HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-06-08, Page 5THURS., _JUNE 8th, '1944
Liberal Meeting
The Annual ineeting of the Huron -Porth Liberal Association will be
iArea*vseffi held in
Townl Hensall
Hal ansa
Thursday, June 8th
at 8.30 p.m.
Col. Harry Hamilton
President of the Ontario Liberal Association will be the chief speaker
W. H. Golding,. M. P.
for Huron -Porth, and others will also address this, meeting.
octant Matters of Businesswill be under consideration
Every polling sub -division is expected to senda•full representation
President. Secretary
MT. and Mrs. Keith Feagan of Nile
:•spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D.
elegem of Goderieh Township.
Miss Mary Renwick .and Paul Ren-
• wick of Galt spent the Week with
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McGee.
• Mrs. Norman Mutoh and daugh-
ter •of Carsland, Alta, are visiting
tiers, Jas. Match and Alma. Mutcli:
Miss Zeta Munro of Sarnia is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Munro.
Mr. Donald Ross of Galt spent the
week end with his mother, ales.
-Fred Ross:
Miss. Marjorie Arthur of Tees -
water was a week end visitor with
"her mother, Mrs. John Arthur.
,Mrs. Felton and son of Galt is
visiting her uncle, Ross Taylor and
Mrs. Taylor.
Among the names on the Honour
,Roll of the Victory Club of the boys
'serving in Canada Robert J. Craig's
name was ommitted in the report
• last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz spent the
eveelr witth friends in Ayr.
Mrs. George Sturdy, Harry Sturdy,
Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. Nel-
•ton Hill attended the funeral of
Mrs. (Rev.) Conway at London%on
Baptist Ladies Aid.
The Baptist Ladies Aid held their
May meeting at the home of Mrs.
"Glen Raithby, The devotional period
was taken by Mrs. John McKnight
"sand the scripture was read In uni-
son. The president Mrs. C. A. Mow -
son took, charge for the business
period. It was decided to send $5.00
to the Home Missions. A Red Cross
quilt was completed.
The program was in charge of Mrs.
-Frank Raitthby. Th& roll call was
responded with a verse of scripture
'containing the word "Faith". A. read-
ing• was given by Mrs, Earl Raithby
piano instrumental by Evelyn Raith-
' by and a duet by Mrs, Glen Raithby
and Mrs, Howson. The topic was
given by Mrs. R. 3, Phillips, Mrs.
Howson closed. the meeting with
'prayer A pot luck lunch was served.
The Junior Red Cross Society of
'S, S. No. 9 Hullett'held their regular
meeting on Friday afternoon when
they had as their guests eighteen
mothers of the section. Bess Patter -
eon presided for the program which
opened with a chorus '0 Canada'
Evelyn Raithby read the minutes of
'the previous meeting. Recitations
were given by Geo. Haggitt. Ruth
Daer and .Stewart Hallam, A, chorus
by Walter Cueningham, Ileene Cinn-
ningham, Ken Stanbury a duet by
Alan Raitthby and Stewart Hallam;
reading Maxine' Honking; a banjo
selection Ross Patterson, trio Ken
and TeeTerner and Floyd Stenbury;
piano solo Dalphine Hunking -A
' contest by the teacher, Mrs. Hugh
Bennett; jokes by Ted Turner; a
chorus Christine' Cunningham, Ruth
Daer, Brian Hallam, Allan ,Raithhy.
Lunchwas served and a social
time enjoyed amongstteachers and
punile aril mothers. A generous of.
Tering was received'.
The ringing of the Church 'bells
sat 10.80 Tue"sday morning called the
people of this community to prayer
for 'the success of the/Allied Inve-
sion. 'The service was held in Knox
United Church and was in charge of
the • Pastor Rev. H. Snell assisted. by
Rev, P. K. Streeter of, St. Marks
Anglican Church. A ehoir consisting
of members of the choir of the def-
ferent churches led in the, singing of
the hymns. The scripture the ail+
chapter of Paul's epistle to..the Ephe-1
laps was read'' by Rev. Snell and'
prayers were offered by ,Rev. Street-
' er. ..
The 'public school children ae-
companied by their teacher marched
in a bodysnd occupied the centre
pews of the church. TA stores all
41osed for the service and the viI.
loge flag is flying. The church- was
filled for the service.
Mrs. and Mrs, J. Smith and family
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. Outliners and Mr..Cudmore of
Mrs. W. Hart is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stewart were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Rathwell on Sunday.
Mr, Fred Davidson of Detroit was
renewing acquaintances in and
around the village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schell and
sons of Detroit spent the week. end
with the lady's moher, Mrs. Austin
and •brobher Russell,
Mrs. Jno. Rathwell is visiting with
friends in Clinton.
We are sora, to report that Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Ostrum took their
three small children to Clinton hos-
pial on Tuesday for tonsil opera
tions, we hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. W. McAsh and children spent
tlfe week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Stirling of Goderieh Township.
Mrs. E. Yeo of London is spending
a few days with her sons on the
Cut Line.
Miss Cora Trewartha spent the
week end with her parents, Mr, and.
Mrs. Ed Trewartha,
Mrs. Chas Bissett of Goderieh
spent Saturday with. her daughter,
Mrs. Jack Yeo,
Rev. W. Rodgers, a former pas-
tor of Holmesville United Church
occupied the pulpit last Sunday
Morning and delivered a splendid
sermon to ` a large congregation.
Special music was rendered by the
choir and Miss. Wilhelmine Taewar-
tha favoured with a solo.
A. number of relatives and friends
called' at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Harris, on Monday evening in
honour of their twenty-fifth wed-
ding 'anniversary. They were sur-
prised with a number of beautiful
and useful gifts. An enjoyable even-
ing was spent and a dainty lunch
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Langford, who were married
last Saturday. The bride was for-
merly Miss Alma Trewartha of Hol-
Presbyterian W. M. S.
The May meeting of tate W. M. S.
was held at the home of Mrs. M. D.
McTaggart with a good attendance.
The meeting opened with a short
story on the origin of the Hymn
"What a friend we have • in Jesus"
followed by singing the hymn. The
devotional period was taluen by Mrs.
1VIc'Paggart reading Psalm 121, and.
the Glair Tidings Prayer by Mrs,
Ward. Mrs. McTaggart also read a
poem. The .Roll Call was answered
with a verse an Courage. Mrs. Makin&
gave chapter 4 of the Study :book,
and Mrs. Clifton, the current events.
Mrs. . Lawson favored with a beauti-
ful solo which was much, appreciated:
T.he president led' in prayer and the
meeting was brought to a close with
the Natioinal. Anthem. A delicious
tuned was served by the hostess,
The W. A. held their May meeting
at the home of Mas, Irwine Tebbutt,
Mrs. C. Tebbuttpresided 'at the meet-
ing which was •opened, with a hymn.
Mrs. Frank Jonesrend the Scripture
reading and bhe Lord's prayer was
repeated in unison. The roll call' was
answered' •by eleven snernbers. Pal-
lowing the business discussion a
humorous reading was given by Mrs.
Bert Lobb_ The meeting closed with
e hymn and the Mizpah benediction.
The, remainder of the afternoon was
spent in sewing and knitting. A.
lunch was 'served by the hostess, Mese.
I. Tebbutt.
The News -Record wishes to extend
thanks to all subscribers who helped
them out by sending in their old
issues when requested,
TheLades Auxiliary i x ry to the Cana-
dian Legion will meet Monday, June
12th, at 8 pan., et the home of Mrs
Jack Sterling, Please try and be
Members visaing to ' attend the
annual convention of the West Huron
Women's Institute at Dungannon on
June 151h, are to get in , touch' with
Mrs. Nay. :'
The Friendship Club of St. Paul'
Church held a tea and sale on• Satur-
day afternoon, May 27th, Mrs. EL H.
Epps won the War Savings stamps;
as her guess, 5000, was closest to the
number of beans in the jar. The jar
contained '4894 beans.' The afternoon
tea and sale were very successful end
thanks are extended to all who help-
ed to make it a success.
1 W
ay wdl,%lowenc
For Every 'Occasions
Phones: 66w .and 861
Batkins Locker Service
Pickerel Filietts ib. 49e
Salmon Steaks lb., ... , . , 30e
Herring db, 15e
Whitefish ib, 27e
Cod Fillett lb . ... . . . ...... _ 300
Haddock Fillett 35c
Paul's Try our Farrn'ier 'Style Sausage
Frozen Foods are Better Foods
We Buy Hides
Governor r General to Visit
Wednesday, June 14th will be a
momentous ;day in the history of Sea -
forth, and Huron County when His
Excellency, the Earl of Athlone,
Governor-General of Canada and Her
Royal Highness Princess, Alice will
be present at. the Second Annual
Field Day and' Picnic sponsored by
the Huron Federation: of Agriculture.
The day's events .will begin at
10 A: M. at the Seaforth Lion's Park,
when the shorthorn breeders of
Huron and Perth Counties will meet
for their field day and judging com-
petition. The large entries of short-
horns will provide interesting classes
which everyone will have 8n oppor-
tunity to judge.
Prof. George Day, of Guelph will
finally place the cattle, and the
ladies,• men and boys turning in the
highest number of points will receive
prizes donated by the Seaforth Mer-
Five classes o
judged. Aged
2. The sports
chairmanship •of
will be run off.f
years of age.
The efternoo
5 p.m. A relay
from each . to
and SouthnHurn
f shorthorns will be
Bulls; Bull Calves;
Cows; Yearlin
g Heifers; :Eeifer
events, under the
Reeve John Arm-
strong will func
tion smoothly. At Sl.
a.m. children's
sports of all kinds
or cash prizes. There
will be classes
for 'boys. and girls
under 6 years, 1
O years and 12 to 15
n sports for the
young men and
women take place at
race featuring 4 men
wnship should prove
interesting, as
also a tug of war
between. team
representing North
n, Water sports' will
be a feature of
the day.
Dr. A. R. Campbell of Hensall is
chairman in charge of the Veterin-
ary Clinical Demonstration. These
demonstrations will be most inter-
esting as live specimens will be used
;n seine cases, while in tithes the
diseased tissue procured from pack-
ing plants will be on display. Two
Veterinarians will be in charge of
sheep diseases, Mastitis in dairy cows
and other common diseases of cattle
will have two Veterinarians in
charge. Poultry, diseases will also
have two Veterinarians who will be.
prepared to give the latest informa-
tion and treatments. Swine erysipel-
as and •other pig troubles will have
qualified men demonstrate • the cause
and treatments,
3. Home canning is again a fea-
ture of the Second Federation of
Agriculture Field Day. The Dominion
Department of Agriculture have pre-
pared an excellent filen in home can-
ning, in co-operation with the
National Film Board. This film will
be shown 4 or 5 times through the
clay, in .a Targe tent on the grounds.
A qualifieddietitian, will be present
to discuss the film and answer the
canning and cookery problems. Cana-
dian Canners will have a display
showing the dehydration of vegetab-
The Ontario Provincial Govern-
ment exhibit ' will feature Poultry,
Field' Husbandry and. Soil Ohemis-
try. There will be three qualified men'
from thee Ontario Agriculture College
to meet the farmers and discuss their
problems with them.
Labor Saving machinery exhibit
will occupy a large space and will
be under the direction of Gordon
McGavin of Walton. A11 types of
labor saving : machinery aswee as
a number •of' expert machines will be
present. Horse and tractor ploughing
Londesboro Community Hall
under the auspices of the Sumner -
hill Hall Beard
Music •by "The Rhythmaires"
• Admission 35 cents
(Due to a misunderstanding the
dance was postponed last week).
on Friday, June 2nd, when Gwen&
olyn, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C: ,Routledge, of Listowel,
became the bride of , Pte. John
Bartlett Lavis; R. C. E., Hamilton,
younger son, of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Levis of Clinton. Captain W. E
Kelley of Listowel offioiateds
Street United Church ' parsonage,
on Saturday afternoon, May 27th,
at 2 o'clock when, Rev. G. G. Bur-
ton, united in marriage, Leona
Grace, second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Orval Rapson, Londesboro,
and CIare Gordon McBride, soft of
Mr, ,and'. Mrs. James, McBride of
Hoimesville United Church on
Saturday, June 3rd; when Alma M.
C., youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Trewartha, became the
bride of Kenneth Squire Langford
of Woodham. Rev. W. 3, Rogers of
Little Rapids, Algoma, performed
the ;ceremony.
ISRAELS•-In London, on Saturday,
June 3rd, to L.A.U. and Mrs.
Raymond Israels, formtrly station-
ed at Clinton, a daughter, (Joyce
ANDREAnneWS-in Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Thursday, June lst, to
Mi. and Mrs. Homer Andrews of
Clinton, •a daughter (Marie Eliza-
BERTRAND --In Clinton Public Hos.
pital on Thursday, June 1st, to
L.A.C, and Mrs. C, . W. Bertrand,
of Clinton, a daughter, (Eleanor,
MAIR-In Clinton Public Hospital
on Friday, June 2nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. James Mair, R, R. 3 Clinton,
a son.
ZAPFEi-in Clinton Public Hospital
on Sunday, June 4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. Zapfe of Brucefield', a
APPLE'B'Y In loving"nhehnoiy of a
dear mother, A. M. Appleby, who.
passed away two years ago, June
8th, 1942.
Dear mother, you are not forgotten,
Though on earth' you are no more,
Still in memory you are with us,
As you always were before.
-Sadly missed, by daughter Mae,
and son, Sam, and families.
demonstrations featuring Claris
Young ,of Milliken, former internee
Now Playing -- Rosalind Russell
Mon, Tues. and Wednesday'
Deanna Durbin, Franchet Tone St
Pat O'Brien, A email • town girl
with big city dreams, gets her
'first glimpse of Paris Avenue
through the servants' entrance
but winds up with the key to the
front door and to he boss' heart,
Thar, Fri. and at.
Love for their country and their
women bring these Free French
back to their native land.
Humphrey Bogart, Michele Morg-
an and Claude Rains,
Coming Ida, Lupine and Paul
Henreid in their gre.atest Toles
Matinees .-• Sat, and Hol. at 2.30
p.m. Note Change of time.
Now Playing -• James Cagney In
Mon. Time, and Wedeesday
Ginger Rogers, ,Ray Mifand and
Warner Baxter with Mischa Auer
and Jon Hall ' in a Technicolor
dance -romance. '
Thum . Fria and Sat.
Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne
and Ann -Savage. The tale of a gal
who went on a ananhunt and cam
ght'something too hot to handle.
Conning - Charles Boyles: In
Now Playing - Abbott and Cost
ello In "HIT THE ICL'"'
Mon. Taos. and Wednesday
Deanna Durbin, Pat O'Brien and
Franehot Tone. A 'four-star coin-
edy hit that will pilease the most
Thur. Fi'•i, and Saturday
Teresa Weight and ,Joseph Cotten
The .story of a beloved uncle who
tames out to be pathological
Matinees - Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.80 Matinees - Sat. 8r Hol- at 2.30
Overseas Smiles'n
Active Service Package
99 cents
from our store
We will give you full
The family of the late Daniel
Glidden with to express their heart-
felt thanks and appreciation to all
those who assisted or offered to
assist 'them in their recent •bereave-
ment, also to thank the nurses of
Clinton Hospital for the many kind-
nesses ,shown to their father while a
patient there.
A hard rubber tire for trailer,
between Clinton and ' Goderieh, lost
on Wednesday morning. Finder
please notify Harold Taylor, Clin-
ton or phone 628x13. 00-1
Farm Stock and Implements
The undersigned has offered for
sale by auction at lot 33, concession
13 Goderieh Township, on
3 miles west of Clinton; owing to
bridge out on 13 :con.' travel by
Telephone Rd. or by Holmesville.
Commencing at 1,30 pan,
the following:
STOOK{ Dapple grey gelding, five
years; black mare, 6 years old; year
old gelding; 2 cows, 4 years old.; eow
8 years old; Jersey cow, rising three;
3 cows, 3 years old; all freshened
since March 10th, 3, 1 -year old heif-
ers. 4 spring calves.
IMPLEMENTS ,- DeLaval cream
separator; Wilkison plow, No. 7; set
disc harrows; light sleigh; seed drill;
cultivator; cutter; buggy; ')heavy
harness; rake; wheelbarrow; Light
harness; hay knife; stuffler; Chat-
ham fanning mill; Stock rack, wagon,
McCormick Mower.
Harold Jackson, -Auctioneer.
Wm. Pickett, Proprietor.
The Executor of the Estate o£
Helene Austin Stott will sell at
at the deceased's residence at Lot
74, 75 and 76 Hu'ren Terrace and
Lot 110 and 11 on Tuyll street en
Village of B•ayifieldi.
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944
at 1,pan.
at 1 p.m.
The following goods and chattels
among numerals • other articles.
MONDAY JULY 3, 1944 pictures9
paintings, etchings, chinaware, orna-
ments, bric-a-brac, brass candle-
sticks, candlerabras, and the eon -
tents of an annexed cottage consis-
ing of stoves, tables, verandah, swing
tronas champion ploughman, and W. bed, •springs and mattress, chest'. of
C. Barrie of Galt also a champion drawers, wash stands, wheelbsrrow
ploughman, will take place in the and garden utensils,
field adjoining the park. j TUESDDAY' JULY 4,- 1944 ---furni-
ture including living room furniture,•
Chieeiy Baby Grand Piano with
electric player and records, Dining
room suite,' 4 ,bedroom, suites, hall)
furniture, verandah Reed furniture,
rags ands •other articles too numerous
to mention.
For further particulars apply to:
Harold Jackson, Fsq., Seaforth,
Ont., Auctioneer.
Agriculture Picnic will surely be an or
outstanding event. Remember Wed- R, C. Hays K. C„ Goderich, Ont,
nesday,•June 14th, Solicitor for Executor. 00-4
A Representative ,of the National
Selective Service .and • Ontario ,Farm
Service Force will be present and are
ready and willing to help farmers
secure help. If you require help his
is your •opportunity."' •
A dance in the.evening in Cardno's
Hall, with music supplied by Ken
Wilbee and has orchestra will finish
off an eventful day.
This Second Annuli Federation of.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves
not of works, lest any man should boast Ephesians 2: 8-9
"Old-fashioned Revival Hour" 7-8 pan. E. D. S. T.
On mutual networks - Sundays - ,Local Station - OKLW. Windsor
Chas. E, Fuller, P. 0. Box 123 Los Angeles 53, California •
Teacher for S. S. No. 1 Hullett
Township, to commence September
5th, Good modem school and equip-
ment. State qualifications and salary
Bert Irvin, See-treas.,
R. R. 2 Seaforth.
Londesboro Commu'nity Hall.
on TUESDAY, JUNE 13th,
under the auspices of the Constance
Unit of the Red Cross
Music by "The Rhythmaires".
Admission 35 cents.
Ladies with Lunch Admitted Free
The draw will be made for the Blan-
lankets and Socks. 00-1
Tenders wanted for the decoration
of two rooms in Clinton Collegiate
Institute and 'for .the Principal's
'Office in the' Clinton Public School.
Address, Alex Oudmere, chairman
of the Board of Education.
For Sale
White Durham cow, dve to fresh-
en about June 22. Apply to James
East, R.R. 4, 2 4s miles north-east of
Clinton. 00-1
Bicycle for Sale
Gent's bicycle, double barred, good
tires and in good condition. Apply at
Epps Blacksmith Shop, Albert street,
from 6 to 8 o'clock in the evenings.
Car For Sale
1936 Lafayette Sedan; Al shape
tires and mechanical. Apply to Geo.
Hanly, Clinton. 00-1
For Sale
Durham scow, , 7 :years old, due to
freshen June 14th. Apply J. E. Criah,
phone 24x614 Clinton. , 00-1
Help Wanted
Boy wanted for part-time work at
News -Record, (not exceeding 24 hrs.
per week.)
Hay for Sale
15 acres of mixed hay on the field;
some could be put in the barn and fed
there also 2 -burner Electric plate,
only used 7 weeks. Apply E. W. Mor-
rison, Huron Road, phone 633x13..
For Sale
One big driver; also one good work
horse. Apply to Wilfred. Collinson,
R. R. 1 Auburn, phone Blyth, 18.
For Sale
Kitchenette set; bed, nearly new
with 'springs and mattress; daessing
table; rocking. chair. Apply at News -
Reeved. 00-1
For Sale
Thirty acres of Hay, timothy, red
clover, alfalfa. To be taken off in
shares. Apply to W. II. Johnston,
R. R. 2, Clinton. 99-2
Wagon For Sale
A wagon, with hay rack in good
condition: Apply James E. Johnson,
R. R, 4, Clinton, phone 800x12, 99-2
For Sale
Allis-Chalmers; ail clop Harvesters
fully equipped and on rubber tires.
Hyde Tractor Company, Henstal,
Ontario. Phone 128. 99-4
For Sale -
Ten "room frame house, one acre
of land, barn and garage. Apply to
Mrs, George Riehl, North street,
Clinton. 99-tf
A boy as apprentice in newspaper
office. Full-time preferred, but will
accept applicant for part-time. Apply
National Selective Service Office
Goderieh and refer to Order No. 804,
Stanley Federation
of Agriculture
A public meeting et the Stanley
'Township Federation of Agriculture
will be held in Varna Hall, on
at 8.30 p. m.
Speakers: Bruce Matheson, Agric.
Rep.; Dr. Hobbs Taylor, M. P. P.
Everybody. Welcome 99-2t
The next meeting of the• Huron
County Council: will be held in the
Council :Ohaunbers, Court House,
Goderieh commencing Tuesday, June
13th at 10.00 a,m.
All aecounts, notices of deputies '
tions and other business, requiring
the attention of Council should be in.
the hands of the County Clerk no
later than Saturday, June 10th.
N. W. Miller,
County Clerk
99-2 o Goderieh; Ont.
Applications Wanted
Applications are desired for the '
Stratford General Hospital School of
'There is a future in;&ngsing. Write
for Application Form 00-3
•For Sale
All enamel ivory and black steel.
top annex. Just like new, burns, woad
or coal, Sell for .price. Apply Mrs.
Joe Becker, Clinton, phone 341 w.
For Sale
Piano in good condition; large size
moose heart mounted; case of mount-
ed birds; also cedar posts, green
standing timber. Apply to John
Thompson; Bayfield. 99-2
Car for Sale
McLaughlin Buick, only run: about
13,000 miles, in first-class_shape, tires
in good condition. Apply to R.I. Mil -a
ler; Clinton, phone 119. 97-tf.
Fleece Line Your home
Blown rockwool insulation applied
to the walls andceilings of your
home will save fuel with more com-
fort summer - and winter. Trained
crews and modern equipment used.
For free estimate and terms phone
4 Clinton or write Pneumatic Insula-
ting Company, ,Rowland Day, 5
Thornton Ave,, London. 96-8
House For Sale
Comfortable six room' house with
3 -piece bath, double garage and good
garden. Apply to J. T. McKnight,
Victoria St., Clinton. 96-tf
For Rent or Sale
For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Farm
on Highway between Seaforth and
Clinton. Frame house and bank barn;
choice clay loam; plenty of water.
Apply to . Wm. Livingston or James
F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth, 82-tf
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to :buy, old horses and, dead
cattle for mink feed. If ,dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. 58-te