HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-05-04, Page 8ii PAGE 8 Space Donated By SUTTER 8' PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. A Word, To The Wise Some time ago we advised early buying of Men . and. Boy's Clothing as woolens and linings were getting more and more difficult to procure. Again we say Buy Now The Spring and Summer stocks are now on ouil racks and every day the supply is diminishing with very little prospect of replacement before the Fall' Stocks arrive. Prices remain the sante and it is always a pleasure to. show goods. MEN'S SUITS $22.50 to $28.50 TOPCOATS , $21.00 to $24.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrew Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. CITIZENS OF HURON COUNTY We Must See the Job Through and We Must Buy More Victory Bonds "PUT VICTORY FIRST" 644 Inserted by Huron County Victory Loan Committee. STANLEY Several from the Bronson Line at- tended the Bloods Clinic held in Clin- ton on Tuesday of last week. Those who went •were, Clarence Hohner, Billie Armstrong, John Marks, Mrs, Roy Scotchmer, Fred Watson, John Watson and Miss Ethel Watson. 'meeting opened by singing "God Save The King," followed by the Red Cross • prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. 20 mem bers and 7 visitors were present. The seeds, flower slips and bulbs brought .80, The Treasurer gave her report and read a letter of thanks from Pte. [Ray. Mason for a. parcel received. It was deckled to send a box of com- forts to the boys overseas. A granite pudding dish donated by Mrs. N. Wright brought .80 and was won by Mrs. R. Smith. Sewing was given out. A quilt was quilted and a quilt top worked on in the afternoon. Lunch was served at the close of the meet- ing. Next meeting will be at the hone of Mrs. E. Ball on May 10. The Hostesses, Mrs. Huron Murch, Mrs. Habkirk, Mrs. W. Hoggarth, Mrs. E. Ball. The Bronson line Red Cross meet- ing was held at, the home of Mrs. Harold Penhale on Wednesday' of last week; the next meeting will be "held at the home of Mrs. Fred, Watson. v SUMMERHILL The Summerhill Red Cross Group met at the home of Mrs. Norman Wright on Wed, afternoon April 26. With the president in the chair the For those who paint in Oils we have Oil,Colors Brushes Turpentine Linseed Oil Canvass Dlrawing blocks Palettes Varnish We will endeavor to sup- ply your needs at all times. For Mothers' Day a very fine selection of gifts to choose from Pyrex Ware Cups and Saucers Cake Plates Plaques Pictures to mention a few. Also some very beautiful cards. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" 's°' - II UIPYI III IIIIIIiiilmn i 1i I�opllilla) ISI ,,,,litllllllilllllll! Iii °-�!�Illlllq Mr. Asa Deeves of Hanover was in town •on Saturday visiting 'friends and relatives. Mrs. Cole of Stratford has returned after spending two weeks with friends and relatives in town. Miss Wilma Radford of London was a week end visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Radford. Mrs. A. Benson Corless and little daughter Susan Blanche are visit- ing relatives in Acton and Toronto. Fit. Sgt. G. W. Yeats and Mrs. Yeats left for Kingston on Mon- day, where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Co;less spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Co]quhoun of Staffa, Rev. A. E. Silver and family left for their new home in Southampton on Tuesday. Mr, and -Mrs. Donald Hynds of Tor- onto were guests of Mrs. A. Benson Corless recently. Miss Marian Gibbings of Dundas spent last week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. Miss Irene Snider of London. and Miss Kae Snider of Kitchener spent the, week end ,with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snider. Miss Edna Elliott, who has spent the past two weeks at her home here, is returning to Toronto to resume her work. Miss Margaret Morrison of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, left on Mon- day for Vancouver,' B. C., where she intends residing. Mrs, V. P. Kinnaird and small dapgh- ter, Glenna Grace of San Diego, Calif., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Sperling. Mrs, Pipe of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, and Miss Frankie of San Francisco, and Mr. "Chum" Sheppard of Re - gine, Sask., were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Robson for a few days. Sgt. L. H. R. and Mrs. Theedom have returned to their home here after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Theedom: of Nanaimo, B. C. Miss Barbara Thomson, who was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Marthe Pickett for the past week, returned to Washington, D. C., where she is working with the British. Govern- meat. ' Mr. and Mrs, Garnet McBrien' of Detroit, Mich., accompanied: by their eldest son lst Lieut, T.t, R. McBrien of Big Springs, Texas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanley and other friends over the week end. V Miss Edith Leppington, who under- went an operation in Clinton Public Hospital lastweek isdoing nicely. CLINTON NLW.S-RECoRD' COrl'STANCE S. S. No. 3 Hallett, Kennotr Buchanan pupil of Mrs. Donald Gill and 'Miss Anne Garrett, hat pawed Examination for High School Entrance for Farah Leave, set by Inspector R. '0, StaplesWill re, ceive certificate - after a period 'of thirteen weeks.. IIOLMESVILLE Miss Alma Trewartha 'of Woodham spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Trewartha. Next Sunday Rev. A. J. McKaye of Victoria St. United Church, Goderich will occupy .the pulpit at the Holmes- ville United Church. Sacrament, will be observed and there will also be a baptismal service. Those attending the W. M. S. con- vention in Ontario St. United Chureh, Clinton last Thursday were, Mrs. John Harris and Mrs, Ed. Trewartha. We are glad to report that Mr. Me]. Elliott, a patient in ' London hospital is improving. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClinchey were Mr. and Mrs. Gould Olivastri and Jack McClinchey, London, Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, 1� Porter's Hill, Mrs. Joe Wild and baby .Superior Store of Bayfield, PHONE 111--CLINTON. i,, Th>irs., May 4t1t, 44,4 It's No PUSHOVER There's tough fighting ahead . twenty-four hours a day! Ocr men must have 'more fighting) stuff . , . better stuff than they've got against, them! It's our job to tee they get it — now . ..and; that. they keep en getting it un- til the fight's won. Let's put every dollar we can into Victory Bonds. Put Victory First Buy Victory Bonds F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders, Phone 176 and 31 DANCE Summerhill Community Hall FRIDAY, MAY 5th, Good Music by "The ,Rhythmaires" Admission 35 cents Lunch served Everybody Welcome 95-1 `Yi®mie Yomson's Yob' three -act play by •Seaforth Players under the auspices of the Women's Institute. Town Hall, Clinton Thursday, May 11th at 8.15 Special music in between acts Admission: 35 eta, Children 25cts. This play Comes Highly Recommend- ed. Proceeds for War Work. "Government Girl" Under Auspices Girls' Club Wes- ley -Willis Church. Roxy Theatre one night only Monday, May 15th Admission 35c tax 7 cents. Tickets to be exchanged at wicket. 94-2 May 4 to 6th BULK MACARONI 5 lb, EATMORE WHEAT BERRIES 5 lb. bag KAM canned meat tin BLUR BERRIES tin CANADA SEAL fresh herring 2 tins POST'S Corn Flakes 3 pk. „ Sea -Leet Chicken Boddie Tin „ SIRDAR Fresh ,Roasted Coffee lb. COWAN'S COCOA 1 lb. tin 25c SPECIALS FOR MAY 4, 5, 6th • RED FEATHER PUDDINGS No Sugar Required 6 oz. pkg. ..9c KELLOGG'S CORN FLARES 12 oz. pkg. 11c FRENCH'S MUSTARD 6 oz. jar 9c HILLCREST SHORTENING lb. 19c CHEESE-A-RONI pkg. 18c CHOICE ROUND GRAIN RICE 2 lbs. 23c NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag 45c HAWE'S FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin 45c SANI FLUSH Tin 29c JIFFY WHIP 10 oz. bottle 18c PAULA SUGAR SUBSTITUTE 4 oz. btl, 391 CLOTHES PINS, ROUND 3 doz, 12c MUFFETS Pkg. 100 ORANGES, Size 288s doz. 39c 43c LEMONS, Size 300s Doz. GREEN CELERY Ige. stalks each 10e CARROTS, New 2 lbs. 15c TOMATOES imported Ib. 27c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Ige, tin ..37c T. R. THDMPSON House Cleaning Specials 1 Large Bottle SUCCESS Liquid wax 98c 1 Med. Btl. SUCCESS Liquid wax 59c 1 Tin SUCCESS Wax 32c 1 Thi SUCCESS Shoe Polish ..'10c 25c 4 Cakes Pearl, P. & G. or London Soap 22c 35c 3 Rolls Enterlake Tissue 25c 28c 1pkg. SUPER SUDS 22c 2 Btls. JAVE'X (Plus 2 empties) 25c 19c 1 Btl. OK Bleach 101 1 Pkg. LA FRANCE Blue 15c 23e 2 lb. LIMA BEANS 35c 4 Grapefruit 112s 25c 3 ]b. Gran. SUGAR 25c SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES At 32-39-49-_59c Doz. 33c 33c 23c FRESH SAUSAGE Ib. 25c FRESH WIENERS lb., ........ 27c BREAKFAST BACON lb. .... 42 SMOKED ROLL lb. 39 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES W. L. JOHNSON c PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. 19c LB. OrTaI Lobb Free Delivery Money to Loan on. first' Mortgages Now is the TIME to stop pay - ng rent and: to buy a farm. Write us if you have been think- ing about it. We may be able to elp, you with a loan. All inquiries . treated confidenti- ally. Hron&Erse MORTGAGE CORPORATION London - Windsor St. Thomas Chatham I, VALUES FOR MAY 5th,; and 6th CANADA SEAL > CHOICE HERRING tin 10c BLUEBERRIES tin 29 CAP'N JOHN CHICKEN, AYLMEIR DE'I1Y17R<ATEF BADDIE tin 29ti BEANS. 2, tins I9c CHOICE. ROUND GRAIN • LIPTON'S, NooEI,E RICE 2 lbs. . 25c SOUP MIX 2 pkg. 25c LIBBY'S VEGETABLE) CHOICT.,' SOUP tin 10c MACKEREL, tin. 29c CATELLI'S SWING'S LEMON PIM, C14EES-A-RONI pk. 19 FILLER 2 tins 27e AERO FLOOR AYLMER CUTTINGS WAX tin 25c 'ASPARAGUS tin 16c VIKING TOILET REI) and' WHITE' TABLE' - TISSUE 4 for 23ce SALT 2 for 15c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PINEAPPLE —MUSHROOMS —.GREEN BEIANS•—CAULIFLOWER RADISHES —CELERY —PARSNIPSASPARAGUS —SPINACH New Bunched California CHOICE, •MEXICAN 'CARROTS 3 lbs. 25c• TOMATOES lb. 27c NEW GREENTEXAS CABBAGE 3 lbs. 22c CALIFORNIA SWEET 220's ORANGES doz. 49c NEW BUNCHED TEXAS BEETS 3 lbs. - 25d NEW TOPLESS TEXAS CARROTS lb. 7e MARSII SEEDLESS 125rs, GRAPEFRUIT`4 for 25 CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's LEMONS 3 for. • 10c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON AMINIMMONIF ;SPRING TIME Is the time to Brighten up your home, you will find a wonderful stock to select from including Mirrors, Cedar Chest, Fibre Wardrobe, Chesterfield, Dining Room, Bedroom, and Breakfast Suites Spring - filled and Felt Mattresses. Also a very large Stock of Congoleunt rugs in all sizes and patterns, as well as Rexfelt, Rexoleum, Feltol and Congolemn'in two and three yard widths. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Narvo, Utililae, and the Famous Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes, ,Shellac, Floor Waxes, Brushes for various uses. It will pay you to shop here, THE STORE WITH THE STOOK BALL & ZAPFE 15 DEALERS IN GE ERALtorPhone HARDWARE ANp FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPPE Phone 110 Phone 103 This Is House Cleaning Time Let us show you the many aids to help make the task easier this year. Try a can of Sana Klene — just the thing you've been waiting for — can be used on floors, walls, woodwork and furniture, We have also on hand a good variety of polishes cleaners, Climax Wall Paper Cleaner and Waxes for your needs. Call in and see our stock to -day. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 Sixth Victory Loan CITIZENS OF CLINTON Measured in terms of po,puletion we are not a large town, but measured in terms of capacity to organize and finance our share of the war programme we have made an. excellent effort. It'ls a matter of personal pride to every citizen of Clinton that we have met the call of two War Savings campaigns, two War Loans, and five Victory Loans. Dozens of us who never bought a bond" before are now share- holders in a national. enterprise. These bonds certify' that the owners have a real stake in Victory. They are the savings with which Clin.tonians can face the future, When the transition period conies from War to peace, these are the gilt edged securities, backed by all the wealth and resources of the Dominion of Canada, that will provide us with a backlog of security, A lot of people do not fully understand that while we can win the war abroad we can lose the battle at home. When we buy a Victory Bond we are helping our forces, and helping to protect ourselves and our future; it is buying a share in the stock of our country and at a fair rate of interest, This is something to think about, . and "United we Stand; Divided' we Fall." We can all buy bonds in this community, We all want to do everything we possibly can to win; to see that Victory is not delayed. Can we face our consciences, if after these years we still make only a half-hearted. effort: Buy your Bonds from the local' salesmen, or at. the Bank of youy choitie. Buy Bonds to Save from bondage. Buy Bonds, Clinton Victory Loan Committee