donated by Mrs. W. Vod'den brought 25c and. was won by Mrs. W. Penfound, Our next meeting will be held on July 19 in the community hall. The ladies to serve are'Mrs. G. Smith, Ruth Snell, Mrs; R. Smith, Mrs. P. Gibbings, Mrs, Forbes, Mrs. C. Far- quhar, Mrs. N. Wright and Mrs. G. Cornish, A quilt was quilted during the afternoon • and ' quilt blocks were sewnLun, ch woks served at the close of the meeting, HURON ROAD The Happy WarWok PpY Workers s Club, their 'regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Arnold Jamie - on Thursday, July 6th, The meeting opened,byrepeating the club creed; followed by singing d be with you till 'we meet again". repeating the Lord's Prayer." Mutes of the last meeting were son "Go read and adopted. The treasurer's re- port was given. The roll call was answered by "my favourite color." There were 11 members and 6 visi- tors present. Several piano selections by Miss Edith Dale were enjoyed by all. Mrs. MacDiarmid is looking after the Layettes. Mrs, Win. Ball donated a quilt top. The following articles were turned in: 2 child's sweaters, size 10 and 12 yrs. 2 "child'h skirts, 3 child's dresses, size 2, 3, 5 yrs.; 3 ladies dresses; 2 boy's suits size 2 and 4 yrs. 1 quilt also several articles for the Iayette. Collection amounted to $2.00. The meeting closed lly with, "God Save the Ring", after which lunch was served-: North Huron Liberal As'n and Huron -Bruce Liberal Association, "4 special joint meeting or the above Associations will be held in Town Hall Wingham Friday, July 14th at 8.30 o'clock p.m. ' The guest speaker will be The Hon. Norman L. McLarty, Secretary of State of Can- asia. As business of the utmost import- ance will be brought before the meet- ing, every town, village and township. is urged to be present." Murdeeh Matheson, President Huron-pruce Liberal Aseoc. (Pa'ov.) H. C. MacLean, President North -Huron Llbeml Assoc, (Federa'y, TXIURS., JULY.13th, 194: VALUES'FOR JULY 14th and 15th SUN FLOOR COWAhj!S PERFECTION WAX tin 390 COCOA lb.. tin .23O' VAN 'CAMP'S PRECOOKED YOUR CIIOIC•E CHICKEN BEANS 2 pkgs 25e HAD'DIE tin ' 25e FOREST CITY BAKING` CATELLIS EGG WHEAT POWDER tin 15e NOODLES 2 pkgs. 25e POST'S Corn Flakes 2 lg. pkgs. 21c CA,TELLI',S Chees-A-Ron i pkg. 1'7c • REGENT E'XTItAO" VANILLA' 8 oz. bottle 15'c VIKING TOILET TISSUE 5 rolls 25c VELVEETA CHEESE 1/2 Ibpkg. 21c CURLING DRIED PEAS 2 pkgs. 27c ? YT,MER APPLE AYLMER TOMATO JUICE. 2 bottles' 29c JUICE 26 oz. tin:; 13e • GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES— BEETS — BEANS —"ONIONS —'CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER — APPLES — PLUMS — BERRIES — MELONS CAT•IFORNIA JUICY 360's ONTARIO NEW LEMONS 3 for 11c CELERY 2 for CAKE 5c 27c M'ARRH SEEDLESS 126's ONTARro NEW GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c • 'CARROTS bunch 9c r,AT.TFnR,NIA JUICY 220's O'NTA,RIO NEW ORANGES doz. 49c CUCUMBERS each 15c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON Just to Let You Know That our July Shipment of Congoleum, Feltol,, iRexoleum, and Rexfelt, as well as a nice selection of Congoleum Rugs have arrived. Be wise, Make your selection Early BALL & ZAPFE DOUGLAS G. BALL Store Phone 195 Phone 110 J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 Let Us Supply Your Needs with the various lines of Hardware we have on hand. Call in and see our stock. New items come hi very week. We can still supply you with King Bug Killer, Arsenate of Lead and Paris Green. We still have good Electric Fences on hand at a reasonable price, Martin - Senour• Paints, Enamels, Varnishes Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING WEEK END SPECIALS ZINC RINGS per doz. JAR RINGS 4 pkgs. FRUIT KEPE pkg. PAULA Sugar Sub, SUGAR 3 lbs, for 29e 25c 25c 33c 25c CROWN QT. JAR I doz. , , , , 1.19• 1 bushel bag Wheat Puffs 45e PLY COILS 2 for 5e WILSON'S FLY PADS , , , , , l0c TOASTED WHEAT PUFFS with tumbler 25c MUFFETS' pkg. 100 CLARKS IVIUSHROOIVI Soup tin 10c FLY SPRAY at 25e and , 45e SODA BISCUIT pkg, 12c, 15c, 18c Wonderful Soap Box of Five :, 19c SUNLIGHT or LIFEBUOY Soap 200.1 P. & G. PEARL or LONDON Soap 2 for 110 SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA. pkg5c WAX PAPER roll 15c or 25c NEW POTATOE=S per Ib Sc W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to. 6 p.m. First Mortgage Loans If additional money is needed to help you buy a rroductive farm, 'send us particulars. Possibly we can assist you through our loaning department. Attractive terms. a All inquiries i ure ts treated confidentially, Huroan.8Lrie MORTGAGE AG1✓' CORPORATION TO 'London Windsor ,1St. Thomas Chatham 1 PHONE 244 SPECIALS CHEESE-A-RONI pkg, 17e FRUIT KEPE pkg. 25e QUAKER Corn Flakes 4 pk, for 255e LOOK peanut butter in bulk now ANT TRAPS each 15e GOLDEN SPRAY Cheese pkg, 20e YORK Sandwich Spread tin . , . , 15c ROSE BAKING Powder 1 lb. tin 15c TOASTED QUIX wheat flakes 2 pkg. • 23e CHIPSO pkg, 24e FOREST CITY Baking powder 10 oz. tin only 15e O'RANGEI Marmalade in bulk , , . ,15e or 2 lb. 29e CLARK'S SOUPS assorted kinds 3 tins for 25e ,RUBBER RINGS 4 pk. for ....25c FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES NEW POTATOES FRESH MEATS Flesh Sausage lb. 2 Breakfast Bacon liz, 42e • Fresh Wieners lb. 27e Bologna lb. 24e, . CANADA'S lot MEW A LONG LASTW3--4CONOMI5AL TOILET sone 2 bars for Ile Ornil,'1 Free Delivery