HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-04-06, Page 31t1L' VLJ1111 UJ ; 111 re re p-irimut.m.L11 asigamisommatesaavarmesma 0 The names in this newspaper that interest you most are names of boys you know who are on active service ... boys from this community. You used to read their names in school reports, in church and Sunday school items, in news of sport. You read these names today in news from the fighting fronts. So often now these names make sad news. Let's do all we can to hasten the day when our newspapers can tell of happy things. Yes, we can do something to hasten that glad day. When we do this job we help to win victory sooner. We help to end the war sooner. And we do something to benefit ourselves. The job that we are asked to do is to save our 'money and lend it to our country. As each new fighting front is opened more money is needed. More people must be ready to furnish this money. More Victory Bonds will be issued. Those who have not bought Victory Bonds before must buy them. Those whohave bought bonds must buy more. We are not asked to give : ; : we are just asked to lend. We will have money for things we plan to do, after the war.. Dedicate yourself to this war effort ::.: something you can do one thing you must do. Your help is urgently needed. *(A • Newspaper saying—"Names Make News") 6-39 THE HAPPENINGS IN CLINTON EARLY IN THE CENTURY Some Notes of the News in 1919. National War Finance Committee a dainty tower girl dressed in pink the home of his sitter, Mrs. an M Murray illness o only f 1 three days He left ' Cham ion Holstein Com silk crepe and carrying a basket of McEwan. here last fall to stay with nieces and p pink and white carnations. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John. Grimes have nephews in -that sunny state, bar the pletes Fine Record Mrs. Cantelon left on the,afternoon; been in town visiting friends prior change of climate appeared to be too train on a honeymoon trip. to Toronto to leaving for their new home in great for him. He was born iii Cork One of Huron County's best-iliowrr and on'their• return will reside in Vancouver, B. C. Ireland eighty 'one years agoand Holstein cows is Meadow Glade Goderich township. On Monday morning the Daylight Saving came into effect as far as the treat, He was the eldest f sono a railroads were concerned and all Miss Carrie Akam • of Toronto is rich Black & White Day in 1942, baronet and two yedrs ago succeeded week the postoffice and express pec- visiting at her home n town. to the title, but he never assumed it, she is again in the news with her ple have had to observe the new time the family estate and the wherewithal recently completed Record of Per �Mr. Wilmer Wallis tame in on W hen the Present Century counters in'the dying minutes of the game. Outstanding players for Clinton.. were Ward, Cumdura and Saloma. while Courtland and Hogan starred.' for the visitors.' The line-ups were: Windsor— Courtland, Hamilton, Biasatti, Biggs, Thomas; Hogan, Arnott. Clinton-Cumdura, Salonra, Ward,,. Goldblooln, 'Fitzsimmons; Richmond, Plendergast, McCutchen,' Henderson, Lind. Referee — Farquharson. The team will meet again in home and• home games to decide the round. V Evening Auxiliary of W. W.- The Study sheeting of Evening Auxiliary 'of Wesley -Willis United Church met Thurs. Eve March 16 at Miss Davis' home:. - The meeting opened with; Hymn 21: followed with. Prayer, by the Presi- dent Florence Shipley. Reports were: given by Treasurer, Temperance and' -Community Friendship Leaders. The. Minutes of the last meeting were as read. . The offering was; received. The Easter Thankoffering: meeting will be held April 20 at Miss. Rudd's home. ,The Vice -Pres, Dorothy Match' took charge of the Devotional period' opening with Hymn 185. Miss Rudd: led in Prayer. Hymn 186 was read in. unison. The Topic. of the Roll Call' "The Bible, a'Guide to Daily Living"'. was responded to by fourteen mein, hers, -The' Study book chapter dealt with; the Grace of Living and Working. together. Viola Nelson, Barbara Lobb,, Isobel Bruce and Evelyn McGuffin,. gave items of interest on what is being done to Christianize the Homes in China, India, Africa, and Trinidad.. Jean Liverrnore and Florence Ship-• ley told.of the Community and Chris- tian Living in Hindu and India Vit-• lages. Helen • Nediger gave a very- appropriate ery appropriate heading. Hymn 394 "Happy the Home when: • God- is there," was sung and Benedic- tion by Dorothy Mutch brought the • came to this country when qui e a Misses Florence tuninghame and Meg Pabst, owned by W. Hume Clut- Dorothea Cantelon were in London young Fanny In 1848 he graduated ton, Goderich. Champion Female 'at Mon- te from McGill Medical College, Mon- Seaforth Fair in 1941 and at Gode- 1 Thursday night, quite unaware, so Band and welcoming committee to maintain it having been lost. He formauce test of 631 lbs. butterfat from 16,373 lbs. milk, average test Was Young was Sir Richard Moore, however. r 3 85 per cent butterfat. This out- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD having been married in Clinton on couldn't goto meet him. Others who THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 1 On Mondayafternoon another o. 3.85 her record was made as a six - our citizens passed into the great un `,ear -old in 3Gb days duringwhich April 3rd 1919 April 7th, 1869.. They have resided here ever since and are highly']save come during the past week are March 31st, 1904 seen in the person of Mrs. C. E. ' John Carter, son of I. Carter, E. time she was milked twice :daily, another esteemed en their friends and the On Saturday Mr, D. Cantelon made Howard, She was born in London, This is the fourth time that "Meg. The three -linkers had Dunford, son of J. Dunford, andEngland, May 24th, 1833, and a few social evening on Tuesday when, citizens generally. Mr. Cantelon is Sergeant J. Seeley, who came yester- his last shipment of apples, Ilius years later located at Niagara Falls, has qualified fora Record of Per - after alis routine business was trend just recovering from a fractured day evening. Itivinding'up the season's operations. k he married but florioa�ce ueitiaicate she now having • th t house fora couple of months. it THE seated, a reception was rendered to hip which has confined nun to the It was a trying season on e export- Yor There s• t t 1 f 1 station production of p Mr. Howard departed this life thirty Mr. Wilmer Wallis, who returned last Mr. Ed. Lovett, a member of the er, who had to contend with a short. 1,895 lbs. butterfat from b0,205 lbs. p ^ge in barrels and then the snow three years ago. Mrs, Howard foivea week from overseas, and Mr. J. 161st Battalion who sent eleven milk She has been officially classi- tG I hf ht y rs r • ;Mulholland,th b h Mr. Wm. Brown, who recently dis- a ue p or sig sen e another member who months in the trenches and who has ,blockade. His total shipments fled as Gold Medal for conformation posed of one of his farms in Hullett, time in Clinton and then in Los An- o to make his home in happ11 recovered from wounds rc- amounted to 32,826 barrels as fol- by the Holstein -Friesian Association r>• leaves shortly has purchased the residence of Mrs• ceived while on active service, has ova: To 17,160; to Glasgow gales, Calif., and from which city of. Canada. "Meg" is making her I am a British sailor with nearly Winnipeg, was presented with, a pail J. S. Miller en Orange street and will IEngland, she returned with her.son, Mr. E. J. ' p $ ears service in the Royal taken a position' with Mr E Munroe 14'110 t Montreal Manitoba mark, not only as a show cow mut to y Navy and without boasting I.believe I have meeting to a close. V New Telephone Operator - At a meeting of the Blyth Mnniei-• pal Telephone Commission held on Monday night, Miss Alice Rogersonr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Rogerson, of Blyth, received tire ap-- pointment as Junior Operator, to fi I the vacancy caused by the_resigns-• tion of Mrs. Bernice Glousher. —Blyth Standard; - v IN THE LETTER BOX: The following letter received ly- St. Paul's Church gives one, an idea. of the appreciation felt by the man_ of our Navy. G. E. GissingL/S To.. C/KX 89902, 6 Mesa,. H.M.S. "Kempthorne" % G. P. O. London England... Dear Sir, or Madam: 1. really clo not know how to begin - this letter but I do really want to thank you for your ditty bag, and. that is coming from somewhere deep inside me. I cannot write a letter' good enough to express my thanks. r received my bag like a little boy with his first Christmas stacking Maybe that will give you a little idea: of the pleasure I received in opening• • of cuff links. Dr. Thompson occupied ;get possession the middle on the '` ' ando Howard at New Years. d' b in the 'barber shop Having put in I and P E I 1,350. ' notch producer, but as a reproducer The death Mr. rc r a Mac- on Sergeant Pabst was first prize e only i 1'at Mr. Brown will continue to aseen nearlyall the perils of thiswar. an apprenticeship o be a le t Gat- A hib ld ICI i Mr. David Mole, a graduate of The as well. Her son Meadow Glade er his farm, which is mostly mans, "Ed" ought to be able to trimofNews-Record office, was married g I have had one Christmas at the chair and speeches were made y 1 month. various members, including the .look aft lin grass, but has decided that he guests of honour, donald on Saturday evening a. home in the past five but in re - Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Wattsreceived p up Clintonians all right, - 1 March- 14th, to a handsome young Bull Calf and Reserve Champion would refer to live in town. Mrs. { The death occurred in Goderich on further emphazizes the uncertaintyceivin a ditty 0go for his lady,of Rochester, New York, in Male at the 1943 Seaforth Black & g bag such as mine, it word from their son, Sapper S. Miller. expects to take a.trrp west this Sunda an illness of about a of life. lie had started t which et i. ole has been loving for White Show. He is owned by Leon makes a fellow..know that the people.; Watts ork sayingshe had signed summer, to visit Jaw.a daughter' Mrs. y'y fortnight after Thomas Quigley, a native,ivail and when a few yards from the and Leeming, Walton. Another son, of the Commonwealth are well worth up to work on signal out at Bramsome time. y Cantelon of Moose of Hullett township and a former house fell to the growid, and when On Saturday the news reached here Meadow Glade Rag Apple Posch, fighting for, ahatt until the demobilization is coin A Christ church, London, on Mon- resident of Clinton, in his Elft -sec picked up life had fled. He was heal by Ilve tried hard in these few lines. Y from Winnipeg, Man.,wire that heads the herd of D.A.:. StirlingClin- plated.. daY the marriage took place of Mr.' and year. The deceased wa's a son of in Whycocomagh, gape Breton; sev- d young -ton Mr. Clutton has recently sold describe my feelings, my one ie Word was received in, town last Thedore Fremlin, but lately returned the late Thomas Quigley of Hullett cently three years ago. Iii 1860 he was Mrs. John P. Sheppard, f recon . rot is that I have never met you, est daughter of Mr. Robert Thomp- her maternal brother, Meadow Glade g l t • ai r_personally, so may I take this op• - death of Mr. Boyd of from overseas; and Miss Nellie Eva •and .has resided in Goderich'for about married and m 7.871 ie came o i son of the 10th con. of Goderieh town- Xing Posch, who was fust piizc. week of the y father-in-law of Mr. C. Herman, both' of Clinton.The Gere- eleven years. previous to that he had mi. Shortly afterwards he enteied'the 'ship, had died the previous day after Yearling Buil and Champion Male at,portnnity to chant you once again B icaygeon, fa ' E. Dowding, Mr. Boyd had been an moray -was performed by the Rev. C. lived in Clinton Saaforth, Listowel railway service in which he continued sh illness of only a few hours. • Seaforth Black & White Show last invalid for some years. He had large R. Gunne, one time rector of St. and Tilsonburg. In 1910 he was mar- for neatly thirty years, retrrrrrg 0111 Death came after 'a short illness summer, to Bethel Frank, Konroka. interests in lumber and during the Paul's church, Clinton, being witnea- ried in, Toledo to Miss Agnes' Kehor•, years ago. He weas ofone of thehc. most on Sunday evening to Sarah .Troyer, V past eight •of'nine months Mr. Dowd- sed by the bride's mother, sister and formerly of Seaforth, who 'survives faithful employeesthe nd 'beloved wife of Mr. Henry M•akins of ing has had almost complete charge a few other intimate friends. The him with their one small con, James. i Trunk. The first subscriber . to Clinton Recqrd, now the News -Record Stanley Township. ' Clinton Airmen Defeat of the business. Young couple were unattended: The.by brothers oIt is with feeling of deep .regret He is also survived four ,was Mr. Archibald MacDonald. The' Windsor bride wore her travelling suit of and three sisters. that we are called upon to note the , At an investiture at Buckingham navy blue cloth and after the cere- have taken. a the past two and a half years has MacDonald family death of Elizabeth, beloved wife of Palace on ,Saturday last eight Cana -man the newly-weddedpair went Much sympathy is felt for Mr.• and prominent part in' political affairs. In the second game of the play - Much Thomas• Elliott, of Bayfield who bean attached to. the administrative dian officers. and one nursing -sister , Mrs. Daniel Livermore in the death One brother is ,a member o£ the Nova ' downs 'in Ilia Ontario Amateur ,Bas - on to Woodstock to visit the .brides died at her father's residence on. department of the R.C.A F., has re - received decorations from, tee Ring. r their return Mr. and' Mrs. of their son; Daniel Roy, which oc- Scotia Legislature and another has' ketball Association played here la tired'to civilian life. Flt. Lieut, Pr d. Bass - sister. . OnTuesday afternoon, March 22nd. The y ' Among the officers was Capt. Hugh ill reside o Ontario' street: carred on Saturday, He had just en been ,Lieutenant -Governor of Michi se was in her 32nd. year and Tuesday night the R.C,A•F. team, 'has, served in London, Ottawa, Tran- Premlrn w n ' deceased defeated the Windsor Varsity team Brewer of Montreal, formerly.of tered;upon his fifteenth year and was' gin: Mr.• MacDonald •is •survived b3' ton and Toronto. In London and civ the MilitaryTHE CLINTON NEW ERA a romisin lad. her death was unexpected and was a Clinton, ` who: received; p g . his wife and seven of the eight chit- by 'a score of 40-32 'Although Winning ossa born to them. severe shock to her many friends. She Toronto he was on public relations Cross with Bar., Capt Brewer is bet -Mr. J. J. Smith, who has been Feil -m. the game the home, team failed to; April 3rd; 1919 leaves to mourn their loss a husband and Mobile Recruiting, covering all ' ter known to his Clinton friends' as ding in town for the past couple 'af overcome the margin gained by the « eleven o'clocko'clock this fore- eats has nrciiased what is' known Mr. W: W. 'Ferran has bought a and six children, the. oldest about Windsorites in a previous game in'Western Ontario and Central Ontario, Bub," as that was the nickname by At e e Yp`Mr, Pryde was a veteran of the First as the Baker farm, from Mr. W. H. span of pacers, purchasing one at eight years.' that city. , school he was here. Ca t during his.° noonen ereInnes Q of Mr. and Mrs. Leamington and its mate at Detroit.' Mr. Peter Ker left Monday forGreat Wa hay'^ -erveid for 31a school days Cagt. Brewer was Alexander Innes, Queen street the Lobb. He bas also sold one of his Texas Langdon, North Dakota, with the In Tuesday night's game Clinton 'years. Twe lr'if years ago. severely Wounded and gassed and marriage took place of their daughter Miss Clete Danford left Monday - Jack colts to a party at Laamingtoar. intention of spending the summer led at the end of the first half by when thin •'• a looking as 'was invalided home but regaining his Edna IR•; to Mr. W. Roy Cantelon son morning for Detroit, where she will p' ' The millinery opening began at there. This will be his third season, 12 points, the score standing at 23-1L !nigh' health he returned' to his regiment of Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Cantelon of enter Harpers hospital as a probe-, • was tionarynurse. Miss, Dunford left on Hodgens• .Bros. yesterday and is in at Langdon . whose "horse• he has The Border City 'team put on `, r: and it was- after has return that his Goderieh. Twp. The ceremony • o . the morningtrain and her• brother progress today and the ladies have blown" many times the past winter, power attack in the second half of I. - y dw.Hgg bravery won for him the Military Mrs. John Innes the Rey, J. h,t been attending in large'nurnbers. Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson were the . game and tied th" 'ro:•e Croat and Bar. Mrs. John played the wedding returned from overseas on tle. firs -oo. Dr. Moore, who for very many in town Tuesday. on their •.vay 'h•: with five minutes tr fro. The Oi: Next Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wil- music. The young couple were unit train from'Toronto. r lite. 'fn y•,,,, years was a resident of; Clinton, died London to Goderich. where they team rallied tc seers ^eve•i Ham Cantelon will celebrate the fif- bended except by little Miss Dorothy Pte. David Ross, who has just. re the students accounted for ten ed, his will, tieth anniversary of their marriage, Innes, niece, of the bride, who made turned from overseas, 18 a guest at •r^r' nie'1 * i- ^1'their abode, and fcrnia after taken ups p ' i Yours truly G. E. Gissing,. v Retires from Mr Force Plt. Lieut. Tiros. Pryde, who for • P^yde .^r1 ''Per Flo- ^w when .' -d •nit a herr, n •dsh-• r..