HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-07-06, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Eat. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era No. 6104 67th YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO' THURSDAY. ' JULY 6th, 1944 MUflE ABOUT OUR SILYERARE Besides the riehn'ess of appearance, silverware is really the most economical to purchase, for it is practically" indestru,dbable, yen ,buy it only once in a life tsme, met the first cost is notappaling either, now 4 -days. Improved methods of manufacture• have cheapened' it surprisingly and designs get more and more attractive- Come in and let us help you select ,the gift you are looking for, ee en 7. H"' y HELLYA.R JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RESIIDENDOE:PHON•E 174j (I Midsummer Sale of COATS There is still .a number of Spring Coats on our racks which we will offer.for quick sale, at a reduction of 25% off the regular prices. Red Velour, Sand Po1?, Tweeds and BIack. Navy and Brown. This affords you a golden op= portunity to purchase a coat at a minimum of• expense, and one that will serve you for some time to come. 11 R. V.IRWIN 11 N Always Something. New These are days when we are receiving small shipt ments of new goods frequently, and so our stock is constantly, changing. We may not have had just what you wanted last week- but we may have iii know. For this reason we suggest you call and bro•, 'wse about our store more often -- it will be to your advantage as well as ours. We recently received several lovely, pieces in sterling silver, such as relish dishes, bunter dishes,' candle holder;,, Baby Cups, Napkin rings :etc. .. We can also supply Salad•Forks, Butter Spreader!! and spoons in Lady Hamilton and Milady designs as g well as most serving' pieces. Inquire for what you want - if we haven't got it we may be able to secure, it. for you: W. N. COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery f O Half a Century in Huron County RED CROSS NOTES ,A Tribute "The efforts of the Canadian Red Cross Society are second ` to none and stand above all others" A. E. Zollinger, head of the Relief Depart- nnent, of the International Committee of the Red Cross. in Geneva told the Executive Committee of Ontario Division, "The committee at Geneva charged me especially to make clear to you how much they appreciate. your help in, the • work for prisoners of war. Everyone at Geneva is. im- pressed with the tremendous ef- fort put forth .by the Canadian Red Cross." Nursing Reserve to Lead Public Health In peacetime; two works of Red Cross much to be emphasized are Home Nursing and Emergency Nurs- ing Reserve. Miss F. H, M. Emory states that the reserve with member- ship of 12,000, in 200 communities, has shown an increase of 60 new reserves since the annual meeting'. v. . Sorry,. Owing to lack of .space there were two letters and some correspondenee omitted. v A Thoughtful Teacher What a grand day the. pupils of S. S. No. 6 Hulled had on Thursday, June 29th! Mrs. S. Lansing is their capable teacher and treated all' •het pupils to a :most enjoyable day. At 8,a.m. they left their school and boarded a bus. Their first stop was at the Huron County home where Mrs, Jacob acted, as their hostess. After viewing the home, not missing a nook or corner; the pasteurizing Plant and, farm buildings, they were treated to a very dainty lunch. This is the first school to visit the County home. The children sang for the inmates. and. then Left for Clinton, They had their dinner at Mr. Bart- liff's restaurant ani then visited the News -Record office. Mr. Hall showed the ohi.idren around his printing plant and gave each child a'in'otype slug with their name on it. Mrs. Lansing gave each girl a beautiful gicturb and each boy an eversharp pencil as a. remembrance from her. After a most exciting day, one never to be forgotten, they left by bus back to their destination, -Com, Annual Picnic of `Covenant' Adult Bible Class The "Covenant" Adult Bible Class of the Wesley -Willis church held their annual picnic on Friday last, on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. ,George Vanhorne, Wellington St. The attendance was not up to the usual mark,. on account of illness in sorne'homes, and it being a business day some could' not leave business cares. Those who attended were delighted with a ramble through the splendid flower and vegetable garden of the Venhornes.. A. -delightful , supper was served about six p,m, after which a variety of sports events were indulged in. Dropping clothes pins in a milk bottle, Mrs. Vanhorne was first and• Miss M. Chambers ;second, for ladies, and Mr. Vanhorhe was first and Mr. Lane second for men.The elothes pin race, with sides championed by J. E. Lobb and Mr. Lane, the . former was given the �honor of being first and Mr. Lane second: Throwing wooden. 'blooks through an opening in a sheet, Mr. Vanhorne won for the ,men and Mr. Lane second, while Mrs. Vanhorn�e was first for the ladies and Miss. M. Chaanbers second. Sentiments of appreciation were expressed by those present. V W. M. S. Entertains The Wesley -Willis W. M. S. enter- tained the members and leaders: of the C.G.I.T,, the Mission Band and Baby Band and Mothers, at a picnic Tuesday, June 27th, at the home of Mrs.' Frank Fingland. There was a spaendid attendance. Games were played, races run and prizes given. Luncheon consisted of sandwiches, cookies and 'chocolate milk, A .good time was' enjoyed by all. 1111 The New Era Est. 1867 THE HOME PAPER. COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Clinton' Town Council was held in the Coun- cil Chamiber, on Monday evening, July 3rd, All membert'were present. with the exception of Couneilloe Brown. Mayor Agnew was in the chair. The. minutes of, the previous. meet- ing were read and, approved, Apple- cationsr• were read re erecting or repairing ,drvellinge, refund of Hallrent, - • Councillor Epps ,reported for the Park and: Cemetery Committee, and referred to the grass and weeds be- ing cut, but due to the shortage of labor, same had not been: re,raoved.. Re 'cemetery, two flew sections are being opened by Supt. IvIeSwan. The •grounds, are in good' shape. Councilldr' Butler, reporte,l, for the Special coniniittee, that: thirteen snore billfolds had been delivered to members of the Armed' Forces.' Coun- cillor Butler, on behalf of the Pro- perty C'anunittee, presented quota- tions, on chains for extra Hall seat- ing. Reeve Falconer reported on oiling of the streets, and his regrets that the .nen in reporting even+ street in n towas sprayed had overlooked cue section in ward No. 1. The Reeve re- ferred to. the hiring of a man with a, team and mower for cutting the geese - ,and weeds, and that this work would be completed when help could be secured for this and the street - patching. Councillor Trewartha read the Finance report and. moved its adop- tion, which was seconded by Council- lor Crich and approved. Councillor Trewartha read the statement re taxes collected, Jan. 1 to June 301h, 1944. Arrears--$ 1,410.53 Current $17,763.11 and arrears outstanding $2,823.19 and present- ed the Treasurer's Half Yearly state- ment. An application /or a grant was received from the Clinton Public Hospital. No definite .action was taken at this meeting. The Clerk read a communication, from the Workmen, Compensation Board concerning measures effect- ing municipal Corporation on and aftdl 1945. CounelMlor Crich moved the adjourn ment. Motions: Falconer-Butler-T1rat permit to erect a dwelling ore Princess Street at a cost of about $1,000. be granted Franco Wilson, Shaddick--Crich-That a permit to erect a dwelling` on Victoria St. near Dr. Oakes, at a cost of *bout $900.00 be granted E. Gordon Howes ''pps-Shaddick-That a permit to erect a dwelling on the east side of Orange Street, between Dunlop and Joseph Streets, at a coat of about $900.00, be granted Ray Cartwright. Crich-Shaddick-That the sum of $7.50 be refunded to the Summerhill Branch of the Red Cross for rent of Hall' for •their play for Red Cross purposes, June 23rd. Batter -Epps. -That the sum of $15.00 be refunded to the Lions• Club for the 'rent of the Hall for. their dance June 21st, appis-Falconer-.That we endorse the resolution of the Sault Ste. Marie City Council re extra gasoline for soldiers on leave and that th4 clerk be instructed to forward the proper letter. Epps--•Butler-That by-law No. 8 for 1944 A by-law to'amend by-law No, 4 for 1944 re the change of position of .chief and, day constable be now lead the first time. . Butler-Trewartha_.That the by- law No. 8 •be read, the second time.. Crich-Trewartha-e- That by-law No. 8 be read, the third.. time and passed, Crich-Trewarbha- That by-law No. 9 for 1944, A by -'law to appoint oilficers /or the enforcement;'of the Liquor Control Act be now read the first time. ' Falconer -Butler ---That by-law No. 9 be read the 'second time. Shaddiek :Crich -That bylaw No. 9 be read the third time and pas - sect. m , Butler -Falconer That we 'pur- chase 40 chairs, 'Golden Gloss Finish from Beattie, Geo. B a " e, Price $1.50 each; also purchase 40 chairs from Ball and Zapfe at a cost of $1.35 each.nn Epps -Crich -That all chea' closets be colketed as 'dry earth closets• and owners of sa.rrie be taxed as a regular dry earth, closet. Trewartha-Crich.-That •asp ac- Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs, Edward Grealis wish to announce the engagement of their daughter; Ora Mae to Alec Aliven Riley, son : of Mrs- Benjamin Riley and the late Benjamin Riley of Hut lett- The marriage will take plate July. The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Gairdner, daughter of Mrs. Gairdner, Bayfield, and the late Rev. R. H. 'Fortescue Gairdner, Pittsburg, Pa, to James Richardson Scott of Saskatoon, son of Mrs. Scott and •the late H. ,R. Scott, Seaforbh, The marriage will tape place on July 22nd in Trinity College Chapel, Toronto. V LOCAL ITEMS . . Miss Eleanor Plutnsteel has resig- ned from Palmerston High School and has, accepteda position en the staff of the Ridgetown High and Vocational School as teacher of English and History. Miss Helen Herman has resigned her position as teacher at 'Peffar- law School and has accepted a posi- tion on the staff of the Milgrove School. Frank Fingland, .Don Haddy, Bill Handy, Bill Hearn, Leonard Johnson, John McIntyre, Frank McDonald and Bob Miller left on Monday for ten days at Thames Valley Camp. • Mrs. M. Mann, of the Huron Road East, has a Seven Sister Variety Rose growing on her lawn with a cluster containing ten red roses and one white one. Mrs. Allan Hughes and infant son, of Port Colborne aro visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Pickett. cording to an amendment ta, the Municipal Act which provides • that every cheque issued by a municipal Treasurer is' to be signed by the Treasurer and some other designat- ed person, That the Mayor be author- ized to sign all cheques with the Treasurer. • Street P. Rowcliff 23 hrs, @ 80e (Team and Mower) 18.40 P. Rowcliff Mower knives, sharp. 1.20 Wm. Fulford cleaning streets 25 his, ® 25c 0.50 K. Merrier Hauling 2 ids. c shale 18,00 N. Tyndall grass seed and labor 5.20 Street Lighting P. U. C. lighting stteets . , , 215,22 Property P. U C. Lighting R. R. .76 P. U C. Lighting Town Hall 9.40 P. U. C. Lighting Stock Scales ,,.75 P. U. C. 14 yr. R. R. Rental 15.00 P. U. C % yr. R. R. Water ,,,- 2.01 P. U, C. VI yr. TownHall Water 2.68 P. U. C. 14 yr. Fountain water 3.23 Hawkins Hardware S. Hardware 2.90 E. Epps bicycle repr. parts 3.15 Mrs. L. Tideswell care of R. R. 5.00 Beattie furniture eo. 2 s. mirrors 1.70 Sutter & Perdue Gen. Hardware 5.31 Hydrant Rental • P.U.C. 1,4 yr. rental of hydra 531.00 Cemetery M. •MeEwae Salary ...... 96,83 W. Burton Removing Boulder 1.00 J. C. Proctor Mower Rep. 9.76 Ed. Steep 168 hrs @` 40c 67.20 less U. E. I. 1.00 • 66.20 Fred Steep 168 hrs @ 25e 42.00 Fire and Water LaFrance Fire Engine Co. 1 spray Nozzle ... : ....... , . . 40.00 Dry Earth Closet • A. Fulford Salary .70.00 Polite Protection Bruce McDougall 4 days @ 2.47 & 26 •days, @ 2.74 81.12 A. E. Fremlin 4 days @ 2.74 ..10.95 D. Elliott 25 days @ 2,47. 61.75 Salaries M. T. Corless Salary 83,39 N.- Kennedy Salary 50.00 Hospitalization Co, of Huron Indigent Patient 14.00 Grants Ryerson. Leather Goods Co. Em- bossing :bill folds 2.60 Postage and Stationery G. R. McEwan Postage & Sup. 4.15 General Municipal Expenses Bell Telephone Go. General .... 9.0.4 Arnrstreng,,:Wood & Co. Survey & Report '; ... ....... 475.00 N. ICennedy Piece of ,Plywood .. 2.25 Plnmsteel .Bras. Part Police ' Uniform • 8.50 Postmaster G. M. Counter Unernp,t- Ins. Excise • 1.53 RECEIPTS Rental 128.75 Stock Scales r 20.30 Cemetery 196.00 $345,05 Bride Elect Honoured On the evening of Thursday, June 29, neiglrboux+s and friends ',of the 10th •and' lith, concessions of Ilullett gathered at the .home cf Mr. •and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe of Londesboro to honour Miss Elda Watson, on her approach- ing marriage. The following address was read by Mrs- Pipe as a lovely fernery, jardiniere and fern were pre- sented to the bride-to-be. Dear Ede: - We, your friends and neighbours of the Tenth concession have gather- eci here this evening to spend a social. hour with. you on the eve of your Approaching marriage, We regret that you are leaving our community. We shall miss your sunny simile, -and although yea have made new friends and will make many more, 'we hope you will not forget the friends of your childhood days. Asa token of our esteem for you, we ask . you to accept this gift. As you use it in your home, may it ever remand you of happy associations with the people of the Tenth. The pathway of life is not always rosy but always remember that every cloud has a silver lining. It is our sincere wish and prayer that health, happiness and prosperity may be youl's• as you and your husband -to -be journey on down through a long and happy 'wedded life together. Signed one behalf of the Tenth Gonceseion. Nona Pipe, Helen Radford, Helen Ferguson. E1da then thanked the friends in a few well-chosen words. Progressive euchre was then played after which lunch was served. V Bowling Club The members of the Clinton Bowl- ing Club held their weekly jitney on. Monday night. The following were winners: First, Elmer Mur; ay; Second, Giily Gil- christ; Third, Roy Sperling. , A very good time was reported. V AMONG THE CHURCHES WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH NEWS The home class` record for the second quarter showed the fallowing as having complete record's. Mee - dames W. J. Nediger, G. E. Saville, A. CanteIon, W. Mair, S. Emfnerson. St. Paul's 11.00 a.m. Mattins 7.00 pm. Evensong, Rev, P. H. •Streeter. The Friendship Club will hold a 'picnic on the lawn at Mrs. W. N. Counter's, on Wednesday, July 12th. Those, who are able, are asked to come at four •o'clock. to sew. Supper will be at 6.30. Baptist Church Worship service Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Come and worship in sermon: and: in eeng. You are cor- dially invited. Sunday School in the yearning at 11 o'clock. Eneournge your children. to ge to Sunday School.' 411 are wel- come. Evangelistic Centre Friday -7.30 p.m. Childrens meet- ing. Sunday: 10.a;m. Sunday School 11.a.m, Morning Worship 7.30 p.m, Evangelistic Service. A cordial invitation is extended to 1 all. Come and bring others with you, Presbyterian Church w a:m• `nday School. B 11.00 a.m.Di Vicoship. Divine r The Prayer Service will be in the Presbyterian Church Thursday nightB at 8 *'clean Salvation Army Major Joyce Clark and Lieutenant'1 Beatrice Golenr ,will have charge of wo an Evangelistic meeting which will h be held in the Salvation Army hail' on Monday evening, July 10th, at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. si United Church of Cunene H Ontario. St. and Wesley -Willis congregations, will worship together B in Wesley -Willis Church' during the month of July. On Sunday evening July 9th.the local Oranpe '• pe *Lodge will attend Divine worship at Wesley -Willis. We cordially welcome the order. The morning •subject for July 9th, will be "Faith, An Immutable Law." Our people are asked to remain- ber the Service of �Intercesehm. in the to Presbyterian Chinch on Thursday lo eveeing, July 6, at 8 o'eloek. l w ALVIN GORLESS F./0. A. V. Corkes, younger sora oaf Mie. and Mrs. M. T. Carless, Cline tan, was reported. missing on June • 22nd after an' operational flight. F./0. Corless was a member of the • staff of the Royal -Bank'staff before' enlisting in the R.C.A.F. in May 1941 and received training in Ontario and-:' Western Canada and received tie. wings at Centralia. He arrived in:. England, June 9th, 1943 and has- been on ,operations for a year, V MILITARY NEWS A,C.2 Bill Seeley R.C.A.F,, Whois stationed at Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and• • Mrs Wilfred Seeley. Pte, Kelso Streets, R.C.O.C. cf Halifax is spending his furl :ugh. at his home, and also at Dashwood end Grand Bend. 0/SM. Ronald Scott of St. H.ya--- cinthe, Quebec, spent the week end.: with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ran - Scott. Orange Lodge and the L..0.1, B. A. Will Attend Church The Orange Lodge and the L. 0.:.. B, A. are having a service at the Wesley -Willis Church, Sunday even- ing July 9th, All brethren are Melt- • ed. The .members .will meet at C.80 at, the Orange Hall. Dr. Berry to Speak July 28• The publicity committee has receiv- ed word that Dr, Berry of the Sani- tary Engineering Division • of the Department of Health, will speak' on , Friday, July 28th in the Cli'nban. Town Hall. All citizens should be present to hear Dr. Berry speak on the Sewer- age System. Softball News During the past week the Clinton. Juveniles 'lost two games and won one 'against Blyth. The local boys' record now stands at 9 wins against 5 losses .for an average of .648. This is very goad considering the much older teams they have beep playing from Blyth. and Londesbaro, At Blyth last Wednesday the Juveniles got a good trouncing 13 to 3, Blyth showed superiority in every inning. "Bonnie" Foster clouted a long ;home run for the winner's cause, Winton split a doubleheader wideBlyth on Saturday, July , losing the first 19-8, and winning; nightcap 8 to 6. The first game - as close up to 'tem 7th inning when Lyth forged ahead with 11 rune. Hildebrand hit a homer with the bases, loaded. Batteries -Clinton -C. Hanly, •and . Milder, -Blyth•-Tunney and A. .Kyle. Clinton. held an uncomfortable' cad throughout the second, game' bat n out 8-6. A. Kennedy turned: in, is ninth win against one loss. Tam - In was the standout of the game at short stop for Blyth handling x chances without a mishap. C.n anly hit a triple for Linto. . BattMilkeerr, ies-Clinton_ICenaiedy and ', --Blyth--Tunney and: A. Kyle.Clinton line -up -B, Hanley, 3b;=. ingland, If.; Miller, c; ICennedy, P; Johnson, "2b ; L. Telford, lb; McIn- tyre, s,s. c.f.; C. Handy, e.f, s.s,;. Matthews r.f. There are no names scheduled •fors•• the following week as, the' boys are practicing hardball. Anyone wishing • .give the boys a few pointers` or an. equipment please get in touch . ith J, Elliott' or Frank Linker. 10.00 Su •