HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-05-25, Page 5'TI 'RS,,'MAY;25th, 1944
Mrs. Rose Bradnock of "Seaforth
spent the week end with her son,
'Wesley and Mrs. Bradnook,
Arnold Phillips of .Toronto spent
the week end with his mother Mrs.
'Blanche Phillips.
Mrs. John Arthur, 1VTrs. Keith
Arthur, Marjorie Arthur, Robert
Arthur and Mrs. Carrie Armstrong
.attended the graduation of nurses
from Victoria Hospital, London,
when Miss Ruth Arthur was one of
the graduating class. Mrs. R. J.
Rossof Wal Island was also a
Walpole n
• guest of Miss Arthur at her .gradu-
`MT. Harry Turner of New York
called on friends •here last Saturday.
Mr. Turner's father was a minister
in the Methodist Church hereyears
ago. ' ".
,Mr. and •Mrs. J. 'W, Graham of
Detroit visited with Mrs. Fred ,Ross,
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
:Mrs. Edgar Lawson on `Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs, John Finlayson,.Mrs.
-John Sclater and daughter Marion
•and Mrs. Louis Hentberger, all of
•'Seaforth. ,
Women's Institute
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided at
the Women's Institute meeting held
in the Foresters Hall. The secretary
reported that twenty seven starling
eggs and two birds had been sent
in by the school children since the
last meeting'. Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs.
G. Taylor, Miss F. Ross and Miss
Mae Ferguson were appointed dele-
gates to the District Annual to be
held at Dungannon in June. The
following program was enjoyed.
Reading' ""A Soldiers Paradise" by
Mrs., A. 3. Ferguson; violin selection
by Mrs. Wm. Craig. The topic "Music
and Song" was ably given by Mrs.
'Gordon Taylor, reading "A packet of
Seed" was given by Mrs. L. Irwin.
'Tiokets were sold on a towel donated
by Miss Alma Mutch. The draw was
trade by Betty Craig and Miss Sadie
`Carter held •the lucky ticket. One
.dollar was realized from the sale of
' tickets and goes to the Overseas Box
• Fund.' The roll call was answered
by paying of fees.
Mrs. Woods, vice president of the
'Red Cross took charge for the Red
Cross meeting. The secretary read
Netters of thanks for parcels received
from Geo. Strengthen, Albert Govier,
Eldon Yungblut, Norman Bodge,
Marvin McMillan, Ken Scott, Everett
Yungblut, Carman Schultz.
A quilting will be held in Knox
United Church on Tuesday. Mrs.
-Woods closed themeeting with pray-
er. A. dainty lunch was served by
Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Misses Margar-
et King and Amelia McIliwain.
Victory Club
The Victory Club held a meeting in
the Orange Hall on Monday night
Rev. H. Snell in charge. Plans were
discussed for the 'return of'our, boys
and girls from overseas and many
suggestions were offered. It was de-
eided to appoint a • committee of
seven, three from the village and one
from each of the townships. Dr. B.
'C. Weir, Gordon Taylor and Rev, H.
` Snell were appointed for the village,
Mrs. Herb Mogridge for Hullett,
Mrs. Amos Andrew for Colborne,
Mrs. Wm. MeVittie for East Wawan-
osh. and Geo. Hallam for. West
"Wawanosh. It was suggested that a
Fund be raised to give the returned
lien and women a gift when they
return. At the time of the invasion
the church bells are to ring and a
'prayer service will be held in one of
the churches.
.After the meeting the Club held
its regular meeting with the presi-
dent Mrs. E. McKnight in charge.
'The roll call was answered, with a
household hint. The treasurer Mrs.
Ladd reported $132.60 on hand. It
was decided to give a donation to the
Welcoming committee. Plans were
'made for the next dance on May 26th
'.Che next meeting will be in the
Forresters Hall on May 30th when
'the Club honour roll will be unveiled.
The B. Y. P. U. held their monthly
meeting on Sunday evening. The
'meeting was in cbar2ge of Miss Emma
Robertson and Mrs. R. J. Phillips.
Miss Robertson presided. Following
the opening hymn and theme song
the Lord's Prayer was repeated in
unison led by ' Billie Raithby. An
instrumental was' given by Evelyn
Raithby, readings by Mrs. Thos Mc -
Nall, Amelia Mclllwain and Royce
Phillips. • A duet was rendered by
Mrs. Earl McKnight and Doris Mc-
Knight. Solos were sung by Mrs.
Wm. Haggitt, and Mr. Harvey Mc-
Gee, A chorus by the girls.` The
topio,was given by Mn. George Raith-
by and, the scripturewas read by
George Robertson. The .offering was
received by Johnnie Raithby.
The singing of the National An-
them, and the benediction brought the
meeting to a ',close.
Attention!' Ladies of the South End
Red; Cross Unit are reminded to sell
their tickets on the "name quilt" as
the lucky .draw will be made at the
regular meeting to be held at the
Nene of Mrs. David Deeves on Wed-
nesday afternoon, May 31st.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wallis and
,children, Mr. and Mrs. L. •Stephenson,
Billy and Mrs. A. B. Stephenson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg and son
were neSunday eg sts on Su day of Ms. and
Mrs. i3. 'Rathweil.
The following letter was received
recently by South End' Overseas
A 42464 Sgmn. Craig, W. A.
4 C; A. D. Sigs.,
April 25, 1944
Dear Mrs. Middleton;
Again I write to thank you for the
parcel which, I received O.K. It was
really .swell and it rather took me by
surprise as only a day or so before
I received three hundred cigarettes
from you people but I don't mind as
I can never get too many parcels
from home. I have done very well in
the last few weeks as Mrs. Will
Middleton sent me a box of choco-
lates and I received three hundred
cigarettes from Canadian Legion of
Clinton. You people sine 410 look
after us fellows over here and we
sure appgeciate it. So I want to thank
you, Mrs. McIlveen an& Mrs. Cooper
and also I would like very much for
you to'give my thanks to all members
of the Community for everything
they have done for me. I am proud
to know so many think of me and I
know all the other boys in the Army
that •come from your district feel
the same as I do. It is sure swell to
know that while we are trying to do
our bit for our country that the peo-
ple back home are behind us.
I -am fine these days. I had a very
bad hand I got it burned but it is
much better now. I was glad to hear
that Ted is near home again it will
be nice to have him home for a leave.
Well there isn't very much news
here so I must close. So thank you
all again for the parcel it was really
swell. I wish you all the luck in the
world and May God. Bless you and
spare you all so you can continue
with your good work. Thanking you
again. Bye-bye for now.
I remain yours, Albert Craig.
Miss Mildred Heard. of Clinton
spent the week end with Miss Maly
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Trewartha, who have moved to the
village for the summer months. Their
daughter Miss Wilhelmine is spend-
ing a brief holiday with them after
which she will take up mission work
in the west.
Mr. Minor returned to Toronto on
Monday to continue his stud'ie's.
Mrs. Mel. Elliott and Ross and
Mrs. Bill Norman and Jack spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. Mel.
Elliott, who is a patient in London
hospital and• report some improve-
IYIrs. Ed. Trewartha's group of the
Red Cross held a quilting at the home
of Mrs. Ed, Grigg Jr. A pot luck
supper was served.
The May tneeting of the London
Road Club was held at the home of
Mrs. G. Henderson, In the absence
of the President, the vice President,
Mrs. Moffat, occupied the chair.
The meeting opened with singing of
Wanted To Buy
Car in good condition, especially
tires. Will pay no more than $200.
Apply by writing or telephoning
to Box T, The News Record. 98-tf
Household effects, on . Tuesday,
June 6th, at the home of Mr. William
Jago, James Street, (last house)
Clinton, commencing at 1.30 o'clock,
the following:
3 bedsteads and one bed and
springs; dresser; 2 washstands; ex-
tension table; .electric cabinet radio;
leather couch; three-piece setae; 2
rocking chairs; 2 Quebec heaters;
tailor's sewing machine; Davis hand
sewing machine, like new; 2 -piece
setee; kitchen table; sideboard; one.
small table; cupboard; coal oil oven;
electric toaster; electric 2 -plate
stove; kitchen chairs; dry cleaner;
electric motor; circle saw stand; gar-
den tools',•" good lawn mower; galvan-
ized oil drum with tap; linoleum
5 by 4 yards, and 9 ft.:by 9 'ft. Nu-
merous other articles.
Harold 'Jackson, Auctioneer.
Willem Jago, Proprietor.
"The Maple Leaf" followed • ,by the
Club creed,.; There were sixteen
members and •two visitors present..
Roll call was answered by a current
event, members not answering paid
a small fine which in all amounted to
40 dents. Letters:. of thanks were
reach from Mr. W. Swinbank and 1VIrs,
McMicheal. Overseas boxes from the
club were acknowledged by Pte. Car-
men Glidden and Pte. Bill Jenkins
Finished articles 'brought in were;
three baby flanelette •dresses; 25 babY
napkins; one trutle neck sweater,
and several quilt blocks. A quiib
will be quilted at the home of Mrs.
The June meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs, Roy, Plumsteel.
Roll call to be answered by bring-
ing a Grandmother or something be-
longing to, Grandmother. Plans are
being made for a picnic to be held at
a later date. The hostess served a
dainty lunch.
HILL—In. Chitin Public Hospital on
Tuesday, May .23rd, to Cpl. and
Mrs. W. S. Hill (nee Betty Glazier)
the gift of a daughter Valerie
Elizabeth Ann Hill.
HALL—In Londesboro, on Monday,
May 22nd, Eva F. Spooner, beloved
wife of Francis B. Hall, in her
DOAN — Suddenly at her home in
Clinton on Wednesday, Maly 24th,
Emma Maud Doan, sister of Adelia
Doan. Funeral private, Friday at
2.30 p.m.
FISHER—In loving memory of our
dear father, Robert J. Fisher, who
passed away May, 24th, 1943.
His smiling way and pleasant face,
Are a pleasiire to recall
He had a kindly word for each
And died beloved of all
Some day we hope to meet him,
To clasp his hand in the better
Never to part again.
—Ever remembered by his loving
daughters, Jean, Hazel and Eleanor.
Auction Sale
Household Effects
On Friday, June 2nd., the following
articles are to be sold 'at the home
of Mrs. George Riehl, North street,
Clinton, commencing at 1 o'clock
EFFECTS.? dining room chairs; oak
dining room table; 6 rocking chairs;
2 "arm chairs; 9 kitchen chairs; 2
kitchen tables; kitchen cupboard;
one pedestal; 3 dressers; 3 wash-
stands; 2 iron beds and springs;
wooden bed, springs and mattress;
hall rack; sewing machine; rug; 2
toilet sets; electric toaster; wheel-
barrow; garden tools and numerous
other articles.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Federal Buildings—Province of Ont-
SEALED Tenders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed"Tender
for Coal," will be received until 3 ir.
m. (E.D.S.T.), : Wednesday, . June 7,
1944, for the' supply of coal and coke
for the Dominion Buildings through-
out the Province of Ontario. '
Forms. of tender with specifications
andconditions attached can be ob.-
tained' from the Purchasing Agent,,
Department of Public Works, Ottawa
and the Supervising Architect, 36
Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders should be made on the
forms `supplied by theDepartment
and, in accordance with departmental.
specifications and conditions attach-
ed theretol. Coal dealer's' licence
numbers must be given when tend-
The Department reserves the right
to demand from any successful tend-
erer, before awarding the order a
security deposit in the form; of a cer-
tified' cheque on a chartered bank in
Canada, made payable to the order
of the Honourable the Minister of
Public Works, equal to 10 per cent
of the amountof the tender, or Bear-
er Bonds of the Dominion of Canada
or the Canadian National Railway
Company and its constituent 'compan-
ies unconditionally guaranteed as
to principal and interest by
teed as to principal and interest by.
the Dominion of Canada, or the afore-
mentionioned bonds and a certified
r1"que, if required to make up an
odd amount.
Such security will serve as a guar-
antee for the proper fulfilment of the
By order
,Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 15th, 1944.
eyWidt leer;
For Every Occasion
C li
Phones: 66w and 66j
Batkins Locker Service
Pickerel Filletts'lb. ............ 49c
Salmon Steaks lb. 30c
Herring' lb 150
Whitefish lb, •. . . . . . 27c
Cod Fillet, lb 30e
Raddoek.Fillet lb, .. 35c
As the Strawberry. Season will soon
be here, we will try and have Waxed
cartons for you.
Try our Home Made Sausage
FOODS We Buy Hides
Applications will be received by the
undersigned until June let, for the
position of teacher for S. S. 'No. 9
Hullett, duties to commence Septem-
ber 5th. State age, qualifications, ex-
perience and salary, to
B. Marsh, Sec-treas.,
R. R. 1 Auburn, Ontario.
Applications will be received by
the undersigned for a qualified
teacher for. S. 5. No. 4 Goderich
Township. Duties to commence Sept-
ember first.
Apply to Irvine Tebbutt, sec-treas.,
R. R. 2 Clinton. 98-2
For U. S. S. No. 2 Hullett, one
mile north of Clinton. Duties to tom-
tnence September 5th, 1944. State
qualifications and salary. Applica-
tions received up to June lst, 1944.
Apply to F. J. Tyndall, Sec-Treas.,
R. R. 4 Clinton.
For S. S. No, 5 Ilullett Township.
A good location on No. 4 Highway,
5 miles north of Clinton. Duties to
commence September 5th,- 1944.
Apply to F. M. Peckitt, Londesboro,
stating qualifications. Applications
received up to May. 25th, 1944.
F. M. Peckitt, Sec -Treasurer,
The family of the late Mr. and Mrs
George Mann Sr., wish to express
their sincere thanks and apprecia-
tion for flowers received and kind=
nesses extended to them during
their recent double bereavement;
special thanks to Dr. J. W. Shaw and
Rev. G. G, Burton.
Dog for Sale
Female fox terrier, child's pet, one
year old. Phone Clinton 295. 98-1
For Sale
4 tube General Electric Battery
Radio in good condition; Girl's 3 -
piece winter set, size 2, blue with
white fur, worn one season, newly
cleaned and pressed. 'Apply to •Mrs.
Leyburne, % Bob- Carter, Welling-
ton Street, Clinton. 98-1
6 ,males, 30 females,
Will be held at Elmandorph Stock
Farm, three miles from. Varna,, on
Friday, June 2nd.
at 1.30 o'clock. ' Combined with And-
rew C. 'Gaunt.
Included in the sale of 6 bulls
ranging from calves to serviceable
age; 30 cows and heifers. These cattle
are all ingood condition and are real
foundation or herd header material.
Herd fully accredited and negative to
bloodiest. ,
Duncan Brown, Robert T. Amos;
W. M. O'Neil, Donald Blue,
For Catalogue and Details Write
Clifford H. Keys and Sons, Varna,
Ont. phone 9654 Lensall.
Wm. Johnston of the Shorthorn
World will be present. 98-1
Feed Finn'sPoultry Y
u tr Tonic and
,Vitamin Builders—stop \Cannibalism.
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
Now Playing — Abbott and Cost-
;ello in "HIT THE ICE"
Now Playing. A thrilling story
Flayng ] HE GOOD
Mon. Tues.:and:Wed.
Mary Martin, Franel of Tone and
Dick Powell. Two„ ace radio scr-
ipters pack a real-life drama in a
soap opera and you'll like the re-
Mon, Wed,
A riotous medley of laughs : and
romance, portrayed: by a stellar
east. Paulette. Goddard, Fred Mac-
Murray and' Edw. Arnold.
Mon. Tues, .and Wed.
A. J. Cronin wrote this faithful
story of We]shcoal miners and
their struggle for a. better life.
Thur. Fri. Sat. Dual Features
Attention, wives, this is.what goes
on in lodge rooms! Helen Walker,
Janves Brown and Cecil Kellaway,
Also -- Richard Arlen in the mag-�y'ou,
nificient; drama of the amen who
at danger' and flirt with
death to •keep, the ,supply lines
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton. and
Br'll st giggle, then
D em�are ll guffaw, at this rambuunet-
ions fun festamazing
Thur. Fri. and Sat,
Luise Rainer', 'William Bendix-and
Arturo de Cordova telling the
truth of what Europeanslaugh
endure for 'freedom
"IN ,O'U11 TIME" with
Ida., Lupine'
Coming — "TRUE TO LIPP-P.
with a star cast.
Coming —. "HOSTAGES" with
Luise ,Rainer.
Matinees Sat. and Hol. at 3 p.m.
Matinees Wed. Sat. & Hol. at 3.
Matinees Sat. and Holidays at 3
Overseas .miles'n
Active Service Package
99 cents
from our store
We will give you full
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T.
On Mutual Network — Sundays
Local Station—OKLW., Windsor
Wool Growers' Organization
Our Registered Warehouse No, 1
Weston, Ontario
Reliable Grading
Prompt Settlement
Obtain sacks and twine from
Agricultural Representative
Clinton, Ontario
or direct frons
Canadian Co -Operative
Wool Growers Limited
217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada
Roe FeedsFor Sale
Child's play pen, almost new and
When Wanting Roe Feeds, See in good condition. Apply to Post
Office Box 117, Clinton. 98-1,
Township of Goderich
Every person having a dog, must
have a tag for it. The law will be en-
forced upon anyone violating this
By Order.
Tax Collector
• For Rent
Garage for rent. Apply to Mrs.
Robert Webster, Victoria street, Clin-
ton. 98-1
.Black leather wallet containing
cash and important papers, Reward.
Finder please leave at News -Record
office. ' p8-1
For Sale
Rogers -Majestic mantel radio, in
good condition; also 1-22 cal. rifle
and ono gasoline lantern. Apply at
News -Record. 98-1•
Cattle for Pasture
Eight ;or ten head of young cattle
wanted to pasture. Apply to Wilfred
Collinson, R. R. 1 Auburn, phone
Blyth 33r18. 98-1
Of household articles, etc., at the
home of Joshua Sherman, Fulton
street, Clinton, commencing Thurs-
day; May 25th, Articles may be seen.
every afternoon from, 2 to 6 o'clock.
The following for sale: 3 feather
ticks; 2 mattresses; wooden bed with
springs and dresser to match; cedar
chest, almost new; ladies fur coat
with high collar, and muff; upright
heater in good condition; few garden.
tools; other small articles.
Joshua Sherman, Proprietor.
Pure-bred Scotch Shorthorn Cattle
EXETER, JUNE 1st 1944 "
Thirty-two of our best young fe-
males, 5 splendid 'young • bulls, the
best lot we ever offered.
,R. M. Peck,' Zurich, Ont. W. C. F.
Oestricher, Grediton, Ont; R. F: Pep-
per, .Seaforth Ont.;
Herds fully accredited and all the
younger • females immunized, by calf -
hood vaccination bor bangs. 'Cara
lognues are obtainable from W C'..0.
Oestricher, Crediton, Ont. '(sale man-
ager). 97-2
Court of Revision, Township of
Goderich. A count of revision to hear
and determine complaints against the
assessment roll for 1944 will be held
in Holmesville on Friday, May 26th,
at 10 a.m. All complaints to be in
writing and mailed to the undersign-
ndersigned not later than May 25th. Persons
assessed for dogs which have since
been destroyed must return the tags
or be charged in taxes.
R. G. Thompson Clerk
,R, R. 2 Clinton
Notice is hereby given that Court
of Revision for the Assessment Rolls
ifor 1944 will be held in the Township
IHall on Monday, June 6th 1944 at
10 o'clock in the forenoon to deal
with any appeal against said rolls.
All appeals must be in writing and
in the hands of the clerk on or be-
fore May 27th, 1944.
Dated this 4th day of May 1944.
Charles C. Pilgrim,
96.2 Clerk.
Please take NOTICE that the Hul-
lett Municipal Council will meet as
a Court of Revision on the .Assess-
ment Roll of 1944 in the Community
Hall, Londesboro,. on June, 5th, at
2.30 D. in.
Anyone wishing to appeal against
their Assessments or to have their
clog struck off the Roll must have it
returned to • the' Clerk's Office at
Londesboro, on or before May 31st,
All interested parties please
govern themselves accordingly.
Jas. W. McCool, Clerk.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Mary Rutledge,
late of. the Town of Clinton in the
County of Huron, widow, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the estate of the above deceased' are
required tc file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the said Es-
tate on or before the 5th clay of June,
A.D. 1944, after which date the as-
sets will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
Datedi at _Clinton, this 16th day of
May, A.D. 1944.
F. Fingland,-K,' C., Clinton. Ontario.
Solicitor for the said Estate
Do .your birds go lame or paralyz-
ed? "Kews" stop them.
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
A boy as apprentice in newspaper
office. Full-time preferred, but will
accept applicant for part-time. Apply
National Selective Service , Office
Goderich and refer to Order No. 804.
Use Finn's Dari -Min for Mastitis:
it does the job.
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
Fleece Line Your Home
Blown rockwool insulation applied
to the walls and ceilings of your
home will save fuel with more com-
fort summer and winter. Trained
crews and modern equipment used..
For free estimate and terms phone
4 Clinton or write Pneumatic Insula-
ting Company, ,Rowland Day, 5
Thornton Ave., London. 96-8
For Sale
Pram in good condition. Apply to
Sgt. J. I. Rainey, Brucefield, Ont.
• For Sale
Lloyd. pram, beige and brown; ver-
andah gate; brown steel crib; child's
3 -piece winter suit, .mauve, size 3.
Phone Clinton 301w. • 98-1
For Sale
Angus bull, ten months old. Wil-
liam McEwan, R. R,. 5 Clinton, phone
620r2. 97-2
For Sale
Irish Cobbler potatoes, grown from,
certified seed. Three cents a pound.
phone 910r23 Clinton. T. R. Jenkins.
Car for Sale
McLaughlin Buick, only run about
13,000 miles, in first-class shape, tires
in good condition. Apply to R. J. Mil-
ler, Clinton, phone 119. 97-tf.
For Sale
Four round verandah' posts and
railing, painted,„in good' shape. Apply
to W. J. Biggam, Clinton. 98-1
Potatoes for Sale
Irish Cobblers, Early Warba plant-
ing potatoes for sale. Free from rot.
Excellent cookers. Apply Roy Tyndall
phone Clinton 907r3 95-tf
House for Sale
8 -roomed brick house for sale with
bathroom, closets, etc., in good loca-
tion. Everything in -good condition,
Apply to Box 39-W, News -Record.
House For Sale
Comfortable six room house with
3 -piece bath,, double garage and good
garden. Apply to J. T. VIcKnighrt,
Victoria St., Clinton. 96-tf
For Sale
1 oak writing desk, 2 oak finished
doors; 1 toilet set; 1 squall cherry
table; 1 oak wash stand. Phone 316
Clinton 96-1.
Are your laying birds pale and
scoury? Use Finn's Poultry Con-
ditioner and. Intestinal Cleanser.
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
For Rent or Sale
For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Farm
on Highway between Seaforth and
Clinton. Frame house and bank barn;
choice clay loam; plenty of water.
Apply to Wm. Livingston or James
F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 82-tf
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with new
bath. House in good conditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit trees.
Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street,
Clinton. 69 -ti!
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink. feed, '• If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. 58-tt;�