HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-06-08, Page 8;. �e Have Just Received: A New shipment of Graniteware, including tea kettles. coffee pots, potato pots, cooking kettles, sauce pans, water pails, and roasters. Glassware and Pyrex Caseroles, Double -boilers, 4't'ea pots,perculators, dripulators, cups and saucers; flower pots, etc. 1 used cook stove, nearly new SUTTER 6 PERDUE ISARDWARE. PLUMBING & ELECPRIC1ANS MONS 1.17w, CLINTON. ANT. Do You Know that it takes from six to eight weeks to get a suit made -to -measure due to a shortagt of woolens and linings and a decided shortage •of skilled labor. Be sure to order well in advance of your requirements and avoid disappointment. Tip Top Tailored -to -measure Suits or Coats are standard for .qual- ity and price. MEN'S $29.75 LADIES $31.00 At present our racks are well filled with ready -to -wear suits and topcoats in all the new patterns of worsteds or tweeds tailored in the latest models and our prices are subject to Price Board regulat- ions.' - See our special suit value at $28,50 Young Men's worsted suits -with extra trousers sizes to 37 at $25.50 Plurns-teel Bros. Arrow Maio - Maw Rata - Scott & Halals Shoos for Blas Agents Tip Top Tailors. Huron Federation of Agriculture Second Annual FIELD DAY and PICNIC In Lions Park, Seaforth, June 14th 10,00 a.m ORDER OF PROGRAM Huron -Perth Shorthorn Field Day and Judging Competition. Sports for the Children Picnic Lunch SPEAKERS; His Excellency, The Earl of Athlone, Governor-General of Canada. Mr. Roderich S. Kennedy, Editor -in -Chief of the Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star.EDUCATIONAL FEATURES Live -stock Parade; .Labour Saving Devices; Veterinary Clinic; Military Display; Canadian Canners Display; Home Canning Film, of special interest for Farm Women; Dominion Department of Ag- riculture Exhibit; Provincial Department of Agriculture (Poultry, Field. Husbandry; Chemistry) Representative of the National Selective Farm Service. Everyone is invited. Load up the car with the family and bring a basket lunch. 11.00 a.m. 12.30 Noen 2.15 p.m DANCE IN EVENING Plan to meet your friends at Seaforth on June 14th. CARS 25e CHILDREN FREE ADULTS 25e YOUR FEDERATION MERITS YOUR SUPPORT HARRY STURDY President; W. J. DALE, Secretary; W. L, WHYTE Manager J. M. SCOTT Publicity Chairman Anniversary Services Anniversary Services of Wesley Willis United Church will be held; o Sunttay Tune 11th. Rev. J. R. Mutch mor of Toronto, Secretary of th Department of Evangelism a Social Service will be the guest speaker. You should plan to be present. Morning Worship June 11th 1944 Organ Prelude -Fifth .Syvnphony Beethoven. Call to worship. Holy, Holy, Holy, Invocation-. Hymn of Praise National Anthem Confession and Lord's Prayer Psalm -Gloria. Anthem -Te Deum Lauil'amus--Rev. IL. H. Woodward. Seripture. Prayers. Announcements Oiffertory Liebtstraum •-Liatz Solo -"I will Magnify Thee, 0 Lord" Mrs. W. A. Oakes. Homan Sermon ---D r. J.R.M tch o u mr. ILyunn Benediction Postlude-Festival ,March. Evening Prayer Prelude-Finlandia -Sibelius Call to worship 1r Doxology Invocation e Hymn of Praise an National Anthem Scripture Anthem -"Glorious is -Mozart. •,'Prayers Announcements Offertory -"Angel's Dream" -Rub- enstein, Anthem --"Tarry with me, 0 my Saviortr. --Baldwin. Hyrnn of Praise. Sermon -Dr. J. R. Mutchmmr Solo -"Just for to -day" -Mrs. Ralph A. Marsh. Hymn. Benedieti3n I Vesper Postlude-•=•Triumphal delssehn. a Thy Name" Maroh -Men- Jitneys at Bowling 'Club 'llhe Clinton Lawn Bowling' Club opened the Season with a jitney on Monday evening when a good crowd attended. The following' were the Scotch Fingering yarn • iix' 3 & 4 ply suitable for sweat- ers .and socks in Khaki and Airforce blue. Also some white baby wool in Bee Hive quality. Hot Iron transfers in a+ good assortment, embracing, alphabets, baskets, child, ren's wear novelties, towels and pillow case ends. Have you read C'anada'si Best Seller. "HOMO THE SAP" by Lorne I. Morgan One of the most thought provoking pamphlet's con -4 cerning present day condit-i ions and post-war problems ever to roll off the presses. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST' Mrs. Gordon Ouninghame is in Toron- to this week. Mrs. George Crooks of Delhi is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mr and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Flor- ence .spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mrs. W. .1. Geddes of Belgrave visit- ed on Saturday with Mrs. G. E. Saville. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns, Lois and Joyce spent the week end in Kin- cardine. Mrs. Norman Everett of Toronto visited. a few days- last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Shad - dick. J Mr, and Mrs. Corson and, daughter of Toronto spent the week end with A Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foster and E family. Mrs. ,R. 13. Carter of Brantford has F come to Clinton where she will spend' the summer at her home on Victoria Street.. Petty Officer Mary Gaydon of H. M. A C. S. Stadacona, ,has returned to her work after a holiday spent in A town at the .home of Mrs. P. Hearn, 13 Mrs. Caryl Draper and daughter, B Miss Lois and Mrs. Robert Draper were in Stratford on Saturday, at- tending a trousseau tea in honour of their cousin, Miss Isabel Mur- ray. Mrs. R. E. Manning left on Wednes- day for Denver, Colorado, where she intends residing. Mrs. Fisher who has been her guest for some time returned' with her to her home in Denver. Mrs. L. Pr. R. T'heedom, the former Isabel Colquhoun, who has been a member of the News -Record staff for the past foul: years, has re- 33 signed her position and, will live T P P PRESBYTERIAN Afteuoi n Tea and Sate In Cheroh S Saturday, June 10 3 to 6 p,rn. BOOTHS:- Apron OOTHS Apron :r. Mrs. M. McTaggart Novelty , .. ... Miss Shaw Baking Mrs. Neilans Afternoon Tea Mrs, Ward MENU: - Pressed Meat Salad - Tomatoes Fluttered Bread Lemon 'Pie Tea - Pumpkin' Pie 99-2 Strawberry Festival Friday, June 23rd at the home of. Messms. Clarence and Norman Ball, first farm north of Summerhill. Under the auspices of the Summer- hill Hall Board. Good program will. be provided. 99-2 COUNCIL MEETING (Continued from page 1) Councillor Trewartha moved the adjournment. Street H. Pickett, ditching 24 hrs. @ 40c ` 9.60 P. ,Rowcliff, hauling tile 4 lire. . @ 60c 2.40 A. Fulford Street Sweeper 25 hrs. @ 60c 16.00 W. Fulford, cleaning streets 25 hrs. @ 25e 6.25 Geo. E. Radford 460 yds. gravel @ 90o 414.00 Howard Johnson loads of gravel @ '75c 27.00 Can. Nat. Rys. Frt. & Cartage, 8 drums 11.74 Imperial Oil Ltd. 8 drums Cold Patch 101.27 Street Lighting P. U. C. lighting streets 215.22 Property P. U; C. Lighting' R. R. .75 P. U. C. lighting Town Hall 14.75 P.U.C. Lighting •stock scales , . .75 Mrs. L. Tideswell care of R. R. 5.00 Miss R. V. Irwin, Dust Cloths 1.45 A. T. Cooper 15 small flags 2.26 Ball & Zapfe Gen. Hdwe. .. , . 16.61 Bert Langford Rep. seating 2.75 Ed. Steep cleaning at dumping grd. 18 hrs. 7.20 Fred Steep. Cleaning at dumping grounds 18 hrs. 4.50 Cemetery M. McEwan Salary 95.83 Ball and Zapfe Tools, Oil, Mower, repairs • 5.05 Chas Shanahan Oil & Gasoline 3.15 rov. Treasurer' Commercial Motor License 2.16 H. Pickett 48 hrs. @ 40c less 44e • 18.76 . Makins 27% hrs. @ 40e 11.00 Cyril Bertrand 5142 hrs. @ 40c 2.20 7vin Fletcher 4 hrs. @ 40c 1.60 d. Steep 10712 In's. @ 40c 4300 less 68c 42.32 red Steep 882/2 hrs. @ 25c ..22.13 Grants . P W. M. Aiken 1 doz. Bill folds 22.44 Dry- Earth Closet Fulford Salary ,.. 70.00 Police Protection . E. Fremlin Salary 83.33 race McDougall Salary 75.00 ert Fitzsimmons extra policing 4.00 one day ' Salaries M. T. Corless Salary 83.33 N. Kennedy Salary 50.00 Hospitalization Dept. of Health Insulin 5.11 Postage and Stationery, News -Record General printing & supplies 62.50 k T. Cooper Postage . 4.50 Insurance Metropolitan Casualty Co. Prem, Broadcast over C.F.R.B. every Mes- on Cemetery Truck 31,00 day. Broadcast From Mitchell Arena CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS. Thousand's of sturdy plants are now; ready for sale 'direct from hot beds ' 15ca doz. Limited number of boxed plants still available at our greenhouses Corner of Shipley and Huron Sts, OPEN EVENINGS F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior' Store PHIDNE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR JUNE 8, 9, 10 INGERSOLL MALTED CHEESE 1/ ib. pkg. 19c CHOICE BLUE.110SE RICE 2 lbs. 21c HILLCREST SHORTENING ib19c APPLE and RASPBERRY JAM 24 oz. jar 29e GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 oz. tin 15c OVALTINE MED. Jar 58c FRY'S COCOA rs lb. tin 190 NABOB COFFEE!1 Ib bag 45c ROMAN MEAL pkg. 29c CAMAY SOAP 3 bars 19c GILLETT'S LYE TIN 12e IVORY SOAP 2 med. bass 13e SALT 6 ib. bag • 12e ORANGES, size 344s Doz. ... , 31c LEMONS, size 360s Dbz. 45e GRAPEFRUIT, size 126 3 for ..190 TOMATOES, Imported. lb. 23c T. R. TIIflMPSON Observe King's Birthday Officials of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education said last Tuesday that the King's birthday will be ob- served June 8th in Ontario schools, with a holiday on that date. The birthday is December 14th, but it ie usually celebrated in June. Come To The FUN PARADE in Bayfield' for the summer months where. she and her husband; Sgt. Theedam have taken a cottage. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins and her daugh- ter Madeline have returned from New York. Mrs. Hawkins was cal- led' to New York owing to the sud- den death of her brother, Mr. John H. Miller. Mr. Miller is survived by hiswife and two daughters, Jane at home and Helene (Mrs. Horace Belin) of: Conittand, Ala- bama. Mrs. Millet and her dough; ters resided r with,the late. Mrs'. Hugh Miller, fo,a year and were known' to manyd`,in Clinton, winners, first prize, J. L. Heard; Jack J McIntyre and John Snider tied for second place, Mr. Snider won the toss and took second prize; •fourth. prize, Angus Morrison. The' Club intends holding a jitney every Monday evening at .7.30 o'clock during the coming season. General Municipal Expence ell Telephone Co. General, ..7.63 he Mun. World Assessors Guide 2.25 rov. Treas. town hall license 3.00 ostmaster Counter-unempyt. Ins. Exise 'stamps 2,82 George Lavin spreading cinders 10.00 RECEIPTS Rentals 60,00 Licenses . • . ,,, , , , , , 259.00 Stock Scales 19.15 Cemetery 186.50 $494.65 Softball News A large crowd at •Seaforth watched the visiting Clinijon Juveniles whip the home team by a score of 11 to 2. B.i1 r M ler and Johnson each collected I a,pair of hits for the winners. , I Blyth Intermediates took an early, lea dt� a t3 edged, out the Clinton toa m, I 12 to 10, in an exhibition game play- r ed at Blyth last Friday. Kennedy with 2 homers and Freel with a triple;' tried. hard for; Clinton. ' on Tuesday, June 13 BINGO Rainbow Concessions with All Kinds of ' Poises Miss Priscilla will be there 10 Door Prizes D'A.NCING- Town Hall Cliff Gordon's ,Orchestra . Come Early Doors open 7.30 pm. Auspices Jean Blewett' Chapter I. O. D. E. • THURS., JUNE:8tii, 1944'. VALUES FOR JUNE 9th and 10th YOUR CHOICE ,CHICKEN TOMATO SAUCE ANGLER IIADDIE tin 25c HERRING 2 tins ' 25c EGG PRESERVER VANCAMPS PRE-COOIT WATER GLASS jar 23 BEANS 2 pkgs 250 CURLING DRIED GRLSSET BREAD PEAS ula► CRUMBS 2 pkgs. 27c 2'pkgs 15c KRAFT DINNER pkg. 19c QUALITY COFFEE ib. bag 39c CAKE 5c KRAFT CHEErE 1/2 Ib. pkg. 21c SUN FLOOR • WAX .:. Ib. tin 39c MIX WITH COFFEE - FRANCO. AMERICAN APPLETINE pkg. 15o BLUEBERRIES tin 28 REGENT•EXT,RACT LIBBY'S VEGETABLE VANILLA 2 for 110 SOUP 2 tins 19c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LETTUCE - RADISHE'S - GUI{ES. CARROTS - BEETS ASPARAGUS - BEANS - SPINACH APPLES - GR. ONIONS SUNKIST JUICY 220'e CHOICE TEXAS ORANGES doz. 49d !TOMATOES lb. 23c MARSH SEEDLESS 126's GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c OICE CABBAGE TEXAS .lb's 22c CALIFORNIA JUICY 300% CHOICE TEXAS LEMONS 3 for 130 • ONIONS 2 lbs 190 C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS - CLINTON A Large New Stock Has Arrived Some which we have been waiting for, for a long time. There is a nice assortment of Baby cribs at various prices• and a 'new stock of Baby Carriages well upholstered and with the shackle springs. Our New Stock of Verandah and Lawn chairs just landed so make your selections early as the supply is limited. This is the time to store your Winter garments etc. in a Cedar Chest and have no worry' about Moths, we have a Grand assortment to choose from Also a new stock of China Cabinets, Bedroom,Suites, Desks,'and unfinished Chests of Drawers in three different sizes. ' You will still find; a large assortment of Congoleum Rugs in all patterns and Most*sizes. TIE' STORE WITH THE STOCK BALL & ZAPFE DOUGLAS G. Bt1LLStore Phone 195 Phone 110 J. J. ZAPFE Phone 103 So You're Going to Paint Then call in and let us show you our various lines of Martin Senour 100% Pure Paint. Whether for outside or inside painting, we have just the colors you've been wanting. Hi. Gloss, Semi Gloss, Flat Paints, Multi- use Enamel, Floor Paint, and Porch Paint. . Call in to -day as our supply is limited. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS SUCCESS LIQUID WAX 59c SUCCESS PASTE WAX 32c SUCCESS SHOE POLISH .. , 100 FLY TOX (For flies, Moths, Mos- quitoes) 25c WHEAT PUFFS 1 bushel i45c WHEAT PUFFS % bushel 25c WHEAT PUFFS 1/ •bushel ..., 15c JUNE 8 to 10 Oxford Inn Vegetable Soup 3 tins 26a Clarks' Oxtail or ASparagus soup 3 tins 26e, KAM tin 35e YORK Sandwich spread tin 150 • LYNN VALLEY Beet Greens tin 16e • CHEESEA-,RONI 190 Polk's Grapefruit Juice lge. tin 35c OXFORD INN Veg. Soup. 2 for 19c DALTON'S assorted puddings, SANKA COFFEE (1 coupon) lb. 59c sweetened 2 pkgs. 15e GOLD MEDAL COFFEE (1 cou- pon) lb 43c GRAN. SUGAR 3 lbs. for 25c CANNED PUMPKIN (28 oz. can) 15c ALYMER TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. Tin 10c LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 for 20c 4 BARS P. &. G. and PEARL SOAP 22c 5 bars WONDERFUL SOAP 19e SWEET JUICY ORANGES 288s 39e 3 ROLLS INTERLAKE Tissue 25e NEW CABBAGE, TOMATOES. CARROTS ETC. W. L. JOHNSON PHONE' 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Money to Loan on. first Mortgages Now is .the TIME to stoppay- ng rent and to buy a farm.: Write us if you have been think- ing about - it. We may be able to )help you with a loan. All inquiries treated confidenti- ally. Hu Ye Bron&Er'. MORT !; GAO•'CORPORATION ORPO RAT 10 N ILondon Windsor 99-2 • SSt. •Thomas' Chatham) BLUEBERRIES tin 28e • HABITANT Noodle Soup 2 pkg. 19c • Champion Puppy biscuit pkg. Champion Dog Food pkg, , 15e • KRAFT DINNER: pkg. 19 e CHEESE-A-RONI pkg. , , , , .., , 190: Sunbrite Javel water concentrated per bottle 15e " CLUB HOUSE Coffee lb; 490 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES . Fresh Wieners lb, 27o Fresh Sausages lb. 25c Breakfast Bacon lb. 42c. Also a good assortment of cooked,. ; meats. A LONG LASTING` -[(C 4 .AL TOILET SOAP 5c bar OraI Lobb) Free Delivery