HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-04-27, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 6194 -- 66th,YEAR
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era The New Era Est, 1867"
Prime Minister Churchill stated the other day, "Victory may not
be so faraway, and will certainly not be denied us in the ends but the
task as heavy, the toil is long,.;thetrail will be severe."
Yon can hasten victory -you canlighten the task and the toil -by
signing for more bonds this time than ever before.
Put Victory First
Space Donated By
IIy• • H. J1. A E i.-1 LYA R
Storage For Your
Fur Coat
Leave Your Fur or Fur -trim-
med Coats with us for Storage at
Jackson's one of Canada's Most
Uptodate storage Plants.
$2. Insures Coat for $100. Value
$4. $200.
We assume the responibility
of shipping, and Deliver your
Coat to you in Clinton in _ time
for next winter's wear.
pur V/CTO,RY FJRsr
2UY ijoiaR$1QNDS
t t : ' C:.1 } ,1' AK -4
And Give Yourself a
Break for After -Day
It's good business to invest In Victory
Bonds - Good business for you and our.
lighting forces. Put /our money where 11
will do the most good - in Victoay Bonds.
This Appeal Con tributed by
sassoaraw ono.
>ii!Ppls,l;� lIi +Ii�(rY!i!`i 'jig) Y�I
8•. rt!t.
Mr. E. E. Paterson retiree
after fourteen years as
manager of the Clinton
Branch of the Royal Bank
Mr, Edward Ewart Paterson, for a
number of years Manager of the local
Branch of the ,Royal Bank of Canada,
has _received word from his Bank,
that having served his full quota of
years with this Institution, he will
be released on Pension after May 1st.
Born at Wiarton; Ont., in 1884, and
at 17, after having received an
ordinary education at the Public and
High Schools in that town, he entered
the service of the Canada Furniture
Manufacturers, who then operated
three factories in Wiarton. He start-
ed in on the nunificient salary of
35 cents per day for a ten hour day.
After a year with the Company, he
went over to Gray, Cameron & Co.,
Clothiers, for a short time; then
joined the old •Traders Bank of
Canada, entering at Beeton, Ont, and.
served at a number of Branches, in -
eluding Stratford and Port William
and in 1908 got his first Manage-
The May meeting of Clinton
Branch of the Red Cross will be held
on Monday, May lst, at 3 p. in. Plan'
to attend this meeting..
The urgency for more workers is
still very acute. There are those
faithful ,ones who are doing their
share but are You doing yours? If
you cannot work full time could you
not spare a few' hours a weep in our;
workrooms or take some knitting and
do it at home? Every completed
article means so much to the recipi-
ent that we are sure you will want to
have a share in helping us complete
our quotas on time, Call any of the
conveners and they will be pleased to
supply you with work you can do.
Will all knitters requiring wool
please notice that the workrooms will
be open Saturday nights commencing.
the first Saturday in May from 8.30'
to 9.30 p. m.
Victory' Gardeners
Here's a' challenge to the Victory
Gardeners of Clinton. Mr. Cree Cook
brought to the News -,Record a speci-
men parsnip front his garden weigh-
ing two and a half pounds. It is on
display in the News -Record window..
This year, even more people are -plan-
ning to plant Victory gardens, and
this is a challenge to see what extra
special produce can be grown in Clin-
Royal Can. Engineers at London,
Ont., and a daughter, Edith, is Cash
ier for North American Life Assur-
ance Co., at Saskatoon,Sask.
During their stay in Clinton, Mr.
and Mrs. Paterson, were closely as-
sociated with various organizations
connected with Wesley -Willis Church,
and they will be greatly missed on
their departure, On Wednesday even-
ing, April 19th, a congregational
meeting was held in the Church Hall,
As the West was then opening up, when Mr. and Mrs, Paterson were
he opened a Branch for the Traders honoured guests.
at Castor, Alberta, then 42 miles Rev. Andrew Lane was chairman
front the end of the steel at Stetter for the evening's activities which in -
and saw somepioneer work done. eluded several presentations and a
Preferring his .native Province, he program, The Women's Association
returned to Ontario, .and took over presented Mrs. 'Paterson with a,
the Branch at Lions .Head on the silver service tray and the W. M. S.
Saugeen Peninsula which he managed presented her with a life member -
for years. Mr' Paterson transferred ship. The Official Board of the
to the Royal Bank in 1912 when that Church presented Mr. Paterson with
Bank bought out the old Traders. For a pen and pencil set and Mrs, Pater -
the past 14 years, he has been in son with a bouquet of flowers.
charge of the Clinton Branch. He has The program was as follows: a
been Manager for 36 years covering solo ,by Flt. Lt. Byers, a reading by
three points. Mr. W. McGuffin, a solo by Mrs.
While in Clinton, he was a member Oakes and a duet by Misses Eileen
of Wesley-Wi11is Church, and served Sutter and Mary Lane,
as treasurer, for several years, also At the conclusion of the program
as Elder and Sunday School Teacher. refreshments were served: and an -
He was Vice -Pres. of the Hospital enjoyable time was spent to-gether
Board; Chaplain and a Past Master Wednesday, Apr. 26th, the Clinton
of Clinton Lodge A.F. & A.M. and Business Men held a supper meeting
for years served on the old Collegiate in the Church Hall of Wesley -Willis
Board, Church. About one hundred business
As a Banker, Mr. Paterson enjoyed associates and friends gathered to
the confidence of the public, and his honour Mr. E. E. Paterson before
institution ranks high in this town his departure from Clinton.
and district. The meeting was under the chair -
Ile was perhaps particularly in- manship. of Frank, Fingland, K. C.
teryted in the farming and live- Representatives of various municipal
stock part of his business, but 'pro- and educational organizations were
dueers of any description who could present to acknowledge Mr. "Pater -
add to the productive wealth of the son's unfailing interest in every
nountry found ready and liberal sup- pertinent of municipal
port from him. Mayor Agnew and Reeve Falconer
His greatest pleasure, he says, brought greetings from the town
was to befriend a young . man and Council. Mr. N. W. Trewartha spoke
back him with both moral and fin- on behalf of the Business Men of
ancial support, and to see him make Clinton. Mr. Alex Cudmore repro -
good. In fact, a large part of his sented the Board of Education. Dr.
business today has developed from J. W. Shaw represented the Hospital
just such beginnings, Board, Mr. H. M. Monteith of Gode-
Always fond of the water, and rich, • represented the Bankers and
particularly of his native town and Clinton Masonic, Lodge.. A . cheater -
district on the Georgian Bay, and an field chair was presented to Mr.
ardent lover of Nature, Mr. Pater- Paterson by Messrs. A. Knight and
son will return ta his old home, an W. E. Perdue.
inheritance from his father, and hopes Those taking part in the program
for a :few years to enjoy God's free were Gordon Ross, who contributed
air outside the walls of any particu- a solo, Mr. Geo.. H. Jefferson, who
lar business confines. . gave one of his readings, and Misses
Mrs, Paterson, like her husband, Eileen Sutter, Mary Lane and Ally
was also raised at Wiarton, being Lou Thompson, sang as a trio, ac -
the daughter of the late John P. New- companied by Lois, Draper.. Mr. A,
man, Lumberman and Sawmiller. Garen was song leader during the
They were in the same rooms at evening. Pianist was Mr. Edgar Pat-
School during practically all their bison.
school days and were Married, in The Royal Bank staff met Monday
1911. everting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mt's. Paterson has been for the Archie Douglas to honour Mr. and
past eight years President of the Mrs. E. E. Paterson and Miss P.
W. A, of Wesley -Willis Church, and, Newman prior to their departure for
for several years served in the .choir, , ': o,. After games end' luncheon
the Missionary Society, and has been had been enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. on Sunday next and continuing on
active in several public welfare Paterson were presented with an `through the Summer months, t the
activities. ` occasional chair and Miss Newman' Sunday School will open' at :eleven
A son, Newman, is attached to the with a personal giftlo clock on Sunday morning.
Mr. Lawrence Stephenson, of town.
has purchased, the general store in
Bayfield from Mr. George. W. Elliott,
and will get possession the first of
Mr. and les, Charles Dale of Hui.
lett Township entertained at dinner
Friday evening, April 21st
in honour of thethirtieth anniversary
of the wedding of Mra. Dale's parents
Mr, and' Mrs. 'W. L, Johnson, of Clin-
Mr. Harold Hockey of Exeter, ie-
cently discharged from the Canadian
Army, is now working with the firm
of Sutter and Perdue,
Welcome Home Committee
All members of the Clinton "Wel-
come Home" Committee are notified
that the regular monthly meeting for
Friday night is cancelled as there is
no business. The next meeting will be
at the call of the President.
The Committee wishes to acknow-
ledge the following donations: -
Proceeds from a dance, Councillor
Crich, $9.00, Refund, Hall rent $20.;
Ladies Auxiliary to Legion $10.00;
Rebekah Lodge No. 306 $5.00; Cana-
dian Legion No. 140, $26.00; L.O.B.A.
$15.00; L, 0. L. No. '710, $36.00.
Drumhead Service Held at
An impressive drumhead service
was held on Sunday afternoon, April
23rd, when the entire Middlesex and
Huron Regiment, over 400 strong,
were pt•esent in the Court House
Park to inaugurate the. Sixth Victory
Loan 'Campaign in Huron County.
Although it rained,, there were hun-
dreds present at the ceremony, at
which Capt. the Rev. A. H. O'Neil
was the special speaker.
The regiment was under. Lt. 'Col,
Iso- 8. Macdonald, 0. C. with Major
Thomas Mongan, Clinton, second in
command, All companies had their
full - quotas 'present, under the fol-
lowing officers: "A" Company, Lon-
don, headquarters, with Major Del,
Lewis; "BP Company, Strathroy,
Major Wright; "C" Company, Gode-
rich, Lieut. H. C. Hays, K. C.; "D"
Company, Exeter and Seaforth, Lieut.
Howe, Exeter, Clinton Mortar platoon
Lieut. Nen Waters.
After the benediction was pronounc-
ed Warden Fred Watson pledged.. the
County of Huron to raise the objec-
tive, and the ceremony closed with
the singing of "0 Canada".
Presbyterian Church
10.00 A. M, The Sunday School
11.00 A. M. Divine Worship. sub-
ject for meditation "Fighting the
Good Fight"
A cordial welcome given to all.
The W. A. will meet on Wednesday
afternoon, May 3rd, at 2.80, in the
Sunday School room. Will all mem-
bers try to be present. This is a spe-
cial business meeting.
St. Paul's
The services on Sunday will be con-
ducted by Rev, C. Jennings.
The Chancel Guild will meet to-
night (Thursday) in Owen Memorial
Hall. All members nib rs are utg ed
to some
and bring their knitting.
The Ladies' Guild will meet in the
Memorial Hall, on Tuesday, May
at three o'clock.
Wesley -Willis Church
The W. A, will meet on Thursday
afternoon, May 4th, at 3 o'clock,
Ontario Street United Church
11.00 a. zit. "If I were in Your Place"
Near noon Sunday School.
2.00 p. m: Service at Turner's
Church and Sunday School.
7.00 p. in. Young People's Union
Annual Service. Special Young Pee-
'plc's Choir. Every person invited.
Wednesday May 3rd, Midweek
The W. A, will serve a May day tea
on Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd, at
3 o'clock, Everyone bring a friend.
baptist Church
Worship and Gospel service at
seven o'clock, All are welcome- to at-
The Minister will deliver his fare-
well message.
s3 ge:
kindly note- the change in 'time for
Sunday School to meet. Commencing
Ronald Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Scott, Charles Thompson, son.
of Lieut. Col. and Mrs. F, G. Thomp-
son; and J. O. Tyndall, son of Mr.',
and Mrs. Roy Tyndall joined the!
R. C. N. V. R., et London, Ont.'
Bill Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs,..
Wilfred Seeley, joined the R. C. A F.
at London
Jack Ho.lland, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford. R. Holland, of St. Georges
cresent Goderich, was home on relief
from his training centre in Nova
Scotia and made a flying visit to
friends in this vicinity last week. Jack
is captain of a flying squadron and
enjoys his work,
Seaman Gunner Doug E. Andrews
has returned to his Ship after spend-
ing leave in Town with Itis parents
1;,,.' and Mrs. Frank Andrews.
Pte. Ben Corless, R. C. O. C., re-
cently transferred from Barrefield: to
Hamilton, spent `the week end with
his wife and little daughter, at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. T. Corless,
Cpl. A. C. Turner R. C. A. M, C.
Camp Borden spent the week end
with relatives in Clinton and vicinity.
Monday night, April 24th, the regu-
Ier meeting was held with the presi-
dent, Dick Jacobs presiding- and Miss
Lois Draper, pianist.
Five new members were inducted,
Syd. McArthur, Dr. A. R. Campbell,
Hensali; John Knox, Radio School;
Bruce Matheson, Agricultural Rop.;
Victor Roy, Hullett,
The program was in charge of
Lion Adam McCartney and his com-
mittee, Lion Win, Perdue acting a,
chairman. The 'Clinic held on Tuesday, April
• Lion Nick Whyte introduced the 25th, was very successful. Two him -
guest speaker, Mr. James Scott, dred and sixty-one names' were ole.
poultry specialist of Seaforth, who the list. Fifty people, who volunteer --
pleased the members with his address ed, failed to report and' in:
and pictures of his poultry and other consequence, fifty men from the.
farm -views, Lion Eph Snell moved R. C. A. F. School who had also
a hearty vote ofthanks to Tea Scott. volunteered, were deprived bf their
Lion Fred Ford held the lucky privilege of snaking a donation, All
number in the draw. volunteers are reminded that if un -
Quartet selections were rendered able to keep the appointment, they -
by Wm. Jervis, Glen Lockhart, Orval are to let those in charge know.
Lobb and, Cliff Lobb. Mrs. Fred -Hanley and Mrs. T..
The next meeting will be held May Morgan were in charge of refresh-,
18th. At this meeting. the Daughters meats.
will be guests of the Fathers. For the pa* week there has been:
•—V a very interesting display in the.
Attended Legion Conference window of the Hydro Office. For a.
few days, the actual plasma was on.
Mr. Norman Miller, Zone Cowman display. Also on view, were Several
der of the Canadian Legion and Mr. pictures depicting the way plasma is
Geo. Wilson of Stanley Township, used to help save lives. A notable •
vice-president of the local branch, feature is the Honour roll with the
were in Toronto, at the beginning of names of all the donors from Clinton
the week, attending the Ontario Con- and -district, each star representing,:
ference of the Canadian Legion. one donation.
V Following is the list, of donors: -•-
U. S. A. A, F. L
Appointed to Ottawa
Miss Mary C. Thompson, B. A.,:.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G..
Thompson of Goderich Township, has
been 'appointed Co-ordinator of the
activities of the Legal Department, -
still working under the Income Tax.
Miss Thompson was selected for •
this position at her graduation from:
Western 11. and has been gaining ex-
perience for the past year, in the Lon-
ondon Division of Income Tax.
She is the first person in Canada
to hold this position, as it is an entir-•
ely new post that has been created...
She leaves immediately :for Ottawa.
and we all wish her luck in her new
;Over 200 at Blood Donors:
$550.00 in Donations from'J. L. Stephens, 1; H. S. Slaughter, 1,
Navy League Concert Crockett D. Boston,. 1; James Fitz
Clinton Town Hall was filled on summons, 1; Frank Sneed, 1; Charles,
Friday evening, April 21st; when the
McCarthy, 1; H. L. Lang, 1; H. F:'.
,Patterson, 4; H. V. Lind, 1; D. E.
Clark, 1; E. I. Sehupack, 1; J. Wilk-
inson, 1; Robert Houlihan, 1; Chester--
hesterHording, 4; Clarence Runyan!, 1;.
Jack MoCutchan, 1; John M. Stators, -
2; H. R. Fuller, ,1; Warren Thomp-
son, 2; R. F. Vater, 1; R. Singleton„
1; K. E. Swanson, 2; Paul Spresser,.
1; John Bushnell, 1; J. R. Horan, 1;
Thos. H. Whalen, 3; Ernest Wells, 1;
David i••
v,l Ba
1; HenryCronan, C1 nen, 1;:
Robert Senn, 1, G, C. Frederickson, 1; -
Navy League sponsored a rbroadcast
concert to raise funds for 'their work.
Mr. A. J. McMurray acted as
chairman and welcomed the audiences
with a few brief remarks. Mr. Mc-
Murray introduced the various num-
bers on the program, which included
choruses by groups of girls from the
Collegiate and Public Schools.
Mrs, P
F. m an
d gave resume ga me of
the work done by the Navy League,
telling of the increased personnel in John Chambers, 1; B. K. Van Middles-
the Navy and Canadian Merchant worth, 1; D. J. Eckert, 2; B. R. Jones, ,
Marine. Ifor t is f t this reason that 2, R. A. Wing, 2; C. H. Herslikotvitz,
smaller branches have been establish- 4; Donald Freres, 4; W. C. Zont-
ed across' Canada. In this way, more nteyer, 1; John A. McCormick, 1;
people are made acquainted with the Fred Steiner, 1; Willis Rowland, 1;.
important; work of this worth -while Merrill Cohen, 2; Ohas Reinhardt, 1;,
organization, Last year the citizens Marvin Jaffee, 3.
of Clinton packed and sent one hund- R. C. A. F.
sand b, h . R. W. McPhail, 2,
weerere very muthirty-twoch appreciateddittyags
bywhicthe w
p Whens,c.Toy, 2;
1; H. J. St. Jean, 2; V. L.
boys, who received them. Tltis was MacKenzie, 1; C. W. Bertrand, 1; D.
clearly indicated in the three letters Dogley, 1; C. E.
Reynolds, 1; R. C.
read. by Mrs. Fred • Ford. Mrs.: Stewart, 2; P. C. Barnes, 3; D. J.
Fingland read the names of twenty -'Morrison, 4; D, V.' Phillips, 1;
time boys from "Clinton, who are j••'H. Goageon, 1; J. P. Richardson, 2;
serving in the Navy. J. M. Sowler, 5; D. A. McDougall, 6
At intervals throughout the even- J. R. Hamilton, 1; F. E. Ives, 1; 11.
ung, Mr. George` Jefferson read Attack, 1; N, E. Jepson, 2; F. Leeson,..
names and contributions. The quartet 4; W. Muir, 3; K. W. Handford, 2;
Messrs, C. Lobb, 0. Lobb, W. Jervis, jsr• B, Oonron, 2; E. W. nelson, 2; 0-
and G. Lockhart, sang, accompanied B. white, 1; R. T• William§, 1; D.
by Mrs, C. Lobb. iLaturney, 3; S. J. Sosowski, 2; E. H.
The True Melody Group contribut-;Tull, , 3; W. F. Turner, 1; S. Roiten-
ed several numbers. Mrs. Harold berg, 1; C. J. Vincent, 2; J. 3. Plana-
Lawsonn sang, a solo, accompanied by Y gars,; 1; J. E. R,nnao e 1; R. L. bah. M•s. E. Wended.m '
suet•, 2; E. St. Arnaud, 2 • R. Swale.
Mr. Davidson, 01' Toronto, � re re
i' . 3; H. L. Smith, 1; L. P. Ryan, 1; T.
sentative of the Canadian Navy IB. Tudor, 1; A. D. Watson, 2;' R. A.
League, interviewed Ken Scott, Lon- !Montgomery, 1; R. D. Whitely, 2;.r
desboro, who recently received a J, A. Gillians, 1; L. L, Griffiths, Ir.
compassionate discharge from theR. G. McPhee, 1;
(continued on page 8) 1 (continued on page 4)