HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-01-20, Page 8WINIIIMININIIIMIrelemmpinw...wwwzmowswisms THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Tuults., JAN„ 20th 1944; Here we go to a new Start Here's more Heat for less money, Chimney Sweeps SAVE FUEL 3-16 inch. Soot can cause a 69% Heat loss. A chhnney sweep treat- ment removes soot and scale from fire box to chimney top. Safe, non-Inflarnmable. Regular use -prevent chimney fires. Equally effective in coal, oil, or gas furnaces, also in wood or coal burning fireplaces. Trial size can 50c 1 new McClarys cook Stove With Reservior and. High Shelf. SUTTEE & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONIC 147w. CLINTON, ONT. 1WWWWWWWOVNIPWVM1....snevivrandellNir.r.anarmewlniedne•rvW•neve••••••,..NIMOsirdlnirrININIMOVVIWIJININIM1111,11,./ I A few items of interest for a January Clearance January Clearance Sale Men's Fine Shirts' collars attached and separate collars about three dozen in the lot. Clearance Price $1.00 Men's Cotton Pants and overalls odd pairs but nearly all sizes and priiced to Clear. Children's long Hose up to Black, Brown and Fawn to Clear ............ 25c A better line Long or Golf Hose at .. 35e Men's Tan Oxfords 15 pairs only, nearly all sizes to clear at $2.'75 Many broken lines of Ladies and Children's Shoes priced to Clear. 50c Buy Quality Shoes at Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & Meads Shows far Msio Arent. Tip Top Tailors. ton, C. Campbell, W, Van Egmond, New Years Books for the and C. Shearer. It was decided to present a brief Business Men and Women at the January 27th meeting at Clin- ton field by the 1.4,,gbook Committee gr the Agrimiltural Commission of Journals Inquiry. Hume Clutton was( appoint- , ed to prepare the information, The regular SP -ring meeting of 'the Ledgers Cashl3ooks Club will he held on April 4th with Victbr Laughton, newly appointed Minute Books director of Extension for the Hol stein Association as guest speaker. 'DyBooks V • All of these and many oth- ers we have in our stock. We also have a varied as-, sortment of one year & fivei year Diaries, Scrap Booi Photograph Albums, Auto- graph Books, etc. We have on display in oui. North Window a super Brit Deckled Edge Writing Paper and Envelopes at 39d a set. NOTICE ' Burning Soft Coal All householders are urgently warned to frequent, ly and systematically clean all chimney flues, as a fire prevention Measure. Our firemen had several recent calls due to blocked chimneys becoming ignited. By Order L. J. Cree Fire Chief memeneWINII. Brooder Coal For Sale Arrived this week sixty tons Anthracite Nut Coal. This car was released to me by the Coal Controller for use only in Brooder Stoves in this community. Any poultry producer can have ninety days supply, of this coal by completing the necessary forms which I have at the office. V. D. FALCONER COAL — WOOD -- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES' Phone 97J LOCAL ITEMS Look for more news about the big ice carnival in the Clinton Arena in February. St. Paul's A. Y. P. A. spent an enjoyable evening on Tqesday at the home of Robin Thompson. The Navy League will meet on Tuesday evening, January 25th, at '7.30 o'clock in the Council Chmnber. We invite all those interested in our Navy to this meeting. The C. C. I. Red Cross will hold a Salvage Collection at 9 a.m. Saturday January 22nd. The following articles 'will be colleted, paper rags, iron, metals, tires and tubes. Bottles will not be taken. Mayor Agnew has asked us to in- form the public that Reeve Falconer is chairman of the Street Committee and not the mayor; therefore all com- plaints and questions should be taken to Mr. Falconer, or Phone 97j or 97w. We extend congratulations to Mr: 13. W. Kearns of town, representative of the Prudential Insurance Company a Stratford district, who has been announced winner •of the silver cup, given to the representative selling the most insurance. This is the sec- ond time for Mr. Kearns as he was also the winner of the cup last year. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" 'Archdale M. Wilson, Clinton Native, Dies Archdale McDonald Wilson, who re- tired in 1930 atter 58 years in the drug business, died suddenly in Hamil- ton Saturday. He was 82 years of age. Born in Clinton, Mr. Wilson be- gan his career in 1872 as an appren- tice, serving five years with his late cousin, Archdale Wilson. In 1882 Inc moved to Winnipeg and with a partner, W. R. Langridge, . organized their, wholesale drug house in the Later Mr. Wilson returned to Hamilton and traveled, in Western Ontario for the Archdale Wilson Company before joining the Nation- al Drug Company, -with which firm lie was associated until his retire- ment. He was a member of the Commercial Travelers' Associatio», Former Admiral of the Fleet Sir Arthur Knyvet Wilson, V. C., was a cousin. V Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter are visit- ing with their family in Chatham. Mrs. Ben Anderson of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ell- wood for a few days. Mrs. Elizabeth Walker of Kitchener spent the . week end in town with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Walker. Miss Lois Kearns of Sky Harbour was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns last week end. Mrs. A. C. Brandon left this week to spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Deseck in Claresholme, Alberta. Mr. Robert McCartney, 'Mrs. A. L. Rodges and Miss Elizabeth of Galt were week end . visitors with Clinton and Holmesville friends. Mr. Mervyn Batkin is in Toronto at- tending a meeting of the Ontario Locker Association being held Wednesday and Thursday in the King Edward Hotel. v Reception for . . Miss Sybil Courtice.; At Ontario Street Unifdd church on the evening of January 16th, a social hour and reception was observed at he close of the service, to honor Miss Sybil Courticc. Quite a number of people assembled to express their sincere thanks for her safe arrival home after such a long journey, Many greetings were expressed during the refreshment hour. The secretary of the church, Mr. Oliver Jervis, and Mrs. Moffatt Aiken, welcomed Miss Courtice, who in replying, stated that she was conscious that her people at home were praying for her., Miss Courtice served on the mission field for thirty-three years, and all members of this community join in welcoming her home. V Holstein Breeders Meet at ?Clinton At the executive meeting of 'the Huron Holstein Breeders Club held in Clinton on January 13th Mr. D. A. Stirling, Goderich, was appointed sales agent. Leonard Leeming; Walton, presid- ed as chairman with Hume Clutton, Goderich, acting as Secretary, Colin Campbell, Hayfield, wad ap, pointed delegate to the annual meet- ing of the Dominion Holstein As- sociation being held in February at Toronto. It was decided to affiliate with the Huron Federation of Agriculture with J. W. Van EIgmond, Clinton, ap- pointed as Directer. It was decided to sponsor a calf club in 1944 open to farmer's sons and daughters between the ages of 12 and 21 years. A supervising committee was appointed comprised of H Clot - Pioneer of Huron, William. S. Holmes, Dies William Sneyd Holmes, formerly- of Holmesville and Lueknow, died in Clearance Sale Paper -White Narcissus Bulbs ' Here is your chance • when flowers are scarce to have some winter bloom. While they last, 7c each 4 for 25c. Roses now available in limited quantity POTTED PLANTS Cyclamen, Cherries, Narcissus,and Primulas F. R. CUN1NGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR January 20, 21, 22nd Toronto on Thursday in his 101st 1CHOICE RICE year. Mr. Holmes celebrated his 2 lbs. 100th birthday anniversary last May. POST'S BRAN FLAKES At that time he himself wrote- a brief i 2 pkgs. sketch of his life, Son of Samuel and HILLCREST SHORTENING Margaret Holmes, natives of Dublin, 1 lb. Ireland, he was born in Huron county ROBINHOOD OATS near the present site of the village of Holmesville, which was named for his ! IVANCAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS family. He received his education in 12 oz. pkg. 14c his neighboring school and in London WOODBURY'S SOAP and. spent several years in business r4. 2 bars in New York City before establishing ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR a grain export 'business in Lucknow,I Bruce county, where he spent 3024 lb. bag. years hs a leading churchman and i PEERLESS BREAD FLOUR citiien. He was a veteranSUPER of the SUDS 24 lb. bag. Fenian Raids of 60 years ago servingi t service was conducted Saturday after-, 1" 0 fiipmpsoN Ipikkgg.i with the Seaforth Battalion. Later1PRINCESS FLAKES he took up residence at Sault Ste.1 Marie, and later Port Arthur, Last I p, & G. SOAP year Mr, Holmes moved to Torontoi where his death occurred at the fam- I MAGIC WHITE BLEACH 4 b ily' residence in Summer Hill Gardens.11 3 bottles -He was a Royal Arcie- life-long ma . Arch Mason and 2 doz. . 45c a NAVEL ORANGES, Size 344s . mer Alicia : SPY APPLES DOMESTIC 5 Taylor of London, in 1911 Predeceased by -bis wife, the for- GRAPE -FRUIT Size 126s Mr. Holmes is survived by a daugh- I for 25c ter, Miss Irene E. Holmes of Toronto; I a son, H. V. Holmes of Gerrie, 5 lbs. 25c and WAXED TURNIPS four grandchildren, Miss Alicia Coul- lb. ter, of Capred; Miss Jane Coulter CABBAGE Firm Heads 40 and Welland Coulter of Toronto and . lb. 6c William Taylor Holmes of Detroit. In St, Peter's .Anglican Church, Lucknow, which the late Mr. and Mrs. Holmes' helped to found, the funeral noon. Interment hsthe family plot in ' II I Lucknow cemetery. Free Delivers. V Vestry Meeting of St. Paul'01 WEEK END SPECIALS St. Paul's Church of England held it's annual Vestry meeting last Mon- lib GOLD MEDAL COFFEE .. 43c dayeYpeneioipigle.The beforlargeRe'aeethrR ev.gatheringG.. 1/2lb. GOLD MEDAL COFFEE .. 23c of the Moore, was in the c air. The meeting lb GOLD MEDAL TEA (orange pekoe) 38c sr and the reakT, 1 pkg. LEE'S MUFFIN FLOUR .17c This was follow- '3 cakes RICHARD'S CARBOLIC theSOAP year's150 work e reeter. The treas.14 cakes LONDON SOAP 22c I gave the financial reports showing 2 pkg. LIPTONS' NOODLE SOUP the Parish to be in a very healthy' 25c conditimi. Credit for this report was11 pkg. KRAFT DINNER 19c duly acknowledged to the ladies, tpe 2 can g ALYMER DEX BEANS..19c Board of Management and the Rector.' 3 calms PALM OLIVE SOAP (giant The election of officers was as fol- size) 25c Wardens—Dr. D. H. McInnis (re- : 6 bars Cantile soap 29c elected) and John Hartley; Delegates:1 pkg. CATTELLI R, C. MACARONI 10c to the Synod and Substitutes the War - SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES Size 324 1 doz. at 23c 2 doz at 44c Larger Sizes at .. 39c and 49e Doz. 3 GRAPEFRUIT (Marshseedless) 25c 3 LEMONS (360 size ... 100 TURNIPS, CARROTS, CABBAGEI TOMATOES 23c 21c 19c 21e 15c 750 69c 22c 25c 22c 25c was opened with ing of the min ed by a repo presented by -dens, G. E. Hall and R. Thompson The Board of Management Mrs, H. Bartliff, Mrs. F. Ford, Messrs, T. Churchill, H. Corey, H. Hawkins, G. E. Hall and E. Pattison (chosen by the Rector) M. Counter, H. McCartney, E. Mor- rison, R. Thompson and J. Zapfe (chosen by the people). Auditors COL H. T. Rance and...J. E. Hovey. Chan - men of Ushers, H. Hawkins and T. Deeves. Vestry Clerk, Miss M. Haw- kins. The reports of the various organi- zations were presehted and accepted. Under the beading of general bus- iness the Rector told of the collection to be taken up Hie end of the month to relieve those suffering from fam- ine in China. , He also referred to the sheet of War-Hyinns being used in our service, •••••••••••••• W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. SALVAGE COLLECTION The C.. C. I. Red Cross will hold a Salvage Collection at 9 A. M. Satur- day, January, 22. committed in Prayer the work of the Church for the ensuing year along The following articles will be col - with the newly -elected officers and lected. Paper, rags, iron, metals, closed the meeting with the Benedia- tires and tubes. Kettles will not bei tion. taken. 60-1 MID WINTER SPECIALS We are offering a large Stock of Felt Mattresses, Sleeping Units, Chesterfield Suites and Baby Carriages at Discounts ranging from 10 %, to 20%. These are all real reliable Goods But we have to make room for the new spring Stock coming in. BALL ei ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE ANIL FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FIENIMAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 ... . ARRIVED " '• , T 111 E PED' 1 ' ' STO • ES . , , VALUES FOR JANUARY 21 st and 22 nd. POST'S VAN CAMPS QUICK SERVE CORNFLAKES 2-23c BENS 2 pkgs.. 270 • SOAP SURPRISE LAUNDRY 10 Bars 490 HABITANT VEGETABLE SEA NYMPH CHICKEN SOUP Tin 100 HADDIE Tin 35d, QUAKER QUICK MAPLE LEAF ROBIN, HOOD 'MACARONI CHEESE OATS 2 pkgs. 25c 1/21b. pkg. 22c 5 lb. bag 29c ' DALTON'S ASSORTED REGENT EXTRACT PUDDINGS 2 for 15c VANILLA 2 for 13c HERRING CLOVER LEAF in Tomato Sauce tin 190 ' SUPREME WORCESTER RED and WHITE CUSTARD SAUCE 2 Bottles 23c POWDER lb. Tin 25c i GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SPINACH, MUSHROOMS, CELERY, TOMATOES, GRAPES PARSNIPS, CABBAGES, TURNIPS, CARROTS, SQUASH CHOICE FLORIDA 176's TEXAS SEEDLESS 112's TANGERINES doz. 35c GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25 CHOICE LARGE HEAD CHOICE SWEET LETTUCE, each 17c POTATOES 2 lbs. 33o 1 CHOICE CALIFORNIA 360's JUICY SUNKIST 344's LEMONS 3 for 10c ORANGES Doz. 230 Co M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON •••••••••••••• W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. SALVAGE COLLECTION The C.. C. I. Red Cross will hold a Salvage Collection at 9 A. M. Satur- day, January, 22. committed in Prayer the work of the Church for the ensuing year along The following articles will be col - with the newly -elected officers and lected. Paper, rags, iron, metals, closed the meeting with the Benedia- tires and tubes. Kettles will not bei tion. taken. 60-1 MID WINTER SPECIALS We are offering a large Stock of Felt Mattresses, Sleeping Units, Chesterfield Suites and Baby Carriages at Discounts ranging from 10 %, to 20%. These are all real reliable Goods But we have to make room for the new spring Stock coming in. BALL ei ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE ANIL FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FIENIMAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 ... . ARRIVED SKI SUITS made of Blanket Cloth, Colors Navy and Red, Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 years Price 2 Piece Suit 7.89' SLACKS Seperately Blanket Cloth 3,49, PARKA HOOD Fur Trimmed each 1.29 SKI CAPS , 1.15 MENS Breeches, Pants made of heavy Wool Cloth BREECHES Price , r = , 5.25, PANTS Price r 5.25 HEAVY WINTER CAPS price • 1.35 SOCKS MENS Lumberman 89c, $1.15, $1.35 SOCKS BOYS Lumberman 69c, 75e MENS WORK SOCKS 59c, 65c, 89c, 950 SOCKS BOYS Golf full range of sizes 59c UNDERWEAR MENS Combination P P Per Suit 2.98 MENS Combination No, 71 Penman per. suit 2.26 MENS Fleeced Lined per suit 2.25 BOYS Combination Size 24 to 32 per suit 1.39, 1.49 FOOTWEAR We have many seasonable lines for every member of the family. We do all possible to satisfy our Cust- omers. Clifford Lobb & Son HARDWARE, PLUMBING OR HEATING no mat-, ter what your need is we will try and serve you:. , we are gradually,getting new stock every day. See our lines of Glassware, Enamelware and Hardware. We will be glad to give you any prices on Pluiribing and Heating -for the job you've been intending to put in for sometime. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE' 244