HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-05-18, Page 8PAGE 8 ME CLD1TON; NEWS -RECORD \, LIp A tors VARNISHES ENAMELS (EN Starts whiter .. Stays whiter.... TRUTONE WHITE PAINT Self, cleaning! Lasts longer! More economical! PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE BUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PRONE I47w. CLINTON. ONT. A Word To The Wise Some time ago we advised early buying of Men and Boy's Clothing as woolens and linings were getting more and more difficult to procure. • Again we say Buy Now - The Spring and Summer stocks are now on our racks and every day the supply is diminishing with very little prospect of replacement before the Fall Stocks arrive.• Prices remain the same and it is always a pleasure to, show goods. MEN'S SUITS $22.50 to $28.50 TOPCOATS $21.00 to $24.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam. Hata — Scott & MenaIe Shoes for Maw Agents Tip Top • Tallora. teteleietei*feteteteietetete.teteleHeleielet+.444titiettlet÷teleieieleP4.4444fietet Proclamation At the request of a Number of retail Merchant and business men of Clinton, and in Remembrance of our beloved late Queen Victoria. I PROCLAIM Wednesday, May 24th 1944 A Civic Holiday. .All citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. M. J. Agnew, Mayor, Town of Clintori God Save The King 3i'd44'4t + 4133P +'Its ieleP +.1. « 4044+04.4.1444+1.4.4et k»leteie t PORTER'S HILL gave a good report on the work done by the knitters. This month's quota On Thursday afternoon May 11, being larger but quite a lot of it the W. A. of Grace Church met ,at was taken home by the ladies. Mrs. the home of Mrs. Jim Cox with 8 Betties also looks after the packing ladies present. A quilt was finished,, I of boxes for our boys, and read two after which the meeting was held. The letters of appreciation received from meeting opened with a hymn "Breathe on me breath of God". Mrs. Jas. Lockhart read part of the 24th chapter Matthew, followed by prayer Mrs. J. Cox read the minutes' of last meeting. A discussion was held in regards to a strawberry festival but so few were present it was left over. The roll call was answered with a verse containing the word "Hope". Morris Frame and Ivan Lockhart, both serving in Italy. Tickets were sold on a gift donated by Elenor Cox and won by Mrs. Jack Gilbert. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Next meeting is at Mrs. Ray Cox's home. Mrs. Jas. Durnin, London spent Mother's Day with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Milton Woods. 'The next meeting will be held in the basement of the church June 8. The V meeting closed with the Mizpah Navy League News. benediction, On Monday, May 15th, the Red The following letter is one receiv- Cross held their meeting at the home 'ed by Wesley -Willis United Church. of Mrs, Jim Cox. 16 ladies were present and 2 quilts were quilted. The meeting was then opened, Mrs. Alvin Betties presiding. Following J. F. Chandler, C/JX 504093 % G. P. 0. London Eng. 11. M. S. Kempthorne, the Red Cross prayer in unison Mrs. Dear Mrs. Corless: John Torrance read the minutes of I Very many thanks for the ditty last meeting, these were adopted as '.bag, the contents of which will be eorrect. Mrs. Torrance, who is also very useful and handy. It isvery sewing convenor, spoke of how comforting to know 'there are such urgently needed were articles of l people as yourself who are always clothing, also quilts. The last month doing something to brighten the lives quota that had been handed out was :of the boys in the forces and I sin - pretty melt caught up with, so anoth- cerely hope, with the help of God, er months supply was handed out, that it will soon be over. I wish you mostly infants and ladies wear. The and all belonging to you the very knitting convenor, Mrs. Allan Betties best of health and happiness in the A List of a few best sell- ers from our Book Shelf: There are many more from which to choose: Come in and see our stock. While Still We Live by H. Maclnnes The Razors Edge by W. S. Maughan The Weeping Wood by Vicki' Baum The Just and the Unjust) by J. G. Cozzens The 'Sound of Wings by Arthur Goodrich Stand on a. Rainbow by M. O. Innis G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST• ALWAYS THE BEST' Miss Fannie Levis of London spent the week end at her home in town. Mr: Barry Winger, editor of the Mildmay Gazette was a visitor at the News- Record office last week. L.A.C. and Mrs. W. L. ,Caldwell of Toronto spent the week end with their parents in Clinton and Lon- desboro. - Mr. and Mrs. George Gould of To- ronto visited at his father's] Mr. and Mrs. H. W: Gould, over the week end. Miss Cora Streets has returned to Toronto after spending two months at her home here, recuperating from an operation. Mrs. Howard Williams and Miss _Betty of St. Catharines spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lebb and other relatives in town. Mrs. Frank McElwain of Lindsay spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Carrie Jervis and other rela- tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip IIeitbeimer of Stratford have purchased Mr. Robert Jervis' cottage, "Venture Inn" on Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame have opened their summer home at Bayfield and with friends have en- joyed the past two week ends there. NO. 10 Canadian General Hospital. Film Under Auspices Ladies' Guild St. Pau1t's Church PARISH' HALL THURSDAY, MAY 25th at 8 o'clock Admission 25c Some of our local boys' are port- rayed in this English setting. Come and enjoy an interesting evening and see our boys on the' screen. 96-2. PERSONALS Dr, and Mrs. II, F. Gibbs of Toronto spent the week end .at the former's home here, Miss Mae Davis, Mrs. Wilmer Wallis and, Mr. Newton. Davis attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Mrs. Free Thompson of Detroit, Mich., on Tuesday. Miss Davis is remaining in the city for a couple ' of weeks. V GODERICH TOWNSHIP The meeting of the Federation of Agriculture was held in school sec- tion No. 8 on Tuesday last with s full house present. • The meeting• was called to order by the chairman of the school section, Mr. Wm. McGuire who thanked the large gathering for coming out to the meeting. He then turned the meeting ever to the Township chair- man', Mr. Russel Colclough, who gave a brief outline of what the meeting was called for. The school children. under the direction of the teacher Miss Cantelon, gave three numbers which were much appreciated by the audience.. The chairman then called on Mr. McMurray of Clinton, who in a few well-chosen words, introduced the District Representative, Mr. Bruce Matheson, who spoke along the line of permanent pastures and test plots of grain. Mr. Jim Stirling then fav- ored the audience ;with a song, with Mrs. Win, McGuire acting as ac- companist. The Rev. John Graham of Bayfield, was next 'called on', and he spoke chiefly on larger •school areas. Mr. Geo. 'Ginn, substituted for Warden Fred Watson and he spoke on the Victory. Loan. Mr. J. Stirling was called on to introduce the school inspector Mr. Staples. Before introducing, the in- spector, he led in Community sing- ing.. Mr. Staples spoke on Town- ship school areas which war followed very closely in view of the questions that were asked by the audience. Mrs. Nelson Trewartha of Clinton' was then called on to say a few words' and in her address she remark- ed that it was thirty-eight years since she taught in No. 8, and she watt very pleased to be back to visit the old school and meet the people. The meeting which was a great success was brought to a close with :the singing of the National Anthem. Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton at- tended the annual May Day celebra- tion at Stratford Normal School on Friday. ) Miss Phyllis Middleton and Miss Marjorie Bean of New Hamburg, spent the week end with the former's parents. Attention! Ladies of the South End Red Cross Unit are reminded to sell heir tickets on the "name quilt" as e lucky draw will be made at the gular meeting to he held at the ome of Mrs. David Deeves on Wed- esday afternoon, May 31st. Mrs. Edgar Thompson of Detroit, th Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reber- re ton and daughter, Sandra of Lon- h don, were week end visitors, with n their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Todd of Brandon, th Man., who have spent the pest six ti months with Mrs. Todd's sister, T Miss Mabel Rethwell, left on Mon- g day for Victoria, B. C. They will so spend the summer with Mrs. C Cora Ballantyne, sister to Mrs. Todd. The pupils and teacher of S. S. No. 1 Goderich Township have invited e ladies of their section to a patrio- c afternoon on Friday, May 26th. here will be a program, bingo aures, fish pond and lunch will be Id. Proceeds are to go to the Red ross. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holland and Mr. J. B. Lobb, were in -Exeter on Sunday last,fattending the funeral of Mrs. EEnily Kestle Jory, relict of Elijah J. Jory, who was nearing the ninety-first anniversary of her birthday. The late Mrs. Jery. was aunt by .marriage `of Mr. Lobb's. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoggart on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weymouth, Mr. and Mrs. \ Harry Watkins and, daughter Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Tyndall, and Pte. • C'arman McPherson of the R.C.O,C. of °f London and Mrs. McPherson of tu° Stratford. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McLaren and. daughter Marion' of Goderich, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Glenn on Sunday..: Miss Alice Glenn, and Miss Barbara Graham of Waterloo spent the week end at their respective homes, The Stanley Community Club met at the home of Mrs. John McCowan on May 4th, with 12 nnem;bers and 3 visitors present. The president Mrs. N. Baird presided. Mrs. McFarlane donated a setting duck eggs and 'tickets were sold on s. Mrs, J. H. McEwen holding the eke 'ticket. $1.85 was realized. Mrs. Gsa'hain gave a reading and eater from Mrs. Jane Peaeoek was d, giving an outline of work to 'e ne before Dec. 31. Work brought consisted of 3 large quilts, 1 crib lt, 3 'children's gowns, .2 babies a1 coming year. I will appreciate it rea very mach if- you will accept the 'do sincere thanks of ' yours gratefully, in James F. Chandler, A. B. qui SPRING PLANTS1,1 for Victory Gardens Hundreds of boxes of Spring THURS., Mlty 1.8ti :1944: plants are now ready in our green- houses on Hui•on street. We are open evenings. Plants are advanc- ed and well hardened. Hyphonex 25c a tin Hyphonex Plant food. .Com- pleteand balanced with Vitamin B1 added, is again available. We are indeed glad to have this offer once more. , F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR MAY 18, 19, 20th STOKELY'S TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. tin, 9c LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD jar 9c 9c 9c CHARM, Cleans everything, pkg9c GOLDEN FLEECE' Pot cleaners each 9c CLASSIC CLEANER 2 tins . , 9c FRY'S COCOA % lb. tin 19c SUPER SUDS pkg. 19c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars, 19c SANI WHITE TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 190 RED FEATHER PUDDINGS' 2 pkgs. 19c KRAFT DINNER pkg. 19c ROMAN MEAL pkg. 29c INSTANT POSTUM Small tin29c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs. 29c ORANGES, Size 252s Doz. 43c LEMONS, Size 350s, 3 for 11e GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 3' for 19c GRAPENUT FLAKES 7 oz. pkg. WAXED PAPER 45 sheets pkg. POTATOES, Certified SEED 75 lb. Bag. SPRING TIME • Is the time to Brighten up your home, you will find a wonderful stock to select from including Mirrors, CedarrChest, Fibre Wardrobes, Chesterfield, Dining Room, Bedroom, and Breakfast Suites, Spring - filled and Felt Mattresses. Also a very large Stock of Congoleum rugs in all sizes and patterns, as well as Rexfelt, Rexoleum, Feltol and Congoleum in two and three yard widths, IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Nerve, Utililac, and the Famous Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes, Shellac, Floor Waxes, Brushes for. various • uses. It will pay you to shop here. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK BALL & ZAPFE 5 DEALERS IN GEtoreNERALPHARDoneWARE ANIS' FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAP1 E Phone 110 Phone 103 This Is House Cleaning Time • Let us show you the many aids to help make the task easier this year. Try a can of Sana Kiene — justthe thing you've been waiting for — can be used on floors. walls, woodwork and furniture. We have also on hand a good variety of polishes cleaners, Climax 2.60 Wall Paper Cleaner and Waxes for your needs. Call in and see our stock to -day. T. A. THOMPSON DANCE Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th. Its lots of fun dancing at the grove pavillion. Join in the first big dance of the season. Jimmy Hill and 'His R. C. A. F. Spotlight Band Dancing Every Wednesday evening during May and June. E. R. Weston, Manager. 97-1 DANCE Under the auspices, of the Summerhil Hall Board in Londesboro Community Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 19th, Music by "The Rhythmaires" Admission 35 cents 1 Everybody Welcome 97-1 gowns, 17 .pr. socks, 1 pr. mitts', 1 helmet, 1 man's used suit, size 40, 1 ladies used knitted suit, size 38. Mrs, Ed. Glenn was instructed to send cigarettes to the local boys overseas, this month, and a shower of articles is asked for the June meet- ing for overseas boxes. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter:Moffat when election of officers' Tor the coming year will take place, the roll call to be 'answered by " How each mem- ber managed on her canning sugar ration in 1943". • The meeting closed by the singing of the National Anthem and, Mrs. Mrs, McCowan and; her group served lunch. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS CANADA SEAL Herring 2 for 19c OXFORD INN or HABITANT Soup 2 for 19c GRAN, SUGAR 3 lbs. for . , 25e ROUND GRAIN RICE 2 lbs for 25c SUCCESS LIQUID' WAX 59e SUCCESS! PASTE WAX 32c 4 bars P. & G., PEARL, or LONDON SOAP 22c LIQUID AMMONIA 10e FLY-TOX, For flies, moths 25c & 45e LA FRANCE' BLUE 15e SATINA 7c EATMGRE WHEAT BERRIES 5 Ib bag 25c CLIMAX WALLPAPER Cleaner 39c WHEAT PUFFS 1 bushel 45c WHEAT PUFFS r/a bushel 25c WHEAT PUFFS 14 bushel 150 GRAPE FRUIT -112s 4 for . , , 25c SWEET .JUICY NAVEL ORANGES 344s 2 dos 65c ASPARAGUS, TOMATOES, CARROTS W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Money to Loan on. first Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop'pay- ing rent and to buy a farm. Write us if youhave been think- ing about it. We may be able to yelp you with a loan. A11 inquiries treated confidenti- ally. Hurorn&Erie !—'0 FCAGE CORPORATION London Windsor 1St. Thomas Chatham. May 18 to 20th Oxford Inn Vegetable Soup 3 tins 25e.• Clarks' Oxtail or Asparagus soup 3 tins 25e. - KAM tin , , 35c, YORK Sandwich spread tin . , .. 15.0 LYNN VALLEY Beet Greens tin 15e Polk's Grapefruit Juice Ige tin 35e'• DALTON'S assorted puddings sweetened 2 pk. 150;. BLUEBERRIES tin , ... , , , . , , 28e . HABITANT Noodle Soup 2 pkg. 19e Champion Puppy biscuit pkg. 25e Champion Dog food pkg. 10c.: KRAFT DINNER pkg. 190 • CHEESE-A-RONI pkg. 19e Sunbrite Javel water Concentrated 1 per bottle 150 : CLUB HOUSE Coffee lb..... 49c. • FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh Wieners ib, 27e,: Fresh Sausages Ib, 25e.- Breakfast. Bacon Ib. 42ce Also a good assortment of cooked., meats. A L040 MStIN—(C0NwwA6 1055! SOAP Bar 5c Orial Lobb - Free Delivery THE` 'T nS'TORIES SPECIAL VALUES FOR MAY 19th aind 20th RED & WHITE CHICKEN CANADA SEAL gADJDEE tin ' 29c HERRING tin 100 CURLING DRIED AYLIVIER APPLE` PEAS 2 pkgs. 27c JUICE bottle-, 15c WALKERS SODA1S pkg. 15c eAtuttiAs pH* CATELLI'S Chees-a-Roni , pkg. ' 19c SWIFT'S PURE, LARD;. pkg. 17c s. e J ++""" QUALITY .° COFFEE , 4 e lb. bag. 39c ROBIN HOOD A er SUNBURY OATS TEA 5 lb. bag 29c CAKE Sc 1/2 lb. pkg. 37:c RED and WHITE' TABLE' LIBBY'S VEGETABLE' SALT 2 for 15c! SOUP tin 10c GOLD MEDAL TOMATO LAZENBY'S CHEF' JUICE tin 13c SAUCE bottle 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES •. ASPARAGUS — SPINACH — CELERY — LETTUCE — CUKES`'` BEETS — PINEAPPLE --TOMATOES' — TIPPLES — RADISH CALIFORNIA LA's NEW TEXAS LEMONS 3 for 313c ONIONS 2 lbs.KING o 19a MARSH SEEDLESS 126's New California Bunched GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 25e CARROTS 3 lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA JUICY 288's• NEW TEXAS .GREEN ORANGES doz. 39a CABBAGE 3 lbs. 22c Ce M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS —.CLINTON plants are now ready in our green- houses on Hui•on street. We are open evenings. Plants are advanc- ed and well hardened. Hyphonex 25c a tin Hyphonex Plant food. .Com- pleteand balanced with Vitamin B1 added, is again available. We are indeed glad to have this offer once more. , F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR MAY 18, 19, 20th STOKELY'S TOMATO SOUP 10 oz. tin, 9c LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD jar 9c 9c 9c CHARM, Cleans everything, pkg9c GOLDEN FLEECE' Pot cleaners each 9c CLASSIC CLEANER 2 tins . , 9c FRY'S COCOA % lb. tin 19c SUPER SUDS pkg. 19c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars, 19c SANI WHITE TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 190 RED FEATHER PUDDINGS' 2 pkgs. 19c KRAFT DINNER pkg. 19c ROMAN MEAL pkg. 29c INSTANT POSTUM Small tin29c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs. 29c ORANGES, Size 252s Doz. 43c LEMONS, Size 350s, 3 for 11e GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 3' for 19c GRAPENUT FLAKES 7 oz. pkg. WAXED PAPER 45 sheets pkg. POTATOES, Certified SEED 75 lb. Bag. SPRING TIME • Is the time to Brighten up your home, you will find a wonderful stock to select from including Mirrors, CedarrChest, Fibre Wardrobes, Chesterfield, Dining Room, Bedroom, and Breakfast Suites, Spring - filled and Felt Mattresses. Also a very large Stock of Congoleum rugs in all sizes and patterns, as well as Rexfelt, Rexoleum, Feltol and Congoleum in two and three yard widths, IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Nerve, Utililac, and the Famous Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes, Shellac, Floor Waxes, Brushes for. various • uses. It will pay you to shop here. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK BALL & ZAPFE 5 DEALERS IN GEtoreNERALPHARDoneWARE ANIS' FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAP1 E Phone 110 Phone 103 This Is House Cleaning Time • Let us show you the many aids to help make the task easier this year. Try a can of Sana Kiene — justthe thing you've been waiting for — can be used on floors. walls, woodwork and furniture. We have also on hand a good variety of polishes cleaners, Climax 2.60 Wall Paper Cleaner and Waxes for your needs. Call in and see our stock to -day. T. A. THOMPSON DANCE Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th. Its lots of fun dancing at the grove pavillion. Join in the first big dance of the season. Jimmy Hill and 'His R. C. A. F. Spotlight Band Dancing Every Wednesday evening during May and June. E. R. Weston, Manager. 97-1 DANCE Under the auspices, of the Summerhil Hall Board in Londesboro Community Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 19th, Music by "The Rhythmaires" Admission 35 cents 1 Everybody Welcome 97-1 gowns, 17 .pr. socks, 1 pr. mitts', 1 helmet, 1 man's used suit, size 40, 1 ladies used knitted suit, size 38. Mrs, Ed. Glenn was instructed to send cigarettes to the local boys overseas, this month, and a shower of articles is asked for the June meet- ing for overseas boxes. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter:Moffat when election of officers' Tor the coming year will take place, the roll call to be 'answered by " How each mem- ber managed on her canning sugar ration in 1943". • The meeting closed by the singing of the National Anthem and, Mrs. Mrs, McCowan and; her group served lunch. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 WEEK END SPECIALS CANADA SEAL Herring 2 for 19c OXFORD INN or HABITANT Soup 2 for 19c GRAN, SUGAR 3 lbs. for . , 25e ROUND GRAIN RICE 2 lbs for 25c SUCCESS LIQUID' WAX 59e SUCCESS! PASTE WAX 32c 4 bars P. & G., PEARL, or LONDON SOAP 22c LIQUID AMMONIA 10e FLY-TOX, For flies, moths 25c & 45e LA FRANCE' BLUE 15e SATINA 7c EATMGRE WHEAT BERRIES 5 Ib bag 25c CLIMAX WALLPAPER Cleaner 39c WHEAT PUFFS 1 bushel 45c WHEAT PUFFS r/a bushel 25c WHEAT PUFFS 14 bushel 150 GRAPE FRUIT -112s 4 for . , , 25c SWEET .JUICY NAVEL ORANGES 344s 2 dos 65c ASPARAGUS, TOMATOES, CARROTS W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Money to Loan on. first Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop'pay- ing rent and to buy a farm. Write us if youhave been think- ing about it. We may be able to yelp you with a loan. A11 inquiries treated confidenti- ally. Hurorn&Erie !—'0 FCAGE CORPORATION London Windsor 1St. Thomas Chatham. May 18 to 20th Oxford Inn Vegetable Soup 3 tins 25e.• Clarks' Oxtail or Asparagus soup 3 tins 25e. - KAM tin , , 35c, YORK Sandwich spread tin . , .. 15.0 LYNN VALLEY Beet Greens tin 15e Polk's Grapefruit Juice Ige tin 35e'• DALTON'S assorted puddings sweetened 2 pk. 150;. BLUEBERRIES tin , ... , , , . , , 28e . HABITANT Noodle Soup 2 pkg. 19e Champion Puppy biscuit pkg. 25e Champion Dog food pkg. 10c.: KRAFT DINNER pkg. 190 • CHEESE-A-RONI pkg. 19e Sunbrite Javel water Concentrated 1 per bottle 150 : CLUB HOUSE Coffee lb..... 49c. • FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Fresh Wieners ib, 27e,: Fresh Sausages Ib, 25e.- Breakfast. Bacon Ib. 42ce Also a good assortment of cooked., meats. A L040 MStIN—(C0NwwA6 1055! SOAP Bar 5c Orial Lobb - Free Delivery