HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-03-16, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1818
With Which is Incorporated The `Clinton New : - Era
,N0. 6188 --64th YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867
Just Arrived! -1
Dozens of new and daintypieces of your favourite
crystalin genuine Cornflower pattern.
If you have.choosen this for Your crystal and: have
not yet completed it, now is the time to come in and
buy those extra pieces you have been wanting. You
will find the prices will meet with your . approval.
Play a Most Important part
in Planning Your Accessories.
for Spring
Never have we had a Wider
Assortment of
Fabric, Doeskin, Pigtex, and
Suede Gloves.
Shades:. White, Natural, Beige
Brown, 1
Grey, Navy, Black
and Two-tone Effects.
�R... I%-IRWIN
Pierce Parashoek
Waterproof— Shockproof -= Non»Magnetic,
Another shipment of these fine watches has just
arrived. Dials have Silver, Rose, Black, Gunmetal
and two-tone backgrounds, all with luminous figures
and hands. Sweep Seconds Watches have red`
second hands. Models at $24.75 $27.75 $29.75
"Lada- Of Valour"
;Newest creation in a sturdy, dependable Watch
for Women in all branches of the Service, Smartly
'designed round shape with luminous figures and
hands, large red sweep second hand, with natty
leather strap, 17 jewelmovement. Prices $29.75 up
All Watches Subject to Government Tax.
Counters. for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in" Huron County
The „'date for Clinton's seventh
I3Iood Donor Clinic is Tuesday, March
21, Donors are reminded to be sure
and eat only a fat-free breakfast, No
eggs, bacon, cream er butter. Eat
plenty of fruit, raw or cooked,, hot
or cold cereal with syrup or sugar
and skimmed milk only, white bread
or toast with jam, marmalade •or
honey. Tea or coffee clear or with
sugar and skimmed milk. Have a
heavy dinner or supper the preceding
evening, and if desired a late 'snack
before going to bed.
More nurses will be needed to as-
sist at this clinic. If you are a gradu-
ate or know of one who is willing to
help, please call Mrs. A. Haddy or
Mrs. W. A. Oakes.
(continued on page 8)
Lions Unable to Include alt
The ClintonLionsClub's r n annual
Farmers' Night banquet will be held
in St. Paul's parish hall on Friday
evening, March 24th, at 6.30 o'clock,
Owing to the ever increasing popu-
larity of this event it is becoming
more difficult to accommodate all
who would like to attend. But the
committee in charge are ` doing all
they possibly can to please as many
of the farmers of the community as
CIKNX Wingham will broadcast
from 8 to 10 o'clock and will likely
stay on the air with this program un-
til it is finished. So if you are unable
to attend personally, you will still be
able ,to hear exactly what is going
The Club regrets this shortage of
accommodations and , hopes that you
will realize their difficulties in this
Vice -Regal Party to Attend
Huron Fed. of ,Agriculture
Official intimation that Their
Excellencies, the Earl • of Athlone,
Governor-General of Canada, and
H. R. IT. Princess Alice, will be guests
of the Huron County Federation of
Agriculture on theoccasion of their
second annual field day to be held at
Seaforth on Wed, June 7, was announ-
ced at a meeting of the Federation
executive held in the agricultural
board room here last Wednesday
evening. Harry Sturdy, Auburn pre-
It was also announced that <R. S.
Kennedy, editor of Family Herald
and Weekly Star, Montreal, who
recently returned from. a , tour of
English farming districts, will be a
field day speaker. A. feature also
will be a demonstration of labor-
saving devices.
Field Day committees were also
Father and Son Night at
Lions Club
The regular meeting of the Lions
Club took the form of "Father and
San Night", when each father brought
a son as his guest, 100 were in at-
tendanee. The program was in char-
ge of Lion A. Garen, Clinton Scout
Master, who took his place as chair-
man in a creditable manner. The
guests of the evening were Mr. Art
Clark, Scout Master at Auburn, who
also spoke on "Boy Scout Work"
delivering a very impressive message;
Rev. P, H. Streeter of Blyth; Club
Master and chairman of this district
spoke briefly; Sgt. Ducast and Cpl.
Bill Conron of Clinton Radio School,
who have assisted with Clinton Boy
Scouts, were guests also.
One new member was introduced
to the gathering, Lion Norman Hol-
land, Goderich township farmer..
The vocal selections were contribut-
ed by Mr. MacDonald of Goderich, ac-
companying himself on the guitar. He
received. great applause for his num-
bers, A trio from the C. 0. I., Bill
Robinson, Charlie Thompson and Roy
Churchill sang, and were greatly ap-
Lion chairmen reporting were Gor-
don Lawson, sports; Eph Snell, Cilia-
ton Spring Show; John •Zapfe, Far-
mer's Night and Pete Counter, on
magazines for the Navy.
Lion H. A. McIntyre on behalf of
theClubof thanks moved a votea finks to
the guest • speaker, and all those who
assisted with the program. Leonard
35 Deer Seen in Stanley_,
Last week while Messrs. Thomas
Stinson and Lloyd Johnston were re-
turning from the bush from cutting'
wood they sighted a herd of deer in
Mi: Johnston's'. wheat field. Being
only a few rods away they counted
them and there were thirty five in
the ,herd.
39th Annual Spring Show,
April Gth
Preparations are now being made
for the 39th Annual Spring Show, to
be held in Clinton on Thursday, April
6th, and featuring ' Heavy horses,
light and general purpose horses,
beef cattle, market hogs, exhibit of
dressed bacon hog carcasses and a
Junior Farmer judging competition.
The fair will be officially opened by
the Lieut -Governor of Ontario, The
Hon. Albert Matthews. The Huron
and Middlesex Regiment will act as
guard of honour.
v. ---
Local Breeder Buys Young
Stock at Bridgeport Sale
Wm. Sparks, Bayfield, bought a
two-year-old heifer and two baby
heifer calves at the 72nd Breeders'
Combination Sale held February 29
at Bridgeport, near Kitchener. Mr.
Sparks paid $145 for the two-year-
old which was consigned by Allan
Bean, Embro, and $82.60 and $50 for
the two calves. ` The dam of the
$82.50 calf which was consigned by.
Eldon fiunsburger, Baden, sold for
$267.50 to Menno B. Martin, Bin i>ra.
The excellent average of $215 was
realized •tor the 31 females sold at
this sale, while 11' bulls averaged
$147.50. Seven head each brought
$250 or more.
LAC Eddie„ MeGill of',liagersville
Spent a few days at his.. home here, '
Warant Offieer Percy Brown, who
has been invalided home from overseas
following injuries received in a plane
crash in Scotland in which other
members of the crew were killed,
visitedwit i relatives in town last week
end. His brother, Lorne Brown of
Clinton, is with the R. C. N. V. R. on
the Atlantic' Coast.
Spr. Clark all and Mrs Ball have
returned home from Camp Dundurn,
Sask„ to visit their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Ball.
Pte. Carman W. McPherson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William McPherson,
Perth County, has returned from
Britain after serving 'with the Royal
Canadian Army Service Corps. He
resides in Stratford. He is in his
27th year and is married to the for-
mer Miss Ether Hoggartii, daughter t
of Mr.' and Mrs. William Hoggart of
Clinton, and has two brothers Fus. a
Ross McPherson, who served at Kiska 0
and Aireraftsmarl, Harold. McPherson,
R:C,A.F, New Brunswick. Mrs. Har-
old McPherson is .'the former Doris
Taylor, youngest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. George Taylor of Clinton.
Cpl. Bruce Bartliff of R.C.A.F.
Aylmer and L/Cpl, Douglas Bartliff
of Brantford, Tank Corps, were week
end visitors with . their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bartliff..
Picture front Italy
A Canadian Army photo received
at this office this week shows'a group
of. Canadian soldiers on the Eigth'
Army, Front in Italy, who are respon-
sible for moving the grub forward up.
the line after dark. It is an excellent
photo of the mei. getting their noon-
day meal. in the.field, and included
in the group are Pte, C. M. Rantoul,
of Seaforth, and Pte. Tom Smith, of
Have you an extra pillow in your
house lying idle? If so, will you don-
ate it to the Blood Donor Clinic, as
they are badly in need of eight more.
Get in touch with Mrs. W. A. Oakes.
J. 11. Vandewater, Victory Loan
organizer for Huron County- in the
last four campaigns, was in the
county breaking ground for the 6th
loan which will open on the 24th of
The list of 'contributors to the re-
cent t Re d Cross campaign will he pub-
lished in this paper next week.
Patriotic Organizations in need of
boys to run errands and to help with
jobs may get in touch with the Scout
Master "Red" Garon, or his assistant,
Charles Johnson, as the Scouts have
offered their services and are very
anxious to help.
Interesting "Welcome Home
Committee" Meeting
On. Friday, March 10th, the "Wel-
come Horne" Committee met in the
Council Chambers. Owing to other
committments, there was not a full
The secretary, Mr. Carless, read
the minutes of the previous meeting
and reported generous donations for
the gift. fund 'from the Ladies Auxil-
iary to the Canadian Legion,'the
Rebekah Lodge and the Canadian
Legion No, 140.
A short discussion was held con-
cerning the nature and the cost of
gifts to be purchased. These mat-
ters were left in the hands of Mrs,
T. G. Scribbins, Mrs. N. WF,-Trewar-
tha, and Messrs. P. 0. Ford and G.
M. Counter.
It was moved by Mrs. C. V. Cooke,
seconded by Mrs. H. Sloan, that
April 6th, Spring Fair Day, be a
tag day for a group of • teen-age
children to collect funds for the "Wel-
come Home Committee' for the.pur-
chase of gifts or other necessary
reception expenses.
St. Paula Church 'of England
The Friendship club will meet on
Wednesday evening, March 22nd, at
he home of Mrs. Ray Cartwright.
Sunday, March 19th, service at 11.
in, and 7. p.m. conducted by Rev.
, Jennings: of London.
2.30 p. m, Sunday School,
Presbyterian Church
Sunday, March 19
Sunday School 10.00 a. m.
Divine Service 11.00 a,m,
Subject "Pre -Easter Meditation,"
Everyone welcome at our service,
Here are a few addresses of some
of our boys overseas which will be
of interest td many. Can. R102602,
L.A.C. Gordon Hearn, R.C.A.F. At-
Cached R.A.F., Overseas;
Can. 118720, LA.C. Colquhoun, A.L.
405 Squadron, R C,A.F. Overseas;
A38382, Sgt. Ca}rpbell, R. B., 19
Cdn, S. P. Regt., iR.C.A., Canadian
Army Overseas.
Can. . C8044, F/Lt. J. C. A. Cooper,
403 A,M.E.S., Royal Air Force,
P/O. Corless, A. V., J26477, R.C.A.F
A104485 Pte. Crozier, J. A., No. 10
Can. Gen, Hospital, R. C. A. M. C.
While we admit we thought"of,put-
ting the overseas boys addressesin,
our column some time ago, it did not
become a reality until' we received a
letter from Pte. G. 'li: Mason, over-
seas, asking us to do so,'stating that
he thought it would be a real service
in knowing the whereabouts of many
of their pals. To the citizens, we ;ask
ilJohnson was the lucky boy in the i that you help us fill thiscolumn week:
draw, Next meeting, will,. be Friday by week until we have all the boys
March 24th; when 150 farmers will be !addresses. Notice 'of change of ad -
guests of the club. J dress'. will be welcome.
Salvation Army
Monday, March 20th, at 8 p. nt.
Evangelistic meeting, taking the form
of a Trophy of Grace meeting, and,
conducted by Lieutenants McArthur Hunter
and Durkee, assisted by R. A, F. men Durst
from Port Albert. Simms
Ontario Street United Church Totals
Women's institute
The regular meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held. in. the
Agricultural Board Room on Thurs-
day afternoon, March 23rd. The ad-
dress will be given by Mrs. W. J.
Henderson of Wingham, District Clinton in the chair. It was decided
nominating clommifttee will be ap-
pointed to bring in a slate
of officers tor election. Program to
follow. Anyone having quilt blocks organized and the members will
made please bring to this meeting, have their stock on exhibition en
Hostesses, Mrs.' J. Jenkins, Mrs, T. field day when judging: contests will
Glazier, Mrs. Saville, Mrs, Sioman, take place with prizes offered,
and Mrs, George Taylor, V
Holstein Field D'ay Planned
A meeting of the Huron County
Holstein Club was held in the Agri-
culture Board room here last week
with a full attendance of members:
and the president J. W. VanEgmond,.
President Roll Call "a joke" A to hold the annual "Black and White"
field day at Seaforth in conjunction
with the fall fair. A Holstein calf
club for junior farmers has been
Celebrate. Golden Wedding
Fifty years ago on the sixth con-
cession of Hullett, the Rev. Hamil-
ton united in the holy bonds of mat-
rimony, Miss Jane Ferguson and Mr.
Thomas . Noble. The bride and groom
resided on their' farm an the fifth
concession of East Wawanosh for
forty-one years retiring to Blyth
in 1935.
The union was blest by three
children (Hazel), Mrs, R. J, Wiggins
of Brantford; . (Berdetta), Mrs. C.
Rath of the seventh concession of
East Wawanosh;, and Roy on the
homestead. These, with relatives
and friends net at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Rath in honour of the
Eighteen sat down to a sumptuous
dinner in the dinning, room, which
was appropriately .decorated in gold
crepe for the occasion.
The bride and groom of fifty years
ago were the recipients of many gifts
Which showed how highly they are
held in esteem by relatives and fected troops in the battle area, Re --
friends. turning troops from the front hear
An iinpron.ptu program was put witness that they owe their return
on by the five grandchildren. After only to the efficiency of the field
the health of the bride and the groom hospital units and the miracle of the.
had been drunk, the afternoon ..was battlefront "plasma." It is our bout). -
in games and reminiscence. den duty to see that of this prepared.
;life-giving blood there is no lack. If
Result of Shooting Compet- you are a healthy male or female,
and "neither too old nor too young"'
'!tion' Held at'•C. C. I. here is your opportunity to serve in.
Seventh Blood Donors Clinic
Congratulations to Clinton and the
surrounding di,strict•en the splendid
way the Red 'Cross appeal was re--
ceived and responded' to, Congratula-
tions too on' the loyal support given:
to the Blood Donor CIinic last held. '
in the Community. It was the big
gest and best yet. There are still:
dozens in our district who have not
heard the call to serve in this.
manner. To them we make another•
appeal to put first things first, and:
work for Victory by registering for
next Tuesday, March 21st, with Dr.
Shaw, The Town Clerk, er the District
Agricultural Representative. You
will be notified : when to appear to
take your donation, so that your•
loss of time will be reduced to a.
minimum, Every detachment of
troops on land, on the sea, or in the.
air has trained hospital corpsmen
equipped with transfusion kits and.
prepared human blood from the•
blood donated in Red Cross clinics,
ready to save. the lives of shock=af-•
a praticaI way. Don't put if off a.
Following ire the results of a moment; arrange your registration
shooting competition held in the by calling Clinton 22, 130, or 47; the
Clinton Collegiate Institute, March Red Cross will make all arrangements,
8th, in connection with the Middle- for an appointment for you, It's as:
sex and Huron Regiment, "C" Coy. simple as that. Every donor drives a.
team is made up of men from Clin- weapon in the war for Victory, Free -
ton and Goderich and "D" Coy team dom, Peace, and the return of oiar•
are men from Exeter and Seaforth. defenders to their own firesides,.
1st shoot with B.S.A. Rifles (5Rd's Remember .text Tuesday forenoon, ia
Group' 10 Rd's App) Wesley -Willis United Church Clinton.
Clinton High School Team Make your appointment and keep it,
Name Group App promptly.
Ro'y 20 35
Morgan 25 27
McIntyre 20 29
Dithy 20 30
Armstrong 20
Grand Totals
"C" Coy
Elliott •
Grand Total
11 a. m. Sacrament of the Lord's
Near noon, Sunday School.
2 p, m: Turner's Church Service.
7 p. m, Aquila's Hospitality,
Monday, 8 p. re. Young Peoples'
Wednesday, 8 P. in. Lenten mid-
week service.
Friday, 8 p. lit. Steward's. meeting.
Baptist Church
Carne and worship with us.
The evening service begins at
seven o'clock, when. the Gospel will
be proclaimed in song and exposition.
The Sunday School "meets at two -
thirty on Sunday afternoon. Encour-
age the children to attend,
l .
ese i '
W YWlhs `.
March 19th, 4th Sunday in Lent.
Morning Worship, 11o'clock, ser-
mon subject, "Christ and the Church."
Church School after worship.
Evening Worship, 7 o'clock, sermon
subject, "The Goal. of Religion.".
32 A quiet wedding was solemnized at:
25 34 the Blyth Rectory on Thursday, March•.
130 187 9th, when the Rev. P. H. Streeter un --
317 ited in marriage Sgt. Robert Jack,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Team (Snell of Londesboro, and Marion Ada,
Group App 'second daughter of Mr. W, G. Nethery
20 82 and the late Mrs. Nethery of Blyth.
26 35 The bride was becomingly attired 'in
26 30 a flowered silk jersey dress with
20 361brown accessories, and wearing s
25 31 corsage of Talisman Roses. Miss Jean
25 35 Nethery, as her attendant, was dress-•
140 199 ed in a two-piece ensemble of brown`.
339 'crepe and yellow flowered silk jersey
Teamwith brown accessories, and wearing
Group App , a corsage of yellow daffodils. The
25 34 groom was attended by his younger.
20 26 brothel' Ray. After the ceremony.•
25 29 a wedding dinner: was served at the•
26 31 i Blyth Hotel with about twenty-five:
25 33'guests present, ,Guests were. present
16 26 'train Stratford London, Rosseau,
135 178, Clinton, Londesboro and Blyth; Later
Grand Totals 313 the sante evening a receptions was held'.
2nd Shoot with Cooey Rifles "0 Coy in the Blyth Memorial Hall where
X' "D" Coy (5Rd's Grouping 6 Rd,s :the bride and groom wore the recap-
App) Tents of many useful gifts, and a
. substantial gift of money. Oh Fri.
"C" Coy Team evening, the neighbours of the loth
Name Grouping .App i Concession of Hullett, gathered at.
Possible (25) < Poss (20) the home of the • groom's parents.
Sgt. Williams 20 15where the happy couple were present
Cpl. Elliott
Pte. Grist
Pte, Watson
Pte. East
Pte, Anderson
Grand Totals
f'D" Coy Team
Name Grouping
Poss (25) Poss
Cpl. Hubert 20
Cpl, Durst
Cpl. Hunter
L/ Opl. Kerniek
Pte. Henn
Pte. Hunter
Grand Totals
20 16 ed with a beautiful occasional table;
20 16 by Mr, Ab, Radford and Mr. Eight
10 18 Josling, the address being read by Mrs
20 ' 16 Josling. ' The remainder of the evening:
20 10 was spent in playing progressive
110 ' 91 euchre, after which lunch was served
201 bringing a very pleasant evening to.
a close,
20 14
20 18
25 13
16 11
10 11
110 82
An interesting wedding in Windsor'
this week was that of Miss julia.
Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Reynolds, to Lieut. Gerald
Anthony Rau, home fioin overseas,,
where he was aide for more than a
year to Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton.
Lieut, Rau is the son of Mrs. Henry,*
Rau of Zurich.