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With Which
is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
No. 6101 67th YEAR
THURSDAY JUNE 15th, 1944
For June Brides��.
June, the month of Brides, and roses, always brings extra business.
tt our store:
You will find in our . stock, articles of richness: and worth, and
like wise full of attraction.and beauty. Sir we invite June shoppers
to come in and examine our various selections of suitable gifts..
BLOUSES are of White Broad-
cloth, also stripes and spots
in colors, sizes 7 to 12
DRESSES Made in good sturdy
floral prints, sizes 2 to 14.
Cotton Sheers, Pastel Shades
in large Floral Patterns sizes 38
to 44 Attractively Priced at 7.95
Several shipments of new watches just arrived
are now on display. 'We have the largest and most
varied collection of all the newest models produced
and guaranteed by such famous firms and names,
as Bulova Lorie, Rolex, Pierce, Westfield, 1V1ido
•Jlgin, Majestic and others. Dozens of Ladies smolt
models in, yellow or white gold eases with matching
bracelets. Others feature Pink gold, or Diamond Set
cases, or smartly arched rock crystals with match.'
ing cord bracelets.
Models for Men include such feature as Shock
proof, Automatic Models, Waterproof, Non Mag
netie, Sweep -Seconds Hands, Luminous Hands and
Duals Unbreakable Crystals, Hairsprings and bala
ance not affected by climatic or temperature clam
ges. Drop in and see them — we believe we have just
what you require in a fine watch.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
The Blood Donor Committee of the
Ontario Branch has been advised
through our President, Mrs, Ellis,
that instructions have been received
from the National Executive that
all Blood Donor Clinics of the Branch
are to be closed from July lst to
July 29th.
It is not difficult to appreciate
that with •he tremendous, increase
in the quantity of blood, the Con-
naught Laboratories' facilities must
have been worked to over -capacity,
and they have, the result being that
they cannot carry on without reor-
ganization of both staff and equip-
ment. They have undertaken to do
this work during the month of July.
We must not feel that this month
will •lm entirely lost to our work. We
can do two things in all our clinics,
1. Give our voluntary help a well-
earned rest.
2. Make plans for inereasing our
donor list immediately we reopen.
Clinton's next clinic date is set
for Tuesday, August ist. Many more
donors are urgently needed. Remem-
ber. "What you don't need, our boys
are dying without." If you cannot
fight, you have the ability of say-
ing the life of some hero, who has
already fought for you. You give
your blood in comparative comfort—
he sheds his on the battlefield amid
all the grimness and horrors of war.
We are not asking too rnueh--not
even enough, when we urge you to
voluntarily offer yourself as a donor.
Our boys are not too busy to fight
for us. We Must Not be too busy to
give an hour or two to them once in
every ten weeks. August the first is
the date—get your name in early.
Our local branch is sending out an
appeal for coat hangers. These are
greatly needed by the airmen at
the camp. Please leave any you may
have at the workrooms.
Bride‘Elect. Showered
On Monday evening, June 5th,
about thirty friends and neighbours
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs., A.
T. Lucas, for a miscellaneous shower
in honour of Miss Margaret Lucas
Taylor, a bride of Saturday, June
Bingo and singing were enjoyed
before the gifts were opened, which
included many useful and beauti-
ful articles. Later a tasty Iunch was
served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. R. McDonald, Mrs. L. Wolper
and the bride's mother, Mrs. S. Tay-
Sqdn. Ldr. Aldwinckle Aww.
arded Distinguished Flying
The King's •birthday honors list in-
cludes thenameSquadron o f Squad on Leader
Robert M. Aldwinckle, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Aldwinckle of Stan-
ley Township, who has been awarded
the Distinguished Flying Cross for
meritorious service in operations.
Ottawa, June 8 --The unsung air-
men who fly the big Liberators from
east coast bases to protect Atlantic
convoys and bring their aircraft
back with engines and crews shot no,
but with successful U-boat attacks
to their credit, were enlisted today
among the 152 air awards in the
King's honor list. Citations, accom-
panying the award of a dozen Dis-
tinguished Flying Crosses for anti-
submarine work on the North At-
lantic, gave one of the best pictures
so, far disclosed of this important
Sqdn./Ldr. Aldwinckle was in a
successful' attack, but the citation
did not say whether the ;attack was a
separate one, or with other crews.
The whole community rejoices in this
distinction given one of its noblest
young men. Robert,is well known to
many in town, having attended the
Clinton Collegiate, where he was
outstanding in his studies and in
school sports; and when he joined the
R.C.A.F: had completed' one year at
the University of , Toronto, Since
receiving his wings, his promotions
have been rapid, and it was on March
first that he became a Squadron
Leader and was sent to headquarters
in Ottawa. Last year he was men-
tioned in despatches.
Its only a month since this com-
munity had the opportunity of con-
gratulating Flying Officer Thomas,
C. Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V.
Cooke of town, on receiving the
Distinguished Flying Cross, for a
successful' attack on a U-boat in .the
Notth Atlantic.
The New Era Est. 1867
'reusseau Tea and Shower
Mrs. John C. Radford entertained
at a trousseau, tea, afternoon and
evening for her daughter, Gladys
Marion Reg. N. whose marriage to
Flight, Lieutenant William 'Neville
.Watters, R.C.A.F„ London will be.
solemnized Saturday afternoon, June
17th at Ontario St, United Church.
Mrs. Rose Watters, 13elgrave Ave.,
London assisted in receiving guests.
Presiding over the attractively ar-
ranged tea table were Mrs,. Ellen
Polley and Mrs. Lily Webster. Look-
ing after the guests in the afternoon
Were Miss Beth Govier, Miss Fern
Watson, Miss 'Rhoda Govier, London,
Miss Diva Govier, Miss Helen Rad-
ford, and Miss Wilma Radford, Lon-
don; in the evening Miss Helen
Skinner Reg. N., Miss Irene Wonkle,
Reg, N. kiss Lenore Higgins, Reg. N.
and Mrs. Robert Shearer Rog. N. all
from London and Miss Fern ,Watson
and Miss Beth Govier., 1Qut-1of-town
guestswere present from London,
Goderioh, Londesboro„ Sa#orth and
Mrs. Robert Shearer 4eg. N. and
Miss Velma Watson Reg, N. had a
surprise miscellaneous shower at
their home on Waterloo St. London.
Guests were Victoria Hospital Gradu-
ate nurses. •
Neighbours, of the bride -elect in
Clinton had a,,surprise party at her
home Tuesday evening and present-
ed a walnut combination end -table
and magazine rack.
Nursing Sister 0, 1. Addison of
Westminster Hospital, London, was a
week end visitor with her. mother,.
Mrs. J. Addison.
Overseas Addresses: Sig. Lorne J.
Brown, V42617, H.M,C.S. Kenora,
G. P. 0., London, Engand.
Opl. Thorndike, '• J,D., R858$8, R.C.
A.F. Overseas. x"
Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Proctor re-
ceived, word' from theiu,son,_,J?.._�y
Cameron Proctor, advising them of
his safe arrival athis destination.
0/SM. Prank Cook, R.C.N.V.R.
spent the week ,end at his home in
Flying Officer Frank Vines of
Goderioh, at one time the youngest
holder of a pilot's license in Canada,
is one of the ferry -pilots flying the
England -France route, carrying sup-
plies to the fighting areas and bring-
ing back the wounded, He had taken
a planeload of paratroopers across
on D -Day-. All these pilots are veter-
ans of transport flying.
Able Seaman Clarence Neilans of
the Naval Shore Patrol Halifax, 'N.
S. is home on, leave and is with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neilans,
and his sister, Mrs. Jack Leiper.
Sigrnn. George Rumball, R.C.N.
has who been home on leave
left on Friday for an Eastern port.
•Sigmn. Rumball has been on duty
for some months past in Bermuda.
A recent enlistment in Canada's
Active Army is Delmer Potter, of
RR. 3 Clinton,
Mrs. Kenneth Colquhoun has re-
ceived word front her husband, P. 0.
Colquhoun, R.C.A.F., stating that he
has arrived safely at his destination.
Lt. -Col. W. King, London, repre-
sented, Military District No. 1, at
Seaforth, Wednesday, when the gov.
ernor-general, the Earl of Athlone,
visited that centre. On the same
day the lieutenant -governor of Ont-
ario, iron. Albert Matthews was in
the district at the opening of a mil-
ilary- hospital at Camp ipperwash.
Mrs. King accompanied her husband.
Also in this district on Wednesday
was. }ion. George Doucette, Minister
of Highways.
-Mrs. Wally Crich, Huron Road,
has been advised that her
cousin, Graham Durnin, of the R..C'.
A. F,, wag killed in action
last Tuesday, the first day of the
invasion, Born in 'Kitchener, he was
one of six children of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Howard, Durnin, who upon
the death of their parents, went to
live with their uncle, Orville Dur-
nin, at Crewe, about five miles from
Dungannon in Ashfield Township.
Graham was a radio gunner, trained
at Guelph and Jarvis and had been
overseas about two months, This is
believed to be his ,first operational
flight. He atttended Goderioh Col-
legiate, and was 21 years of age.
Mrs. A's E. Durnin of Lueknow isa
great aunt of the young man; and
he also has two other brothers in the
services, one of them having been
overseas with the R.O.A.F, for over
a year,
_Engagements - Announced
Mr, Walter Mair wishes to an-
nounce the engagement of his grand-
daughter, Ena Donelda McEwan, to
O/SM Leonard Franklin Cook, R. C.
N. V. R., younger son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. Cook of Clinton. The mar-
riage will take place early in July.
Mi. and Mrs. William Snell of
Londesboro, announce the engage.
Ment of their daughter, Marian H. to
Barry B. Langmuir!, son of Dr. and
Mrs, C. A. Langmaid of Windsor,
Ontario. The marriage ` will take
place quietly early in July.
New Baptist Minister
Rev, C. C. Anderson of Druinbo,
Ontario, has accepted a unanimous
call from the Clinton and Auburn
Baptist Churches,' andwill become
their new pastor. Rev. Anderson, will
give his first sermon in the Clinton
Baptist Church on Sunday evening,
July 2nd. when it is expected a large
crowd will be on hand to welcome
Rev. Anderson is filling the vacan-
cy:left when Rev, A. E. Silver was
called to ,Southampton two months
Mayor Attends Banquet
His Worship, Mayor M. J. Agnew
attended the banquet in Seaforth on
Wednesday, Juni 14th, when His
Excellency, the Earl of Athlone, Gov-
ernor General of Canada, aeeompani-
ed by Princess "Alice, were the guests
of honour of the Huron Federation
of Agricuture, on the occasion of
their 2nd annual field day and picnic.
Extension to Locker Plant
Mr. Mervin Batkin, owner and
proprietor of Clinton Looker Storage
Service on Albert street, is making
impaovements and extensions, to the
business. --Mw Bakin-a-Zs patting in
198 more lockers and already has
over half of them rented. The build
ing will not be made any larger but
there was. lots of room to make an-
cther row of lockers down the centre
aisle; ,which he is now having built.
There is always an urgent demand
for lockers in this district.
St. Paul's Church
2nd Sunday after Trinity
8.30 aan, Holy Communion,
11:00 a.m. Matins.
7.00 p.m. Evensong.
The Chancel Guild will meet at
8 o'clock at the hone of Mrs. G. A.
Walker, on Friday, June 16th. All
members, are 'requested to be pre-
sent. Visitors welcome.
Baptist Church
The. Worship Service at '7 o'clock
in,' the evening when Flt. Sgt, Me -
Lean will have charge. A cordial
welcome is extended to all who wish
to worship with us. Come and hear
the gospel in .sermon and psalm.
Sunday School at 11 o'clock in the
morning. Encourage the children to
Rev, C. C. Anderson of Dumhro,
our new pastor, will be with us for
the first Sunday in July. He has
accepted an unanimous call from the
Clinton and Auburn churches.
Presbyterian Church
10.00 a.m. Sunday School
11.00 a.m. Divine Worship. Subject
of Meditation "Some men, made by1
We heartily welcome everyone to
worship with us.
Father's Day, special music by an
all teen's choir, including a male
quartette, "Lead Kindly Light" by
C, P. Purday.,.
Anthem, "Onward Christian Sol-
iliers" by the choir.
Quartette, "Take Time to Be Holy"
by Stebbins. First tenor, Mr. Bert
Boyes, second tenor, Mr. Art Gannett
second, bass, Mr. Frank ,Match and
first .bass, Mr. George Roberton.
Ontario Street United Church
9.46' a.m. Turner's Church: wor-
ship and Sunday School.
10,00 a.m. Ont. St, Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Sacranient of the Lord's
7:00 p.m. "Jesus Stood on the
Beach's (The consciousness of the
Presence of the Lord at all Times • and
on all occasions),
Thursday 8.00 p.m. Intercession for
The Troops, Sty Pauls Anglican
Bowling Club
The Lawn Bowling Club held their
regular jitney on Monday evening
and the following are the winners;
first prize, G. Gilchrist; second,, A. E.
Fines; third, Rey Sperling. A good
time is reported,; and everyone is
Navy League Tag Day,
June 24th
The Navy League of Canada is
again holding its tag/ day in our
municipality on Saturday, June 24th,
and we wish them every success in
this patriotic ' effort on behalf of
merchant seamen. We live in peace
in this community while our brothers,
fathers and sons bear the brunt of
battle not only on the sea, but also on
land and in the air and it is our duty
to support every effort, hi order to
strengthen their morale so that the
victory may ours and not Hitler's.
The Stirling Reunion will be held
in Harbour Park, Goderioh, on Sat-
urday, June .17th; dinner will be
served at 1 o'clock followed by
Miss Mildred Lobb, daughter of
.lir. and Mrs. Frank Lobb, has ac-
cepted a position with the London
Life Insurance Company at London,
The Navy League of Canada will
hold its annual Tag Day in Clinton
on Saturday, June 24th. Welcome
the tamers with a smile and a do-
nation, for this is a personal gift
to our own boys
Miss Leola Nott, daughter. of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Nott of High .street,
has taken a position with the Canad-
ian Pharmaceutical Association in
the Concourse Building, Toronto.
Achievement Day. Held
The local leaders and club mem-
bers were present from Seaforth,
Blyth, Bluevale, and HurondaIe for
the Huron County Junior Home.
making Club Achievement Day here
last Thursday„ June 8th.
During the morning the girls who
had taken the project competed.
The Club Girls Entertain judged
a class of 4. Dining room tables,
bouquets and a class of 4.
Wartime Refreslimsnts—They al-
so planned a Farm .Service Force
picnic complete with invitations,
recreation and refreshments.
The Milky Way Club members
judged and built menus stressing
milk. They also judged a class of
Flora Durnin, the county home
economics coach was in charge of
program. n She was assisted by
Florence P. Eadie, director of • jun-
ior work, Women's Institute Branch,
Department of Agriculture.
Correct placing and reason for
the various classes were given in
the •afternoon by Miss Eadieand v
Miss Durnin, r
The club girls- had a fine after-
noon program. The following girls
gave comments. on club exhibits: t
Eileen Henning, Bluevale, table set
for afternoon tea; Mrs. Pudner,
Seaforth, , and Catherine Gibson, D
Hurondale, table set for two;
Marguerite Henning and Helen
Thompson, Bluevale gave a skit on
"Play safe with. Milk."
The Seaforth club girls put on a a
skit on "May I present," and the
Hurondale club demonstrated "Pack- b
ing the Weekend Bag." . E
The elub members planned the s
county program for 1944-1945 as
follows: Fall project—sleeping gar -
menta; Spring project, cereal shelf;
Summer' project, garden brigade. ei
Forty-two War Savings Stamps I
were given to the girls and their
leaders in recognition of their work r
each girl receiving one or more a
stamps. a
The following girls received cer- to
tificates of achievement for con- e
pieting two units of work; Olive'th
Spieran, Brussels; Margaret Rundle, d
Marjorie Welsh, Exeter; Marguerite ! a
Henning, Jean Elliott, Eileen Henn- 'si
ing, Muriel Smith, Bluevale. g
During the past year the work to
was led by Jean Elliott, Bluevale;
Mrs. E. Pudner, Seaforth; Mrs.
Lyle Roberts, Exeter; Helen Johns-
ton. A Garden Brigade leader was
also present for the day's program..
Next year the Junior home -mak- R
ing clubs will celebrate their tenth ,S
anniversary: , d
Mrs. R. W, Keenlyside of Toronto is
visiting this week with Mr, and
Mrs T, 'R. Jenkins,
Dr. George Elliott and Mr. Beecher
Streets were in London on Satur-
day, attending the Holmes—Atkin-
son "wedding;
Mr. and Mrs. jack Levis and Linda
and Miss Fanny Levis of London
were visitors with Miss Emma.Lavis: last, week end.
' V--
Minister of Highways,
,rhe Honourable George Doucette,.
Minister of Highways, made a tour
through ''the County of Huron• on
Wednesday, June .14th. Officials of
the Blue Water Highway Associa-
tion were on hand M welcome him,
Within the next ten days. the Blue
Water highway from Goderioh to
Bayfield and from Grand Bend to.
Forest will be hard•surfaeed,'to cope
with the increasing popularity of
the summer resorts in the district..
Y.P.U. Holds Weiner Roast
Wesley=Willis Y. P. held a weiner
roast at the summer home of Mr. and •
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha near Holmes
vilie, • on Monday evening June "5th„
Games and sing -song enjoyed by all.
Benson Sutter in a few well chosen,
words spoke of the work Wiiheimine
Trewartha had done for the local.
union while with us and commended
her on the work she is going into. Az
a small token Ruth Potter presented:
her with an umbrella. WilheImine was
completely taken by surprise and.
replied very suitably.
Hot dogs and Pop were enjoyed.
Corporal Bill Conron, the president,
thanked lifts. Trewartha for her•
hospitality and Mrs. T. replied by
giving an invitation to come 'back.
Taps closed a very enjoyable even.
V ---ti
eanery-,of Huron
Upwards of 125 delegates attended'
the spring conference of the Deanery
of Huron, in Wingham last Friday.
Rural Dean Rev. E. 0. " Gallagher
presided and celebrated holy commu-
nion assisted by Rev, W. H. Dunbar,
Goderioh, Rev. G. K. Nobes, Gerrie,
and Rev. R. 112. P. Bulteel of Clinton,
Conferences were held by the
Women's Association, Mrs. E. 0,
Gallagher presiding. Splendid re-
ports were received showing an in
crease in membership % and .financial.
obligations. Mrs, L. C. Smith, con-
venor of the deanery organization de-
scribed the growth of the deanery-
W. A. Mrs, "L. Jacklin, of Dundalk,
gave an interesting address on the
Soldiers' Settlement Mission in Nor-
thern Saskatchewan.
The following officers were elect-
ed for the Women's Association:
Honorary president, ,Mrs. J. Graham,
Bayfield; president, Mrs. E. 0: Galla-
gher, Wingham; lst vice-president,
Mrs. H. M. Monteith, Goderioh; 2nd
ice -president, Mrs. H. Holmes, Gor.
ie; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. C.
Staniferth, Goderieb; secretary Little
Helpers, Mrs, George Walker, Olin-
on; secretary Junior W. A., Mrs. H.
Palmer, Goderioh; Secretary Girls'
W.A., Mrs. RP. Hurford, Seaforbh;
oreas secretary, Mrs. Wm, Connell,
Rural Dean Rev. E. 0. Gallagher
presided at the laymen's conference
and described relations of the chureir
nd labor with respect to rural com-
munities. Resolutions were sponsored
y H. G. Meir, of Seaforbh; and C. A.
oberts, Wingharlr, urging the
tipend of rural clergy should be
increased substantially to enable
them to do their work efficiently and
that the survey of the laymen's coun-
t be extended to rural areas.
Further resolutions dealt with the
matter of a diocesan publication to
each every member of the church
nd that the annual synod be held at
time when rural members could at-
nd. Canon Townshend, diocesan'
ommissioner of London, addressed
e chapter and laity with respect to•..
eanery response to budget appeals
nd made suggestions to make pos-
bleu one hundred per cent bud,
et by the parish in 1944. Payments #
date already exceeded these of
1943 by $40,000. Arohdeacoir Doherty,
of London, intr{�duced Vena Archdea-
eon Andrew, of Henan, China. Other
speakers were Rev. J. Graham, Bay-
field; representing the Board of
eligious Eduention and Rev. P. It,
treeter, of Blyth, director' of Sun
ay school examinations,