HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-05-18, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Eet. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The . Clinton No. 6197 - 66th YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO New Era THURSDAY MAY 18th 1944 ISE BUY IN STORES T00.!. That's why we are trying more than Ever to Please you,, As jewelers we are retailers but we also are retail customers for other Merchandise: Like you, we have experienced disappointments in learning some articles are not available. now. Consequently we are alert to the shopping situation, anxious to hold your good will. You will findus ready with helpful suggestions, friendliness and best possible service. W. H. HELLYAR JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RESIDENDOE PHONE 174j 11 Smart New Dresses IN ONE AND TWO-PIECERS Misses' Sizes 12 to 20 You'll be surprised at the great Variety in Materials and Styles, As well as the attractively low prices at which they are marked. 1 Piece Dresses $3.50 to $10.95 .2 Piece Dresses $4.75 to $10.95 . 9 i V. IRWIN DIAMONDS A complete new stock of Bluebird Diamond Rings now on display. See all the grand new sett'ingS for this season. Guarantee and free insurance, as usual with each ring. We have the Diamond yotl want at the price you have in mind. We invite you to come in and see these new .rings. EARRINGS At last we have received a nice assortment ofI earrings. All new styles, shapes and sizes, in gold or sterling silver. Priced $1.00 to $3.50 pair. Government purchase Tax Extra Also new stock of Lighters and Combinations4 • Watches,Corn Flower Crystal and a few new Chests, of Silverware. W. N.COUNTER Counters for. Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County RED CROSS NOTES Thera' will be a meeting in the council chamber, Friday Evening May, 19th, at 7.30 ,p. m. for all those who are desirous of joining a class in "First Aid". We would also like to meet those who have been enrolled in'any Home Nursing Class eine& the beginning of the War.. We are very anxious to contact all who are inter- ested in carrying on this work for the duration and post war period: Be sure to be with us. We have secured very suitable quarters to carry on our classes and demonstrations andwe feel sure you will enjoy yourself.'Our Nurses have all recently taken Re- fresher Courses and are equipped to bring you the most modern methods Plan to attend Friday Night May 19th, at 7.30 p.m. Our 9th BIood Donor Clinic is due on May 30th. Have you signed up yet? "Canada has never stood so high in the affection of the British People as she does to -day. The reasons are var- ied. First fact is that in 1940 when Britain stood brave and lonely againe the enemy, only Canada had soldiers in the United Kingdom. Second,, the efficiency and speed with which the Red Cross got into action at the time of the blitz, plus the creation of other agencies to provide supplies, was something which made a tremen- dous impact on the British People. Their homes were being destroyed, their normal service disrupted, and in thousands of cases the Canadian Red Cross was there with emergency help, canteens, blankets, clothing, Medical aid. When Britain needed help most, it was Canada that provided the things the common people most need- ed This is not forgotten". Let us not fall down on our reputation, but keep the work 'coming in till it's over, over there. 1.0 The New Era Est. 1867 THE HOME PAPER F.'0. Toni ' Cooke Awarded D. Fr C. Flying Officer Tom Cooke,' R.C. A,F.' who is home ` on special leave with :Mrs. Cooke in. Dauphin, Mani - tibia, sent the following telegram to his parents, •Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke of Clinton;' • of news which he has just received from his Squad- ron in Iceland, Quote. ,"Recognition of devotion to duty in the execution of air operations against enemy, the King has been gra iotisly pleased to approve the ewari of the Distin- guished 'Flying Crass. The Squadron congratulates' you' No particultirs aknown. yet as to why the award wa& given. Vl Engagements Announced v• Clinton Girls Win Prizes at Western , Two Clinton girls, Misses Phyllis: Herman and Joan Sloman, who have just finished their first year at the University of Western Ontario, have been awarded three prizes. Miss Her- man won the Gordon McIntosh prize in Speech Education, and second prize in Latin. She is the younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman of town. Miss Sloman, who is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slo- man of Capreol, won the W. W. Tam- blyn Prize in second year, English Composition. Both girls are now here and will work during their vacations: 1 V Mrs. J. F. Atkinson: . of London, wishes to announce the engagement of her youngest daughter, Lorraine Eleanor to Sgt. iCecil R. Holmes, C,A,D,C, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. W. S. R. Itghnes of Clinton. The wedding will take place June 10 at 4 o'cloek at Dundas Centre United Church, London, Ontario. 64 Year Old Newspaper Mr. John ` Mulholland brought an old newspaper into our office on Friday, an issue of the Clinton New Era, Thursday, December 2nd, 1880. Except for the paper being brittle it is in very good condition and makes very interesting reading. At that time the New Era was published by Mr. E. Holmes and Son, and it was also called quite frequently, Centre Huron General Advertiser. The 64 year old advertising 'looks almost comical to us but we understand it brought results the same then as to- day. The only merchant advertising, still in business today was, Plumsteel Bros., then run by the late Henry PIumsteel. v. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Shilton an- nounce the engagentent of their daughter, Margaret Catharine, to Rev. Robt. A. G, Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John; Passmore, Hen sail, in Sherbourne United Church, Toronto, on Friday, May 19th, at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor an nounce the engagement of their elder daughter, Margaret Lucas, to Earl Joseph Reynolds, ; youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Reynolds of Hullett Township. The wedding will take place early in June. Mr. and, Mrs. Orval Rapson, Lon desboro, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Leona Grace, to Clare Gordon McBride, son of Mr. and ilrrs. James McBride of Zurich. The wedding will, take place this month. Victoria Day As will be noticed in the procla- mation elsewhere in this issue, Vic- toria Day, May 241k, will be observ- ed as a holiday in Clinton. A nice holiday will come in handy about that time, especially if you are a gardener. v Missionary to Canadian West Miss Wilhelmine Trewartha, who en May 5th, graduated from the United Church Training School at Toronto, and is now visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Tre- wartha of town, will leave for the Canadian West to do missionary work. Miss Trewartha, who works under the Women's Missionary Soc- iety of the United Church will be 'doing rural work among" Ukrainians, Scandinavians, Indians and . English settlers. Her work will include hold- ing Sunday school and worship ser- vices in the homes as there are no churches, and she will live in Vilna, about 75 miles north east of Edmc$- Ston. Miss Trewartha is spending two months. in Toronto doing school vaca- tion work, but will leave in August for her new work, where she hopes to be stationed for the next four years. ° Moving to Exeter Mr. and Mrs, John. T. McKnight, residents of Victoria Street, have purchased a home in Exeter, known as the White property on Main street. Mr. McKnight and, family have been . residents of Clinton for fifteen years, and citizens will be sor- ry to see them leave our midst. It was in 1929 that Mr. McKnight moved in- to tower from his farm . three •miles south of Clinton and started the grocery business known as "J. T. McKnight and Son", which they con- tinued to run until 1936 when they sold out to T. R. Thompson,„ who is still in possession. For the past few years Mr: McKnight has been in charge of the John B. Mustard Coal Company in town. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight have a family of two sons and one daughter, all married; Mrs. Lloyd Batkin of the London Road; Glen McKnight, with the Massey -Harris Company in Nice - ter and Captain Leonard McKnight, stationed at Woodstock. ..,v. New Manager of Royal Bank' J. GEORGE McLAY who has been appointed manager of the local branch of the Royal Bank This news is being . well received heie, where he and Mrs. MeLay are well known, he being the accountant in this branch for five years previ- ous to his transfer to the Niagara Falls centre branch. He took over the management here on Friday. Mr. McLay started his banking career in the branch in Ripley, his home town, and he is a son of Mrs. McLay of. St. Catharines and the late John McLay, a former employee of the Canadian National Railways at Ripley. He has served in a number of branches, in regular . sequence of advancement, including St. Marys, Woodstock, Clinton and Niagara Falls Centre, prior to his recent ap- pointment. Mr. McLay is being warmly wel- comed back to Clinton by patrons of the bank as well as by residents of this community at large where dur- ing his former residence he took an etistc,.,pant„iirNpat ,iotie and q111nun-. ity welfare work. Mrs. McLay, who was formerly Burnie Lancaster of St. Marys, is a talented reader and dra- matist, and she was generous in her contributions to patriotic, welfare and church concert programs while here. • They will find their former places open to them. Mrs. McLay and small daughter, Katherine, will join Mr. MeLay here as soon as housing accommodation can be procured. v Auburn Couple Trampled Y: P. U. Anniversary On Sunday, May 17th the members of . Brucefield Young People's Union held their anniversary services,. Rev. Harold Snell, of Auburn, was guest speaker as both services. Mr. Snell's themes, "Youth Holds the Key," and. "A time for Greatness," were of special significance to young people. A large and appreciative congrega- tion participated in each service. The Young People's choir provided special musical. selections. Miss H. Dilling, of the choir, . took .the •soprano aolo in the anthem in the morning. Guest soloists assisted with: each service- Mr. Donald Ross, of Auburn, being present at the morning service, and Mrs. R. Stewart,' of Seaforth being present at the evening service. Mrs. Stewart's mother, Mrs. (Rev) Work- man, accompanied her. On Monday evening, a number of Goshen young people, at the invita- tion of Brucefield Y. P. U. presented a :play entitled, "Deacon Dubbs" The play was well produced and well re- ceived. PROCLAMATION Due to the forth -coining ,invasion of Europe it has been deemed: proper that the citizens of Clinton be called on to attend, a series of Community services of intercession for our Armed Forces. As heartily .endorsed by the Ministerial Association, services axe to be held each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock for a % hour duration,. and' in the following rotation, . Thursday evening, May 18th. Thursday evening, May 25th. Thursday evening, June 1st: Thursday evening, June 8th, Thursday evening, June 15th. and continuing until further •- St. Paul's Anglican Church - Baptist Church - Presbyterian Church. Ontario. Street United Church - Wesley -Willis. United Church notice. And further, that on the day it is established the invasion has actually taken place, The Town Bell will ring at 7.30 p.m. and the meeting for that week will •be on that day at 8 o'clock in the church appointed for that week. No solicitation should be necessary to impress upon the people of our midst the responsibility resting with then to be present at. these meetings. M: J. Agnew, Mayor, Town of Clinton. 96-2 by Mad Cow (by our Auburn Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs_ Herb Mogridge of the Base Line, Auburn narrowly es.• caped serious injury Saturday night: While attempting to drive a cow and its new born calf .from the Field to the barn the cow suddenly went mad and turned on them, knocking them down and trampling them. A neigh-, bor, 'Torrance Tabb, hearing the bellowing of the cow went to their rescue and drove off the infuriated animal. . Dr. B, C. Weir was called to the injured couple. Mr. Mogridge suffer- ed a broken lib and is badly bruised. Mrs. Mogridge received back, chest and side .injuries --both are confined to bed It is believed that had Mr. Tabb not .come to their, rescue when he did the cow would have, trampled them to death. The cow gave birth to a second calf early Sunday morning. V, - MILITARY NEWS Vernon Huller, R. C. N. V. R. Lon- don was a week end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Huller, Opl, Wesley Haddy of Camp Bor- den, R. C. A. F. visited at his home here last week end. Charlie Thompson, R. C. N. V. R. Toronto, spent: last week end at his home. Flying Officer Tom 0. • Cooke, elder son of Mr. and . Mrs. C. V. Cooke of Clinton, has been awarded. the Distinguished Flying Cross, as will be noted elsewhere in this issue. Pte. Frank Lawson with the R. C. A. S. C. is now stationed in. Debert Nova Scotia. Mrs. Clark Ball, who was the for- mer Margaret Cornish has, received word from her husband, Trooper Clark Ball, telling of his safe arrival with the R. E. G. C. E. Tpr, Ball. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball, Base Line. ' ?. i,t , To Wed Day Following Graduation Mr. Thomas Edward Hull, son of ronto on the evening of June 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram E. Hull of Calgary, AIberta, and Miss Cathleen East Cuninghame, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon W. Cuninghame of Clinton, Ontario. Marriage to take place.in Trinity College:„Cillapels'Te Both young people are University graduates. Mr. Hull is this year the winner of the Moss ,Scholarship, which is the highest 'award obtainable at the Universa, of Toronto..., .1.1100.10.1.1111111. AMONG THE CHURCHES St. Ps Sunday AfterPauAscension Holy Communion at 8.30 A. M. Morning service 11,00 A. M. Evensong 7.00 P. M. Baptist Church The Worship Service at 7 p. m. Speaker will be Sgt. McLean of the Radio School. Sunday School will be in the morn- ing at 11 o'clock. Y. P. U. at 8 p, m. on Monday even- ing. Come and enjoy all these services. A hearty welcome awaits you. Ontario Street United Church Rural Life Sunday 10.00 a. m. Sunday School. 11.00 a. in. Rural Printed Program. "Seed -Tinge and Harvest" Soloist: Pte. John Myserian, Boston, singing "The Lost.Chorcr 2.00 p: m. Turner's Church All families invited -Rural Life Service "Lessons from Nature" 7.00 p.m. "The Habits of Jesus" Tuesday May 23rd Official Board will meet. Thursday May 25th Baptist Church Weekly Prayers. Wesley -Willis Church May 21 Rural Life Sunday Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Ser- mon Subject, "God in Spring" Church School after morning wor- ship. Evening Worship, 7 o'clock Sow -1 ing Righteousness. Remember the United Service of intercession, Thursday, May 25th in the Baptist Church at 8 o'clock. V Softball Club TheClinton Juvenile Softball Club won two games from Blyth last week by 10 to 5 and 25 to 3 scores. The Clinton :team is managed and organ- ized by the boys themselves and they would appreciate any assistance from all those interested in forming a good softball team for the coming season. The next game will be held at the Collegiate growls on Friday, May 19th at 7 o'clock sharp. V L.A.C. Ken Cooke of Centralia was a visitor during the week end with Mrs. Cooke and their parents. The Navy League will meet on Monday, May 22nd at 8.15 p.sn in the Council Chamber. I'ncomple{teTotal (Shows Huron and Clinton Over Quota There was general. rejoicing at the Huron. County Victory Loan head- quarters in Goderich on Saturday night when it was found the Sixth Victory Loan objective had been reached and oversubscribed, after it had Iagged behind for several days. On the last day almost every muni- eipality took a spurt forward and the total subscriptions were $3,225,- 000 which is $165,000 over the quota. On Friday night it was learned that Clinton had reached and over- subscribed their quota by $7,650. The Air Schools. of Huron subscrib- ed to the splendid extent of 159 per cent of the quota assigned to them; and the percentage for the whole county was 105.3 per cent. •'Ottawa --Subscriptions` to Canada's Sixth. Victory Loan reached $1,292,- 105,000 Saturday -last day of the three-week campaign - establishing an all-time high as compared with returns at the same stage of last autumn's Fifth Victory Loan, which amounted to , $1,282,627,850, the National War Finance Committee an- nounced last Sunday night, Quota Ashfield ,,.. . 100,000 W. Wawanosh . 87,000' Colborne .... ., 64,000 Goderich Town 425,000, E. Wawanosh :. 67,000 ; Wingham .. .. 187,000 Turnberry .... 74,000 Howiek . , , . .. 220,000 Morris 91,000 Grey .. ..., . 114,000. Brussels " 74,000 Blyth .... 45,000 Tuckeramith 98,000 MCKiliop 98,000 Hullett . 98,000 Seaforth 163,000 i Stanley .... 99,000 Goderieh Twp. 82,000 Total 100,250 84,600 66,650 443,300 67,250 188,000 71,650 234,850 91,600 114,500 78,500 45,300 112,800 98,500 102,400 175,500 '99,000 85,550 Clinton .... .. 176,000. 183,650 Henson and Hay Err 98,000 83,700 Zurich and Hay M. 88,000 104,200 Usborne 97,000 : 103,000• Exeter .. 147,000 147,500 Stephen E. 64,000 54,850 Stephen W. ., . 64,000 43,000 Air Schools .. 160,000 253,950