Clinton News Record, 1944-01-27, Page 5'THURS., JAN. 27th 1944
Lever Brothers' "Lifebuoy Follies"
'Which, in the last two years has
entertained over a quarter of a
-Million men in uniform, puts on one
of the few civilian shows of its car-
eer when it comes to Clinton on
Thursday, February 3rd. All proceeds
from the sale of tickets go to the
local branch of the Red Cross Society.
Cast of the 'Follies from left
Front row: Irene Hughes„ Joan
Elaine, Pat. Rafferty, Helen Bruce,
and Daphne MacFarlane. '
Back row; Jimmy Devon, Jack Ayre
and Norman Evans,.
Miss Vivian Straughan of Strat-
• -foie! Normal spent the week end at
ler home here.
Miss Marjorie Arthur of Tees -
water was a week end visitor with
her mother Mrs. M. Arthur.
Mrs. Harold Nicholson and daugh-
ter Karen spent the week end with
friends in Galt.
Corporal John R. Weir was a week
end guest at his home here.
Mrs, Thos. McNall entertained a
number of young friends'in honor of
Iter son Wellington MWNall, who cele-
brated Itis 11th birthday on Friday.
Miss Amelia McIllwain and Mrs.
Lari McKnight entertained some 15
ladies at the home of Miss Melllwain
on Wednesday evening. Progressive
euchre was played. Prizes were won
:ity Miss Madeline Yungblut, Miss
Mae Ferguson, Mrs. F, Ross and
Mrs. Jack Armstrong, A collection
Was taken for the Overseas Box Fund
and $7.50 was realized, A dainty
lunch was served.
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Go -
Mts. Norman Radford and Shirley
Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shob-
Mrs. Bentham, Clinton, with Mrs,
Robt. Townsend.
Mrs. A. Kerslake and Mrs, C. Cor-
nish Exeter with Mrs, H. Lyon.
Mr. T. Moon, London, with Mr, and
Mrs. Jim McCool.
Mrs. Wm., Lyon and Miss Kirk
spent a couple of days with Dr. and
Mrs. Anderson in Exeter.
The annual public meeting of the
Londesboro Library Association was
held in the library room on Tuesday,
afternoon Jan. 18th, with seven pre-
sent. Mrs. Robt Townsend presiding
The tnitiutes of the last meeting were
read and adopted.
The treasurer's report showed a
balance of $2.54 with a tnembership
of 36, and the number of books in
library, 720,
It was unanimously agreed to con-
tinue with the Huron County Lib-
rary association, Mr. Gibbs moved
Women's Institute and Mrs. W, Lyon seconded that the
The combined meeting of the Wo- following officers be elected for 1944
inen's Institute and Red Cross was Chairman Mr. 3. Armstrong, Sec.
held in the Foresters Hall with the Mr, Geo. McVittie, Treas. Mrs, Alex-
;ltresident Mrs. Edgar Lawson presid- ander, Librarian, Mr. Alexander.
Ing. The minutes of the previous Board—Mr. J, Armstrong, Mr. W.
Meeting were read by Mrs. Fred Ross Knox, Mr' G. McVittie, Mrs. B. Town -
in the absence of the sec. Miss M. send, Rev. Menzies, Mr. Gibbs, Mrs.
Eing. Letters were read from Fl/Lt. W. Manning, Miss Alice Fingland,
Eugine Dobie, L.A.C. Gordon Dobie, `MVizs. Alexander, Miss Kirk.
and L.A.C. Stanley McNall thanking' Book Selection Committee- Miss
the Institute for gifts they had re- R. Walkom, Geo. McVittie; Miss E.
teived at Christmas. Mains; F. Tamblyn, Miss Kirk Mrs.
Mrs. R. J. Phillips Alexander.
1 ps explained the
"one foot of a anile of coppers". It The annual meeting of the Londes-
wvas decided, that, each member take ,bore United :Church was held in the
five of .cards to fill and returnSunday School loom on Jan. 21st, A
them at the next meeting. It was pot inch dinner was served, after
decided to have a "Sunshine Sisters, which the business meeting was held.
Club" Mrs, Ross and Mise, ee King 'The meeting opened with devotional
Were appointed a committee to see exercises conducted by Rev, Menzies
the members
mbers that were not present.' Moved by Mr. F. T'atnblyn seconded
A quilt donated by Mrs, Mogridge by
y Mr. W. Huniting that the minutes
Was displayed. It was decided to Ieavelof the last 'meeting be adopted (ear -
it until the next meeting. A reading ried).
"The New Year" was given by ]Mrs.' Satisfactory reports were received
A. J. Ferguson. The topic "Citi- from all departments. The financial
lzeinship . was given by M. Earl report showed a balance for the year
;taithby and a reading was given by of $163,00
Mrs, Jack Cowan. Current events Moved by F. Tamblyn seconded by
Were given by Amelia'. McElwain. C.• Stewart that all reports be adopt-
Tickets were sold on a apron donated ed.
by Amelia McIl'lwain, Mrs, "Woods A hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and
Was the holder of the lucky ticket Mrs. Menzies for their work and
Winch was drawn by Mrs. Ray O'Neil leadership .in church and choir was
of Ottawa. moved by F. Tamblynand seconded
Mrs. Woods vice-pres, of the Red
by C. Stewart. A vote of thanks was
Crossthen took charge, Letters wore also tendered the ladies for the spien-
iead from Pte. Geo. Straughan, Pte. diel dinner served.
Albert ' Govier, L/Cpl. Norman Rod-
ger, and F/Sgt Harold Asquith thank -I
Ing the Red Cross for parcels they
had received at Christmas.
Mrs, Woods asked for a
thower of . pillow eases
for the Red Cross: and prayer was
offered by Mrs. Woods.
The roll -call was responded, to by
a "New Years Resolution". The meet-
ing closed with the singing of the
National. Anthem after which a dain-
ty lunch was served by Mrs. Geo,
Remitter', Mrs. E. Philips, and Miss
Mae Ferguson.
The regular meeting of the Londes
boro Red Cross will be held in the
kitchen of the Community Hall on
Thursday, February 3rd. The wo-
men of the tenth concession west are
sponsoring a sale of Horne made bak-
ing. The ladies would like tto see a
Ruth; Bayfield, with Mrs, Wm. Lyon,
Miss Rhoda Govier and friend,
large attendance.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas Snelling and
The Tuel;ersmith Ladies Club will
hold their February meeting on Wed-
ne'sday, the 2nd, at the home of Mrs..
William Pepper. Roll earl to be an-
swered by a Valentine verse,
NIr.. and Mrs.' Norman Trewartha'
and Ralph 'spont,Seeday with Mr, and
Mrs. E, Trewartha,
Mr.. and Mrs. Jas, Cox of Pertors.
Hill spent Sunday with Mr. an -.1 Mrs:
Wm. 1VIeC1•ineltey.
Miss Dell Finley of Sky Harbour
visited Tuesday with her parents.
Lloyd Stock of tee R, C. A. F.
Ottawa som a feet days last week
with his parents,
Miss Gwen Miller spent last 'week
with ilei sistele Mrs'. A, Lockhart.
We are sorry• to report that Mrs.
Edward Grigg Sr. who has been sick
for sometime has not been improv-
ing es her friends w0•udt wish,
The annual meeting of Grace Unit-
ed church was held last Thursday in
the basement of the churely very few
were present. Reports were given of
the different branches and were very
satisfactory. A lot of added expense
was due to improvements and repairs
at the parsonage. Mrs. Will Cox
was appointed organist, with Mrs. A.
Lockhart assistant; other officers re -i
main the same as last year. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Picott and.
family have moved from the 7th con,
to the 6th con, to the farm once own-
ed by the late Thos. Betties. We
understand Lloyd has bought • this
property from Eriend Betties
Mr: and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart and
family, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Rowden
and daughters spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart,
Group No. 3 had a very successful
Red Cross party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Greensled. This is
their second party in two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Cox entertained
at a Red Cross party for their group
on Friday night, About 65 guests
were present and a delightful even-
ing was spent in euchre. Mrs. J.
Lockhart was high lady and Mr. Reg.
Sturdy, Arlie Lockhart and Jim Young
cut for the gents prize. Reg Sturdy
was the lucky one. Consolation prizes
went to Reta Yeo and Bert Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Sinclair of Sea-
forth and Nurse Sinclair of Clinton
were recent guests with Me. and Mrs.
Les Cox.
The January meting of the Red
Cross was held at Mrs. Reed Tor-
ranee's hone on Monday last, about
20 ladies were present. .Mrs.. Alvin
Bottles president was in charge
tickets were sold on cups and saucers
donated by Mrs. Alvin Betties and
won by Mrs. Alvin Betties. The
different groups -reported • good suc-
cess with their Red Cross parties.
Croup No. 8 was divided and put in
with No, 1 and No. 2. Two quilts
were quilted and it was decided to there are 3,000 from Huron already
use part of the group's money to send m uniform with 'die services:
ayi 1,44.4wux
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 66j
Fat Fowl Market
Any Boarders you may have in
your flock will meet a good market
demand for the coming Jewish Holi-
days. ,Feed is too dear to feed,to
non -producers '
This is a good time to sell your
goose and duck feathers.
All our eggs are machine graded.
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
Try us for salmon, white fish,
herring; cod fillett and Haddock
• Klett.
Also Frozen raspberries and
strawberries, Peas and Corn
Casings for Sale.
We buy Hides.
Frqzen Foods are Better Foods.
the grant of $13,000 to Sky Harbour,
was answered by Reeve Bowman,
chairman ef the Warden's Com-
mittee last year, who explained
that the government does not pro-
vide equipment for recreation pur-
poses, and part of this amount
was used for the equipment of the
recreation hall,
A. H. Erskine, county treasurer,
submitted the provisional estimates
for 1944 which was referred to the
Finance Committee. The rate of
4 mills, the sante as last year, will
be made up as follows: 2.45 mills
to raise $182,933 -in the general ac-
count; and 1.55 mills for. county
highways account to yahoo $84,101
plus the secondary school costs for
The estimates included $27,130
for the war effort and $25,000 for
Victory Bonds,
Acting on the recommendation of
the legislative committee that a com-
mittee be appointed to consider re-
construction and rehabilitation after
the war, Huron County Council on
Friday afternoon named . the
county . clerk, Norman W, Miller,
zone commander of the Canadian
Legion, as, chairman of a centraI
committee to be composed of the
mayors and 'reeves of Grodericii;
Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham;
and the president of each branch
of the Canadian Legion in the
county. Tbis tnotion was proposed
by Reeve R. J.' Bowman, Brussels,
and Deputy -Reeve D. D. Mooney,
Goderich, the latter pointing out
boxes to the boys overseas. Another
five boxes will be sent as soon as they
can be packed,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvei Cox also had
quite a successful euchre party for
the Red Cross` one evening lately.
It was suggested by some mem-
hers that a committee appointed by
the county council would .act as a
clearing house. forall municipal
rehabilitation committees.
Reeve B, W. Tuckey, EScetr;
said that reconstruction work
should include more than just the per-
son s'hould be fitted to a suitable
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Charters of Mayor R. E. Turner, Reeve
Blyth and Mr. Homer Hogg of Sask- Baker and Deputy Reeve Mooney
atoon, Sask, visited with bbl,, and Mrs. of Goderichwill be asked to pre -
Fred Reid on Sunday, pare a coneise report on thero-
Mrs. Frank' Coleman of Hensall' is posed road to the north side ofI re
visiting friends in the village. harbour, negotiations for which
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott celebrated ,have been' under way' for some
their 40th wedding anniversary on time. This action was taken when
Tuesday,. January 25th.' a letter from Goderich Salt
A very seceessful euchre and dance Company was read asking the co.:
was held in the Varna Hall last Tues- operation of the county council in
day evening. having' the project promoted.
The War Services of Varna" ere It was felt. that no concrete plan
sponsoring a euchre and dance in aid had ever been presented. Deputy
of boxes for overseas. tellies Reeve Mooney explainedthat the
orchestra and a lunch counter. Railway Board' had- closed . the nee
gotiations by refusing the right of
Interesting Proceedllrgs at way across' their tracks; which
caused Reeve Tuckey to exclaim:
"Do you mean to say they won't
give a right of way -V'
Huron County Conned at the Wed- "Yes."
ngsday morning session unanimously . ha t e most absurd, thing I
voted that one-half midi be set,ever ,heard!" the Exeter reeve ex
aside for the war effort. The ap�.elaimed indignantly:
propriation is to be under the juris No action was taken .;on a. eeso
diction of the Warden's Committee. lution u ton from ' s'
Es ex co
unt r
I z
If the total amount set aside is 'free transporation of' service men;
not needed, the committee is auth- nor on a resolution from Oxford
orized to return the balance to the 1 county "that all purchases •of Vic -
general account, : tory Bonds by municipalities, re-'
Reeve Frayne's inquiry regarding gardless of the amount, be placed
Huron County Caunc '
Mon. Tues. Wed.
Monty Woolley and Gracie Fields,
the perfect. combination for any
mirth -packed ' situation with Laird
Cregar and Una O'Connor.
Thur. Fri, Sat.
Richard Dix, Leo Carrillo and Pre-
ston Foster, . • Ruf'hlessly he carved
ae. empire out' of the wilderness,
but it took -tragedy to show him
the value of love and friendship,
Coming Don Amoche irr
Now• Playing John Garfield in
Mon. Tues. and Wed,
Margo. Toin Neal Gloria Golden
and Jr/Carrot Naish from the pages
of James R. Young's startling, book
comes the story that will make you
want to `fight.
Thur. Fri. and Sat.
Teresa Wright and Joseph "Cotten
Portray the living character of a
great dramatic and romantic story
1VIon. Tues. and Wed,
Betty Grable and Robert Young
Presenting in gorgeous Technicol-
or the liveliest musical comedy of
the year,
Thur, Fri. and Sat.
Richard Dix, Jane Wyatt and
Albert Dekker Presents an ''epic
of outdoor adventure, thrills rom-
ance and comedy,
Coming—Sonja Henrie' in
The Place to Buy
Buns, Pies
and Cakes
Tenders will be received until
February 8th, for ten cord of maple
and beech hardwood, 12" in length.
Beech not to exceed 50
per cent. To be delivered
to School Section No. 11 Goderich
Township by April first.
H. L. Wise, Sec-Treas.
, R. R. 8, Clinton
on the "special names" so that
every dollar will be used for the
war effort; nor • on a Lambton
county resolution "that the care o
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S,T. '
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E. A.S.T.
On Mutual Network — Sundays
Local Station—OKLW., Windsor
--ate`:: ` _
Tenders will be received until Jan,
29th, for 20 cords of 12 inch maple
and beech body wood. Beech to be
not more than 50 per cent. To be
delivered to 'School Section No. 10,
Goderich Township by April lst, 1944.
John Middleton,
FRIDAY, Jan. 28th
Dancing 9 ill 1
Admission: 50 '
not a tax against the laud or real
property and that the indigent
patient be considered: it the cate-
gory of the aged and blind."
Concurrence was given to the
resolution from Elgin county com-
mending Hon. T. L. Kennedy, pro.
vincial minister of agriculture, for
"his sincere,• untiring endeavor to
bring about better farming condi--
tions "
Huron county council on Friday
mbrning endorsed a motion brought
in by Reeves R. J. BowmanandAlex.
Alexander that• $10,000 in Victory
Bonds be purchased by the County
of Huron to be held in trust for
Huron College until the building of
the new residence for men is under.
taken. A by-law covering this was
passed at the afternoon session.
COWAN—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Monday, January 24th, to
L.A.C. and Mrs, Howard Cowan, of
Clinton,- a son, (Michael Liddell).
BATKIN--Ian Clinton Public Hospital
on Thursday, January 27th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Batkin, R. R. 5,
Clinton, a daughter.
FOWLER—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Thursday, January 27th,
to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fowler,
Londesboro, a daughter.
ELLIOTT-In Clintons Public Hos
pital on Thursday, January 27th,
to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Elliott,
Holmesville, a daughter..
EDMESTON-At Maple Creek, Sask.
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
J. K. Edwards, on Tuesday, Jan.
iltit, John H. Edmeston, in his 82nd
BLACKER—In London, on Sunday,
January 23rd; Ernest Thomas
Blacker, in his 69th year.
HOFLICH-At the Kitchener -Water-
loo Hospital, Mary Jane Hiilen,
beloved wife of George Hoflich,
formerly of Clinton
JACKSON—In Clinton, on Tuesday,
January 26th, Adeline Catherine
Roe, beloved wife of James Jack-
son, in her 79th year.
STERLING—In Guelph, on Wednes-
day, January 19th, Kenneth George
Leslie Sterling, beloved 'son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Sterling, in his
21st year,
Mr, Edward L, Mittel wishes to
extend his heartfelt thanks and ap-
preciation to his many relatives,
friends and neighbors, for their acts
of kindness, messages of sympathy,
and beautiful floral tributes exten-
ded during his rebent sad bereave-
ment, in the death of his wife, Annie.
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Sterling and
family wish to thank their many
friends and neighbours for the kind-
ness and sympathy extended to them
in their recent sad bereavement and
for the many beautiful floral tribe
Small girl, 3 months old, desires
suitable accommadation, Does not
smoke or drink. Would prefer to
have parents neith her.
NOTE: $5.00 reward to person.
submitting information which results
in securing suitable dwelling. In
event of similar suggestions, FIRST
letter gets reward. Send Letters to
Box 436, Clinton Ont. • 82-1
Wanted to Buy
A small house in good condition,
with bath preferred. Apply by letter
Co Box 39-F, The News Record, 82-2
• Lost
Soldier lost pipe in vicinity of
Clinton. Personal value. Reward. Call
or notify the News -Record.
Rooms for Rent
Two apartments for rent, furnished
with modern conveniences and pri-
vate entrance, Apply at the News -
Record. 82-2
For Sale
Two, three-year old horses, broken;
also a quantity of Spy apples. Apply
to Morgan Jones, phone 902-4 Clinton.
Apartment to Let
Furnished, apartment with private
dntrance . and allmodern convenien-
onveniences, Apply to Box -C The News -Rec-
ord 82-1
For Sale
A brick house, in good condition,
modern conveniences, Apply by let-
ter to box 39x News Record, 79-t£
For Sale
One annex stove with water front;
one chemical toilet, nearly new. Apply
to Box 39-0, The News -Record.
The annual meeting of the Clinton
Hospital Association will be held in,
the Council Member on Friday
evening, February 11th, 1944 at 8.00
p. m. 81-2
For Rent ;.
Pasture for cattle of various ages,
limited number. Approximately 120
acres with spring creek shade, natur-
al grass. OR will sell whole farm,
160 acres clay loam, natural drain-
age, rolling land, about 7 acres in
bush, ten acres new land partly clear-.
ed. Roomy barn, two threshing
floors, on stone wall. All land suit-
able for crop as well as _pasture.
Cropped • very little since owned by
Canada Company. Apply early to
Mrs. Alice Ferguson, Frederick i,treet
Clinton. 82-2
100 acres good clay loam farm.
Adequate farm buildings and good
water supply. Apply P. Fingland,
Clinton, Ont, 84-3
For Sale
Exeter house, electricity and few
acres. Suitable for poultry,' fruits,
vegetables. 75 acres pasture, 65
tillable, newly seeded, water in creek.
Zurich area. Apply William P earce,
Exeter, 82-2
Cow for Sale
One good grade Shorthorn cow, 8
years, freshening very soon, quiet and
right. Also Irish Cobbler potatoes,
suitable for table or seed, IL L.
Wise, R. 1t. 3 Clinton, phone 807124.
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with itew
bath: House in `good conditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit trees.
Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street,
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. 58-tf
In the • Estate of Robert Lewis
Thomson, late of the Village of Bay-
field in the County of Huron, Yeoman,
All persons having claims' against
the Estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same: with -the
undersigned Solicitor for the said
Estate, on or before the 5th day of
February, A. D. 1944, after which
date the assets will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given.
Dated at Clinton, this 15th day of
January, A. D. 1944.
F. Fingiand, K. C., Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said. Estate.
In the Estate ef Susan Marie
Hackney, late of the Village of Exe-
ter in the County of Huron, Widow
All persons' having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased are
requested to file the same with the
undersigned ' Solicitor for the said
Estate, on or before the 5th day of
February, A.D. 1944 after which the
assets will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only
egard'only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
Dated at Clinton, this 12th, day of
January, A.D. 1944..
P. Fingland K. C., Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 79-2,