HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-06-15, Page 5'THURS., JUNE 15tH, 1944
have You Pains
'Callouses or
there -
Weare bringing you
Positive, Reliable;
and Speedy Relief
'The Finger Points to
'the location of the Anterior
Transverse Arch. When this Arch
weakens, the tiny bones are de-
pressed; uneven pressure is pro-
duced,andtheuneveadistribution. .St
of the person's weight causes a t'
burning sensation, callouses
tenderspots, contracted toes, and tIr
and cramp-like pain. The foot
the small toe and great toe joints
become inflamed and enlarged -
bodily fatigue and nervousness
r result.
Trade Mark
Heed the first danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles
before they impair your comfort and daily efIcietuy
An Exposition
of the newest, most advanced scientific methods of
relieving and correcting Foot Troubles, will be held
at our Store on
MONDAY, JUNE. 19th. from 1 to 6 p.m.
Aspecially trained expert from the st4ofW. M. Molt,
M.D., the world's most noted Orthopedic authority will
clearly explain how these methods give instant foot comfort.
You will also be -given a pedograph print of your stockinged feet.
All this without coat or obligation, Don't miss seeing this Expert at our
= store on above date.
Now there is a Word of hope for those who have been Suffering
from foot troubles, Whether it is .corns, or Bunions, or Callouses, on
the sole 'of the foot, Weak Ankles, fallen arches or Just any achy,
tired, painful feeling in the feet and legs, We invite you. to Visit
our Store on Monday June 19th from 1 to 6 p.m. on Which date we
will have present a• representative'of the Scholl Mfg. .Co. Limited
Manufacturers of Dr. Soholl's foot .Appliances and other foot aids.
He Will °heck your 'Stockinged feet and Suggest Measures Which
should'be employed to obtain normal, healthy and happy feet.
You need not endure the pain and discomfort of tired aching feet
if you will apply the Simple Method Which Will be recommended by
the representative of Scholl Mfg, Co. Ltd.. Manufagturers of
Dr, •Scholl's foot Apliances and' foot Aids this expert can tell you
quickly What is Wrong With your foot and how Comfort and relief
can be gained, there is no charge or obligation for this Service. Re-
member the date, Monday June 19th from 1 to 6 pen.
Thomas Churchill
Clinton, Ontario.
Miss. Jean Scott of 'Parkhill spent
the week end with )mer parent's, Mn.
• and Mts. Re J, Scott.
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas `Andersen
and two children of Sorrel, Quebec
are visiting the formers parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson,
Mrs. Robert I{eenlyside of Toronto
- visited •Mr. and: Mrs. J. J. Washing-
" ton. •
Dri B. 0. Weir visited his sisters•
Misses Margaret and Annie Weir of
Strathroy on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor 'have
reveived word that their son; Pte.
Wilbert has been weunded in ,both
!arms when a bomb exploded. Pte.
Lawlorhas been serving in Italy
since last year. This is the second
time he has been wounded. In Janu-
ary the was slightly wounded in the
Miss 'Marjorie • Arthur, who has
been teaching at Teeswater has been
engaged to teach at S. S. No. 9 Hui
lett where 'Mrs.' Hugh Bennett has
been teaching the past two years,
Miss Vivian Straughan has accepted
solo was rendered by Miss Josephine
Weir, Pars. Edgar Lawson gave a
report on the Executive meeting held
in Clinton. The Tidings prayer was
read in unison. The topic on "India"
taken from the Study book was giv-
en by Miss Bertha Wagner. The roll
call was responded to by a verse of
scripture with. "Trust" in it.
The meeting closed with the sing-
ing of the National Anthem and
prayer b' Mrs. Jas. Woods. '
Lunch was served by Mrs. Jack
Cowan and Miss Josephine Weir.
The weekly prayer service in the
Baptist Church was in charge of the
Ladies Aid. The president Mrs. C. A.
Howson was in charge. Prayer was
offered by Earl Raithby, A reading
was given by Mrs. Fred Ross a solo
was rendered by Mrs, Earl McKnight
and Prange Raithby offered prayer.
Mrs. T. S, Johnston gave a reading,
followed by player by Geo. Raithby.
The Scripture was read by. Mrs. Earl
Raithby, and a reading was given by
Marie Raithby. The topic "Christian
Home at Work and at Play" was
given by Amelia Mclllwain. The
meeting was closed with the singing
Benmiller public school, fities Betty of the 14frs W. CaRobertson. and prayer
J. Asquith, who has been teaching
there the past two years will teach The packing and inspection 'Com-
' in a Hamiltonprivate school after mittee d the local Red Cross met and
the holidays. Miss Madeline Caesar packed the following for shipment
has accepted the Auburn Public to Headquarters, Toronto, 10 large
School for the next term with an quilts, 15 mothers night dresses; 2
increase in salary. pair pyjamas; 2 Misses dresses; 86
L.A.C. Lloyd MMLarty has been a Pr. service socks and • 1 helmet.
recent' guest with his parents, Mr. ' This community was shocked to
" • and Mrs. Nelson McLarty, bear of the . passing of one of its
highly esteemed residents in the per-
son.d dee
•and Mrs. J. Taylor, eased, who hues alone was found
dead in bed llfthiday morning by her
Miss Sadie Carter) has gone 'ter neighbor. Funeral arrangements
Port 'Elgin where she will spend the •have not been emade.
•sum•mer with her brother;, Joe Carter:
The monthly meeting of the
Woolen's Institute Will be held in the
Foresters Hall on Tuesday, June. 20,
Afternoon Tea and Sale
Proves Successful
The W. A. of the Presbyterian
church held' a very successful bazaar
and afternoon tea in the basement of
the church on Saturday afternoon
The Sunday'School was attractively
decorated with baskets of.spring
floivers and the small tables were
centred with small vases of yellow
Mrs;, Geo. Roperton welcomed the
guests at the door and showed them
to the tables which were served by
six young girls namely, Mildred Far-
quhar, Anna Husty, Helen Edyth
Forrester, Evelyn McDonald, ,Mar-
garet Colquhoun and Anne Shad -
at the apron booth: Mrs. M. D. Mc-
Taggart and Mrs. J. Snider' were in
charge. The home made baking Mrs.
W. J. Cook, and Miss Stirling and
the novelty booth Miss Shaw and
Mrs. Fox.
Mrs. Ward, Mrs, Gibson, Mrs,
Axon and Mrs, Wilson looked after
the salad plates and Mrs. Clifton
and Mrs. Nott the bread and butter
and pie. Mrs. Streets and Mrs.
Shaddick were in charge u the tea,
A , very substantial sum was
"V" Sign on Egg
Mr, Oliver Pocock of Goderich
township gathered the eggs as usual
on Sunday and found a perfect "V"
sign raised on one of the eggs, He
brought it into the • News -Record
office where all may have a look at
With people finding "V's" on al-
most everything, especially produce
and . vegetation, it stands to reason
that•it must mean Victory for the
Allies -for Peace is what we are
hoping and praying for.
seph's Roman ` Catholic Church,
Clinton, on Saturday, June 10th,
when Margaret Lucas, elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Taylor, Clinton, and Earl Joseph
Reynolds; son of Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Reynolds 'of Hullett Twp„
were united in marriage. Rev.
Father MacDonald officiating.
Centre United Church, London, on
Saturday, June 10th, when Lorr-
aine Eleanor, youngest daughter
" of Mrs. J. F. Atkinson, became the
•bride of Sgt. Cecil Holmes, C.A.
D.C.; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'S. R.
Holmes of Clinton. Rev. a V.
itfeLean 'officiated.
College Chapel, Toronto, on Satur-
day evening, June 10th, when Cath-
leen E. Cuninghamne, daughter of.
Mr. and Mrs: Gordon W. Cuning-
hame of Clinton, Ontario, and
Thomas E. Hull, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bertram E> Hull of Calgary,
Alberta, were united in marriage.
Rev. Gordon Mercer offieiated,
TURNER -On Monday, June 5th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turner of the
Bayfield Line, a son.
FINCH-L/Cpl. Ross Finch, R.C.A
S.C„ Wolsley Barracks, London,
and Mrs.. Finch (nee Theda Writ- Stevenson, 87; Margaret Carter, 83.
son) wish to announce the birth of • Grade V -Eric Anderson, 81 Betty
their daughter, Ruth Ann, at Clin- Addison, 79; Grace Riley, 79; •Freddy
Buchanan, 75. •
Grade III Murray Dale, 85; John
Whyte, 82; Donald Rock, 81; Orden
iEwiE!110 ISIS IllIt14141/81411.350Li../
ba t
J` -
For Every Occasion
Phones: °i06w and 661
Batkins Locker Service
Pickerel Filletts 1b, ,,,,, .. , , , , , , 49e
Salmon Steaks lb. 30e
Herring .lb.
Whitefish lb.
Cod' Fillett lb.
Haddock Fillett .. ..,........36e
Try our Farmer Style Sausage
Frozen 'Foods are Better Foods.
We Buy Hides
Londesboro Community Hall
under the auspices of 'the Summer-
hill Hall Board)
Music by "The Rhythmaires"
Admission 35 cents
()ue to a .misunderstanding the
dance was postponed last week),
The Happy War Workers Club held
their regular monthly. meeting at the
home of Mrs. Raymond Jamieson on
Thursday, June let.
The .meeting opened by singing
"0' Canada" followed .by repeating
the club creed.. The minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
There were 13 •members and 7 visit-
ors present.
A letter of appreciation was read
from Mrs. Wm. Glazier, also cards'
from the Mann family.
A piano selection by Mrs. Frank
Fowler was enjoyed by all.'
Mrs. T. Smith donated' $5.00 to the
club; Mrs. H. Glew $1,00; and Mr.
Ivan Turner, Bayfield, $10.00; Miss
E. Brickenden donated 2 coats and
2 dresses; There were also 2 baby's
dresses, 1 quilt and a number of
quilt blocks turned in. •
A. correction on last montii'3
port, the childs• sweater, bonnet and
bootees were donated by Mrs. Wm,
Collins instead of Mrs. N. holland,
Next meeting to be' held at the
hone of Mrs, Arnold Jamieson on
Thursday, July 6th.
Meeting closed by singing "God
Save the King" after which lunch
was served.
S. S. No. 3 Hullett May Report
Grade VI --Walter Rigele 88; Billy
ton Public Hospital, on Saturday,
. June 10th,
SCRIDTON-In Clinton Public Hos-
pital, •on Monday, June 12th, to AUCTION SALE
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek;Scruton of Clin-
ton, a daughter. ' of
DEATHS Cows, 'Young Cattle, and Pigs.
, at Porters Hill, Goderich Township,
ROBERTSON -In Clinton, . on `rues- on Tuesday, June 20th; 'commencing
day, June 13th, Janet S. Dayment, at 1.30'o'clock sharp.
Now -Playing - Abbott and Cost-
ello in'"IT . AINT IIAY"
Mon. Tues. and Wednesday
Ida Lupin, Paul Henreid and
Nancy Coleman. Love, devotion
and hope will survive. Poland
Will never die.
Thur. Fri. and Saturday
Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone and
Kathryn Grayson. ,The youngest
of the Hardy' family was so' busy
running the' High School grad-
uation that he forgot to study.
Corning --- , Teresa Wright and
Joseph Cotten m
Matinees Sat. and Hol. at 2.30
pan. Note Change of time.
Now Plaaying - Rosalind Russell
Mon, Tues. ,and Wednesday
Charles Boyer, Barbara Stanwyck
and Edw. G. Robinson present an
unusual and engrossing film deal-
ing' With. the supernatural.
Thur. Fri, and Saturday
Humphrey Bogart, Claude Rains
and Michele Morgan telling a two
fisted tale of a persintent man
who always reached his destination •
'Coming - "ANDY HARDY
Matinees - Wed, Sat. & Hol, 2.30
Now Playing --• Joseph Cotten In
Mon. Tues. and Wednesday
Cary Grant, John Garfield .and
Alan Hale Aboard a submarine
a valiant crew penetrates into
Tokyo Harbor
Thur. Fri. and Saturday
Mickey Rooney with all the pop-
ular "Hardy" players• in a new and
entertaining episode
Coming Chan Boyer In
Matinees - Sat. & Hol. at 2.30
Overseas miles'n
Active Service Package
from our store
We will give you full'
• Information �^
G.:..,. !4, IN 'l i;
Rack, 80; Llyle Montgomery, 79;
George Mellwain, '76.
Grade 1 -Mary Whyte, 89; Muriel
Dale, 89; Betty .Storey, 82; Lloyd
Reck, 70.
Teacher -Miss Anne Garrett.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks
and appreciation to the nurses' at
Clinton Public Hospital, who were so
kind to me; and to all friends and
neighbours' and relatives, who sent
flowers, cards,•and called while I
was a patient in Clinton Hospital,
Mrs. Norman Kennedy.
For Sale
Frost & Wood mower, 6 -ft. cut,
bar has been recently rebuilt. Apply
Wilbur Welsh, Rattenbury street,
Clinton, 0142
For Sale
Twelve foot International hay rake,
2 horse, in good condition. Apply
Lorne Jervis, phone 910-33 Clinton.
For Sale
Red roan Shorthorn Bull, 15 mos.
old. Registered, blood tested and T.
B. tested. Apply Stewart Dale R. le.
4, Clinton, phone 847r21. Seaforth.
For Sale
Ezest Way coal oil stove, 5 bur-
ners; folding bed, 3' 25"x38"; "auto
knitters; bed' springs 5'8"x4; fall
leaf table; ice box; rocking chairs.
Wednesday and Saturday, Mrs. G.
G. Beatty, Varna, .01-3
Farm Stock, and Implements
I STOCK -36 Mr. J. B. Cox has instructed the
wife of the late William Robert young cows and undersigned to sell by public auction
son, in her SOth yehr+, springer heifers; 15 part 2lyrshire in Clinton, one block north of Piano
Private funeral at her late res;- heifers, to freshen in the fall; -2 grass ;Factory.
dente, Rattenbin'y Street, on Fri- cows; 1 Hereford bull; 20 yearlings; MONDAY JUNE 19
day, June 16th commencing' eat and a number of young. calves. Seven '
2.30 m. Interment , in Cinton youngsows;and 20 at 1 o'clock sherp the following
P•pigs, 6 weeks"; HORSES -Black; Gelding,12
Cemetery. old. yrs.
LAWSON-In Clinton o at I Mr. Wilmer Hands" I old.
n Saturday, *ill else CATTLE -Holstein o
June 10th, Edward• Victor Lawson,; sell; Waterloo separator 33-45 with new 4 yrs, old
in his 48th year. straw cutters anct grain elevator; • due Nov, 22; Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old
V Milverton special `steel feeder and due Oet, 8; Holstein tow, 3 yrs, old
i water pump; also one 160 foot Good -1 due Oct. 20;Holstein heifer due to
HULLETT TOWNSHIP ,year drive belt; International W. K. freshen, Oct. 23; •registered Holstein
40 tractor with extension rim in real heifer 1 yr.. old; Holstein ,heifer 8
The regular monthly meeting of goed shape. mos. old.
the Lalalot Club was .held at the; TERMS -GASH IMPLEMENTS - Deering binder;
kr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, Gor- of Mfrs. Martin Armstrong. The home of Mrs. Robt. Freeman on
A. E. Townshend, Proprietor,. 6 ft. Deering mower; 2 sulky rakes;
on and Paul of London 'visited M17. Thursday, June 1st .with a fair at -
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, (spring tooth cultivator; set of dia-
tendance. ) 01-1. mond harrows; 2 walking plows, 1'
•Two quilts were' - quilted ane the ; I horse ' Now; turnip drill; new walk -
usual routine of work and 'business ! Notice To Creditors. ' ling scuffler; M. H. 2 row corn scuf-
was clealt with. It was decided to' Notice is' hereby given to all per- Ifler; 'new truck wagon and gravel
buy comforter chintz instead of malt- sons having any claim 'against Ed- ' lox; hay rack' (new)' farm wagon.
ing 'blocks,' for quilts, during the ward V. Lawson, late, of the Towne !.and rack; set of farm sleighs and
summer months. Yarn; was given out. ship of Goderich, in . the County of flat rack; buggy; set of light sleighs.
at 2.30 p.m: A report of the District Mrs, McMath spent a few' .days to be knit into stockings. Pte. Stew- Huron 12'ar,(like
Annual' will 'be 'given' by 'the dole- mer,.who died on or about new), root pulper; milk Gait; 3
last week in Goderich. art Freeman sent his appreciation the' 10th day of June A.D. 1944, at Hulk cans; 100 grain sacks, new hay
gates. Sympathy is extended to the fain- and' thanks for cigarettes sent him the Town of Clinton, to send same, eel. (wooden track); hay fork;
W. M:' S. ily of the late Mr. E. V. Lawson, who when he was on Vancouver Island. to the undersigned en ,or, before 30th creams separator; daisy churn; set of
passed away last Saturday 'after :a Tickets were sold on a ovenware day of June, as on and afte • that team new r that harness; ery sot of brass
The W. M. Setif Knox' Presbyterian lengthy ilin`'ess-. cadish donated by :Mrs. Fergusdate the A.dm n
cake : i i
.. ,.stratrix of the said' mounted harness, (never. used) num-
Church was: held in• the Sunday .. Tho Su».day School picnic of the 111ackay, lucky ticket went to Miss Estate shallproceed 'to i b bex of. horse•'
•School room oe Thursday. The meet- . Holmeseflle United Chetah Margaret drarsi - collars; set p trees;
United Cur ch wmll be g et : Freeman; . proceeds a- the assets thereof having -.'regard on -. .harness; forks � shovels whi • letree
ing web' in 'charge' of /lire:Fred Ross, ;held this Saturday . et the Harbour mounted to $1.30.' Pp tl
ly to the claims then'•filed, Iieeokyokes,.3•dru,m roller, tools of all
who opened, With prayer, .'Following Park, Goderieh, A dainty ten- cent tea was 'served' Dated 'at Goderich this lath kinds.
3th day of
the opening hymn the -scripture, the; Congratulations to Misses Marie by the Hostess and the meeting dos- June A.D. 1944.AY''
H AND GRAIN -5 acres of
12th chapter of Romans was read •`and 'Eileen Gliddon, who have coni- by singing "God' Save the King" R. C.oats c
res ohserel, and prayer was offered pHays,,K, C. m field; 10 acres of Alfalfa hay.
p v " P Y ranted their. course for this year, The nextmeetingis •to be held' at Goderich, Ont.'TERMS-CASH
by Mrs. ).toss. The Bible 'Seedy was ,without having. to write final exam- the home of Mrs'. John Freeman, Solicitor for the Estate. J. B. Cox,Pro rie or.
take:I "by • Mrs:• Wellington Good. A ;nations:n t
Thursday, Julie. 20th, 01-3 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves
not of works, lest any man should boast Ephesians 2: 8-9
"Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 p.m. E. D. 8. T.
On mutual networks - Sundays - Local Station - OKLW. Windsor
Chas. E. Fuller, P. 0'. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California
Teacher for S. S. No. 1 Hullett
Township, to, commence Septenib'er
5th,' Good modern .school and equip-
ment. State qualifications and salary
Bert Irwin, Sec-treas.,
R. R. 2 Seaforth.
Come after 4 o'clock and evenings.
Phone 33
For Sale Cheap
Ten Dollars for a square piano, in
good condition. A. piano you won't
mind letting the ohildren use. Apply
to Box• 39-F, the ,News -Record. 01-1
For Sale
Frame barn, 20 ft. by 30 ft. To be
taken off premises. Apply Mks. Herb
Castle, Clinton, phone 303w. 01-tf
Rooms for Housekeeping
Large furnished bed -sitting -room
with clothes closet, and kitchen with
pantry. Modern conveniences. Cen-
tral location. ;Suit couple. Apply at
News -Record office. 01-1
Black fox -terrier with white and
tan markings. Owner may have same
by payment of this ad. A. E. Frem-
lin,' Clinton, Ont. 01-1
Help. Wanted
Boy wanted• for part-time work at
News -Record, (not exceeding 24 hrs.
per week.)
For Sate
Allis-Chalmers, all crop; Harvesters
fully equipped and on rubber tires.
Hyde Tractor Company, Hensall,
Ontario. Phone 128. 99-4
For Sale
Ten room frame house, one acre
of land, barn, and garage, Apply to
Mrs. George Riehl, North street,
Clinton. 99-tf
The Executor of the Estate of
Helene Austin Stott will sell at
at the deceased's residence at Lot
74, X75 and 76 Huron Terrace and
Lot 410 and 11 on Tuyll street in
Village of Bayifield.
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944
at 1 pan.
The following goods and. chattels
among numerous other articles.
MONDAY JULY 3, 1944= -pictures,
painting.e, etchings, chinaware, orna-
ments, eric-a-brac,
rnaments,brie-a-brae, brass candle -
Woks, candlerabraa, and the con-
tents of an annexed cottage censis
ing of .stoves; tables, verandah, swing
bed, springs and mattress, chest of
drawers, wash stands, wheelbarrow
and garden utensils.
TUESDAY JULY; 4, 1944 furni-
ture including living room furniture;
0hicery Baby Grand .Piano ' with
electric player and records, Dining
room suite, 4 •bedroom suites., hall
furniture, verandah Reed furniture,
rugs .and other articles too numerous
to mention.
For further particulars apply ta:
Harold Jackson, Esq., Seaforth,
Ont., Auctioneer. or
R. C. Hays K. C,. Goderich, Ont,
Solicitor for Executor. 00-4
A boy as apprentice in newspaper
office, Full-time preferred, but will
accept applicant for part-time. Apply
National, Selective Service Office
Goderich and refer to Order No. 804.
Applications Wanted
Applications are • desired for Iiia
Stratford General Hospital School of
There is a future in Nursing. Write
for Application Forms, 00-3
Second growth standing hardwood.
I have a few more lots for quick
1945, to take it off. ,Also, a quantity,
sale. The buyer has until April 30th
of cut cedar suitable for anchor
posts or split posts.
0. R. Forster, le R. 2, Clinton,
or phone 169 Carlow.
For Sale
Kitchenette set; bed, nearly new
with springs and mattress; da'essingr
table; rocking chair. Apply at News:,
Record. 004
Farm Stock and Implements
The undersigned has offered for
sale by auction at lot 33, concession
13 Goderich Township, on
3 pules west of Clinton; owing to
bridge out on 13 con.' travel by.
Telephone Rd. or by Holmesviile.
Commencing at 1.30 pan.
the following:
STOOK -Dapple grey gelding, five
years; black mare, 6 years old.; year
old gelding; 2 cows, 4 years old.; cowt
8 years old; Jersey eow, rising three;
3 cows, 3 years old; till freshened
since March 10th, 3, 1 -year old heif
ers. 4 spring 'calves.
IMPLEMENTS - DeLaval cream
separator; Wilkison plow, No. 7; set
disc harrows; Tight sleigh; seed drill;
cultivator; cutter; buggy; heavy
hcrness•; rake; wheelbarrow; light
harness; hay knife; snuffler; Mate
ham fanning mill; Stock rack, wagon,
McCormick Mower.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Wm, Pickett, Proprietor.:
Car' for Sale
McLaughlin Buick, only run about
13,000 miles, in first-class shape, tires
in, good condition. Apply to It J. Mi-
ler, Clinton, phone 119. ' 97-t'.
Fleece Line Your Hone
Blown rockwool insulation applied
to the walls andceilings of , your
home will save fuel with more com'
fort summer and winter. Trained
crews and modern equipment used.
For free estimate and terms phone
4 Clinton or write Pneumatic Insula- ,
ting Company, ,Rowland . Day, 5
Thornton Ave., London. 96-8
'House For Sale
Comfortable six room house with
3 -piece bath, double garage and good
garden. Apply to J. T. McKnight,
Victoria St., Clinton. 96-tf
For Rent or Sale'.
For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Farm
on Highway between Seaforth and
Clinton, Frame house and bank barn;
choice clay loam; plenty of water.
Apply to Wm, Livingston or, James
F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth, 82-tf
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r3$ or :Tack
Gilbert 908r21, i-,g-fre