HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-01-13, Page 8PAGE; $, Here we go to a new Start Here's more Heat for less money. Chimney Sweeps SAVE FUEL 3-16 inch. Soot can cause a 69f/0 Heat loss. A chimney sweep treat- ment removes soot and scale from fire box to chimney top. Safe, non-Inflammnable. Regularuse-prevent chimney fires. Equally effective in coal, oil, or gas furnaces, also in wood or coal burning fireplaces. Trial size can 50e ,I new McClarys cook Stove with Reservior and High Shelf. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. January Clearing Sale of Odd Lots and Broken Sizes In spite of the shortage of goods, almost every department is offering its quota of odds and ends to this January Clearance Sale, Shirt's, Neckwear, Ladies and' Children's Shoes, A few House Slippers and many others lines. MENS OVERCOATS— A nice assortment of Coats still on the racks in sizes from 36 to 46. Some real bargains among them. Come in and, Iet us show you. JUST ARRIVED— Grey Wool Blankets. They Came too late for Christmas trade but are beautiful warm blankets and ,a real Inxury at this time of year. There are not anany pairs so if in need of these goods we advise you to see about them at once. Buy Quality Shoes at Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & Mende Shoes for Mea Agents Tip Top Tailors. NOTICE Burning Soft Coal All householders are urgently warned to frequent, ly and systematically clean all chimney flues, as a! fire prevention Measure. Our firemen had several ,recent calls due to blocked chimneys becoming ignited. 1 By Order L. J. Glee Fire Chief faxmi ONTARIO STREET W. A. The Ontario St. W. A. meeting was held in the School room of the Church Jan. 5th, with Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes presiding. Meeting opened by singing a hymn, prayer by Mrs. M. Sparling, Miss L. Grant read the lesson ,from Romans 12th chapter. Minutes of last meeting and an executive meet. ing were lead and approved and the list of officers and Committees for- med by the executive were accepted. Monthly, and Annual reports were received from the Convenors and ap- proved The officers for 1944 are as follows Honorary Pres., Mrs. W. S. R. Hol- mes; Pres. Mrs. F. Townsend; 1st vice Pres. Mrs. J. Radford; 2nd vice Pres. Mrs. D. M. Maltby; 3rd. vice Pres. Mrs. E. Rumball; See. Mrs. I. M. Nay; Assist. Mrs. C. Venner, Treas, Mrs. Cliff Proctor; Cov. Sec. Mrs. Gide; Pianist Miss L. Grant; Assist, Mrs. B. -J. Gibbings; Convenors of different committees; Devotional, Mrs. Milton Wiltse; Supply Mrs. Mittel] and Miss E. Cornish; Parsonage, Mrs, W. Ross; Flowers; Mrs. F. Lobb and' Mrs. R. Holmes; Reception and Look -out Mrs. Siong. and Mrs. W. Shipley; Social Mrs. Venner; Worlt Mrs. W. Walker. Mrs. Holmes gave thanks to all who kindly assisted her during the last two years. Mrs. Townsend .then took the -chair and read. a very suit -I -able poem as a resolution for the New; Year, and suggested that a study of the Psalm at the meeting would be beneficial. Program consisted of a solo by Mrs, Kearns, accompanied by Miss E, Wiltse and a reading by Mrs. Farnham, Meeting closed with a Hymn and Prayer .by Mrs: E. Kennedy. A Picnic lunch was served. v Presbyterian W. A. The January meeting of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was held Wednesday after- noon Jan. 5th at the home of Mrs. Vesta Streets, with a full. attendance The meeting was opened by singing hymn 484. The President, Mrs. Stevenson then read the 66th psalm. This was followed by prayer. Mrs. Streets read the secretary's report also several "thank you" letters from "shut ins" who had been remembered at Christmas. Mrs, Neilans read the treasurers report, showing a very successful year just closed, with a substantial balance on hand tostart the New Year. The main buisiness for the after- noon was making arrangements for the Presbyterial: dinner to be held Tuesday Jan, llth, in. the Church,. also the making of some quilts for sale or order: The meeting' closed with the .sing- ing,of "God .Save the Ring" followed by prayer by the President. ,Lunch was served by Mrs. J,'C'opk and Mac. Clifton, assisted by the' hostess.'' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THUR., JAN. 13, 1943 New Year's Books for the Business Men and Women Journals Ledgers Cash Books: Minute Books Day Books A11 of these and many oth- ers we have in our stock. We also have a varied as- sortment of one year & five year Diaries, Scrap Boos Photograph Albums, Auto-, graph Books, etc. We have on display in on: North Window a super £ine Deckled Edge Writing Paper and Envelopes at 39d a set. G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" Miss Hazel Rapson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rap- son, V St. Paul's Ladies Guild The Annual meeting of the Ladies Guild was held in the Owen Memorial Hall on Tuesday, Jan, 7, at three o'clock. Reports were presented by the various officers and convenors, all of which were most encouraging showing a considerable increase over the work accomplished the previous year. Mr. Moore then took charge for the installation of the new offi- cers and spoke briefly on the work of the Guild. The officers for 1944 are as follows: Hon. Pres. Mrs, C. Epps, Pres. Mrs. Hudie, 1st vice Pres, Mrs. G. Walker, 2nd vice Pres. Mrs. W. Robinson, 3rd vice Pres. Mrs. J. Sil- cox, Sec. Mrs. F. Ford, Treas, Mrs. M. Elliott, Social Hostess Mrs. McIn- nes, Assistant Mrs. M. Counter, Flower Contra, Mrs. W. J. Elliott Mrs, Epps, Memorial Flowers Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Convenor Quilt Comm. Mrs, Walker, Convenor Visiting Comm. Mrs. Ellwood, Property Comm, Mrs. Bartliff, Mrs, Zapfe, Mrs. Morrison, Rep. Board of Management Mrs. Bartliff. V HOLMESVILLE Intended for Last week Misses Cora and Alma Trewartha spent the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tre- wartha. Mr. Stewart Minor returned to To- ronto Monday to continue his studies. Mr. Mel. –Glidden of Pickering spent 'New Yeats with relatives in the village. Miss Del Finlay of Goderich spent New Years with her parents L. A. C. and Mrs, Harold Young of Uplands visited last week at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. John Harris. Miss Phyllis McClinchey spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cox. ' The annual school meeting was held last Wednesday afternoon in the school. Edward Grigg Jr. will take the place of Mr. Jack Dempsey as trustee. Mr. and Mrs. ,Reuben Grigg and L.A.C. and Mrs. Kenneth. Cooke of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Grigg Jr, and family. Word has been received that Gnr. W. R. Hayden of the R. G. A. is now in North Africa. Bob is the son 'of Mrs. Hayden and the late ` Stanley Hayden, formerly of the Maitland concession, Mrs. Albert McClinchey, Mrs. Erington and son spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McClinchey. A meeting of the church board was Clearance Sale Paper -White Narcissus Bulbs Here is your chance 'when flowers are scarce to `have some winter bloom. While they last, 7c each, 4 for 25c. Yes we hope soon to say We have Roses to -day!. FLOWERS for all occasions Dies in Ireland Word has been received by his sister-in-law Mrs. Edgar McKegney, London of the death in Belfast Ire- land on January 8th, of Rev. S. E. McKegney, former rector of St. Paul's Church Clinton, and who will be remembered by many here. Born in St. Paul Minn. 56 yrs. ago he graduated. from Huron College, London, and later served overseas as a chaplain in the last war. v Ontario Street Y.P.U. The Ontario St. Young People's re-election of officers for 1944 are as follows. Pres, Harold Squire, Vice pres. Florence Aiken, Secy Marie Connell ass. Secy Lois Wiltse, teas. Pearl Squire, Pianist. Florence Aiken Christian Fellowship • Elvin Merrill Christian Missions Lula Tyndall, Christian Citizenship Bert Ashton, Press Sec'y Kele Horton Honorary Pres. Mr, Charles Elliott. V— Wesley-Willis W.A. The January meeting of the Wo man's Association was held on the afternoon of the 6th in the Church Hall—The President, Mrs. Paterson was in the chair, Mrs. Charlesworth was pianist. The opening hymn was "Standing at the Portal" followed by Prayer and the Lord's prayer. Mrs. Percy Liver- more read -the scripture lesson from the 5th chapter of St. Matthews gos- pel. The secretary Mrs, Miller and the treasurer Mac.'Oakes gave their Dec. reports. Twenty-nine sick and shut- ins were remembered at Christmas with flowers, fruit or candy. Letters of thanks were read, some from New- foundland. Fourteen boys overseas were sent boxes 'at Christmas time. Annual reports were then received from the secretary and Tress, and the convenors of the following com. Flower, Mrs. Jefferson; Work, Mrs. Epps Social, Mrs. FingIand; Com- munion Mrs. Laidlaw, Property Mrs. Saville, Program, Mrs. Cree Cook, Manse, Mrs. Pickard;.. Press Mrs. A. T. Cooper. The receipts for the year were $540.00' A short program followed the business, Mrs, McKlinehey gave a humorous recitation entitled `Bill's in trouble" Miss Bonita Shaw played two piano selections which were much enjoyed, Afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Charles Nelson's group. A hymn and the Mizpah Benedic- tion brought the meeting to a close.. V "The Broadcaster" By Harriet. Fremlin Well here we are again. The Christ- mas spirit has put everyone in a fes- tive mood, in spite of the flu which has affected both teachers and stu- dents. As an advance Christmas present the School has purchased, records•for the girls in P.T. and almost any day some class can be 'seen swinging around the gym to "The Marine Hymn." The boys have organized a basket- ball team, but as yet there have been no games. They are also disputing what colour; the new school sweaters should be, Since the fall of snow, everyone has taken to sleigh -riding,' and one day Churchill and Morgan were in- dulging in this pleasant occupation when the following conversation was overheard: Churchill— "Aren't the country beauties, beautiful? Morgan' — "Yeah let's pick up the two ahead. Second form was recently taken down to view the process of pasteuri- zation•in the pasteurizing plant. And speaking of second form re- (minds us of our photogenu second former; Marion Peek who was heard to say "There's, absolutely no privacy in a theatre anymore, why people go around taking Paper, rags and tires are in demand your picture." BUT NOT Iron' This about concludes the news ,for , and bottles etc. 1' 1 SPECIAL VALUES FOR JANUARY 14 and 15th QUICK QUAKER OATS lg. pkg. READY CUT 210 MACARONI 2 lbs. 11:c SOAP Wheen's Super Castile 2 lg. cakes 23c COWANS BREx VITAMIN COCOA lb. tin 24o CEREAL pkg. . 24o CHEESE old Yellow Nippy lb. 39c F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 111–.-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR January 13, 14, 15th QUICK QUAKER OATS Pkg. 19e DURHAM CORNSTARC1 • Pkg. 100 HILLCREST LARD lb. 18c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Pkg. 15c COWAN'S COCOA. 1 lb. Tin 24e MY -T -NICE WHEAT BERRIES 5 Ib. Bag. .. 25c INTERLAKE' TOILET TISSUE a Rolls 25e FAMILY MOLASSES Qt. Size (2 D. coupons) 25c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs, 29c NAVEL ORANGES Size 344s 2 doz. 45c GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 5 for 25e LEMONS, Size 360s 3 for 9c P. E. I. POTATOES No. 1 Pk. 49c HEADLETTUCE, each 150 CABBAGE firm head lb. 5c CARROTS lb. 4e T. R. TKDMPSON WEEK END SPECIALS lib GOLD MEDAL COFFEE. .. 43c '/zib. GOLD MEDAL COFFEE .. 23c r/ lb GOLD -MEDAL TEA (orange pekoe) 39c 1 pkg. LEE'S MUFFIN FLOUR .17c 3 cakes RICHARD'S CARBOLIC SOAP' 15c 4 cakes LONDON SOAP 22c 2 pkg. LIPTONS' NOODLE SOUP 25c 1 pkg. KRAFT DINNER 19c 2 cans ALYMER. DEX BE'ANS..10c 3 cakes PALM OLIVE SOAP (giant size) 25c 5 lb. PURITY QUICK OATS 27c 1 pkg. CATTELLI R. C. MACARONI „l0c SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES Size 324 at 25e Doz. Larger Sizes at ,. 39c and 49c Doz. 3 GRAPEFRUIT (Marshseedless) 25c 3 LEMONS (360 size 10e TURNIPS, CARROTS, CABBAGE' TOMATOES W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. SALVAGE COLLECTION A Salvage Collection will be held in the near future. held in the basement of the church on _December so tthtil next time,, "Long ' 1 Be sure to tie your bundles of Saturday, Jan. 8th. may your`lumb reek." papers securely, .rrCOKdMY WONDERFUL NATIONAL SOAP lg. pkg. 21c Soap 5 for 19c Flakes 51b. 49c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND 'VEGETABLES LIPTON'S NOODLE Soup Mix 2pkg 25 Red & White Floor Wax 1b. tin 29c AMERICAN BLEND Coffee° 'lb. 35c; CAKE 5c TOMATOES, GREEN BEANS, SWEET POTATOES, APPLES SPINACH, MUSHROOMS, HEAD LETTUCE, CELERY, CARROTS CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's FLORIDA JUICY 250's LEMONS 3 for 10c' ORANGES doz.. 27c LOCAL WASHED PARSNIPS lb. LOCAL WAXED, Se TURNIPS lb. 4c CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 344's TEXAS SEEDLESS 80's ORANGES doz. 35c GRAPEFRUIT 3 — 25c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON To Our Patrons and Friends We Thank you For a very successful year's Business in 1943 and hope we may be able to continue these ,pleasant business relations in years to come. We are pleased to announce a new stock of Davenports, a three piece Simmons studio couch suite in attractive covers, as well as some new Bedroom and Dining room Suites and a large Stock of Springs and Felt Mattresses. BALL & ZA P FE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AIIS� FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 101 Store Phone 195 GOOD VALUES CHICKEN RAMIE JAVEX 35c Tin 15c Bottle Sea -Leet MACKEREL , POST BRAN FLAKES 35c a Tin 2 for 23c TODDY LOOSE COCOA 1 lb Tin 45c 19c LB. SPECIAL—GOLD MEDAL COFFEE 1 pound pkg. 45c 1/3 pound pkg, 230 Interlake TOILET Lady Godiva Beauty TISSUE' 3 rolls 25c SOAP, 5 Bars ' 19c Rose BAKING PWDR. Peerless LAUNDRY /7c 11b. Tin Soap 5 Bars 19c SPECIAL Flo-Glo liquid self polishing wax 29c btl. RAINBOW ROBINHOOD OATS Noodle Soup 2 pkg 21c 23c Box. SURPRISE SOAP Quaker CORN 5 bars 23c FLAKES, 3 pkg. for 23c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ,,, ax �� R.�rP6j •19cLB. OrTaI Lbh, Grocer FREE 'DELIVERY Easy Aid Chimney Sweep Just what you have been waiting for. See our window for a fail display. The Modern Way to clean furances, chimneys and flues, A Chimney Sweep Treatment will help clean your heating units of fuel -wasting soot and fire scale. Its regular use gives lower fuel and maintenance cost with greater heating efficiency. Easy to Use. Buy to -day, Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244