Clinton News Record, 1944-03-09, Page 2PAGE 2
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G. E. HALT. - Proprietor
THURS., MARCH. 9th, 1944.
"God ul. Where ere shall" eu
g w lunch . t
iereo� ', ,
'before ;him: Thexes a new
Cherry Pyecroft, ,member of theMn
The Ivy, perhaps, or the Savoy'? ;Man who's been around quite a lot
waafs; ' hurries t'o London to the oz• shall we go somewhere quieter lately.- He's very taken up With
apartment of her friend, Denise, who where we can talk undisturbed?" Cherry. His- name's Jerry Miller."
had tinentethe man she loved. Ont ` I—I think I'd rather go some -1 He sounded her about,hini as
arriving she learns that I)eeise no where quiet. She hated herself as they drove down the quiet country
longer loves Simon, 'and that she is she Made these arrangements but road. I haven't heard you men -
leaving ;that night to avoid meeting she had to learn about Denise. (tion that fellow Miller before, have
him on his.return fronsa trip to' "Listen, til tell you what we'll/I, Cherry?"
I nseriea. Cls ret admits she has do. Let's meet up at the Mayfair! "No, but then I hardly know hien
been in love with Simon, Denise for a drink, and then go on to some Simon. He wasn't really a friend
asks her to stay and greet her has- other place for food. Will one of mine."
o'clock suit you?" Cheri'
band with the bad news. Simon ar- „ I y moved a little along the
rives but Cherry withholds the news.( Yes, Ill be there."seat and snuggled. nearer to her
Learning that the train to Bristol' Monday, One o'clock at the husband. "Don't let's talk about
had crashed=the train that Denise Mayfair," he said as he released him, Simon."
took— Denise's charred suitcase, And her I "Rather not. I don't Want to. It
assume a ball burned hod' is hers,I She nodded and then turned quick -:was just . . . well, forgive me,
SILVER STUDIO Moths later Simon and Cherry are `ly. She wanted to leave him now Cherry. I don't want to sound like
"Portraits of Distinction" 'married, but Cherry's;happiness is I to f}nd Simon and, if she could, a jealous husband, ' but I'd hate to
spoiled at finding Denise's ngage-t
prevent their meeting. But her think you might still want to run
For Appointment Phone 259 rent ring in a drawer . , .proving e -(heart sank as she saw that Simon around with him., If I were really
f iiflto 1 , Cherry that Denise was still alive• •' and Valerie were immediately be- honest with you I'd say that I'd
ti hind her. "Oh, -there you are!" she mnoh prefer to know that you'll
osaid, a trifle unnecessarily. :neyer have nothing snore to do with
171. T. RANCE Valerie sullied. "Your husband, him."
Cherry drew a soft'breath. She Cherry darling, is a most wonderful
i m NOTARY PUBLIC felt the color drain from 'her eheeks.Idancer." Cherry stared straight before her
Fire Insurance Agent Jerry Miller! Next to Denise he was the white ribbon of moonlit
Representing 14•Fire Insurance the one person she had no wish to Simon laughed. 'What rubbish! along
Companies w It's you who made it all so easy." road, Why in the World had Simon
Division t?ourt Office, Clinton meet again. She'd been trying so „ shad to say?
'marc/ to forget. Husband'?" murmured Jerry • just that. There was
Miller "I say, Cherry, you didn't that pending meeting on Monday
Jerry Miller stood smiling at her. tell me " (with Jerry and for her own future's
He hadn't altered in the least. He you were married, Y
,,Didn't I?" She met his gaze !sake and Simon's there seemed no
still had that rather lean, ruthless boldly. "Oh, yes, Jerry. I'm mar -++way of escaping it.
look about him that was so attrae- vied," she said quietly. "This is! "Oh, Sinton darling, there's only
tive to many women. Only Cherry my husband, Simon Lindon. Simon 1 one man I want to run around with
wasn't one of them. He said with this is Jerry Miller, I knew hitt now! I don't need to tell you what
evident pleasure. "//Tell! Well! So ages ago. We met quite unexpect-ibis. name is do I? As for Jerry
we meet again." city again this evening' away.
H. C. MEIRMiller • .. "her voice, trailed
They were dancing now, not that I She couldn't say that she wouldn't
Barrister -at -Law Cherry wanted to dance with him. There were conventional greet-. see him again. She couldn't lie de -
Solicitor of the an SupremeeCourt of She wanted to grab Sitnon and run ings . as they moved away from the liberately to Simon. Still, she was
Proeton in Admiralty.
away from the party. She tried des- dance floor in a little group. Though allowing it to go default. The
perately not to let panic overwhelms Cherry longed to detach Jerry from 1 week -end seemed now to
Notary Public and Commissioner promise
Offices in Bank of Montreal Building her. Mrs. Hampden, in introducing it he seemed determined to remain 1 difficulties and evasions. If Simon
Hour's: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays iter to .Terry Miller, had forgotten with then. brought up rho subject of Jerry
and Fridaya. that she was married. SO far he was "Funny I should run into Cherry Miller again , . ,
unaware of it. Would it 'be possible again. I've often wondered what/
to avoid introducing him to Simon? had become of her" he said con- For Cherry that week end was an -
Somehow she must keep from hint versatiosally to Simon. other little spell of heaven. Reso-
the fact that she was married to When Lane joined thews, Cherry lutely she put all thoughts of Jerry
Denise's husband. hoped that Jerry would be capti- Miler and Denise from her mind.
She tried to pull herself together. voted by her looks. But after a I Sunday 'was a Iazy day. They sat
Yes, it was quite a long while since moment or two he was devoting beneath the ,apple tree and played
t know ex- himself exclusively to her again, a little game. The war was over
they'd met. No, she didn'
actly bow many months. leaving Sinton to talk to Lane. Inow. Simon was back in his regu-
Cherry pulled . at, . Simon's sleeve, ;lar job. Cherry was keeping house
"Y do, nearly fifteen: Mlle held' tat the cotta e
„ I think we might slip away soon g
her more closely, Far too long to darling." I "One day that will. happen, my
my way of thinking. 1 often won- ,Torr looked at her reproachful- Cherry."
icier! what had become of you," y p It's "I wonder when
1 "Did ou?" ly. "You can't go yet. much , Simon darling?"
„ y too early." + "Heaven knows, but it can't go
I take it you never wondered"Olt yes, we can," said Cherry on forever."
What had become of me?"
determinedly, "Simon, daring•, 1 "I suppose we're terribly lucky
Frank FingIand, B.A., LLB.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloan Dita - ... .... Clinton, Ont.
Electra Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street, (Few Doom
west of Royal Bank)
' Hours—Wed. and Sat., and by
1 ! appointment
iy Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207 •
Licensed Auctioneer
Specialist in Farm and Household
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information etc. write or phone
Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4 Seaforth,
phone 14-661, 06-012
"No." here to have supper let's go now, shall we? Valerie to have even this. I feel so sorry for
ing on front
"Listen, how about you and I go- tvon't mind. She knows you and I 1 some of the girls whose husbands
don't have much chance to be on are overseas.„
somewhere?” he murmured. "Let's our own together,"
run up to town. I've got my car 1 Monday morning they drove to
That, she thought should show London. Simon knew Cherry wasn't
Mr. ,ferry Miller just how she felt t.due back at the airdrome until six
about her husband, lest he should +o'clock. Ile suggested they should
DR. G. S. ELLIOTT be under any delusion in the mat- meet for lunch but she made ex -
ter. She held out her hand to him, I crises.
Veterinary Surgeon "Good-bye. Jerry, It's been nice He dropped her at Piccadilly Cir-
�•t seeing you again." i cus, "You'Ii be all right, darling?"
Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. Jerry held her hand for longer he said, "Seems funny to be say -
than was necessary. `Good-bye, ing good-bye to you lilts this."
Cherry. I'll be seeing you." "I'll be all right, Simon."
On the surface those words meautt
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT nothing. But his eyes told her the "at time do you expect to go
time and the place just as if he'd back?"
57 Blear Str. W. Toronto Ont.Int not really quite sues, I'll
spoken the very words aloud, She go down with Lane most likely. I'm
felt the color run up her cheeks, seeing her at twelve o'clock at
Sinton saw the rising color. He Marshall's."
saw, too, the way Jerry Miller looked This at least was true, only it
more certain every moment that at her. It trade him wonder. He didn't ease her conscience. But if
she might gain a great deal from trusted Cherry utterly,y could tell her definite news
yet what was Jerry OEIt1ICER'5—President, Alex McEw- just one talk with him. it he'd heard about this chap Jerry of Denise it would be worth so much
ing, Blyth Ont; Vice President, W. R. "That'll be, fine. How about to- Miller? The name struck a cord in to know red} peace of mind.
•Archibald, Seaforth; Manager and morrow?"
SecretaryTreasurer,M. A. Reid Sea- his memory. He had heard it before She leaned forward and kissed
forth, Ont.. No. No T can't manage that." tonight, -but not .from Cherry, he felt her husband. "Good-bye, Simon
• DIRECTORS - Alex McDwin
"The next day, then?"I „
g,certain. Still, that meant nothing. darling, just a little while.
Blyth, Oslt., W. R. Archibald, Sea-! That would be Monday, She She couldn't,mention all the men and "Good-bye, my sweet. We'll meet
fonthforth, Ont., ,•Chrex is 't Born- wasn't due of duty again until six 1 women she'd known befotie they'd again very soon."
holm, Ohtt.,E. J. Leonhardt,Trewartha,Clinton, that evening. Yes, she could man met. Jerry Miller? Jerry Miller? Cherry found Lane waiting for
Ont., Thomas Moylan, Seaforth, Ont., age to see him. then. I Ah, now he had it! :It was Denise her at Marshall's, Lang who had
Frank McGregor, Clinton, Ont,, Hugh All right," she said. Let's,who had 'mentioned him. What was so much to 'saythat she didn't no -
Alexander, Walton, Ont., George make it Monday. Pm on forty- it she'd said? Funny how he couldn't tics that Cherry's own thoughts
Leitch, Clinton, Ont. eight hours' leave. I think I can remember, Then in a flash he had kept her more than usually occu-
AGBNTS—Joh.n E. Pepper, Bruce- just'fit it in." '
field, Ont., R. F. McKercher, Dublin, it, just as if Denise's letter were pied.
Ont., J. F. Printer, Brodhagen, Ont., ,�,.,.,,�, ��� "Love suits you, Cherry. It's im-
George A. Watt, Blyth, Ont. proved your looks."
Any money to be paid may be paid Cherry laughed. ,"Heaven knows
to the Royal Bank,*Clinton;. Bank of what it will do to yours! Listen,
Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin
. Cutt's Grocery, Goderieh. "Men May Come what are we going to do now? It's
Parties desiring to effect incur- ten past twelve and I'm free till
Anse or transact other business will
be promptly attended to on applica- and Men May Go" one."
am I I want to buya hat.
tion to any, of the above officers ad- ,,,
dressed to -their respective post offs- Only it's so . difficult trying on a
ccs. Losses inspected by the director. her^a'ai AN individual appointed as your executor hat when one's in uniform,"
may die, may be ill, absent, too busy to It took Lane some tine, but in the
give- the necessary attention to the ad- end she found one that suited her.
ministration of your -estate. He may lack They shared a taxi to their re -
the necessary experience. spective luncheon appointments,
You are assured of personal interest and Cherry dropping Lane 'on her way.
prompt, economical and business -like at- Jerry Miller was waiting for her
tention to your estate every business day in the foyer ,of the Mayfair.
in the year if you appoint-- They had drinks in the cocktail
bay. The talk was superficial, Jer
' THE ry • seemed inclined to he on his
STERLING TRUSTS best' behaviour this morning. But
once they Were in the Moulin
CORPORATIQN Rouge, -sitting at a little table in'a
Sterling Tower, Toronto far corner, he leaned toward her.
33 years In Business
Dm glad to find you're • not one of
those wives who are so convention -
a1 that, they go, out nowhere except
outside. I can make it under the
hour. I want to talk to you, and
I can't talk with all these people
around use?"
She wanted to talk to him also,
only not quite in the way he hoped
She told him so, quickly, urgently.
"I'ns not alone here, I—I'm with
He grinned. "That's all right.
No need to explain. A, girl as pret-
ty as you is bound to be herd with
a boy friend. Still how about some
ether day?"
"I might manage lunch Some-
time," she conceded tentatively,
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
Trains will arrive at and depart.
from Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East, depart 6.43 a.m.
Going East, depart 3.03 p.m.
Going West, depart . •.I. 12.04 p.m.
Going West, depart 11.10 p.m.
London and Clinton Division
-• Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m,
oing South, leave ....'.1; . 3.10 p.m
az adt changes constantly to meet
this country's changing needs
Ever wonder where your ration
coupons go? The answer is that
your grocer takes your sugar,
butter and other coupons to his
bank, which acts as the govern-
ment's agent in identifying and
accounting for millions of spent
coupons. This' vast bookkeeping
job —known as "Ration Coupon
Banking" — is just 'one of the
new, additional assignments
which the banks have assumed
as part of their wartime service.
Another is the payment, on
behalf of the government, of cer-
tain subsidies arising out of war-
time price control. Still another
is the handling of exchange trans-
actions as agents of the Foreign
Exchange Control Board.
At the same time the banks have
arranged facilities to serve Mili-
tary establishments and new war -
industry centres alike.
Through loans to industry and
agriculture, they have helped to
increase the supply of raw mate-
rials, weapons and food.
They have acted as issuing
agents for approximately $5,700,-
000,000 worth of Victory Bonds
and War Savings Certificates, as
well as lending direct financial
aid to the government through
short term loans.
...All this in the face of wide-
spread staff changes resulting
from enlistments of 8,360 trained
bank employees.
The war emergency has proved the readiness and ability of
Canada's banks to adapt their services to new conditions. It
has proved, once again, the strength of your banking system,
which is providing a firm base of financial service for the
greatest economic effort in the nation's history, and will with
equal resourcefulness meet the challenge of the years ahead.
with their own husbands."
Cherry met his look squarely.
"Actually I am, as it happens. Not
so muck from convention, but be-
cause I prefer to be with my own
husband. But meeting you is rather
different. There—there are one or
two questions I want to ask you."
Jerry frowned. "I don't think I
like the sound of that. Then you're
not lunching with me because you
find my charm so irresistable?"
"I didn't find it irresistible when
I first met you through Denise. I
don't see quite why I should find it
any more so now."
"Don't you? I thought it had
strengthened, Seriously, Cherry
darling, you did want to see Me
junta little, didn't you?"
"Oh, yes, I wanted to see you
But not, to be frank, for quite the
reason you imagine. Jerry, listen
you and Denise went off together,
didn't you? Were you—were you.
there when she was killed? I mean
well, did you actually see it
Jerry stared at her. "I say, what
is all this? Are you suggesting I
went off with Denise?"
"Well, didn't you?"
"God forbid! My dear, child, Denise
was all right for a bit of fun. I was
quite fond of her in a way, but 'L 1
most assuredly neves+ contemplated
running off with her. Heavens above
did your 'husband think I'd bolted,
with her?"
In Clinton Hospital
Mrs, F. D. Stalker, who has been in
failing health for sometime, is now
a patient in Clinton Hospital, where
she was taken on Tuesday.
Mr. James : Cartwright, is a patient
in the Clinton, Hospital, after suffer-
ing a stroke of paralysis on Sunday;
morning. —Blyth Standard.
This is the ensign of mercy wherever
The victims of war in their misery
Emblem of selfless and tireless de-
Help of the helpless by land or by
Symbol of sacrifice, danger disdain-
Answering swiftly humanity's call—
Healing for wounded and friendship
for captive—.
Give to the Red Cross who cares for
them all!
For whom the bell tolls, as we battle
for freedom,
None may be certain, but this much
is sure—
None is immune in this war univer-
None from its terrors may feel quite
secure ,
Someday • on you or your clear •ones
its menace
All unsuspected may suddenly bear;
So, for the sake of the mercy you
hope for,
Give to the Red Cross—that they
may be there!
He may be yours who will pray for
Theirs the sole link between you and
his need;
Give without stint as you would were
your loved one
Now in the toils of the tyrant indeed!
Give! In the Name of ,the Lord of all
Who on a blood -reddened crucifix
His life for yours—and in giving,'
All that you give to the Red Cross—
you save!
-Squadron Leader G•;, L. Creed,
R. C. A. F. Ottawa.
ft's a real
pipe smoker's
Canadian Junior Red Cross is again
meeting a pressing need in prisoner
of war camps. Some time ago it gave
$25,000. worth of dental equipment
for use in the camps, and has under-.
taken to repeat this gift, upon learn-
ing that the need is urgent.
1 A wounded Bombardier, writing to
This parents in Brighton, England
from a hospital ship in the Mediter-
i ranean, says: I" have now had an
opportunity to see for myself how the
Red Cross works, and believe me,
after snyexperience of them on this
hospital ship, I have nothing but the
highest praise for them. When I
arrived in the ambulance at the ship
a small bag containing cigarettes, •
sweets and a bottle of eau de colonge
was put in my hand. Shortly after-
ward the Ward sister came round and
gave us all 20 cigarettes and matches.
There is a daily issue of sweets and
razor blades. Today we are landing
and have received sweets, shaving
soap, toothpaste, and various, odds
and ends which are a real Godsend.
There seem to be no end to their
kindness and thoughtfulness."
"A few sharp, unscrupulous people
may make a good thing out of in-
flation. by'
n-flation'by' speculation and profiteer
ing. But sooner or later,: the great
mass of the people suffer"• -•.Prime
Minister McKenzie Ring.