HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-03-16, Page 8PAGE a �e Have Just `Receive A Shipment of Plain White Cups for Everyday Use Enamelware, Alluminium ware and Galvanized ware, Pyrex, Ovenware, Glassware and etc. Y7 C. I. L. Paints and Enamels SUTTER PERDUE • HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PRONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. In Stock Lines Men's Spring suits in worsteds and fancy tweeds. smart new styles and priced right $22.50 up Special line at $28.50 Men's Felt Hats for 'Spring - New Styles, new colors, same old prices: Men's Fine.. Calf Oxfords, Goodyear Welt, Black or Tan, Plain or fancy styles priced from $5.50 to $7.50 Cheaper. lines •from $2.75 up. Ladies Spring Oxfords and Pumps new goods, new styles, old prices Priced from $2.25 to $3.75 4 only - Grey, all wool blankets, whipped ends, large size at a special price $5.75 2 only - all wool, Scotch Plaid Motor Rugs (Royal Stewart) plaid $7.50 Plumsteel Bros. Arrw°Shirts. - Adan Hats - 8e it•& MelHal. Shaw for MM Agents Tlp Top Talton. RED CROSS NOTES (Contiued from Page One) New directions have been ' receiv- ed for knitting service socks from wheeling wool. The socks wear better, !Wish well 6n4 service men report them more comfortable than those made from lighter weight wool.) Please cut out these instructions and keep them for future use. - Service 'Socks -March 1944 Wool Light weight Grey Wheeling. Needles: For loose knitters -Set of No. 9 needles. For average knitter -Set of No 8 needles. Length of leg from top of cuff to under heel -12 •inches. ! Gast on 48 stitches, K 2, P 2 for 4 inches for cuff of sock. Knit 5'f. inches plain knitting -making 9'4. inches from top of cuff: Heel: Knit plain 24 stitches on to one needle. Turn, purl back these 24 stitches. Turn. Knit plain. Repeat these two rows (always slipping the first stitch) 8 tithes making 18 rows in all. With the inside the heel towards you, purl 13 stitches, purl 2 together, purl 1, Turn. Knit 4 stitches, knit 2 together, knit 1. Turn. Purl 5 stitches purl 2 together, puri 1. Turn. Knit 6 stitches, knit 2 together, knit 1. Turn Purl 7 stitches, purl 2 together, purl 1. Turn.. Knit 8 stitches, knit 2 to - Tether, knit 1. Turn. Purl 9 stitches purl 2 together, purl 1 Turn 10 stitches, knit 2 together, knit 1. Turn. Purl 11 stitches, purl.2 together, purl 1. Turn knit 2 together, knit 1. This leaves 14 stitches on needle. Pick up and knit 10 stitches down the side of heel piece. Knit 24 stitches off the front needle onto one needle. Pick up and knit the 10 stitches at the other side of heel piece. Divide the heel stitches onto the two side needles and.knit right around to the centre heel. First needle -knit to within 3 stitches of the end of the needle, knit 2 together, knit 1. Front needle -Knit plain. Third needle -Knit 1, knit 2 to- gether, knit plain to end of needle. This reducing to be done every other round until there are 48 stitches] on the needles. Front needle 24, side needles 12 each., Knit plain until the foot from back I Of the heel measures 9 Macs. Toe: -Decrease for toe. On fronts needle (24 stitches) knit 2„ knit 2 together, knit to within ,4 stitches,I from end of needle, knit 2 stitches; together, ;knit 2. First side -knit 2, knit 2 together, knit to the end of needle. Second Side= -knit to within 4 stitches from the end, knit 2 to- gether, knit 2. Second row -Knit around three needles plain. Repeat, these '2 rows until there are 8 stitches on front needle and 4 stitches on each side needle. Slip stitches from one side needle to the other, making 8 stitches on each 2 needles. Graft toe. The URGENCY for sewers is very acute. The last quota received is a very important one. Materials may not be the type we would wish but they are the best obtainable. Every sewer is urged to be in her place at the workrooms on her sewing day, and new recruits will be most wel- come to help in this all-important work. V $1100 More Than Red Cross Quota To the Citizens of Clinton and District: As Chairman of' the Red Cross Campaign, I would like, through your valuable newspaper, to express my appreciation to all citizens who have responded so generously to this very great cause, - exceeding our quota by $1100. snaking the splen- did sum of $4600, and once again proving what can be done if the cause is worthy and the people are united. I would like publicly to acknow- ledge the splendid work accomplished by the Rural Units, Goderich Town- ship South, Holmesville, Porters Hill, Summerhill, Tuckersmith, London Road, Goderich Township No. 4, Hur- on Road and Hullett. The splendid total for the town of Clinton was brought about by the whole -hearted, support and co-opera- tion of the many canvassers in St. James, St. Andrew's, St. John's and St. George's wards. In concluding I would' like to ex- tend my very best wishesto the Red Cross President, Mrs. W. A. Oakes and her efficient executive, for a very successful 1944. Sincerely, A, J. McMurray. The list of donations will be pub- lished next week. Y 1894 Bridal Date Kept at Exeter Mr. a`d- Mrs. Enoch Rowcliffe celebrated their, golden wedding an- niversary on Tuesday, March 7, when' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD In these times when so many of our relatives and friends are away from home it is essential to write letters and give them' news of the happenings around home. We have stationery to nee 'the requirments of evlery body. Box papetries of the very' finest quality ranging in price from 25c to $2.75. There is a fine assortment of pads and envelopes as. well, Writing pads 10c to 30c including Air Mail weight and vellums. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" r_r} Mrs. Alex Inkley visited with friends and relatives in Toronto last week. Mrs. Kelso Streets of London, and Miss Cora Streets of Toronto spent the week end at their home in town. Mr, A.'S. Inkley of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, renewed old acquaint- ances here over the weekend. ' Mr. Ninian Heard of Stratford was a Week' end visitor with friends and relatives in town. . Miss Gertrude Holmes, R. N., of Lon.' don spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, Mrs. L M. Nay has returned home after attending the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Wesley Cole in Sand- usky, Michigan, on Tuesday. Mrs. Janes E. McGill of Windsor and Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Brewer of Parkhill were week end guests at --the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Jas. A. McGill. Mrs. A. C. Brandon returned home last week after spending the past 'six weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Deseck in C]aresholme, Alberta. Pte. and Mrs. Carman McPherson of Stratford were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoggast. Pte. McPherson has recently re- turned from overseas, Miss Leota Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, entertained ten of her little play- mates on Saturday, March llth, on the occasion of her tenth birthday. • twenty-six of the family connection had dinner at their home at seven o'clock. A bouquet of golden flowers candles and a wedding cake centred the table. The marriage ceremony. was performed in Hensel' fifty years ago by the Rev. J. S. Henderson at '7 p. m. The late Jennie Jackson, of London, was her sister's bridesmaid and Mr. Wm. Pincombe, of town, was best man. Mrs. Rowcliffe is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, of Usborne. Mr. Rowcliffe is the youngest son of the late.,, Mr. and Mrs. John Rowcliffe, also of Usborne. They have one son, Hec- tor, of Usborne, and one daughter, Mrs. W. W. Edmunds (Verde) of Flint, Mich. There are also three grandchildren and four great grand- children, two of whom are twins, Friends were present from London, Rockwood, Birr and the surrund- ing community. One of •the unique. things of the evening was the pre- sence of four generations. Their great-grandson Bobby Scott, receiv- ed the guests at the door. Follow- ing the dinner a • toast" to the 'happy Couple was proposed: ' by' Russell Peart. and was responded to by Mr. Rowcliffe.. --Exeter Times Advocate., Patrick'sTea Wesley Willis Church Lecture Room 'under the auspices of the W. A. Saturday 'March 18th. Commencing at 3 p. m. ROME BAKING; NOVELTIES Afternoon .Tea Menu:, Salad and Meat Plate Brown and white bread Pie and, butter. , Tea. Supper for business people, from 6 to 7 o'clock -35 cents. Everyone Welcome 87-2 "COVERALLS" .three -act Comedy; by Goderich Players under auspices of the Red Shield TOWN HALL, CLINTON Wednesday, March 22 Special music by doderich talent in between acts. - Admission 35e' Chnldren 25 cents ' Played twice to full house in Gode- rich and •to be repeated in near future, 88-1 Sadie Hawkins Dance Annual At -Home ,in Clinton Collegiate Institute Clinton R. C. A. F. Orchestra WEDNESDAY, MARCIi 29 Dancing 9.30-1.30 Admission 60 cents a person • 88-2 44 Navy, League News The Navy Iteague , acknowledges with thanks a'donation of $2.00 from the Rebekah Lodge. • The following; letter was received by the School of Commerce. ,(d it K. D. Currie, !Coder D/J C 356358, RH. M. S. Pique, %G. P. O. London. January 3, 1944 Dear Students: I wish to thank you all very much for the parcel of gifts I received from the Canadian Navy League of which the Students of the School of Com- merce were the generous contribu- tors. These gifts are not brought on board very often and on the occasions when they are served out to the ship's company, the scene on board is more like that of small children receiving presents at a Christmas party with the "Look what I had in mine!", and "Did you get one of these?' This ship spent Christmas at sea and so no Christmas parcels had been received from home, your gifts gave the lads an unexpected pleasure they would otherwise not have had, I have been to many places in Canada and have `found• nothing but friendliness and. hospitality. I am a British sailor from London and have seen as much of the war as anybody, but in my estimation the credit you fighters on the home front receive is far too small for the great part you have undertaken to do. I remain, Yours gratefully, (Signed) Ken. P. S. All the boys on board H. M. S. Pique aredeeply grateful and wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. FERTABS Do your' houseplants need a tonic Give them Fertabs, 'and notice the improvement. ,They come in paekate, 15c and 25c each PRIMULAS, POTS OF DAFFOD- ILS, and CINERARIAS of many bright colors; also 'CYCLAMEN, make attractive mid -winter bloom. Price from 50c to $1.50. For Special Occasions please order ahead to secure cutl flowers as the supply is limited. Prepared. Earth 25l a pail F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR March 16, 17, 18th HILLCREST LARD 1 lb. 15c KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN pkg. , 19c CANADA CORN STARCH ib10c FRY'S COCOA '/ 1b. tin 19e SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR pkg. 29c IVORY SOAP Ige bar l0c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars .. • • 190 HAWE'S FLOOR WAX 1 lb tin 45c FLUSH() tin SINKO tin IVORY SNOW Ige pkg. CHIPS'O lge pkg. INTERLAKE' TOILET TISSUE • 3 rolls LA -FRANCE pkg, 15c SATINA pkg. , .... ...... 7c GRAPEFRUIT Size 126, 5 for .. 25c LEMONS Size 360s, 3 for .. , , , . 10c ORANGES, Size 252s Doz. • 39c 21e 25c 25e 25c 25c T. R. THOMPSON WEEK END SPECIALS 1 lb. TENDER FLAKE LARD .. 17e 1 bag 7 1b XXX PASTRY FLOUR • 29c 1 bag 7 lb. PURITY OR FIVE. ROSES FLOUR 27c 1 pkg. AUNT JEMIMA P, Flour 15e 1 ib. NEILSON'S COCOA 29c 4 Ib. R. C. MACARONI 25c 4 cakes ENGLISH TOILET SOAP 25c with spoon or comb 6 CARNATION or LIBBY'S MILK Plus Coupon 60e 1 Family Special (Break Foods) 25c 1 Can OXFORD INN Vegetable SOUP roc 3 lb. Sugar (White or Yellow) 25e 5 cakes Richards Carbolic Soap 25c 3 Ib. Texas CARROTS (Topless) 20c 6 GRAPEFRUIT 126s 29c SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES 344s per doz 29c --288s per doz. 39c W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. j Shur -Shock Fencers FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN If' additional money is needed to help you buy a productive farm, send up particulars. Possibly we can assist yon through our loaning department. Attractive terms. All inquiries treated con- fidentially. Hur6n&Erie As agent for Shur -Shock Fencers, I can supply you with Hotshot Bat- teries, Insulators and anything in fencing equipment. Gerald Gingerich R. R. 4 Clinton. 86-2 Phone 63345 MORTGAGE coit'oRATirim Keep April 21st open for Navy London Windsor League concert in Town Hall. Watch St. Thomas • Chatham next weeks paper for particulars. THURS., MARCH 16, 1944 .. '1. ' t„>tiy 7f�YUrLvrd' ''H ,11r „I ii. �raRrs' d VALUES FOR MARC!! 17th and 18th GENOVA READY CUA' , _ COWAN'S PERFECTION MACARONI lb. , :5c COCOA lb. • tin 24c .: AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKI... RED and WHITE TABLE - FLOUR 2 pkgs. 290 SALT 2 pkgs. 15a :. DUMART'S PURE AERO FLOOR LARD lb. pkg. 170 :. WAX .lb. tin' 25c :.: CATELLI'S • VIKING TOILET 'CHEFS-A-RONI pk. 19 'TISSUE 4 rolls •, 23c$ . VANCAMP'S PRE-COOKED .. RED and WHITE TOMATO BEANS 2 pkgs. • 27c SOUP 2 tins 19a .: CLOVER LEAF SURPRISE'. LAUNDRY HERRING tin 19e SOAP 10. Bars. 490 - REGENT' EXTRACT TIGER VANILLA bottle 6e CATSUP bottle 13e ;'GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CABBAGE - BEETS - SWEET POTATOES - RADISHES BROCCOLI - GREEN BEANS - CAULIFLOWER - CELERY TOMATOES - PARSNIPS - MUSHROOMS - GREEN ONIONS CHOICE CURLY WASHED TEXAS SEEDLESS 112's SPINACH 2 lbs. 25c GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 25e NEW TEXAS BUNCHED . ' CALIFORNIA SWEET 176's , CARROTS 3 lbs. 25a ORANGES dozen 59e CHOTCE LARGE HEAD .ONTARIO SPY LETTUCE 2 for 25c 'APPLES 4 lbs. ' 27c ' (LNTARIo WAXED CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's TURNIPS lb. 4c LEMONS 3 for 10c • C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods . CLINTON •: Brighten Up Your Floors With nice Bright and Cheery patterns of Floor coverings. We have the largest stocks, we have been able to. assemble for several, years. '• •„ . A wonderful selection of Congoleum Rugs in all sizes and Patterns, Then we have Congoleum and Feltol 3 yds. wide. Also Feltol, Rex- oleum and Rexfelt in 2 yds widths: For Axminster Rugs, you will find a grand assortment to select from, BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE ANDFURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195, MARCH 16th to 18th LOOK Kellogg Cereal Deal 1 pkg. Bran Flakes and 1 pkg. Wheat Flakes with a pkg. of Corn- Flakes free - all for 25e JAVEX Bleach bottle _ 15e COMMANDO Cleanser for laundry pkg. 280 COMMANDO Cleanser general house cleaner pk. 23c POLLY PRIM mustard large jar .,..._....- , 19e ALYMER BABY FOOD assorted kinds 3 tins 25e IMPROVED; CHAMPION Dog Food 2 pkgs. 190 LOOK - PLUM JAM in bulk 15c lb. or 2 lbs. for 28c QUAKER CEREAL DEAL 2pk. Corn Flakes and 1' pk. Puffed Wheat with a Plastic mixing spoon free. All for 25c- OXFORD 5cOXFORD INN Vegetable Soup 2 tins. ..... ,..._..... 19c CLARK'S asparagrus Soup 3 tins 25e CLARK'S Vegetable Soup 3 tins. 25e CHIPSO large pkg. 25c. BEAVER BRAND bread flour 24 lb. Bag only 690 CRISPIE Sour Mixed pickles bottle 23c LIPTON noodle soup mix 2 pkgs. 25e IN OUR MEAT COUNTER FRESH SAUSAGE lb ....,., 25c FRESH WIENERS ib. 27a BACK BACON lb. 59c also a good assortment of cooked meats '-FRESH FRUITS' AND VEGETABLES 19c LB, Orval Lobb, Croce FREE DELIVERY' GRANITE WARE • We have just received another shipment of assorted granite' ware. Just the piece you are needing .to brighten your kitchen. Also now we have a good stock of Pyrex- ware, on hand, The very thing for that gift you want to give:. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND .HEATING PRONE 24"4