Clinton News Record, 1944-05-11, Page 2PAGE 2.
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gg E. HALL
CHAPTER XIII little case containing the ring. "Oh, lthat the only- thing to do vas to re
Cherry Pyecro£t member of if you'd be so kind as to look`, new my, efforts to fled outsomething
of the n
Waafs, marries Simon' Lindon, after up this bill if you have the ledgers definite. I've tried, darling, I've
his wife, Denise, is of your brother's shop here. It means racked my .brains to 'think of some
presumably kill- i so much to me. I want to know if that thin that would
ed in a train accident. Later she dig -Ig give us a clue. But
covers Denise's, engagement ring infra is: the one he copied;" I've thought of nothing. And now ,"
a dresser drawer, which seems to fur -1 The man took the case and opened' Cherry opened her respirator. She
nish proof that Denise Slight still bo it. He looked at the .bill, "January, handed him the ring and the bill. "I
alive. Worried about this, and seek -I nineteen thirty-nine. That's a good. found something, Simon. I was at
ing more she dines with! long While , ago, isn't it? Yes, it's 'the cottage the other day. I found'
Jerry Miller, who was also in that' true I've got some of my brother's this bill. I didn't want to 'tell you un -
train wreck, Simon meets them nom- books here, but whether I've got,any til I knew for certain. Simon; dearest,
ing out ` of •a cafe and is angry. dating .as far back as that'I couldn't eyerything is all right. That was
CCherry then 'tells Simon about the say, Still, If you'll just wait a minute poor. Denise we saw that day. She'd
he•. He is very. biSi about"it and P11 go and see for you." shad this ring copied. By mistake, I
they separate, During a 24 houri leave I Cherry waited, her heart pound- expect, when she went away she was
Proprietor Cherry visits her cottage with lover- , "lg. There was a prayer in her heart. wearing the copy. Oh, Simon, don't.
al of her friends and discovers a' In a few minutes Mr. Delroy returned you see now there's no need to worry
bearing a ledger in his hand. Cherry any further?"
Fire Insurance Agent
Representing 14' Fire, Insurance
Division court Office, Clinton
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Sucoeisor to W. Brydone, S.C.
Sloan - .... Olinton, Ont.
Barrister -at -Law
•Belicitor of the Supreme Court of
Proctor in Admiralty.
Notary Public and Cenuntssioner
Offices an Bank of Montreal Building
Hoare: 2;00 to 5.00 Tuesday.
Ind Fridays.
D. 11. Mc1NNES
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours -Wed. and Sat., and by
try, Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
jeweler's bill for the ring. She plans could hardly .breathe. 1 Simon stared at the ring. Then at
to go to the jeweler and show him the "Ab here' we are! Yes, I believe Cherry. "You went to these Delroy
ring she has, to find. out whether itthisis it.". „
was an original or a copy. On arriv- people and. made sure of this?
ing she learns that the jeweler was+ He turned the heavy red leather-! "I went to that address in London
killed in an air raid. A newspaper, bound book so that Cherry could see and found the shop had been blitzed.
item gives her a new clue and she the entry. "One ring (copy of orig- It was by the merest chance that I
decides to follow it. She meets Si- inal) two pounds -ten," and beside it discovered that the stock and :the
mon, intending to take him to Dor-'the name and address:. Mrs. Simon:books had been moved down to Dor-
king to run down the clue, and • he Linden, 43 Ashdown Mansions, But king. There's a shop of the same
shocks her by saying he wants to get more important than all this, there Dame almost next door to this hotel.
into active service. was a drawing of the ring, That's why I wanted to come to
an exact description of the stones. Dorking. Oh, darling. It's terrible
Tears sprang in Cherry's eyes. The to have one's happiness built on the
"No, of course, Simon,they can't. relief was so overwhelming that she proof of another's death, but we had
refuse you," she said again. couldn't speak for a moment. Ito know. You were eight the first
"Well, that's all there is to it. "That the ring all right, Miss," time. We could never have been
happy together until we did know.
Poor Denise."
"Oh, my God!" The tone of his
voice told her his feelings. Tliey
just sat there looking at each other
across the table. After• all their
doubts and fears.. ; '
The waitress removed their plates
and asked, a trifle tartly, what sweet
they would be taking. There was rice
pudding and stewed apricots or boiled
jam roll. Cherry shook her head. "I'm
sure it's very nice, but nothing, thank
"And you, sir?"
"I won't have any either. I'll have
my bill please. And I want to send
a telegram."
"Very good, sir. I'll send the
hall porter to you."
"Who to, Simon?" asked Cherry.
"Mrs. Greene, darling. I thought
we'd go straight down there. That
Except that this was seems to be Said Mr. Delroy. "Of course that's
boiling up rather unpleasingly. 1'the oririional you've gat there."
don't want to be sticking at home l "Yes. Thank you." Oh, how ab -
in an office in Whitehall and occa- surd be would think her! She must
sionally being sent off on some per- i Pull herself together. No of course
fectly safe mission. Ishe mustn't fling her arms 'round
"I see." Her voice was low and it his neck and thank hint. What ridicu-
shook a little. But the momentary Mous notions there were in her head
panic passed. She wasn't going to these days! "Thank you," she said
be any less able to take it than allagain.
those other women. "Of course, I "Don't mention it, Miss. Only too
Simon, I see your point , entirely. pleased."
I think you're quite right, too." ! But now he was speaking to an
It wasn't really what she wanted empty . shop. Funny, he thought,
Ito say. She wanted to say, "Simon, wonder what it was all about, and
darling, don't leave me. ' I'm going why she shot off in such a hurry?
to be so scared all the time. P11 go He sighed as he took the ledger back
crazy with anxiety, I don't think again and stored it away in the safe
I've understood until this moment in his sitting room. His heart was
how terribly lucky I've been. Now, heavy. Seeing his brother's hand -
too late, I'm appreciating it." Then writing • , it had brought it all back
she knew that really, even if sIie again. Still, it didn't do any good to
were free to keep him at her side be miserable about it- Some people
she wouldn't do so, that whereas were ,bright and happy enough. That is, if it's what you would like to do?"
Licensed Auctioneer
Spei ialist in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Oounties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information' etc. write or phone
Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth,
phone 14-661. , 06-012
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont.
she'd always loved him deeply and was a comfort. That young lady who'd
fully, now there was pride Added Come in just now about that ring, for
to that love. Oh, yes, he was right instance . . upon his soul, he'd
hi following his own instincts. She never seen anyone look so radiant!
Cherry smiled: She gut ]ler hand
in his. "Oh, yes, it is! I was hoping
you'd suggest it."
wouldn't sad* a thing to deter him, in the hotel Cherry was trying not Cherry and Simon
toblurt it out too got there first.
He looked down at her and theirsuddenly. She must The head waiter same forward to
eyes met. "Bless you, my darling. wait just a little while. Simon had greet them. He knew them both. It
I knew you would 'take it like that. said he wanted to taut to her par - ,was one of their favorite restaurants.
And, Cherry . ,.:' tieularly,. indicated ,that there were
"What is it, Sinton?" things they must discuss. They had
a drink in the lounge and then went
He. hesitated, "Perhaps we'd bet- to the dining room. Simon gave their
or er. He put down the menu with
"I want a table for four, please," said
"Yes, sir." He showed them to one
ERNEST W. HUNTER ter tall. about it after
ranch But d in a far corner. He drew a chair out
my joining up is one of the reasons smile as the waitress moved away, a for Cherry.
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT I particularlywanted to seeveryexciting ' She sat down and loosened her
you "Nota lunch, I m eoaf, "This was a good idea of
57 Moor Str. W. Toronto" afraid. Tho usual roast beef."
Astonishingly quickly they reached "That'll .be all.right for ire. It'll be yours, He Simon;'
the little country town, turning into a change from the cook -house lunch "Terribly."
the main street where they drew up anyway." It was wonderful how she fSei
outside the White Lion hotel. was keeping her voice steady. In- other two,"I. Hello, here come the
"Since you spurned Burford wardly sho was bubbling with niexcite. i Amon rose to his feet as lie spoke.
Bridge," said Simon, "I suggest we ent. She felt breathless, eager. She
lunch here." was longing to tell him her news, and Cherry turned to find John and VaI-
She got put and there was the shop yet she was holding it back just a teade ableshreading their way through.the
facing her, almost next door to the little longer. toward them. "Sorry we're a
hotel. "James Delroy, Jeweler." Her Then Simon was saying, n bit behind you," said John. "We lost
y ori u
heart pounded against her - side. She remember: the last. time 1 saw yaii,'otl I"way getting' here. Can you beat
glanced at. Simon. He was busily Cherry Pie?" r"tr
locking up the car. She said quickly, "Oli, yes, Sinron, 0 . I "We were so busy talking," said
f coarse Ire-
!Valerie. "John was telling, are what
Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris I'll join you in the hotel in a minute, member.'
Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. 'viewer, Simon. I just want to go into that- "I tried to put things right be- he did to the fourth Messersch what
tha, Clinton; John L. Mamie, Seaforth shop." tween „is."I "I wasn't. I was telling'you what
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alessi:- She was gone before he could Yes, darling,I ule• fourth Messersclimitt did to
remember. ate."
ilei, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. answer• 1 I'm afraid I did it terribly badly.
An elderly man was behmd the I left out .something of•great irn- i' The waiter pet cocktails before
AGENTS- John E. Pepper, Bruce -counter. portanee." them.o
Field; R, F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. " They toasted one another.
I want to speak to Mr. Delroy, She looked up and net his eyes They toasted John's miraculous es-
•Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, please," said Cherry. across the table. "What'
• y},h, . �was that,'eape: There had been a telephone
BI !L,11 ` "I'm Mr. Delroy." Simon?" message for Cherry the day they had
Parties desiring to effect him- i Cherry looked in her respirator. He hesitated a moment. "I should lunched at Dorking and gone on down
.anee or transact other busineas will she found the ring and the bill, have apologized to you Cherry. That to the Cottage. Mrs. Greene had come
be promptly attended to on applica- "I understand some things from day you told me there was a doubt to them as they' were sitting in the
tion to any of the above officers ad- your brother's shop in Blatton street that Denise was dead . . Darling, garden after dinner. "It's one df your
dressed to their respective post offi- were sent down here before it was can
.ces. Losses inspected by the director.' you ever forgive me for the un- ladies, :Wm, on the telephone. She said
blitzed.;I went there because I want- fair way I took it?"
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
OFFICERS- President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
• Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
.Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
DIRECTORS- W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
ie s go ng to do to little old Hitler's
army is going to make what John
and the others did look like'. "
she hesitated and then smiled' at
John ". , look like winning an egg -
and -spoon race at a preparatory
school. I just sort of know that he's
going to be a hero."
Goderich 'Music Festival
"It was a fine piece of accurate
work and conscientious training,"
Cyril Hampshire, adjuclicator• at the
Festival'of Music, declared last Than's-
day • after awarcling highest marks
170, in the three -days, program to
the Goderich Collegiate Girls?
Chorus, 18 - and under, directed by
Mrs, C. Edward, music instnnetor,
on the staff. For, the test piece,
"Sweet Nightingale" -Jacques, the
chorus received' g6 and for "Pas=
toral," 84.
Iit was the concluding performance
and was a lovely finale for the Fest-
ival. •
Another treat was given the
audience in the .afternoon when all
the contestants in' -the double thio,
"The Sentinel Fairy," of 16 rural
schools, were assembled and con-
ducted by Mr. Hampshire.
Congratulates Music Club.
At the close of his adjudication,
'Mr. Hampshire congratulated the
Goderich Music Club on the sue -
cess of the Festival and thanked
the competitors for their sports_
manlike attitude, and the teachers
for their co-operation.'
Before announcing the awards of
scholarships, he praised highly the
piano solos of Christine Lushinan,
Eileen Bogie and Sally MacDonald',
all of Goderich, and recommended
that special certificates be given
Scholarships Presented.
The $25 Educational Scholarship,
donated by the A;hmeek Chapter, 1.
O. b. E., was awarded to Helen
Willis, S. S. No. 1, Colborne, who
obtained 166 marks in the girls'
vocal class, 11 years and under.. She
is -the daughter of 011ie Willis and
'the late Mrs. Willis, and resides
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Willis, Colborne Town-
ship. The presentation was made
by Mrs. F. R. Redditt, educational
secretary of Ahneck Chapter, I. O.
D. E.
Trains will arrive at and depart
?from Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
•Going Bast, depart 6,43 a.m.
+Going East, depart 3.03 p.m.
Going West, depart ...112.04 p.m.
Going West, depart 11.10 p.m.
London and Clinton Division
• Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m.
Going South, leave . , 3.10 p.m,
Teacher (reading) Then carne
',the great dragon belching forth ..
Little Johnny -And didn't he ex -
ruse himself?
she thought you might be here, and
ed to 'trace a piece of jewelry that Her heart leaped. This was: so un- she wants particularly to speak to
he copied for a friend of 'mine. :I expected. She put out a hand and you."
found, of course, that the shop was ,touched his, "Darling, there's noth-1 , it had been Valerie who wanted
gone, but I saw a postman . . ." ing to, forgive: 1-I understand,her,' with the news that Joni, was
She handed him thebill and tie how you felt." 'safe. He had been picked up by. a
I "Do you, my sweet? But I was trawler that had only that moment
terribly wrong all the same. After Put into port. The news had been
all, you'd been willing to take the telephoned' to the 'airdrome.. And
risk. You mangled me knowing' what'now they were all dining together.
might happen, and, waluat it would i "Tell Simon and Oherry what hap
mean to you if it dirt happen, Ole, pend, John," Valerie said.
Cherry Pie, I've felt so badly about it I John made a deprecating gesture.
all since! Pve been wantilag to tell,"It's was nothing."
you' for a long while.•• And then that ; "Rubbish, that's just • your mod -
last •time we met, •you told me then este," said Valerie.
that you couldn't go on.-.:T;just made' Actually they already knew.
up my mind that there was .no way in Cherry suddenly set:down her glass.
which I ' could. persuade you. that it It had struck her that John Harrap.
(was too one-sided tre.,expect you to wasn't the only hero.
II switch around again. just; because I'd I "Simon's joined up, you know.
come to my senses, .It; ,seemedto me . He's going into tanks. And what
It's a real
pipe smoker's
John Donaldson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Donaldson, Goderich,
was awarder! the $25 scholarship
donated by the Maple Leaf Chap-
ter, I. 0. D. E., ,in boys' vocal solo
classes. He obtained 84 marks.
The presentation was made by Mrs.
J. A. Graham.
Declaring that he had to choose
very carefully, the adjudicator
awarded the $25 Educational schol-
ship in piano classes, donated by
Mrs. 3, Homan, to Verna Miller, the
presentation being made by Mrs.
Lemaire. Doris E. Ferguson was giv-
en honorable mention in this class.
The following presentations were
Medals Awarded.
Bronze medals donated and pre-
sented by F. T. Armstrong, went to
the competitors receiving the high-
est narks in each class or group of
classes: Piano solo, group 1, 2, and 3,
Ann Morritt, Blyth, 82; vocal, class
24, Elizabeth Robinson, Goderich 84;
boys vocal, class '27, Gary llfeLaagh-
lin, Goderich, 83; boy's vocal class
69, Bev. Boyes, Clinton, 84; girls
vocal, 8 and under, Jeanne Snyder,
Clinton, and Norma Sherwood, Dun-
gannon, tied.
PRODUCTION MEN -keeping in
constant touch with •
sources of raw mated -
ale, suppliers of ports,
government and mill.
tary authorities.
sponsibility for training
and supply, for troop
movements, for opera-
tions on land, air and
ocean battlefronts.,
touch with every phase
of our production and
military program -with
foreign governments- }
with national and international war
YOU -depending on your telephone
for quick, essential corn. t+
niunieation at work and
at home.
telephone lines can
carry this wartime Ioad only if we all use
existing facilities sparingly, and keep our
calls just as short and husiness-like as we
Additional equipmentits severely limited by
material shortages; co-operation must take
the place of construction if essential calla
are to go through promptly,.
(3'x , 9 & ve SetvieeCiiwau? lmiarS to tesi.itr
donated by the Goderich Salt Com-
pany, was made by Bruce Tennant,
to the following;Piano solo, 8, 9, 10
and under Evelyn Ra-ithby, 83; piano
solo, 12, 18, 14 and. under,. Margaret
Jackson, Auburn; 83; piano solo, 15
andunder, Sally McDonald, 83; piano
solo, Class 14, Doris Ferguson, Sea -
forth, 85; piano solo, Class 17, Chris-
tine Leishman, 83; girl's vocal solo,
Mary Lou Mathieson, Goderich, 83;
mezzo-soprano solo, Marjorie Gil-
lespie, Goderich, 85; girl's vocal solo,
11 and under, Emily Wilson, 163;
boy's vocal solo, 11 and under, Dick
Glass, Blyth, 163.
Schools Receive Shields
Shields were presented for annual
cbnipetition as follows: Double trio.
donated by the Public School Board
to Goderich schools,, won by Victoria
school, 83, and presented by E. J.
Pridhano, chairman a the board; two-
part school chorus, rural schools, S.
S. No. 6, Colborne, 66, presented by
W. P. Saunders for the Goderich
Lions Club; two-part chorus, Code-
x -16 schools, Grades III, IV V, Vic-
toria school, 80, donated by Goderich
Lions Club; three-part chorus, rural
schools, donated by the County of
Huron, S, S. No. 11, Goderich present-
ed by Warden Fred Watson.
Smaller ahiends donated by the
Goderich Music Club and presented
by George Buchanan' were won as
follows: Rural •school chorus, classes
63 and 64, both won by S. S. No. 3,
Goderich; girls' chorus, Victoria
school, 84; .Grade I school chorus,
Grade 1, Central sehool, 83.
Special prizes of $5.00 war sav-
ings certificates, for highest marks
in classes went to the following;
cornet solo, Raymond Gott, Goderich,
85; trombone duet Donald Ainslie and
Jack Needham, 81, donated by the
Rebekah Lodge; vocal duet, Shirley,
Phillips and Irma Wallace, Blyth 80,
donated by the Women's Institute;
presented by Mrs. N. McInnes; vocal
duet, Patricia Church and: Lois Me
Menzies, presented by Mrs. Schnei-
ker; vocal' duet,. Evelyn Touton and
Helen Willis, 164, donated by Goderich
Elevator and Transit Co., presented
by Charles Breckow; piano duo, Bar-
bara Henry and Verna Miller, 80, don-
ated by the AItar Society of St.
Peter's Church, ;presented by Mrs,
Hussey; piano duo, Emma and Mirley
Robertson, 82, donated by the Holy
Name Society presented by Mrs.
Prizes of $5.00 war savings cer-
tificates were donated and presented
by W. C. Attridge to the following:
vocal solo, Irnna Wallace, Blyth and
Marietta Stinger, Dungannon, tied
with 162; boy's vocal solo, Jack Eedy,
Dungannon, . 81; boys' vocal solo,
Dick Glass, Blyth, 81.
Final: Marks.
The finale were announced in the
following classes:
Class 64 -Rural sehool chorus-
"A Folk Dance," S. S. No, 3 Gode-
rich, 168; S. S. 11, Goderich, 165; S.
S. 9, Goderich, 164; S. S. 1, Goderich,
164, S. S. 8, Ashfield, 162; S. S. 1,
Colborne, 162.
Class 57 -Girls' vocal solo, 8 and
under -Jeanne Snyder, Clinton, 164;
Norma Sherwood, Dungannon, 164;
Donna Sturgeon, Bayfield, 162; Jane
Mary Snell, Londesboro, 161; Elea-
nore Browne, Blyth, 160,
Class 66 --Rural sohool chorus, two-
part, "The Unfortunate Honey Bee"
S. S. 6 Colbourne, 165; S.
8. 1 Colborne, 163; 5, S. 11, Goderich,
162, S. S. 1, Goderich, 162; S. S. 3,
Goderich, 161.
Class, 11 -Plano solo, 17 and under,
"Valle in A," Levitski-Mollie Bisset,
82; Mary Joyce Strachan, 80; Eunice
Milne, 78.
Class 67 --Double trio, rural school,
"Sentinel Fairy" -S. S. 11,
Goderiol't, 1¢4; S. S. 1, Colbourn,
Goderich, 164; S. S. 1, Colborne,
163; S. S. 6, Colborne, 161; S. 5, 6,
Girls' duet (Collegiate), "Tinker's
Fires," 2 part -Patricia Church and
Lois M,Nall, 80; Evelyn, Donaldson
e presentation of silver medals, Nall, Goderich, 80, donated: by ,R. and Evelyn Miller," 79.
Picture Shows: -Bow view of H. M. S. STORK
the 1,190 tons sloop.