HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1947-12-25, Page 5OLD HORSES and DEAD ANIIMIALIS LOST AND FOUND suitable for mink feed. Will pay 2c a pound for horses and call and pick up same. Dead animals according to osweater, lost at public. school, Wednesday value. I8 dead phone at once. Phone •or'Thursday of last week. Finder please collect Jack Gilbert, 936111, or Fred 'lleavo'8t NEWS -RECORD. Reward. 62b Gilbert, 936r32, Goderieh. 45bt8 100616 €K atettietveaeee+atateneteteteteteeeteieta rtemeaeitgcre eaeaeeeictriew~ieteagee Once ago* the Christmas Season is upon us and the tihne-worn spirit of "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward ':,Men" prevails. With all siairerity, we wilsh our patrons A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HEALTH AND PROSPERITY throughout the coming year Pickett and Campbell Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON 1 :rat aatAom dastavia natainn immanarminI ilMaSI3791DMMIDaM-2alt ra7i7t97`d'.' 012a2taele=tat9a c.. 'sT'HURSDA:Y, IDEOEIIBER 25, 1947 (UMW rims -imam) es -Record CASH RATE --+(If paid by Wed emeday following dateof insertion) ''One cent a word first insertion (nun, 'mum 30 cents); subsequent unser-' 'tons, one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 10 cents extra for box num- 'lbw or for directing to NEWS. - fl ECORtD Office. `N O A41GF1D-20, cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE 'TWO MEN'S ALPACINA FABRIC .overcoats, sizes 44 and 46, one dark and' ,one grey. Apply Box "M" NEWS-. :'RECORD. 52p 'USED SKATING OUTFITS FOR ;;gents, ladies, boys and girls. Aiken's, r;phone 2, Clinton 51-52b MISCELLANEOUS ':HOW'S THE SIZE 01' YOUR BAT and coati/ If they are^the least bit snug • --`drop everything and rare out and get 'em let out 'cause you )teed- room for .expansion. Here's why --A brand new ,_girdle - but, that's nothing -it's VITA :LIFT in 11I0. Sizes 6 to 19. You'll like' the price too -$17.95. Mrs,. Harold Crit - ',tendon, Orange St., Clinton, Box 153, &phone 173. - 50btf LIVESTOCK FOR SALE "TWO YOUNG DURHAM COWS, ONE +to freshen early in January, and ono 'early in February. Apply George Col- 'blough, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 805r31. 52p Classified Adiets Brin; TEACHERS WANTED THE STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL area requires a qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 14, Stanley. School is fully equipped, just ono mile off No. 4 Highway. Arp+plicants please state ex- perience, qu9.Nfi.catious, name and. ad- dress of last inspeeior if experienced. Salary, 0,690 per annum, duties to eom- menee January 5, 1948. Apply to George L Reid, secretary-treaeuror, Varna, Ont. 51-52b NOTICE, SAW 111ILINNG, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's orchard, a mile north of town. Contact C. 11, Hoare at your convenience, 47-2p I • AMO HYING ON THE FUR buyingof my father, the late Nor- man East. See me 'before seeing else- where. Murray East; R.R. 1, Clinton 46-52b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1928. PONTIAO , SEDAN IN GOOD retuning order, five good tires; also 18 little pigs. W. D. Wilson, phone 658r33, Seaforth. 5l -52p 1928 CHEVROLET COACH,' RECENT- ly overhauled. Phone 588M. 52p 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN IN GOOD condition, with radio and heater; also 1946 Monarch Sedan, like new, with radio and heater. Phony, 180, Clinton. 52p WANTED TO BUY 'MOST - ADULT'S RED HAND-KNIT BELIEVE IT OR NOT - The Bible is the Word of God -"Holy men of God spako as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" II Pet. 1:21 'AND IT . SAYS- ' '''Y0 must be born again" John 3':7 "All have sinned" and are in need of a Saviour. Rom, 3:23 "Christ camp into the world to sa've sinners" I Tim. 1:15 COII:1 UNTO HIM AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE .(PINE IN - Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday noon 4.111 With Sincere Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year to Ail ASHTON'S TAXI PHONE 1I0 Reasonable Rates OFFICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Residence Phones Harvey Ashton, 174r Cliff Ashton 372j RI CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY Open Boxing Day from 5 p.m. to 6 pian. only Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbuay St. E. Th Star -- MERCY CHRISTMAS tu'on •St ..Phone 134 BIRTHS , BALL -In Clinton. Public Hospital on Friday, December 10, 1047, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Ball, R,1 , 1, Clinton, a daughter. WALDRON- In Clinton Public HosHitaI on Thursday, December 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waldron, Clinton, a daughter. WALLIS-In Victoria oepital, London, on Thursday, December 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallis, Granton, neo Gertrude Robinson, Clinton, a son, (Paul Maynard). PECK -In Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, December 23, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert" Peek ,Zurich, a daughter. DEATHS BLAIR-At Blyth, on "Saturday, Decem- ber 20, 19.7, Miss Susanna Blair, An- brrn, youngest daughter of the late John Blair and Grace Fioree, In her 86t1, year. Funeral from residence of her nephew, Ralph Munro, Auburn, Monday afternoon, December 22, to Maitland cemetery, Goderieh. DOUGLAS -In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday, December 20, 1947, 'John Douglas, Aivinaton, father of A. E. Douglas, Clinton. Funeral service and interment at Aivinaton Tuesday i December 23. HUNKING - In Alexandra Hospital, I Goderieh, on Sunday, December 21, S° 1947, Martha Jane Howson, Auburn, daughter of the late John and Janet Howson, in her 93rd year. Funeral from the residence of Arthur Yung- blut, Auburn, to Hope Chapel cemetery, Hnllott. McLEAN-At the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. Hunter, Elimvillo, on Sunday, December 21, 1947, John McLean, Hensall, in his 85th year. Funeral from Bonthron Funeral Homo, Hen- sall, to Hensall Union cemetery. Surprise Birthday' Party U For Jbhn Snider, Clinton A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. John Snider, Albert St., on the occasion of his 80th birthday. During the evening euchre was played and an innpromptu program of old time songs enjoyed, with Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Goderich, at the piano. His many friends join in wishing Mr. Snider many happy returns of the day. Mr. Snider is in good health and an enthusiastic lawn bowler and checkers player. For the past 60 years he has conducted a harness and bicycle business in Brucefield. ' CARD OF THANKS The family of the tato William Ken- nedy wishes to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking their many friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, cars loaned, cards sent, and all other acts of thoughtfulness and sym- pathy extended to them in their sadden • sad bereavement. 52e PAGE FIVE' uicic Results ROXY THEATRE C L"I N' T O N Now Playing - (Dec. 25.27) "THUNDER IN TEE VALLEY" in Technicolor adapted from "Bob, Son of Battle" Mon., Tues., Wed - (Dee, 29=31) Franclwt Tone, Shirley Temple, and Guy Madison A bright, wholesome and thoroughly engrossing comedy HONEYMOON Added At-tenet/on -- Ida Technicolor ROYAL WEDDING FILM Thurs., Fri., Sat. - (.Jan, 1-3) TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY Jerome Kern 's life story in glorious teehnicolor; a feast for your oyes, a treat for your ears. Robert Walker, Juno Allyson and Judy Garland NOTE -Tho above feature will com- mence at 7.00 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODEILICH Now Playing - In Technicolor Juno Havea'l in "I. WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW" Mon., Tues., Wed. - Gail Mussell, (hire Trevor Ann Dvorak, Adolphe Menjou "How do nice girls ever, get mink coats7" For the answer to this post - yule question, see: Bachelor's Daughters Thurs., Fri., Sat. - Betty Grable Das Dailey and Mona 272'00111 04 A Teohuicolor musical romance re- vealing back -stage life in down-to- earth style. Mother Wore Tights REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH' Now Playing- " THUNDER laying-"THUNDER IN THE VALLEY" Neon., Tues., Wed. - Lynsee Roberts and Charlie Drake It's a musical comedy against' a back- drop of sparkling frost and flashing blades Winter Wonderland Thurs., Fri., Sat. --.- June Allyson, Lucille Bremer &Ad Judy Garland with Frank Sinatra tura Dinah Shore irr M -G -M's Technicolor musical hit TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY Coming - THE ROYAL WEDDING Coming- starring Gene Tierney and in Technicolor, with Jack Carson in Rex Harrison "LOVE AND LEARN" "THE GHOST AND ISMS, MUIR" The managements and staffs wish their many patrons a Merry Christmas M arlaMW IsrM•MIOaDa+ar aNt9:•9t9aNDaDt2t9•r9'•••--900 aZIMA9riArAi9r•10)•aar9r8•Daas CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Trick wishes to express her most sincere appreciation to all her relatives and friends for all their many acts of kindness shown during her re- lent illness both in the hospital and since she returned home. 52b eitgAirt CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Mutnieure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East Moue' 585 50-t5 •. +1t peso r`" � fg, Kea ,�..•wJ(uiw�;�7 --- r -��«'( yl--'`rfa�(a�.°'-'' (--e .,�•, , G Yi-.!.`WwU�+Y liv.PA 1�P��r'�':'ti,'l�G`:�,'I Fa -:V.1 �6'��iGiF,�W .. WI�i�.�(7 P. ur oac r 1 T f Faith The 'Sba2 of Beith+lehein which guided the Three Wise Nen to the an'aanger where the child -Jesus - lay, s+tiM `casts its gentle beams on this troulhlecl. - Earth. Let us lift up our eyes unto this beacon'-> this symbol of Heavenly ,guidance. Let us enrich the livers of.our rfel'low-men tt+his Christmas with a new understanding Of the brotherhood of Man. a( Thank you for your co -'operations daring the past year and hoping to serve you hi 1948. D. ,,A, KAY 83 SON PAINTER��a''AND' DECORATORS ' Clinton EIGHTH ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE p8 f DANCE Wed. Eve, Dec. 31 Clinton Town Hall LOTS OF NOVELTIES and NOISE MAKARS GOOD ORCHESTRA - COME AND DANCE THE OLD YEAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN Huron Fish and. Garvie Club Admission, 75c mcctacct tft6tQtCK KKtCtacovemetEvoco m€e.a(t6-0occiecactCt6tRK+lvoce cw emotto6tmmt6Ktmmuc6tQKt6t octovoc+ covet octoc M,tEKcco,vogic'- oil A i� A 9 WM. N. BALL D. G. BALL FUNERAL DTI/MORS 4' Phone 361W Ambulance Service Phone 3613 A xral:naini- a9ta a9ailiZA9r2tna2t9tDrDearl irro Da9aN=i9r979MDIZa9almai9t9aidaDala9rra9aar77 s Ball Brothers 4 HARDWARE and FURNITURE .illar51ataa9aXI:N741491.Zaih]a9rnin1211r 40aYPah)/WonNapizona rnantk a2120a=r1r2a2rDt9aln �a 1 1 y g 1 • n the Spirit of Christmas We wish ..for you all •the 'happiness and that you could possibly wish for yourself. -A. M. Jackson sg JEWELLER to)mai tetatetetetgttmiccimictememe+etatociwzRmststetct6tcmetemctetexicac eta' ovetalciomts good fortune 1 aa�.pr9. t sr2r9r 'r9rDatinl a2rat2'r9r2ii`nba zimmiwnv1,122anonnInlonn, %%On n sr e+ Di A Verry Merry Christmas to Alt BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Phone 1 Clinton Silverwood's Ice Cream 6tet6m4 t6t6ll'IM6agta0CMItl cteraVgto6tctt3 t4t6tet6+e#+ t6ZeCIR 5.400 ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE Contain Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese, Iodine and Salt Don't let Borderline Cases of Mineral Deficienbies Rob you of MAXIMUM PRODUCTION. COWS FED MINJ5t,ALS : • Are more sure breeders • Wean up to 10% more calves • Wean calves that are up to 1O% heavier 1 MORE CALVES BIGGER CALVES WITH MINERALS TILE COST IS SMALL -. ‘1. ' THE PROFIT IS LARGE - About 10 per day will mean • HEALTH INSURANCE • MAXIMUM PRODUCTION For Your Cattle OUR STA101+"WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND EVERYONE EVERYWHERE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ! CLINTON FEED MILL YOUR SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL PHONE 580 CLINTON For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. R. Crossman Body Sh�p Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop ],'HONE 594 Hog Concentrate Dairy Supplement Quality Feeds They Pay Phone 114 Poultry Concentrate Laying Mash lity F • • ds Wish Everyone A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A PROSPEROUS and HAPPY NEW YEAR SAMUEL RIDDICK (3 SONS