HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-06, Page 5"THURS., JULY 6th, 1044 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD L AGE 5 0• tHk ".0 WAR -TIME SAVING for NATIONAL and PERSONAL Secettitei Every thoughtful person agrees that in this time of war SAVING should be practised intensively.,+ and for the following reasons: 1) Financing the war 2) Keeping prices down 3) Providing for the future By saving instead of spending now, you will help' yourself and your country -provide for Canada's security today and your own security tomorrow. simed fectort BANE OF MONTREAL FOUNDED IN 1817 Up -w -date Bank#; for Industry and inrkets Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday AUBURN Mrs. Guy Durham. of St. George is visiting . her •sisters Mrs. Blanche • Phillips• and Miss Mae Ferguson. Miss Zeta Munro of Sarnia spent "the week end with her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. R. D. Munro. The following teachersare home, Donald Ross, Galt, Misses Mary Houston, of South Porcupine, Mar - jot ie Arthur, of Teeswater, ,Lia Craig, Winghaan, Betty Asquith, Benmiller, Warren Bramford, Preston. Mrs. Waiter Moore of Kitchener is visiting her )mother Edgar Law - toe and Mrs. Lawson. Miss Margaret Jackson and her mother of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. Gormley Thompson and Bobby of Brampton spent the week' end with relatives, here. Arnold Phillips of Toronto was a week end visitor with his mother, Mrs. Blanche Phillips. Mrs. Albert King is visiting her daughter Mrs. Albert, Killough and Mr. Killough, Hamilton. Miss Josephine Weir is one of the instructora at Cantp Kintail which: is in session this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nott of Strat- ford visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robinson last Saturday. A. large crowd. attended the annual !Memorial Service at Ball's cemetery • on Sunday evening. The .service was in charge of Rev. H. J. .Snell, who spoke on "The Hymn of -Home Etat- nal" Musical numbers consisted of a -quartette by Misses Zeta Munro, Vivian Straughan, Rosy and Maxine - Ball, •a».d a solo by Miss Zeta Munro. Mr. C. E. Asquith chairman of the cemetery board spoke briefly, stat- • ing the financial condition of the cemetery. There is a perpetuity fund of $3,800, which includes a bequest of $250. from the late Miss.:Jane, Ratcliffe. There is also . a working fund of $800,; of which over one-half has been received by the annual' collections.` ' Miss Pauline Xing is visiting her sister, Mrs. Phaelan, Goderich. Donald Ross is, a patient in. Clin- ton, hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. on Tuesday of this week. Death of Mrs. 1•Iarvey McGee This, community was shocked to hear of the untimely* passing early, W : ,Sunday morning' at her home of Mrs. Harvey McGee. Mrs. McGee was formerly Sarah Helen Kennedy, dau- ghter of the late 'Dan Kennedy and Elizabeth Amd'erson of Beig'rave, and she was, born there GO years ago. Following her marriage in 1908 she moved to Western Canada, but 30 years ago moved back to the farm at which she died. She was a most highly esteemed person, and she attained that envi- able position by her ,kindly disposi- tian and cheerful manner. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church also a Life Member of the W. M. S. arid president of the Ladies Aid of that Church, Surviving 'are her husband; one brother, -and four sisters; Jaek Ken- nedy of North Bay. (Liza) Mrs. Van Norman, of Webbweod, (Mae) Mrs. Moore, (Bertha) Mrs. Powell, (Jeann; Mrs. Gihys, all of Detroit, The funeral was held from her late resi- dence on Tuesday afternoon. Inter- ment was. made in Balls cemetery. LONDESBORO Miss ,Rhoda Govier, London and Lieut. Spence Hann, Camp. Borden, with the former',s, parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Govier, Mrs. E. Gaunt and Fay with Mrs. H. Lyon, Mrs. Harvey . • Co -Bison, Toronto,. with Mrs. Robt.Peek. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Johnston, Nia- ' gara Falls . with . Mr. and Mrs. Bert •Shobbrook, Mies •Mildred Hollinger, Toronto, with Miss Dorothy Little. I Mr. Louis Fingland, Toronto, and Missy Ruth Finglund, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fiiigland. , Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Hesk are spend- ing a few days with Mr. arid Mrs. H. Mogridge at Auburn Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountain on Sunday were, Dr. and: Mrs. Whitley, Gerrie, 113x. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, Edmonton, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson, London, Mr.l and Mrs. 7i.. Youngblutt, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Joslian'e, Eileen and Marie. Master Jackie Meyers, Stratford, is 'spending a week with his -grand mother, Mrs. Win. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffith and Bobby, Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Griffith. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Gaxdhouse 0w en- •Sound, With Mr. and Mrs, S. Lansing. rte' Miss Phyllis McCool is holidaying g with her cousin Miss Doris McCool. Mrs. B. Staples., Toronto, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Sprung. Miss Helen McGregor, left on Mon- day to attend .summer school • in London. Mrs: Kelly, War. -Time, Sask., is visiting her brother, Mr. M. Ross. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Fairservice spent the week end with friends in Thamesville. - Mr. Wm. Tamblyn, Toronto spent a few days with his another last week, while here they visited Mrs. Tanably- n'i nieces and nephews, at Westfield, Goderich, St. Marys and Mrs. Tam- blyn's• sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Medd in Lon- don. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. T. Little is ill in the 'Seaforth hospital. We wish her a Speedy recovery. • Mr. Harry 'Pods of Detroit came Saturday to see Miss J. Austin, who is very i1L Last week, Mrs. Menzies enter-. tained in honor of Miss Ruth W al- kom, a bride -elect of this month. The guests at the reception were the mothers of past and present pupils and friends of Miss Walkom to the numeber of forty-two. The program was provided by several girl . pupils. Instrumentals were rendered by, Mosses Gail Man- ning, Lois Wood, Thelma Shobbrook and Marie Menzies. A' vocal , duet given by Misses Francis and Vera Lyon. •The guest of honor was pre- sented with a miscellaneous shower of useful gifts after which a delicious,' luncheon was served by the hostess. Miss Walkom has been a most suc- cessful 'teacher at No. 8 school for the past four years and on the closing day of school, the, pupils ex- pressed their appreciation in the presentation of a very handsome cabinet.' The School has attained not- able success in the sale of War Sav- ings Certificates. The total for the past year being $428.50 from an aver- age enrolment of 19 pupils. The friends of Londesboro extend to Miss Walkom, their 'best wishes for her future happiness. At the worship. serviceen Sunday the pastor, Rev. A. E. envies will deal with the subject "Felix before Paul" a lesson in procrastination, Mr, and Mrs, John Nott, celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary. on Sunday. Beautiful gifts were re- ceived from those present. Those present were: Mr: and Mrs. George Westbrook, •Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, Will Archambault, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. John Vodden, Mr. and Mise H. Youngblutt, Auburn and Miss Mag- gie Youngblutt, Goderich Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Roberton and family, Seaforth, ' Mrs. Ellen Watson entertained at a trousseau tea on Wednesday of last week in the afternoon and evening for her daughter Eida Ruth, whose marriage toolc, place on Saturday July 1st, to Mr. William ;Riley of Goderich in the Londesboro United Church. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Riley welcomed the guests and were assisted by • Mrs: Jack Sinclair and Miss Fern Watson, •sisteas of the bride and Mrs. Will. Wells of Clinton. The dining -room was prettily decora- ted with white and yellow streamers and: flowers: Mrs. Shore of Goderich, aunt of the groom poured 'tea and Misses Beth Govier, Helen Radford, Bina' Kirk •and Mrs. E. Hesk assisted with the dainty refreshments, Brig. General and Mrs. Dewar of Ottawa, Mr. and MVC'Fs. Wm, Lyon of Thorndauie, Mrs. Amos Watson, Lon- don and Mi. and Mrs. F. Richards of Blyth were guests at the wedding on Saturday, + : The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.SI.,'will be held on T arsda* Jnly 13th, •at the hall grounds, The ladies are entez`taining the. Mission Circle, Mission Band and the Baby Band. A good program will be given, and games for the children. Wild the • ladies please piing , sand-• wishes,'cookies or tarts. ' Mr. a:nd' " Mrs. Tom Kennedy and Mrs, Frank Cosgrave, •and Mrs, Libby Gibbings, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Victor Kennedy'., V GOUERICH TOWNSHIP • Miss Phyllis Middiaton who spent the month of June with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. heed in London, andtheir sum- mer home. in Port Stanley has re- turned. to Stratford where she has been appointed supervisor• of a child - tens playground for July and Aug- ust, Miss. Thelma Rands is spending a vacation with Mr. and Mr s< N. Car- diff at Brussels, Mrs. Cooper and young son of Stratford spent several ` days with her sister Mrs. J. Randt. A very :serious accident happened at the farm. of Mr. Bert..Mcllveen; of the Dth Con. Gocierieh township when they were 'hauling in. has. Mr. Mellveen attempted to climb up the front ladder on to the rack when it CUT FLOWERS FLORAL D.IGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COO KE FLORIST Phones: GGw and 661 Batkins Locker Service The best way to store peas is to coaly for five minuter.then cool in cold water .and then put in wax ROXY THEATRE CLIINT 1F Now Playing — "ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES?' in Tee hnicolor. Mon. Tues. and -Wednesday "JANE EYRE" •C'hanlotte Bronte's beloved novel .becomes- a screen classic. Orson Welles sand .Joan Fontaine Thur. Fri. and Saturday Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Mar- tha Raye and Mitzi Mayfair. Their superb performance 'enter- tained, the boys "over there" and will entertain, you ,too, • "FOUR TILLS IN A. JEEP" Coming - "STANDING ROOM ONLY" Matinees — Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 p.m. Note Change of time. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Flaying - Arne Baxter in "THE SU'LLIVANS" Mon. Tues. and, Wednesday Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan & Jack Carsosn It's a east of `top-flight favorites in a film: full of fun and music. "SHINE ;ON HARVEST MOON" Thur. Fri. and ,Saturday Kay Francis, Carole Landis., Mar- tha Raye, Alice Faye, Betty Gra- ble and Carmen Miranda., 'Bring an unusual treat' in the live- ly and lilting tamely hit, "FOUR TILLS IN A JEEP" Conning John Steinbeck's. "LIFEBOAT" REGENT THEATRE ansyc RTF Now Playing --- HENRY ALD - RICH PLAYS CUPID" with "TORNADO" Mon. Tues. and Wednesday Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre & Michele Morgan. Telling the story of a two-fisted gentleman who always reached his destinal�ion. "PASSAGE TO MVMAItSEILLEIS" Thur. Fri. and Saturday Maria Montez, Jon Hall and Andy Devine. Technicolor at its hest in a lavish tale of Oriental splendour. "ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES" Coming Rosalind Russell in "WHAT A WOMAN" Matinees — Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 Matinees — Sat. & Hol. at 2.30 containers or sealers.' Try our fanner style sausages also different kinds' of fish. , FROZEN FOODS AREi BETTER FOODS Auction Sale Of household effects, Saturday, July 15th at 1 o'clock at Joe Beaker's, Victoria Street, Clinton. 04-1 Open Air DANCE Hall Grounds, Londesboro, on FRIDAY, JULY 7th Ken Wilbee's Orchestra, Proceeds in aid of Red Cross 04-1 brake letting him fall dowry among the horses frightening them and the wagon passed over his' body. He has since died in Clinton hospital where he was taken at the time of the ac- cident, The 'sympathy of the whole community !roes out to Mrs. Mc- IIveen and: family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden and family spent the week end at Both- well. Miss Mabel Grigg of Toronto has been holidaying at the home of her parents Mi. and Mrs. Ed. Grigg Si: Master Ted Sauvage is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mr. and. Mrs. Myron Butler spent the week end with friends and rela- tives around Bayfield. Miss Helen Welsh spent the holi- day :and week end with her cousin Mrs. Fred' Wallis, Mr, and MPs.' Alex McBeath spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh.: } A family reunion was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, B. J. Rathwell on Sunday when their children and grand children :spent the• afternoon with them. The twelve pupils of Fairmount Sehooi (S. S. No. 10) have .purchased over $90.00 worth of War Savings Stamps during the past school V OBITUARY VICTORIA HROADFOOT Word has been received of the sudden death of Victoria Elizabeth Middleton (Bessie) Broadfoot of Nelson, British Coiusnbia. Mrs. Broad foot was taken suddenly ill at a near by summer resort and: was taken to St. Martin's Hospital, Oliver, B. C., where she passed away after a short ilhress. - Miss Broadfoot as !the' elder aw- ghter of the late Mr. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Broadfoot ,of Brig -End Faim 2nd concession of Tuckersmith where deceased was bera. She is survived by one sister Agnes, Mrs. George T. Flewitt, who . lives on the family homestead in 'Packet -smith and one brother .Win. W. B. of Oliver, .B, C. who are left to mourn the loss of at loving sister. A brother James Charles Stewart Broadfoot died several years ago. The homestead was taken out of the bush by their grandfather, the late James Broad - foot over 100 years ago. He came from Dumfries: Ayrshire Scotland when the land .was all 'bush out of whichhe cleared; his home. Miss Broadfoot, Was a member of the Presbyterian' Church and toolc an active interest " in church affairs. Miss Broadfoot was very succeSeful in her business, being second highest in, the province.` Miss Broadfoot was foved by all who knew her, She had a good sterling character' and will be missed so much wherever she was known. Interment .tookla e' P c in British NO DIFFERENCE! For ALL HAVE SINNED and comeshort of the glory of GOD Rom. 3:23. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to S'AVE': SINNERS 1 Tire. 1:15 TUNE IN: "Old-fashioned: Revival Hour" 7-8 p.m. E. D. S. T. On mutual networks Sundays — Local Station — OKLW. Windsor Chas. E. Fuller, D. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California We Are Proud To Live to CLINTON And to be able to sell you THE VERY BEST ilk Nutritious Bread and Baked Goods. We appreciate your continued pa'tronagel because we believe the maintenance of our mu -i tual ,esteem, assures the continued sucess of our]' Town and its people. , If will always be our aim to serve you with products that are the best and a service thati' is pleasing to you. MADE HERE -- BAKED HERE — FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU BARTLIFF'S Mr. and Mrs. Schmalgemeier, returar- ed missionaries front Africa, now of Chicago with their two daugh- ters were guests at the home of A. " J. and Mrs, McMurray on Monday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Colquhoun . and daughter Ruth Helen of Staf'fa, also Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Howe of London. MARRIAGES RILEY—WATSON--In Londesboro United Church on Saturday, July 1st, when Elsa Ruth Watson, dau- ghter of Mrs. Ellen Watson., and the late Charles Watson of Londes- bore, and William Frank Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1lrank Riley of Goderich were united in mar - nage. ;Rev. Menzies officiated, COOK—McE,WAiN In Clinton Pres- byterian Church, on Saturday, July 1st, when Erni Donelda McE.wan, delighted of Mr. J. W. Mcewan and the late Mrs. McRwan of Poreupine Plains, ,Sask., and granddaughter of Mr. Walter Mair of Clinton to 0/SM. Leonard Franklin Cook R.C. N. V. R., younger son of Mr. and Mrs, L. Cook of Clinton were unit- ed in marriage, Rev. D; J. Lane officiated. BIRTHS GLAZIER• --Ian Clinton Public Hos- pital, an Sunday, July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glazier, (formerly Myrtle McClure), Clinton, a daugh- ter, Gloria Jean. GILL—In Clinton, Public Hospital, 1. on . Tuesday, Judy. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill of Grand Bend, a daughter, Amailes Ani:. `DEATHS' McILVEEN-In Clinton on Monday, July' 3rd, Wilbert Guy Meilveen; in his 56th year. V PORTER'S HILL Mr, and Mrs. Errand Betties, To- ronto spent the weekend- with :Mr. and' Mrs. Allen Betties. Mrs. Thos. Betties, Goderich, who suffered a slight stroke: two weeks ago is much improved.. Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Turner, Clinton, visited at Arlie Locicharts. School is closed for the summer vacation, Ivan Turner has been re- engaged eengaged foranother year at an in- crease in salary. Seaman Jinn Young, London tts home for the week end with his. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yomng.: Shortly Jisn .is to be transferred to Nova Scotia where he will finish his training. Bessie Young, Brantford, is also hoarse with her parents for a ten day holiday. Columbia. Mrs. Jim Durnin London spent the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mutton Woods. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Bert Harris on the arrival of a daughter. Mr. Jin Young accompanied by his Mother anti • sister, spent Sunday at Winthrop with Mr, and Mrs. Theron Betties. Mr. and Mrs, Arlie Lockhart at-. tended a gathering of the Miller fam- ily at Bayfield Saturday night, the occasion marked the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller, Quite is few farmers around' here have been losing lambs, worried by doge. For Sale -Leica 35 M.M. F. 35 Lens plane shutter ,Range finder Felber and ease. Price $100.00. Write box 391) 04-1 For Sale Little prigs 6 weeks. old, Apply Ross Hoggart, R. R., 1, Clinton.' 04-1 For Sale Cottage, 6 rooms, cellar, garage and henhouse. ls:Iso garden. Apply Joe Becker. 04-3 AUCTION !SALE For Sale—Property of the .late James Jackson, House and contents cottage, 6 rooms, bathroom, furnace. FRIDAY JULY 14th at 2 p.m. Sherlock Manning Piano and bench, Dining room table, extension, 6 boards; 6 dining room chairs; studio couch, spring mattress; . 2 small tables; 1 ea:binet radio, sparton; sewving machine, standard;. china cupboard; rug; floor lamp, : couch; 2' large chairs; 3 bedroom suites; electric stove; kitchen range; 3 small rockers; clothes horse, kitchen -table. kitchen utensils; quilts.. TERMS CASH Spencer Jackson, Executor of Estate Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Notice To Creditors In The Estate of Thomas H. Mar- shall, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Esquire, De- ceased. All personshaving claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate on or 'before the 22nd day of July, A.D.. 1944, after which date the . assets will be distribaited amongst the parties entitled "there- tc, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated . at Clinton, this 3rd day= of July, A.D, 1944. P. 'FINGLAND, K. C. Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Secretary until July 16th for paint- ing the walls and. ceiling and window, sashes inside and out of No:'4 schools and a complete redecorating of in- terior of No, 7 school. For further particulars apply to G. McGregor, Clinton, ,15. R. No. 5 for No. 4 school and Wilbur Keys Seaforth, R. 15, No. 3 for No. 7 school., S. H. Whitmore, Sec. Tuekersmith Township: School Area No. 1 03-2 TEACHER_ WANTED Protestant Teacher for S. S. S Hulled. State qualifications and Salary expected. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary' by, July 20. W. C. Montgomery, Sec. R. R. 1 Clinton, 03-8 For Sale One baby's crib, ,with mattress; almost new, also a .baby's walker - stroller combination or push cart, itirs. M. Dobkin' Princess St. or phone 3345. 04-1' For Sale Baby's Bed and mattress, like new, small size. phone 226,7. 04-1 For Sale Hensasll--Niea 2 storey brick house, hard •and soft water, furnace, garden. 1 storey frame Arouse, garden, barn, Wm. Pearce, Exeter, 7iippen--50 acres with buildings, 100 acres with buildings, silo, litter carrier, bush. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. 02-4 For Sale Three Pure Bred Shorthorn Bpllsy fourteen to twenty months old. App. lir to Geo, L. Reid, Varna, Ont. 03-2 For Sale A lot at Bayfield with house of 5 furnished rooms for sale at $900.00 Apply to Mrs. L. McNeil, • Clinton, Ontario. 03-4 • Wanted To Purchase Pullets eight weeks of age and: old. Barred' Rock, New „Hampshire, White Leghorns, Good prices paid. If you require day-old chicks, we have them—last hatch July 14th, White Leghorn, Barred Rock, New Ramp - shires, White Rook, Hybrids, Non, sexed as low as $8.95 Per hundred. Pullets $10.95. Heavy Cockerels $7.95 Write Tweddle, Chick Hatcheries, Limited Fergus, Ontario. 03-2 Cottage to Rent Log Cabin cottage to rent, July, August. Completely furnished, elect tricity and water inside; dishes, stoves; 2 bedrooms; 5 minute wily to lake; good sandy beach. Rent reasonable. Adults preferred, Write Mrs. Harry Ahrens for appointment. Bayfield, Ontario, 03-2 For Sale '7 room House with modern con- veniences, 3 piece bath, furnace, a large .garden and double garage. Apply at the News -Record. 03-2 For Sale Seven roomed frame house, New` Bath, furnace, garage. Albert Sit. forth. possession Sept. 1. Apply D. L. Stephenson. 03-2 For Sale Bed 'and dresser, spring and mat- tress, library table, eongoleum rug, drop leaf table, pictures, drapes Apply to Mrs. E. Ward, Huron Street or Phone' 155 Clinton, 02-tf House For Sale Comfortable six room house with 3-piece.bath, double garage and good. garden. Apply to J. T, McI{night, Victoria St., Clinton. 96-tf Wanted to Buy Wanted to .buy, olci'horsesand dead cattle for mink feed. If dead,P hone at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21. 5840