HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-05-04, Page 1NM Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era THURSDAY; MAY 4th, 1944 No. 6195 - 66th, YEAR CLINTON ONTARIO SIGN UP FOR VICTORY Prime Minister Churchill stated the other day, "Victory may not be so far away, and will certainly not be denied us in the end, but the task is Jieavy, the toil is 'long, thetrail will be severe." You can hasten victory -you can lighten the task and the toil --by signing for more bonds this time than ever before. Put Victory First BUY VICTORY BONDS Space ponatedBy V. H. HELLYAR JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST RES1DENDCE PHONE 174j �y P EVERYBOOTS SEIN6 THESE DRYS Many of the Smartly ,Dressed 'Women you Know have Bought their Materials Here and Made Their Own Spring Clothes. For Those Smart_Sport Jackets we are Selling 'Diagonal Tweeds and Duvetyne, Shades, of Camel, Raspberry, Royal, Aqua, Navy, Copen, Brown and Olive. 54" and 56" Wide, Priced at $3. and $3.50 yd., LR. V.IRWIN N Now --More Than Ever Buy Bonds from your Canvasser now, for Peace and Freedom. R1NGS Buy ' .. Bluebird Diamond and Wedding Rings from us, ,:for Happiness and Beauty when you want the Best. W. N. COUNT�1� Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a Century in Huron County RED CROSS NOTES Clinton Red Cross Society held its' regular meeting an Monday with the President, Mrs'. W. A. Oakes in the chair, and a fairly good attendance despite warmer weather and house- cleaning. Excellent 'reports' were received from all Convenors. It was decided to send $200.00 to head quart- ers toward the Jan Project, and on request from Toronto, asmentioned in the delegate's report of the annual meeting, it was decided to discontinue •tIie Enlistment Gifts and Christmas Gifts from the Red' Gross. This, we hope will be undertaken as a Town -project, as: our Boys in the Service must be looked after, Regret was expressed at the loss the Society is experiencing in the re- moval from town of Mrs. E. E Pater- son. Her faithfulness to the Red Cross in all branches, particularly in the Blood Donor Clinic has - been greatly appreciated and we consider Wiarton Red Cross very fortunate to receive such a happy worker. Tuesday,Mayhas 6th been reserv- ed for another great open Rally for Women who are interested in War Work. You; will here further details in next week's paper, but be sure to keep that date open. Are we in Clint- on guilty of the "Carnival Spirit" so noticeable to those returning from overseas, where every one has their shoulder to the wheeland doing their utmost to aid the war effort? D. Day is at hand - our boys are awaiting with bated breath -and pointed dag- (continued on page 4) Town Invests $14,500 in Victory Bonds The Town of Clinton was able to finance through their sinking fund surplus, and the appropriation of some securities soon to mature, an investment to the amount of $14,500. in the Sixth Victory Loan. None of the above affects in any way the town's, current expenses. The regular meeting of Council was held in the Council Chambers, May ist, at 8 p. m. All members were present, Mayor Agnew in the chair. Minutes of the last regular meeting held April 3rd, and those of a special meeting held April 12th, were read and approved. Notice of admission of a patient to the Queen Alexandria Sanatorium was read for information. A letter was received and read from Mr. J. C. Shearer, thanking council for their expression of good- will. to him and his family on their deparbure from Clinton. An appeal was read from the Vice - President of the Spring Show re- questing a refund of rental paid for use •of the Town Hall April 6th.' On motion of Reeve Falconer and Coun- cillor Brown, "that we refund $15.00 to the Dance committee of the Clin- ton Spring Show." A letter of appreciation was re- ceived and read, from the secretary of the Red Shield thanking council for their generous refund of hall rentals. roux applications for permit to erect or remodel buildings were read from the following residents, C. E. Epps, Bert Huller, Ernest Brown and Bert Glidden. These were presented by motion and approved. An appeal was received from L.O.L. No. 710 for refund of rental of hall for the evening of April 14th, and it was moved that "we refund '$20.00 for hall rent to Murphy Lodge for patriotic, services." A complaint of the .condition of the Town dumping ground was re- ceived from a neighbor in that vicin- ity and the matter was, left' in the handy of the property committee to further investigate. A deputation' from the' Sixth Vic- tory Campaign waited on Council and the following motions were passed. "That council approve the application of .$3;000:00 of the .. surplus of the Sinking Fund to the purchase of the Sixth Victory Loan Bonds". "That couneilapprove the sale of the pur- chase of the $5,000.00 City of Mon- treal Debentures, held iii .the Sink- ingfinancial in • Fund, due to h i , d r e f naneial shuffle of the City's securities effective June 30th, 1944, and redeemable at 31%%, and approve the purchase by the proceeds of 'Dominion of Canada Sixth Victory Loan Bonds to the ex- tent of $6,000.00;'. "Ansi that Council sell the $6,00020 Province of Ontario bonds' at 107,/4% and re -invest The New Era Est. 1867 THE HOME PAPER. $8,500.0'0 in the Sixth Victory Bond." Councillor Epps for the Cemetery committee read a recommendation of change in Superintendent, salary, in- crease in price of lots, grave open- ings, and certain cemetery 'regula- tions and it was moved by .Councillor Epps,• seconded by Councillor But - Presbyterian W. M. S. 'The April meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Axon with a good attendance. After sing- ing a hymn, the;,seripture lesson was read by Mrs, Oook followed by"prayer lay Mrs. Nott. The roll call: was answ ler, "that eeuncii approve the 're- 'ered with a verse on the Resurrec- co emendations as presented" „by the tion. Mrs,. Lane gave a most inspir- Cemetery eommititee` and that the ingg message, using. 'as her theme, schedule of prices of lots and perpet- "Jesus Christ •-must reign." .Mrs. uity fees be adopted, and if adopted,.=McTaggart gave the Current events same be covered by By -Law at the and read .a 'poem. "Our Duty". Mrs, next meeting of eourcil. Fox led in Prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The hostess Chairman :oi the various, commit- served refreshments and a social tees gave brief reports of their ac- half hour was enjoyed, tivities during April. Mayor Agnew suggested a town committee to deal with the Sewerage Mrs. J. A. Ferguson has sold her problem, recommending a represene residence on Frederick street to Mr. tative from certain Town bodies, and Harry Fowler, who has been residing the plan met with general approval on Townshend street for the past of Council, year. .Reeve Falconer in reporting for the Street committee stated the Eng- Baptist Minister Honoured ineers had completed the preliminary on Departure Sewerage Survey and would have a report for council for June meeting. Rev. A. E. Silver, minister of the The. Reeve stated very little perman- Clinton Baptist chinch for the past• ent work on the , streets would be five years left on Tuesday for his undertaken until after some 'decision new church at Southampton, Ontario; has been arrived at concerning the but before his departure was guest Sewerage plan asmany are apt to go of honour at two farewell gather - down the centre of certain streets. inv. Grading and patching will be pro- Last Wednesday evening about ceeded with.- twenty airmen from the R.C.A.F. Councillor Trewartha read the station gathered at the Baptist par - Finance report for April, and moved soilage to bid farewell to Mr. Silver, its adoption which was seconded by and to present him with a small Councillor Shaddick, and approved. gift, in appreciation of his services to He outlined the Finance committee's them. L.A.C. W. Hillier spoke and plan of purchase of the Sixth Victory presented Mr. Silver with, two wall Bonds. plaques•. A social time followed in 'The Mayor called on, the Tax Col- which Mr. Silver expressed his lector, who was present at this meet- thanks. ing, to give a report of arrears col- The congregation of the Baptist Iected and the accounts still in ar- church met at the home of Mr. and rears. Council was unanimous in Mrs. Neil McLean on Monday even - their support to the collector to gath- ing to say farewell to their pastor, er in the arrears, and fpr him to take Rev. Silver, and to take the eppor- whatever steps necessary. tunity of presenting him with a beau - Before moving the adjournment, tifui mirror and magazine table, in Reeve Falconer made a few brief recognition: 'of his work among them, statements concerning the wood and Mr. McLean spoke on behalf of the fuel situation as it stands in Clinton congregation and Miss. Elia Akam which should leave no question in any- presented 'the gifts. Mr. Silver ask- one's mind as to how this is being nowledged his gifts and spoke warm - transacted. ly of his life in Clinton. The evening Meeting adjourned. was spent in devotions and after - Street • wards a social time: when refresh - H. Pickett 87 hrs. @ 40c $34.80 silents were served. Iess 72c Ins. $34.08 V P. Rowcliff 32 hrs. @ 40c 12.80 Presbytery Holds Clinton less 35c Ins. 12.45 ' Session P. Rowcliffe, Horse, Wagon & Team 44 hrs. @ 503 , .. , , , 22.00 Huron Presbytery of the United W. Burton Grad. 54 hrs. @ 60e 32,40 Church :net at Clinton April- 27th in A Fulford, Hauling refuse from Wesley -Willis United Church. st. 15 hrs. @ 60c , . 9.00 Rev, H. V. Workman was Chair- W. Fulford, Cleaning st. 15 hrs. man and Rev. A: W. Gardliner,'Seo- @ 25e 3.75 retary. Business relating to the G, M. Levis 19 Ids. Grav @ 3.00 67.00 Annual Conference at London was Street Lighting discussed and the outstanding bus - P. U. C. Lighting Streets 21522 iness of the morning session, dealt Property with "The Pension Fund." P. U. C. Light. ,R. R. . 1.00 Rev. G. G. Burton convenor of P. U. G. Light. Town Hall 15.56 this committee introduced the dis- P.U.C. Light Stock Scales .... 1.00 cussion upon the Rehabilitation. of P. U. C. Light Switch Repairs .50 this fund, the result of the debate Mrs. L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5,00 ended in Rev. Norval Woods of Exet J. B. Mustard Coal Co. 6120 lbs. er recommending that the Pension coal @ 12,50 • 3825 Fund be retained in the Missionary H. Pickett 10 hrs. @ 40c 4.00 and Maintenance Committee Fund, Sutter & Perdue Small Hardware 2.32 and that besides the Minister's As Cemetery sessment the congregations be asses- M. McEwae. Salary........ . 96.88 sed five per cent of the minister's Park salary. P. Rowcliffe 25 hrs. @ '40e ....10,00 This memorial will Borne' up for H. Pickett 28 hrs. @ 40e 1120 discussion at Conferenee and, also at Fire and ,Water General Council before final' ratifi- Geo. Hanley Gas. Oil, Greasing, cation, general, F. Truck 7.60 For the year 19444945 Rev. G. G. W, S. R. Holmes Chemicals for Burton of Ontario Street United Fire Extinguisher .. 4.25 Church was elected Chairman, Rev. Dry Earth Closet H. W. Gardiner elected Secretary, F. A. Fulford Salary 70.00 S. Savauge of Seaforth, Treasurer. Police Prgtection At the afternoon session the chief A. Et Feeml n Salary" 83.38 work was the appointment to the E'd Scruton Salary (11 days @ various ,Committees. Commissioners 2.50) •,..... .. E.,. ... 27.50. to General Gounoil: at London in Bruce McDougall Salary (19 days. September. Rev. H. 13: Irwin of Exet- @ 2.50) ... .. .,47.50 M. T. Corless Salary 83.33 N. Kennedy Salary . 50.00 Postage & Stationery er and Mr. N. W, Trewartha of Clin- ton. Settlement Committee for the year 1944-1945, Rev. R. A. Brook of. Hen salt, Rev. Andrew Lane of Glinton. G. R. McEwan Postage & Sup. 5.80 Rev. R. H. Turnbull of North Street Underwood. Elliott Co. Ser. & Goderich was appointed at Secretary - Typewriter Ribbon . 1,50; Treasurer of the Summer School at General Municipal Expense Goderich: of Huron Presbytery. Bell Telephone Co, Gen.. , 8.59 Rev. I#. V. Workman ' conveyed Kozy Grill Meals to Traffic Off. 4,0.0 P. M. 'Counter e r Un mp. Ins. Stps 1,a3 Hospitalization T. J. Riley Groceries to Indg. Pat. 3.97 RECEIPTS Cemetery Rentals • Stock Scales 92.50 50.00 18.40 et Gre m s - to the Presbyterial. esti tenial. as- s Y sernbled a On ri t to rosee i St t United Church, and Rev. G. G. Burton in- stalled the officers of the Presby- terial Executive. Both Uptiited. Churches entertained the guests to the town by serving AMONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church Tuesday, May 9th, • W. A. at Mrs Hladies home at 3 p, in. Wesley Willis Church The May meeting of the W. M. S. will be • held Thursday,: May iltb, at 8 p. in. at the home of Mrs. Frank Finland. Mrs. Will McLwan's group will be in charge. The Girls- Club will meet on Tues- day evening, May 91h at eight' o'clock at the home, of Mrs;' George Jeffer son: Mrs. Oakes will he the speaker. Mrs. A. Inkley's group will be in charge. At the close of the session of the Sunday School on April 30th the. "Covenant" Adult Bible Class elected officers for 1944, with the. Sup't Mr. J, Nediger, in the chair. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha was appointed Secy pro tem, Offieers appointed were. Pres. Mr, J. B. Lobb; Vice- pies. Mr. C. Hoare; Roll and, minutes sec, Mrs. J. Turner; Conv. flower Com. Mrs. J. McKinley; Social eon. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha; Ass. Mrs'. A, Seeley; Teacher, Mrs. J. McKinley; Ass Mrs. C. Hoare, Home class visitor, Mr. J. B. Lobb. Presbyterian Church 10.00 A. M. Sunday School 11.00 A. M. Divine Worship Subject; "The man who walked with God." Everyone welcome to worship with US. Baptist Church 7 p. m. Worship service. It is ex- pected that a supply will be up from Toronto for the evening service. Sunday School has been changed from 2.30 p, m. to 11 a. ni,, please note this change. Monday 8 p. 51. Young People's Meeting. Ontario Street United Church 11.00 A. M. "1 saw The Lord..He Tonched My Mouth" (Isaiah) Near Noon Clinton Sunday School 2.00 P, M. Turner's Church Wor- ship and Sunday School. 7.00 P. M. "Teaching Religion in Day Schools", Religious Education by the Teach- ers (Include in the Curriculum this year). One thousand Schoolsalready have instruction mostly by Clergy- men --Showing the tendency Parents and Children are loud: in praise of their work. Wliat about the Horne and instruc- tion in the Church School.. Wednesday 8.00 P. M. Midweek Service of Prayer. and Praise, Evangelistic Centre We extend to you a warm welcome to our services. Yon will enjoy the bright singing and, messages from the Word of God. The Bible is .preach-. ed in all its fullness without fear or favour of any man. Salvation for the soul through the blood of Jesus -(John 3:16) Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) Healing for the,body (James 5:14) Soon return of our Lord (Acts 1: 941) Sunday 2.30 Sunday School 820 Evangelistic •Service Rev. 'R. Ford will speak -"What God hath Promised," Thursday 8.00 Prayer and Bible Study. Friday 7.30: Children's Service -a prize for all the children who attend this Friday.,' 'V TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will• hold a quilting at the church on Wednesday, May 10th. Sale of slips and bulbs, come prepared. May meeting of Tuckersmith Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. R. Fear. The Brimfield Ladies' Club were invited to attend which they did in great numbers. The meeting opened with the opening ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. The president, Mrs, G. Mc- i Gregor extended welcome greetings to the visiting Club. Song 137 was sung. The secretary's report was read and adopted. Roll call was an. swered by a quiz. The program consisted of a sole by i Miss Eleanor Pepper Reading by Miss Eva Stackhouse; Song 41 was sung; , Reading by Mrs F. Walters; Piano duet by Mrs. A. Johnston and Mrs.l McBeth; Reading by Mrs, Henry Demand, A contest was given by Mrs. Fear and a quiz by Mrs. MC - Gregor; Song "Billy Boy" and "God Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, who will be' inducted as Rector of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church, Clinton on Friday even.. ing at eight o'clock. Rev. Mr. Bul- teel comes to Clinton from Pork - Stanley. V Victory Loan Results The Town of Clinton has climbed: into fifth place in Huron's Sixth Victory Loan with 40.99%, bub the - end of this week will see quite a scramble for first place. However,„ citizens will have to do a lot better than these figures to maintain their high •standards set in the preceding campaigns. Canvassing Quota Sub. Per - District to date cent CLINTON 176,000 72,150 41 Goderich Twp. 82,000 34,100 42' Stanley Twp. 99,000 34,150 35• Hullett Twp. 98,000 24,000 26-• Tuckersmith Twp. 98,000 33,450 34: Air. Schools 160,000 105,600 66 V MILITARY NEWS 2nd Lieut- NM Margaret Middle -- ton, who is stationed at Ipperwasle. spent a couple of days this week at, the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Middleton. Tpr. Harold Fremlin of the R.C.R.: T, C., at Caine) Borden spent the week. end here with Mrs. Fremiin and other relatives. Cpl. Roy Fitzsimons, Provost. Corps, London, was a week end visit- or with Mrs. Fitzsimons. Recruits enlisting at No. 1 Mili- tary District; London, in Canada's Army froin this district are Harold: N. Glazier of Clinton, H, Brotherton,. Varna, J. E, •Storey, Seaforth, and. W. H. Thiel of Zurich. Mr. Harold' Glazier is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Adam' Glazier, also of Clinton, and has been employed by the Depart- ment of. Highways. 2nd Lieut. N/S G. Z. Addison of:' London Military Hospital visited at: the home of her mother, Mrs. L. Addison, Huron Street. Pte. Ernest Walton, with the Veteran Guards of Canada at Mon- teith was a visitor at his home last week end, Pte. Harry Crich of Brandon, Mau.,, son of Mr. Melvin Crieh is spending a two week furlough at his home here L.A.C. Jim Kennedy of Toronto spending leave with his parents, 1lfr:• and Mrs, Norman Kennedy. Address- R89213 L.A.C. Sparlinge Philip; C.A.P.O. No. 4, R.C.A.F:. Overseas. V LOCAL ITEMS Ray : Gibbings went . to Durham:, Ontario, last Thursday, where he is employed as Assistant Agent at the: • Canadian National Railways there, Mr. T. R. Thompson' spent Monday, in London, this being the first day - he he has, taken off from his busiuese in the past eight years. The NeweeRecord wouldappreciate' receiving any copies of the issue April 27th, for their files. Due to Government restrictionswe have: to cut, down on the number of extras printed each week, and consequently are often caught short. There' wag a large attendance ak the Baptist Church .on Sunday even- ing last, when Rev. A. E. Srtver de- livered his farewell sermon. Miss Rose Cobb, Field Secretary Of the Tipper Canada Tract Society,' the Mission to .sailors on inland waters,.. was in town this past week canvass.• ing for funds to carry on this wrens uncheon.. Altogether nearly three Save the King", was :sling followed On Sunday, Miss Cobb spoke to; the hundred delegates were in town of by the Homemakers Prayer, which Wesley -Willis Sunday 'School ante/ 160.90 both Presbytery and Presbyterial, closed the. meeting. ' � St. Paul's Sunday School.