Clinton News Record, 1944-02-17, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878 linton, With .'Which is Incorporated The Clinton New NO. 6185=64th YEAR Era The New Era Est. 1861 CLINTON ONTARIO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 17th, 1944 [Watches Ri Rings, Specialty els It Y With Us IIJEWDLER AND OPTOMETRIST RES'PDENDG'E PHONE 174j Have you seen the large and varied assortment of Wrist Watches in our store? If you are planning to buy a watoh soon, be sure and - see these first. We feel certain there will be one to snit your And for that '''Lady of the Day" we have beautiful "Bridal Wreath" diamond rings with wedding rings to match, that she will cherish forever. Come in and let us help you to select one, W. H. HELLYAR AfternoonHorne Frocks by Hampton Just the type of , dress you will like to have for Early Spring Wear. Bright and Colorful and in Misses, and Women's Sizes up to44. And Reasonably Priced at $3.50 IRWIN .•• I, A SONG IN HIS HEART AND, A DIAMOND ON I-IER FINGER or,: 'emble•'brat it• rie . d d(e renta true •1 htPult q Y. %4©flexion:"o1suisetly wail• ' manship, !:e Nein ' iCTORY Blue4Pid CREATION Wrought with infinite skill; art and patience, this is the sfgni• EVERY Bluebird ticant r;nq do-) DIAMOND'RING sign el the Yam. Insured Free • W. N. COUNTER RED CROSS NOTES Perhaps ail no time inall history has there been a greater need of unity among peoples. For when people are united and "pulling together'+, amic- ably there is no limit to their achieve- ment. With "two wars" of arduous service behind it, Canadian Red Cross looks with -confidence ` to whatever lies a- head. This would be an impossibility without the united and continuo=s volunteer effort of Canadian Red Gross workers everywhere. V Special Salvation Army Services Lieutenants McArthur and Durkee the Salvation Army officer at Gode- rich will • begin special evening ser- vices once a month commencing Feb. 21st at 8 o'clock. The 'services will include bright singing and a special feature of the first meeting will be the latest converts from Goderieh. Everybody welcome. Look for the dates for the monthly meetings which will be held in the Salvation Army hall here. V THE HOME PAPER Hospital Board Meets The meeting of the Clinton Hospital Board was held Friday in the coun- cil chambers The board was 'organi zed for 1944 as follows: Pres. F. Fingland; vice-pres., E. E. Paterson; see., A. M. Knight; treas., G. H. Jefferson. The committees are: fmanee E. E. Paterson, chairman; G. IL Jefferson, A. M. Knight; property, O. L. Paisley chairman; Dr. J. W. Shaw, Mayor M. J. Agnew; house, G. M. Counter, chairman. Dr. W. A. Oakes, Reeve, V. D. Falconer; staff, 9Dr. Oakes, chairman; Dr. Shaw, and E. E. Paterson. During the year only five accounts totalling $214.50 were classed as indigent and charged against the county. In our opinion, a large num- ber of patients admitted as paying patients should be classed, as indigent,. A committee of the board vans appoin- ted during the year to investigate the ability to pay of account should be an indigent one. This was an excel- lent idea but 'unfortunately the coo mittee was not furnished with the names • of patients admitted each week and so it did not function. Having more patients charged to the county as indigent would reduee the loss from uncollectible accounts. Valentine Dance at C. C. L The Red Cross Society of the Clin- ton Collegiate Institute held a Val- entine -Dance in the school auditorium on Wednesday night last, which pro- vided a most enjoyable occasion for a large gathering of students, memb- ers of the teaching staff, and many friends. The auditorium was attract- ively decorated in keeping with St. Valentine's Day, arranged by students• under the direction of Miss Barbara Brown, staff, Music was provided by the Clinton R.C.A.F. Station orch- estra, which is very popular in this district. 'Mr. W. McGee, staff, was in charge of publicity; Mr. B. Olde, staff was floor manager, and at the door were Charlie Thompson and Gerald Elliott, students. Miss A. Corp, staff, was in charge of the re- freshment booth. - The affair was very successful financially and otherwise. V Bartliff's New Store FronU A big improvement at the north end of main street is Bartliff's new front on the confectionery store. The modern' front of vitrelite looks, very nice and will look even better after the stucco is put on in the warmer weather: a vast improvement over the old cement front. The work was started in December but due to the scarcity. of men and materials it lingered on, and only last week end the boards in front were taken down. The name is in high yellow letters over the front door and goes well with theblack and cream vitrolite and clear galss. The inside of the confectionery and restaurant had all been re -decorated in pastel shades and combined with the marble soda bar and glass show cases looks, like any up-to-date city store. Those two beautiful land- scapes will and-scapes-will stilI appear in -the display window. V The house statistical' report for the year ending 1943 contained the following : patients in residence Dec. 31 1942, male 5, female 8; total, 13; number of adults and children admit- ted during the year; male, 108; fe- male, 346; total, 454; number of in- fants born during year: male 86; fe- male, 60; total, 146; number dis- charged during year; male, 177; fe- male, 895; total, 572; number of deaths during year male 13; female, 10; total, 23; still births 2; patients in residence Dec. 31 1943, 16; total number of patient days for the year adults and children, 5,169; infants, 1,672; total, 6.841 days; average number ing hospital daily, 18.6; classifications of 'residence of patients; town of Clinton: male 53; female, 189; County of .Iuron: male, 132; female, 216; Province of Ont., male, 5, female, 3; United States: female 2; number of X-rays, Jan'. 1, 1943, to Dec. 31. 1943, 179. Profit and Loss Account for year ending 31st December 1943. Revenue: - Maintenance at daily rate Private Patients 2,880.60 Semi -private Patients 6,137.05 Pay Ward Patients 6,228.75 Poultry Business Sold Mr. Clarence J. Livermore of Giles- leyhaspurchased. the Egg -Grading Station and Poultry Plant from N. W. Trewartha and took possession early this week, Mr. Livermore is a for- mer Clinton boy and will be welcomed back as a businessman inhis home town. ` He learned the business with Mr. Trewartha some years ago. N. W. Trewartha commenced in this line' of business 'at Holmesville when buying the Dominion Poultry Experimental Station from F. C. Elford. He taught school at Holmes- ville previously for ten years and has been in the Poultry and Egg Business for thirty-five years. For twelve . years he was Manager of the Gunn Langlois Company Limited, branch at Clinton, and for the past twenty years has been doing a private business by transferring the old New Era building into an up-to-date egg - grading station. Mr. Trewartha intends to still be busy man as he owns and operates two hundred and fifty acres of land in Goderieh Township and leases two of the farms i for grazing purposes. His main line is finishing butcher cattle and veal calves. He keeps sheep, ,hogs and likes a •good, horse. Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha will con- tinue to reside in Clinton. Intermediate Hockey Games Huron Member to Move' Exeter at Clinton 15-9 The Clinton Sparks were defeated by a score of 15-9 by Exeter R.C.A.F William Murdock of Harrow; mem- team here last Tuesday night in a her for Essex South, has been appoin- hockey game in the O,H.A. Interme- ted . Progressive -Conservative whip orate A group 12: in the Legislature, Premier Drew 'The game, which was played be- has announced. , fore a small crowd of fans, was an. Di; R. '.H Taylor. of Dashwood, exhibition of good clean hockey physician member for Huron has despite the roughing which occur- been named to move the motion to red in the final period'. when the adopt the Thron" Speech, He was players, all seemed to pile up. The born in London,. Ont., edueate:1 at game was handled by Referee Muir University of Western Ontario, is a of Seaforth. veteran of the last war and is presi- Exeter= Goal, Young; defence, dent of war services, board in Inc Webb, Wright; centre, Bradley; community. He is well known for, wings, Forsythe, Macey; alternates his charitable work in the district. Elwin; Bagnall, Shaw, Hawke Brown'. John L. McDonald, of Harriston's Clinton—Goal, McKenzie, Weinman Corners, member for Stormont, will defence, Moffat, Craig, centre. Har second the Throne Speech motion. dy; wings, Dagley, Sbrega; alter- He is a native of• C.ornitca]1, where nates; Carter, Ferguson, Mockler, hewas a member of the township Armstrong, Turgeon, Fry, Delottin council for eleven years, nine of ville. which he was reeve. The goals for Exeter was scored V by Shaw (4); Macey (4); Hawke MILITARY NEWS (2); Brown (2); Elwin (2); Brad- .i ley (1); The scoring for Clinton Sgt. Charles Cudmore of Mount was; Dagley (2); Moffatt (1); Car- Pleasant is spending leave in town ter (4); Hardy (2). with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clinton at Goderich 11-7 A. Cudmore. Sky Harbor Armen chalked up , Flying Officer William (Blondie) their initial victory of the current Cook has arrived back in the United intermediate 0.H.A. season in Gode- Kingdon according to word received rich when they downed their brother by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vid, J. Flyers from Clinton by a score of Cook. • 11-7, in a rugged tussle that, was L.A.C. Kenneth Cooke of Aylmer liberally sprinkled with penalties, spent last week• end in town with his particularly in the third period when parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke. tempers became a bit frayed at the L.A.C. Bill Mutch of Centralia was edges. a week end visitor at his home here. From a scoring standpoint, War- L/Bdm. Bob Compbell, who is over - ren, pivoting the starting front line seas . with the Royal Canadian Artil- for Sky Harbor, was the big noise lery has been promoted to the rank of with four goals, three of them in Sergeant. the hectic third period. Fry led the Cpl. Howard Cowan of Fingal is Clinton scorers with three count- spending leave in town with Mrs. ors, two of them in the third frame. Cowan and two sons. First period — Goals, Warren, Morrison, Russell, Dagley, Fry. Penalties, None. Second Period — Goals, West- brooke, Johnston, Morrison, Dag - ley. Penalties, Westbrec' Fergus - 500. Third) Period:—:Goals Warre Morrison, Russel, Fry 2, Carter, Delottinville. Penalties, Given, De- lottinville, Moffat, Ferguson. Adoption $15,246.40 Extra Services including X-rays Private Patients 972.04 Semi -private Patients . , .. , . 1,494.00 Pay Ward Patients 1,499.87 $3,965.91 Maintenance from Municipalities 214.50 Grants -Municipalities 1,100.00 Provincial Government 305,00 Out -Patients, Revenue, and Plaster Cats $1,405,20 X-ray and 702.95 Total .... $21,534.96 Less Expenditures: Goderich at Clinton 9-6 In a post poned intermediate Q,H.A. fixture here Fri. night, Clinton R.C.A.F. handed Sky Harbor Pilots of. Goderich a 9-5 defeat, to take over third place in the standing, and push the losers in to the cellar. With the exception of a brief exchange of pun- ches between Hardy of Clinton and Holmes of Goderich the game was very clean, and the large crowd was treated to the best game of hockey played on Clinton ice this season. Weinman, regular goalie for Clin- ton, was injured in the second period and was forced to retire, Turgeon donning the big pads and turning in a good. job. First Period — Goals, Mockler, Dagley, Russell, Carter 2, Warren. Penalties, Moffatt. Second Period — Goals, Dagley, Warren, 'Graig.' .Penalties, Hardy, Hardy (5 min,), Holmes (5 min,). lin. The graduates were presented Third Period '— Goals, Russell, their wings by Wing. Cmdr, W. R. Fry, Mockler, Warren Moffatt. Pen- I{ingsland, supervisory officer, and allies. Craig. he congratulated them on winning the objective they had been working for, Seaforth at Clinton 9-8 air crew badge. The whole crass received their commissions which LOCAL •ITEMS The Red Shield Women's Auxiliary are sponsoring a skating party next Wednesday evening in the local arena. Everybody welcome, see bills: Congratulations to Mr. C. E.'Tom- kins, who makes his hone with his, daughter, Mrs. Thomas Leppington, on celebrating his 82nd, birthday, Sunday, February 13th. Leonard Johnson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson is going_ around with his arm in a sling these days. Leonard broke his arm above the wrist while playing with the Clinton Lions against Mitchell Juven- Iles, Public School children are remin- ded of the free Lions Carnival in the rink tomorrow ,night (Friday). Car- nival is free to children in town and country; and there will be games; races an'cl contests for everyone. Plan to attend as you are assured of a good time. Cpl. Bruce Bartliff, R.C.A.F. of Aylmer and L/Cpl. Douglas Bartliff Tank Corp, at Brantford were week end visitors with their parents, Mn and Mrs. Harry ,Bartliff. Cpl. Wesley Haddy of Canip Borden i =oas a visitor at his home here las week end.. LA.C. Kenneth Colquhonn of Winn- ipeg, Man., is'home on sick leave. Capt. J. G. Beaton now stationed at Debert, N. S., and his son Pilot Officer R. G. Beaton visited the former's mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton on Friday, having come up after the graduatiing exercises at Crumlin airport where P. 0. Beaton graduated as a navigator. OS. Lionel Cuthbertson, after train- ing ing at Toronto for a year, left last week for Cornwallis, N. S., for further training in the naval service. His brother, Sgt. Gordon Cuthbertson, has been at Dauphin, Man., for a year" on the staff of the Air Force hospital. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthbertson Goderieh. Mr. Cuthbert - son, a veteran of the last war is an instructor in the officers' training course at the University of Western Ontario: Cameron Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, Proctor of town, gradated as an navigator Friday afternoon at No. 4 Air Observers' School,: Crum - Farm Machinery Course Here, Large Attendance Upward of 150 farriers and far- mer's sons attended the farm machinery school held in the agri- cultural board room Here Thursday and Friday. The course was spon- sored by the Ontario Department of A.griculture, Huron Federation . of Agriculture, and the agricultural: committee of Huron County. Lantern. views of farm machinery and mech- anical devices for use on the farm and in the farm buildings were shown by Mervyn Stelek, Zurich, and explained by Gordon MeGavin, Walton. Speakers were J.. C. Sheer- er A. J. McMurray, and W. L. Whyte. Last- week the school was held at Hensall, February 8-9, in the town hall, and will continue in South Huron for the remainder of the month, v AMONG THE CHURCHES Clinton Presbyterian Church S. School 10.00 A. M. Divine Service 11.00 A. M. Subject "Commended by Christ" Every worshiper welcome Wesley Willis Sunday, February 20th Morning Worship, 11 o'clock, ser- mon subject, "Forgiveness." Sunday School after worship Evening. Worship, 7 o'clock, "The Spirit of God," Food Supplies - 3,762.35 Druge and Medical Supplies ,.825.88 Surgical Supplies 909.95. X-ray Supplies and Repairs , 584.87 Examination of Tissues 80.00 Furnishings, Bedding and Linen 502.22 Laundry. Supplies • 217.37. Cleaning Supplies , 86.35 Fuel ` 746.68 Light and water • 948.74 Insurance 143.15 Repairs -Building 473.39 Repairs—Plant & Equipment .379.24 Stationery, Postage & Office Supplies 272.23 Telephone, Telegraph & Express 129,45 Rent .. .. , .... 150.00 Audit Fee'. ., . 125.00, Salaries and Wages , 7,710.95 Bank Charges and Exchange ., 7.49 Interest on Mortgage ...,,,, 48.97 Depreciation —Building 26/0 800.50 Equipment 10%, 1,918.00 2,718.50 144.19 Miscellaneous Expense Net Profit for Year ,$20,957,47 577.49 Hockey as played in this venerable group in the 0.H.A. this winter was never as thrilling as the game Tues- day Tright, with the home team on the spot in the asst period,. and Seaforth out in front by 6-5 and only 20 min - is a record, Pilot Officer Proctor is now spending a short leave at his home in town. An interesting visitor in Goderieh last week, Technical Sergeant Donald utes left to play. Carroll, of the United States Marine The final count credited' Clinton Corps; who has spent seventeen mon- with a 9-8 decision, with four goals the in the South Pacific and is now on scored while Seaforth banged the twine twice. Dagley, Carter. and Mockler scored for Clinton in the first period and Seaforth's only reply cane from McFadden with one goal. The second period saw Seaforth rattle along with five goals, R. McFadden, one; Carnegie, two; with Writt and Hildebrand contributing singles. Hardy and Mockler kept Clinton in running with one each. Mockler, Fry, -Hardy and. Craig scored one goal each in the last stanza andthe beat Seaforth managed were goals by Carnegie and Paterson. Seaforth — Goal, Doherty; defence, Brant, Nicholson; centre, R. McFad- den; ln s, Carnegie, ie, Patterson; son; subs, Writt, Goettler Hildebrand. V' The longer the war the greater the value of the faun and farmer. furlough. He is a son of the late Geo- rge Carroll of Goderich and was born there but has spent most of his life in Detroit, Accompanied by his another formerly Miss Addie Matheson . of Goderieh, he came to take a look at his birthplace. He was through the campaign in the Solomon Islands and wears the badge and ribbons denoting service at Gaudaleanal, where he spent four months. In a rest period he made a visit to New Zealand; V World Day of Prayer The Women's World Day of Prayer will be held in the Clinton Baptist Church on Friday,. February •twenty- fifth, at three o'eloclt in the afternoon This is the service when women of all denominations meet together to offer prayers for leadership and gui- dance in a troubled world. A cordial invitation is extended to all women of Clinton and community. St. Paul's Church The Friendship Club will meet on Wednesday, February the twenty- third at the home of Mrs. J. C. Shearer, High Street, Friday, February 25th, 8 P. M. Chancel Guild meeting at the home of ,Mrs, Clifford Epps. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Chasse or Gode- rich. Baptist Church You. will profit by your attendance at the gospel service beginning promptly at seven o'clock. The minister's sermon subject .will be —"Mountain. Top Experiences". anel the text taken from Mark, 9.8, "They 'saw no roan save Jesus only" We invite you to worship with us, V Juveniles Lose to Dublin Turning the tables on Clinton Lions here last Thursday night Dublin de- feated the home youngsters in a scheduled hockey league game 5-1, after having lost their home game to Clinton` by a 4-1 score. Besides turning in a strong• de- fensive game, O'Connor led his mates to victory by' tallying three of their five goals. Dublin—Goal, Rowland; defence, O'Connor, Feeney; centre, Lane; wings, Walsh, D. Costello; alter- nates, Murray, Jordan, O'Reilly, McQuaid, R. Costello, Doyle. Clinton—Goal, R. Miller; defence, Morgan, Elliott; centre, R. Hanley; wings, Lee, Churchill; alternates, D. Miller, Armstrong, Garen, 0. Hanley, • McDonald, Gibson, Gillies. Referee -Carter, Clinton. Summary First Period—Goals, Murray. Second Period --Goals, '"O'eonnor, Walsh (Lane). Third Period—Goals, 'O'Connor 2, Lee.