HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1944-01-13, Page 5'THURS.,.JAN. h 1944 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 New Post,.Office Hours The Pont Office Department has authorized that the lobby of the Clin- ton Post Office be opened at 8.00 a.m. instead of 6.00 a.m. and closed at 8.00 p. in. instead of 9.00 p. m. as at pre- sent. v AUBURN Visitors at the home of Mr. and John McKnight on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Lois of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love of Goderich and. Mr. Logan of Owen Sound. Mr. Bert Marsh has been in Dun- gannon Auditing' the West. Wawanoah T•'ire Insurance books, The regular meeting e the B. Y. P. U. will be held. next Sunday -even- ing. Mrs. Wm. Haggitt and Royce Phillips will be in charge of the meet- ing.. Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs. Edgar Law- son and Miss Josephine Weir attend- eed the Huron Presbyterial at Clinton 'Tin Tuesday. DEATH OF MISS RAPSON A highly;esteenied resident of this district, in the person of Miss Har- riett Rapson passed away at the home 'of her sister,,Mrs. Frank Lansing, -"Auburn, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 4. Mies Rapson had been ill about a 'month from a 'heart condition. She r 'was born on the Base Line in Gcder- : ich township, the daughter of the late ' Isaac Rapson and Mary Ann Wilkins •:and resided all her life in that town- ship. She was a member of the Au- burn Baptist Church. Surviving is '.ono sister, Mrs. Frank Lansing. Two • 'brothers predeceased her some years •-ago. The funeral was held from the home of her sister on Thursday after 'croon and was conducted by :her pas-. tor, Rev. A. F. Silver, assistea by Rev. H. Snell of the United Church. `The pallbearers were Sidney Lansing, 'Orval Rapson, Edward Ball, Gordon "Rapson, Elmer Roberton, Ira Rapson. Interment took place in Ball's cemetery Summerhill Red Cross The Summerhill Red Cross Group anetat the home of Mr. H. Murch on 'Wed. Jan. 5. With the Pres. in the :chair, -the meeting opened by singing -"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing," fol- lowed by the Red Cross prayer. The. •minutes of the last meeting were read -and adopted; 19 members and 4 visi- tors were present. Lettersof thanks 'tivere read from Pte. Ray Mason and 'L/Cpl Adrian White for ,cigarettes -they received. Mrs. Blake gave the year's treas. report. During the year we made $533,47. A .banance in our quilt fund of $33.1S and a balance in our fund for .our Soldiers Boys boxes of $14,78, -Mrs, W. Lovett gave our sewing re port: 48 girl's Blouses -size 6 years, 25 .lips size 42; 3 prs, boys pants Size 8 yrs; 5 nighties size 2 yrs; 5 prs. :pyjamas size 4 prs.; 10 Women's :Blouses size 38; 18 . slips sine 34; 25 .hospital sheets; 15 bed jackets; 25 handkerchiefs; 18 Personal Property bags; 1 Jumper and blouse size 14 yrs. '20 nightingales; '20' quilts; Mrs. R. ''Smith gave the knitting report. For the Navy 6 pr. Mitts, 3 tuckins, 4 pr. long stockings 26inch; 11 pr. 18inch 'stockings; 6 pr. socks; 4 ,helmets. Por the Air Force 1 tuck in, 5 pr. tucks. For the Army, 4. pr. Gloves, 10 helmets, 10 pr. socks. POT British 'Civilian. 13 girls sweaters; 2 infants. sweaters; 2 bonnets, 1 pr. seekers, 7 pr. booties; 2 scarves; 2 pr. mitts. A quilt top .was worked on and plans. were made for a pot luck supper. -Lunch was served at the close of the Meeting.Our next meeting will be. at the home of Mrs. 0. Rapson on Jan. 19. The hostesses will be Mrs. 0. Rapson, Mrs. W. Lovett, _ Mrs. W. Vodden, Mrs. A. Vodden. V STANLEY ?"Irs. Neil McGregor left last week 'to visit her daughter, Kate, at Wing- ham for a few months. Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Mr. Thos.: B, Haire, Mr. Hugh Gilmour, and Mr, Geo. T. Baird left on Friday of last 'week to attend the funeral of a cousin, the late Mr. John T. Baird of Detroit, - svho died of an heart attack. He was in his 67th year, • Tire Stanley Community Club met .at the home of Mrs, J. Innes for the January meeting, Twelve members 'were present,. The' president, Mrs. Baird Was in the chair. The minutes s 'of the last meeting were read and 'adopted. The Treas. report was 'given. A quantity of !-nitting was 'brought in and some nice things for -the layette shower. It was decided 'to buy flannelette for the making of `women's nightgowns. The ladies spent the afternoon quilting. The collection amounted to $6.00. At the conclusion, a dainty lunch was LONDESBORO Mr. Geo. Cowan, London, with Mrs. Cowan and Billy, Mrs. Owens, Belgrave, with her sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas Fairservice. Mrs,. Roper, Halifax, Nova Scotia, with the Fairservices. Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan and family of Brucefield, with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. IvleVittie. Miss Betty Snell, after practise teaching with :Mitis R. Walkoutat No. 8 school, returned on .Monday to Stratford Normal School. 'Phe W. A. will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday Jan. 19th at the 'home of Mrs. a. H. Shobbrook. The hostesses are Mrs, T. Little, Mrs. A. Vodden, Mrs. W. Lovett, and Mrs. . B. Brunsdon, Roll call will ,be answered by the paying of fees. The 10th Concession, East are having a bingo in thehall on Friday night, Jan. 14th, at 8 p. There will be a lunch counter. Come and have a good time, Proceeds t• go to Red Cross. (Intended for last week)' A gathering was held Monday night at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Rad- ford, Londesboro in honour of their son, Rfn. L. C. Radford, home on leave. The following address was read. Dear Len, We, your friends and 'neighbours of 8. S. No. 10 Hullett have gathered to spend a social hour with you be- fore you return from your New Years leave. So long as our land is protected ,by, young men• like you, we need never fear for the future. We want you to know that the folks back home *IIkeep the home fires burning and we hope we may do -our duty. We ask you to accept this ring as a token of -our esteem for you. As you wear it, may it remind you of the friends and neighbours back home. It is our prayer that God, in His kind mercy, will guide you and pro- tect you, wherever your pathway may be, and when Victory is won and Peace restored to our land, bring you. back safely', in good health to our midst. Our kindest thoughts go with you and we shall look forward to the day when you will be back with us again. Signed on. behalf of S. S. No: 10 -by members of School Board, Wilfred Penfound, Edward Yungblut, John A. Snell, Leonard thanked them for the lov- ely gift. Leonard returned Tuesday morning to Ipperwash where he is now station- ed. V Londesboro Red Cross News The meeting of the Londesboro Red Cross was held on January 6th, in the Community Hall with the Pres. Mrs. B. Brunsdon, presiding. The meeting opened •by singing "The Maple Leaf" followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minates of the last meeting were read and adop- ted. The annual reports were also read. It was decided to send for the, sewing andknitting quotas. Thie roll call was answered : by twenty - feel!. ladies paying fees for the com- ing year. Mrs. A. Vodden paid 50. cents hostess money for December. Mrs. Jim Crawford donated .a pr, of pillow slips and Mrs. Van Grad a pound of hamburg steak. Tickets were sold on these, Mrs. F. Woods getting the pillow slips and Mrs. B. Shrobbrook the steak.' . It was moved that we send Stanley Yungblut a box. Stanley was not sent one at Christmas as he was - ex- pected home. There was. a discus- sion on ways bf raising money. It was moved that each` line be respon- sible for making money in what' ever way.' they wished. Convenors' were appointed to look after each line, the money to be in by the end of. Febru- ary.', The meeting closed by singing "God Save the King," after which a pot luck supper was enjoyed -by a11., The proceeds of the afternoon $11.28, V EBENEZER The W. A. held their January meet- ing at the hone of Mrs. Arthur Heb- den. There was a good attendance, and the meeting was presided over by the. president, Mrs. Harold Lobb. Tho meeting was opened with a hymn. The devotional period, wags conducted by Mrs. Bert Lobb. The minutes of the previous nicotine were read and adopted, and the annual financial report was read, which bowed a balance of $89.00 The ell call was answered by members I aying their fees for the coning year Following the business diseussion- a hymn was sung, and readings were Riven by Mrs. Carman' Tebbutt and Mrs. Bert Lobb: The meeting' was,. closed with a liyimc followed by the Mizpah benediction. The, remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilt- ing and lunch was served by Mrs. Hebden and prigs Josephine Muir: GODERICH TOWNSHIP Council' met in Holmesville for the inaugural meeting. All took the declaration of office also the oath of .allegiance to his Majesty the King. Victoria Hospital reported an inmate in the hospital which should be a charge on the township, read and filed. Ontario G'opd roads associa- tion read and filed. Ontario Municipal association asking for memibership; no action. War Time Prices and Trade Board asking the -council to contrib- ute to the cost of local ration card issuing', this was 'left over for more information. Councillor Stirling was delegated to interview McDoiKild Bros. about having some trees on their property removed which now gather snow on the road, and if an amicable arrangement can not be made to proceed. as_provided by sta- tute. The treasurer' and Assessor 'were each given an increase of 10.00, otherwise salaries were set at the same as last year. By -Law No. 1 was passed. By -Law No. 2 appoint- ing' officials was read a third time as follows; R. G. Thompson, Clerk. Chas, A. Whitely, Treas. Howard Sturdy Collector,H. McCartney Asse- ssors; J. Harris, Weed inspector and School attendance officer. Dr. J. M. Graham, Medical Health Officer and indigent officer, of health. T. M. Woods member of board of health. W. H. Lobb and Reg .Sturdy sheep valuers. Fence viewers, Div. No. 1 Geo. Mei n Benson 0 I war , B ns n S Overby and Geo. Feagan, Div. No. 2 Austen Stur- dy, Jas. A. McMillen and Robt. Rod- gers. Div. No. 3. T. M. Woods, F. McClure and Gordon Rathwell. Div. No. 4 and 6 Fred Middleton, E. J. Trewartha and C. Potter Div. 5 Rus- sell Neal, W. R.. Lobb and W. Forbes, Pound keepers, S. Sowerby, D. Mc- Dougall, John McGuire, Arnold Mil- ler, H. McCartney and R. E. Colclough T. R. Patterson engineer. • The coIlector's time was extended i until next meeting, he to receive 13si per cent for collecting on delinquents. The Reeve and Clerk were instruct- ed to sign and submit the schedules of expenditure on roads during 1943 and ask the statutory grant thereon the total spent was 10,283.57. Pay- ment made Supt pay roll No. 1. $123. Council adjourned to Feb, 7th at 1.30 p. m. S. S. No. 11 Goderich Township Red Cross Group will meet on Thurs. January 26th at the home o$ Mrs. Bert Wise. Miss Margaret. Middleton R. N. Commenced duties Jan. 3rdon the staff of Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. anci Mrs. Fred Middleton and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor, Blyth. Mr. Bert Lobb is in Toronto, at- tending the Provincial .Federation of Agriculture meeting. The annual meeting of S. S. No. 8. Goderich, was held in the School Room on Wednesday. , 'Fourteen ratepayers were present, Mr. J. Fraser Stirling was elected trustee for three years. His father Jas. R. Stirling, retiring was first elected in 1902 and has been trustee all but a few years ever since. The total ex- penditures of the School in that year were $317.59 and the total expenditur- es for the present pear were $1484.39. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha was. the tea- cher and she said she saved' money at a Salary of $250.00 Mr. and Mrs. .Alvin Betties opened their hone on Monday night for a Red Cross Party for Group 2. A large crowd was present and every- body enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Bruce was high lady in Progressive euchre and Mr. Jim. Shearer' was high man. The ladies then served sandwiches anci coffee, .after which everybody tripped the light fantastic. The music was furnidhed -by Ian Pollock, George Weston, Bayfield and Geo. Monk Goderich. I Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris -opened their hoose to No. 3 group of the Red Cross on Friday Evening and- al-' though the night was stormy about thirty turned out and had a pleasant evening. Mn Jack Gilbert was high man at the E'uehre'and Austin Harris although not a very good looking' lady captured first. These parties are a great get to'g'ether for the the neighbors, -besides m'akin'g a nicw penny for the Red Cross,• CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and Me and lltr:s. Lorne Lawson were for Wing- hWing- hamrecently •en radio business. Mr:: I Lorne Lawson received` an air•' mail: letter from his cousin' Sqdn-Ldr. A.: T. Johns frothe Middle East which made the fast time of •Dec. 24 to Jan.. 4. Sgdn.-Ldr. Johns received' education in Clinton.. e We are- glad to knew' Mr. Joe Riley i y is ,back on the County Snow: l?longli after his illness. Mr. anci' Mrs -Lee Stephenson; --1 Donald' ant' Billy visited with i1tl.. and: b Mrs. Win. Logan' of Blyth on- Sundb-y:. Solii! WIl%1,2Loran.•s: ISO .ISIS nnr,rt.a°!:::�nr.r,oc moa CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phones: 66' and 661 Fat Fowl Market Any Boarders you .may have in your flock willmeet a good market demand for the coming Jewish Holi- days. • Feed is too dear to feed to non producers This is a good time to sell your goose and duck feathers. All our eggs are machine graded. N. W. TR.1WARTSA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Service Try us for salmon, white fish, herring, cod fillett and Haddock -- fillett, Also Frozen raspberries and strawberries, Peas and Corn Casings for Sale. We buy Hides. Frozen Foods .are Better Foods. PORTER'S HILL On Monday evening the 2nd of the Red Cross parties of Group 2 was held at the home of Alvin Betties. The former part of the evening was spent in euchre. The ladies first went to Mrs. Bruce. Gents first to. Jim Shearer, Ladies, low, Mrs. Eph Snell Gents low, Billie Gibbings. Ladies carrying prize was held by :Mrs. Bill Grigg. Later a dance was held the music supplied by Ian Pollock of Lachin Quebec R.C.A.F. Station. The McIed Mixers from Goderich, Geo. Weston Bayfield.` Our thanks go to thee players for their grand performanc Over $27.00 was realized. BOXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH- REGENT THEATRE SILAPORTR Now Playing, "Bombardier" with Pat O'Brien and Randolph Scott. Now - Errol Flynn In "NORTH- ERN PURSUIT" ' Now -Ann Dvorak In "SQUAD - RON LEADER X" MON. TUES. & WED. "ARABIAN NIGHTS" - In Tech- nieolor The fabulous tale of Sched- erazade the Arabian dancingthat ' girl and her 6C'aliph lover. An action- crammed, adventure melod�.ik,•ima. Jon Hall, Maria Montez, Sabu and Leif Erikson MON. TUES. &/WED. Dorothy McGuire Robert Young & In Claire Presenting the picture glows with all chats best in Life,, "CLAUDIA" MOON. TUES. & WED. "BEHIND THE RISING SUN" p,• theillinng and adventurous story Ty portrayed by a star cast & starring Margo with Tom Neal. THUR. FRI. & SAT. Olivia DeIlavilland and Robert Cu- comings & Chas Coburn Tinted with paddy' green comes' one of the years most appealing' romances. "PRINCESS O'ROUItKE" Thur. Fri, and Sat, Two Features : Eddie Albert and Am Re Shirley offer a riot of rib -reciting fun LADY BODYGUARD" Jimmmy Lydon and Rita Quigley bring back the popular Aldrich' family in "HENRY ALDRICH, EDITOR THUR. FRI.'& SAT. Errol Flynn, Julie Bishop, He'lniut Dentine and Gene Lockhart. The Germans invadeCanada! A Mountie thwarts them and romance •blazes at thirty below! "NORTHERN PURSUIT" ' Coming - Monty Woolley and Gracie Fields In "HOLY MAT- RIMONY" Coining - Eddie Cantor. and a twentystar cast in THANK YOULUCKY STARS" Coming -Betty Grable in -SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY" Matinees- Sat. and Holidays at 3 Matinees Wed. Sat. and Holidays 3 Matinees Sat. and Holidays at 3 . ` The Place to Buy YOUR BREAD Buns, Pies and Cakes BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 Native of 'Bayfield Dies A news despatch from Winnipeg announces the death on Sunday Jan- uary 2nd. in Winnipeg of 0. H. Pollard, president of the Saults & Pollard printing firm in that city. Mr. Pollard was •born. at Bayfield, went to Winnipeg in 1892, and with George Saults, formerly of Goderich, o purchased. the job printing business y of The Winnipeg Free Press.. Mr. of Saults retired from the business o some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties. (intended for last week) The Porters Hill Unit of the Red Cross has been, divided into fou groups each to entertain during th winter months. The proceeds to be used for Red Cross work, Mrs. John Torrance entertained on Thursday Dec. 30th and Mrs. Alvin Betties had her group along with a host friends. Jan. 3 both evenings were a decided success. Miss Dorothy Cox left last Friday for her New school at Kenora, Mrs. Reed Torrance has returned from Kippen where she has been caring for sick at her father's home At the annual meeting S. S. No. 5, Mr. Alvin Cox was elected trustee in place of Belt Harris who could not act this year having no property in the section. Mr. and Mrs, Les Cox spent the week end at Fergus with his, sister Mrs. W. Stewart who we are sorry to learn suffered a severe'stroke some time ago. Mrs. Stewart is much better and we trust will fully recover. Don't forget the Red Cross 'Meet- ing on Monday Jan. 17 at the home of Mrs, Reed Torrance. V New Seasonal Prices for Fresh Vegetables New seasonal prices for fresh vegetables are now he effect,, accord ing to an an'nounicement b9 W. Harold McPhillips, prices and supply' repro- sentative for Western Ontario. The maximum prices are for wash- ed and unwasled vegetables.. They include in the washed grouping over. two pounds; beets 5t0e1 cents a pound;' Carrots 5.04; parsnips 8.4'; turnips 4.2' white turnip 6.3 cents. I''ricee when! sold in ono and two pounds; beets six parsnip nine; turnips five'e white 1 turnips seven: Prices for unwashed: vegetables when sold in greater than two pound ots e1' oun�; P P d, beets 4.63' cents .• I carrots 4.2 cents;.parsnips .7.56; tar-+ m, yips, 3.36; :white ttnnips 5.45,a eabbeges 5:04; red ealilidge 6171. When sold in one or tWo' poiind lots, price's are beets and carrots five cents; parsnips ight cents; turnips four -;:white tar -1 ales six; cabbage' six af'nd red cab- bage' seven. Pot bunch' carrots :mil beets maxi men are 71,5 cents for one pound leeches and 414 Cents for one -.half 1 lioiind bunches. I e V . HURON ROAD EAST d Tho Happy War Workers Club, Huron Road East, held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Glazier, Thursday' January 6. With the president, Mrs. Noble Holland in the chair, the meeting e opened by repeating the club creed, followed by singing "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." The 14th Psalm was read and the Lord's Prayer repeated ' in unison. Minutes of the last meet of ing were read and adopted. A letter • of thanks, was read from Gni.. J. C. Haines, also from Mrs. Charles Dale, ananda message of thanks from Mrs. I Win. Ball. There were 11 members and 2 visitors present. Mrs. M. Mann , donated wadding for a quilt, The following articles were turned in; 8 prs. sleepers, 3 girl's dresses, 1 'afghan„ 1 pry. socks, 1 pr. bootees, 1 baby's binder and 1 quilt. Collection amounted to $1.25. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George. Glazier, February 3rd Miss Marie Holland favoured the meeting with two songs and accom- panied herself on the guitar, The meeting closed by singing "God Save The King' after which- lunch was served. L.A.C. Cyril Cockshot of R. A.F Station Charlottetown, Prince Edwar Island, spent his seven days and!New Year's leave at the home of 'VARNA Don't forget the Euchre anci Dance on Friday night in the town hall, Varna in aid of the Navy League. This dance is being sponsored by the +War Service. Club and every one is !invited to - attend as this is, for a very. worthy cause. Miss Lillian Elliott spent the week end in Clinton with her aunt, Mrs.. Gibson. Mars. Floyd' -Schell of Detroit spent the week end with her brother, Russel' Austin. Miss. Gertie Smith (W. D.) ,of the R. C. A. F. Centralia spent the week end with her parents. The W. A. of St. Johns Anglican church , met at the home of Mrs. M. Reid, Thursday afternoon. The after- noon was spent sewing. The sleeting was closed with the Litany and mehb- bers Prayer in Unison. After which all sat down to a hot chicken supper served by the Hostess. Mit. G. Ii, Beatty, 'Miss 16. Beatty end Mrs. L. McConnell spent the week end "in'L'ondon and attended :the show Blossom Time., , Mr.' and itt 5. Elliott • and family spent.Si1day with friends in Clinton. TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E. D.S.T. On Mutual Network -- Sundays Local Station-OKLW., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA DANCE ON FRIDAY, Jan. 14th TO WILLIS TIPPING TOWN HALL, CLINTON Dancing 9 till 1 Admission: 50 ` BIRTHS HETHERINGTON - In Goderich. Hospital, on January lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hetherington (nee Eleanor Snider) a daughter. DEATHS GILROY--At Miami Beach, Florida on Thursday, -'January 6th, 1944 band of Dorothe Gilroy and son of Murray Grant Gilroy beloved pus- the late Mr. and Mrs, James 0. Gilroy of Clinton. BURTON -In Goderich Township, on Friday, January 7th, John S. But- ton, in his 79th year. FREEMAN -In Clinton, on Monday, January, 10th, Charlotte Jane Freeman, in her 66t17 year. IN MEMORIAM PICKARD-In Loving memory of Baby Kaye who left us 2 years to- day Jan. 13 1942. Far and oft our thoughts do wan- der To a grave not for away. Where d our iby Just twothey'yealairs ago darltoday.ng ba, Sadly missed by Mother; Daddy, Brothers and Sisters. Card of Thanks The family of the late John S. Burton wish to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, beautiful floral tributes and to those who loaned their care, during their recent ber- eavement. Pasture for Rent Farm of 100 acres, excellent blue grass, with plenty of shade and never -failing spring creek. Apply News -Record, 79-2 Furnace We have a new Gilson furnace in stock. Now is your chance to change your heating equipment, with feel scarce and dear you can't afford to waste it. Phone 34-61e Clinton or see Jonathan Hug•il! at erten 7.0-2 NOTICH TCP Cl DDTTOHg Iii the Estate of Susan Marie Hackney, late of the Village of Etce- ter in the County of Huron, Widow Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above ,deceased are requested to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before' the 5th day of February, A.D. 1944 after which the assets will ,be dietiributed amongst the parities entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have leen given. Dated at Clinton, this 12th day' of January, A.D: 1'844, F. Fingland K. C, Clinton, Ontario; Solicitor for tine said Estate • 794' HATCHING EGGS WANTED We require additional breeding flocks all breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for 1944 hatching sea- son. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge. Guaranteed premium paid. Also turkey flocks needed. Coekdrals wanted: Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, White Rocks and Black Australorps suitable for breed- ing. Write for full details immediately. TWEEDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO '18-2 FOR SALE 631/2 acres land village edge, paved road, brick house; all conveniences, electricity, basement barn, steel stan- chions, henhouse, double garage, $5000. 100 acres level tiled loam brick house, basement, .barn, electricity and water system, throughout, $7200 with terms. William Pearce, Exeter, Ontario 79-2 Meeting of the Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday _Janu- ars 18th. at 2 1'. M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January' 15th. N. W. MILLER COUNTY CLERK GODERICH ONTARIO, 78-2 WOOD WANTED For S. S. No. 3 Goderich Town- ship, Holmesville 8 cords of hard wood, maple and beech, not over 50 per cent beech, 14 " delivery by April 15th. Apply to Fred Mulholland 2nd Concession phone 90.1r12. '79-2 For Sale 1 good young cow, to freshen Jan. 25th; also 8 pig's, three months old. Apply to George Colclough, R. R. 1, Clinton. • 99-1 For Sale A brick house, in good condition, modern conveniences, Apply by let- ter to box 39x News Record. 79-tf For Rent Two furnished rooms with bath- room, also private entrance. Phone 267w for information. 79-2 For Sale Good 1 1-2 storey house with new bath, House in good conditon. Also small barn, garden and fruit trees. Apply to J. V. Diehl, Queen street, Clinton. 69..tf • Wanted to' Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 9081.22 or Jack Gilbert 9081'21. 584f WOOD WANTED Tenders will be received until Jan. 18th. for 20 cords of 14 inch hard maple areal beech body wood (not more than half beech) to be deliyeifed to S. S. No. 9. Goderich Township; 5 cords to be delivered by Feb. 1, bal- ance by March 15th. Robert E., R' ow- den, Secretary, Clinton R. R. 3,.. 7$-2