HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-01-20, Page 5'THURS., JAN. h 1044
May Need To BORROW
More Than Usual
The 1943 crops have now been safely harvested and are available to help
meet the needs of a world at war. In 1944 the world demand for food
products will be enormous.
If you need to borrow more than usual to produce
more food than usual, whether in the form of field
Crops, livestock or dairy products, do not hesitate
to talk to the manager of our nearest branch.
Founded in 1817
Clinton -Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager
Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and: Thursday
_ :fir. Russell King of London .spent
'the week end with his wife and fain-
Miss Francis Houston, Reg, N. of
Kitchener is visiting her parents, Mr.
=and Mrs. John Henston.
'Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neil of Ottawa
Spent a couple of days with .the
lady's parents •Mr, and. Mrs. A. J.
L. A. C. Stan Sokoloski of Sky
harbour Air Port spent the week end
With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haggitt.
Mrs. Gordon Dobie and sons, Wni,
?and'Gerald of Wingham were ,recent
'visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Warner
The Ebenezer Ladies' Club met at
the hone of Mrs. George Hallam
when one Red Gross quilt was coin-
'pleted. Mrs. Stewart Plunkett invit-
ed the club to her home for the Feb
1'uary meeting.
' 'It Was learned with interest in
Auburn •that the C tt 'C b
oxve e o act on
which Able Seaman Reid Shepherd
In now serving was the vessel which
fought a fire on a United • States
tanker. A risky.feat after a erasin,
'Two • of the p:ersonnsel received dec-
°orations, Able Seaman Sheppard is
a. former Auburn boy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. IL Sheppard now of Blen;H
W. M. S.
Mrs, Edgar Lawson opened her+
home for the January meeting of` the.
W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian ;h
church. The president. Miss Jose-
phine Weir presided and opened the
meeting with prayer. Mrs. John COW -
4121 read the minutes of the previous
meeting. A quilt donated by Mrs,
John Houston was displayed and Mrs..
Herb Govier offered to quilt it at her
Arrangements -were made for the
world's'Day of Prayer which will' be
held in the Presbyterian church in 1
I+ebruary. The scripture was. read
responsively and Mrs. James Woods
'offeted:prayer. A reading was given
by Mrs. Edgar Lawson. The tepid
'{'The New Year" was given by Miss'P
J. Weir. The roll call was- respond
ed to bya' f P
n • of fees. h
paying The meet
ing closed with prayer. Lunch was
served by the hostess. IC
Baptist Ladies Aid . I
The Baptist Ladies :Aid met at the y
home of Mrs. C. A. Howson. The d
devotional period was taken, by Mrs.
earl Raithby and Mrs. L. Irwin. The 0
president Mrs, Howson took the M
chair for the business period. A nils- a
sionary quilt was completed. The
rprogram'was;in 'charge of Mrs. Thos: e
McNeil. Readings were given by Mrs. W
Wm—Haggitt sang a solo. A. ,nusica
number was given by Mss. Howse
and Mrs, 12.J, , -Phillips, The top
"Courage in the New Year wa
given by Mrs. John Cowan, A po
luck supper wa's served,
B. Y. P. U.
Mrs. Wm. Haggitt presided for
the B. Y. P. U. which was held in the
Baptist Church Sunday evening. Fol-
lowing a sing -song Mrs, Annie Wal -
per led in prayer. The scripture
was read by Royce Phillips. Readings
were given by Grant Raithby, Donna
Haggitt, Wellington MeNall and
Joan Xillough. A mouth organ num-
ber was given by Maine Johnston. A
duet was rendered by Miss 1V)yae For
guson and Mrs. Earl Raithby. Jac
Ladd contributed a guitar numbe
The topic "The New Year" was give
by 1VIvs. Fred Ross, A solo was ren
derect by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Th
president Wm. Raithby read- letter
from L:A.C. Stanley McNeil of Dun
nville and Shirley Silver thanlcin
the society for boxes they had re
ceived at Christmas. The Februar
meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Ea
McKnight and Doris. The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
Rev. Dr. A .11 Thomson preaehec
farewell sermon in Knox Presby
terian Church last Sunday using',the
text "Ministerial Urgency" from
Genesis 24-33. Dr. and Mrs Thom
son left this week for their.new
charge in E'mvale in the Barrie Pres-
bytery. Rev, Hugh Jack of Seaforth.
as been appointed Interin Modera-
tor and the pulpit will be declared
vacant next Sunday.
I her daughter -Mrs. J. Chapman.
n The United Church is having
top, their Congregational meeting on Fri -
s day January 21st beginning at one
t- o'clock with a pot -luck dinner. Tire
reports of all the departments will
be presented.
The January meeting of the W, M.
S. was held in. the basement of the
church on Thursday with the presi-
dent presiding and 16 present.
Mrs. Townsend gave a fitting talk
for the begimning of the year.
Mr. Menzies presided at the Instal-
lation of Officers, The hymn "Blest
be the Tie that Binds'' was sung with
joined hands. The -minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
The world's day of prayer is to be
Jac' on Feb. 25th and the group ladies, are
r, to arrange the program.
n The roll call was answered with
the paying of fees. The treasurer
e reported two new life members. Miss
s Kirk took charge for group 2 and
conducted the worship service. The
g theme for January, "The Bible fo
- nll of Canada's Children." Afte
singing hymn 199 Mrs, W. Lyon ga
a talk on the Bible, Mrs. 'M. Man
ning, Mrs. B. Shobbrook and Mrs, C
Watson led in prayer' for the ehil
ren of Canada. Mrs. Menzies san
_ (by request) "The Pearly Gates. an
Golden." Miss L. Young took tlt
study book. After the offering, Trym
- 605 was sung and the, meeting close
with the Mizpah benediction.
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 68j
Fat Fowl Market
Any Boarders you may have in
your flock will meet a good market
demand for the coming Jewish Holi-
days. Feed is too dear to feed to
non -producers
This is a good time to sell your
goose and duck feathers.
All our eggs are machine graded,
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
Try us for salmon, white fish,
herring, cod Tillett and Haddock
Also Frozen raspberries and
strawberries, Peas and Corn
Casings for Sale.
We buy Hides.
Frozen Foods are Better Foods.
Mrs. Walters,
Mrs. Palmer gave a poem as the
opening number,' followed by hymn
The topic was taken by Mrs, Wal-
ters, Mrs. E. Trewartha gave a paper
followed by prayer by Mrs. Bond, A
second paper was given by Mrs.
Mulholland with prayer by Mrs. Wal-
ters, Hymn 331 was sung. The roll
call was answered .by New Years
resolutions and ideas, Mrs. Walters
gave a talk on Thoughts for New
hymn 80 was sung and Mrs. W.
Norman gave a reading on "Living
The minutes of the last meeting
and list of Officer's for 1944 were
read by the secretary Mrs. Norman:
Mrs. E. Trewartha gave the Treas.
report, Hymn 334 was sung and then
meeting was closed with prayer.
The meeting of the W. A. was then
held, opening with a poem, "Little
Thoughts for New Years," by the
president Mrs, B, Trewartha.
It was decided to hold a social.
evening in the church at a date to bo
decided Iater, There was a short dis•,
cussion on plans for sante, followed
by singing a hymn. The meeting
closed by singing God' Save the King
and repeating the Mizpah Benediction
in unison. A pot luck supper was
Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Rathwell and
• family spent Sunday with Mr. and
gay • Mrs. Roy Tyndall.
• Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wallis and
Gerald, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Rathwell
d- and Marilyn spent Sunday with Mr.
g and Mrs. Arthur Welsh.
d Mr. and ,Mrs, Harold Down of
e Stratford were guests on Saturday.
n with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wallis. •
d Mr. and. Mrs, Thomas Rathwell
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Grigg.
Mr. and `Mrs. Robert Welsh -Vere
guests on Sunday of Mr.: and Mrs..
David Campbell. - •
The S. S. No. 4 Unit of the Red
Cross held: the January meeting at
the home: of Mrs. A. Hebden. The
✓ meeting was opened by repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison. The 'roll
call was •answered by the 'paying of
✓ fees for 1944. The ,treasurer's re -
Port was given; during the year. The
total recipts were $364.47 a balance
of $10.96 remains in',the treasury.
The sewing reports quota -18 pr.'
knickers, size 44; 50 girl's blouses,
Miss Thelma Scott Seaforth, with
her parents.Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott.
Miss Beth Govier, London, with her
Parents, Mr, and Mrs.. Wm. Govier:
Miss E1da Watson and'Mr. Bill
Riley, Goderich, with Mrs; Watson,
Mrs. Geo. Barr, Goderich, with
Mr. Jack Clark Toronto, with his
arents Mx, and Mrs. Clark.
Sgt.' Jack Snell, Crumlin with his
arents Mr, and Mrs, John Snell
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and Mr.
tui Mrs. Gladwin Hooper, Rose and
lora of St. Mary's with Mrs. J.
Mrs.. Wm.. Hunking is visiting her
aughtei+, Mrs, John Riley,
Mr. Bert Brandon has taken
ver the White Rose Station and.
r. and Mrs. McAllister and family
re returning to Clinton.
Miss Ruth Walkom spent the week
nd with her parents Mx. and Mrs.
alkom, Munroe,
Mrs. Clair', Bennett of Goderieh'
visited friends in the village - on
The W. A. and W. M. S. held thei
regular meeting at the home of Mrs
Walters on Tuesday.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Elme.
Potter has been confined to her bed
with the flu. We hope she will soon be
well again.
The.joint meeting of the three con-
gregations was held in the basement
of the Holmesville church on Wedns-
day afternoon., Business for the
conning • year was transacted.
Mr. Raymond Whitmore is confined
'to his home with an attack of quihzey.
Miss Ruth -Harris spent the week
end with Miss Ruby Reid of Varna.
Mrs. Wilbur Welsh of Clinton
visited with her parents Mr, and Mrs.
Frank Whitinore, on Monday
Now —'rol Flynn in "NORTH-
Betty Grable, Robert Young and
Adolphe Menjou,
The musical comedy you have
been waiting- for with a top-narne
Thurs. Fri. Sat. - Two Features
Anacondas writhe! Jaguars stalk
their prey! The jacares attack! A
Jungle thriller with an all -animal
cast! "JACARE"
Added attraction Richard' Dix in
Coming — Dorothy McGuire as
Now — Olivia DeRaviland In
Monty Woolley Gracie Fields and
Laird Gregar head a grand comedy
east in a fun packed tale of wag-
gish situations
Joint Garfield 1Vlaureen O'Hara and
Pat Morison tense situations, dram-
atic suspense, and appealing rom-
ance feature "the story of
Eddie Cantor Dennis Morgan John
Garfield and a host of top flight;
star entainers present a screen'
treat of ,r•are variety.
Thur. Fri, Sat. Two. Features
Tom _Conway and Jane Randolph
tell another thrilling yarn of the
popular sleuth "THE FALCON
As an added attraction the Aldrich
Family presents "HENRY ALD -
Coming Betty Grable as "Sweet
The Place to Buy
Buns,. Pies
and Cakes
FRIDAY, Jan. 28th
Dancing 9 till 1
the' meeting, tickets were sold on a
quilt donated by Mrs Bert Lobb, the
lucky ticket being drawn by Mrs.
W. Rueger, A quilt donated by Mrs.
Hebden and Josephine, Muir. was
quilted at the meeting. The meeting
was closed by singing the National
McDONALD—In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Wednesday, January 19th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald of
Clinton, a daughter.
WILLIAMS--In Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Tuesday, January lith, to
Mr, and Mrs. Knox Williams of
Clinton, a daughter.
NICKLE—In Montreal General Hos-
pital on Friday, January 14th, to Flt.
Sgt. and Mrs. W.J. Niekle, a Baugh -
ter, (Patricia Maureen).
McTAGGART—To Wing Commanderand Mrs, F. G. McTaggart, a
daughter, Judith Ramsay, at Tor-
onto, on January 11th, 1944
GILROY—At Miami, Florida, on
Thursday, January 6th, 1944, Mur-
ray Grant Gilroy, beloved husband
of Dorothe Gilroy and son of the
late Mr. and Mrs, James C. Gilroy
of Clinton.
RUTHERFORD—At the Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, on Friday,
January 14th, John Ernest Ruther-
ford, aged five years, dearly levetl
younger son of Captain. Colin
Rutherford (in- India) and Mrs.
Rutherford, formerly HesterCooper
of London, England. Grandson of
Sir Ernest Herbert Cooper.
size 6 yrs. 5 ..lady's blouses, 16 yrs; :1 (Too late for last week)
40 pinafores.. 6 yrs.; 25 girl's dresses, The January, meeting of the
size 8 yrs„ non quota -4 pis, boy's Tuckersmith Ladies' Club was held
shorts, size 8; 2 boy's blouses, size at the home of Mrs. Greg. McGregor.
8 1 bay's shirt size 8; 1. girl's blouse The meeting was opened by repeat -
and 1 skirt, size 6; 1 lady's .blouse, ing the opening ode' and the Lord's
size 16; 1 boy's suit, size 6; 13 quilts, prayer, Psalm 36 was sung. The
The knitting report was given secretary's and treasurer's reports
quota -2P
turtle -neck sweaters, 5 Slee. were read and. adopted. The Red
a veless sweaters, 5 lady's sweaters, .s Cross Treasurer's report was also
Mr.. and, Mrs, Fred Reid and Doris airforce sweater, 8 boy's sweaters, given. It was moved
of Varna visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. 2 Law n that Fear and
girl's sweaters, 5 tache -ins 8 pr. seconded. by Mrs,. Lawson three a sal-
Fred Mulholland on Friday. mitts, 9 aero caps, 9 ribbed helmets, vage drive • be held in the spring.
We are sorry to hear that Mr, E. 6 pr., seaman's socks, 4. pr. seaman's Erlin Whitmore r p b Mrs.
V. Lawson who has. been ilI for some g stockin •s, 3 , Mrs. Matheson, Mrs.
Ion g pr. seaman's 18 in Lawson anti Eleanor Pe
time is not improving, socks 7 pier weer ape
pr: service socks, 4 px: gloves pointed a committee to look alter the
(Intended for last Week) ` Non quota -4 pr. service socks, ,
k 1P
• r. drive.
The January meeting of 'the W. M. gloves.
Irwin and Mrs, Earl McKnight, Mrs. Mrs. M, Ross is in Toronto with S. was held at the of the pres, F home The Red Cross knitting report' was
_ ollowing' the business session of given. The program consisted of a
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P:111., E.D.S.T..
. Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E. D.S.T.
On Mutual Network - Sundays
Local Station—CKLW., Windsor
Tenders will be .received until Jan,
29th, for 20 cords of 12 inch maple
and beech body wood. Beech to be
not more than 50 per cent. Te be
delivered to School Section No. 10,
Goderich Township by April 12t, 1944.
John Middleton,
Euchre and Dance
Londesboro Community Hall
Wednesday, January 26th
under the auspices of the
Hallett Federation of Agriculture.
Ladies with Iunch free
Admission 35 cents,
Music by Irwin's Orchestra
Tenders will be received until Feb.
29th, 1944, by the undersigned, for
supplying S. S. No. 1, Hullett with
10 cord of 12" hard wood, to be deli-
vered at the school by July 1st, 1944.
Bert Irwin,
Secretary -Treasurer,
R. R. 2 Seafoxth.
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for their kindness and
sympathy during our recent bereave-
ment; also for the beautiful floral
tributes and those who so kindly
loaned their cars. Special thanks to
Dr. J. W. Shaw and Rev. A. Lane.
—GIadys Hoggarth and boys.
Mrs, Frank Lansing, Auburn,
wishes to express her appreciation
for the many acts of kindness, ex-
preseions of sympathy and beautiful
floral' tributes extended by neigh-
bours, friends and relatives during
the recent death aof her sister, Miss
Harriet Rapson.
100 acres good clay loam fa.
Adequate farm buildings and good
water supply, Apply F. Fingland,
Clinton, Ont. 80-3
For wale
One annex stove with water front;
one chemical toilet, nearly new, Apply
to Ilex 39-0, The News -Record.
One good Australian coon skin
coat will be sold cheaply. Apply at
the News -Record office, 80-1
In the Estate of Robert Lewis
Thomson, late of the Village of Bay-
field in the.County of Huron, Yeoman,
All persons having, claims against
the Estate of the above deceasedarc
required to file the same with the.
undersigned Solicitor for the. said
Estate, on or before the '5th day of
February', A. D. 1944, after which
date the . assets will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled .thereto,
having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given.
Dated at Clinton, this 15th day of
January, A. D. 1944.
F. Fingland, K. C,, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
reading by airs. McGregor. The
singing of the National Anthem and
a prayer closed the meeting.
The February meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs, Wni. Pepper.
Group three will have charge,
631/ acres land village edge, paved
road, brick house, all conveniences,
electricity, basement barn, steel stan-
chions, henhouse, double garage,
100 acres level tiled loam' brick
house, basement, barn, electricity and
water system, throughout, $7200 with
William Pearce, Exeter, Ontario
For S. S. No. 3 Goderibh Town-
ship, "Holmesville 8 cords of hard
wood, maple and beech, not over 60
per cent beech, 14 " delivery by
April 15th, Apply to Fred Mulholland
see-treas,, 2nd concession phone 901r
12. 79-2
W. J. Nicholson of North Bruce,
Sponsored by the Stanley Federation
of Agriculture will show pictures
and give a talk in '
Varna Hall on
Monday,, Januray 24th, '
at 2.30 p. in. for the school children of
the Township and their teachers; and
again at 8.30 p. ni, 'for adults.
Everybody Welcome
Three Scotch Shorthorns bulls; 10
months, seven months, and 18 months
old. Apply to 0. Switzer, R. R. 5
Clinton, or phone 31414 Clinton. 80-1
Pasture for Rent
Farm of 100 acres, excellent blue
grass, with plenty of shade and
never -failing spring creek, .Apply
News -Record. 79-2
We have a new Gilson furnace in
Now is your chance to change
your heating equipment, with fuel
scarce and dear you can't afford to
waste it. Phone 34-616 Clinton or
see Jonathan Hugill at once 79-2
For Sale
A brick house, in good condition,
modern conveniences, Apply by let-
ter to box 39x News' Ramie', 79-tf
Por Rent
Two furnished rooms with bath-
room, also private entrance. Phone
267w for information, 79.2
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with new
bath. House in good eonditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit trees.
Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street,
Clinton, 69.tf
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, oldhorses and' dead
cattle for mink feed, If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908x22 or Jacic
Gilbert 908r21. 68-tf
In the Estate of Susan Marie
Hackney, late of the Village of Exe-
ter in the County of Huron, Widow
All persons having claims against
the Estateof the above deceased are
requested; to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the said
Estate, on or before the 5th ,day ef.
February, A.D. 1944 after which the
assets will .be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been. given,
Dated, at Clinton, this 12th day of
January, AD. 1944.
P. Fingland Ti. C., Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 79-3.