HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-13, Page 3THURS. JULY 13th, 1944
"Long Distance
Telephoning is heavier
than it wasp year ago"
IT'S TINE—For the first three months of this
year Long Distance lines handled calls at a rate
which wouldrepresent an increase, over the full
year, of nearly three and one-half trillion calls.
So you see we're not out .of the woods yet -and
won't be until the wards won. Please continue
to keep .wartime communication lines clear
-use tong Distance for essential calls only!.
Delays can cost lives!
this . c ,e Service
(rr'vi rq aUgs to !flails+
Some Notes of the News in 1919.
July 1011: 1919
Aeroplanes are becoming quite
common in Clinton. The time will
soon be there when we'll tot allow our
dinner to cool in order to watch one
fly over.
Mrs. Wm. Perdue has purchased
Mr. R. Rowland's residence ort Rat-
tenbuzy Street.
The pupils of S. S. No. 8, Hullett,
where Wr. Harold S. Holmes has been
teaching: for the past couple of years,
presented their teacher with a set of
brushes and collar holder on the lasts
day of sehool. Mr. Holmes is severing
his connection with. this sehool and
takes a position at Beamsville at a
substantial increase in salary for the
next school' term.
Mr. Asa Bolton left this week for
Brantford where. 'he has taken a
position with the . Hurley • Printing
The residents of Rattenbury street,
east have petitioned the council not
to grant perreission to the Bell Tele
phone Company to plaee poles and
wires along the street. The matter is
Atli under advisement. The Company
It appears, is willing to guarantee
!that no •injury will • be done to the
trees as a cable would, he used.,
The Clinton Model Sehool : has en -1
gaged .Miss Grace Walker to fill the
vacancy? left by Miss Stevens: resign
nation and Miss • Helen Rodawray that
mane by the resignation of Miss
On Tuesday evening the .members
of the Girls' Auxiliary motorel out
to Varna and spent a couple of hours
very. pleasantly at the home of Mrs.
J. Seeley. During the evening Miss.
Cumingl ane read an' address to Mrs.I
Seeley and; Miss O'Neil presented her
on behalf of the society, with a pretty
piece aiehina.`
Mr. F. Gillies dropped in yester-
day to see his wifeand little daugh-
ter who are visiting the ladies par-
ents in !town: He literally "dropped"
as the came in an aeroplane and lead-
ed in a field quite near the Andrew's
residence. -
Mrs, W. , G. Wright•returned to her
Home in Harrow the beginning of the
week,. having spent a fortnight in
Mown as the guest of her nieces Mrs.
L. •Stang,: Mrs. J. K. Wise and Mrs.
Whitfield Oriel:..
Mist Margaret Tait of Seaforth is
visiting' this week with Miss Mae
Mr.'Iandd Mrs. S. C. Andrews, who
have bben, visiting with the former's
parents, Magistrate and Mrs. An-
drews, and with other friends, in the
East for several weeks past, left
Tuesday for their home at Alix; Alta.
July loth, 1910.
The Clinton baseball team lost at
Wingham on Friday afternoon by a
score of 6 to 5. The game was a good
one. Following were those 'Who rep-
resented the Clinton team -L. Greig,
2 base; Draper, s.s.; C. Cooper, c; VJ.
Greig, 3 base; Levis, 1. f.; Gould, c.
f.; McDermott, 1b.; E. Cooper, P.;
and P. Bnwnball, rf. N. Fitzsimons
was base umpire.
,Raspberries were sold at 28 cents
per box in the stores this morning
and led currants at 10 cents a box.
Miss Jennie Holmes, is visiting
with relatives at Luoknow.
Lieutenant Chas. Hall, arrived
home on Monday after going over-
seas with the 161 st Huron Battalion.
When the Battalion broke elle, Char-
lie got into the flying mete.
Miss Retta Cook, of Toronto, is a
visitor at the parental home for her
Mr. ani Mrs. W S. 1t, Holmes re-
turned on Monday fern tin it trip
up the lakes to the See, They report
a pleasant •trip.
Mrs. Clara ;Run:ball returned home
after spending her vacation with her
sister at CIeveland.
Miss 011ie and Frieda Schoenhals
visited their brother at Port Albert.
Miss Jeers Chidley, of WirmipeR, ar-
rived in town last week and is visit-
ing her mother. Her many friends are,
glad to see her again.
Mrs. Albert Jervis and two child-
ren, Blanche and Clifford, of Napinee,
near Chicago, are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jervis
and: is also visiting her brother 'Av.
W. Marquis.
Miss Ida Cornish left on Monday to
take the summer course at the 0. A.
C. Guelph.
Dvr. Clarence Kilty got home from
overseas, having serveii with the 55th
Division Artillery.
Lieutenant Thos. Pickett came
Wednesday night after spending
three years with the British Navy.
He served • on the Patrol, nine
sweepers and at last with the anti -
air craft force. He gets back in
civil life the end of the month.
Pte. Andrew Steep arrived home
on Wednesday night from overseas
Andrew enlisted with the 161st Bat-
talion and the Last six months "'has
High School Entrance Resets
The following listincludes the
names of pupils -successful in the
high school entrance examination,
those granted certificates on the
recommendation of the principal,
and those granted standing in con-
sideration of assistance on farrns.
Those on farm leave will receive!
Howard Aitken, Kayrn Allen,
Eleanor Andrew, Joan Baechler,
Carlyle Bannister, Ronald Barker,
Betty Lou Beattie, Mollie Bisset,
Graham Bogie Madeline Bogie, Wil -
certificates when assurance is given Liam Bond, Eugenia Brindley, Aileen
that the thirteen weeks of work is Castle, Grant Chisholm, Edward Clut-
completed. ton, Harry Colclough, John Cornish,
CLINTON Donald Crich, Audrey Dickenson,
Marion'Dougherty, Mary Durst, Eve -
Billy Andrews, Edna Ball, Myrel lyn•Dustow, Gordons Feagan Hugh
Bender, Isobel Chewen, Ross- Col- Feagan ugene Frayne, Murray
quhaun, Betty Cook, Estelle Cox, Lois Garrick, Vesta GIazier, Vivian Glenn,
Crich, Clarence Densionne, Kathleen Benson Good, Kenneth Grigg, Charles.
East, Margaret Falconer, Mildred Hawthorne, Carolyn' Hunter, Helen
Farquhar, Joan Fines, Catherine E Irwin, • Charles Johnston, Marjorie
Fingland, Jean Flynn, Edith Ferns- Kennard, Robert Le Maiie,' Ebelyn.
ter, Joan Fowler, Pauline Fowler, Lynch, Fiore' MacDonald, Frank, Me
Doreen Glazier, Charles Hanley, Kechnie, Isobel McLean, Mary Mc -
Shirley Hattin, Douglas Hesk, Ed- Milian, Audrey McPhee, John Mas -
ward' Helm,: George_Jaokson, Audrey sey, Gordon Mohring, Helen Mont
Jervis, Evelyn Johns, Shirley Jones,•' gomery, ° Robert Moore, Donald Oke,
Donald Kay, Fred Kirby, Jean Lampe Maxine Oke, Donald Patterson, Gil-
man, David Lawson, Harry Little, ford Pfriannuer, Laura Pitblado, Mac
Murray Lyon, Billie "Marks, Bruce Roberts, • James Robertson, Dorothy
Marshall, Billie Matthews, Alexanders Rodges, Arlyne ,Rouse; Margaret
Menzies, -Donald Miller, Thornton Rutherford, Dorothy Smith, Dawn
Mustard, Fred McGregor, Jean: Medi- Stubbington, Margaret Tigert, Ruth
ger, Elgin Penfound, Vernon Postill,' Thurlow, Evelyn Turton, Marie Wall,
Doreen Proctor, Jack Rozell, Marion Bernice White, Eleanor Willis, Ken-
Stanley, Lillian Stewart, . George meth Wilmot, John Wilson, Allison
Turner, Fred VanEgmond, Amy Wal- Woodhouse.
ter, Betty Ward, George Wise, David] Granted under Regulation, 10 -5 -
Sperling, +l Irene Benoski, Marie Culp, Noreen
Under . Regulation 10.5 --Shirley Lee, Donald ,Sagan,'
been in the stores at Baamshott
Pte. L. beeves got home on Friday
last after being . in the army two
Years. He enlisted' at Kingston• and
was with the Signallers.
Nursing .Sister Kate Scott got
home Tuesday evening after a service
of two years- and four months in
When the Present Century
Was Young
July 9th, 1904.
Wilfrid Austin, James Blue, Willie
Bolt, Don Cameron, Harold Camp-
bell, Harry Campbell, Marie Chis-
holm, Thelma Guerin, Jack Redy,
George- Errington, Douglas Parrish,
George Parrish, Joyce Feagan, Doro-
thy Gibson, D. A. Hackett, Grace
Hayden, Donna Henry,' Jean Hodges,,
Freda Hunter, Laura Irwin, Helen
Johnston, Beulah Knight, Lorna
Little, Bobbie Lyons, Eldon Mac-
Lennan, Barbara MacLennan,' Sally
McDonald, Verna McDonald, Gordon
Maize, Mary Park, Bertha Popp,
Jack Reid, Joyce Rivett, Mac Ruther-
ford, June Rutledge, Audrey Smith,
Gwen Stewart, Earl Swan, Harvey
Taylor, William Taylor, Harry Van
Piano recitals have been given rn'
eaeh evening this 'week by pupils of.
Miss Carol Newcombe A. L. C. M. in
her studio. Among those who have
taken part are Miss Sybil Courtice, Jean, Adair, Fay Angus, Tresina
Miss Anna Whiddon and Miss Pearl, Bondi, Violet Bowman, Arnold Bruce,.
Wise. Miss Newcombe is meeting Norma Bruce, Doris Cuiliton, Jessie
with remarkable success as a teacher Currie, Jean Deyel•I, Nelson Dow,
of music and at the different exams Alan Dunbar, Dorothy Dunkin, Wal -
her pupils rank high. ter Elliott, Lionel Gallagher, George
Ms. William, Jones has sold his Gammage, Kenneth Hingston, Grace
house on Isaac Street, occupied eselHolmes, Glare Hopper, Betty ITutchi
several years by Mr. Thos. Lavin, to fson, Doris Klein, Alice Laidlaw, Rob -
Mr. Harry Wilson. I ert Lever, Lois Loekridge, Ruth
Cantelon Bros. shipped ,25,000 Lockrid'ge, Helen MaeEwen, Gwen,
pounds of butter this week. j MacLean, Phyllis, McClure,. Robert
Mr. J. W, Irwin has bought a new,McKague, Brian -,Metcalfe, Lorne Met -
acetylene light plant. ! calf-, Treva Montgomery, Robert
- The local market is as follows: Mundy, Mary Porter, Thelma Ridley,
Wheat .88 to .90; Oats .30 to .31; Mary Ross, Ralph Seddon, Wilfred
Barley .40; Butter, tub, .12 to .13; Seli, Gladys Shiell, .Tune Shiell. Ger-
Butter, crock .11 to .12; Eggs .12% ald Smith, Keith Smith, Muriel
to .13; Live Hogs .05. Smith, Ralph Stainton, William
The Clinton baseball team defeated Taylor, Helen Tomlinson, Bud Wild,
Goderich here yesterday by a score Shirley Yeoman.
of 10 to 9.
The following from Clinton took
part in an artificial bird . shoot in
Stratford on Ftriday last; J. E. Can-
telon, G. E. Holmes, J. E. Hovey, R.
Graham, N. Bluett and W. G. Doher-
ty. The first three mentioned were
well up in the score.
Messrs.,.Robt. Watkins of town and
Harry' Woodyard' of the Base Line
moved 'a few months ago to Coiling- I
wood, but about a month since went
to New Ontario en a prospecting
trip. They went as far as Fort
Francis, but could not see that the
prospects are any better than in
Ooliingwood so have returned to that
town. During their absence their
wives visited their mother Mrs. Wal-
lace of near Sunnnerhill, and other
friends • in the district.
Mrs. William. Cantelon returned on
Thursday from a two weeks' visit
with her son, Mr. Will Cantelon, To-
Mrs James Carson of Caledonia is.
visiting her brother Mr. D. B. Ken-
Miss Dunite, and Mise Alva Dnnke
of'Elnriia were guests of Mrs: John
Bell from 'Thursday till Monday
Miss Clara Mageire of Goderich
Township has been spending a fey✓
days with her aunt, Miss E. Shanna-
Mrs. D. L. Hay of Ingersoll was.
the guest.eof Mr. and. Mrs, W. Jones
Friday and Saturday.
Mr. W. Grigg paid a short visit to
friends in St. Catharines, Niagara
Falls'. and Grimsby the past week.•
Mr. J. E. 'Murray of Granton was
the guest of his ,brother-in-law, Dr.
Thompson, last 'week.:
Muriel Anderson, James Arm-
strong, Helen Bishop, James Bow-
man, Mary Bowman, Peter Breein,
Thelma Brothers, Donald -Campbell,
Margaret Cardiff, Donald Coleman,
Lawrie Cousins, Bernard Cummings,
Phyllis Cuthill, Percy Dalton, Isabel
Davidson, ' • Nora Deitner, Frances
Dennis, Dungan Jamieson, James
Jewell, Jimmy Knight, Jean Mathe.
son, Donald, MacDonald, Donald Me-
Cuteheom, Fred McCutcheon, Harold
McCutcheon,, Jessie .McDonald, Allan
Nichol, Joyce Oliver, Howard Ryan,
Mac Speir, Winnifred Steiss, Joan
Ste. Marie, Stewart Stiles, Charlie
Turnbull, Forrest Whittard, John
Under Regulation 10 -6 --Dorene
Freda Black, Billy Bremner, Brown
Edgar, James Boyd, Della Jaeklin,
Clayton Machan, Glenna Machan,
Stanley McDonald, Beiva Smith,
Doreen Smith, Murray Vodden. -
Howard Allan, Kenneth Buchanan,
Lucille ' Burns, Mabel Campbell,
Margaret Cheshey, Mae Clarke, Ane
De 'La Pearlier, Roderick Doig, Max-
ine Dunlop, Eleanor\Elgie;' Donald
Elliott, Avis Forbes, John Gturnmett,
Mary' Hagan, Mary Hickey, , Marie
Hicknell, Lois. Hoggarth, Francis
Huisser, John Jones, Mary Kennedy,
Mary Lane, Betty AecClinchey, Jose-
phine McIver, Sue Nixon, Dolores 0'-
A Message to
Cana'. is . Motorists
°[M°DM invasion of Europe has thrown
a vast and critical burden upon
the petroleum resources of the United
In the first eight days of the cam-
paign alone Allied aircraft flew 56,000
sorties. Many thousands of oil -burn-
ing warships and landing barges are
shuttling ceaselessly across the Chan-
nel. Tanks, trucks, jeeps, mobile
`artillery, ambulances, by the thou-
sands, are in action.
The driving power behind all this
activity is petroledim-gasoline and
fuels drawn from a dwindling crude
oil supply. But -there is only so much
oil. If existing supplies are to prove
adequate, the most stringent economy
of gasoline and fuel oil must be prac-
raytised here at home.
Canada is able to produce only 15%
of her own gas and oil needs. The
remainder must be imported from the
common pool of the United Nations
and the bulk of this is shipped here
by tankers. Critical manpower is
needed to produce our gasoline and
oil. Precious lives and precious ships
0/¢ ®e
trust be risked to deliver it to our
Invasions, and the difficulties of
supply and transportation are not our
only problems. Right here in Canada
gas and oil are needed in enormous
quantities for vital war purposes. The
Commonwealth Air Training Plan
has consumed as much as 548,000
gallons in a single day. Canada's
Navy -expanded since war began
from 15 ships to 650 -consumes over
2,150,000 gallons every week. Army
training, war plant operation, food
production, essential trucking - all ,
are huge consumers of gasoline and
petroleum products.
Gasoline is ammunition - ammu-
nition of which we
have all too little. To
waste a gallon of it is a
crime against our fight-
ing men.
An announcement issued by
The Department of Munitions and Supply,
Honourable C. D. Howe, Minister
Your Questions
about the
Gasoline Shortage
How much gasoline was consumed dur-
ing the 54 days of pre invasion bomb.
ing? Mare than 200,000,000 gallons.
How much fuel oil does a battleship
take in one refueling? ... Enough to
heat an average house for 350 years.
How much fuel does one armoured
division consume in every Ave miles of
advance? , .. 10,000 gallons.
How many gallons of petroleum prod-
ucts are required to supply the needs of
500,000 European invasion troops for
a week? .. , Over 25,000,000 gallons.
MS -14r
near — ..__... ._._.. .rr.,.
Sullivan, Leonard Roach, Lorraine
RowIand•, Ruth Scott, Eleanor Shan-
non, Ronald Sills; John Weedmark,1
Madeline- Wilson.
Donald Eaton, Jimmy Flanagan,
RetaGivlin, Teresa Givlin, Howard
Hackwell, Kenneth Hogg, . Frank
Hailey, Seek Malone, Glen McClure,
Earl McSpadden, Mona` Sloan, Leona
Glen Brandon, Billy Elliott, Char-
les Guest, .Betty Larson, Charles
Reid, Mona Reid, Marie Talbot, Gar-
field Westlake.
Lostell, Bill MiekIe, Betty Moir, Ail-
een Munn, Betty Munn, Dorothy Me
Naughton, Betty Roweliffe, Orvie
Taylor, Marian Thomsons Dorothy
Audrey Arksey, Lillian Borland,
Marian Brintnell, Roy Ferguson,
James Harris, Eunice Penhale, Mario"+
Shute, Jean Shute,' Pauline Simpson,
Bud McKerlie, Wilma Veal, Goldie
Leona Anderson, Rose Marie Be-
d d,
e••dard, Georgihie. Corriveau, Leo -Ray
Denomme, Raymond Denomme, Elva
Denomme„ Lottie Denomme, Anita
,Datare, James Fuss, Pauline Hess,
Doreen Hoffman, ;Marjorie Hoffman,
Victor Hey, Campbell Kreuger, Ruth
Ki-euger, Leo Masse, Joan Merner,
Gladys Overholt, Norman Overholt,
William O'Brien, Dorothy /Desch,
Allen Smithy Myron Snider, Earl
Doreen Baker, Betty Brenner, Don-
ald Denomy, Donald Disney, Donna
Desjardine, Lawrence Hartman,
Eugene Houlahan, Kenneth, Keller,
Glenn Love, Alice Miller, Eileen Me -1
Cann, Martha Pederson, Leo Smith,
Raymond Snell, Jerold Spicer, Doris•
Swartz, Grace Turnbull, Allan Wan-
ner, Calvin Wein, Nora Wilds.
Beverly Alexander, Betty Belling,
Ross Coates, Shirley Coates, Jack
Cann, Bruce Finlay, Bernie Floyd,
Sheila Fullerton, Amelia Fisher,
Lloyd Ferguson,: Frank Gregus,'
Elizabeth Gladman, Glenn Jeffery,1
Donald Jory, Eunice -King, Murray
May, Ruby Minor, Howard Perkins,'
Beverley Parsons, Thelma Preszeator,
Maid's Richard, Margaret Rundle,
Hilda Seheerer, Carl Storms, Helen
Sweet, Uel Schroeder, Frances, Tay-
lor, Marion Triebner, Marven Wein.
Under Regulation 10 -5•• -Donald
Jean Arinstrohg, Alma Bell, Joyee
Broderiolt, Doris, Buchanan, Bill
Campbell, Elaine Carlile, Eleanor
Cook, Elaine Cooper, Ray C•onsitt,
Bel -nice Links, Wilmer Kelly, Frances
is. Geo. Conssell who left s
Monday f r a trip out West, is
spending a few days in Toronto: with
her daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. Marks
and! son Geoff before going on.'
Mr. and Mr's. G. Marks and Ibm-
z1y and Cecil spent the week end
with their mother and' brothers Mr'.
!and Mr's. Roy Cdnnuell and Mr. and
M•es. Harold Connell.
IRic. and Mrs. Will Frances and
family of Detroit also spent ` the
week end wide the Connells.
On Sunday morning July 10th at
eleven. o'clock, Ven. Arehd'an
'e_ eo
Doherty ef London will unveil and
dedicate the Honor Roll in St. John's
Anglican church. The newly appoint-
ed 'Padre Flt. Lt. Love of the
R.C.A,P. Clinton will be the guest
1 ,Mrs, Clark and daughter Nettie
and Mrs. B. Buchanan .spent Monday'
in London.
The many friends of Mr. Geo.
Clark are sorry to know he is still.
in the .hospital but we hope soon to,
see him out and around again.
Holiday and week end visitors were
Miss Scram and friend from Inger-
soll, Mrs. J. E. Montenay and sons„
James and Kassel of Tillsonburg, Mr.
and Mrs. Reynolds and babe of Lon-
don with Mr. ,and Mrs. F. J. Appel
Mr• and Mrs.( Cecil Wiley from
Flint, Miele, with Mrs. G. Reid.
1 Mr. and Mee. J. Couitice of London
with Mr. ansi Mrs. C. Pilgrim,
j : Mr. and Mrs. Rose Where and
family with Mrs. L. Beatty and.
Mr. and 1Vrs. Watson of Flint,
Mich. with Mr. and Mrs: Lee Mc-
Miss Gertrude Smith (W.D.) of •the
R„C.A.F: Lachine, Que., is spending
- ' her two weeks furlough with her
parent- Mr. and Min. J. Smith ands
1 The St. John's. W. A. met at the
Bonne ef .Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Miss
Mossop last Thursday, afternoon. The
afternoon was' spent -in mission work.
At the -lose of the .meeting a hot
supper was served by the hostesses.
Mrs:' Eliza Smith received word
last week that her youngest sister.
'hal died in Winnipeg. We extend our
sympathy_ to Mrs. Smith in her re.
cent bereavement.
I have a room ,whereinto iso one
Save I myself alone:
There sits a blessed memory o:t a
, There my life 'centres.
-Gheistina Ressettz„