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With Which is
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Incorporated The 'Clinton New Era
No. 6198 66th, YEAR
r 1111E, BUS IN STORES T00!
That's why we are trying more than Ever to Please you.
As jewelers we are retailers but we also are retail customers, for
other Merchandise. Like you, we have "experienced disappointments
in learning some articles are not available now: Consequently we
are alert to the shopping situation, anxious: to hold your good will.
You will find us ready with helpful suggestions, friendliness and
best ppssibleservice.
We can now supply you
with wools for
various types of -
For the Armed Forces
For Babies' Wear or
For your own use.
_ _ r
A complete new stock of Bluebird Diamond Rings
now on display.. See all the grand newsettings
for this season. Guarantee and free insurance, as
usual with each ring. We have the Diamondyott
want at the price you have in mind. We invite youf
to come in and see these new rings.
At last we have received a nice assortn'lent of .
earrings. All new styles, shapes and sizes, in gold or
sterling silver. Priced $1,00 to $3.50 pair.
Government purchase Tax Extra
Also new stock of Lighters and Combinations;
Watches, Corn Flower Crystal and a few new Chests! •
of Silver"ware.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half, a
Century in Huron County
The Women of Clinton Red Cross
and its Units were entertained very
profitably last Tuesd'ay Evening
when they gathered to hear Mrs: A.
C. McKenzie and Mrs. Hugh Camp-
bell tell of their work and ecperience
in the field of the Nursing Emer-
gency Reserve. The program, open-
ed with the singing of 0 Canada,
was most entertaining and enjoyable.
Each unit was represented, a pre -
port of their year's work, and we are
looking forward to a much finer
year than our Red Cross has yet ex-
perienced. Goderich No. 4, under the
Ieadeership of Mrs. Frank Jones:has
sent in 202 articles, and their share
on the program was a duet by Shir-
ley Jones and Grace Lobb. Porter's
Hill, with Mrs. Alvin Betties as their
President, reported 122 finished ar-
ticles, and from them we were favor-
ed by a solo from Miss Jane Mary
Snell. Goderich South, Mrs. Wilfred
Colclough, President, have sent in
348 articles, and we enjoyed a solo
from Miss June Middleton. Tucker -
smith, under the new leadership of
Mrs. Gregor McGregor, reported 104
artie .
is They had
Y the honor of being
represented by Beverley Boyes the
4 year old soloist who did so well at
the recent music Festival in Gode-
rich. Summerhill have sent in 155
items, and they were represented by
their president Mrs. Osbaldeston,
giving a reading which was greatly
enjoyed. Holmesville, with Mrs. Bill
Jervis as leader, have sent in 327
articles, and we are indebted to them
for the very fine solo from Miss
Wilhelmine Trewartha. Our Evening
Auxiliary, under Mrs. Harold Law-
son, . showed excellent work in Hos-
pital supplies, quilts and knitting,
and we wore favoured with a delight-
ful solo from Miss Jean Morgan.
Clinton nt n Unit showed a marked in-
crease in all branches and we sin-
cerely thank all our faithful workers.
Our work must go on -We cannot
fail our boys -After the reading of ` a
,"Prayer for Victory" by our Presi
dent, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, sincere
thanks were extended to all who had
helped to make the evening such a
success. The Silver Collection for our
Blood Donor Clinic amounted to
$10.80. The .meeting adjourned with
the singing of "God Save The King".
First, Aid Classes and Practical
Demonstrations in Home Nursing are
being carried on weekly under the
supervision of our Graduate Nurses.
"It is so much better to be ready and
not, go than to be called and not be
Don't forget your Fat Free Break-
fast and. Appointment at our next
Blood Donor Clinic, May 30th,
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Routledge of
Listowel, announce the engagement.
of their only daughter, Gwndolwyn
D., to Pte. John B. Levis, Hamilton,
younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Levis of Clinton.The marriage will
take place early in June.
Softball News
The Clinton Juveniles won their
third successive game of the season
last Friday night when they defeat-
ed Blyth 24
to 9. Thesch
e l
ca is
for Londesboro at Clinton on Friday,
May 26th, and Seaforth on Wednes-
day, May 31st, The Clinton line-up
is ,as' follows: Alex Kennedy, Bob Mil-
ler, Jerry Elliott, Bob Hanley, Leon-
ard Johnson, Charles Hanley, Frank
Fingland, ,Roy Churchill, Bill Freer,
John McIntyre, Ross Dining and Bob
Blood Donors Clinic 1Vfay 30
Don't forget the Blood Donor Clin-
ic for Clinton and vicinity in Wesley
Willis Church on Tuesday, May 80,
in the, forenoon.
We need more donors. Enlist your
Services • with 11T. T. Corless, Town
Clerk, A. J. MoMnrray', Clinton or J.
E. Jacobs, Clinton. Will you help
the .invasion with your blood? "If
you can't be a corporal be a corpu-
scle." Clinton Branch of the Canadian
Red Cross,'
Any donations of jar" for the
Clinic will be very welcome. Please
leave with Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. Hanley
or bring to the church.
The New Era Est. 1867
THURSDAY MAY 25th, 1944
Bride -Elect Honoured
Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead, Mrs. Eva
Noble and Mrs. Sid Jones entertained
about sixteen guests at afternoon
tea at Mrs, Aikenhead's home in Lon-
don for Miss Gladys Radford, bride -
elect, and daughter of •Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Radford of Clinton. Mrs. Rose
Watters poured tea.
Miss Radford was presented with a
table lamp and a vase.
M. J. Snider Appointed
Melvin J. Snider, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Snider of Clinton and for
the past three years chief armament
instructor at No. 12 Elementary Ply-
ing Training School at Sky Harbor,
has been appointed principal of Vic-
toria public School, Goderich, succeed-
ing the late Roy Stonehouse.
Mr. Snider has been a member of
the Royal Canadian Air Force for
close to four years. Before enlisting
he had taughteschooi near Wingham
and was en the staff of the Clinton
Public School.
The board received eighty applica-
tions for the vacancy.
The regular meeting was held
Monday night in St. Paul's parish
hall with the president, Lion Dick
Jacob in charge. After reading the
minutes of the last meeting, Beare -
tory, Lion Doug Ball, read a letter
of appreciation from Mrs, Fred Ford
on behalf of the Navy League, thank-
ing the Club for a donation of $110.00
Four new members were received
Rev. R. M. P. Buiteel, new rector of
St. Paul's Church; Ft./Lt. Bert
Stoughton, R. C, A. F. Station.
Clinton, R. E. Shaddick, Reeve of
Hensall; and Mr, Orval Lobb, merch-
ant of Clinton.
Lion "Red Garon reported on, work
being accomplished with the Boy
Scouts and Girl Guides. The program
consisted of nomination of officers
for the coming year.
The meeting closed by singing of
"0 Canada" and giving the Lions
V -
St. Paul's Church
11.00 A. M. Morning Service.
7.00 P. M. Evensong. •
Wednesday, May 31st Board .of
Management 8.00 P. M.
Presbyterian Church
10.00 A. M. Sunday School
11.00 A. Id. Divilre Service Subject,
"The Altar amid the Ruins".
Everyone welcome to worship with
Ontario Street United Church
Group No. 2 of the W.M.S. will
hold a quilting, sale .of plants and
homemade baking, and serve after-
noon tea, in the basement of the.
church on Friday, May 26th,
Evangelistic Centre
God is blessing and we feel that
soon an OId fashioned Revival will
sweep this partof the country. When.
men and women will fall on their
knees and ask God to save them from
their sins. Come and hear the Gospel
preached in all it's fullness.
Services Sunday -2.30 Sunday School.
8.30 Evengelistie Service
Thursday 8,00 Prayer and Bible
Friday 7.30 Children's Service.
Remember and be with us,
Ontario Street United. Church
10.00 a. m. Sunday School.
11.00 a. in. The Qualifications of
Entrance intethe Kingdom of God.
"How Hardly" -- "Though I Give"
Chiildren's _ Talk -..Children's Hymn.
2.00 p. m. Tuckersmitir: Turner's
Church Worship and Sunday School.
7.00 p. in. "Moving Mountains".
Doubt frustrates -Belief .moves peo-
Ne to aetion-."For He that wavereth
is like"- Doing :the Impossible.
Thursday June lst 8.00 Prayer at
the Appointed Church for the Nation.
Baptist Church
Worship Service at 7 ,o'clock in the
evening. It is expected that Rev.
C. C. Anderson of Toronto will be the
Sunday School at 11 o'clock.
Thursday, prayer ''service at the
church, everybody welcome.
Tuesday, May 30th, Ladies Aid will
meet in the church at 7.30 p. m. Key.
word is. "prayer". All ladies are cor-
dially invited; 0
Rules of the Road
We have been asked ''by Chief of
Police Fremlin to publish the follow-
ing from The Highway Traffic Act,
and to ask all citizens to govern
themselves accordingly. •
No person while riding on a bicycle
shall attach the bicycle to or take
hold of any other vehicle for the pur-
pose of being drawn along a high-
No person riding on a bicycle de.
signed for carrying one person only
shall carry any other person bheron.
No vehicle shall, follow any fire
department vehicle when responding
to an alarm at a distance of less than
five hundred! feet.
Also, keep, off the sidewalks, boys
and girls with your 'bicycles, and
save your dad the price of a War
Savings Certificate. This bicycle by-
law is in force continuously from
year to year, and does not require
publication to make you liable for a
Truck Catches on Fire in
Smoke was seen by neighbors is-
suing from the interior of a Canada
Packers warehouse on Ring street
last Thursday evening about 7 o'-
clock. In answer to the siren's wailing
the Clinton Fire Brigade, found the
big ereant and produce cargo truck
on fire. The cab was burned down to
and through the floor exposing the
gas tank before the fire was extin-
guished. The walls of the warehouse
werescorched also and many panes of
glass were forced, out by the pressure
of the fire hose,
That the fire was discovered by
neighbors and the alarm given at
once prevented• a serious fire. If the
fire had gained much headway before
being noticed it would have endanger-
ed, perhaps ruined, the whole block,
which contains, Epps Sport Shop,
Leslie Ball's auto parts shop, and
Reeve Falconer's fuel supply, mill
and yards.
It is understood that the company
trucks are insured against all haz-
Mrs. J. D. Thorndike recently re-
ceived word from her husband Cpl.
Douglas Thorndike,' of the R.C.A.F.,
informing her of his safe arrival at
his destination.
P. 0. Cameron Proctor of Maitland
N. S., was a visitor at his home here
last week end.
According to advice received at No.
1 District Depot at London, the
troops returning to Canada aboard a
hospital ship include Tpr. G. K.
Baker, son of Mrs, Laura Baker of
Wingham, and Tpr. Leslie 7. ,Riley,
son of Francis B. Riley of Goderich.
Overseas Addresses: W1089 Pte. E.
Neilans, C.W.A.C., No. 1 Static Basic
Laundry, R.C.O.C., Canadian Army
Lieut. J. W. Counter, R. C. N. V1.11
H.M.C.M.T.B. 745, % Can. F.M.O.,
54 Haymarket, London, S.W.I.; Eng.
Lieut. Counter, who is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Counter of Clinton,
was recently promoted to therank of
Lieutenant,' only five days before, his
21st birthday.
If you have friends, a husband or
father overseas we would appreciate
receiving their address, as we have
heard from numerous boys that they
like this column, and the overseas
addresses is the best idea yet.
A48562, Spr, W. H. Cudmore, 4th
Field Park Squadron, R. C. E:, C. A.,
0/Sinn.' Grant Bisbaek has been
transferred to H. M. C. S. Corn -
Wallis at New Brooke, Nova Scotia,
for further training.
Tpr. Harold Fremlin of Camp Bor-
den is spending leave with Mrs.
Fremlin, and his 'parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Theo. Fremlin of town.
Pilot Officer Dorkald Sundercock,
R.C.A.F., only son of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Sundercock of Blyth, was
killed inan air crash while on opera-
tions on the west coast, according to
word received Monday by his par-
ents. P. 0. Sundercock was an only
son and the •whole comnurnity was
saddened to learn of his" death. The
young man, who was in his 20's had
lived all his life in this district be-
fore joining the air force.
L.A.C. Stewart Cook of Gaspe',
Quebec, and Mrs. Cook of London are
at the (family cottage in Bayfield.
Red Wings Sign Chin LOCAL ITEMS
• Brothers The many
friends s of
Mrs. Albert.
'Palmer,mr i '1
who s still in Clinton Detroit Red Wings of the National n Bibby
Hospital, wish her a speedy recovery
Hockey League on Monday signed after her recent operation. •
the three Chin brothers o£ 'nearby The students, of the ShopWork and'.
Lucicnow and they will report for fall
training ina October, it has been learn_ Flame.Eeoa spring
• classes of the C.C.'.
will hold .a spring display in the
ed. •, Collegiate .Auditorium Friday even -
The brothers, whose parents were ing May 26th, from 7.30 to 9.30
born in China were a hi h -scoring o
trio as a 'forward line with Lueknow o'clock. Teanwill beo served in the
Maple Leafs in the Ontario Minor e Economics room; everybody.
Hockey Association 0 juvenile series..
William Chin, 17, was born 'in New -1 The News -Record -would appreciate
market, Ont., while Albert, 16, was any issues of May 18th, not in use.
born in Hong King while his parents • V
Were visiting their native land.
George, 15, was born in Lucknow, Fourteen Babies Baptised'
They have 11 brothers and sisters.
The Chin brothers have played en I Administration of the rot of infant.
Clinton ice within the past few years baptism featured the Mother's Day
and. many citizens` will recall there Day services in the United churches •
as being a fast and clean playing here on Sunday. Rev. G. G. Burton,.
line. administered baptism for the fellow
Ving babies in Ontario Street Church.
Janet Elizabeth, infant daughter of '
Londesboro Church Unveils Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin; Gail
Vivian, infant daughter of Mr. and:
Honour Roll ,Mrs. A. M., Orpen; Effie Elizabeth„
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs_
The unveiling and dedication of the Harry R. Plumsteel; Paul Eric, in -
Honour Roll was carried.out in the fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J; A. Petrie;
church on Sunday in an impressive Emily May and Myrtle Elizabeth,.
service. The church was decorated daughters of. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
with flags and bunting. The pastor, ; E, Collins; Beverley Roy, infant son.
Rev. A. E. Menzies was in charge 01.41
the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Crich; Will-
iam Benjamin, infant son of Mr. and
given by FIying Officer Lodge of Mrs. D'Arey Rathwell; William Hen -
the Pt. Albert Navigation School. I ry John, infant son of A.c, 1 and Mrs
The Honour Roll, which is of beauti- Frederick J. Chown, R C. A. F.
fully grained wood, on which the 1 The pastor, Rev. Andrew Lane, of
names and insignia in bronze have Wesley Willis United Church, admin -
been placed, was' unveiled by Mrs. istered the baptismal sacrament to:
Laura Saundercock, who is the Douglas Bruce and Donald James,.
mother of one of the boys whose infant twin sons of Mr. and Mrs..
name is on the .Roll, and.who is also Arthur Griffiths; Richard. Keith, in-.
the President of the Woman's As- fent son of Sgt. and Mrs. W. 3. Hos-.
sociation, which organization was king; William Robert Glendon, in -
instrumental in securing it. The Punt son of Sgt. and Mrs. Robert
musical part of the service was in Glendon Griffith; Anita Carole, int
charge of the organist and choir on
daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. Roy
leader Mrs. Menzies, and consisted Crosson.
of an anthem "God Bless the Shores
of England", a solo "The Lost Chord" ! V 7
by Corporal. Comet of the Clinton ,, Young People Hold
Radio School and a vocal duet "My
own dear land" by Miss Wallcom and Successful Convention but
Mrs. Menzies. Four local Boy Scouts ; Wesley Willis Church
Donald and Edward McNall and
Beecher and Alexander Menzies acted The 20th Annual convention' of
as ashers and presented a rose bud I•luron Presbytery Y. P. U. of the
on ,behalf of each name on the Hon- United Church of Canada was held in
our Roll to the mother or nearest of Wesley -Willis United Church, Olin-.
kin. The names on the Roll are: ton on Wednesday May 17. Theme-,
C. G. Bali; J. M. Brunsdon; G. W. Building the Kingdom of God To-.
Cowan; W, L. Caldwell; J. K. Clarke; day :For To -Morrow. President Ben -
E. A. Fothergill; E. Garrett; J. G. son Sutter, presided,
Little; W. W. Lloyd; C. R. McLean; Registration was in charge of Mrs..
W. J. Riley; R. N. Radford; L. C. Robert Montgomery assisted by
Radford; W. N. Ross; T. A. Ross; Mary Lane and Eileen Sutter.
W. D. Sprung; 3. W. Sprung; J. C., Attendance of over 200 front
Saundercock, R. J. Snell; R. K. Scott; Exeter, Brueefield, Egmondville,
W. L. Vodden; R. A, Vodden and S. Seaforth, Walton, Ethel, Bluevaie,
E. 'Yungblutt, T. M. Little; W. H. Blyth, Londesboro, Ebenezer, Goshen,,
Little. Goderich, Benmlller, Auburn, White -
Next Sunday the pastor will speak church and Clinton.
on the subject "Our debt to the men Opening worship was conducted by
of the Honour Roll" tcontinued on page 41
Huron Finishes Over the Top
Huron once more has come
through with 'an oversubscription of
the war loan. With final returns
tabulated for thesixthVictory Loan
and the total for the county is $3,310-
880, over a quarter of a million in
excess of the quota of $3,060,000, All
but four of the twenty-six canvass-
ing districts exceeded their quota:
Reviewing ewin
the cam,paign, Count
Organizer Vandewater, had high
praise for the new •salesmen; those
who . sold bonds for the first time.
There had been much winter sick-
ness and as a consequence many
casualties among the organization's.
personnel. Things had looked bine,
and for the greater part of the cam-
paign returns were disappointing„
but in the home stretch many of the
new salesmen came through with ,a.
Final returns by canvassing dia •
tricts are published below
Wawanosh W.
Tuckersmith Twp.
Zurich and. Hay W.
Godorich Twp.
Turnberry Twp.
Howiek Twp.
Usborne Twp.
Hullett Twp.
Goderich Town
Colborne Twp.
Stanley Twp.
Wawaarosh E.
Ashfield Twp.
McKillop Twp.
Grey Twp.
Morris Twp.
Hensall and Hay E.
Stephen E.
Stephen W.
Air Schools
$ 67,000 85,850
98,000 124,700
88,000 101,800
74,000 85,300
82,000 91,650
74,000 81,900
220,000 240,350
163,000 . 178,000
97,000 104,650
176,000. 187,950
98,000 103,100
425,000 446,050
04,000 67,150 -.
45,000 46,050
147,000 149,150
99,000 100,350
187,000 189,350
67,000, : 67,650
100,000 100,700
98,000 , 98,550
114,000 114,600
91,000 91,100
98,000 89,650
64,0G0 57,300
64,000 51,550
160,000 261,900
3,060,000 3,31'0,850' -
Percentage ,of quota for County
100.10 '.