HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-03-23, Page 8PAGE 8 We Have Just Received A Shipment of Barbed Wire Make arrangements for your lot at once and don't be disappointed. Cook Stoves, Heaters, Coal Oil Stoves and ovens, Coleinan gasoline cook stoves. See our China department SUTTER & PERDUE IL4RDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PRONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Get Ready For Easter Men's Spring suits, ready-to-wear .fancy tweeds, or worsteds, smart styles, right prices $22.50 up. Special line at $28.50 Men's felt hats for Spring, new styles, new colors, $2.25 and $3.95 1 Men's plain white broadcloth shirts attached fused! collars sizes 14 to 17 at $1.35 Brooke and Arrow brands, white or colored at $2.00 and $2.50 Men's All Wool Pullover sweaters long sleeves, mar- oon, blue, black or green , $2.95 Men's oxfords black or tan $2.75 up Goodyear Welts calf or kid leather. Made by Williams Shoe Co. and Scott and McHale $6.00 to $7.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. • 39th Annual Spring Show Thursday, April 6th, 1944 Featuring Horses, Beef Cattle, and Bacon Hogs, $1250,00 prize money. • Exhibit of Dressed bacon hog carcasses. Junior Farmers judging competition. Load Speaking System. The fair will be officially opened by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Albert Matthews, who willaarrive at Clinton, 12.03 noon. Mrs. Matthews will accompany his Honour. Middlesex Huron regiment will furnish guard of honour. No. 5 R.C.A.F. Station Band will be in attendance accompanied by different R. C. A. F. units for the opening ceremonies, which will be broadcast over C. K. N. X. Wingham. This promises to be an outstanding stock show. A cordial invitation is extended. to all citizens, President John Innes General Manager — A. J. McMurray tr NOTICE Between the dates of March 28th, to May 1st. all trucks must not exceed the half -load while, in transit on the Town Streets. Bus veh- icles also must be kept to the No. 8 and No. 4 Highways also during this period:, BY ORDER OF THE TOWN COUNCIL LONDON ROAD The -March meeting of the London Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Falconer with tip presi- dent in the chair. The meeting opened singing "The Rose of Tralee," follow- ed by the Club Creed. Roll call was answered by a housecleaning hint, There were thirteen members and one visitor /present. Two pairs of socks were brought in also ten flannelette dresses were cut out by Mr,s. Hann and Mrs. Clegg to be finished by the members. One quilt top was pieced by Mrs. A. Wiltse and one by Mrs. Clegg, A quilt will be quilted at the home of Mrs. W. Swinbank. • Letters of thanks were received from Gnr. Bill Jenkins and co. W. E. Managhan for cigarettes. Proceeds of the Euchre party held at the Agricultural room amounted to $24.25. This party was put on by Mrs, A. Wiltse, Mrs. F. Anderson 'and Mrs, W. E. Managhan. It was Decided to buy more flan- elette to finish Layettes. The next meeting willhe held at the home of Mrs. N, Tyndall. Roll call will consist of a donation of seeds shrubs or bulbs whieh will be sold at the meeting, proceedswill go to the Club's flower' fend. The . meeting closed evith the National Anthem. The Metes% serv- THE Get Your Favorite BOOK This week we offer a special on books by the fol- lowing well known authors; Edgar Wallace E. Phillip Oppenheim' J. S. Fletcher Warwick beeping James Oliver Cur'wood. Robert Service and many others. at the special price of 49c G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 ", "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" % II������������Uru 711111110 olmunnlillulil_m11111��i���r ,pd11.....,.,,•„n,.�•,�.�,.._....,ne„,... .,�,nli illluuwlhPlu. -- -- --- Mrs. Corson of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Foster, Cpl and Mrs. L.R.H. Theedom spent last week end in Toronto at. the King Edward Hotel. Mrs, W. J. Carter accompanied by Mr. Kenneth Carter, of London, spent the week end in Chatham. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall and Jimmy of Exeter were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Makins over the week end. Mr, H. S. Ford of Leamington was in town on Monday looking after the interests of the Heinz people. Mrs. A. J. Shore left Iast Friday for Napanee to join her husband . Cpl. Shore, who is stationed tat Deser onto. Mr. Alex. Butler of Goderich spent Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. Robert Tunney, who is not in good health. - Master Donald Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. •David Kay is at present a patient in Clinton Hospital. We all wish Don a speedy recovery. Mr. Robert Sweet and Miss Myrle Sweet of Sarnia were in Clinton on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Miss Annie Moore of IIensall. Miss Irene Snider of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington of Goderich. Mrs. Alice Armstrong has returned to her home at Pilot Mound, Man., after spending several weeks with her neice, Mrs. David Kay and family of town. Mrs. J. F. Johnston, Miss, Edith Johnston, Ashfield and Mrs. Nel- son Brady of Fenwich have been visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston of town during the i past week. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Variety Sale SATURDAY, • MARCH' 25th. Sponsored by Group 1, . W.M.S. of Ontario Street. Church at M. J. Batkin's Store Sadie Hawkins Dance Annual At -Home in Clinton Collegiate Institute Clinton R. C. A. F. Orchestra WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 Dancing 9.30-1.30 Admission ' 60 cents a person 88-2 NOTICE We have moved our TAXI Stand to the Hotel opposite the Post Office. Entrance first door north of main entrance. Comfortable waiting room. All cars heated, SHIPLEY'S TAXI Phone 182 by Mrs. Geo. Cowan and Miss M. Melville and a duet by Mrs. Menzies and Mrs. Townsend: It was decided to have a crokinole party on Friday night March 31st in the basement of the church. There will be a sale •of aprons and other articles. A good time you will have, and lunch will be served. Admission The distribution of No. 4 Ration Book will take place in the Commun- ity Hall on Thursday and Friday, March 30th and Slat between the hours of 1.30 and 5.30 P. M. We are all pleased to know that our Community has gone aver its objective in the recent Red Cross Campaign, V-- RED CROSS NOTES ( Continued from Page 1) Dear Sirs,— On behalf of the members of the Clinton Red `Cross Society I wish to thank' the War Services Committee for the wonderful way in which they conducted our Annual Campaign. To Mr. McMurray, to every one of his jovial Canvassers, to the News -Record and to every person who se willingly contributed to put our receipts so far above our quota, we give our sincere thanks. When you realize what the Red Cross stands for, what they do and where they go—Only the Red Cross collects Blood Serum—Only the Red Cross sends parcels of food to Pris- oners of War—Only the. Red Cross finds missing persons. It is the Red Cross who ships articles of clothing for civilian relief, hospitals supplies and woollen comforts to Hien and women of all services and to people of occupied and invaded countries. No one is neglected, no one is re- fused. The need is greater today than ever before and we who can't go, can give out time, our talents, our money and our Blood. Sincerely Louise R. Oakes, Pres. Clinton Red Cross Society LOCAL ITEMS In the Women's Institute notice last week the name of Mrs. Cardwell was inadvertently omitted. The 'Navy ' League will meet on Monday, March 27th, at 7.30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Little Miss, Delores Parker, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker of Harriston,,formerly of Clinton, is n Palmerston Hospital recovering from an operation. Her friends in Clinton wish her a speedy recovery. V LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Howes, Clin- ton, with Mrs: Win. Lyon. Miss Betty Snell and Miss Muriel Walker, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. J. Snell, Pte. Leonard: Radford, 1pperwash with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Al. Radford. Pte. Jack Little, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Little. ' Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stewart with friends in ' Wingham. Miss B. Smith Clinton, with Miss h B. Kirk. Next Sunday Rev. A. E. Menzies S will continue the series of "Personali- ties of: the Passion"'' and will speak b on "Herod that fox". ` th W. A. held their March meet- L ing at Mrs: James 'Fairservice's home d A good program was given. Readings w Presbyterian W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W. M. S, was held on March 15. with Miss Stirling at the home of Mrs. Jervis with a good attendance despite the slippery condition of the streets. The meeting opened with a hymn and scripture lesson of Psalm 28 read by Mrs. Shaddock followed by the Glad Tidings, Prayer by Mrs. Ward. A short business session was held and the Roll call answered with a verse on "Forgiveness". After another ymn, chapter 2 of the Study book ryas given 'by Mrs, W, Nott, Mrs. nider gave :a few- current events. The President closed the meeting y reading the seaman's version of he 23rd Psalm, and all repeating the ord's Prayer. The hostess ,served a ainty lunch and a social half hour, as enjoyed by all, SAY IT WITH FLOWERS The old misconception that many people have that flowers should not remain in a sickroom over night' as they absorb the oxygen from the air, has again been dis _,aimed by a prominent authority on health. Also, flowers are symbols of life and have a good effect on the pat- ient's morale. Remember your shut-ins and sick flowers with flowers. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care 'given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR March 23,. 24, 25th LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX 2 pkgs. '25c CHEES-A-RONI Pkg. 17e CHICKEN HADDIE` Tin 29e SWEET BLOSSOM HONEY lb. 26c St. Williams Orange and Grapefruit Marro. 24 oz. jar. 29c P. & G. SOAP 3 bars 15c PALMOLIVE SOAP' 3 Bars 19c SUPER SUDS pkg. 22c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR pkg, 16c WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 16 oz. btl, 31e I Paris Pate Sand. Spread 7 oz. tin 35c HILLCREST Shortening' Ib. ....19e GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 5 for 25e LEMONS Size 360s-3 for , .. , 10c ORANGES, Size 344s Doz. 30c Fresh Spinach 2 lbs. 25c, GREEN CELERY ]ge stalks each l5c T. R. THOMPS'OFl Pre* Delivery WEEK END SPECIALS 3 ROLLS INTERLAKE' Tissue 25c 4 lb. R. C. MACARONI 25c 2 pkg Lipton's Noodle Soup .25c 2 Tins Oxford ,Inn Veg. Soup 19e 1 lb, tin NEILSON'S Cocoa 29c 1 Ib. PURE LARD 15e 4 Cakes P. & G. SOAP 22c 1 Box (5 bars) Wonderful Soap 19e 6 Cakes CASTILE Soap 25c 3 lb. Gran. or Yellow Sugar .. 25c 1 Tin Beet Tops 15c 2 lb, SPINACH 25c 3 Ib. Topless New Texas 20c 2 lb. LIMA BEANS 35c SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 344s 29c —288s 39c per doz. GARDEN SEEDS NOW ON DISPLAY W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to, 6 p.m. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES Now is the TIME' to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking about it. We may be able to help with a loan. All inquiries treated confidentially. Htiron&•Erie 1ORTGAGs;CORPORATION London Windsor , St. Thomas Chatham THURS., ; MAR. 23rd,' 1944 VMMIMONNIMMIRMAVIaligilianiiMilipallar T'ti E I it . N1if lull STORES VALUES FOR MARCH 24th and. 3.411 QUICK QUAKER': QUICK QUAKER. OATS pkg. 21e MACARONI pkgs.25ci COFFEEkSirdar lb. bag. 33c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE ' EWINCL'S LEMON PIE FLOUR 2 pkgs. 29c FILLER tin' 15c c7k111Elf APPLE JUICE Aylmer bottle'15 CUT READY A14PLE ' Macaroni lb 5e _ LEAF CANADA'S FINEST SUNLIGHT 304113x°4SOAP cake 6c J;ta� .V° ' KES ROUND GRAIN no. 1 RICE 2lbs. 25c scow=. ,..ii ' '�.1'y°' ' LONG LASTING--ECONOMIGAL SWIFTS PURE SOAP pkg. ' 21c LARD lb. 17c CAKE 5c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CABBAGE — BEETS — SPINACH — TOMATOES — TURNIPS MUSHROOMS - RADISHES — RHUBARB — GREEN BEANS TEXAS SEEDLESS 96's CHOICE GREEN STALK ;GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 21c CELERY each 10e CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's NEW TEXAS BUNCHED LEMONS 3 f~Jr 10c CARROTS 3 lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA SWEET 22O's CHOICE LARGE HEAD ORANGES doz. 49c LETTUCE 2 for 27c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON Brighten Up Your Floors With nice Bright and Cheery patterns of Floor coverings. We have the largest stocks, we have been able to assemble for several years. Y A wonderful selection of Congoleum Rugs in all sizes and Patterns, Then we have Congoleum and Feltol 3 yds. wide. Also Feltol, Rex- oleum and Rexfelt in 2 yds widths, For Axminster Rugs, you will find a grand assortment to select from. BALL, & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AND, FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 MARCH 23rd to 25th LOOK Kellogg Cereal Deal 1 pkg. Bran Flakes and 1 pkg. Wheat Flakes with a pkg. of Corn Flakes free — all for 25c CHAMP CLEANSER cuts grease and dirt 2 pk. 19c COMMANDO Cleanser for Laundry pkg. 28d COMMANDO Cleanser general house cleaner pk. 23e POLLY PRIM mustard large jar , 19c $ANI -WHITE Toilet tissue 4 rolls 25c IMPROVED CHAMPION Dog Food 2 pkgs. 19Q HABITANT noodle Soup 2 pkgs. 190 QUAKER CEREAL DEAL 2pk. Corn Flakes and 1 pk. Puffed Wheat with a Plastic mixing spoon free. All for 25c OXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 2 tins. 190 CLARK'S asparagrus Soup 3 tins 25c CLARK'S Vegetable Soup 3 tins. , 25c CHIPSO large pkg. 25c BEAVER BRAND bread flour 24 lb. Bag only 690 CRISPIE Sour Mixed pickles bottle 23c YORK Brand Spinach 105 oz, can only l 55d IN OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE lb 25c FRESH WIENERS lb. 27o BACK BACON Ib. J9c also a good assortment of cooked meats FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 19c LB. FREE DELIVERY OuaI Lobb, (roeer For All Who Have Inquired A fine white enamelled Quebec Cook Stove has arrived. Be sure and see it to -day as the demand is great, Also our first shipment of Garden Hose, • If you are going to need, any get them now and be ready for those sunnier days. We are continuing to'show other lines of Harcliware. We will be glad to show ,you our Stockon hand at any time. • t Lie wkins Hardware PLUJMIRI*?C AN'? .IFF.AminTa. PHONE 244•