HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-02-24, Page 7THURS.-FEB. 24, 1944 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 7 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS t;Ai,l, tri (1111,1)R.EN COO KING H1„AL'1,h serious illness and very much worrisIn quietness and confidence ed the Mother -sees their savings go Shall be my strength of soul. down and down till there is little Though friends may fail; the world be dark, I' know for me He cafes, And as a Father pitieth In all my grief Ile shares, And so whatever may belate, Or whether weal or woe, In quietness and conyridence Stall be the strength 1 know. V Our. Future. left. Oh the worry the poor soul goes through! Finally she talks it over with the family. Although they are: all able to work and could well afford to keep their parents, they decided that a mortgage must be put on the little Home.' Then, may we call it a disgrace to the family they decide that they will hang onto their "own money and let other people keep their 'parents. How it must grieve those who have done so much for their children to think that those who should be caring for them are not ready to assume the responsi- bility of their support! Their cob of corn which they had been so proud to lay aside for the future had been tak- en from them and there was no source of replacement. There are many many genuine exceptions to this last paragraph. 11",••••••••••••• Sy 'PEG” t There are' true instances of where parents and children have striven to "One morning recently"' said a garden from which he secures enough look out for the future and through .lover of Nature "I was looking out of vegetables to keep them and the no fault of their own disaster has 'tbc window and I saw a black squir- I Mother has a flower garden and she come in their way. Their. cob of corn ril'trying to Bite the kernels of corn may oftenbe seen picking a bouquet has been taken by the jay and when off a cob which apparently he had winch later she earned to some elder- they had struggled on and nccumula- laid , aside for the Winter use. 1e ly or sick friend. Life looks very ted some more the sparrows have was not making a great deal of pro- bright and happy•for them. They gathered around and taken all that.' ' gress with it when I saw a large siz- i have taken their cob of corn out Thankful and happy we are that. ed 'bird perched on the fence. Not from its" hiding place, but there are some way has been provided for those recognizing the bird I went into the many things which may take it away who are in such a condition and for ifrom them. those whose children have no care One day the father went down for -them. What kind of 'a son or daughter are you or am I? -We a• 'garden to have a 'closer view. It was a Jay. Re sat on the fence for a few Minutes and then flew down trying town. A little later a hurried mes- to frighten the squirrel away from either one of the two forgoing types: its dinner. Then he began pickingat stinger came to the door to say that Are we a disgrace to the name which ghe batt fallen on the street He was ve the little iittl Finallylth There squirrel adgrand alive and they were bringing hint we got patents the disgrace ven 9whichor a is the sob up into a nearby tree where Home. For weeks and months he involved in some of these cases? lay in bed and the little savings be - 'he secured it between two branches gan to go bit by bit. They insisted f How many people of to: day at- 'llie jay continued to torment the .on using their funds as long as it teMpt to make provision for their THE MIXING BOWL 1, I ANNE ALLAN +3 Hydie Negri* Economise SHOO AWAY WASHDAY BLUES Hello Homemakers! Clothes were once subjected to such brutal treat- ment on wash -day that only the sturdiest fabrics escaped the rag- bag for very long. Today, home- makers are taking extra precau- tions with wartime fabrics this is indicated by the frequent questions asked of The Mixing Bowl. The information on these 'problems may "shoo away wash -day blues" for others who have been in the same quandary. What are the proper water tem- peratures ' for washing different fabrics? White cottons and, linens can stand the hottest water—right little creature until it had to leave up to boiling; colored cottons and its dinner and flee. Then the jay,' allied toould rt their and thassistance, familyen their earthly most limportant tuture lin s lose that the of s linens are the -next hardiest in the 'flow conqueror fairly ripped the g fabric family; woollensfthe and rayons was no need for them to secure help nirkir g provision for their Eternal 'corn from the cob. Not being able to from outsiders Th e dear old couple future 4Tre may have a sum of are the babes . of family and be had cared for them when they were money banked which will keep noth- should en handled in water of the 'ferent parts of the tree where he same, temperature vase you would helpless and why now when then inn' F. toin the great hereafter? deposited his find. He was not by lbathe your baby—never should they needed care should they be supported There are Many mansions up above, any Means sure of his' store for '1 by others? So there to the end of but we must send up material with be ashed in anything but hike - of sparrows had been .watch their days they were lovingly cared which to build oar home. We would warwm water. •i the whole proceeding and now it for by their family. The father pas- never think of starting to build a ! How long can you soak wartime lvas their turn to rob. While the jay sell on, a companion was secured for house here if we had no material: so fabrics? Many people make the 'leas away they took picks front the the Mother, as she wished to remain- how can we expect a place to be mistake of soaking their clothes coat and when he came back they in her own home. It cost very little prepared for us if we do not send up.! overnight. Twenty minutes is long secured the hidden particles. Thus to each member of the family. When the where -with -all with which to enough- for white cottons and linens Hie fight went on until there was they gathered for the last rites of build it? We hive common sense !Never leave clothes soaking in dirty nothing left of the meal which the the dean soul and when the key was .el out Earthly things, why not exer- water, If you are side=tracked from squirrel had so carefully hidden. turned in the lock there was no ques- rise the same idea about things in the job, luring the clothes and re. tat it quickly enough it' flew to dif- COUPON PROBLEMS` AS ANSWERED . BY LONDON RATION BOARD OFFICE Due Dates for Ration Coupons Coupons now due are sugar 14 to 26; preserves Di to D13; butter 46 to 51; ineat'35 to 40; tea -coffee 14 to 29 and El, E2. Butter coupons 46 to 49 and meat - 85 to 38 expire February 29th. ' One D coupon is good for 20 fluid ounces of canned fruit; or 12 fluid' ounces of jam, jelly, marmalade, maple butter, or honey' butter; 40 fluidounces of molasses; or 15 fluid ounces' of corn,: cane or any blended table syrup; two pounds comb honey; or 24 fluidounces of extract honey; or 40 fluid ounces of maple syrup. Blueberries The housewife may now buy blue- berries without the surrender of D coupons. W. Harold McPhillips, price and supply representative for West- ern Ontario, announced today that ,Wartime Prices and Trade Board has. 'withdrawn canned blueberries from the list of rationed commodities. Suspension of the rationing of these blueberries is temporary and is due, Mr. McPhillips said, to the large crop of last season. After. July let, coupons will be again required for the purchase of this fruit. ,Are there any lessons which we as tion in the mind of this family, but Bcyonsi. Let ,us try it. bunion beings can learn' from that that they had Clone what was right. In quietness and confidence 'trine Story from nature? They respected their parents who had My strength shall ever be, :Many, as. young people begin to done so much for them and they irad No weariness shall overcome save their, surplus honey. At times simply paid batik to them the love The soul that's stayed on Thee, and silks last longer if washed with 1 they decide to purchase a little home which in former yeais they had re- Though trials sore and hardships a mild, neutral soap. Stronger 111' which they may spend their last ceived. Many a night the Mother and come soaps pray' be used for the general days: Their little family is growing Father walked •the floor with them My strength He shall renew; ' fancily wash of, cottons and linens. "tip around them. Time goes on and while they cried with pain from one His presence shall envelope tie— How much soap is needed to do their children grown to inanhe.od and source or another and when their cob No ill shall e'er pass through. a, family wash? Use enough ,soap 1einanhood go out to the town and of corn or their earthly savings were but do not be wasteful. A standing 'cities to seek employment and later finished there was no question as to My case into His hands I've given, suds of two inches is ideal; use a inane homes of their own. who should care for them. He knoweth all my need; measuring' eup to find out how The parents have their savings Now there is another side, a sad And He who notes the sparrows fall much 'soap' is: needed, then use the and their home which is paid for and side, to a story of old age, The tale Shall still provide and lead. right amount each time to be eco-. they face the future with a great is the same until the old couple Though sudden- sorrow pierce my nomieal. tieli1 of optomism. The father comes were happily settled m their cottage Heart, Why ' use -water softener ? Gray soak in fresh water, Colored fabrics should not be soaked. Do soaps make a difference to- day' Decidedly. Rayons, woollens Maximum Prices on School Furniture Maximum prices have been set on school furniture in a new order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board ,according to an announcement .made by W. Harold McPhillips, prices and supply representative. 'Manufacturers are permitted five. per cent higher than those charged for the same article on January 31, 1944. Maximum retail prices are set by adding the cost of the school fur- lnitur•e to the retailer, plus the cost of transportation if it has not been in- icluded in the cost price, plus the regular -mark-up the retailer obtain - sed during the basic period. (Septern- ber 15 to October 11, 1941) for furni- ture of a similar kind and quality. to' the: time when he is no longer feeling that all was secure ahead of Though storm -clouds able to, work, but he has his little i i'' i overt;lc;n Iy a thunder roll, rise and and dingy clothes may broadcast the need for 'a water softener. The mineral salts •of hard water unite with soaps to form •curds; dirt par- ticles combine with. -these curds, and these get .caught in the fibres, Soap can soften water if you use enough of it, but this method is expensive and unless' the rinsing is thorough and the water is hot, it is not suc- cessful, Better use -a water softener. How many clothes make a load? TIte manufacturers of electric washing machines say: 6-8 lbs dry clothes make a safe load For ex- ample: 2 sheets, 4 pillow cases and 8 bath, towels., Overloading not only ruts a strain on the washing machine but keeps it from producing perfect results. A safe guide is: -never put in more clothes than will circulate • freely, Do you advocate rinsing in the machine? ' Use the electric washing rnaehine if you have one. Operate it five minutes for the first rinse and two or, three minutes for the second rinse. An extra rinse is necessary if the washer is not used When and ]cow do you use a • bleach? Sunshine will bleach clothes dried out-of-doors. White cottons and linens inay occasion 'ally need to be bleached with ehern- 1'iri•..i s Shoves --The U .boat down h., 5,ern, with smoke pouring :r m aft. Members of i1r:: crew can se>n in the water. Shortly after the blew up and sank vertically by the stern. Two Sur derlands Sink Another - U Boat In 1 he "ay of B scay Two Sunderlands recently attacked 'a •U boat in the Bay of Biscay and saint: it; Tho first which was graphi- cally recorded by the aircraft's cameras, ended in the submarine ex- 1 di 1 • with all the violence of a depth c!ratgr. T':te pilot of one Suti 'lerland was an Australian, - Pitt. Irwin "Chick" Clarke, of Footscray, Melbourne, and the other pilot was FfLt. R. D. Hanbury, of Ringwood, Hants. ices in winter time. Mix the bleach with the first rinse .water according to directions. Rinse the clothes at least twice' after the bleach is used. Silks and rayons should not be bleached as it weakens Collapsible Tubes . Used collapsible tubes need no longer be turned in when purchasing shaving cream or tooth paste, ac cording to an announcement made by W. Harold McPhillips, prices and supply representative for Western Ontario. This ends • a compulsory salvage measure instituted early in. the war. , The order was recinded because the amount of tin used for newly manu- factured tubes has been reduced; the percentage of tin recovered from salvage has dropped to less than 15 per cent of the gross weight of the the fibres. Will an artificial bleach affect my washing machine? Yes, certain artificial bleaches inay have a ten- dency to pit the surface of the enamel tub. This in time would. roughen the surface. Tubs with rust spots showing should not be used for bleaching either. What would you do about new fabrics? Read labels carefully. Soak materials in cool salt water for a few minutes ---1/4 cup salt per pail of water. Wash new colored articles separately and as quickly. as possible. Dry in a breeze,. TAI{E A TIP 1. Test the safety. release on 'the wringer before you start. 2. Some wringers... indicate the pressure for silks and wollens and some for cottons and linens -use the yvringer, wisely. For wingers without this gauge it is well to snake sure that the rollers are not screwed too - tightly. A wringer that is too tight may tear the fabric and ' may lock the rollers and even strip the gears. 3- In order to save the rubber rollers, the pressure should be\re- leased as •soon as thewringing pro- cess has been finished. 4. Remember that oil rains rub- ber; take care, therefore, not to spill oil on ,the rubber parts of the machine. 5. Keep the drains clear of lint which - accumulates easily. Hose connections should be well drained and kept clean. 6. Wipe the machine off thor- oughly, then dry, each time. Anne Allan invites you to write to her % 'News -Record, Send m your suggestions en homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. Mr. McPhillips said that it was hoped that the public wouldcontinue to bring tubes to the stores, as tin is still a necessity to the war effort. Standard Cuts of Beef, Veal and Lamb All those buying beef, veal and lamb are reminded by W. Harold Me - Philips, prices and supply .repre- sentative repre-sentative for Western Ontario, that standard cuts for these three meats now prevail in all parts of Canada. To protect the purchaser and to ensure full value for every meat ration coupon surrendered, all re- tailers are compelled to state the quality of all beef, veal -and lamb in their advertisements . and the name of all -cuts of meats as shown on the retail cuttings and price charts. All butchers have been supplied with these charts which they must.tlisplay in full view of ani customers, ac cording to the order of the Wartime Prices and `Trade Board, Mr. Mc- Phillips said. v They March Better on Tea Commandos march better on tea than - on water. This fact has been demonstrated by an official test re- cently carried out in Great Britain. A Canadian battalion was undergo- ing a 12 -day course of battle train- ing. The last six days were devoted mainly to marching, and during the period the foot -sloggers covered more than 280 miles. As an ex- periment, three out of four platoons were allowed to get - all the water they wanted. The members of the fourth platoon were kept entirely off water and were served only with tea. The "water platoons" made good use of their water bottles, but the "tea platoon" was the only one Ito finish the course intact. Which only -goes to show that there must be something in the soldier's tradi- tional liking for "a cup of rosie lee." Y r, 'Citizens Roused by Ringing of Bell The ringing of the town bell shortly after one o'clock early' Mon- day morning aroused: a few citizens ' from their beds and brought them to` the Town Hall to see what it ,was all' about,' It wasn't a fire alarm and the ringing was spas- modic. 'I1 turned out that a couple who had imbibed too freely had found their way to the hall and started ringing the bell. One was an airforce man who left the next day for Nova Scotia.— Exeter Times =SNAPSHOT GUILD PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS 45 Well chosen snapshots will personalize your Christmas cards.' SIi;v17RAL readers have asked me for suggestions on Christmas card pictures, and this is a good time to discuss that topic. Perhaps some of ,you may think It is a bit early, but I assure you that those who start preparing their Christmas cards now. will be glad they did. And, of course, everyone who takes pictures will want a photographic greeting card to send to friends and relatives in. the Service. • Any appropriate negative can be made into a Christmas card, but the best cards are produced from nega- tives made especially for the 'pur- pose. There are two ,characteristics of a good card. First, a clever, suit- able picture idea; second, a greeting which is In harmony with the pic- ture. Ideaas for such cards are in- numerable, and T Will suggest as many as space allows. The first and most popular idea for a general card is a picture of the family group, with a .Christmasy background, or one .which somehow suggests Christmas. Such a picture can be taken bymeans of a self timer fitted to the camera, or, if you don't have a self timer, a neigh- bor or friend can snap the picture for you after you have set the camera up and made the arrange- ments. Prints from such a picture may be mounted, inexpensively on a simple greeting card which you can get at alnrost any camera store, and there you have a neat, complete, and attractive card. Of coarse, your card shouldn't Just show a posed group—the people should be doing something—orat least look happy. One idea is to show them singing Christmas carols. Another, hanging up stockings, but looking back toward the camera. Here's another idea. Instead of showing the whole family group, shoW one of the younger members offering a Christmas greeting. For - example, shoot a picture of Johnny at his blackboard scribbling "Merry Christmas," Or, take a picture of the baby using his ABC blocks to spell "Merry Christnras5" Of course, actually you build the greeting, then put the baby in place and step aside while an assistant shoots the pic- ture before the child decides to walk, or crawl, out of the picture. For a variation :of word spelling, take a string of bright tinsel and outline the greeting with it on a dark carpet. That is, just simply form the letters with a long string. of tinsels Pictorial scenes often make good greetings, ..especially for a large card. For example, shoot a picture of your, house at twilight with .the lights on and perhaps have thefront door open to carry the suggestion. o4 "Welcome." Or print a pleasing winter scenic shot, on 5 x 7 paper, With nice wide margins. 15 wail planned your cards may even be suitable for framing. Don't let' Christmas find you Un- prepared. Start making your cards now, for your friends at home and by all means for those in the Service. John van Guilder S