HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-04-06, Page 5.:3'1URh
As Victory Draws Nearer
.As the United Nations invade the Axis -dominated countries, famished
populations as well as our fighting forces must be fed. The need for
:food increases as victory draws nearer.
Canadian farmers are confronted with a heavy task,
which may be made easier through the use of bank
credit. The Bank of Montreal stands ready to make
every reasonable loan which will promote an in-
crease in food production in the world emergency.
If you need to borrow to improve your production of food, do not hesi-
tate to talk with our nearest branch manager.
Founded in 1817
Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency) : Open Monday and Thursday
For Every Occasion
C. ♦ • COOKE
Phones: 66w and 86J
RATHWELL—In Clinton Public Hos-
on Monday, April 3rd, to Mr.
and lairs. Edgar Rathwell of Gode-
rich Township, a daughter.
ROSS—In Toronto on Tuesday, April
4th, Jessie Ruddell, wife of Mur-
dock Roes of Lon'desbCTo, in c, her
66th year.
Now Playing. James. Cagney a
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Dorothy Lamour, Dick Powell,
Victor Moore and Gil Lamb." This
Technicolor musicale comedy ier a
song -packed laugh bomb straight
from. the Arizona blue.
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Coming — "OLD ACQUANT-
ANCE" with Bette Davis in her
greatest role.
Matinee — Thursday and Saturday
April 6 and 8. No Matinee on
Good Friday.
Now Playing "TRUE TO LIFE"
starring Mary Martin.
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Olivia de Havilland and Sonny
Tufts and Anne Shirley a wartime
whirl of fun with a gal whose
wiles were wasted on her boss
Thur. Fri, and Sat.
Leslie Howard and. David Niven
Tell, the story of a plane that saved
a nation'the drama behind its
Coming Jean Arthur in.
Now Playing —• Olivia De Haan -
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Don Ameche, Frances Dee and.
Ann Rutherford Portray the liv-
ing character
iving<character in a timely and poig-
nant small town story "HAPPY
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Jean Arthur, John Wayne and
Charles Winninger Present anoth-
er bit of evidence to support the
contention that romance is .still'
Coming "RIDING HIGH" with
Dorothy Lamour
Overseas Smiles'n Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T.
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E. D.S.T.
On Mutual Network — Sundays
Local Station—OKLW., Windsor
Issue of Ration Book -No. 4
The task of distributing the No. 4
Ration. Booke was completed at the
Town hall on Saturday and when
the doors were elosed at 5.30, in the
neighborhood of some 4,000 books
.had been given out. ,
The entire task of handling the
new Ration Books was done by a
volunteer staff of women working
under the direction of Mrs. N. W.
Trewartha as Distributing chief. Her
assistants as issuers on Thursday and
Friday were:—Mrs. E. Adams; Mrs.
F. Hanley, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes;
Mrs. Jno. McKinley; Mrs. L. Denom-
me; Mrs. (Dr.) F. Thompson; Mrs.
G. C. German; Mrs. Jno. Shanahan;
Miss Carbert; Mrs. I. M. Nay; Mrs.
Thorndike; Mrs. Jas. McGill; Mrs.
J. P. Manning. Mrs. T. Morgan and
Mr. M. Ransford gave their services
on the checking of Ration books No.
3 throughout the entire time of dis- I
tribution. h
On Saturday the following teachers
cf the Public School Staff and also of
the Collegiate Institute, respective-
ly, acted as issuers. G. H. Jefferson,
Miss E. Jamieson, Miss Jean Webster,
Mrs. D. Sills, Miss L. Johnson and
Miss H.. Brown, Miss Corp, Miss B.
Brown, Mr. Olde, and Mr. McGee.
Throughout the three. days of dis-
tribution there were very few rush
periods and for the most part the
work went along very smoothly, the
citizens coming in a steady and even
Through the local press Mayor M.
J. Agnew, wishes to extend his high
appreciation of the efficient work
throughout, of the full staff of volutr-
teer workers.
ctive Service Package
99 cents
from our store
We will give you full
Batkins Locker Service
Farmer Style sausages at 25c lb.
Herring 1 Ib. lac 'from the Works if necessary.
White Fish 1 Ib. 27eI Drop a card or phone 99.
30e . Fred Porterfield
35e Mitchell, Ontario.
27e 90-4
A boy as, apprentice in newspaper
office. Full-time preferred, but will
accept applicant for part-time. Apply
National Selective Service Office
Goderich and refer to Order No. 804.
One Hundred and Fifty Cemetery
Monuments, all imported Granites;
and in the following colours, Black,
Red, White and Grey.
Transportation arranged to and
AUBURN I ''s en by Mrs. Woods. Miss Margaret Christmas parcels were sent includ
King took charge for tthe program ing Ivan Jervis and Bud Glidden.
Mr, Win. Mcliwain and Amelia following the singing of a -hymn The following interesting' letter was
M.eIlwain are visiting Mr, McIlwain's responsive reading ' was taken from received from Edwin Lee a former
brother-in-law Mr. Thos. Rogerson the Study book. Psalm 748 in the
• and Mrs. Rogerson, of Streetsville. I in the hymltary was read responsively
Miss Jean Scott, of Parkhill is The Heralds responded by Miss Mae
holidaying with her parents Mr. and Ferguson n Chnca Mrs.Fred Toll
Mrs. R. J. Scott.
Mr. and. Mrs. Edgar Lawson spent
Monday at Kitchener visiti.•ig Mr.
-and Mrs. Walter Moore. We are sorry
to report that Mr. Moore is critically
Miss Frances Houston of Kitchener
hospital spent the week end with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Houston.
Mrs. John McKnight has returned
to her home here after visiting
friends at Clinton and Goderich.
Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Raiuhby and
Mr. Raithby, London. •
Hohnesville boy.
1. Cdn. Tank Troops Workshop.
Central Med, Forces.
Dear Mrs, Stock:—
' V
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Everett Dewar
with rs, Elizabeth ' 1 One good Durltaui cow, fresh; wan -1
Mrs. E. Stevens and faro
of Ottawa M El' abeth Lyon
Mr, and
Salmon 1 lb. I
Cod Fillett 1 lb.
Haddock Fillett 1 lb.
Frozen Corn box
Frozen Raspberries box •
Casings for sale
We Buy Hides
Frozen Foods are Better Foods
Mrs. J. K. Wise and fancily would
like to thank their neighbors and
friends for their many acts of kind-
ness and sympathy extended to them
during their recent bereavement, and
for cars loaned and the beautiful
floral tributes.
A Guelph medical Client writ-
ing us on March 20th says in part:
"Thank you very much indeed, for
;tour very effective services".
That unsolicited compliment speaks
volumes, doesn't it.
This "effective service" is avail-
able to you. Take advantage of it
and send in your list NOW.
Kelly & Aiken
The Collection Specialists
Orangeville, Ontario.
Est. 1890 -Busier to -day than ever
before. 90-4
For Sale
2 -storey stucco house with all hard.
wood floors upstairs and down. All
modern conveniences; also a double
garage. Located on Victoria street,
Building Material Clinton. Apply to Mrs. Robert Web-
For Sale
Brick, Lumber, Joints and 21c4'4
Windows, Doors, Foreplace, Furnace,
Hardwood Flooring, Fire Escape.
Evenings at British Exchange Hotel.
Are your Chicks pale, anaemic, or
weak? Use Red Blood Quickly Tab-
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
For Sale
owe Wreckers
FOr Sala
For Sale
Coach horse, rising 5 years, weigh.
ing 1200 lbs. broke single and double.
Apply Arthur Fulford, phone Clinton.
73. 90-2
For Sale
Pure Seed Urban Oats, 1942 crop;
seed beans, 1943 crop; also one Clyde
filly, 3 years old, Robt. G. Reid,
Varna, phone Clinton 830r12. 90-2
Muskrats Wanted
Highest prices paid for raw musk-
rat skins. Norman East, Fur Buyer,
R. R. 1 Clinton, 89-4
fie era s r p l feed. Apply
Six -roomed house with garage and;
ergnso o I men East, R. R. 4. Clinton 88-tf A number of window screens, I good garden on Rattenbury street,
on Christian Stewardship and Mrs. I family of J.
Nott.th visited with Mr. owner may have same by proving Apply on premises to Miss B. Can -
James Jackson on Temperance. A !and Mrs. Nott, property and paying expenses. Apply telon, Rattenbury street, Clinton,
reading "Easter" was given by Mrs. I received your welcome and un -1 Misses Beth and Rhoda parents, Lon- i 7o acres, conce�s on to J. E. Howard, Bayfield phone gg_
t 1 parcel today. I often won- ted with their Mr.
ted, old horses for mink pe. y
ily Mr. and Mrs. F. Roberton and I e
Presbyterian W. M. S.
The W>' M. S. of Knox Presbyterian
•church met Thursday afternoon at
o e bine Weir.
the home
of Miss J s p
H. Snell. A duet was rendered by Mrs. eepec ec don ural
Fred Plaetzer and Mrs. Sidney Me- der how my address gets around the I and Mrs. Wm. Gooier.
Clinchey. The offering was taken country the way it does. I always 1 Mr. and Mrs, Bert Nott, Stratford,
and the dedicatory prayer was of- figured the people around Holmes- visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nott.
fered by Miss M. King. The meeting ville had forgotten me as. I have been i Miss Ruth Walkom -visited her ale -
closed with the singing of a hymn and away since 1933 and never been back iter at Owen Sound over the week end.
prayer by Mrs, James Roberton. but 1 guess I was never forgotten Mrs. Chas. Watson visited with her
after all, daughter at Kippers.
Death of Mrs. Wm. Ruddy Was it M. Elmer Potter that ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland and
A life-long resident of East Waw - ,sent the socks? My aunt Mary in fancily Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. 'J. .Feed Finn's Mineral For Healthy
anoslt in the person of Mrs, Wnt. Goderich (Mrs. F. Bishop) said a Fingland. cows and. hogs.
Ruddy, died at her home early Sun -1 Mrs Potter was sending socks. The crokinole party that was held
day morning She had been in illi I guess all the lads I used to go to Friday night in the 'basement
i 5 Hullett town-
ship. Apply to Ernest Blacker, R. R. 81r624 Clinton 90-2
1 Clinton. 91-1 Fuller Brushes
Car for Sale ' and Products. Everything you need
Car with heater, good paint and for spring cleaning, including Dry
sound body, 1937 sedan, in good runn- Wet Mops and Brooms. Winnifred
ing order, good tires. Apply to A. O'Neil, agent, phone Clinton 75j.91 -o
Watson, at Dr. Gunn's residence, High
street, Clinton. 91-1
Jervis Feed Store, Clinton.
of the
health for some time with a heart For Rent
!school lurch are in the forces by church was well attended, all repot - Light housekeeping rooms for rent.
condition. Mrs, Ruddy was in her Ivan is a Sgt now eh? over in Eng- ed a good time. Proceeds $21.00.
79th year, being born. on the 10t1tland I press that is -the address on 1 There will be Easter Services' at P110110 367 Clinton. 91-1.
concession of East Wawanosh, the the parcel have to drop him a line too, the church on Sunday. The service
Mrs, Edgar Lawson was in charge of daughter of the late Thomas Irwin Gress, IDan Glidden still has his will be a joint session of Sunday
y i writing on the box the parcel was special features including an Easter r, and Mrs. Bert McDonald and
'responsively, this was followed marriage on April 17,' 1900 to Wan. I family are moving to -day to their•
by prayer by Mrs. Jas. Woods., The Ruddy she lived on the 9th concession packed 'in, pantousine. new home on the Highway
eryetary', Mrs. John Cowan read I of East toher Wawanosh, and 37 years she l I must stake a trip around that I A number of young people will be recentlywoonpurcte Blue e Water Dick ighway
her report, also a letter of thanks moven her late residence. She part of the' country someday after I received into the fellowship of the Dan, They have lived the past two
From Mrs. W. T. Robinson for the was a member of Knox United church eLen-
get back. Ichurch.
rant sent to her. It was decided to I and the W. M. S. Mr. Ruddy passed i Well I am fairly busy in my branch The Mary Grierson Mission Band Years on the John Yule farm, 6 con.
P Mr.' and Mrs. Reg. Farm, enter -
Scold the Easter thank -offering in the I away 19 years ago. One son, Lewis of. the army, a blacksmith, along with held their Easter Thank -offering taMed a number of neighbors e and
'church basement nt on Thursday, April i at home, surviving as does 9'iC two or three fellows I knew in Hamel meeting Sunday evening in the base- '
13. The topic, "British Guiana as it is brother, George Irwin, East Wawan- ton Trade School. I like the hard work ment of the church. Interesting slides friends Tuesday evening at a farewell
today" was taken by Mrs. Jahn�bsh. She was prddeeeased by tw° as that is all I've -done since I was 12 were `shown of last year's study book party for their son, Maitland,'who
-:ilouston. The Bible Study was re -brothers and two sisters. The funer- anyway, doesn't give a fellow a (We Worship Together) Easter left Wednesday morning for his boat,
viewed by Mrs. Lawson. At this al took place Tuesday April 4, from chance to get lazy and I have a trade readings were given by Thelma Shob- that has wintered in Toronto harbor.
/meting it was decided to purchase her late residence, and was conduct- to fall back on later on. and Kenneth Wood. Piano Solos Mui is wheelsman on the "Wacondah.
a.' piano in the near future for the ed by Rev. Harold Snell. Pallbearers by brookat•ie Menzies and Gail Manning Mr, and, Mrs. Joe, Wilson entertain
'Sunda School room. The meeting was ,were Herson Irwin, East Wawanosh, The weather has been nice out here and a Marie
M ,by several of the mem- ed a number of neighbors and friends
y No snow where we are and onlythe to`a dance and arty on Friday
•closed wbyee
the Lord's Prayer, and Ivan. Irwin, Edmund Irwin, Gode ing- bets "was 'very
much appreciated,
lunch wasp served by Mrs. Harvey John Wright. Interment was in Wing- odd day of wind and rain sure is a. The distribution of the Ration evening. A jolly time was enjoyed
4icGee and' Mrs, Cowan. Itahi cemetery; lovely winter to what I have been. Books was carried out at the Com- by all. Dance music was supplied
United W. M. S. used to up north in the 50ber camps munity Hall on Thursday. and Friday. by Bert McDonald and Miss Powell.
'The Easter Thank -offering meeting V where it drops to 40 and .below, afternoons last week. Rev. A.E,' Mr, and Mrs, Reed Torrance attend -
'of the W. M. S. of Knox United ` HOLMESVILLE It is almost bed time for me so I'll Menzies was in charge of the distri- ed the sale at Kippen Saturday of Mr.
"'Church was held at the home of Miss close for this time thanking you very bution and the ladies issuing the Henry Ivison, who has sold, his farm
i •Mondayafternoon. The Mrs. Leslie Jervis' group of the much for the parcel also Mrs. Lorne books were' Mrs. K, Bi"uissun, Mrs. and will retire. Ivison "'Torrance, who
Surat Blatt on
e ideitt Mrs. James Woods was in Hohnesville Unit. have held a quill-- Jervis for her donatiotr'and thanTa her G. Cowan; Mrs, R. Townsend, Mro; has made his home with his Grand -
1 the council to pay for the gravel,
'pt s
e of the o eriin exercise' said ing at the :homes of. Mrs'. McClinchey, too i'or ire, I slue appreciate a pre- J. Armstrong, Mrs. G. Thompson, and father for the past three years, will a marked check for $100 to accomp-
Chang opening s
aerred the meeting with prayer. The Mrs. E. Patter, and•Mrs.:Joirtc Potter sent like tliati. I hope I can repay you •Miss B, Kirk. A total of 570' boolrsa.remain on with the folks who Pur- any each tender. For ether particu-
P thef
14 tl chapter of St John was read 'Tho milts, were for various purposs all sometime way, were issued',
The treasurers and seCietary s Ye- bat the proceeds of the pot -luck sup -Well I'll sign offfor this time an
Ings ri and Do your Calve
her and
church and there will be
t to drool
Following. e o .sized i S
• dAnn Lewis.orner. I recognized was tea and Marystore on the c g
meeting. The seriptureM
the g
' w"
For Sale
Vanguard Seed Oats, (Rust Resis-
tant) 1942 Crop. Also six yearling
cattle; Berk. hog, one year old. Apply
A. LeBeau, phone Clinton 619r2. 91-1
For Sale
Beige fitted spring coat, size 18.
In good condition, Price reasonable
Apply at News-Reeord. 91-1
Boy or man wanted to rake lawn.
Apply at News -Record. 91-1
House for Sale
8 -roomed brick house for sale with
bathroom, closets, etc., in good loca-
tion. Everything in good condition.
Apply to Box 39-W, News -Record,
Tenders for Gravel
For Sale i
(Sparks) 2 storey brick house,
furnace, electricity, small barn, two
lots Hensall. 100 acres farm, frame
house, basement, barn, silo, imple-
ment shed, henhouse, bush. Hensall.
Apply W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ontario.
Tenders will - 'be received by the
undersigned until April 29, 1944 for
crushing and delivering approximate-
ly 4,000. yards of crushed gravel one
inch screen to be delivered where the
Road Supt. directs, work to be started
after Sept. 1 and to be completed
by Oct, 15.
The contractor to strip .the pits
Mantle for (tent
Two apartments 'for rent, furnished,
with modern conveniences and
vate entrance. Apply 'at the News -
Record. 89-2
Repairing and Purchasing
Safes opened in 30 minutes; Type-
writers,Machines, Adding
Registers, Scales, Sewing Machines,
Bought—Sold—and Repaired. J. W-
Locleing, 369 24th West, Owen Sound
Phone 2096w. 88-5.
c r . i chased 11111. lars refer to Roy Tyndall R. R. 3,
• , t, rocee '1 1 ' t' d' 91-2
IAre yens cgs stiff; scu ,y, s scour? Red Blood Clinton,
ports were was 'read
Mr . card Pers Thank
to file Red Cross fuen, thanksIragain. ?'-Fht'—it fixe9 'em, Q y rStop
Than]: you letters have been i a•• I remain your soldier frien;i, 1' uiclil' Tablets' will tlsexa, R. G. Thompson, Clerk.
-of thanks was'Pead front Mrs. O. y. tale. 11se %%g Iecvi's. Peed Store, Clinton. R. R. 2 Clinton.
"mime, ceived from most of the beam to who.ii Edwiun;, Jervis' Feed Store;-Ciiiifdn'.•
�laxratt.A"re&rung• Alone' 'Was giv-
Owing to the amount of repairing
to be done before seeding, I will shoe
horses. on Thursdays -only, as it is
the only day I have assistance. Please
keep this in mind. E. IL Epps, Clinton
For Rent or Sale
For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Faris
on Highway between Seaforth and'
Clinton. Frame house and bank barn;
choice clay loam; plenty of water.
Apply to Wm. Livingston or James
F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 82-t1
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with new
bath. House in good conditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit trees.
Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street,
Clinton, 69_tf
Wanted to„ Buy
Wanted .to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jaek
Gilbert 908r21.