HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-04-06, Page 8PAINT to SaiogiVIONEY BEAUTIFY AND PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH C -I -L PAINTS For walls and Woodwork INTERIOR 'GLOSS --bright, colourful SEMI -GLOSS --smart satin finish jr FLAT WALL PAINT—velvety beauty ismosiM Manyattractive ato le withattany decoratshingdes scheme .PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE SUTTER & PERDUE DARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PRONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. Get Ready For Easter, Men's Spring suits, ready-to-wear fancy tweeds or worsteds, smart styles, right prices $22.50 up. Special line at $28.50 Men's felt hats for Spring, new styles,, new, colors, $2.25 and $3.95 Men's plain white broadcloth shirts attached fused collars sizes 14 to 17 at $1.35 Brooke and Arrow brands, white or colored at $2.00 and $2.50 Men's All Wool Pullover sweaters long sleeves, mar- oon, blue, black or green $2.95 Men's oxfords black or tan $2.75 up Goodyear Welts calf or kid leather. Made by Williams Shoe Co. and Scott and McHale $6.00 to $7.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Skirts -- Adam Hata — Scott & Meads Shoes ter Mae Arents Tip Top Tellers. ...r...... .r............ EASTER AT THE CHURCHES. Ontario Street United Church 11.00 A. M. Divine Worship, Choir—Our Easter Prayer Prelude—I know that my Rede_eme Liveth —Handel Hymn -104 Christ the Lord -is Rise ' To-day—Wesley Anthem—Ye Choir of New Jerusalei Mrs. B, Kearns. Offertory—"Truth Divine" —Hayd Solo—"Hosanna" Miss M. Gibbings Hymn -103 "The Day of Resurrec tion"—John of Damascus. Sermon—The First Gray Light o that First Easter Morning, Rev. G G. Burton. Hymn=109 "The Strife is o'er—Lati Postlude—Glory Be To God—J. S Bac Organist Mrs, Ed. Wendorf. Director Mr. B. J. Gibbings Evening Service Prelude --+Easter Prelude—Moreiso Hymn -115 Crown Him The Lord o Life.—M. Bridges. Antihero—"O Man of Sorrows' Obligate, Soloist Mrs. B. Kearn Offertory—Sursum Corda—Hailin Ladies Chorus) "My Redeemer Liveth' Hymn -108 "Look Ye Saints"—T Kelly: Sermon—The Brave Sceptic" Hymn -111 "Jesus the name Higi over all"—C. Wesley Postlude,—Faith's Assurance—Heyse 2.00 P. M. Tuckersmith-- Turner's church. Easter music and Divine Wor ship. Wesley -Willis United Church 11.00 a. m, Frelude—"I know my Redeemer liveth" ✓ Processional—Welcome, 'happy morn- ing n Hymn -105 Psalm -766 m Easter Anthem—"Christ our Pass- over" —Schilling • n Olffertory- 4"The risen Christ" —Hosmer, - Anthem—King of Kings —Simper f Hyman -108 Sermon—"God's Efficiency" ' Recessional -109 Postlude—Triumphal March—Costa n Evening Service • 7.00 p. m. h Prelude Angelus—Massinet Spring Song.-.Grieg Processional -106 Hymn -104 Dutch Carol "This joyful Easter- n tide" f Offertory "Thou didst not leave" 1 —Handel ' Anthem—I am He that liveth" s—Simper g Hymn -118 ' Sermon—"On the way ;to Emmaus" • Recessional -112. Vespir—lst verse 109 Postlude—"Gloria 12th Mass" r —Mozart ---V r VARNA V St. Pauls Prelude—"I Know that My Redeemer Liveth". by Handel, Easter Anthem—the choir. Choral Communion Service "Semon—Rev. C. Jennings. Anthem "Awake up My Glory" by J. Barnby. Postlude-"Gloria" by Mozart. Evening Service • Prelude—"Evensong" by Stult. Choral Communion Service Sermon—Rev, C. Jennings. Anthehn-"Easter Bells" by Roy E. Nolte. Postlude-"Halleluiah Chorus" , by Handel, The Friendship Club will meet at 1 the home of Mrs. R, Fitzsimmons, Albert Street, ,on Wednesday, April A very large crowd attended the Red. Cross' play by the Goshen Young People 'presented at the close of the Red Cross Drive. The parts were well played and many thanks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley .for directing the play. 1 Mrs. Alek McConnell has arrived home after spending a few months with her sister in Minneapolis. 1 Mrs. Met Webster and Mrs. Watt Webster spent a few days in London. Don't forget the euchre and dance in Varna hall on Monday night April 10th. This is expected to be the last dance of the season for the -War Service Club sa every one try and attend,Therewill be a lunch' counter in the hall. Mrs. E. McAsh spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Talbot. t4Ir. 41 Seeley of Clinton visited his sister, Mrs, A. Austin on Sunday,. Commencing on Easter Sunday Service in St. John's Anglican church will be at 7 o'clock in the evenin g uah- THE T NToN 1byV3-R,GOItD Get Your Favorite BOOK This week we offer a special on books by the fol- lowing well known authors; Edgar Wallace E. Phillip Oppenheim J. S. Fletcher Warwick peeping James Oliver Curwood Robert. Service and many others. at the special price of 49c G. R. McEwan Cd. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" COUP mm°°17011 1111111' ,Fill_---..►-s--s�s�-- d� Master Ralph Foster is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Corson at Longbranch. Miss Mary Butler of Stratford spen the week end with her mother, Mr Robert Tunney, Mrs G. M. Kessler of St. Catharine is visiting at the home of Mr, a d Mrs. Barrett Taylor. Mrs. George .Fee of Hensel: spen several days with her niece, Mrs William Blacker of Hullett. Miss Cora Streets of Toronto, wh has been a patient in Clinton Pub lic Hospital, has returned to he 'home here. Hon Albert Matthews, accompanied by Mrs. Matthews will officiall open the 39th Annual Spring Show in Clinton today. L.A.C. Jim Kennedy of Toronto speii a few days this week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ken nedy, Mrs. Kennedy is confined to Clinton. Hospital, having fallen on Friday last at her home, fracturing' her hip in two places. She is re- covering quite satisfactorily. v MILITARY NEWS Overseas Addresses: A106661. Pte. Johnston, E. R., Headquarters 2nd. Canadian Corps, Canadiaaz Army Overseas, A86182 Pte. Pickett, K J., 3 V.R.D. 1 C. C. 0. D. R. C, 0. C. Canadian Army Overseas, Easter Supper Under Auspices Girl's Club Presbyterian Church Tuesday,' April l ltii ,Served from'b to 7 in Church basement Cold Dressed 'Pork Potatoes Salads, Pickles Peas' and Carrots Pie and Tea Admission 50e 90-2 Good,Live-Men Wanted to assist in Silo Building, Will hire by month, season or year; Work to commence almost immediately, Get in touch, with Jonathan Magill, phone Clinton 34x616, at once, P. S. We also have 100 bushels Dasix Seed Oats, grown from Govern-! anent Sealed Stock last year, Price $1,20 per bushel. If interested phone .at once as 'the stock is going fast. • WEDDINGS CUNINGHAME—TURNER 'Calla -lilies, lighted tapers and soft, music ' in Si. Thomas' Anglican Church, Toronto, formed a beautiful chancel setting for marriage vows solemnized by Flight -Lieutenant John East Cuninghame and, Miss Dorothy Grenside Turneron the evening of March the twenty-fifth, with Major the Rev. C. W. Foreman of London and Canon C. J. S. Stuart officiating. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Turner of Little Current, Manitonlan, and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Cuninghame of Clinton, Ontario. Given in marriage by her father the lovely bride wore her mother's wedding dress of ivory satin and silk spider -web lace, fashioned in graced ful panels and flowing lace sleeves. Above a low cut neck line she wore 1 a single strand of cultured pearls. Her long veil was held by a head- dress made from antique hand -made lace and trimmed. with seed pearls. She carried an all -white cascade boquet of lilies and swansonia. The bride was attended by Miss Nancy Foreman of Western Univer- t sity, as maid of honor and Miss 'S• Cathleen Cuninghame of Toronto University as bridesmaid, both of 5,' whom looked charming in 'identical n frocks of pastel blue, fashioned with fitted basques and trimmed in mat-! t ehing lace. They wore pearl necj.- • laces and little dutch caps made of Llue lace and carrie3 miniature vas- o cades similar to that of the bride's. The groom was attended by Squad- ron Leader Glenn I. Wannacott of Trenton, Ont. The ushers were Mr. Thomas E. Hull and Byron A. Turner, both of Trinity College; assisted by y Mr. William R. Gulston of Kitchener, Ont. Afterward a reception for upward t of one hundred guests was :held in the Tudor Room of the Royal York Hotel. where standards of spring flowers and an exquisitely appointed bride's- table ride'stable were the centre of attraction, The bride's mother received- in a Gar. Perdue D. -E., 1st Can Survey Regt., R. C. A., B. Survey Battery, Canadian. Army Overseas, A58992 Pte. Harold Ross, 69th Tank Transporters Coy. 'R.C.A.S.C., Canadian Army, England. A86379 Pte, Sloman, 11. F., No. 10 Canadian General Hospital, Overseas. SUMMERHILL EASTER -TIME 1S ' FLOVVER-TINIE Flowers at Easter are the most lovely and fragrant of all the year. Choose your Easter' offer- ing from our stock of Rose Plants, Hydrangeas, Ciner arias, African; Violets, Easter Lillies, Primulas, Begonias, Also some ichoice (ferns CUT FLOWERS,. Roses, Carnations, Daffodils and Snap, dragon. PLEASE ORDER EARLY F. R. CUNINGHAME Meinber of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PRONE 1n--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR April 6, 7, 8 No. 1 Round Grain RICE 2 lbs 21c HILLCREST LARD 1 Ib. , 14e ROBINHOOD OATS 5 ib. bag27c NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag . , 45c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA pkg... 5c WOODBURY'S SOAP 2 bars 15c OXYDOL lge. pkg. 25c IVORY SOAP Ige bar ....... , lOr HA.WE'S Floor Wax Ib. tin .,45c MUFFETS pkg. 10c GRAPENUTS pkg. 17c INSTANT Postum Ige Tin ... • 49c JIFFY WHIP 1 oz. btl. 18c NUTRIM BABY Cereal 9 oz. pkg. 29c No. 1 Table Potatoes 15 lb. peck 53e1 NEW CARROTS Tops off 3 lbs 21c GREEN CELERY STALKS each 10c HEAD LETTUCE' 2 for , „ , 27c ORANGES, Size 252s doz. 39c GRAPEFRUIT, Size 126s 5 for 25e T. R. TflMPSON Free Delivery Easter Specials 1 pkg. Robin Hood Quick Oats .. 24c 1 can FRYS COCOA 16 oz. .. , . 33c 1 can NEILSON COCOA 16 oz 29c 6 cakes CASTILE SOAP 25c floor length gown of golden beige 1 7 lb, bag XXX Pastry Flour .,29c with small purple hat and purple ac• 4 cakes P. 4 G. Pearl or London cessories, Her corsage was of mauve Soap 22e orchids. 'The groom's mother wore a floor length gown of soft green crepe with matching hat and brown veil, a finger tip stole of Alaskan 3 Ib. Gran. SUGAR 25c mink and bracelet corsage of brown y,. lb. Pure blk. PEPPER 10c orchids. The fathers in full dress' wore gardenia 'boutonnieres 1 Ib, tin Success WAX 32c 1 Big Jar Liquid Success WAX 98c Guests were present from many 1 outside points and numerous tele -12 lb. LIMA BEANS 35c grans were read following a sump -13 LEMONS (360s) ' 10e tuous Buffet Breakfast and toasts to the :bridal party. The camera man' 4 GRAPEFRUIT 112 25c was also present and several inter- ' 3 Ib. New CARROTS and BEETS 22c esting• flashes were taken, •- 1 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES When leaving the bride wore an ! 292s, 29c -288s, 39c -220s, 49c doz. 3 cakes ODEX or PALM OLIVE Soap 20c Australian Opossum fur coat over. a' ideaky pink frock with small veiled hat to match and a lapel corsage oi`I' VV L JOHNSON pink sweet peas. Later the remainder of the bridal P ( E' HON286 GROCER party, were entertained at the supper DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. Idance held, in the hotel. - Following a brief honeymoon1 •the MONEY TO LOAN The .Summerhill Red Cross Group met at the home of Mrs. A. Vodden 1 Thursday March 30th. With the President in the chair the meeting opened by singing "God Save the Ring" followed by the Red Cross prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing'were read and adopted 13 mem- bers and 5 visitors were present. Pte. Roy 'Vodden sent thanks for his box of fruit, 10 blouses and 15 hdkfs, were finished, 7 pr, socks and 5 pr, gloves were shipped. A towel donated by Mrs. A. Vodden brought 75c and was won by, Mrs. P. Gibbings. Our next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, W. Vodden on April 12. Hostesses will 12th.oe til further notice. M Mrs. J.,. Gibbings, Mrs. J. Forbes, rs. W. Merrill, Mrs, R. Sanith. 1 young couple will take up residence 1 in Ottawa where Flight -Lieutenant ON FIRST MORTGAGES Cuninghame is stationed at the R,C',A.F, Headquarters, Mrs. Curling-' Now is the TIME to shop paying hame is also a member of the rent and to buy a farm. Women's Division. ' I Write us if you have been thinking On the previous. Thursday evening about it. We may be able to help the bride elect was honored at a with a loan, personal shower given by Cathleen All inquiriestreated confidentially, Cuninghame and other fraternity sisters at the Kappa, Kappa Gamma HuroThen&Erle Fraternity House where Miss Cm- MORTGAGE CORPORATION inghame resides. London Windsor The bride is a graduate of Brank- St. Thomas Chatham some Hall, and this year will receive her degree of Bachelor of Arts, from Since the outbreak of war he has the University of Toronto. been attached to the R.C.A F. and has The groomn is a graduate of a well seen active service overseas, in the mown Institute at Washington D. C. United Kingdom and in Iceland. 1 ri.'HITRS., APRIL 6th, 1944 - 1 VALUES FOR . APRIL 6th to 8th IN TOMATO SAUCE ANGLER CANADA SEAL ,FRESi•I HERRING 2 tins 25c HERRING tin 10c FRANCO AMERICAN CROWE' AYLMER DEHYDRATED BLUEBERR,IE1S tin 28 BEANS 2 tins ' 19c \I Doom �4itt' NG. ap YOUR CHOICE 20C Ib. / I o' � w�RNo 5:,,,,,,,,,77:12 F1 'rap7 . CATELLI'S EGG WHEAT CATELLI'S NOODLES pkg 15c CHEES-A-RONI pk.19 CHATEAU . CLARK'S VEGETABLE 1 CHEESE pkg. 21c, SOUP 3 tins 25e I I,, GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 1' TOMATOES - SWEET POTATOES - SPINACH - RADISHES GREEN PEAS. - CAULIFLOWER - GREEN BEANS - MUSHROOMS CHOICE LARGE HEAD CHOICE, NEW TEXAS LETTUCE 2 for '27c CABBAGE. 3 lbs. 22c New Bunched California NEW BUNCHED TEXAS CARROTS 3 lbs. 25c BEETS 3 lbs. 25o LOCAL WAXED CALIFORNIA JUICY 300's TURNIPS 3 lbs. 11c LEMONS 3 for 10c CALIFORNIASWEET 288' TEXAS SEEDLESS 112'e ORANGES doz. 39c GRAPEFRUIT - 25e Ce M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS - CLINTON Clean Up Time Will soon be here and as usual we are ready with the stock to make house cleaning easy These are Mops and Brushes for the various uses. Then for Paints, Varnishes, Shellac, and Floor Wax made by the leading Makers. This year we are specializing in the Narvo Paints made , by • Murphy's of Montreal. - See the Murphy and Narvo Movie trailer at the Roxy Theatre. BALL & ZA PFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPPPzE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 SPECIALS CLUB HOUSE COFFEE 1 Ib. tin 490 i• SIRDAR COFFEE lb. 33c SWANS DOWN cake flour pkg. 35c BRO'DIES self raising flour pkg. 25e OXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 2 tins. 19c BREX Wheat Germ Cereal pkg. 25e SEA-LECT Chicken Haddie tin .,,,,-.......,........ 35c LIPTON noodle Soup mix 2 pkg - 25c FOREST CITY Baking Powder 1 lb. tin with free pyrex custard dish 25c ALYMER GRAPE JUICE bottle ...,,., 21c AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour pkg. 19c SUPER Floor wax 1 ib. tin 29c ROSE Baking Powder tin 19c IN OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE lb FRESH WIENERS lb. BREAKFAST BACON ib. , also a good assortment of cooked meats FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 25c 27c 42c CANADA'S FINEST ECONOMY 69c pkg. A LONG LASTING, -ECONOMICAL. TOILET SOAP .. 5c a bar Ornii !Jobb, Grocer FREE DELIVERY Clean up and Paint We have a complete line of Martin----Senour Pain]-,. o.nd Varnishes in Stock. Why not begin that paint job now and, freshen up your lion)e: Multi Use Enamel just the thing you will .need to go over your furniture. Yes, we have Aluminin Paint ready for you, also Screen Paint, 'olish Paint and many others for your needs. F1' wkins Hardware PT,ITMnr,Tr A NT) HT'.ATTNG PRONE 244