HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-03-09, Page 511(jRs., mAR' Cif 0th, 1944 LION NEWS -RECORD' ee, PAGE 5 '71f: exesotge... ,TO PAY TAXES PROMPTLY War -time taxes are necessarily so heavy as to be a :financial .problem for every Canadian. It is advisable to .save money to pay taxes promptly,. but if through iunforeseen circumstances you find yourself without sufficient cash to meet them when due, a bank loan is , probably the best solution to your problem. A loan .may actually save money for ,you by enabling you to • avoid penalties for overdue taxes. 'Our policy in making personal loans is to help Canadian wage-and-salary-earnets, professional men .and women and business executives to keep financially fit. We therefore make such loans—at very low rates and on easy terms of payment. Do not hesitate to talk over your needs in confidence with the manager of our branch in your own locality. The cost is low, and the terrns are fair: Only $3.65 for a $100 loan repayable in 12 monthly instaltnents; smaller and larger Ioans at proportionate cost. Ark for our. folcler."Do You Need Money?" BANK 01' MONTREAL POUNDED IN 1817 A Million Depositors Enjoy Our Banking Service Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager •Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday 1 . 1 Set AUBURN MSS Francis Houston of Kitchener spent the week end with her parents, :Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Dr. B. C. Weir and Miss Josephine Weir spent the week end in Ottawa , and attended the wedding of Cpl. •John Weir and Miss Vera Eustace. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Scott spent Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Treleaven .and,Mrs, Arthur Brown, Dungannon, L.A.C. Stanley McNall of DUITII- vine spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McNeil.' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bogit and family. have moved to Goderich Mr. Harry Arthur is visiting his mother, Mrs., John Arthur. Harry recently graduated at Portage 1 Prairie.' and received his commission as Pilot Officer, Other visitors with 'Mrs. Arthur at the w,eek end were Miss Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater and Mrs: Keith Arthur of Carlow. Mrs. Ghas. M. Straughan has rent- ed her farm to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Turner who will take possession iin- in ed ia tely, Wilfred Collins has rented the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McBrien 'where ,the Turner family have lived for the past year. The VictoryClub held their second dance Friday night in the Forrester 'Hall with a large attendance. Music was furnished by Tiffins Orchestra Prises were won by Mrs. Kenneth 'McDougal, Reg, Shultz, Mrs. Earl -McKnight, John Moss. Lunch was 'served. Another dance will be held on March ,15th. Net , proceeds were Wililan Govior, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Govier, .1V1r. and Mrs. Harvey McGee 'and Mrs. R. J. Phillips attended a school concert near Exeter Friday evening when Mr. McGee was guest s oloi st. Ladies Aid • Mrs. Earl Raithby 'gave bee home Tor the March meeting d the Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church, The dd- : votional period, was taken by Mrs. (James Mutch and Mrs. Frank Raith- by. The business period was in I charge of the president, Mrs. C. A. Howson, A quilt was completed for the Red Cross Society and another top is ready for the April meeting. The secretary Mrs. Earl Raithby read letters of thanks from ,Fort Francis and" Haliburton where mis- sionary quilts had been sent. Also a letter of thanks was read from Master Paul Raithby of London thanking the Ladies for a "Get Well" card he had received during his ill- ness. The treasurer reported that $8.23 had been received at the Febra.- ary meeting.. Many favorite hymns were sung, A reading was given by Mrs. R. J. Phillips a solo by Miss Alma Mutch, The topic "One hund- red percent investment which is only found in living' a Christian life" was given 'by Mrs. L. Irwin. Mrs. ,Earl Raithby dosed the meeting with prayer,: v HULLETT TOWNSHIP The regular monthly meeting of the Lafalot-Club was held at the home of Mre. Itenty Glee? on Friday, March 3rd, with an attendance of thirteen ladies. There was the annual quilts quilted and more patches given out to each lady to be made into blocks for quilts; also print to be made up into little children's dresses. The high-, light of the meeting, was a quilt auctioned of, which' caused much laughtei and excilement. The pro- ceeds of the quilt were $7.40. A dainty ten -,cent 'tea was ,served by the hostess and the meeting closed by singing, "God Saire the King." The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fi•ank McDonald on Wednesday, April 5th. LO]WESBORO • Misses Beth and Rhoda Goyim, and friend from London' with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Govier. Miss Been, Millar, Clinton, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Millar, 1VIr, Jack Clark, Toronto, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Wm. Lyon, Thorndgle, with Mrs. Elizabeth. Lyon.. Mrs, Win. Griffith is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm, Breen in London. • Miss M. Melville is visiting friends in Seaforth this week, Have you committed the unpardon- able sin? God's word says that there is a sin which "hath never for- giveness. Many people are unwitt- ingly guilty.of this sin. Come to church next Sunday morn- ing and hear this tremendous subject of "The Unpardonable Sin" dealt with by the pastor Rev. A. E. Menzies The W. A. will hold their March meeting at 'Ars. Jim Fairservice's on Wednesday at 2.30 March 15th. The Hostesses are Miss Lillie Adams, Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mr. Wm, Hesk has rented Mrs. Geo, Barr's house and we will all welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hesk to the village.V St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. held their meet- ing on Monday evening at the home of Margaret Fremlin. Lunch was served and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Londesboro Red Cross News The regular meeting of the Londes- boro Red Cross was held on March 2nd with the President Mrs, 13. Bruns_ don presiding. The meeting opened by singing the "Maple Leaf Forever" followed by •the Lord's Prayer in unison, there were 43 in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. There was a letter read regarding the saving of darning needles, sewing needles, Khaki buttons, pins, safety pins. It was decided to have a shower of these along with soap, thread, yarn, razor blades, and shaving cream at the next meeting, these to be sent to fill 'house wives for capture parcels. A letter was read from the R. C. jam headquarters, which stated there had been 36 tins of raspberry and 9 tins of plum jam purchased with the donation sent in by our branch. It was decided to send Roy Vodden, a shower of cards, also a little treat from the Red Cross. The next meeting of the Red Cross will be held on the 4th of April in- stead of the eth on account of the Clinton Spring show. There was a letter read referring to second hand clothing for Czechos- lovakia. It was decided that anyone having good second hand clothing to bring to the next meeting. Letters were Tead from Clifford Sundercock, Peter Brown, Russel McLean (Scott) E. Allen, thanking the Society for boxes received at Christmas time, It was moved by MTS. J. Shaddick and seconded by Mrs. E. Wood that a list at the names of all who gave to the Red Cros9 campaign be published Mrs. Joe Lyon donated a pyrex pie plate on which tickets were sold. Mrs. B. Shobbrook won the lucky ticket. Proceeds $2.50. The following money has been, handed in from the different lines to date; / Com. 10 and 11 east Londesboro 08.65, Com. 10 and 11 west Londes- boro $68,00, Com. 8th and 9th $67.00, Village 73.60, 13 Con. $153.75. The following shipping receipts have been received. 10 dressing gowns, 8 bed jackets, 37 sheets, 15 khaki, scarves, 23 pr. plain service socks, 8 ladies' pullovers, 7 children's pullevers, 5 children's sweaters, 1 child's set. The . following donated lIosthss money for March 50c a piece.' Mrs, S. Carter, MTS. I Carter, Mrs. L. Lyon, Mrs. 13. Shobbrook, Mrs. C. Crawford, Mrs. J. Cralvford, Mrs. E. J. Crawford. 2 quilts were donated from Burns one from Miss Jean Leiner the other from Misses Jean and Agnes Hamil- ton. The tea collection amounted' to $3.45. The meeting closed by singing' the National Anthem. After, which! the lath concession held a very sne71 cessful baking sale. • , BRUCEFIELD The Brucefield Horticultural Soeit- ty are holding a St. Patrick's Social on Friday evening, March 17th in the baeement of the church, A. pro- gramme and Social evening are being planned and they have secured a set of slides on "Planning and Planting of Farm Grounds" Elveryone is in- vited to come and enjoy a social tine and if possible to bring in their spring, order. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Eve,ry Occasion C V COOKE FLORIST Phone's: 66w and 661 Batkins Locker Service Salmon Steaks Ib. 30c Haddock Filletts ib, 35c Cod Filletts lb. 30c Fresh Lake Herring 150 White Fish lb. 26c Pickerel Filletts 49c Don't forget our farmer style Sausages Also frozen fruit and Peas and Corn Casings for Sale We buy Hides Frozen Foods are Better Foods. CARD OTHANKS Mrs. Robert Freeman and relatives of the ,late Thomas Marshall wish to thank the neighbors and friends, also Clinton Hospital staff, for their kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement; special thanks to Rev. G. G. Burton, to those who loaned cars and for the beauti- ful floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Murdock Ross wishes to thank all friends, who so kindly sent lovely letters, flowers, and so many get -well cards, while she was a patient in the General Hospital, Toronto. MARRIAGES jOHNSON—DAYMAN—At St. An- drew's United Church manse, Kip - pen, Rev. A. M. Grant, united in marriage, Edna Mae, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman Kippen, and L/Cpl. Kenneth Elgin Johnson second youngest son of Mrs. 'Johnson, Hensel', and the late James Johnson BIRTHS CLARK—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 5th, to Cpl. and Mrs. Melvin Clark of Clinton, a son, (Melvin Allan). ADDISON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Monday, March 6th, to Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison, of Clinton, a son, (Robert Alexander). DALE—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, March 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dale of Hullett Township, a daughter. DEATHS STEEP—In Tuckersmith Township, on Friday, March 3rd, John Steep in , his 73rd, year. WILLIAMSON—In Cayuga, on Thursday, March 2nd, Calvin Wil- liamson, in his 60th year. Wesley -Willis W.A. The W. A. met in the Church Hall On the afternoon of March 2nd. The President, We. E. Paterson was in the chair. Mrs. Charlesworth Was pianist. The opening hymn was "Take up the Cross, the Master said" Mrs. Cooper offered, prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Sutter. The treasurer, Mrs. Fingland, and the secretary, MTS. Jefferson, gave their reports. Several most interest- irig letters were -read front boys over- seas, thanking the W. A, for boxes sent to them for Christmas. $5.00 was voted to the Church Deaconess Work, Mrs. It: E. Manning gave the report of' the Fleveer COW.- mittee Mrs. Van Horne reported 4 guilts made for the Red Cross Mrs. Reg Shipley- and' Mrs. Cie Cook were the visiting committee for Fabierary end had made' 10 calls. Arrangements were completed for the St. Patricks' Tett on March 18th. Mrs, Shipley gaVe a most amusing reading entitled "The Country' Doc- tor." Mrs. McKinley's reading .-1,0 the Health of St. Patrick cauSed much laughter. Miss Catharine Fing/and played a group of .sorige on the piano. Mrs. McGill closed with prayer, after which Tea was served by Virg, Frank Andeewe' group. For Sale • One Jersey cow; will exchange for young pigs or young cattle, W. If Middleton R. R. 3 Clinton, phone 906.r15 87-1 '• RAVI' THEATRE J cAprrAL THEATRE , . REGENT TIIEATItE • •Now Playing — 'OliVia de navii... • land, ali "PRINCESS O'ROURKE?, Now Playing Abbott and Costello In "IT ,A., Iiii,,, HAY" — .. mpAezaInNi 1 aG, pill. \13258. pill aAsiLinEFD Aiy,,,,,,tx Evi with Durbin, Mon. Tuee, and Wed. "THE FALLEN SPARROW" , • A. man who fought for a cause • against all the subtle tortures the • fiendish minds of the Axis could invent. John Garfield, Maureen • O'Hara, Walter Sleeak and Pat- ricia Morison. • Mon. Tues. and Wed. The •picture you have waited for! A grand Technicolor feast of fun and Music "THE GANG'S ALL HERE" Alice Faye, Cartrien Miranda and Phil Baker, • Mon. Tues, and Wed. Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins and Gig Young present an interesting interlude in the lives of two con- flicting personalities "OLD ACQUAINTANCE" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. '' Preston Foster, Lloyd Nolan and William Bendix. A drama, rich in action faith and inspiration ' ' torn from the bloody pages of, re- cent history. "GTJADALCANAL DIARY" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Deanna ni in twinO'Brien D le' Ed d , A music, and Barry Fitz' erald hgs t r' tio Z a ally treated° al ° e.Ia 11 ° woman you would like to know DAY" "THE AMAZING MRS. HALLS- . — Thurs, Fri. and Sat. • Robert Donat Phyliss Calvert and , R. obert Morley Offer an exciting account of the adventurous doings in the life of "THE YOUNG MR. prier, , • Cexoonatiiengu--asi"DpEorStEraRyTedinSONG"TechTnhie. color, ' Matinees Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m, Coming — "SKYLARK" with "YOUNG AND WILLING" Coming — Alice Faye In "THE GANG'S ALL IIERE" The Place to Buy YOUR BREAD Buns, Pies and Cakes BARTILIFF'S PHONE 1 Tenders Wanted Tenders for painting the main hall and three offices in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, will be received up to 12.00 o'clock noon, Tuesday, March 14th. Specifications and any other in- formation may be obtained from the Coihtty Clerk, Goderieh, Ontario, N. W. Miller, County Clerk. For Sale A. good six -roomed cottage. Apply at the News -Record • 87-1 For Sale Seven -roomed cottage, with three piece bath on Orange street. Apply to Jack Gilbert, phone Clinton 908r21. For Sale A. frame house with garage on Huron street, 3 piece bath, suitable for two families or rooming house. Hydro and town water; ideal location immediate - possession. Apply on premises to Russell Jervis, Clinton; Ont. or write Mrs. W. Cole, 123 Avon St. Stratford, Ont. • 87-3 Farm For Sale 160 acres of good clay loam, 21A miles southwest of Clieton on the 2rid of Stanley township, 6 acres of fall wheat; 60 acres of maple bush, rest in hay and pasture; lots of good water. 7 :tom frame heese; bare 38x76, strawshed 32166; stabling underneath both; drive shed; large pig pen with boiler room and weigh scales; hydro iit all building. Apply 08 preinises Stanley Jackson, Clinton, R. R. No. 51 87-3 Far Sale Buckeye Incubator, 210 egg capa- city; coal oil stove, E. Z.-" est way, 5 barrier; sugar kettle; folding bed 3 ft. 25 ins. by 3 ft. 8 in.; auto knit- ters and mink traps. Apply Mrs. M. G. Heathy, Box 102, Varna. Summerhill Red Cross The Summerbill Red Cross Group met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Smith on Thursday afternoon, March 2nd, With the president in' the chair the meeting (Veiled 1 singing "Abide with nee" with 'Mrs. G. Smith at the piano follovved' f]y• the Red Cross prayer. The minutes of the last me,et- ing were read an adopted, 25 mem- bers and 1 visitor wete present. lifts. Blake gave the treasurerrs report, $42.48 in the quilt fund and $62.85 in the Heys Box fund. A box is fruit grid cigarettes were sent to Pte. Roy Vodden in Westminster Hospital London, Our January Knitting quota u of 4 pr. mitts and 4 pr. army socks E have been shipped. Tickets • were sold on a pie plate donated by Mrs. R. Smith which brought $1.00, Vire. W. Penfound holding the lucky ticket, IA quilt was quilted and 2 quilt tops finished in the afternoon. Our nod meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Snell on March 15. The Hostesses will be MIS'S Ruth Snell, Mrs. R. TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E. D.S.T. On Mutual Network — Sundays Local Station—CKLW., Windsor CHARLES E. rump% P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA Notice DOG TAGS All Persons that have Dogs will have to have them tagged. By Order of the Tax Collector. 86-2 Rooms for Rent Two apartments for rent, furnished with modern' conveniences and pri- vate entrance. Apply at the News - Record. 86-2 ELECTRICAL Appliances and Repairs N. B. NICKERSON Clinton Phone 226 CARETAKER WANTED For Clinton Public School To begin duties about March 15tb, 1944. Apply to the Secretary, John Hartley, Clinton, Ontario. 87-1 Farm For Sale Lot 37, Concession 4, Goderich Township, 80 acres, VA story Brick House, Barn 40 by 60 and 40 by 30 Drive House, Hen House, Silo, price $2,500 Apply Fred Moloy, Thedford, Ontario, or The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Cempany, Sarnia, Ontario: • 87-2 For Sale Purebred Yorkshire Sows. 20 to choose from. This is positively the last week as they are al! 200 lbs., six months old. Gordon Turner, R.R. 2 Hayfield, phone 906r5 87-1 Seed Grain for Sale 500 bushels of Urban Oats, and Velvet Barley. Apply Gordon Tur- ner, R. R. 2 Hayfield, phone Clinton 906r5 Wanted Furnished cottage or apartment with bath, Apply by letter or tele- phone information to Box 39K, The News -Record. • 86-2 For Kent Lot 30, Concession 5, eighty acres, good pasture land spring. Apply to Mrs. DaVid Churchill, 2183' Bloor Street W., Toronto: 8'6-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Ellen late of the Town of Clinton' in' the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims' against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the s4me with the ndegsigned Solicitor for the said state, on or before the 25th day of March, A.D. 1944, after which date the assests will 'be dietributed among- st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 6th day of March, A.D. 1944. P. Vineland,' LC., Clinton, Ontatio, Solicitor for' the said Estate. Neal, Mrs. Q. Neal, Mrs, E, 4,•••••••Nr.nonnevninnirv --,,nawsmus Custom Sawing Will be done at McEWAN'S MILL, HAYFIELD, this spring Will buy a quantity of Hemlocle. Basswood and Elm logs. 84 DANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, March 10th Bert Worth and his Embassy Club Orchestra (Formerly Willis Tipping Orchestra) Dancing 9 till 1 Admission: 50 Sponsored by The Stanley Twp, Federation of Agriculture. MOVING PICTURE SLIDES by Mr. Jim Scott of Seriforth. Mr, Newell Gieger will be the guest speaker. in VARNA HALL, on Theirsday, March 9th, at 8.15 p. m. Everybody Welcome. 86-2 Money to loan on first mortgages Now is the TIME to stop paying rent and to buy a farm. Write us if you have been thinking about it. We may be able to help with a loan. All inquiries treated confidentially. The Huron & Erie • Mortgage Corporation London Windsor St. Thomas Chatham For Sale or Rent • 80 acres for pasture, good bush, orchard and spring creek. Brisk house frame barn and shed. Apply to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, Huron St., Clinton. 86-5 Farm For Sale 'Small farm with modern conveni- ence for sale—or will exchange for town property. Apply to Box 39-W, the News -Record. 85-4 Farm for Sale 127 acres on No. 8 highway, 11/4 miles east of Clinton; plenty of water 14 acres of fall pleughing, balance in hay and pasture; well adapted for mixed farming. 9 room brick house with furnace. Large bank barn with stabling underneath, cement floor, water in barn, drive shed and hen houee, hydro in house ,and barn. Apply on premises, John R. Noble, Clinton, Ont. R, R. No. 4. 85-tf. ' • For Rent or Sale For Sale or Rent -100 Acre Farm on. Highway' between Seafeith and Clinton. Frame house and bank barn; choice clay loam; plenty of water. Apply to Wm. Livingston or James F. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth. 82-tf For Sale Good 1 1-2 storey house with new bath. House in good conditon, Also small barn, garden and fruit trees. Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street, Clinton. Wanted to Huy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink feed. 0 dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack GiThert 908r21. 58-tr,