HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-03-16, Page 5" HURS , ::MARCH 16' 1944
'Hold on, Little Fella!"
• nut bebulB?
p lug aim diapers next week
Yes. babies like the the impact
uus- en ll the watts
T war j that anowo.Andyounavett rewaes
shortage. rage. Its been been the
der that as we educe more
cult fo s hem and {,Q a letup in
telt for them ms their
busy thepre will
l likely
because our Tonatio general supply making hundreds But
utwe'reobeginning hh tl But more
tars items. B duallyback
t0 O 'only change slightly,
cto ivilian
roductio , and 'diaper aper of those long -ti favourite will e
cloth isbigk on our list of Canadian-made
� bre -mute
urgently needed goods.
scolbnlar.shadb Towelsand Pillow sitar and Magog Faded Fabrics
Miss Ruth Arthur nurse -in -train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London spent
the week end 'with her mother,. Mrs.
• John Arthur.
Pte. Harold Nicholson of London
• spent the week end with his wife and
Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Lloyd Raithby and
Mr. Raithbye London.
Pte. Charles Beadle, and Pte. Al-
`'lan Johnston of Camp Borden spent
the week end with Mr. and .Mrs.
Harry Beadle.
The monthly meeting of rhe Wo-
neen's Institute will be held in the
'Foresters Hall on Tuesday Match 21st
at 2.30 p. m. The. topic "Social Wel;
fare" will be given by, Miss Josephine
Weir. -Current events by Mrs. elordon
•Taylor. Roll call "Irish Joke" Hostessl-
ses Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs. Barry
Armstrong, Mrs. Jack Armstrong.
A new Huron County snow plow
has arrived at the sheds here. It
'weighs 15 tons and two men are need -
e4 to operate it.
At the service at St. Marks Angi-
tan Church. on Sunday morning an
l•Tonor Roll . was unveiled by the
Rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter. The roll
had the names of eight who had en-
listed from this church. Harold C.
,Asquith, Charles Beadle, Jack W. S.
;lianiilton, Russell A Reid, Byron B.
Reid. Thomas W. McNall, Stanley W.
"MeNall and E. J. Yungblut. Rev.
Streetee, spoke on "The Denial of.
,peter" and Laura. Mae Leatherlanti
Sang a solo. A silk flag which was
used at the service was loaned by
Miss Josephine Woodcock of Blyth
end had been at the Battle of Water-
Rev. Northcott Burke officiated at
'the marriage on Saturday afternoon
et 3 o,'clock at St. John's A.nglicari
'Church, Ottawa of Vera Eugenie only
daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. William
Eustace, Ottawa, to Cpl. John R. Weir
R,C•A.F., only son of Dr. B. C. Weir
Auburn, and the late Mrs. Weir. Mr.
,•S. Virr played the wedding music.
The bride given away by her fath-
er was • attended by Mina Mmihall,
end wore a two-piece daytime frock
of blue wool jersy with bracelet -
length sleeves and lapels. ];ler match-
ing veiled felt Dutch het and shoulder;
knot of roses completed' her ensemble.
Hai. W. M. Jaques R.C.A.F. was best
Yuan: A -reception followed the cere-
'nnony at the Inoue of the brides
Out-ol tewn guests were br. B. C.
Noir. and Miss Joseeiliine 'Weir hf.
Auburn. •
Miss Ihoroth. Little 'i orantb `itit'h
es mother;, Mrs. It, TeWileend.
Miss Arlie "Moon -oro''
T nto with her.
'parents, Mr. ane Mrs. Geo.. Moon.
Miss Ethel Thorn pooh, L'onddii, iiith
cher parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Thompson.
Miss 171da, Watsoh and •Illi•. Bill Ril-
ey ,Godericli, Witli Mrs. Chas ieedec'n.
Mr. 1:In iphry Gray, Benton Rae -
hour with Mr. Anil Isirs. L. Mei all.
Mr. and Iitrs. Percy Gibbings, Billy
loris anti Bobby,. with Mr. ane 'Mrs.
. Tl. Sltob'lirook.
eidre. Pfeil Tamlilyh is spe ndthe
•the week with her cousin Mrs. Roy
Stonehouse in Goderich.
Trooper and Mrs. Clark Ball are
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball.
Misses Hazel and Phylis Kerslake,
Exeter, with Mrs, Harry Lyon,
Those attending the Snell-Nethery
wedding were Sgt. Douglas Swift,
Miss Unice Smith, and Mrs. Helen
Ferguson from London. and Miss
Betty Snell, from Stratford.
Visitors at Mr. and Mis. John Snell
over the week end were: Miss Ruth
Pentland, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Nixon
and Mr. James Snell of Nile and Mr.
Donald Sproul of London.
Do not neglect your greatest need
and your highest obligation—cone to
I worship on Sunday. The pastor will
speak on the subject "Humanity's
Choice, Barabbas or Christ."
I The March meeting of the W.M.S.
was held in the Sunday School room
on Thursday afternoon with the
President, Mrs, R. Townsend in the
chair. The meeting opened with the
Daily prayer and hymn 35 was song.
Mrs. Wm. Lyon and Mrs. R. Town -
Isend, led in prayer, , The minutes of
the last meeting were read'. and 16
members answered the roll oath.
Group No. 4 took 'charge, Mrs, F.
,Tamblyn leading. Hymn 185 and
prayer by Mrs. • F, Wood.
Mrs. T. Adams read the Bible les-
son. Mrs. Menzies gave a talk on the
reading of the Bible.
bIrs. E. Wood gave a chapter in the
'Study Book. Hymn 182 AS sung and
i Mrs, F.. Tamblyn closed the meeting
with prayer.
The monthly, meeting of the "Mary
i Grierson Mission Band" will meet
Sunday morning at 10.30 In the base-
ment of the Church. Roll call will be
answered with a verse startingewith
The Mission circle held their mon- 1
thly meeting Tuesday night at Mrs.
John Snell's.
olives, figs, almonds, or apples are
Between the rows of trees they
grow wheat, rye, miliett or bushes
that grow nuts. The grain is grown
in drills and cultivated such as
beans are at home. The fences are
of rock also barn and houses.. The
peasants houses and barns are built
circular, about twenty feet in,diamet-
er with a four to six foot straight
wall and then peaked like a wig-
There is not much distinction be-
tween a house and barn as inthe
house you find goats, donkeys, hens,
ducks, or almost any barnyard
animal they happen to have. The rich
class in the larger cities are very
much like °ourselves. In fact the
ladies if they were to walk down a
city street at home wouldn't draw
attention, as •the ',style of .clothes,'
hair -dog etc are the very same.
The only difference is the shoes
which are of cork and wood, that is
the heels and soles but are exactly
'the same style. Their cities are
laid out in a very artistic plan and
they have many boulevards with
palms, and flower gardens.
Geraniums and Oleanders which
grow to trees here also rose trees
not bushes..
Some of the buildings are very
beautifully built. Side walks of tile
in pattern such as linoleum. On many
of the new buidings you see the
year twelve or sixteen in great large
figures and then below you may find
the date of our Lord 1934 or 38. The.
idea is or was that 1922 the year of
the first racist regime is the year
one. The birth of Christ was only a
minor incident in the opinion of
Mussoline. The peasant people here
have lived so long under supression,
worked so hard, made so little, and
lived in such a filthy deplorable state
that they are more like an animal
than a human being. Anyone who
will feed them is their master.
Once again I wish to thank you all
for the lovely parcels. And wish you
all at Porter's Hill, Health, Happin-
ess and Prosperity in the New Year.
And hope that we may all see peace
in the near future. Ivan Lockhart.
On Tuesday evening Mrs. P. Pico
entertained to a Red. Cross party at the
Allen Betties' .home. The weather
was rather disagreeable but a good
crowd were present; $22.00 was real-
ized. Euchre was played during the
early part of the evening, high honors
going to Donelda Vanderburg and Jim
Young; consolation to Mrs. Westlake
and Don Warner. The Melody -Mix-
ers supplied music for dancing. • Tick-
ets were sold on a chicken, Lloyd Sow-
erby held the Luckey ticket.
Ott Friday evening Mrs. Reed Tor-
rance held a Red Cross party. There
were 20 tables of Euchre, high honors
went to Mrs.' F. McClure and Bill
Sterling, consolation'to Mrs. Ray Cox
and Mr. Hyde, ICippen.
Jim 'Young, Pete Young and Mr.
Westlake supplied violin music for
dancing with Mrs. Greensled at the
piano. Tickets were sold on a basket
of potatoes, Helen Thompson held
the lucky ticket. $27.50 was realized
On Thursday afternoon The. W. A.
held their March Meeting at the home
of Mrs. Reed Torrance.. One quilt
was finished and another about half
quilted. Mrs. Lockhart had charge
of the meeting. A traveling apron
was started on its way, hoping in this
way, to realize seine funds. Mite box-
es were also handed Out, the holders
of these are asked to remember the
giver of all good gifts by placing at
east one cent a meal in these boxes.
The people of this community were
sorry to learn of the accident that be-
fell Mr. Bernie Williamson, while
meting posts in Ernie Townsends
busb. A lodged tree crushed him
and he is in Goderich hospital suffer
ng from some broken bones'and in -
erne, injuries.
ay ihViinVIDWOri:
1101111,3 11114=1.5100.110X1
For Every Occasion
Phones: 116w and; elle
Batkins Locker Service
Salmon Steaks ib . ............ 30e
Fresh lake Herring' lb. 15c
Cod Filletts , .... 30e
Haddock Filletts: lb, 35e.
Pickerel Filletts lb,' 49e
White Fish .lb. , .. 27e
Frozen Strawberries box 40e
Frozen Raspberries box 40c
Frozen Peas box 27c
Frozen Corn box - 27c
Casings for Sale
We Buy Hides
Frozen Foods are Better Foods,
'The household furnitureandeffects
of the late Ellen Mair will be offered
for sale by• public auction on,
rat her late residence in the Town of
Further particulars will appear , at
later dates.
Olive Gilbert, Executrix
of Estate of Ellen Mair
Owing to the amount of repairing
to be done before seeding, I will shoe
horses on Thursdays only, as it is
the only day I have assistance. Please
keep this in mind. E. H. Epps, Clinton
Farm Property for Sale or Rent
Approximately 38 acres of land,.
part Lot. 30 Con, 5 Hullett Township,
for sale or rent. For further partieu-
t lags and terms apply to Frank Fing-
land, K. C. • 88.7•
Somewhere in Italy,
February 2, 1944 i
Dear Mrs. Betties and. Ladies of the t
Porter's Hill Red Cross.
Received your Christmas parcel
yesterday and many many thanks h
and I also wish to thank you for the'
parcel l: received Oct. 23rd which I d
thought was mothers until 'a few r
days Sigo when she informed nie inn a 1
letter that it" was aIso the Red Cross
Parcel, The' lower half of the ad- t
dress ,rad been sneeared over so that
it couldn't be read. '
This past week has actually been
Christmas week for us as our
Christmas mail is only now catching
up with us. So we have been living
in style, eating toasted cheese.sand-
wiches, soups, e Indy, cake and even
roast thicken, 0'ur cook says he Is tl
going On holiday as no one will eat
bis Meals anymoh'e: • P
The weather here is wonderful,
warm tun shiny days and coolanighte.
I wish I could. sent some of this S
warm weather, home to you people as
no doubt you would• appreciate it
there at this time of year. .•
'glia Country is mountainous anti
rocky. Every square inch of usable
land- is worked. Even the mountain
are terraced,froln the, foot -.to the
peak and vineyards or orchards of
Now Playing -- Preston Foster
and Lloyd Nolan in "GUADAL-
Now Playing — Deanna Durbin as
Now Plaping - "THE YOUNG
Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Dennis Morgan, Irene Manning
and Bruce Cabot. Morocco, a card-
ron : of intrigue, where the lives
of the good are tainted with bad
and the bad are brightened with
good, "DESERT SONGe in
Men , Tues: and Wed Two Features
Claudette Colbert, Ray Milland' &
Brian Aherne The story of a
young executive who nearly ruin-
ed his heart with his ambitions
William Holden and Susan Hay-
ward Present a lively and enter -
taining comedy •
Mon. Tues.' and Wed.
AIice Faye, Carmen Miranda,; Phil
Baker with Benny Goodman and
his band 'in a grand Technicolor
fun and dance show.
Thur.. Fr. and Sat.
i delightful, human, modern -cin-
derella story about a beautiful girl
with a heart as big as her voice
is golden. Deanna Durbin, • Ed-
mond O'Brien and Barry Fitz-
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Maureen O'Hara :and John Gar-
field a gripping intensely dramatic
stony with a strange international
Thur. Fri. and Sat,
Cary Grant, John ,Garfield and
Allan Hale Listed as the greatest
melodrama to emerge from the
Pacific theatre in
Coming - Alice Faye in "THE
Coming — "HOSTAGES" with
Luise Rainer
Corning -- Abbot and Costello In
Overseas milestn
r .
Active Service Package
99 cents
For Sale
A quantity of dry cedar rails, 12
inches long, suitable for kindling or
light fires. Apply Norinan Ball, R.R.1
phone 804r5. 88-1
CRICH—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Saturday, March 11th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert Crich of Clinton
a son.
GRIFFITH—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Monday,;March 13th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Art. Griffith of
Clinton, twin boys, (Douglas Bruce
and Donald James).
TAYLOR—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Tuesday, March 14th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Bruee-
field, -a son.
ADAMS—In Clinton Public Hospital
on Friday, March 10th, to' Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford . Adams of Londes-
boro, a son, (Murray Lloyd).
.FRASER—In Toronto, on Saturday,
• March 11th; Isabella McFarlane,
I wife of the late Thomas Fraser, in
her, 72nd year.
In Memoriam
REID-In loving memory of Will
Reid, Varna, who suddenly pas-
sed, away March "18th, 1942,—
, The years may wipe-out many things,
But this they wipe out never—
'The memory of those happy days -
When we were all together.
-Fondly remembered by Wife and
March meeting of the. Red Cross
~dill be held at Mrs. Alien Betties'
ome on March 20 afternoon.
Those responsible for the Red Cross
rive in this community were well
eceived. One hundred and, ten dole
ars was handed in. •
Mrs, Ray Cox received a 'letter
rear Cpl. Morris Frame from Italy.
1V Tortes, who had been away for some
time on sick leave says many of the
boys that were there when he left, I
are - missing.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMillan enter-
tained a number of neighbors and
friends to'` a very jolly evening last
Wednesday, March 8th, Euchre and
ancing were enjoyed, music was fur- j
nished by Mrs: M. Driver, :Mrs. H,
owell ,and Bert McDonald.
NELL—NETHE'RY—At Blyth` Rec-
tory on Thursday, March 9th, when
the . Rev. P. H. Streeter united in
marriage Sgt. Robert Jack,.eldest.
son • of Mr. and Mrs: John A. Snell
of Londesboro,, and Marion Ada,
second 'daughter of Mr:. W. G.
Nethery. and the late Mrs. Nethery
of Blyth.
SHOBBROOK-In loving memory of
a dear wife and mother, " Alice
Slwbbrook, who passed away March
18, 19'41.
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell
Of the loss of one we loved so well
And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep
His memory we shall always keeps
Ever remembered ' by Husband and
rot' Sale
One gander./ Apply to
Palmer, R. R.'2.'Clinton.
from our•store
We will give you full
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T.
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E D.S.T.
On Mutual.Network Sundays
Local Station—CKLW., Windsor
Will the party who tdok two bag
grist of chop from the Varna Chopp-
ing Mill on Wednesday, March 8th,
between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 noon,
please return same on or before
March 21st, or make suitable remun-
eration. 88-1
Farm Stock, Implements, and House
hold Effects
Lot 17-18, Huron Road, 2 miles west
of Seaforth, on
For Sale At 13 o'clock p. In. sharp the follow -
50 bushels of choice feed oats. ing:
Apply George Lawson, phone Clinton HORSES -1 Black. Gelding, 9 years
88-1' old, 1 brown Gelding, 9 years old, 1
For Sale Bay Gelding, 10 years old.
One good Durham cow, fresh; wan- CATTLE -3 Durham Cows, fresh 1
ted, old horses for mink feed: Apply nionth with calves at foot, 1 Durham
James East, R. 11, 4, Clinton $8-te cow, due time of sale, 5 Durham cows
due. April and May, 4 Hereford Hei-
For Sale fers due in April and May, 1 Holstein
One set of platform scales, weigh- Heifer, due April 1st, 4 Hereford
ing capacity 800 pounds. In good con- Steers„900 to 1,000. lbs. 10 Hereford
clition. Apply Bert lerunsdon, Londes- Steers, rising 2 years old, 4 Here-
boro. 88-1 ford Heifers rising 2 years ods; 7
Herefords calves.
PIGS -10 pigs ten weeks old.
100' Rock Hens, one year old, 200 -egg
Incubator 1 colony house, 8x10 Brood-
er Stove, Chicken Feeder.
IMPLEMENTS—Hart-Parr Tractor,
18-36; 1 McCormick -Deering 8' fur-
row plow en, rubber; 1 Oliver 10 ft.
tractor disc, like new; 1 6 -ft. Massey
Harris one-way disc, like new; 1
Massey -Harris 12 inch grain grinder,
speed jack: and carriage.(new); 1
Waterloo grain separator, 28x42, on
rubber; 1 Case silo filler, 14”, two
seasons, on rubber; 2 drive belts. 120'
and 100'; 1- Massey -Harris 7 ft. bin-
der; 1 McCormick -Deering mower,
6 -ft,; 1 McCormick -Deering side rake,
new; 1 McCormick -Deering hay load-
er, drop head; 1 sulky rake; 1 13 -disc
Cottage for Sale
A good cottage for sale; also a lot
in good location in which to build.
Apply to Mervin Batkin, Clinton 88-1
For Salo
Quantity of good mixed hay for
sale at'barn. Apply to A. E. Parry,
London Road. 88.8
For Sale
Six -roomed house with -bath. Sub-
stantially built. Apply by writing • or
telephoning your name to Box '39-F
The • News -Record. 88-2
Seed Grain for Sale
A quantity of good, clean seed.
Oats, —Early Alaska; also service-
able age Shorthorn Bulls. Apply W. E.
Manning, Londesboro, Phone Blyth
24r4, 88-1 •
For Sale ( McCormick -Deering fertilizer drill, 3
A quantity of clean seed oats, 1942 years old; 1 set of diamond harrows;
crop. Apply to Edgar Allan, Seaforth, 2 International corn or gear =filers,
phone 665r22 Seaforth. 88-1 I new; 2 walking plows; 1 McCormick -
Deering manure spreader; 2 faun wa-
Repairing and Purchasing • gons; 1 rubber tired wagon; 2 , grain
Sf es opened in 30 minutes; es Type- boxes with stock rack; 2 16 -ft. . hay
writers, Adding Machines, Cash racks with rolling rack;' 1 set of
Registers, Scales, Sewing „ Machines, sloop sleighs with flat rack; 1 2,000
Bought—Sold—and Repaired, J. W. Ib. scales; nutter; 1 fanning mill;
Locking, 369 24th West, Owen Sound
Phone 2096w. 88-5.
Pigs for Sale
Ten pigs, fourteen weeks old. Apply
to Ernest Blacker, R. R. 1 Clinton,
phone 8051:21, Clinton. 88.1
For Sale
One :aged registered Boar, No.
XA98V. Price reasonable, Apply to
John Lindsay, R. R. 3 Clinton. 88-1
For Rent
Lot 30, Concession 5, eighty acres,
good pasture land, spring. Apply to
Mrs. David Churchill, 2183 Bioor
Street W., Toranto. 86-tf
In the Estate of Mary. Ellen Mair,
Proctor late of the Town 'of•Clinton in the'
88-1 County of Huron, Widow, 'deceased.
Farm' for Sale "
160 acres cif •good dayloam, 2%
miles southwest of Clinton, 2nd
of Stanley township, 6' acre's of fait
wheat; 6 acres of 'maple bush; 60
acres of ploughing;` rest in -'hay and
pasture; silo, lots, `of good. water. ' 7'
room frame house; barn '38x76,`
strawslie'd' 32.X56;': stabling under-
neath both; drive shed•;, large pig pen
with, boiler ioom and: weigh scales;
hydro' in ` all buildings.' Apply on
Stanley Jackson, Clinton, R. R. No. 5
All persons having claims against
the Estate .of the above deceased are
required .to file the same with the
undersigned •Solicitor, forthe said
Estate, on or before the 25th day of
March, A.D, '1944 after which date
the assests will be distributed among-
st the parties entitled thereto, having'.
regard only to the claims of wliich.
notice shall. have • been given.
Dated at. Clinton, this 6th day of
March, A.D. 1944;
F. Fingland,'I1.C., Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitorfor the said Estate.
harrow cart; 1 barrel whitewash
sprayer; 1 International cream sep-
arator, power drive and motor; stone
boat; milk pails; crosscut saw; whif-
fletrees; neckyokes; forks shovels;
quantity of dumber and plank; 10
cords of hardwood; 1 real good Col-
lie 'dog,
ol-Iie'dog, heeler; number of bags pota-
toes; few bushels Spy apples;
HARNESS -1 Set of heavy harness;
5 borne , collars; 1 28" horse collar.
GRAIN --250 bushels of seed grain,
1942 crop, Oats and Barley; 500 bush-
els of Mixed Grain; 11 bushels of
Timothy Seed; 2 tons of feed- beans;
50'' bushels of Wheat.
inghou'se electric washing machine
(new); 1 all -enamel, Finlay cook
stove 'with. water front; 1 extension
table and 6 chairs; 1 day bed; 1 oak
dining room suite; 1 chesterfield
suite (new, 8 pieces); 1 bookcase and
china eabi`met; number of smtafl .tables,
4 rocking chairs; 1 hall rackand
seat; number of pietures; 2 bedroom
suites; 1 single bed; 1 antique dresser
1 covered bedroom. chair'; 1 toilet set;
:med oiue chest; 1 wasiestand; 2` chairs
high chain; coal oil stove and oven;
tapestry,' rug, 9:112; 1' wool rug; 9x12;
lamps; sealers; .diaries; kitchen uteri,
sits and a host of other household
Terms of Sale, Casli•
Harold Jackson, A ietion'eer•
Mrs. Mary Riitoul;. Proprietress'
Appliances and
Of farm stock and Implements,
Hay and seed grain, Cartier oats and
No. 21 Barley, on Lot 24, Con 1 L.R.S.
11 miles south of Brueefield on No.
4 Highway on March 28th.
Full Particulars next week,
John N. Hazelwood, Prop,
• For Sale
A frame house with garage on
Huron street,• 3 piece bath, suitable
for two families or rooming house. -
Hydro and town water; ideal location
immediate possession, Apply on
premises to Russell Jervis, Clinton.,
Ont. or write Mrs. W. Cole, 123 Avon
St. Stratford, Ont. 87-3
For Sale
Buckeye Incubator, 210 egg capa-
city; coal oil stove, E. 3.-" est way,
5 burner; sugar kettle; folding bed
3 ft. 26 ins. by 3 ft. 8 in.; auto knit-
ters and mink traps. Apply Mrs. M.
G. Beatty, Box 102, Varna,
Farm For Sale
Lot 37, Concession 4, Goderieh
Township, 80 acres, 14 story Brick
House, Barn 40 by 60 and 40 by 30
Drive House, •Hen House; •Silo, pride
$2,500 Apply Fred Moloy:, Thedford,
Ontario, or The Industri ,bllortgage
& Trust Company, Sarni „Ontario.
For Sale or Rent
80 acres for pasture, goodOeesh,
orchard and spring •creek. Brick house
frame barn and shed. Apply to Mrs.
Ellen J. Cox, Huron St., Clinton.
Farm For Sale
Small farm with modern convene
ence for sale—or will exchange foe
town property. Apply to Box 39-W
the News -Record. 85-4
Farm for Sale
127 acres on No. 8 highway, 11
miles east of Clinton;, plenty of water
14 'acres of,fall ploughing, balance
in hay and asture; well adapted for
mixed farming: 9 ,room brick .house
with furnace. 'Large bank barn with
stabling underneath, cement floor,
water..in barn, drive shed and hen
house,' hydro in house and barn.
Apply on premises, John R. Noble,
Clinton, Ont. R. R. No. 4. 85-tf.
For Rent or Sale
For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Farm
on Highway between Seaforth and
Clinton. Frame house and bankbarn
choice clay loam; plenty of water.
Apply to Wm. Livingston or James
F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 82-tf
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with-. new
bath. House in good, conditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit'.trees.
Apply to J. V, Diehl, Queen street,
Clinton. 69_tf
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink 'feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fret, Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. 68-te